» . 4 - A - the law. Wlutchman, Uht The folowing is the schedule of time of closing the mailg on the different routesleaving this place: Norta.— Via Snow Shoe and Moshanon, clozes at 9 o’clook P. M. - Sovin.~—Via Pine Grove Mills and Spruce "© Oreek, closes at 9 P. M. East.—Via Hublersburg and Lock Haven clos- esat 124 P. M. Eas?.— Via Centre Mall, Milroy, and Lewistown, closes at 9 1°. M. Easr.—~Via Howard and Lock Haven, closes a 9P. M. Wass ovis Port Mrtilda and Tyrone closes at Wes? ~Via Half Moon and Tyrone, oloses at 9. P. M. RAILROAD ROUTH. Bellefonte and Snow Shoe, isuve Bellefonte at Bald Eagle Valley Branch Railroad, leave at 330P. M. STAGE ROUTS. Btages for Tyrone, Via Half Moon, leave on Mondays, W et Fridays, at 64 4. M. Chis for Lock Haven Via cf Hublersburg, leave dailyat 1 P. M. es for Lock Haven Via of IIoward leave Mondays Wednesday, and Fridays at.7 A. M. Stages for Lewistown Via Centre Hall, leave dally at 6 A M for Spruce Creek Via of Farm school, and Pine Grove Mills, leave Mondays, Wednesdays ‘and Pridaysat 7A. M. : LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS, (C7 We understand that Messrs, Me. Coy, ‘Linn 4 Co., are about to erect a Wire man- ufactory, below the gate house, near Miles- burg. 0 REYNoLDS’ new brick house on the corner of High and Spring streets is fast assuming a habitable appearance, and when completed will be quite an ornament to that portion of :the town. O— + enn BrLLEFONTE READING Assoc1aTioN. —The ‘members of the Bellefonte Reading Asso- -giation are requested to assemble at their room on this (Friday) evening. Business ~of importance will be transacted. 3 a) us Tag DrRAFT.—The draft for this county sand district took place in Williamsport gesterday. We have not as yet learned the names of the unfortunate holders of the “prizes (?) but we presume they will know it soon enough. ha fo~We learn that a house belonging to Mr. Malone, below Milesburg, caught fire on Tuesday last, by which the roof was ‘burned entirely off. We believe all the furniture was saved, The damage fo the sbuilding was not so serious but that it can ibe-repaired in a few days. ° ‘ITP The searlet fever has been quite pre- ‘valent 1n this vicinity for some weeks, and -geveral deaths have resulted therefrom. Mr. Nicholas Bowers has lost two children iby it, Mr. Brokerh ff one and Mr, Copen- haver one. Parents should be carcful that “their children are kept out of harm’s way, as this disease seems to be particularly se- vere upon the young folks. 0 PorsoNep Horses.—It is astonishing to ‘what length human depravity will go. We :jearn that on the day before Mrs. Gahagan's sale, her horses which she had intended to dispose of were found to be poisoned. What infernal villain perpetrated the base deed, we do not know, but if eer found out, he .ghould be visited by the severest penalty of We learn that the horses have ‘since recovered. . 0 05” We sce by the Harrisburg papers, that our friend and former townsman, Mr. Tho- mas B. Nolan, has been “grafted into the army” in that place. Uncle Sam certainly made a mistake when he drafted Tom, for “being the only son upon whom his mother 48 dependant for support, he is, by the terms of the conscription law itself, exempt from military duty. We hope Tom will press his claim to exemption, and thus save himself from a very uncomfortable three years berth as one of Uncle Sam’s soldiers. aeners c{} mera ns 15°0n last Sunday, Monday Tuesday and Wednesday, different squads of Militia ar- rived at home, until now they arc about all back. As a gereral thing the men look well, and express themselves as satisfied - swith the experience they have bad of the “pomp and circumstance of glorious war.” The fact that they got paid this time tor their services, 18 some comfort. To haye sent them home this last time, without pay- ing them, would have about played the thing out, and the next call for militia would have found the militia non est, HO rm 05™As usual, on the eve of the return of the militia, threats were made that the Jr atchman office would be torn down, and its material thrown into the street. Wells we have patiently waited for the consum- mation of this design, but as yet “all quiet around the Watchman,’ and no avtempt has been made lo interfere with the freedom. of this press. We are glad to see that law and order are still triumphant, and hope from this, that the people have seen the bad results ever attendant upon the lawless course of a hooting mob. mal ipesios muses (cy ss §770n Tuesday last, Capt. Snyder’s com- pony, or that portion of them, rather, who were in Bellefonte, marched down to the depot to eseort the Captain up to town, on his arrival from Harrisburg. They did it handsomely, and, under the Captain’s com- u d, marched ap to the ciurt house where ‘they were addressed by Judge Linn, Capt. Snyder has ‘the reputation of having had the best drilled company in the service, un- der the Governor's last call, and it appears to have been the envy of the other companics in the regiment to which it was attached. The Captain is a soldier of Mexican exper- ienee, and of course uvderstands his busi- ness. Before dieporsing the men gave the Captain three che rs, and then retired to re- turn tu their dutics as private citizens. Bellefonte Markets. 