WMiseellangous. ADDRESS. OF THE DEMOCRATIC STATE CENTRAL COM- : MITTEE. T'o the People of Pennsylvania : An important Election is at hand, and the 1ssues involved in it may now claim your attenaon. The tide of the war has been rolled back from our borders, and with thanks to God, and gratiude to the skill and valor which, by His favor, achieved the prompt deliverance of our invaded Common, wealth, we may now give our solemn con- sideration to the causes that have brought to its present condition a country once peace- ful, united and secure. 1tis now the scene of a great civil war between States that late- -ly ministered to each other’s prosperity in a Union founded for their common good. It was this Union that gave them peace at home and respect abroad. They coped suc- cessively with Great Britain on (he ocean, and the ‘‘doctrine” uttered by President Monroe warned off the Monarchs of Europe from the whole American Contincut. Now, France carves out of it an Empire, and ships built in Englund plunder our own commerce on every sea, A great public debt and a conscription burden the people. The strength and wealth of themation are turned from productive industry, and consumed in the destructive arts of war. Our victories fail to win peace. Throughout the laud arbitra- ry power encroaches upon civil liberty: What has wrought the disastrous change? No natural causes embroiled the North and that the mutteriogs of the ri what he called *::tridulous cries,” unworthy | ernment 2 ¢ Abolition” vies with *Seces- of the slightest attention. the South. Their 1nterchangeble products and commodities, and vaiious institutions, were sources of {reciprocal benefit, und ex- cluded competition end strife. Bur an arti- ficial cause of dissension was found in the position of the African race ; and the ascen- dency in the National Councils of zen pledz- ed to an aggressive and unconstitutional Abolition policy hag brought our country to the condition of “the house divided against itself,” The danger to the Union began where statesuien had foreseen it—it began in the triumph of 2 sectional party, founded on prindiples of revolutionary hostility te the Constitution and the laws. The leaders of this party were pledged to a conflict with 1ights recognized nnd sheltered by the Con- stitution ; they called this conflict *Hirrepres- sible,” and whenever one party is determin- ed to attack what another is determined to * défend, a conflict can always be made ‘ir repressible.” They counted on an easy tri- umph through the aid of insurgent slaves, and, inthis reliance, were crieless how soon .. they provoked a collision. Democrats and conservatives s‘rove to avert the conflict. They saw that Union was the paramount in- terest of their country, and they stood by the great bond of union the Constitution of the United States. They were content to leave debateable questions under it {o the high tribunal framed t> decide them ; ther preferred it to the sword as an arbiter be- tween the States; they strove hard to meri. the title which their opponents gave them in scorn—the title of “Union - Savers.” We will not, at length, rehearse (heir efforts. In the Thirty-8ixth Congress the Repnbli- can leaders refused their assent to the Crit tenden Compromise. On this point, the tes- timony of Mr. Douglas will suffice: he emd: *1 believe this to be fair basis of amicable abjustment, In you of the Repub- lican side are not willing to accept this, nor the proposition of the Senator from Ken- tucky, (Mr. Crittenden) pray tell us what you are willing to do? I address the inqui- ry to the Republicans alone, for the reason that, in the committee of Thirteen, a tew "days ago, every member from the South, in- cluding those from the Cotton States, ¢ Messrs. Davis and Tombs,) empressed their readiness to accept the propositions of my venerable friend from Kentucky, Mr. Crit- tenden as a final settlement of the controver- sy, if tendered and sustained byjthe Repub- * lican members, Hence the sole responsibil: ity of our disagreement, and the only diffi culty in the way of an amicable adjustment is with the Republican-party." January 3, | 1861. : The Peace Congress was another means by which the Border States strove to avert ihe impending strife. How the Republican leaders then conspired against the peace of their country may be seen in a letter from Senator Chandler, of Michigan, to the Gov- ernor of that State : © To his Excellency Austin Blair®’ “Governor Bingham and myself tele- graphed you on Saturday, at the request of Massachusetts and New York, to send dele- gates to the peace or compromise Congress. They, admit that we were right and they were wrong; that no Republican State should have sent delegates; but they are here and cannot get away, Ohio. Indiana, and Rhode Island are caving in, and there is danger of Illinois ; and now they beg us, for God’s sake to come to their rescue, and gave the Republican party from rupture. I hope you will send stiff-backed men or none, ‘The whole thing was gotten up against my judgement and advice, and wiil end in thin smoke. Still, I hope, as a matter of cour- tesy to some of our erring brethren, that you will send the delegates. L. CHANDLER. +, 8.