Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 07, 1863, Image 2

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The TW atghman,
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P. GRAY MEEK, } Editor.
Friday Morning, August 7, 1863.
Democratic State 1icket,
Democratic Editorial Convention.
eably to the resolution passed at the meet.
ey Toth inst., the Democratic Editorial
convention will meet at the Merchant's Hotel, in
Pbilade'pbia,, on Tresduy lhe Lith of August next,
at 8 o'elock, I’. M.
Democratic County Convention.
By order of the Standing Committee, the
Democ atic Convention of Centre County, will
meet at the COURT HOUSE, in the BOROUGH
day of AUGUST, at 1 o'click, ?P; m. Meetings
“for the selection of delegates to said Convention
will be held in the several Juwaships sod bor-
oughs, at their respective places of hold'ng elee-
Ce on BATURDAY, the 224 day of AUGUST
‘lock, P. M.
Bellefonte, Ju'y 31, 1803. Chairman.
Immediately after the baitle of Gettys-
burg, Mr. Stahle, editor of Gettysburg Com-
piler, ung to the breeze a beautiful flag
in honor of the success of Generai Meade.
Its starry folds had searcely been kissed
by the winds of Heaven, when a couple of
sneaking, cowardly, black backed Abol-
tionists, tore it from its place and trampled
{t in the dust, afterwards gathering it up
and fearing it to shreds, swearing that the
«damned Cop, erhead rag should not flout
in their faces from that place.” It has
been several weeks now since the occur-
rence took place, and we have not seen a
single abolition paper, or heard an abolition
voter denounce the act. With them it was
all right, notwithstanding the love they.
protend to bear, for the gmblem of our fath-
ers. ’ :
Scarcely any of our readers have forgotten
the arrest and incarceration of the Rev.
Joba Dashivl of the M. E! church in Balti-
more for simply removing a flag that had
been placed over the door of his chapel,and
mone of them but recollects the curses that
were goured forth upon his head by the whole
abolition crew, for committing, as they said
this ‘‘most attrocioas act,” and how they
Fowled about him as a “traitor” a ‘‘rebel,”’
a sympathizer with rebellion” and declaring
that be should be ‘‘strung up’’ without
Judge or jury, or confined in the loathsome
cell of some military prison and made to suf-
fer’ - Here we see the consistency of the
party that 18 now asking the people to sup-
port an abolitionist for the next governor of
our Commonwealth. When a minister of
Christ refuses to desecrate his pulpit by
preaching politics, and’ will not disgrace
himself or his profession by canting, hypo-
critical prayers for the success of Abolition-
ism, and quietly removes a flig from his
own church door, he is sized, torn from his
home and family, and made to suffer all the
abuses that Abolition malice can heap upon
him. le is hissed at as “traitor” scorned
as a ‘‘rebel” and treated as a brute; but
when the abolitionists (ear the emblem of
var country from its staff, spit wvpon it, and
rent it to peices, not one of the whole
crew, apeak of the act as an *‘outrage.’”’ but
spplied the miscreant as “patriots,” and loy-
al men. Let us hear no more of this raving
about ihe “flag,” (rom the lips of the sup-
porters of this admini-tration. 1f a nigger
18 not encircled within it, cra rich contrast
to be reaped beneath its folds, it is nothing
to them but a **dawncd copperhead rag.”
————— A a—————
07Seme ten days since, a son of Mr,
D. I. Pruner of this place was arrested by
the Provost. Marshall. Messrs. Orvis &
Alexander applied to Judge Linn for a writ
of Habeas Corpus which was granted, but
the Marshall refused to bring up the prisoner
in obedience to the writ. He was taken to
Harrisburg and delivered to Captain Sands,
who has charge of deserters at that place.
A writ of Habeas Corpus was applied for
to Judge Pearson, which was granted, the
prisoner delivered up and discharged. Ic
then returned home and on last Monday was
again seized by Marshall Butts and hurried
off, nobody as yet knows where. Why
Mr. Pruner, who is not yet of age, should
have been arrested the second time, after
having been discharged is unaccountable
unless it is done by these understrappers of
military authority to show their contemp:
and disregard of law. The purty in power
has always be.a a law breaking, law defy-
ing, law spurning crew, and it can hardly
be expected to regard the decisions ‘of our
courts now—-especially when arrests are
worth to the Marshall ten dollars each, be-
side expenses. But a day of reckoning is
coming, and woe be to them that usurp
authority and violate the pluin provisions o
our laws, —be ye ready Prcvcst . Marshal)
and all others who are seeking to ruin this
great government for ye know not the day
wor the hour when justice sure and certain
will be meted out to you.
