TTI o re — ET I ow m—— escorted his friend to a ~{saw nothing on the hoard but huge dish of ‘salad, whicliith ouotl wife began quiet'y to sexy up. 58 My Dear “where are {t1tuohiason: they > MAN UL Ade ies end arkived iu front Ay 1 oo itol on the of Jue. sid the Sanh the meats?” 3 Sid iittle to the sarprise of both, they] WAND ATTY f and A i GOR METS OF, BESPOTE, BY A. D. MAUOUNEY, GF IOWA, wade |. | Pogiwm-Bivelyy : THOMAS ROTHROCK. M.D. ANE 0 e H. 8 ALLISTRR, I ALLERTEDR & BEAVER, AVTORNEYS AT LAW, : { _ PELLEFOXTE, PENN’A ITO ERUGLAT, : pov ATIORNEY AT, LAW, ; '_ BSLIRFONTS, PENN Loker af) he] BPRisoner [off State | : fail land loffcial copies of - . Sdiply TLEeTe fle Rolie Let y, IX OFce in the Court House, with the Treasurer. x! 118 sai to have heen’ a the lady,’ : dats of Despotizn by which tke] =~ Jame BH. RANKIN, = 5 Lid wiiy, e 5 X t J ong, ‘the inhabitants of “No meats. what in the nome ingtoli wn sib f - ATTURNEN AT Aw. PNN'A 1 3 i: ATTY TVET oe 8! y 2 5 2 3» - tho vil'ageswelcomine him vw poverty! The venatables then? oasiblo Lincola dyuasy ine || i the. Ismoud, ‘oon ady.. ester the 22 oe x . Eg ® £88 GAS Gop. dus ymiauTYOSTT I t | Hhyddon’t vou hove the HE A SSE WILLIAM A WAT LACE, 2 bles brought i Ci Py i. £3 i ATIORLEY AT LAW, sey = 1. TAX Piet. bF which all the property” i . ©. CLEARFIELD, PExx's. the i 3 of the ly are, mor ed to the Wi visi Bellefonte professionally when speci { 34 d in connection with resident Counsel. 1 wiih fare 0: 0A o “Wife 1 give —Ciare 18 . peo- Lifrary : itdown. is. « YWhen there wiit =be no el over. «Now, lel’s some dinner”? The good woman pocketed the 1 Gorn i fv HE ok . of these | payer mang the hell, and a sum- bh i 1UY A10 » Ue : a i Te 7 ol lo preserve the|ptucusy ‘past of fish, pouty aud > 3 vegitaly'es was brogh /twon’ to irust people who! A few days . rane find symidny protexts for dispen. | que remainey py slung g owithehe es and the ord a= wurden s me tie after the nie . i tea Foor "Fb wife dew In tient oi d fay, apduwend fo him. His wite grew jmpa na Este channels of rpnbiic we what he was waiting {or fflor 1:t0 a flutter of ex Where's vouy eon My comj company. But you thre i utionary fath- ing statment eaid cn ; CH PX Cis In 1 : , 4 Ton and vou suid, ‘ 11€Cl . th 8% 1d burst into a Taveh, : the after fookin {ae wat aby d : 0 aa and ing y a Juoment Wii Lin “ } 11 have pence— and of i'ely, and went to ind hiv —— : His excuse whensheasked him somebody. to su per! exclaimed 1 AA ni a FS. IANGE, SURGEON ‘DENTS hd BELLEFONTE, CENTRE C0., PA. gnow prepare d to wait upon afl who may desir ; al : rniprioNtiPren. by which bide lilt 300 h are pi BLANCHARD. © 'B.M BLANCHAR® BE. 3 BE GLANCIIARD, ATTORNEY AT! LAW, Fal | BELLEFONTE, PEN’NA. Office formerly occupied by Curtin & Blanchard on M dipstreet, . bh Lor may come ied by a care {u : ney; asd their unjust, and odious features : BR. WINGATE, es + DENTIST. : Office ‘and Residence directly North w the Court .ouse portico, At his office except two weeks in @sch month; beginning with the first’ Monday of the month Ti Ballefonte, M.—[y. H ORVIS. C. T. ALEXANDER, ORVES & ALEXANDER, . ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BELLEFONTE PA. Oflce one door below Reynold’a Bank Nov. 280 o 4 ORVIN & CORNE. ATTORNEY'S Al LAW, i Loox Haves Pa. Will practice in the several Courts of Centre and | @Tmton counties. All business entrusted to their care will be promptly attended to. Tess Aug 29, 1862 AESVRIP HORTON 5005 DR. J. 8, MUTCHELL, Tuk PHYSICIAN & SURGHON, fF } 1 ’ BELLEFONTE, CENTRECO., PA. Cteod Hews ’ Will attend to professional calls ns kerstofire, he cepecifylly offers his services to his friends nud the public. Office next door to the residence? of Thomas Burnside. on Allegheny stroct, July 25, 1562—1y. ; pressive, uLEOLAY duted out. As a book for refirenco, it willbe invaluable to the furmer, the mccehanic. the poli ieian, the !aborer—in fact; to. every perion, for’ the Ialiest man. he fand » had ngither in ou largs oclave 2 good 1type tim fow prica.of Firav Jess r. and SevextY-Five Opies in muslin id cn the erders at ones © All orders will he 1h tv the date of reecipt. First Fhe eush must coompany 162 Nasaan Streat The War finde ee im 3 TY vs - Tere JEANKENG MOUSE .. | AND EVERY THING GOING RIGHT ih ? ar ame WM. F. REYNOLDS & C0. i BELLEFONTE, OENTRE C0., PA. Lil's of exchange ond Netes discounted Col lections made and proceeds promptly remitted. literest paid onspecial doposits. Ex:hange in the Lustern cried oondtantiy on band for sai. Depos. its receivea L & © FURST, Pov inst the British h- ol) AZIOPN®Y AT LAW, OF griey unst tie. British [11s indignant wile, . re ie King: My do av, [ead no such this g. G7 iLL practice in the several Couris of Te taxes : . + no vir ¥ Centre and Clinton counties, ~All legal Te taxed teas ‘ vouwk d what’ T was warn g L :ginees entrusted to Lis care will receive prompt Ie 1 2 shu iuX., fovea { ad ‘SGimong toe me a tention » Oe ay fir, md ad Scumonstoe n | OFFICK~-On the North-west corner of the Di id to supper— hats what 4 was watting | mades the: military above nt a) 1 Te fir, my dears sand amond. DR. Z, W, THOMAS, 1 PHYSICIAN AND SURGLON, I Asiitnt, 5 4 { MILESKURG. CENTRE €0., PA, Ail power. ] Ih 4 1.d Jen i ve. AN4ed ang. 20 and ] Rip bi Wii Hig to his Say 4 Her hh ashe ) i ; apd the pablie. Offo « oll [ICH Hite Benishuien chance my 1 CaS, Oh, IH ray; Yo INatitral Hotel. es wT pxribs pvigh AE tha qlanit oe { } Refeiat Dra.J. M. MeCoy, fe £Xil 1 out (ae, autiacnity {you {fur this. : ; . ebUnEh Tisoseson. oi law, A vid id No mater pbovt tomy, dear | 0, ALO Ee Hes Po so gi spect 10 our con-| 7 olzed you, riuember, for that i TON GRnicE ; or tutions eftrce. ff LEA LR ! TION OFFICES, 3 y iy ial AF 3 oo 1 eR. § i Pr ge . = ihe E 5) ga=0ou: gel «Nowe €iriion mine. 9 | DG. BUSH, arls he r t Ei Sie WETC YOU Ii bo i : a fi Aanin } BELLEFONTE, Caxrite Co., Pusy,a. win % bid Fy Qt bily Wy er 2 Sd irk wr We Gugnae, i a v Lf ’ dwministion. } Avani “| a rE { RUSH & McUCULLOUGH axe NT TE A oH AN i134 : oe a soldran® foNe. Hr Ie Olhorry, Blunkberry oy Seogpran) - were {rpaveling vi itners 4m a 80k pe Rei aii ts berry, Blunkberry, ; C1LEAREILLD, Clearfield co. Pa «al corres- | Jan it30th, 1863 —1f A Haver & On. AREY INTELLIGENCE. + : Auy person desiring any autelli- gence of. or from their friends or r.lutions in the Ary ot the Potomag or in any of the army hos- FSBNCH GALE SKINS ~ ATH Aer, TIROCT LININGS, &C., &0 “Lo mers’ Thread and Shoemakers Tools, of etl kivdagts hig had