Gl Tutchnan, Bellefonte Markets. The follo wing are the quotations up to6 o clock yesterday (Thursday) evening : pe —» | Wheat, White per bushel $1.10 | do Red, do 1.06 Rye, do 90 Corn (Shelled) do 80 lo (Ears do 40 ‘Buck heat, do 62 DarleY: By Weigh i V5 + Oats, y Weight) 0 Clover Seda, £ do 5,00 Timothy, do 1,75 - Sg Sow oat rep = — | Beans, o . “The fol is the schedule of time of closing ! §.5 0 do 75 ts he flow ic different routes leaving this place: | Apples, (Dried) do 1.80 i 8! d Moshanon, closes at 28, per dozen Norra Vis Snow Shee an Ea 5 Peaches (Dried) per pound, Be Fourm.—Via Pine Grove Mills and Spruce 1 30 B Creek, closes at 8 P. M. - . Aen Batter: & ie —Via Hublersburg and Lock.Havenclos- | pgp, | do 10 esnt124 P. M. i ’ d, do 10 East — Via Centre Hall, Milroy, and Lewistown, | Rags, do 05 closes at 9 I. ’ East.—Via Howard and Tock Haven, cloges a 9P. M. Waesr.—Via Port Matilda and Tyrone closes at 9P. M. 1 Wes?.—Vis Half. Mgon and Tyrone, closes at HP. M — RAILROAD ROUTS. . ; Bellefonto and Snow Shoe, leave Bellefonte a A M. . : Bald Eagle Valley Branch Railroad, leave at 3PM ) STAGE ROUTS. Stages for Tyrone, Via Half Moon, leave on Woe 1% We esdays, Fridays, at 61 4. M. Sti for Lock Haven Via of Hublereburg, leave y at 1 P. M-. : for Lock Haven Via of Howard leave Wo WP exasday: and Fridays at 7 A. M. Stages for Lewistown Via Centre Hall, leave A Creek Via of Farm school, and Spruce Creek Via of Far! y pe ty fills, leave Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at TA. M. LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS. | THANKSGIVING DAy,—Yesterday be- ing Thanksgiving day, all the business places in town were closed, while services were held in the various shurches. The town wore a sunday like aspect, and a gen- oral air of seriousness was observable on the countenance of our citizens. 0 7 Jack Bavarn.—Lieut John A. Bay- ard, who was desperately wounded at Gettysburg, but of whose recovery some ~~ SPECIAL NOTICES. Epiro WATCHMAN, Dear Sir:—With your permission I wish to say to the readers of your Jager that I will send by return mail to all who wich it, (free) a Recipe, with full directions for making and using a sim- le vegetable balm, that will effectually remove n 10 days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all impurities of the skin, leaving the same soft, clear smooth and beautiful. - I will also mail free to those having Bald Heads or Bare Faces, simple directions and in-~ formation that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Mo us- tache, in less than 30 days. All applications an- swered by return mail without charge. Respectfully yours. THOS. . CHAPMAN, Chemist, July 24, 8m. No. 831 Broadway, N. X_ FEMALES! FEMALES! FEMALES Use that safe pleasant remedy known as HEMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, For all Complaints Incident to the sex. No family should be Without it, And none will when once Tried by them. Itis used by YOUNG AND OLD, In the Decline or Change of Life, ; Bejfoic and after Marriage During and after Confinement, To Strengthen the Nerves, Restore Naturs to its Proper Channel, and : invigorate the broken-down Constitution, From whatever Cause Originating. USE NO MORE WORTHLESS PILLS! Take EMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. See advertisement in anothe.: column. Cutout and send for it. 2m. A Card to the Suffering. The Rev WiLLiax Coserove, while laboring hopes were intertained, has since died, and ‘his body was brought home to this place on He will be burried 10day.— Thus ends the career of as brave a soldier ¢ May Wednesday. as ever drew a sword. the grass on his grave be green forever. —0 as a Missionary in Japan, was cured of Consump- tion, when all other means had failed, by a recipe obtained from a learned physician residing in tha great city of Jeddo. is recipe has oured great numbers who were suffering from Con sumption, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Coughs and Colds, and the Jehnity and nervous depreesion aused by these disorders. . ul of benefitting others, I wil send this recipe, which I have brought home with me,- to 17” GrwmiLLIKENS ! but hasn't it been hot for a few days past? We shouldn't wonder 1f old So keeps Mr. Mercury going ap, and this calorific state of things contiv- Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y all who need it. free of eharge. rg! : : Address Rev. WM. COSGROVE, 439 Dalton y NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ue if the folks generally, would have todon the uniform of the Georgia Militia Captain, a paper collar, and a pair of spurs. A couple of days during the past week the thermometer raised to ninety five in the shade, and if the plagued thing hadn't of ait too lazy to move, ther is no doubt but it would have gone up much higher. ER yen Tug Drarr.