1 sec it.
Is ‘ Blavery” the Cause and Should it be
Abolished ?
Of all the ideas advanced by the aboh-
tion party, that which suggests slavery as
the cause of the war, and demands its ut
ter extinction as necessary to the restora-
tien of peace and Union, is the most fool-
ish and the most repulsive to common sense
Influenced by the most surprising bigotry
and fanaticism, the advocates of this perni-
cious and damnable doctrine, will te content
with nothing less than the triumph of their
pi neiple, if principle it can be called, tho’
the Union, the Constitution and the Law,
should perish in the struggle and the libei-
ties of thirty millions of people be over-
turned forever. That any portion of a peo-
ple, Eitherto so Llessed with the privileges
of constitutional law, should become so rad-
ically regardless of the righ‘s and interests
of another portion, is a matter of the deep-
| est regret, and one at which future genera-
| tions, when the present terrible storm shall
have passed away, will wonder with con-
demnation and surprise,
That an institution, guaranteed to the
people of the Soutk. by the Constitution of
the country, and acquiesced in by the whole
nation for a period of eighty years, should
be tho causa of a desolating and savage
warfare,_iga contradiction so palpaule, that
none oe wilfully blind can fail to
But in this day of prejudice and
evil feeling, we find many who,intentionally
closing their eyes to the truth as itis held
up before then, are given up to “believe a
lie,”” and rush on, with shouts and hurrahs,
regardless of all obligation to God or man,
to the attempted overthrow of ome-of the
constitutional institutions of the country,
and the consequent of viola tion the sacred
law of the land.
To show the folly of the assertion that
negro slavery must be extinguished in or-
der to once more restore trangnility to the
country, we cite the intelligent 1eader to
two or three precedents in the history of
our coun:ry, which go to prove that the ad-
vocates of this doctrine are either not as
well informed as they should be, or else are
demagopues of the deepest and most infa-
mous dye, and entirely regardless of the
truth of history and the rights of their fel-
low men.
The proposition of the Abolitionists,then,
i8 that the cause or foundation of a thing
must be removed in order to do away with
the thing itself; in other words, negro
slavery” must be abolished in the South
before the war can cease or the Union be re-
tored, That is the proposition. Now, let
us see whether it will hold good, premising
that if correct in one case it'must be so in
In 1832 the people of South Carolina be-
came dissatisfied with some of the tax laws
imposed upon them by the General Gov-
ment, and attempted to nullity them.—
The disturbance bec ame serious, and for a
time threatened to result in civil war. Wise
counsels, however, prevailed, and the dis-
turbance was quelled without the shedding
of blood. The cause of the difficulty was,
nevertheless, not removed, although the
difficulty azse/f was. South Carolina became
convinced of the folly of attempting to re-
sist a law of the federal government, and
after fair representations had been made to
her, she returncd peaceably to her duty as
a member of the Union. This is dne in-
stance wherein it was not necessary to re-
move the cause, TAXATION, in order to do
away with with the result REBELLION,
Again, as another instance, prior to the
one above quoted, we cite the ¢ Whisky In-
surrection,” of 1784, in Washington and
Allegheny counties in this State. In this
case whisky was the cause of a most formi-
dable rebellion, to meet which a strong
army was collected, and placed urder the
orders of Gen. Washington. pily,hows
ever, as in the case above quoted, law and
order triumphed over madness ané folly,and
no blood was shed. Still the cause was not
removed, and no one will now pretend to
to say that no whisky is sold in Washing-
ton and Allegheny counties. Some may ar.
gue that it was not whisky that cansed that
insurrection, but the excise duties on that
article. This, however, will not hold good,
because, although the excise duties may
have been the immediate cause of the in-
surrection, yet they were not the primary or
first cause, which was the article whisky
alone. :
Of more recent origin is the Mormon
war in Utah, under the Administration of
Mr. Buchanan. Here was a war caused by
that “‘peculiar institution” of the Mormons,
Polygamy. Yet this too, was subdued, and
polygamy, as the cause, was not overthrown
but still remains an institution of as much
force and power among the Mormon people
as ever.