—8ome of the manufacturit.g States slaveholder’s rebelion! * * South. published in ** fuel furm:hed by the Abolitionists. people. think that a fight would be awful. Without a little blood-letting, this Union will not, in my estimation, be worth a rush. “Washington, Feb, 11, 1861. In Pennsylvania, tc~. the - same spirit prevailed. lt was not seen how necessarily her position united her in interest with the Border Sta'es. She has learned it since from contending armies trampling out her harvests and deluging her fields with blood. Gov. Curlin sent to the Pesge Congress Mr. Wilmot and Mr. Meredith. Mr. Wilmot was chiefly know from the connection of his name with the attempt to embroil the country by the “Wilmot provi-| 50,” baffied by patriotic statesmansbip, in which Clfy and Webster joined with the Democratic leaders, just as Clay and Jack- son had joined in the tarill compromise of 1833, Mr. Meredith had published his belief sing storm were By Mr. Lincoln s ¢lection in November, 1860, the power to save or destroy the Un. ion was in the hands of his party ; and no | will pass at the ballot bsx, has trampled [slavery shall be abolished in all the South- adjustment was possible with men who re- | upon the great rights of personal liberty and | ern States, in the language of one of ite jected the judgement of the Supreme Court, | the freedom of the press, which eve y man | pamphleteers. ‘how can a man hoping, and who scorned congiliation and compromise, | who reads muy find assertedin the Constitu- of race, and hostility to the idea of equality with the blacks involved iu simple emaneci- nation.” . 2 1t was tae triumph of the Abolitionists Sccessionists over the Union men of: the The John Brown raid was taken as | ¢ a practieal explosition of the doctrine of **ir- [ committed by virtue or under color of any | unattainable ends, What the North needs repressible conflict,” The exultation over | authority derived from or exezcised underthe |! its momentary success, the lamentation over | President of the United States; and such an- | territory, its staples, to compicte the inte” its failure had been swelled by the Aboli- | t tionisis 83 es to seem a geueral expression | for the wrong door in any action, civil , or | mETE devastation aud cial confusion would The American Executive is, as | be the aim of patriots and st tesman, The lic word imports, the executor of the duly | Abolition policy promises us nothing better return of fugitives. The false pretence that | enacted laws, yet the pretention is made | than a Southern Poland, ruléd by a North- of Northern feeling. Riots ana reseues had | eriminal wullified the censtitutional provision for the jt slavery would monopolizs the territories, |t when se had no territories in which it could :Xist, had Leen used as a means of constant | | preme Court, and professed to follow a |x : ‘higher law.” Thus the flame of Revolu- | the President of the United States, We |Enghsh Government is hostile to us—it has tion at the South was kindled and fed with | need not comment upon acts like these. The |8ot all it wanted from abolition, and will It | President of the United States has no au-| have nothing more to do with it. The se- might seem superfluous to advert now to | thority, in peace or war, to try even an en- cession leaders, and the presses under their what is past and irrevocable, were it not listed soldier by Court Martial, save by vir- | control oppose re-union, preferring, perhaps | sagacity, that it is against the same men and tha | tue of, and in strict conformity with the [even a humble dependence upon European same fluences, still dominant in the coun-| military law laid down in the act of Con-|powers. But from many paris of the South cils of the Administration, that an appeal | gress “establishing rules and articiles for |and across the picket lines, and from the is now to be made to the intelligence of the | the government of the armies of the Unit. The Abolitionists deprecate these | ed States.” Yet by his proclamation of lusions to the past, To cover up their | September 24th, 1862, he has assumed to own tracks, they invite us to spend all our | make al! citizens ameable to military courts indignation upon ¢ Southern Traitors,” but | He las violated the great principle of free truth compels us to add that in the race of | government on which Washington conduct- treason, the Northern traitors to the Con-|ed the war of the Revolution, and Madison stitution had the start. They tell us thatthe war of 1812,—the principle of the sub- slavery was the cause of the war, there- | ordination of the military to the civil pow: fore, the Union is to be restored by waging 2 war upon slavery. This 18 not true; oron- ly tiue in the sense that any institution, civil or religious may be cause of war, if war is made upon it. Nor'is it a just con- clusion thas if you teke from your neighbor “his man-servant, or his maid, or anything that is his” yor will thus'es.«blish harmony between you. No danger to the Union arose from slavery, whilst the people of each State dealt calinly and intelligently with the question within their own States limits. Where little importance attached to it, is soon yitided to moral and economical con- siderations, leaving the negro in a position of social and political subordination nowhere more clearly marked than in the Constitu- tion and Laws of Pennsylvania. The strife began when people in States where it was an immaterial question, undertook to pro- scribe the course ot duty upon it to States in which it was a question of great import- ance and difficulty. This interference be- came more dangerous when attempts were made to use the power cf the General Gov- ment, instituted for the benefit of all the States, to the injury and proseription of the interests of some of the States. It was not merely a danger to the institution of slavery, but to our whole political system, in which seperate and distinct colonies became, by the Declaration of Independence, *‘free and independent States,” and afterwards estab- lished a Federal Union under the Constitu- tion of the United States. Thatinstrument, wich secrupulons care, discriminates (he elper’s Book,” formally en-|! lorsed and recominendsd by the leaders of | writ of habeas corpus may inquire the cause |! the pmty that was about to assume the ad- | of the arrest. To illegal arrests have been | arms cannot be known till it is tried. The ministration of the Federal Government. | added the mockery of a trial of a private cit- | times are critical. France, under a power- Leaders who cpenly incalculated contempt |i for the Constitution, comtempt for the Su- | Conrt Martial, ending in the infliction of a [the scene, willing again to play an import- iew and outrageous penalty, invented by [ant part in an American Revolution, Tke | counsel that menrced our country, II's epeech the town meeting st Philadelphia, in Dec. 1860, has been vindicated by subsequent |cer. In case of a civil war, the « shooting events, as a signal exhibition of stesmaullke | down” may be on the other side, and pri- vate soldiers and non-commissioned officers may hope by tens of thousands, may espouse the that Pennsylvania. with God's blessing, will | €ause of LIBERTY AND THE PEOPLE aginst resume her place as “the keystone of the the autocratic government at Washington. But the abolitionists are in too great, hurry, and the editors are trying to hurry | Democrat. the autoeracy into trouble without just cause, Where the bullot-box is free, there is no necessity for Revolution, and sll disputed ed great and salutary truth into a sen-| questions can’ be settled by our Courts. tt Poancalvants oa th f Rovola| Fo Bui accepiing it as true, we must wi ennsylvania on the page of ReVOIL"| 4, nolnde, from ail we see, that almost the tionary history. But the majority in Con- | whole ciergy of the North have enlisted in gress made haste to show that Abolition.not | the cause of the Devil. the war, excepting here and thero a aingle preacher who is. brave, wise. and devout enongh to adhere faithfully to the loving the day after the baitle of Bull Run, they al- and “peaceful doctrines of that b 3 lowea the passage of a resolation, offered by | Savior who came upon carth to abolish all sinife, and inatitute a religion of good will but the followingZlanguage, (so often quo and fraternal accord among all mankind, Iu x must be inexpressibly painful to cvery sin- and filled the Statute Books with acts of cre, Be Ton. An to t, the confiscation, abolition and emancipation! ghurches of the land against the remonstrances of eminent jurists | against themselves by purely political ques- | tons with which they should never inters| line: « (ive us a rebel victory, lob oir armies be destroyed, Maryland conqered, Washing. ton captured, the Président exiled, and the Government destroyed ; give us. these, and any other ealaniities that can result fiom defeat and