int £ ATS r establishment ih QiLDMAN, IMPCRTFR XA W LOLESALE DEALER IN “IES, Gm YL), Sng m— Nowy aml th niyo Nn i \ : FLAN, Lak . Liius . Cl vitals ean receive information by enclosin one wo Wheaty Wye, & Bourbon Whisky? | dolar und wddresstue ow. ¥ KBarol. v ¥ Waching' 4. ron * + » NO. 508 WorthiWinth Strect, i IME! LIME! a 4 «Tue undersigned having purchas ed the “Bellefonte Lime Quarry,’ lodated cn the pike leading to Milesburg. about half a mile from othe borough of Bellefonte, is p.epared to furnish’ i lime of a superior quality at short notios in ay + tities to suit purchasers Pe sons desirous of . Procuving a first oles article for building: pur The finder will be | poses would do well io oll at the kiln'or addres it no this office gif 2m cx WM SHORTIADA Y/ ANTED IMMAOIATELY.. |. y & A boy to fedrn the Caniage 0116 from the country preferrod, | A bQUISTON, Bollefonto. m%2 | BLLOW SPRING GARDEN, SE EN ay ; Smithing trado. Apply 08, Ari PROSPECTUS AX : VINE & LIQUOR STURE OF THE DEMOCRATIC WATCHNAN, WEEKLY PAPR, PUBLISHED AT Li BELLEFONTE CENTRECOUNTY, PA., f- © EVERY RTD AY MORNING IN POLITICS, . ah irs : STRICTLY DEMOORAT FREE AND INDEPENDENT, Unshaten by the Frawns of Unprineipled Dewagogues, Uunintimidated by the Clamaors of the Rabbie and the threw s of Insoleut Mobs, and Fearing ni. ther the Unballowed Preomes of Presidential’ Dungeons and Tyrants’ Vaults, nor the’ Rock-bound Fortresges of any Modern Caligula. IT 1S IN FAVUR OF PRES PRESS, AND THE EQUAL RIGHTS OF ALL WHITE MEN. IT IS DEVOTED TO Local and Gene- 1al News. Art, Science and Litera: ture. Morality. Politics, } Education, Civil. and Reli- i gions Freedom, the Union. ihe Constitution and the Laws, the best Interests of the whole Country, and Cen. tre county in particular, aud opposed to Abolitionism Disunionist, and afl kinds of Fanaticiem be it Moral, Political, or Bes ligions. and an un- compromising advocate Of TRUTH, JUSTICE AND MERCY, ECR VSS, Per anu, {strictly in advance} When paid within 3 months, £0,50 ably charged. : : No paper discontinued until ail bask sahserip ba considered a new engagement. all eireumstanges, QADVERTIZANE. agreed upon by the publishorss of Press the Berichter and the Democratic Wate), ma and will be strictly alte red to 10 lines for less] constitute a square, Foreach subsequent insertion loss thaw Notice for strays. each animal, + - Advertisements displayedin fency leite so to attruct dttention, 50 per cent, more’ above rates. Rin 3 terns. = Editorial or looal uotises viduals, : Religious or educational notices, &¢ +... ¢ Obituary notices, over 5 lines, 8.4 i Deaths and marriages announced free. wesw i) i 0 must accompany {hscommunteation, laid befoie they are inserted. : tert iG Gr verre netrmenout FOB OF ALL KINDS, SUCHE AS Legal Blanks. Shipments,’ Manifest. Receipts, Receipt Books, Order Bioks, Cheek Rolls, Toll ‘Orders, Car Books, Way ills, Advice Sheets, Specifications, &», POSTERS, Poa. SHOW BILLS, CARDS, viet BLANKS. IH vi PAMPILETS, 4 ENVELOPES, * ~ BILL HEADS, . Au ob » In fact, any kind of work donein a printing office, executed in a superior mauner, aud the raost REASONABLE TERMS OUR ASSORTMENT OF WOOD RIRE, Cannot be beat, and all our jobbing will be executed in the neatest and inost