These instances are sufficient to show the
folly of the doctrine that, in the present
war, slavery, the pretended cause, must be
abolished in order that the war may cease,
and peace and fraternal aflection once more
prevail in our dissevered and unhappy
country. No more diabolical doctrine than
tais could be propagated among the people,
and if it should ever obtain a permanent
triumph, the war will not cease as long as
there is a Southerner able to shoulder a mus-
That “‘slavery,”” so called, is the cause of
the war, 1s simply an untruth. It was the
impertinent and unjustifiable intermeddling
of the abolition party with that institution,
domestic in its nature, and corcerning nei-
ther them nor theirs, that cansed the
whole of this unbappy strife. Under the
Constitution, the South had a right to ils
slaves, and there could be no legal inter-
ference with that right. Abolitionism, how-
ever, not content with the evil it had alrea-
dy done, heaped insult after insult upon
the Southern people, until they finally cul-
minated in the terrible struggle that is now
desolating the provinces of Virginia and
the rice fields of Louisiana, making our
own homes desolate and the land sad with
the wailings of grief slricken mothers and
heart broken sisters and wives.
We have hope and faith to believe that
the people will trace, if they have not al-
ready traced, the war to its proper source
and hold its authors to a just and terrible
retribution. In this hope we await calmly,
the result of the coming clections, confident
that in the triumph of tke democracy, there
is yet hope for our blceding and much be-
loved land.
Ir TE abolitionists expect tomake any cap-
italout of the names applied to the Democrat-
ic party or hope "to create dissension and
division in its ranks by denouncing its
members as‘ copperheads,” we can tell them
plainly that they had better save their wind
for 1f there is anything that Democrats can
stand without winding, or wilting it is harsh
names: Democracy was once considered a
term of reproach, and was applied as such
by the descendants of the tories of the Revs
olution, to the republican party of that
day, that party has worn the title ever
since ard today it is one of the proudest
most popular and honored words in the
vocabulary of our Awerican language, it is
the synomine of liberty, of law, of justice
of truth, mn fact of all that is honorable
and right, just or patriotic,
No man that is given to the members of
the Democratic party but is made konora-
ble aud mghty—no cpithet that is applied
to them but becomes the slogan of success,
the watchward of liberty, while every ap-
pellation that is chosen by the opposition
no matter how honorable, or powerful at
the term of its adoption but becomes
weak, scoraful and degraded. Look at the
names they have chosen in years gone
vast, what are they now ? the scorn and
contempt of every lover of his country
and will remain so as long as time exists.
Let no Democrat consider it an insult
to be denounced as a “Copperhead,” it is
an honor, in these times, for it shows op-
position ro the hellish policy and piinciples
of this Administration.
Amid groans and hisses, Andrew G, Cur-
tin has again been nominated by the Abo-
lition party of Pennsylvania for its nexy
Governor. No man mn that crew . could
bave been chosen for that position, whose
defeat would have been more certain, or
who deserved it as much as the present
Governor. We are pleased with the pro-
ceedings of the convention—-thankful to
the men thai composed it for giving the
honest voters of the Kcystone Siate a
chance to show their detestation of the in-
sane policy and imbecile course that has
marked the Administration of 4. G. Cur.
tin, and that they have a chance to drive
him back to the obscurity from whenc
he was unearthed,
".The Laboring Man
When the party now in power were lab-
oring to overthrow those nationa! and cons-
titutional doctrines which for so many years
had given happiness and prosperity to the
American people, they exhausted every
means to bring the poor laboring man fo
their support, promising high wages, pros-
perous times, light taxes, “freedom of per-
son, speech and press,” ‘‘national peace,”
and numerous other great improvements up-
on the wise and good national government
which had given us a surfeit of prosperity.
But how fares the poor man to-day. Where
are the high hopes inspired by the treacher-
ous promises of the authors of ruic ? Their
labor is in many cases injured or destroyed.
Their pay is in depreciated currency, “and
for every yard of mnslin, pound of coffeo,
or other articles of consumption. they are
forced to pay an inciease, in Some cases
twice or three times the amount that they
uged to pay in former times. Suppose they
labor for one dollar per day and Luy muslin
at 40 cents per yard, they can get 2} yards
for their labor. Two years ago, their day’s
work, at one dollar would have brought
them eight yards of muslin of the same ma-
teriai. Here then is the difference, and
what is it but a reduction of their wages
from 8 to 2 §. But again, their freedom is
usurped, and they themselves are forced to
leave their homes or give the last means
they have to gain exemption from the field.