—The draft for this county has been annqunced to come off in Williams. port, on the 13th inst. = The curiosity of our citizens to know upon whom the happy lot will fall, will soon be gratified. If Cen- tre county is allowed credit for the number of men she sent over her last qnota, the con- scription here will be l'ght comparatively, but if she is no allowed a credit for that excess, it will be quite heavy. What the intention is in this respect, we do not know, but we think justice and fair dealing de- wand that we shouid be credited with what we have already done over and above that which was required us. en, () ee ee ee I= A CENTENNANRIAN.- -Mr. Christly Vanpool, who lives in the upper end of this county, and who i8 now on a4 visit to this place, is a relic of the olden time, being one hundred and seven years of age. Mr. Van- pool is in complete possession of all his fac- ulties, and being in good health, bids fair to yet live fen or fifteen years. He conver- ses interestingly andl intelligently of the events of the Revolutionary war, and has seen face, to face, the great Father of his country, the immortal Washington. He has said that General Washington was at his fathers house many times, and can give a description of the personal appearance of that great man. Mr. Vanpool was borne about the year 1755, and is a vencrable link to connect us with the past. sad it must be for this old man to think that hehasoutlivea a nation. ff e—-0 PAINFUL ACCIDENT. —-Michael Bottorf, 8 deaf and dumb man, well known in this: vicinity, met with a most painful accident on Tuesday evening last. While walking on the railroad track near the depot, the train from Tyrone hove in sight, but ‘dumb Mike,” as he is called, did not see it, nor was he, owing to is infirmity, able to hear the whistle, which the engineer, not know- ing he was deaf, blew repeatedly. The consequence was that he was caught by the 1)comotive in such a manner, as !o render the amputation of one of his feet necessary, which operation was skillfully performed by Drs. McCoy’ and = Mitchell. We believe Mr. Bottorf is now doing as well as could be expected, and with the exception of the loss of his foot, will soon be as well ag ever. As far as we can learn, no blame can foe attached to any of the hands belonging to the train, but the accident should be a warning to all those in the habit of walking on the railroad track. el AG Ax Orp Custrox Revivep.—In the days of the degeneracy of the Roman Empire, one of the Emperors diaplaged his contempt of the laws by putting horses into offize,— +King Abraham,’ imitating the Roman Emperor, has placed a great number of as- ses in office. The length of Abe's ears probably influenced him in favor of the long eared tribe. ExeMprioN 1¥ Lancaster County.—The emption in Lancaster county had. on sturday, reached the number of 263.— {ow many More will be added we have o means of knowing—but the probability is that Lancaster w.ll not furnish at the appointed rendezvous one-thud of the num- ber called for. In other sections Mis cven worse. $2 00 per week. % STANDS, character. ’ ons applying for szrae, will please state the kind THE OLD GUARD, AMONTHLY JOURNAL, DEFOTED TO THE PRINCIPLES OF 1776 AND 1787, DESIGNED TU UNMASK THE USURPATION DESFOTISM & CRIMES OF THIS : ABOLITION ADMINISTRATION : And to defend the doctrine of State rights, and of Constitutional Liberty, as held by our Revolu~ tionary Fathers. Price.—Single numbers, 15 cents. Forwarded by mail or express to_all parts of the United States at $1 a year in advance. . § ing ten subscribérs’ Will receive an additional copy for one’) ear. ” ()RPHANS COURT SALE. Any person sends In pursuance of an order of the Orphans’ Court of Centre coanty there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House on WEDNESDAY, 26th OF AUGUST, a certain tract of unseated land, sur eyed in the warrantee name of Mary Tollman, situated in the township of Curtin, county of C ntre, con- falnng 434 acres, bounded by lands of Thos. i Hell, Hanuah Fishburn and otbers. Terms one half the purchase money upon cons firmation of the sale. the ressdue in one year fter to be secured by bond and mortgage. A Ly aan. ree Admr. of Thos Hughes. [BOALS 1 URG ACADEMY. This institution will be opened August 3d. Terms per quarter of eleven weeks, Commo: English studies, : $400 Mathematical and Philosophical stud ies, 500 Latin and Greek language, 600 Contingent fee .37 The Counvy