im: proved character. Address, i | P.GRAYMEEE., «+ Editor and Publisher Demooratic Watchman, Bellefonta. Centre Co , Pa. It | CONRAD EQUSE Unwmoved hy the Hapes of Unrizh' eons Gain’ | : FREE SPEECH it HOTELS. [PUSNSYLVANIA HOUSE JON COPEVHAVER, Proprietor. with & large number of well airal ble sleeping lors with or and eumf: artments Rooms and Private thout chambers attached, will used to nia Hotel” pleas nt and agreeabio, HIS TABLE win pe usp of an expericneed Cook and sup best the market ufords, and Kis 1 with ite able. oF advantages in point of locaien than ayy gues:s, | BELLEFONTE, PA, J.B. RUTTS, Proprietor.’ ly re-B*idg and re-furnished througont, aud comforts and conver ionee it affards ts {rire Peopie from the eountry during their s jo ‘Bellefonte daring week3 of Court, will fio Conr.d If place. ‘ ary decommod Hyg servania are ettond ince ready to supply the wants urets, SB. (eidksne ¥ HY TABLE tet plisd with ail tLe cubs! provisions, uxaries and delicacies which o ¥ and exertion cui procure. UTE BAR, will always eontan « gortn ent of the very best liquors, that the € alfrig addapted to suit themost astes. THE STABLE will tive and obliging hostlors, well qruadified t ‘eherae the duties pre aining to thi partment ofa public estublishme., From the attention and time, the devoted to this brarch of busines ‘ceive a liberal portion of the pi fore be ‘wed upor. him. hopes aT a4 da knawn Hotel, situated on the &. the Diamond. opposite the Cay beca purennsed by the under: ©3 to th e former patrons of t to the traveling puplic goner ai, refitiing it thoroughly, aod is the most satisfaotory nacomin may favor han wiih th will be spared ou biz ps rst cor House, he pt} ion to. al Baironags, Nog Ad 19, the « 2,00 | If left run over 3 months, $2,350, will bs iovari- tions are paid, 2nd a failure tonotify a discontin. uance at the end of tho ting sibsarived for, will These terms will be vigidly adheari to under The folloing terms of Advertiseing lave been the Central > One Square three insertions = <= « + = 8 100 Administiators aml Executors notices, - 2 25 Notice of wpp'isation for Yeense = « = 2° 1 4) --150 an’ the! | ' 7 Advertisement not marked wilh tho number 4. M of iusertiuus desired, will be continued tif} forbidden and charged according to these £1 thy banefit of indl 20 sents per line | Communications racamonding pargops fortiol fice, insortod at ten cents” a line: aid the yoy | Al legal and transient advertisenienls must be WORE! enea or comfort of his ga ; him will find = All who sie LYS LAY 3 | abundantly suppiied with the mos Somptusus fire | the market will aflord: dose un iy styie, by wha | most experienced eooks ; whi | ways ecntain wp | The Chocast of Liquors. His Stabitng is best in tow Sand wile a0 attended by the most tru orthy and hostiers y rT F- iva him meal’ ono ar el and bef SHIS BAR w i modation. i AN EXCRT LIVER { isattached to this est ret, whigh i from abroad will iad greatly to | ltatints. Jon. 9,380 {7H CUMMINGS HOTS BELL] TH street afew uoors north at last complete in all now opon for the reco gaests. [t has style, with hauds and is the best conducted iotel in Bellefonte. THE TABLE wil" alwats ba found gx under the wighu uf’ tiva best nravigons ‘the n affords, attended by neat