The conseription falls upon them, The rich
speculator, who can profit by their reduced
labor, can buy his exemption and not feel
the lose, but the poor man whose family
needs his support, must leave them perhaps
homeless and endure the hardships and per-
ilsof war. Can it be that laboring men are
still b ind enough to support this ever chan-
ging and yet nameless, and sonlless party,
that are now in power, It matters not what
has been your previous political sentiments,
your own fireside and deep necessity demand
that the principles of former years should
be reinstated. They protect the poor and
rich alike. Can any man mistake his duty?
Is not the fearful present argument
enough that a chonge is indispensable. -
North Dem.
~ Who is George W. Woodward.
The following sketch of the “next” Gov-
ernor of this State we take from a newspa-
per called the Pennsylvanian, published
wwenty-five years ago, when Judge Wood.
ward, at that time was a young man:
CGeorce. W. WoobpwarD, or Luzerne, —
Mr. Woodward, of Luzerne, sits next to
Mr. M’Cahen. Ie is very tall and slender
and very pale. His look, voice and manner
indicate that hs is a young man ot no or-
dinary cast, and of his age—for he is but
twenty-eignt years ol1 1 question whether
he has many superiors, either in Pennsyl-
vania or in the Union. Cool, firm and
dignified, the observer will at unce perceive,
when he touches a subject, that a giant's
grasp is upon it. His voice is clear and
agreeable—-his language plain but well
chosen, and he possesses that rare faculty
of knowing when to stop, and seldom says
either too much or too little upon the theme
in discussion. He is always listened to
with the greatest attention, and the best
evidence of the estimation in which he is
held may be found 1n the fact that such
men as Chauncey, Hopkinson, Forward,
4e., are generally found to overlook others
in debate, to grapple with him. To a itran-
ger, Mr. Woodward appears self-poised,
coldhearted, and calculating, but in private
life he is understood to be warm in his at-
tachments, and probably from precarious
health, is subject to great fluctuation of
spirits. He is gifted, however, with an
unusual share of self control. He is a law-
yer. The political party to which he is at-
tached has reason to be proud of sucha
member, and constitutional reform has few
gincerer or more powerful advocates.”
eee i A A eee
Uncle Sam will soon be after you boys.
Your money only '300] or your precigus
The Designs of France in Mexico:
The most portentous event for this coun-
try that has happened since our civil war
began, is the recent action of the Mexican
Assembly of Notables, deciaring Mexico
an Empire, and inviting the Archduke
Maxim. lian, of Austria, to accept the throne.
Ii that Prince shouid decline the offer, then
Louis Napoleon is to have the selection of
the person who is to sway the destinies of
the new monanchy. hat does all this
mean ? we naturally ask. Itsignifies much
more than 1s yet clearly revealed.
So far as Mexico herself is concerned,
the exchange of anarchy or perpetual revo-
lution, for any stable and beneficent govern:
ment, would certainly be a great gain.
Her people have, for many years, proved
that they ure utterly unable to govern
themselves, and, therefore, not even enti-
tled to decide whether they will or will not
have a government that. will be competent
to protect them against their chronic tur-
bulence, and disorder. Hence it would be
the very extreme of Quixotism for the Gov-
ernment of the United States to interfere
in behalf of Mexico, on the ground that
other nations were about to save her,
without her consent, from self-destruction,
But if we cannot reasonably oppose the
establishment of a monarchy in Mexico,
under European auspices, on the ground of
charity, is there no other motive for us to
interfere in the matter? - The Administra-
tion will probably plant itself on the «Mon.
roe doctrine,” and try, on that plea, to
rouse the country against France gnd her
confederates. But what will be the use of
such opposition now? The Government at
Washington has its hands full—it 1s assail-
ed by a formidable intestine strife, which
bas thus far proved invincible. Before it
can prudently engage in war with several
first-class foreign powers, it had better
settle its domestic troubles. This affair
down in Mexico is a much bigger thing
than the Washington Cabinet may imagine
it to be. It has long been & cherished am-
bition and interest of all the leading West-
ern Powers of Europe to get a controlling
political influence in this hemisphere. Eng-
land is not, by any means, indifferent to the
frojest however she may be restrained ty
er habitual caution from taking an opex:,
active part 1n its prosecution at the outset.