ruin, sooner than a victory delphia press is | McClellan as General.” , ‘The Tribune is an Abolition Journal of the Greeley school, and is, of course, per- in battle, | mitted to print as much treason as it piéas- es. Buf had the same language appeared m a Democratic journal, the mage bel) would have quickly done its work, and the hapless editor wonid at once have been con- fined within a military prison. ry ean 7 It is 2 notable fact that all the Aboli- tionmsts who are londest in their laudations of the conscription act are enther over age or have got money enough to purchase exewp- tion! These are the patriots who are get ting up ** Union Leagues” to crush the Con- stitution, prevent a re-union on the old ha sis, and establish a despotism on. the ruins 17 Even Brigham Young's wives are af of our republican nstitutions, it has become & military proverb that ‘the | fected with the military spirit; they call} their husband Briggs-dear. powers delegated to the General Government from those reserved *“to the Sta.es respect- ively or to the people.” And let it be noted, that in speaking of the powers so delegated and reserved, we refer to no vague doctrines or pretensions in respect to them, but to the olear provisions of the written instrument which it is the duty of every citizen, and especially of every public functionary. to respect and maintain. The protection of American liberty, against the encroach- ments of centralization, was left to the States by the framers of the Constitution. Hamilton, the most indulgent of them to Federal power, says: «it may be safely re- ceived as an axiom in oar political system, that the State governments will, in all pos- sible contingencies, afford complete security against invasions of public liberty by the Nat.onal authority.” Who can be blind to the consequences that have followed the de- parture from the true principles of our gov- sion’ in sapping the very foundations of the structure reared by our forefathers. In Pennsylvania the party on whose acts you these, perpetrated before the eyes of the answer! to the ciizeas of Louisaea, 'who P. Blair, of Missouri, an eminent Republl-fmumeipal and State authorities, there is | desired the return of that State under its can, said very truly in the last Congress : {yejther protection nor redress. The seizure | present Costuution. Mr. Lincoln post: «Every man acquainted with the facts of a journal at West Chester was afterwa, ds | pones them till that Constitution sl knows that it 1s fallacious to call this a|ihe subject af a suit for damages, in the amended. The Abolitionists desire the war * * A|Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, 1t came |t closer scrutiny demonstrates the contrary to | to trial before Chief Justice Lowrie. Re- be true ; such a scrutiny demonstrates that hearsing the ancient principles of English and purveyors, who fatten on the war. de-| the rebellion originated chiefly with the non- and American justice, he condemned the | Swe it to last forever, When the slaves are slaveholders resident ‘in the strongholds of [ucts of the Federal officers as violations of | 211 emancipated, by the Federal arms, a con, the institution, not springing however, from | he law that binds alike the private citizen | S'ant military intervention will be needed to any love of slavery, but from-an antagonism | and the public functionary. He said: ‘tall | keep them above or equal with the white | ly the principles of the Democratic public functionaries mn this land are under | Face in the Southern States. Peace has no | It is asit always has been, for the Unionand Marshal's slave pens without a shudder, | ¢ he law, aud none, from the highest to the | Place in this platform. It proclaims Confis- | nd the Consutation against all opprescrs.— cation and Abolition as the objects of the Impatient at any restraint from law, a|war, and the Southern leader catches up owest, are above it.” over the Democrats and Conservatives of { partizan majority in Congress hastened to |! he North that secured a like tiiumph to the | pass an act to take from ihe State Courts to | he United States Counrt all suits or prosecu” ylvania that a fanatical faction shall pervert ions for trespas-es or wrongs done or |and protract the war, for runious, perhaps | nsunce tye heresy of secession, as unwarans | fOr principle, whea men are forced to fight | and wformers also expected to make a fire ted By the Constitution, and destructive |0Sainst (heir conscience because they are] thing of it. alike of the security and perpetuity of gov. | por? Alas! alas! for poor white trash ernment, and of the peace and liberty of the | now-a daye; they bring less in our Horth-| followed in the wake of this wicked, unjust hority was declared to be a full defence | rity of our common country. This, and no? | people, and it does hereby most solemnly | ein slase maris than negroes do in New Or- | and tyrannical policy | In trying to enslave declare that the people of this State are |leans.