he Tetchman,| 3 The following is the schedule of time of closing the mails on the different routesleaving this place: Norra. —Via Snow Shoe and Moshanon, closes at 9 o'clock P. M. fovrn.—Via Pine Grove Mills and Spruce Creek, closes at 9 P. M. East.—Via Hublersburg and Lock Haven clos- esat 124 P. M. Easr.—Via Centre Hall, Milroy, and Lewistown, closes at 9 I’. M. Bait vin, Howard and T.ock Haven, closes a Waese Vin. Port Matilda and Tyrone closes at Wrst. —Via Half Moon and Tyrone, closes at 9. P.M. RAILROAD ROUTS. i and Snow Shoe, leave Bellefonte at + M. Bald Eagle Valley Branch Railroad, leave at 330P. M. : : STAGE ROUTS. Btages for Tyrone, Via Half Moon, leave on Dlondays, W ednesdays, Fridays, at 64 4. M. Stages for Lock Haven Via of Hublersburg, leave daily at 1 P. M. Bta, ves for Lock Haven Via of Howard leave Mondays Wednesday, and Fridays at 7 A. M. Stages for Lewistown Via Centre Hall, leave daily at 6 A M \ 08 for Spruce Creek Via of Farm school, and Pine Grove Mills, leave Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 74. M. LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS, [= Capt. Thomas's company of three months men arrived home on Thursday, looking well, but considerably sunburned. 0 07 The drafted men left here on Wed- nesday and Thursday for Wiliiumsport.— Joy go with them, and may they speedily return. 0 §5 Our young and good-looking friend, Mr. W. F. Shugert, returned home from ‘Washington on Wednesday. Fin looks well and wo hereby extend im our 057 in wel- come. . . 0 T= We notice on the streets Capt, Frank Huston and Adjutant Crawford, of the mili- tia. Both look well, ana we presume feel 80. Capt. Huston was made Licutenant Colonel of his regiment. 0 {ZA wagon load of “free .4mericans of African descent’’ left town this morning to convey to Williamsport some of their num- ber who had been ‘‘grafted into the army.” Five or six of the ““cullud individuals” were drafted here in the borough and one in A PrrasaNt Prace.—Visitors in town who are desirous of spending a few days in the country pleasantly and comfortably, will find the hotel of Capt. Moriison, at Pleas- ant Gap, one of the nicest places in the county. The Captain keeps a good hotels sets an excellent table, amongst the attrac- tions of which is the clegant, the delicious coffee, mede by Mrs, Morrison, which can’t pr be beaten, Nice clean beds and a gener- al air of comfort all around you, are some of the attractions which offer themselves to the guests of this hotel. The Captain keeps tavern, not ‘like Wilhelm,”’ but like a man who knows all about it, and knowing all about it, he does it up in good style. Ie keeps a generous supply of the wherewithal to comfort the inner man, and as certain as it touches a man’s lips, just so certam wil) it find its way down his throat. Call upon the Captain and prove our assertion. 0 Wien Forney, Esq., editor of the Har- risburg Telegraph, was in town yesterday. En the days of his political purity, Mr. Forney edited the Democratic Watchman, and defended the principles of Democracy with much ability. His connection, how- ever with the Harrisburg Telegraph, has blighted the better instincts of his nature, and he can now turn his pen against the doctrines which he formerly advocated with ro much earnestness. No paper now pub- lished descends to su ch low slang and vul- gar abuso as the Telegraph, 1s this Mr. Forney’s fault ? Once we honored him for his manhood—we now pity him for his fall. en () eee + ; 177A horse attached to a buggy belong- ing to Capt. Johu Boal, of Boalsburg, this county, became frightened on High stieet, on Wednesday evening. between nine and ten o'clock, and ran up on a stone pile in front of the Press office, upsetting the bug- gy and ghrowing the Captain out. The horse then ran away, taking the fore-wheels of the buggy with him. We are happy to learn that Captain Boal was not injured by his misfortune, although the buggy was con- siderably damaged. We are not mformed as to whether the horse was caught this side of home or not. Several vehicles have of late run into that abominable stone pile after night, and we think the town council cught to sce that it is applicd to the use for which it was intended, instead of being suffered to lie there to the imminent risk of break- ing people's necks. There is another pile of lime and stoncs on Allegheny sticet, between the hardware store and the residence of Mrs. Curtin, that should also be removed, as the street is no place for such rubbish, Of course, in the huiry and confusion of building and repair- ing, as is being done in this instance, such things will necessarily accumulate, but they should not be suflered to. remain long on the street. DeMocraTic MEETING. —A large and en- thusiastic meetiug of the Democracy of old Ferguson was held at White Hall on Wed- nesday evening the 12th inst, The meeting was ably and eluguently addressed by C. T. Alexander, Esq, of Bellefonte