Superintendent, who residesin the vil 1 .ge. and the Principal will take special inter- in raining those who desire to teach. from $1 72 to M. WOLF: Principal. - Boarding and furnished Youlss July 17 6¢ . Ornamental Iron Works, —— Om W00D& PEROT, 1131 Ridge Ave, PHILADF.LPHIA PA, Offer for sale upc . tho Most Favorable Terms, NEW and BEAU (FUL DESIGNS in great /a How Li of IRON ¥ AILINGS for CEMETARIES, E IDENCES é&c., of Wrought and Cast Iron, and GALVA .JZED IRON and BRASS TU ’- BING, 1RO N VERANDAHS, BALCONIES, STAIRS, COUNTERS. FOUNTAINS, GATES, COLUMNS. HITCHING POSTS, LAMP. VACES, TABLES FLOWER STANDS, »OFAS, CHAIRS, STATURY, ANI MALS, and all other Iron Work of a Decrotive Des igns forwarded for selecticn. Per- of work ncedeed. €5 3m LEGAL NOTICES. A DMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Letters of Adminiztration, on the estate of Jonn Vaopool, dee’d late of Tayl township, having been granted to the undersigne: all yersons knowing themee(ves indebted to said estate, are requested to‘fzake immediate payment and those having elaims to present them duly au- thenticated by law for settlement. July 31st. 1863 —6t. CATHRINE VANPOOL. AUDITORS NOTICE. ; The undersigned, an Auditor ap- pointed 2 the Orphans’ Court of Centre county to make distribution of the money in the hands of John W. Hays, Admr. of John W. and Martha II. Donaghy deceased, to and among those legal- ly entitled thereto, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Belleionte, on Satur- day the 8th day of August, at 10 o’clock, A. M. when and where all persons interested are re- at Ne me — Et Junonucements. Sheriff. We are authorized to annoanec the ‘name ot E. Kreamer of Boalsburg, as a candidate for the office of sheriff, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. We aro authorized to announce the name of Col. P, W. Barnhart, of Boggs township, as a candidate for the office of sheriff, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. Weare authorized to announce the name of J. B. Kreamer, of 9ak Hall, Harris township, as a can- didate for the office of Sheriff sub ject to tne decision of the democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce the name of Thomas McCoy, of Boggs township, as a candi- date for the office of sheriff, subject ‘o the deci- sion of the democratic county convention, We are authorized to announce the name of Jacob Wolf, of Haines township, as -a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce the name of J.J Lingle, of Bellefonte, as a candidate for office of sheriff, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce the name of James Furey, Howard, as a candidate for the office of sheriff, subject to the decision ot the de- mocratic convention. We are authorized to announce the mame of John M. Rush, of Patton township, ae a can- didate for the office of sheriff, subject to the decisien of democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce the name of John Miller, of Penn township. as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the demoera‘ic county convention . We are authorized to announce the name of A. Carper, of Hublersburg, asa candidate for the office of sheriff. subject to the decision of ‘the democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce the name of Daniel Z. Kiine, of Howard, as a candidate for the office of sheriff, subject to the decision of the Cemocratte county convention We are authorized to announce the name of Amos Kosh, of Benner township, as a didate |: for the office of Sheriff subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. We are are authorized to announce the name of R. D. Cummings as a candidate for the office of Sheriff subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce the name of Joserm Gates, of Ferguson township, as a can- didate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the de- cision of the democratio county convention. We are authorized to announce the namo of Ricnanrp CoNLy of Gregg township as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the democratic county convetion. We are author!zed to announce the name of D. ©. Bower, of Aaronsburg, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject “tothe decision of the de- mocratic county convention. Register and Recorder, We are authorized to announce the name of Jesse L. Test of Rush townehip, as a candidate for the office of Register ‘and Recorder, subject i the decission of tLe Democratic county conven- mm, - We are authorized to announce the name of Thomas J. Holt, of I'erguson township, as a can: didate for the oifice of register and recorder, sub- ject to the decision of