—Metrapolitan Record, unalterably opposed to any division of the Union and will persistsntly exert their whole Miia influence and power under the Counstitutioy, Yo maintain and defend it.” zen, for his political opinions, before a er, [Ile has assumed to put “martial law,’ which is the rule of force at a spot where al laws aresilenced, in the place of civil jus- tice throught the land,and has thus assailed. in some of the States, even the freedom o the ballot-box. These are not occassional acts, done in haste. or heat, or ignorance, a new system of government put in the place of that ordained and established by the pe. - ple. That the Queen could not do what he conld, was Mr. Sieward’s boast to the Brit. ish Minister. The Military arrests” of Mr, Stanton recoived the *‘hearty cominen- dation” of the convention that re-nominated Governoror Cartin, and it pledged him and his party to ‘‘hearty co-operation” in such acts of the Administration in future. Such is the degrading platform on which a candi- date for Chief Magistrate of Pennsylvania stands before her people, These pretensions to arbitary power give ominous significance © 2 late change in our military establish- ment. The tims honored American system of calling on the States for drafts from their militia, has been replaced by a Federal con- conscription on the model of Buropean des: potisn, We would n:t minister to the ex citement which it has caused among men of all parties, [Its consitutionahty will be tested before the cenrts, If adjudged to be within the power of Congress. the people will decide on the property of a stretch of power on which the British Parliament—styled omnipotent—has never ventured. On this you will pass, at the polls, and the next Congress will not be deaf to the voice of the people* For all political evi's, a constitutional rem- siaves, hordes of politicians, and contrac!ors s the return ot tie South with its people, its Lat bis will can take the place of the laws. | ern despotism. But history is full of exam. The liberty, the character of every citizen is | ples how wise rulers bave assuaged civil dis- yut at the mercy of new functionaries call- | cord by moderation and justice, while bigots agitation against slavery m the Southern jed *‘provost Marshals.” A secret accusation | and despots, relymg solely on force. have States. A plan of attack upon 1t had been | before these officals takes the piace of open been baffled by feeble opponents. That a I rearing before a lawful magistrate, and no | temperate Constitutional policy will fail, fo endure. o the last. Tifis not the int together prisoners and the wounded, hus come the! Federal Arch.” proof of a desire among the people of the South to return to Constitutional relation® contest this desire was shown in North Carolina, one of the cld Thirteen associated | Re-union,iwas theiraim. In a moment of depression, on the 22d of July, 1861, being Crittenden, defining a policy for the restora- tion of the Union. Bat they soon rallied and concervative men of all parties. Mr. | and sentiment of the Southern peopla were policy of a party, which as Mr. Stevens said will not consent to a restoration of the n- counter to the laws of race,—the laws of na- Their interference with ‘oar armies has often | than the present, frustrated and never aided their success, till vest thing for a General is to be out of reach edy yet remains in the ballot-box. We will | from Washington, The party was founded not entertain a fear that it is not safe iu | upon the political and moral heresy of op. the guardainship of a fres perple. If men | position to compromise. which is the only m office should seck to prepetuate their | means of union among States, and of peace power by wresting from the peoplesof Penn- | and good will on earth among men. In a How often have the market rates for Sou th- sylvania the right of suffrage, if the servants | popular government the people are the sove of the people should rebel against their|ereign, and the sound sense of the whole masters, en them will ress the responsibility | community corrects, at the polls, the errors of anattemptat revolntion of which no | of politclal parties. The people of Pennsyl- | Pon 2 human being! Sell 2 fellow man can foresce the cobsequences or the | vania bave seen, with regret, the unconstity- | t4r¢ into bondage ! Could anything be con- end, But in now addressing you apon the | tional aims of the