She will come in at the proper or safe time
hereafter. In the meantime France and
Spain are to Rai the game. And how will
they play it # They will, we predict, seek
to engage the Southern Confederation, re-
presented by President Davis, in their con-
spiracy, They will offer to recognize the
independence of the ‘Uonfederate States of
America,” and also to form an alliance,
offensive and defensive, with them, on the
condition that the South will’agree te gaar-
antee the security of the new Mexican Em-
pire, and _ also the possession of Cuba to
Spain. This will be the contract. Thus
we will have France, Spam, and the South-
ern Confederaey, united against any and
all enemies. and should necessity require it,
England, Austria, Sardima, and Prussia,
would be soon brought into the compact.
What necessity ? it may be asked, The
necessity of gaining for the great States of
Europe a decisive mflacnce in the affairs of
the Western Continent, and of establishing,
on this side of the globe, that balance of
power system which has so long prevailed:
in Europe.
And suppose that the scheme, as we have
sketched it, shouold be carried out, To
whom and to what will weoweit? To
this Administration and its infernal policy.
We shall be indepted to Abohtionism for
much more than the dissolution of our
national unity and the destruction of our
free democratic institutions. We shall owe
to it the sacrifice of the great vital princi-
ple, that our merchant vessels are, rightly
exempt from search cn the seas, which
Sectetary Seward gave up to England ; and
also the practical overthrow. of the ‘‘Mon-
roe doctrine,” which the anti-slavery party
in this country, hy making a war between
the North and South, have disabled the
Government to maintain, now that it is
first formidably assailed.
In a word, the people of the once United
States of America will owe their national
ruin to the folly or a miserable faction of
fanatics, whem they helped to disintegrate
their country and mw ive it in civil war,
only to try. the experiment of setting ne-
groes free by intestine war. They are likely
to pay too dear for ‘heir whistle.—Sunday
‘With What Measure Ye Meteo, it Shall
be Meted to You Again.
The Abolitionists of this country are be-
ginning to realize the force of this scriptural
quotation. When thefirst events of this ter-
rible civil war were transpiring, they took
it upon themselves to judge of the- mo-
tives and actions of other men, forgetting
in the height of the excitement atten-
dant upon those circumstances, that
1t was written that with whatsoever
judgement they judged, so should they be
ben, infatuated mobs, urged on by in
cendary appeals fro radical Abolition
newspapers, thronged the stree‘: of our
cities and towns, destroying the proper-
tv of those whom they could not compel to
accede to their demands to bend the knee
at the shrine of the idol oi the Abolition-
Our readers will remember the accounts
of the gathering of these regulators of the
opinions and duties of other men around
Democratic printing offices of the country,
demanding at their hands the unfurling of
the American flag from their p'aces of bu-
siness; the sacking of newspaper offices
because the proprietors would not disgrace
their manhood and lay their digmty and
honor at the feet of howling miscreants, the
arresting of men who in the exercise cf the
prerogatives of Americans, refused to debase
themselves by singing ‘peaus of praise to
‘Abraham, the high priest of the sables,”
dragging them from their houses in the dead
hour of night, and giving them a choice of
alternatives between taking a prescribed
oath or hanging or tke nearest tree. The
people remember ali these things. Months
ave passed since thev occured—months of
war and bloodshed—and the party in pow-
er, wielding with unremitting vigor the
sceptre of tyranny have been blindly borne
along upon the billows of the popular excite-
ment toward their own destruction, until
now they see the fearful abyss yawning be-
neath their feet, The storm upon which
they have so furiously ridden, has well nigh
spent its fury. But there can be heard the
distant mutterings of another, more terrible
—it is the vengeance of an outraged, and in-
sulted people. That reactionary storm of
popular indignation that always succeeds
the too tyrannical exercise of illegal powers
by governmental authorities has commene-
ed here, It may slow—may be kept
suppressed for a while—but when it does
come, the greater will be its fury, and the
more terrible destruction will mark its
course. We have warned the Abolitionists
before, and we tell them now, that it will
surely come. We cannot stop. it, as much’
as we have counseled against it, They
might have prevented it, hy listening to
reason, and the calm counsels of calmer
Ben, but they refused, end it is now too
We have always approyed of obedience to
laws, however obnoxious, until they were
repealed, or legally set aside. We have de-
| manded obedience of law at Your hands—
we counsel it at the hands of all others. But
there is a point in the exercise of tyranny
such a8 yout have wielded over the people
where forbearance ceases, and avengement
begins, When that point is reached the voice
of reason 18 powerless. Mark you that point
is neat at hand,
"The uprising in the city of New York-
and the threatning aspect in other plac,
es, however we may regret them, are
the consequences of your own action.—
They are but the beginning of what
will be to Abolitionism a terrible end.—
Men are changeable in their natures.—
They will long submit to wrongs, the like of
which they will commit themselves, when
the turning point in their winds has been
reached.upon those who have been aggres-
sors upon their rights.