the democratic connty convention. We are are authorized to announce the name of J. P. Gephart, of Milheim, as a candidate for the ofilce of Register and Recorder, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention We are authorized to announce the name of Jacob G. Meyer, of Haines township. as a eandi- date for the office of Register and recorder, sub- geet to the decisicn of the democratte county eon- vention. We a:e authorized to announce the name of Al- len Bartholomew, of Gregg township, as a candi- date for the office of Kegister and Recorder, sub- ject to the decision of the democratic county eon- vention. We are authorized to abnounce the nama of G- W. Rumbarger, of Patton township, as a candi date for the office of Register and Recorder, sub ect to the decision of the Democratic County Cenvention. : Treasurer, We arc authorized to announce the name of B. F. Hunter, of Benner township, as a candi- date for the office of Treasurer, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention, We are authorized to announce the name of C. Derr, of Bellefonte, as a candidate for the office ot Treasnrer, subject to the decision of the democra: tic county convention. We are authorized to announce the name ot John Hoy, of Spring township, as a candidate for the office of Treasurer. subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. ‘We are authoaized to announce the name of John Shannon, of Potter township, as a can- didate for the office of Treasures, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. Prothonotary. We are authorized to announce the name of J S. Barnhart, former editor of this paper, as acan- didate for the office of prothonotary, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. Wo are authorized to announce the name of James H. Lip‘on, as a candidate for the office of Prothorotary subject to the decision of the democratic county convent ion. Commissioner. We are authorized to announce the name or vas Forseman, of Snow Shoe township, as a candidate for the office of Commissioner, subject to the de- cision of the democratic county convention. Assembly. We are authorized to announce the name of C. T. Alexander, of Bellefonte, as a candidate for the Assembly, subject to the decision of the Dem ocratic County Convention. We are authorized to amnounce the mame of Anthony C. Geary, of Walker township, as a cans didate for the Assembly, subjectto the decision of the democratic county convention, We are authorized to announce the name of William Allison Jr. of Walker twp. asa candi- date for Assembly, subject to the decision of the Democratic county convention. NEW ADVDRTISEMENTS. ()RPHAN S’ COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of the Or- ha ns Court of Centre county, will be exposed to ub ic sale, at tho Court House, in the borough B_ cllefonte, on TUESDAY, AUGUST 25th 1863. all that valued farm or tract of land, situate in Harris township, four miles east of tae : AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, in Center county. containing TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY-TWO ACRES, strict measure, bounded by lands of Charles Stam, Michael Wheeling and others. About one buadred and ninety acres of the above tract are elearcd and in the highest state of cultivation. The land is ot the best quality of limestone, easy to till, and produces equal, if not superior, to any farm in Centre County. A never failing stream of water runs through the premises near the buildings A LARGL Bhivn «...g BANK BARN and other out buildings, in good repair, are erect ed thereon, sves iiin in fact calculated to make « home comfortable. 'Ferms, one half at confirm- uired to attend or be debarred from coming in | ation of sale, the residue in two ual annual 1 A share of said fund. ADAM HOY © payments with interest. JOHN JFFER June 24, 6t. ab Auditor. Jedts Guardian of Ecoch and Geo. Hastings. Leb Advertiser, please copy, and send MXECUTORS NOTICE. bill to this office. : : Letters testamentary to the estate of Georgo Garbrich, Jate of Benner township, hay ing been granted to the undersigned, ali persons n ebted to the said are requested to make pay ments and those having claims against said estate will make knows the same without delay to Julyl7 6t, BENJ. CORL, Executor. AUDITORS NOTICE. The undersigned, an Auditor ap pointed by the Urphans Court of Centre Co, to make distribution of the balance remaining in tho hands of - Samuel Gilliland administrator of tho Estate of Wm. Price Dec'd after settlement o his account will attend tothe duties of his ap pointment on Thursday the 20th day of August 1863 at the Store of George