inioliigent aud att waiters, of ths Catheiic chu me and acin ante best state i THE STABLL is large 'warm. cominodiorn always dnwailing of the trains + BELLEFONTE, Pa. RESPECTEULLY sppounces to the public, Persons visiting Bellefonte on business or for pleasure. may rest assured that every. exeriion render their stay at the ** Pennsylva- iF DIRECTION ' BAR wid the choieeat wines and other liguors—eha “3e3 reason. , The“ Pex~nsyrvavra Horan.” possesses grant. other April 17, 1863-14, Thie wall known establishment has neon anu. s2cond to none in eenteral Popnsylvania in . the ouse an agrecuble aud pleasint resiing i always eontril ute to the comfort und suiisfastion vf tho | In «ntial tive country cin furnish, or imdastry, vigilance be attended hv .aiten. | © importaut ds- propreitor has | 7 ’ i ¥ BELLEFONTE, PA. DANIEL GARMAN, Lropreetor. This long. establishes aad ann Blishunaut Ox intends | patsd to rawdar | i fdent that all ® Abe fa wfied wich thiol dovo.n B.D. LUMBINGS, Propristors This. elegant now Hotel situated on Bistiop | , altogether the beat gotien up. awd wilive THE BAR will alwsys he supp fol with the choisest and best of Hquorg~not a siekning mix ture of dvags—but iiyuor: in . there purest ‘and ig clean. and oMligiug and atceniive hostiers; are 4 Hack con vys passengers frea of eharze, to and from the ¢ars, after the arrival an | departer THR Au ster NT THREE, of ¢ {THE GREAT AMERICAN REMY: i ET ous, Ahat he has lensed, vefurnished and refitted the HELMBOLD : CT BUCHU.” have Ifouse where he will be happy to wait upon ye am BARSAPARILL.A those who favor him with their company” i ~~ IMPROVED RUSE WAS, Tue Hovsg is large and convenient and fur- wd betaine | picked in the best modern siyle. It is provided TE TE BOTS Uy arid Par- GENUINE PREPARATION, “li1GIILY CONCENTRATED" FLUID EXTRACT BUCHY, A Positive and Speeifie Rersedy for Diseases, OF THE BLADDIR, KIDNEYS. GRAVEL, ® AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. i The medicine incraases the ower of dizaati if and excites the Abzirbunts, ik healiby wotion, by which the. Watery or Ouleerons depasitions end all annatural Enlarcomants aro rodas 1, as very similar establishment in tho borough, Lelug situ} well ag pain and iu unation, 25d is gl for ated in the business part of the town, 7 Men, Women or Children. a 7 Sutigtons Sabiing provided. and good snd tras- | 3 ~ y bostlers always in atter dance, H h hb | | ; K rE J 4 Attentive, acsommodating aud honest garvants, ¢ if} ( { 5 Xtract Buclia bave Leen employed, and nothing left undone that : : 3 wll add to the comfort; and agony dation of his FOR WEAKNESS Arising from Ixecsses, Habits of , Dissipui , Eurly. Ludiseretion, or Abuse, igen ATTENDED with the FOLLOWING SYMTOMS: Indispositinn to Exertion, em Lo 30 Power, 57 Diflio ty of Breathing Lrem ling, : ‘ Pain inthe Rack 110 of the Flushing of the Body - Eruptions on the Page Puilid Couutenange, Loss of Weak Ne: Dimness o Univers! TY, i8 no 1 the | Dryness »f the skin. i Thess syriptong if. a ed to goon, which this | medicine duy. viably remot |, soon {obigws. i and 1 Yi MF ATULTY. EPILERLIC Pils, the patient may expirs. Who te; not often (ito wed by thoze © ay in ¥ sdiretud diseases,” INSANITY AND CONSUMATION, Miuny are