in a speech of over an hours length, replete with logic, cloquence and humor. He was fol lowed by John II. Orvis, Esq., of Bellefonte in a lengthy, argaementative and convin- cing speech, in which the whole fabric of Abolition was demolished. The Democra cy was fully aroused. The citizens of Cregg and the surround- ing townships assembled in Mass Meeting at Penn Hall on Satwday afternoon the 15th. Sound, brilhant and stirring ad- dresses were made in English by C. T Alexander and John Orvis Esqrs., of Belle- fonte, and in German by Col. Reuben C. Keller, of Centre Hill. A good report will be received from the valley townships on the 2d Tuesday of October next. A meeting of the Democracy of Boggs Township was held at Ilolt’s on the after. noon of Friday the 14th inst, “This weet. ing was also addressed by Jno. I. Orvis and C. T. Alexander, Esqrs. These young, able and fearless jadvocates of Democracy are dong valiant service for the cause of Woodward, Lowrie and Liberty, in this county. Their labors and sacrifices in the cause of our noble old party ought not to be, and will not be forgctten very soon by the people of this county. . REPORTER. — ees 0Z"Mr. O. L. Parmalee, agent for Hurl- but, Williams & Co., book publishers, Hartford, Conc., is now traveling through this county soliciting subscriptions to a his- tory of the present war, by J. T. Headley, now in course of publication by the above named firm. The appearance of the work is prepossessing, much superior to any of the histories that have yet been attempted of the terrible struggle which we are now going through, and should its contents prove as attractive as its outside, it will indeed be a valuable volume. The reputation of Mr. Headley, is sufficient ground for us on which to hase the assumption that it will be a work of great interest, provided, he can lay aside all bias in the matter and write impartially and truthfully of the men and measures of the present time. The work is sold by sabscription and the first volume, will be delivered in November. Mr. Parmalee is now in town and will be always ready to receive subscrip.ions, Bellefonte Markets. The following are the quotations up to6 o clock yesterday (Thursday) evening : : heat, Whit bushel $1,05 ilesburg. Our peace be upon them and Whew Red, io) per i ol rw may joy go with the * Hittin.” ye, do 87 meme eee : Corn (Shelled) do 87 GaroNer & HEMMINGS Cireus.—By refer- | | do (Hare = 3 3 ence to our advertising columns, it will be Barley, H do 87 seen that Gardner and Hemmings Circus ON {BY Weigh 9 i will perform in this place on Wednesday, | Timothy, do 1.75 the 2d day of Scptember. This circus ex- Fotateds, do 19 A hibited in this place last year, and, we be- | Onions, ; do 75 lieve, gave general se tisfaction. The list of | fPPle®: (Dried) yor 30 oh, 1.5 attractions is quite 1mposing, and we pre- | Peaches (Dried) per yond, 3 sume they will have a full tent. Boys, get | 331 nin] Bo 25 your quaiters ready if you want to sce the | Buttes , do 12 mul Talloy, , do 12 - animule. Lad, do 10 o Rags, do 05 SPECIAL NOTICES. Eprror Warcnyaw, Dean Sir: —With your permission I wish to say to the readers of your paper that I will send by return mail to all who wish it, (free) a Recipe, with full directions for making and using a sim ple vegetable balm, that will effectually romove in 10 days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all impurities of the skin, leaving the same soft, clear smooth and beautiful. I will also mail free to those having Ball leads or Bare Faces, simple directions and in- formation that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Mou: - tache, in less than 30 days. Allapplications an- swered by¥rcturn mail without charge. Respeetfully yours, THOS. ¥. CHAPMAN. Chemist, July 24, 3m. No. 831 Broadway, N.Y. FEMALES! FEMALES! FEMALES Use that safe pleasant remedy known as (LRACT BUCHU, HEMBOLD'S kX For all Complaints Incident to the sex. No family should be Without it, And none will when once Tried by them. It is used by YOUNG AND OLD, In the Decline or Change of Life, Before and after Marriage. During and after Confinement, To Strengthen the Nerves, Restore Nature to its Proper Channel, and 3 invigorate the broken-down Constitution, rom whatever Cause Originating. ’ USERO MORE WORTHLESS PILLS! T ake HEMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. See advertisement in anothe.s column. Cutout and send for it. 2m. A Card to the Suffering. The Rev. WiLriax CosGRrOVE, while laboring as a Missionary in Japan, was cured of Consump- tion, when all other means had failed, by a recipe obtained from a learned physician residing in tho great city of Jeddo. This recipe has cured great numbers who were suffering from Con- sumption, Bronchitis, Sore ‘Throat, Coughs and Colds, and the debility and nervous depression caused by these disorders. 