While the Abolition Press is howling over
the acts of infatuated men, aimed at a des-
truction of their property, let it remember
that its own party commenced these outra-
ges, and that it is written in the Good
Book, ‘Judge rot, that ye be not judged;
for with what judgement ye judge, ye shall
be judged, and with what measure ye mete
it shall be measured to you again,”--Far-
mer Millersburg Ohio.
bid Le
For the Watchman)
Our Danger.
The greatest danger impending over the
nation 18 not the destruction of the Unian.
The doctrine of secession is not half so dan-
gerous to human liberty as that advocated
by Abraham Lincoln, and those who assist
in his unhallowed plans. All mankind ara
directly interested mm the fate of this Re-
public, and in future years. all mankind
shall know that its most dangerous enemies
are those who have sworn to protect and
defend it. The voices of all those {o whom
we have been taught to look foran example
have been raised to warn us from the path
in which we are to-day tveadicg. Our peo-
ple have been lulled into a security as false
as that which pervaded the minds of the
people of Pompeii a moment previous to te
awful catastrophe which” hurled them into
ruin. If ever a nation stood upon a slum-
bering volcano, ours is doing so now. The
dangers which threaten us are ‘frightful
above any that ever hung over a nation be-
fore ; and is increased by the apathy wita
which our people look upon the monster
which is stealing away our. every hope.
We think war is terrible, we think it a fear
ful thing to have our fathers, brothers and
friends struggling upon bloody battlefields,
or sleeping in blood graves. The loss of
human life aad the destruction of property
in this war is enough to appal the soul of
Nero; but oh, a danger far more terrible
t hreatens us, a danger a thousand times
worse than any we have ever met or ever
passed, An ‘‘untitled tyrant, bloody scep-
tered,” is guiding the destinies of America,
and his unprinciples minions are digging our
nation’s grave. And in this awful hour,
men stand in doubt and inquire wheather or
not we should allow these usurpations,
whether or not Abraham Lincoln has over-
stepped the bounds of the Constitution.
There is no necessity for doubt. The Consti.
tution of the United States is in the reach of
every onc: read it as our last hepe and stand
by it to the death. The humblest citizen of
this Republic has as perfect a right to read
itand form his opinions as has Mr. Lincoln;
3nd we do not believe that any honest man
can carefully iead that document, as pre-
pared by the mighty men who gathered its
principles from amid the blood and dust of
our Revolution, and compare it with the
acts of this administration, and not con-
clude that our only hope lic in hurling from
authority those who so shamefully abuse
the power with which they have been en-
trusted. Democracy does not ask any one
to believe its assertions, unsustained by
proof, it looks for its triumph to the good
sense of our people, their devotion to free-
dom and their ability to examine every
question of interest, If they can but be
aroused to a sense of their danger, and in-
duced to examine, each man for himself,
the situation of affairs our country is saved.
An idea seems to have been introduced
among us. and alas! believed by many,
that as Abolitionism triumphed in 1860,
it ust do as it pleases for four years,
The rights and duties of a president are as
strictly defined by law as are those of the
lowliest citizen, and any violation of either
is punishable in one just as much as the
other. The Constitution is made to protect
minorities in the exercise of certain rights ;
a majority will protect itself, and unless
we demand and maintain the rights given
ug by the Constitution our government is a
rope of sand We have asserted that our
greatest danger is not the destruction of
the Union. Fanaticism may howl “Union
for the sake of Union” until the end of
time; but we say Union for the sake of
principle, or no Union at all. The Union
of these Sites was formed for the purpose
of securing the blessings of liberty to the
people of the States : if liberty is in dan-
ger of destruction, we hold that the danger
is far more fearful than if it were only the
destruction of the Union, if liberty survive.