aware-sfthe-eause or their suffering hut none will confisz Fhe regards of the insar nd the mefancholly Mouths by Cou, TI swple witiiess to the truth of thig as iE CONSTITUTION. ONOE AFFECTED LY ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Reguiresth aid of mod 2 i invigorate the system ably does. e the most sceptical, ? o dis. | hen cand LD'S Ex wid will edu tore |v ¢ (atl 0, orin th LIFK. OF SLR SYMTOMS ABOVE. wha | : : pont ‘put NO FAMILY: SHOULD BE WITHOUT ity veuls | er — with | Take vo Bdiam Murcury ciue for unpleasan any nikal Hem ir Unpleasant Medi- dangerous disenses i ais | L.xpusura, o, aul gives grog oth ta nud, Givendad unde Thausands upon Thoug nds WHO HAVE B-Ea TIE VICTIMS OF QUALKS, & have paid henve fees to ba oursdin havo fund thot fey wero decieved 9 poron ms, by the ude of “PB werful een dried up iu the Jystem. to 10 un aggravatsd form, ard morliaps af PA. break oat oh i wud is ter marriage, | 7S | g : (Helmbold’s Extract Buchu © For all affections end Disenses of THE URINARY ORGANS, Whether existing Mile or Female, from wi ever causo origiuatii®, aud vo matter OX HOW LONGSTANDING. Diseases of Ihesa Prune fequire the aid of e wretio. Yr 1 7 Ya ¢ ’ Helmbold’s Extract: Buchu IS THE GREAT D1 URETHO, “ ing 18 nnd Cr MMINGS HOUSE SALOO This new and spiendi @ Eatin tublishment is now open for the entertain the public. whera 4 te Jur xt ry Fresh Oysters, Fried Systers; Stowed Qyst iy Ph n nth i { 3 B Spiced Oysters Clam Sowp. Tarile’ One squaro, 3 montis, win ed mend 3 80 Senn, cicén Soup, 5 dimosh to dimilie 218180000 ram and Bp Test and Trips, Sar. ‘ “ one year <0 Lipp uy 8 0b sh I Filed Chickens, Quarter-soluwn, one year, two changes, 15 00 | i Chickens, ete. oto,, o Half 4 tf $ 6 w25 0p! can be had at ald, mes. 5 Quuenlomn,.. 8 80 00 Lois 6.40.06 ) % 1s UBINKS, 3 ; HY Cognac 4 Auditors Noticed» « «+ - sav aun 2 00 Hn ea 23: Lo: Bout bon Whisky, Wi 3. | a Sane, DIrawe. inert. gy & Collings orice. Cid ry Fancy: Lemonades, Surdparitla o Mineral Wa. tory ere. ate, oie. 510 give ety the nbs aot ws Jo OUMVIINGS & te, Mareli 27 1553 1y TON HOUSE Botlehar C Lim EAN Noy Lropriotor, oprIeTor = rg’ teased tho Liuthe borough of Look Haven, tht Be has mato avery fics to'intertuii stranger and tray ressihio ma rer: ¢ 4 hla thwava so nig the sheipest if untry wit iffgeds ani hee 3 sursageed West Brauch. #- take charze are propeviy ai feaded tos i frustng > a natienuge of the traveidng pablie, he hop slo. ac i Juue 6, T6l.-tf. FUEL MOR RUEON, Projrieior This well Known Hae 13 now kept be tha fing pabhie general : ¥yr LE oF, bh SULT JHols gra, G sherry. Engi ¥ Smashes. Sherry Coh. nd it other @neyalrinks. | FREE drhin“ Ale 4 ] LS 10 bo had at ail Bodrblef the LIARD ROOM with ing! coniected wich the catab- ATURE LE ? FopiLptors: imines siroms MORAN ALN Ldn fahova tukes this wethod ofinformin olprsin in this departmsut by icest liquors that caa will constantly be horsesund soe that they | Lhe nny receive a portion of thecfign(fisiont to care the wost obstinate cases, if direc. ead 38. Gy * o attention to be abiet @ rende generalsutis- [PLEASANT GAP HOTEL PLEASANT GAP, PA. wl where ne will be happy to waif ou the : And itis certain tc have the desired effoct in alt . ia Diseases for which it is recommended. 