7 4 The following are the quotations up tob 0 clock yesterday (Thursday) evening: Wheat, White, per bushel, $1,10 do Red, do 1,06 Rye, do 90 Corn (Shelled) do 80 lo {ours do 49 Buck Wheat, do 62 Barley, do 1,00 Oats, (By Weight) do 50 Clover Seed, do 500 Timothy, do 1.75 Potatoes, do 75 Beans, do 1.75 Onions, do 75 Apples, (Dried) do 1,50 Eggs, per dozen, 12 Peaches (Dried) per pound, 16 Bam, do 10 Bee. vax, do 25 Buitey | do 12 Tallow do 10 Lard, do 10 Rags, do 05 "SPECIAL NOTICES. Eprror WATCHMAN, Dear Sir: —With your permissiva I wish to say to the readers of your paper that I will send by return mail to all who wish it, (free) a Recipe, with full directions for making and using a sim- le vegetable balm, that will e tually remove in 10 days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all impurities of the skin, leaving the same soft, clear smooth and be al. I will also mail free to those ha Heads or Bare Faces, simple directions formation that will enable them to start growth of Luxn t Hair, Whiskers, or a tache, in less than 20 days. All applications an- swered hy return mail without charge. . 2 ily yours, THOS. F. CHAPMAN. Cher No. 831 Broads July 24, 3m. ys N. XY FEMALES! FEMALES! FEMALES Use that safe pleasant remedy a8 HEMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, For all Complaints Incident to (he sex. No family should be Without it, And none will when once Tried by them. Itis uzed by - YOUNG AND OLD, In the Decline or Change of Life, Before and after NM: During and after To Strengthen ths Nerves, estore Nature to-its Proper Channel, and invigorate the broken-down Constitution, tating PILLS! riage Confinement, w whatever Cause Or NO MORE WORTHLESS ly ke HEMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. Cut out See advertisement in anothe. column. 2 . See that *" Cosrar’s” name is on Bed Bugs, dnseets on Box, Bottle and Flask. hefore y buy. §27 Address HENRY R. COSTAR, i” Principal Depot 432 Broadway, N. Y. {27° Sold i 7 i ey > HARRIS'S RUG STORE Bellefonte. Pa. Match 27, 1863-6, . OME INRA Mr. S. 4. McQuistion would respectfully in form the citizens of Centro county, that he has opened a new Carfiage Marufastory, in the rear of Cummings’ Livery Stable, where he is prepare to manu ure CARRIAGES. BUGGIES, SULKIES, - PHAYETONS, SPRING WAGONS, SLEIGIIS, SLEDS, &C.. &0 at prices to suit the timo.s. $ Ropairing done on short notice, Bellefonte, Feb. 6, 1263, ly. a ee eet im | wera MARRIAGE ITS LOVES AND ay Saute, sorrows and. augers, hopes and fears, regrets and joys. MANHOOD, how lost, how restored, the nature, treatment and radical eure of spermatorrea or seminal weak- ness ; involuntary emissions, sexual debility and impediments to marriage veneraily, nervousness, consumption, fits, mental and physiaal is qpaci- ty, resulting from SELF-ABUSE—nara fil; ex- phaiped in the Marnriacr Guing, by WILLIAM YOUN, M.D. This most extraordingny baok should be in thehauds of every young porion contemplating marriage, and every man or wo man who desires tolimit the number of their off. apring to their circumstances. Bvery pain, dis. case and ache incidental to youth maturity aod old age, is fully expluined; every particle cf knowledge that shouid be known is here given.— It is full of engr. ws. In fact, it discloses ge crets that eyery one should know,. still it is 2 book that must be locked up and not lie about tho house. It will be sent to any one on the receipt r postage stamps. Address o. 416, Spruce street, above AFFLICTED 4 0 TUNATE, no maiter what may be your @ Lefore you place yourself under the gare of any ot the notorious. Qi chs native or foreign— who in this or any other voun. try, got a copy of Dr Young's book, and. reads. carefully 4 will bethe means of saving vo a many dollars, your health, and possibly yo ¢ life. DR. YOUNG can be conaulted on any ef the diseases described in his publisstion, at his ofise No. 416, Spruce Street, nhove Fourth, Phila. ~ Office hours from 9 to § daily. . Oct. 2nd, [862-1y. NEW BAKERY! MATHIAS SCHMUCK, Would respectfully inform the poopla of Bellefonte and vicinity, that he has opened a ng 3. and complete Bakery on SPRING street, ia icy premises of W. F. Reynolds, where he wiil kee 5 congtantly. on hand all kinds of a BREAD, RUSK, POUND CAKE, SUGAR AND GINGER CAKES, CRACKEPS, &e., &o., &oiy which he sells at ‘a reasonable and satisfactory rice. aU “ v Broad Cakes and Pies Baked to order on the shortest notice. .Famtlies will find it to their ad- vantage io aot their baking done at this es'ah- lislimer® ns they con always get pure, wholesome bredd and.cakes just when t ey need then. S4pt. 12th, 1862—1y. x “JTIVE-TWENTY U. 8. LOAN ' Wm T. Reynolds & Co., of Belle- fonte, are subscription agents to disposo of the Five-Twenty years’ United States Loa + Amounts can be hal to suit the means of different individu alg; the interest is payable and will be paid half yeurly im gold. april 10, 1863