5 : Desirous of benefitting others, I wil send this recipe, which I have brought home with me, to all who need it. freo of charge. Address Rev. WM. COSGROVE, 439 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. ¥. ly NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE OLD GUARD, AMONTHLY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO TIE PRINCIPLES OF 1776 AND 1787, DESIGNED TO UNMASK THE USURPATION DESPOTISM & CRIMES OF THIS ABOLITION ADMIN!STRATION : And to defend the doctrine of State rights, and of Constitutional Liberty, as held by our Revolus tionary Iathers. Price.—Single numbers, 15 cents. Forwarded by mail or express to all parts of the United States at $1 in advance. Any person sends ing ten subscribers will receive an additional copy for one year. J30ALSURG ACADEMY. This institution will be opened August 3d. Terms per quarter of eleven weeks, Common Lnglish studies, ' $400 Mathematical and Philosophical stud ies, 500 Latin and Greek language, 600 Contingent feo 37 The County Superintendent, who resides in the vil age, and the Principal will take special inter- in raining those who desire to teach. | Boarding and furnished tvoms from $172 lo $2 00 per week. D. M. WOLF: July 17 6¢ Principal, Annonucements, We are authorized to announce the name of E. Kreamer of Boalsburg, as a candidate for the office of sheriff, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce the name of Col. P, W. Barnhart, of Boggs towuship, as a candidate for the office of sheriff, subject to the dec®ion of the democratic county convention, Weare authorized to announce the name of J. B. rKreamer, of Dak Hall, Harris townshi , as a can- didate for the office of Sheriff sub ject to the decision of the democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce the name of Thomas McCoy, of Boggs township, as a candi- date for the office of sheriff, subject to the deci- sion of the democratic county convention, We are authorized to announce the mame of Jacob Wolf, of Haines township, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to tho decision of the democratic county convention, We aro authorized to announce the name of James Furey, of Howard, as a candidate for the office of sheriff, subject to the decisien ot the de- mocratic convention. We aro authorized to announce the namo of John M. Zush, of Patton township, as a can- didate for the office of sheriff, subject to the decisien of democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce the name of John Miller, of Penn township. as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention . We are authorized to announce the namo of A. Carner, of Hublersburg, as a candidate for the office of sheriff. subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce the namo of Daniel Z. Kiine, of Howard, as a candidate for the office of sheriff, subject to the decision of the Vemocratte county convention. We are authorized to announce the name of Amos Koch, of Benner township, as a candidate for the oftice of Sheriff subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. We are are authorized to announce the name of R. D. Cummings as a candidate for the ofice of Sheriff subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce the name of JosePH (GATES, of Ferguson township, as a can- didate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the de- cision of the democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce the namo of Ricrarp Conny of Gregg township as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the democratic county ccnvetion. We are authorized to announce the name of D. Bower, of Aaronsburg, as a candidate for the to the decision of the de- mocratic county convention. We aro authorized to announce the name of Uenry Kreps, Esq., of Ferguson township, as a candidate for the offico of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the demceratic county convention. Register and Recorder. We arc authorized to announco the name of Jesse LL. Test of Rush township, a candidate for the office of Register and Recorder, subjeet to the decission of the Democratic county conven- tion. ~ 0. . We are authorized to announze the name of Thomas J. Holt, of Ferguson township, as a can- didate for the office of register and recorder, sub- jeet to the decision of the democratic connty convention. We are are wuthorized to announce the name of J. P. Gephart, of Milheim, as a candidate for the office of Register and Recorder, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention We are authorized to announce the name of Jacob GMeyer, of Iaines township. as a candi- date for the office of Register and recorder, sub- gect to the decisicn of the democratic county con- vention. We are authorized to announce the name of Al- len Bertholomew, of Gregg township, as a candi- date fo + the office of Kegister and Recorder, sub- jeet to the decision of the democratic county con- vention. We are authorized to announce the namo of G. W. Rumbarger, of Patton joel as a candi- date for the office