Jack in Boalsbure, at 2 o'clock P. M. when and whereall persons in tended may attead if they see Dioner, JOHF HASSON, Boor AND SHOE STORE, BELLEEONTE, PA. PETER McMAHON, Proprietor. Would respectfully inform the citizens of Belle fonte and vicinity that he bas opened up a shop on ALLEGHENY STREET, A few doors below Hoffer’s Store, is prepared to sell at the LOWEST RICES hore ht Jluy 3, 4t Auditor. BOOTS AND SHOES piayl 1863 by NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOT A RUM DRINK! A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED g VEGATABLE EXTRACT. A PURE YONIC, . THAT WILL RELIEVE AFFLICTED AND WILL NOT MAKE.DRUNKARDS. DR. HOOFLAN’S GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED BY : DR.C. M JACKSON. PHILADELPHIA, PA. WILL ERFECTUALLY AND MOST CER TAINLY CURE ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM A Disordered liver, Stomach, or Kidneys. Thousands of our citizens are suffering from Dyspepsia a nd Liver Diseases, and to whom the following question. apply—we guarantee HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, WILL CURE EVERY CASE OF Chronic or Nervous Debility, Disease of the Kid- neys, and diseasesarlsing from a Disordered Stomach. OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS Resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs: Constipation of Inward Piles, Fulness or Blood to the head. Acidity of the Stomaen, Nauseau. Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fuliiess or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult breathing, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head. De- ficienoy of Perspiration. Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, Evil, and great Depressions of Spirits. Particular Notice. . There are many preparations sold und-r the name of Bitters, put up in quart Bottles. com- pounded of the cheapest whisky or common rum cos ting from twenty to forty cents per gallon, the taste disgusted by Anise or Coriander Seed. Th 8 class of Bitters has ¢aused and will con- tinue to cause, as long as they can be sold, hun- dreds to die ‘the death of the drunkard. By their use the system iv kept continually under the influence of Alchoholic Stimulants of the worst kind, the desire for liquor is created and kept up, and the result is all whe horrors attendant upon a drunkard’s life and death. For those who desire and will have a liquor bitters, we publish the following receipt. Get One Bottle Hoofland’s German Bitters and mix with three quarts of good brandy or whisky, and the result will be a proparation that will far ex- cel in medicinal virtues and true exellence any of the Liquor Bitters in the market, and will dost much less. You will have ‘all the vir iues of Hoef land’s Bitters in connection with a good article of liquor, at a much less price than these inferior preparations will cost you. : HOOFLAND'S GERMAN RBITTERS WILL GIVE YOU A GOOD APPETITE, WILL GIVE. .VuU- . STRONG HEALTHY NERVES. WILL GIVE You > BRISK AND ENERGETIC FEELINGS, WILL ENABLE YOU To SLEEP WELL, AND WILL POSITIVELY PREVENT YELLOW FEVER, BILIOUS FEVER, &ec. Those suffering from Broken down ana Delicate Constitutions, From whatever cnuse, either in MALE OR FEMALE, Will findin HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, A REMEDY : That will rest're them to their usual healil. Such has been ‘the case in thousands of instances and a fair trial is but requested to prove the as- sertion. i WAAAAAAAARAAAANAAA AAAS REMEMBER, THAT THESE ARE NOT ALCOHOLIC. And not intended as a BEV ER AG I. The proprietors have thousands of Letters from the most cminent Clergymen, Lawyers, Physicians and Citi- zens, | Testifying of their own personal knowledge to the beneficial effects and medical virtues of those Bitters, From Rev, J. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of the Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent Medicines in general, through distsust of their ingredients and effects, I yet know of no sufficient reasons why a man may not “testify to the benefits he believesto havo received from any simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this the moro readily, in regard to “Hoof- land’s Gerinan Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of thls city, because I was prejudiced against thew for many years, under! the impres- sion that they were chiefly ‘ah aleohélic mixture. I am indebted tomy friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq. , for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and for encouragement to try them, when suffering from great and long continued debility. The use of three bottles of these