Abolitionists substituted political 153ues of the day, we assume that | for the origional objects of the war. They |™@avity! The whole abolition fry was in a the institutions of our country are destined | have seen with indignation, many gallant soldiers of the Union driven from its seivice The approaching election derives further | because they have not bowed down to the 1mportance from the influence it will exer. | Abolition idoi. They will see with horror cise upon the police of the government. The | the war protracted in order to secure the aim of men not blinded by fanaticism and: | triumph of a party platform, or as Mr. Chan party spirit would be to reap the best frui |dler said, “save the Republican pasty from fiom the victories achieved by our gallant |rapture.” The time is now at haud when armies—the best fruit would be peace and | the voice of the people will be heard. The the restoration of the Union. Such is not | overthrow of the Abolitionists at the poil-|7everge. Tho sale of white men is about the aim of the party in power Dominated | and the re-establishment of constitutional by its most bigoted members, it wages a war | principles at the Nurth is the first, the ms for the negro, and not for the Umion. It|dispensable step towards the restoration of avows the design to protract the war till | the Union, aud the vindication of civil liber- ty. To this great service to his country each citixen may contribute by, his vote, — Thus the people of the north may themsel- praying for the destruction of slavery desire | Yes extend the Constitution to the people and who looked toa “little bloodletting” to [tion of State and the Cons itution of the | that the war shall bea short one?’ Mr. | of the South. Ic would not be a specicus cement the American Union, Till this time‘ | Commonwealth has been insulted in the out- | Thadeus Stephens, the Republican leader the Union men of the South Controled, with | rages perpetrated upon her citizens. At [in the last House of Representatives, declar- little difficulty, the small and restless class Philaderphia and Harrisburg, proprietors of | ed, “The Union shall never, with my consent among them who desired a seperate nation- newspapers have been seized at midnight, | be restored under the Constitution as it is ality. The substantial interest of the South, | and hurried off to military prisons beyond | with slavery to be protected by it,” The especially the slaveholding interests, were | (he linits of the State. drawn reluctantly into secession. Gen. F. offer of politicians, to be observed | with no better faith than the resslutions of July 61. It would be a return to the national policy of the better days of the Repablie, through [of the wiite man’s Iifo, $300. the intelligence of the people, inlightened by | ority of the black man is thas incontestably Against acts hike [same spirit appears in Mr. Lincoln’s late | experience. It would strengthen the Gov | proven, (o the confusion of ethnologist and ernment, {or a constitutional government is strong when exhreising, with vigor its legi. | natic. timate powers, and is weak when it sets an | and work cannot coatlict with any princi. 1 be {example of revolutionary violence, by inva | ple: the white man is foreed to fight; and | couse of all the suffering which this coun- ding the rights of the people. Qur pr.icip. | Bzhtin a cause which nature and reason | try bas undergone fur the past two years o last till freedom is secured to all the | ies and cur candidates are known to you.— | alone disapprove. Yet not one word of cen- | was the doctrine -the Black Republican doo. resolutions of the late Conventions at fiar-| sure has been uttered by these fiery tongued | trine— that the Gene : risburg were with some add tions, the sume | opponents of black slavery it rouses no | right to coerce States inio the Union. indignant feeling in their Learta; it stirs far of white | ous policy, have been guilty of their coun- bought and sold for three huun- | try’s blood. It wanted only their accession | that had been adopted by the Democracy inf! several Siates, and by the Generai A of Pecasylvania. They declare rie for the bench which he adorns. candidate for Governor, Judge Woodward, | mest. We didn’t know that the adurinis- affords | ration bad so many soldists to spare while the best assurance that he will bring hones- | Le? was m Virginia ; if so what do they in our case to reap, the frait of success in| ty, capacity, firmness and patriotism to the | Want of a Uongeription direction of the affairs of the Commonwealth. Long withdrawn by judicial functions, from | tain that onc helf the soldiers in the Feder- | ful and ambitious monarch, is entering on | thr political arena, he did not with-hold his al army would consent to fight against New warning voice when conservative men took | York in his public and private character, Under his administration we Cranies J. Bioorg, Cheirman, ————— Se Fm who preaches war is a fit chaplin with the people of the North. Early in thel fer tne devil.