of Register and Recorder, sub- ect to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. Treasurer, Wo are authorized to announce the name of B. F. Hunter, of Benner township, as a candi- date for the office of Treasurer, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce the name of C. Derr, of Bellefonte, as a candidate for the office of Treasn rer, subject tothe decision of the democrat tic county convention. Wo are authorized to announce tho name ot John Hoy, of Spring township, as a candidate for the oflice of Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. We are authozized to announce the name of John Shannon, of Potter township, as a can- didate for the office of 'L'reasurei, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. Prothonotary. We are authorized to announce the name of J. S. Barnhart, former editor of this paper, as acan- didate for the office of prothonotary, subject to the decision of the democratic county conventions We are authorized to announce the name of James H. Lipton, as a candidate for the office of Prothonotary subject to the dceision of the democratic county convent ion. Commissioner, * Wo are authorized to announce the name ot sas TForseman, of Snow Shoe township, as a candidate for the office of Commissioner, subject to the de- cision of the democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce the name of M. S. Green, of Boggs township, as a candidate for the office of Commissioner, subject to the de- cision of the democratic county convention, Assembly. Wo aro authorized to announce the name of C. T. Alexander, of Bellefonte, as a candidate for the Assembly, subject to the decision of the Dem ocratic County Convention. Wo are authorized to announce the name of Anthony C. Geary, of Walker township; as a cans didate for the Assembly, subjectto the decision of the democratic county convention, We aro authorized to announce the namo of William Allison Jr. of Walker twp. asa candi- date for Assembly, subject to the decision of tho Democratic county convention. NEW ADVDRTISEMEN'S. ()RPHANY COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of the Or- phans Court of Centre county, will be exposed to public sale, at tho Court House, in the borough of Bellefonte, on TUESDAY, AUGUST 25th 1363. all that valued farm or tract of land, situate in Harris township, four miles east of tno AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, in Center county, containing k TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY-1WO ACRES, strict measure, bounded by lands of Charles Stam, Michael Wheeling and others. About one huadred and ninety acres of the abovo trac cleared and in the higbest state of cultivation. The land is ot the best quality of lin to till, and produces equal, if not suy ] any farm in Centre County. A never failing stream of water runs through the premises near the buildings A LARGHL BRICK IIOUSE, BANK BARN and other out buildings, in good repair, are erect ed thereon, everything in fact calculated to make a home comfortable. I'erms, one half at confirm- ation of sale, the residue in two equal annual payments with interest. JOHN HUFFER Jed ts Guardian of Ecoeh and Geo. Hastings. Lebanon Advertiser, please copy, and send bill to ¢his office. ss ()RPHANS COURT SALE. In pursuance of an order of the Orphans’ Court of Centre county there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House on WEDNESDAY, 26th OF AUGUST, a certain tract of unseated land, sur eyed in the warrantee name of Mary 'lollman, situated in the township of Curtin, county of C ntre, cone taining 434 acres, bounded by lands of Thes. Hall, Hannah Fishburn and others, Terms one half the purchase money upon cons firmation of the sale, the ressduc in ono year thereafter to be secured by bond aml mortgage. JOHN P* PACKKK. Admr. of Thos Huglics. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. NOT A RUM DRINK! A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED VEGATABLE EXTRACT. A PURE .LONIC, THAT WILL RELIEVE AFFLICTED AND WILL NOT MAKE DRUNKARDS. DR. HOOFLAN'S GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED BY DR.C. M. JACKSON, PHILADELPHIA, PA. WILL EFFECTUALLY AND MOST CER TAINL CURE ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM A Disordered liver, Stomach, or Kidneys. Thousands of our citizens are suffering from Dyspepsia a nd_ Liver Diseases, and to whom the following question. apply—we guarantee HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, -WILL CURE EVERY CASE OF Chronic or Nervous Debility, Disease of the Kid. neys, and diseasesarising from a Disordered Stomach. OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS Ilesulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs: Constipation of Inward Piles, Fulness or Blood to the head, Acidity of the Stomaen, Nauseau, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult breathing, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the sight, Fever and Dall Pain in the Head, Des ficiency of Persviration. Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, &c., Burning in the Flesh, Constant Tmaginings of Lvil, and great Depressions of Spirits. Particular Notice. There are many preparations sold und.r the name of Ditters, put up in quart Bottles. com- pounded of the cheapest whisky or common rum costing from twenty to forty cents per gallon, tho taste diggusted by Anise or Coriander Sced. Th s class of Bitters has caused and will con- tinue to cause, as long as they can be sold, hun- dreds to die the death of the drunkard. By their use the system ir kept continually under the influence of Alchoholic Stimulants of the worst kind, the desire for liquor is created and kept up, and the result is‘all the horrors attendant kar qd death. e and will have a liquor lish the following receipt. Get le Hoofland’s German Bitters and mix quarts of good brandy or whisky, and /ill be a preparation” that will far ox- cinal virtues and { of the Liquor Bitters in the ur much Tess. You will hay Bitters in connection with a good article of liguor, at a much less price than theso inferior preparations will cost you. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS WILL GIVE YOU A GOOD APPETITE, WILL GIVE YOU STRONG HEALTHY NERVES, WILL GIVE You BRISK AND ENERGETIC FEELINGS, WILL ENABLE YoU To SLEEP WELL, AND WILL POSITIVELY PREVENT YELLOW FEVER, BILICUS FEVER, &e. Those suffering from Broken down and Delicate Constitutions, Frem whatever cause, either in MALE OR FEMALE, Will find in IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, A REMEDY That will restcre them to their usual health. Such has been :the case in thousands of instances and a fair trial is bnt requested to prove the as- sertion. . REMEMBER, THAT THESE ARE NOT ALCOHOLIC. And not intended as a DBDEVERAG IE, The proprietors have thousands of Lotters from the most eminent Clergymen, Lawyers, Physicians and Citj- zens, Testifying of their own personal knowledge to the beneficial effects and medical virtues of these Bitters, From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D., Iditor of the Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. Although not disposed*to favor or recommend Patent Medicines in general, through distiust of their ingredients and effects. I yot knaw of no the benefits he believesto have received from any simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus contribute to tho benefit of others. I do this the more readily in regard to *Ioof- land’s German Bitters, prepared by Dr. €. M. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced against them for many years, under the mpres- sion that they were chiefly an aleoholic mixture. I am indebted tomy fricnd Robert Shoemaker, Egq. , for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and for oncouragement to try them, when suffering from great and long continued debility. The uso of three bottles of these bitters, at tho beginning of the Posed year, was followed by evident relief, and restoration to a degroo of bod- ily and mental vigor which I had not felt for six months before, and thad almost despaired of re- gaining I therefore thank God and my friend for directing mo to the use of thom. Philad’a, Juna 22,1863, J.NEWTON BROWN AAA AAAAAAAAA DISEASES OF KIDNEY AND BLADDER In young or Aged, Male 0 Female, Aro sptediiy removed, and the patient restored . to health. DELICATE CHILDRREN, Those suffering from Marasmus, wasting away, with searcely any fiesh on their bones, are cured in a very short time, one bottle in such cases will have a most surprising offo ot. . PAL ENDS Having suffering children as above, and wishing 10 raise thom. will mever regret the day when they commenced with these Bitters. LITERARY MEN, STUDENTS. And those working hard with ther brains, should always keep a bottle of Hoofland’s Bitters near them, as they will find much benefit from its uso, to both mind and body, invigorating and not de- pressing. ITISNOT A LIQUOR STIMULANT, And leaves no prostration. ATTENTION, SOLDILRS! AND THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. Wo call the a ttention of all having friends or relatives in the army, to the fact that Hoofland’s German Bitters will cure nine-teuths of the dis- cases induced by exposures and privations inci dent to camp life. In the lists, publishe most daily in the newspapers. on the ar the sick, it will bo noticed that a very portion are suffering from debility. ve that kind ¢an be readily cured by Hoofland’s German Bitters, We have no hesitation in say- ing that, if these Ditters wero freely used amon a our soldiers, hundreds of lives wight bo saved that otherwise would bo lost. I'he proprietors daily receiving thankful letters from sufferers in the army and hospitals, who havo been restored to health by the uso of these Bitters, sent to them by ther friends. BEWARE OF COUNTERFELTS! See that the Signature of ¢