bitters, at the beginning of the present year, was followed b evident relief, oA restoration to a degroe of bod- ily and mental vigor which I had not felt for six months before, and "had almost despaired of re. gaining I therefore thank God and my friend or directing me to the use of them. Philad’a; June 22,1863, J NEWTON BROWN ~~ DISEASES OF KIDNEY AND BLADDER In youngor Aged. Male 0 Female, Are speedily removed, and the patient restored to health. DELICATE CHILDRREN, Those suffering from Marasmes, wasting away, with scarcely any flesh on their bones, are cured have a most surprising effe ot. BAX ENDS Having suffering Akh as. rs and wishing 19 raise them. will never ret the day when they commenced with the Fir § . LITERARY MEN, STUDENTS. And those working bard with the ir brains, should always keep a bottle of Hoofland’s Bitfers near them as they will find ‘much benefit from its use, to both mind and body, invigorating and not de- pressing. hs IT 16 NOT A LIQUOR STIMULANT, And leaves no prostration. ATTENTION, SOLDIERS! AND THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. We cali the a ttention of all having friends or relatives in the army, to the fact that Hoofland’s German Bitters will cure nine-touths of the dis- eases induced by exposures and privations inci dent to camp life. In the lists, puhlished al- most daily in the newspapers. on the arrival of the sick, it will be noticed that a yery large pro- portion are suffering from debility, ey case of thet kind ean be readily cured by Hoofland’s German Bitters, We have no hesitation in say- ing that, if theso Bitters were freely used amon g our soldiers hundreds of lives. might be. saved that otherwise would be lost. x The proprietors are daily reveiving thankful letters from sufferers in the nity an hospitals, who have been restored to Bhat by: the use of these Bitters, sent to them by: their friends. BEWARE OF COUNTEREEITS ! See that the Signature of «Cir M. Jack- son’ is on the wrapper on each Bottle. Price per Bottle 75 cents,” . Or Half Dozen for $4 00. Should your nearest druggist not have the arii- elo, do not be [ay off by any ef the intogicating preparations that may be offered in its place, but send ous, ad we will send, securely packed: by express. : in Principal office and Manufactory, NO. 631 ARCH ~TREET, JONES & EVANS, (Successors to C. M. Jackson & Co.,) : Proprietors’ |, FOR SALE by Druggests aud’ Dealers jel9 ly j very town'in the United States: &e., Burning in the Flosh, Constant Imaginings of |- in a very short time, one bottle in such cases will ‘MISCELLANEOUS, OF SERNG AND SUMHER GOODS ‘IRON FRONT” QORPTR 2203. Ortment of 1ght to this Jdefy competi- Have just received the fine Spring and Summer Joods eve place, and selling at prices th tion, CONSISTING INDUCEMEN AND SPLENDID ~ BARGAINS OFFERED TO PURCHASERS FOR Cash or Country Produce, FURNITURE WARE RODS North side of the Diamond. TS BELLEFONTE, PA. WHERE BUREAUS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, HAT RACKS, WHAT NOTS, EXTENSION TABLES, STANDS. CITIAIRS STOOLS, &e, &e., Of every deso iption, quality and price, ft sale cueAPER than at any other establishment of the kind in Central Pennsyls ania. June 1st 1863—1y. HENRY P, HA! RIS MRS. M. S. HUG HE MIILI.IINER, Allegheny Street, one door north of BEANCHARD'S LAW OFFICE. Has just opened a fine assortment of the Intest ; 2 Tiytes Gacing and Samme: Gd, Which she is prepared to make up and trim in the latest fashion and at LOW PRICES. BONN TS AND HATS Always on hand and trimmed at tho shortest notice. . BLEACHING - Done in the most complete manncr known to the trade. Mayl tf WHISKERS!!! PELATRENU'S STIMULATING ONGUENT, OR FRENCH CREAM, FOR BALD HEADS AND BARE FACES! ! his celebrated article is warranted to bring out a full set of Whiskers on the smoothest face, or a fine growth of hair on a Bald Head. in less than six weeks, and will inno way injure the :kin. . The French Cream is manufac- tored by Dr. M. PerAtreaus, of Paris, and is the only reliable article of the _kind. “Use no other.” “Warranted in every case.”’ One box will do the work. Price $1’00. Imported and for sale Wholesale and Remil by THOS F. CHAPMAN , Chemist and Drnggist 831 Brodway, N.Y P. 8.A Box of the Onguent sent to any add ress byret urn mail, on receipt of price, and 15 gent for Postage. ulyJ1 3d 863,—Im. § OST. : Between Bellefonte and Curtin'y 8. ges, all brown silk Parasol. The finder will be uitably rewarded, by leaving it at this office Bellefonto, June 2ith "63 —3t. Job Printing, HARDWARE. | BAXTRESSZR & CRIST, [DEER IN FOREIGN AND DOMES. % TIC HARDWARI, WINDOW STADES, DOOR MATS CUTLERY SAWS | | | : RIFLES | ; | i | SOT GUNS | Ponds | AXES | EDGE TOOLS kent in a wail regulated hardware store. The stock is entirely now, and are enabled to sell lower than any other establishmont in the tountry Their establishmert will bo found on the Northwest corner of the Diamond, Bollefonte ESTABLISEIRD L760 EL larged and refurnished § PETER LORILLARD, Snuff aud Tobacco Manufacinror 16 & 18 CHAMBRES ST., (Formerly 42 Chatham Streot. New York ) Would eall the attention of Dealers to the nrife’ es of his manufacture, viz: BROWN SNUFF. Magaling, Demigros, Fine Rappee, Pure Virginia. ‘Coarse Rappee, Nachitoches American Gentleman, Copenhagen. YELLOW SN UFF. Honey Dew Scotch Fresh Honey Due Scoteh, Fresh Scotch. Deoteh, High Tost Seoteh, Irish Tigh Toast, cr Lundyfoot, - Attention is called to the large reduction in prices of Fine-cut chewing and smoking ‘Lohaccos. which will bo found of a superior quality. TOBACCO. SMOKING FINE CUT CHEWING IMORING Long P. 4. L. or plain, B. Jago, No. I, Cavendish, or Sweet, Spanish, No.2 Sweet Sconted Oronoco, Canastor, Nos1 &2 Tin Foil Cavendish, Turkish mixed, Granulated. N. B.-A circular of prices will be sent or application. April 17 1 year ® A CHANCE FOR pris: YER SADDLE BRIBAE HARNESS MANUFACTORY. The subscriber begs leave to inform the world. and tha people of Centre County in particular, that he still continues to carry on the Saddlery business in all its varions branches, at his sho ‘n the Nortr-East corner of ALLEGHANY a BISHOP Streots; where ean be found at all times a fol supply of Saddles, Waggon Ilarness, Bridles, Carriage Harness Collars, Vagon Whips, Trunks, 5 2% riving Wkips' Valises, : r Halters’ § Netts, &o., &o., Le. made of the very bost material, and WARRANTED to be ge to-gather in the most s.bstantial man- ner. Prices to suit the times, Call and examine yourselves gentlemen, and if you are not satisfied, you need not purchase. JERRY TOLEN & Co. Bellefonte, Sept., 10th 62. 1-y. FASK ION XEMPORXUNMN BELLEFONTE, PA., : , W.W. MONTGOMERY, Prop., Ma s received a large invoice of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, ete., ote. Which will be manufactured in the LATEST STYLES, and in a manner that cannot fail to prove satis- factory. . A large ascortment of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Consisting of 3 Collars Neck Ties; Suspenders Hosiery, . _ Handkerchief, ote., Exactly suited tothislocality and intended for the * SUMMER TRADE, His shelves present a greater variety of plain and fancy goods than can be found elsewhere in Cen- Call and see that M ntgomery is the man that can make Clothes in the fashion, strong and cheap; All that have evor tried bim yet, Say that he really can't be beat. june 26 1y r[H: ROOT AND HERB DOCTOR, | FROM PHILADELPHI1A, Who has had thirty-five year constant jractice, can be consulted at the CONRAD HOUSE, BELLEFONTE, On the EIGHTH DAY OF = | JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER. Ho cures all diseases that “FLESH IS HEIR TO.” A STETHESCOPLIC EXAMINATION Of the Lungs " FREE. jel21y W. LEVINGSTON. & pn VV ANTED TMMADIATELY. boy to learn the Carin i. % + iudu ¥ Re Smithing trade. One from the country Pr rcnes Apply to 8. A. M'QUASTON, Bellefonte. 122 DENCE, &¢ . practi i These Colleges bein and local mangement. p advantages of all, offer Bi parting instruction thay g tutions in the country. for an unlimited tine bracing Book-Keepis Comomumercinl Law mail. spring to their circumstances. ease and ache incidextal to youth maturity and old age, is fully explained; knowledge that should be kiown is here given.~ may bo your disease, before under the care of any of the notorious Quaeks— : native or foreign—who n this or any other coum, tral Pennsylvania. try, get a copy of Dr Young's book, anu reds: carefully f ‘ 2 ny dollars. your health, and possibly yor ¢ 0. Office hours from 9 to 6 daily. and complete MISCELLANEOU PU C Hox. Winsox M'Canprres Judge ot the States Circuit Court, Pragident.: : Corner Penn and St. Clair Streets, Pitts. . Pennsylvania, | + oe The Largest, Cheapest and Bes 235 pays for a full commeroial course. Foil 4 ad and Bank Book-Keeping, , sters’ sons at hall price. Scudents en and review at any time. This Inctitnt on is eon Teachers and Practical A acted by expavianes ! ountants. who prepar sung men for noiive business. at the Jenst ox tid shortest time, for the most lu~rative R easponsible situations Diprowss granted for merit I the universal preference for eraduntes of llage. by business men. . Puor. A. Cowrny, the best Penmaa of the Un- ion, who holds the largest No. of Isr PrEvIrys. and over all competitors, teaches Rapid Business