We want not the casket when the gems
are lost. An eloquent member of the last
Congress says, ‘Were I one of but a sin-
gle community, insignificant in numbers,
but secure in & guarantee of pure republi-
can ministration of affairs, T would be proud
of my citizenship. But the union of g
thousand states, each one as great and pop-
ulous as the noble one (New York) among
whose Representatives I have the honor
to be, I would detest it, if the holding to-
gether of its component parts should creat
a necessity'for the assumption of despotic
And 50 say we ; perish the union forever
rather than the principles’ enshrined within
it; Democracy would save both together
if possible; but liberty, as the most pre-
&10us, before Union. :
We say that the doctrine of secession is
not half so dangerous, so much at variance
with our system of government, as that ad-
vocated by Lincoln and his co-workers
Secession gives to each Stato the right of
self government ; our present administra
tion denies it to all. They would put a
a yoke upon the uccks of our people and
crush forever the hopes of mankiud in sour
No one presumes toldeny the unconstitu-
tionality of a majority of the acts of this
administration, except he do it through i
ignorance. We have been asked to point |
out an act of Mr. Lincoln which was not in
accordance with the Constitution ; but we {
find far more difficulty in finding one which |
was To show the utter contempt in which |
they hold that instrument, we give a singlo
instance out of many. We admit that there
may be some things in the Constitution
about which the wisest heads may differ ;
and in that case the Supreme Coart is the |
only authority ; but who understands the |
first principles of our language can doub
the meaning of the folluwing—
“Excessive bail shall not be req wired,
¢ nor excessive fines impose |, nor cruel and
“unusual punishment inflicted.” Amend-
“wents to Constitution, Art. 8,
Now, allowing the arrest of Mr. Vallan-
digham to bave been perfectly legal, and
his trial to have been conducted Constitu-
tionally, we would inquire whether the Con-
stitution was not violated in his punish-
ment ¢ If his banishment from one State
to another was not an “unusual punishment’
we do not understand the meaning of words.
The only hope of & government like ours
isn adhering strictly to the very letter of
the written Constitution. Revolution, anar®
chy, and destruction will inevitably follow
departure from this rule. There is where
lies a danger, greater far than the triumph
of secession and the dismemberment of the
Union. Our last chance 1s in the triumph
of right at the polls. It is useless to speak
of Constitutions to the party now in power,
“It is a vain attempt
To bind the ambitious and unjust by treaties:
Thee they elude a thousand species ways ;
Or if they cannot find a fair protext,
They bes not in the face of heaven to break
Howarp, Aug, 4. 1863.
Mr. Eoiror :—The Democratic County
Convention will soon assemble in this coun-
¥, to select candidates for the coming cam-
paign. The most important nomination to
be made is thai for Assembly, For years
our legislative halls have become little bet-
ter than mere gambling hells, where all
kinds of corruption, intrigue and villainy
were unblushingly practiced. in consequence
of the carelessness of the people in select-
ing their representatives. [Incompetence
and corruption have characterized the ma-
jority of our legislature, totally ignorant of
the present condition and defects of our
land for many sessions. Men are selected
to legislate for three millions of people.
Not having the capacity to understand and
appreciate the interesis of the Common-
wealth, they naturally turn their whole at-
tention to private speculation,which in their
situation, simply means raseality and cor-
ruption. The democracy of this county
have been fortunate for the last two years
in baving an inteiligent, firm and upright
man for their representative. We should
be careful to have our future Ass>mblyman
possess the same qualities. He should be a
man of intelligence ; one having at least a
general knowledge of our system of juris-
best interests of the community at large.
His private business and io character
should not oniy be good, but even above the
breath of suspicion. He should not be a_
m an who has always shown an uncontrla
ble itching foroffice. In C.T. ALEXANDER,
Esq, of Bellefonte, we have a mar suited in
every respect for the position. A good
ble democrat, he would make a reprecen-
tative of whom we could all be proud.
When storms are ahead, we want no roften
timber in our ship. Be assured, Mr. Edi
tor, the nomination of Mr. Alexander wo uld
give great satisfaction to
For the Watchman.
Mg. Eprror :—1n looking over tholi
candidates for the office of Prothona'sry as
announced in your paper, [ sce the names
ot some very good men, and not wishing
to detract in any manner from their merits
or qualifications, T will not ,say that thére
is a better man than they are whose names
has not hitherto been announced, but what
I can and do say is that Nathan J. Mitch-
ell, of Howard, 1s a gentleman and a schol-
ar, and a Democrat, in whom there is no
guile, who would ably discharge the duties
pertaining to the office of Prothonotary. He
has never asked a nomination ‘of the Demo-
cratic party, although several have been
tendered him, and if nominated for that po.
sition at the coming Convention, will, I
think. give more satisfaction to the par-
ty than any other man named for that posi-
tion. Allow me, therefore, to suggest his
name a8 a eandidate for that position, sub-
Jject to democratic rules.
I aeaeeee——— i ————.