33. ud B. COD! BLOOD! BLOOD! HH: linbold's Highly Concentrated Componnd FLUID EXIRACT SARSAPARILIA = SYPHILIS, : This is an affotion of the bland and. uttacks the Sexual Organs! Linings of the N ose, Kars. ‘Throat Windpipo avd other mucus Surfices, making its § nce futhe form of Uleers "Helmbold’s Jixtract Sarsa axilla pirides the blood and ree i waves 21! Seaiy Ernptions of the skin, giving to the Complexlou, 2 clear and haalihy dolor.” It boing prepared’ xprossiy for this eliss of eum Cpphint, ie Blood Purifying Oroperties are pre- exrved to a greater extent than any other prepa- ration of Bursupariilad TL Helhbolds Rose Wash: lent lotion diseases of Syphilitis. Natu e, and as an ij ction in diseas:s of the ‘Urinary Organs arisii ye trim habits of dissinat.on, frused in eouneetion wiih the Extruo's Buchu and Sarsnparitia, in such Giscases as rec mmended. . Evidence of the most rasponsibles nud reliab.» ieheractor will accompnr y the madicines: CERTIFICATES OF CUR . Fro eight or twenty soars standing, with uames © | Fnown to Science and Fame. For medical prope,tics tory of ho’ Unitod Stites! See Proff. Dewees’ valuable works on tHe Prac. «tice of Physic. i 1 t See r-marks mado by the late celebrated Dr Physick. Philadelphia © id . ok Seg remarks made by Dr. Fphraim MeDawail,. a oclebrated Piysiciau, and a member of the Raval Collega © rganiis, Fraland, and publish- “ed tn the Transactions of the King aul Queen's Journal. ce Ix published by 2 ent of ord, An excellen Sor ao 0S, * oj Buch, a0 Dispensa Clin. to 24 Sea Medico-Cirurgion] Roview, Bor junin Teavers, Hello of the Royal. Galioge of Surgeons : A See most of tho late standard Workson Medi eino. Asse fads giLg Extragt Buehu, 10) +ix tor 5 00- “Ishpap arial 160 ee gy Sluproved Rose Wash (60 8 Yo 1280.5 1'Orhalfa dozen of etch for 312 00 which willbe 17 tux- loter N per Bottle, o oF “ 5a es by | tions aro adhered to g Delivered to auy address, seonraly packed fiom i observation. ~ 3 a ’ Deseribe symtomsin all communioations. Cure = | guaranteed. | Advico gris; si Padi AFFIDAVIT, _ Persunally appeated before me ait Alderman tha city of Philadelphia, II T. Helmbold, ‘wha being duly swoen, doth say, his preparations oon- toil no nareotic, mo meronry, or, other injurious | pros NEW LIVERY 8TAB TEOMAS DORAS, Prope fi Hoyses, Carriig vies aad WTR Call aroand © go atlemen. g Les bed Th sami m— ELL, DEALER IN 1 | 1 4 Tobaces & Cigars LEW ISRO 1.0 LB. BACK OF HUME 8 STORES. al good travaters—un ged aud Sleighw,— 3 Lobes. bo | heuper tian any other ‘establishment ig | drugs. but are purely vegatahls, : LS PELAIS PREY. npemponD: Sworn and subscribed before ma, this 23rd day of November 1854 © WM. P"HIRBARD. : Alderman, Ninth-street, above Race Phils Address Letters for information in oor fidence HT. UELMBOLD' Cnemigt, Dopot 104 South, Tenth-st, below Chestnut Phil. ctor an | BEWARE OF COUNTEFEITS. | AND UNPKINCIPLED. DEALE.S. { Who endeavor to dle ose 0f TheirOWn" ad. i ather”’ articles ou the reputation attained by. /- 4 ous. ~Helmbold's Genuine Piepara ht bp Ntragt B ; asd iki UC Tne {Sold by all Druiegiste everywhera (HUEASK TOR HELME LDS TBKE No oTHER Cit out the advertifamant, nod condfar A void imporicion and exposes w Marek, 21, -1 yr COMPOUND > 43