Writing. x a . For specimens of Pepmanshi s vob Ladies’ Dress Goods, SADDLERS IIARDWARE containiag full Ea a : ots INKINS & SMITH : Carringe Makers' Trimmings and Carpenter’ oe Principals sue 43 eT | Kerk ad Buisson grunts O17 MERINOS, STEE1, SPRINGS. wr Mehr amon CASHMERES, TER), SPRINGS | ATs ner) 7 ANES. / 4 {p37 A XC yy PE os PAINTS, i lib lier Fan fp AND SUMMER . rs MAY ; o ’ DRESS G 00DS oILs, NATIONAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGES . LOCATED © Also, a larg t of Indies and gentl z o i his -alarge assortment of ladies and gentle GLASS, PHILADELPHI A BOOAS AND SHOES, N. 5. cor. 7thand Chestnut Streets, wn NAILS, 5 irl, SrOMRLYY © ALBANY . : : : s EFXALQ, ; GREAT &c, &eo de. &o. | DETROIT, CHICAGO SEAVELAND, ’ | Took-Resring, Lexuansmir, Conan 1A ly And all othe }irds of perchandise usu ally ITENRNAD any iy Ve Fon Ce. nesvon- ught, or the same general ud uniting in each the cater facilities (ne im. ny other siwilur insti A Scholarsh 183ied by any ong ig goed in al! The Philadelphia College has heen recently er, RD & superior manner, and is now the l.rgest and most 1 } 2: OY Drogpe 0 cail Institution in the State, Potous. Courtey Biyant & Stratton’s 8+rigy of Text books em- 8: 4 mmervial Aritametic » frsncaud and sent by 837 For full partrcutar sen : ; i sendy X Oct. 17. 1862—1y. ei For Rats, Mice, Roaches, An's, Bed Bugs, Moths tn Pours. Woollens, Tusacts on Dlants, Eowls Animals, &e. Patup in 25. 5c. and $1 00 Boxos, Bottles & Flasks. £3 and $5 sizes for Hotels, Public Insti- tutions, &e. 3 “Only infallible remedies known.” ‘Free from Poisons ** E * Not dangerous to the Human Farzily. Ee ¢ Rats come out of their holes to die.’ i327" Sold wholesale in all large cicies. » «Sold by all Deuggists and Retailers every where. EF” !"' Bewarn'!! of all worthless imitations £7 Sce that © CosTin's name 13 on each Box. Bottle ani Flask. hefore yon buy. &e., {5 Address HENZY B. COSTAR. $5 Privetpmt Depot 482 Bro Ry Y. UARRIS'S RUG STORE Bellefonte,. Pa. _ Marsh 27, 1463-9. (ARRIGE. DANCEACTORY Mr. 8. A. McQuishon would respectfully io. form the citizens of Centre county, that he had opened a new Carriage Marufuctory, in the rea of Cummings’ Livery Stable, where ho is prepare to menufacture CARRIAGES. BUGGIES, ! SULKIES.: J va itis. SDUATETONS, . is SPRING WAGONS, SLEIGIIS, 3 . SLEDS, &C., &C at prices to suit the time.s. ising done on short notice. Bellefonte, Feb. 6, 1863, 1y. ——e MARRTAGE—ITS LOVES AND hates, forrows and angers. Hopes and fears, regrets and joys. MANHOOD, how lost, how restored, the natire, tréntment and radical eure of spermatorreta or sefif lL meak- ness ; involuntary ernissions, sexual sbility and impediments to 1arringo r@neral ly: néréousness, consumption, fits, mental and physical incapaoi- ty, resulting from SELP-ABCSe—are fully ex- “plained in the Manniage Guring, by WILLIAM COUNG, M.D. This most extraordinary book should bein the hands of every young “person contemplating marriage. and every man or wo: man who desires tolimit the number of their off. Every pain, dis, every particle cf Itis full of engravings. Iu fact, it discloses se | crets that every one should kuow. still it is ga book that must be locked up and not lie shout the house. It will be sent to any one on the receij t, of 25 cents, in specie or postage stamps. . Address DR. Win, YOUNG. No. 416, Sprace tice rere Fourth, Philadelphia. #. No. 416, Spruce sfreet, aboy eo AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUSATR, NO matter what you place yourself t will be the means of paving Yo DR. YOUNG can be consulted on any” of the diseases desorilyed in his publication, nt his offre No. 4!6, Spruce Street, above Fourth, Phila Oct. 2nd, I862-1y. la NEW BAKERY! MATHIAS SCHMUCK. Would respoctfidly inforny the people of Bellefonte and vicinity, that he has opened a ng = ] Bakery on SPRING street, in ix premises of WV. F. Reynolds, where he will kas », constantly on hand all'kinds of BREAD, RUSK, POUND CAKE, SUGAR AND GINGER CAKES. CRACKERS, &c., &e.. &c, which he sells at = reasonable and satisfactery Bread, Cakes and Pies baked to order on the shortest notice. Families will find it to their ad. vantage to get their baking done at this estab- lishment, as they can always get pure wholegom e bread and cakes just when they need them Sept. 12th, 1862—1y. JIVE-TWENTY U.S. LOAN Wm FE. Reynolds & Co., of Bells onto, are subscription agents to dispose of the Five-Twenty years’ United States Lio an Amoun au be had to enit the means of different indivi als; the interest ie payable and will be pa alf yearly in gold. april 10, 1583 tf cxtra charges for Mauufacturere, Stearn - EE ™ |