More Goods for Less Money
{Than at any cther Establishment in
stock of
Ready Mase Clothing,
Willow and Wooden Ware.
And in fact a complete assortment of all the
Country Store.
Taken in Exchange for goods, and the
Highest Market Prices in #
{ held at the follow}
-| Potter, Tuesday 15th Contre
prudence, so as to enable him to act for the
lawyer, an honest man, a sound and relia- |.
He keeps constantly on hard a choice |
articles usually found in a first class |
The anntal examina:ion of appli-
for the schools of Centre county, will be
specified time and places:
Benner, Monday 24th August, Rock school house.
Patton; Tuesday 25th, Waddle’s school house
Half Moon, Wed. 20th Stormstown.
Worth, Thursday 27th Port Matilda.
Taylor, Friday 28th Hannah.
Rush, Saturday, 20th Philipsburg.
Huston, Monday 31st Julian.
Union, Tuesday, Sep. 3st Unionville.
Burnsid#, Thursday 3d Pine Glen.
Snow Shoe, Friday 4th Askey’s sohool house.
Boggs, Saturday 5th Milesburg.
Curtin, Monday 7th Mann's ool house.
Liberty, Tuesday 8th Eagleville,
Howard, Wed. 9th, Howardville.
Marion, Thursday 10th Jacksonville.
Walker, Friday 11th Hubl A
Spring, Saturdey 12th Pleasant Gup.
arris, Monday 14th Boalsbu »
Gregg, Wed. 16th S Mills,
Penn, Thursday Yr ME
Haines, Friday 18th Aaronsburg.
Miles, Saturiay 19th Rebersburg.
Ferguson, Tuesday 22d Pine Grove Mills.
Examinations will commence at 9 o'clock. Ap-
plicants will present themselves in the district Lh
which they intend to teach, come well revom-
mended, and present the certificates granted to
them last year They are reminded of the law
in reference to revenue stamps, and also, in re
ference to inclosing postage stamps ic letters on
business pertaining to their individual interests.
Directors and other citizens are respectfully in
vited to attend the examinations.
Aug. 7,2t. County Superintendent.
has purchased, refitted, and fixed up
formely kept by George Downing under the
drinks of allikinds together with eatables of
ry description
The only
in town, is in this saloon.
Call and enjoy your-
July 30th, 1863 —1y
TIM Singers { Co. s
ramos a
‘Thee machines are
Having used one of them for
I can warrant them to do all that is claimed
for them. 5
Call and examine and procui® a circular.
june 26 1y.
3 OR
The Faally S8ocap Maker.
The PUBLIC are eautioned against the SPU-
RIOUS articles of LYE for making soap, &o.,
now offered for sale. The only genuina aud pas
tented Lye is that made by the PENNSYLVA-
their trade mark for it being “SAPONIFER,
CESS of this article has led UNPRINCIPLED
PARTIES to endeaver to IMITATE it, in vio
lation of the Company’s PATENTS.
LERS of theso SPURIOUS Lyes, are hereby
NOTIFED that the COMPANY have employ
ed as their ATTORNEY 3;
GEO. HARDING, Esq., of Philadelphia.
‘WM, BAKEWELL, Esq., of Pittsburg.
SELLERS of Lye in violation of the rights
of the Company, will be PROSECUTED at once.
LYE, is for sale by all Druggists, Grocers and
Country Stores. .
- ii
! Take Notice.
The United States. Circuit Court, Western
District of Pennsylvania, No. 1, May Term,
1862, in suit of THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT
G: CHASE, decreed to the Company, on No
vember 15, 1862, the EXCLUSIVE right grant-
d by a patent owned by them for the BAPON -
IFIER Patent dated October 21, 1856. Per:
epetual injunction granted!
Salt Manufacturing Comp.
E27 Walnut Street, Philadelphia,
; mayl$ Sw
’ fr - BELLEFONTE, Pa.
“= The Undersigned having removed.’
20 Brokerhaf’s Row,” directly opposite the
Conrad House, still continues to keep on hands a
large assortment of Theological, Classical, Sunday
School, Miscellaneous, and all the various sehool
hooks now in %use ; also, a large assortment of
Blank Books and Stationary, Photographs and
Photograph Albums; also Daily and Weekly
Newspapers. Subscriptions taken for any paper
or periodical in the United States. New publica
tions at puis shore pricss.
Pits 8t., and Dupuesne Way,
{CALL / e
Ayers Cathaitie Pills