—H race Mann. Horace Mann is right. He has eompress- They are ail for not only divided Li vias aie , | fere to the extent of breaking their own incoln, too, yielding, he said ‘to Pressure,’ | cu imtaul unity, but prostituting their own | put his proclamation in placejof the Conati- | sacred office and influence mn exacerbating! tution and thelaws. Thus every iuterest | :uose Civil dissensions which have distracted ! the country, and 1n exciting the belizerents : ; : to persistence in the most melancholy con- enlisted on the side of resistence by the | .q hat ever afilicted any nge or nation, a evo [T= Forney, of the Phila; jon, with ‘the Constitution as it is.” Tt is | fla tering himself, suys the New Haven Reg- this poiiey that has protracted the war, and | istec, that “the old Democratic party is ob- is now the greatest obstacle to its termina-| hiterated,” &e. Like a deserter tion. The re-union of the States can alone | who is sure to swear that his regiment was give them their old security at home, and] entirely cut np before he left, Forney has power and dignity abroad. This end can just enough sense of shame left to desire to never be reached upon the priuciples of the bide his treachery beneath party now in power, Their principles are | pretence that he was abandoned by the par. radically false, and can never lead to a good! ty: He will find, in the coming electisn, conclusion.” Their hope of sctticg up the | that there is something of the old Demo- negro in the place of the white man runs | cratic party left, even in Pennsylvania. the miserable g : Tue Harvesr in {rLivots.—The heavest tare, Their statesmenship has been weigh- part of the harvest is ree, ed in the balance and found wanting, their | has never been a haryest wnich has more «little blood-lctting" has proved a deluge. —| entirely employed the labor of the State Perhaps there | t— capturing runaway slaver. cibly | not the blood in their veins to writave- | hen be party. — dred *s. They can p The twellth resolution declares “that while | —for what? For poverty. this general 4: sembly condemns and denoun. | their crime ¥ Were they rich conld they | They th ho words fo stimulate his followers to fight | ces the insults of the) Adwinistration, and |0t sce the Prevost Marshal and Lis mys-| South, and men in shonlder-siraps expected est of Penns- | the encroachments of the abolitionists, it | widons at defiance. does also most thoroughly condemn and de all uttered this side of Mason THE VALUE OF A WHITE MAN, + flow often have we been horrified by sen- sation stories concerning the sale of negroes! ern +“ chattle” been quoted hers as a sean- dal to the country, and an indelible blot upon our vaunted civilization. ceived inore degrading to our common hu- ferment, and the abolition press produced day after day from Southern papers’ adver tisements of negro sales, and rewards for such texts they would held forth for hours together on the guilt of the Constitution in permitting, and of the pecple in perpetna- ting such a state of things. whuligig of time” has brought them their to take place in our city. The preparations for it commenced on the 11th ult. are in a slave State once more; but with this difference—that the slaves now are cur own counirymen—men of oul with skin 83 fair and hair ag siraight as those of any member of the cabinet. 18 enother difference, however, The sweat and labor of the black man was sold, but itis the life and blood of the white man that . issold. The average value of the binck clear enough, and in twenty minntes-tathe wan’s toil was $1.500—the maximum value the satisfaction of every crazy brained fa- The black man was forced to work where men of their own race are cnel THE ABOLITION THREATS. Nor is that ail. §% is by no means cer- During the late riot, one soldier ai dangers | the arsenal andertook th join the rioters at {and called on his companions to follow.-i- le was immediately shot down by his offi- When they fail us, and nos before, it will be time enough for the Nigzerheals ty threaten us with military despotism. FF AzoLirioN Lovaury.—We often Licar of the utterance of ** disloyal” scutiments ang the treason of the misguided * coppeaheads, | OuF rulers want continuous and unesding ted, but not to frequently reproduced,) spo- ken Ly the Chicago Tribune, is perhaps little ahead of anything that haz yet been ——— ag emer. {| Pleasan',—The weather, Smarr, —The draft draws out rlurabenng genius, and exped:ents are as thick as black- berries. Our colored brethren are put on an equality with the Caucasian race, so far as they are concerned n the draft itself,— But the Wilsous aud Wades, in their excess of love for the colored man, have passed a law that he shall have only $10 a month and no bounty, when forced into the army though the whits soldier gets $13 a month and $100 bounty. Iu New Jersey, a num- ber of colored men were drafied. One of them, a hotel waiter, made up his mind to get an exemption certificate, Being sound himself, he procured a colored brother with a weak knee to go before tho surgeon and personcte Lim, the unsound leg being suffl- cient, Le supposed, to get him clear,’ But the leg was not quite unsound enough, — The surgeon * passed” him, and tae Pro. vo” held him as 2a “able bodied “soldier in incle Abraham's army, This scared! the darkey with Lie lame leg alwost to death. Turning a little blue in tho face, he dsclare ed, ** Lor’ a,masss, sar, I afat Aim “dint ne soger at ell I” Who are you? “Oh, sar, L comes just for de Jame leg, to get him clare of de diaf—~dat’s all—'tig sarbin—1 can’t goto de war~ecuan't be killed down Souf, lor! a mighty brese you, let ‘me’ go.” With this explanation, the facts seemed the colored gentlemen were in therhgel-up. One will go probably, and the game.legged one will get punished for his attempt to defraud, * Lo! the poor African,” his ab. olition friends have been of no advantage to Lim or hig race. — AOD Tus Roor or tue Evin.—The original ral Government had a War democrats, in acceding to that ruin. 10 the Abolition ranks to ll the measures ff our country’s woe: The grasping, covelous chardctsr of the people of the North led them into that snare. igh ht they would soon crush the to gain the honors of victory cheaply. Then Where, then, is our boasicd revercice | the army of coutractors, spies, detectives But, look at the untold misery that hss the South; the people of the North. have lost their awn liberty, and the prospect now is that they can only regain it through a ‘the Abolitionists don’t stop to argue the | bloedy Revolution which shail awoep tho night of Lincoln to enforce the Consoription, | Abolition and Morel Reform element out of We have re-nominated Chief-Justive Low- | but say that it will be enforced by the the eountry, and put Wu quictus upon the Our | whole military power of the Federal Govern. | mischief-maker forever, BE Wor Uxro wme Bap sien! ~The indiet- ment now pending bofore the people - of Ohio against Abolition rule contains theso charges: Thali. bas trampled our State Constitut under fool That it has Cuspended our State laws$ That it has rendered our State Courts urd Judges powerless That 1t has seized our citizens, imprison. ed and banished thom wiihout process of law ; % 01 That it has overawed the Legislature Ly the bayonet; 2 i And that it has attempted to array: the soldiers we furnished to put down the re- bellion against the lusal citizens who, furn- a | ished them, in deadly oombat.— Tuscarawas Our Rurers Don't Want Peace, —'( they do, why do they refuse to propose terns t) the Southern people. after tha. fall of Vicksburg and Port Hudsog, and thesie- tory claimed over Lee? The Southera peo- ple, discouraged by: defeat, and (like it ic Northern peoyic) having pot wearg of the war, would have been glad to retuin io: the Union, under the 'Constitation, But, no! conseription, taxaton, despotizm,; death ! Hf the people d mt wont these things, they must vote these rulers. out, 7 dey. C. Wilsu, seviny a'flv Tight upon the ible, improved thy'decasion®as ‘olows : ‘Ye godless sinners, ye shall be damocd, every one of vouy as, sure as I shall, catch this fly," Here hie made a fell swoop with Lis band, and thought ho had caught it; opening each finger slowly till (he ingt, and 8:id, «+ By the hokey L've missed 1t | There's chance for ye, sinful tagamufiins, yet.” rt tre iii [77 My turtle dove." "1 adére’ olf” said a gry youug fe'low’ td Hii Tidy Tove. “That is all very fine,” caid she, SH JT am tired of this sort of Filing and coving. ' If you love me so wuch, why don't you také me to church and make me your ring dove {7A Dutchman being called upon for a toast, said, « Here is to de heroes who fight pleed and died mit de patties of Bunker Hill —of whom I am ove, . Drank standing. ILL —— aw’ 177 Wendell Phillips Garrison wag among the Boston conscripts. Of course he paid his commutation moneys That breed of Abolitionists don’t fizht: ee etn 7 Those who walk most are generally the henlthicst, the rond of perfect health ig too narrw for wheels. ! Siti lh treated este IZ” We must not talk by example, but by rale, ' '