. = oR : : : EE = " ; Bi HOTELS. THE ALL SUFFICIENT THREE al = Vallandigham was ex- ANEW AND TMPORTANT WORK. Business Directep, P R 0 S P E C T uU S =e mee omen oo |THE GREAT AMER] CAN REMEDY ! iled, bees f his devotion t ls = = - or ! A Feonss soramocs m3 ow ra | ao ans ABOUT PLAYED QUT. Because, as a speaker, he was THE FOUR ACTS OF DESPOTISM, DE Iotamsy TVR ES ; JOHN COPENHA VER, Proprietor. Genuine Prparations, Viz: The fanatical anti-democratic and anti-common sense theories of the Abolition party are about played out. They played dog cabin” and “hard cider” in Har- rison’s time---a very nice play and as harmless as in was nice, because the sensible men of their party were then for the Con- stitution. At a later day they played “Maine law,” but their law never became the main law of the land, and in Maine was abandoned. Following this they bit upon the Know Nothing ques- tion, and knowing .nothing in state matters they accomplished nothing to benclit the people and nothing was the final result. Next came -bleeding Kansas,’ and Kansas bled in quantities to suit the market and the finan- cial condition of the aid fund in Massachusetls. After bleeding and bleeding, it finally Dbled out, and died from the total loss of bad blood. Next came the Wide Awakes, who unlike their former professions, now professed to be sharp, They widened the breach in the Union, and waked up all the jealousies cf the nation, and having thus played ¢<wide” and “wake” their lamps went out and their new party went to sleep so sound that Gabriel’s trumpet will rever wake them up again in that form. Next came the “no party ;> after having exhausted all the names that could be thought of they concluded to try it awhile without a name, and this nameless and soulless, this no party” with no law and ma- ny prophets had their day. The opiates administered at the bal- lot box last fall put them to sleep again, and they now wake up not exactly in league with the Con- stitution, which Garrison says is a “league with death and a cove- nant with hell,” but in the atoli- tion league, which seems to be a league with the everlasting, irre- pressible, wolly--headed negro This league performance isdoubt- less the end of the show—intend- ced to be like the winding up jack- ass performance of a circus, and £0 it is, a fit thing to be laughed at, but not a desirable perfor- mance to be mixed up in. These Abolition feats of ground and lofty tumbling are about played out,— Doylestown Dentocrat, —— Pe ee AgporitioN Ligs.—-In March and April last, the Knights of .the Golden Circle in Berks coun- ty told their dupes that the rebels would invade Pennsylvania about harvest time, and by paying a dollar and joining the Circle they would not he harmed. The fact that they did come as predicted, goes to show that it was all un- derstood between the Copper- heads and Rebels, and their State Convention said not a word against it, but discouraged vol- unteers from coming to drive out the vebuls.— Abolition Papers. «“ When the rebels were in Pennsylvania they refused to speak to coppertieads and told them that if they were down south they would be hung.” «The rebel General Jenkins, in Chambersburg, used some hi- ting scorn and irony against our constitutional friends.” “The rebel @aptain Morgan at Newville, Pennsylvania, stated publicly in the streets that they (the rebels) despised the North- ern copperheads.---[Abolitien pa- pees. Just add the two above items together and sce what it makes. ft is a fair sample of Abolition ies. Tie Beavry oF a Brusn.— Cioethe was in company with a motherand her daughter, when “the latter being reproved for some {volt blushed and burst into tears. lle «aid : as ¢ flow heauti‘ul your reproach hes made your daughter, The crimson hue, and those silvery tears, become her. better than any ornament of gold or pearls. '{ here may be hue on the neck of iny women ; but those are never seen disconnected with moral purity. A full blown rose be- sprinkled with the purest dew, 1s not so beautiful as this child, blushing beneath her parent’s displeasure, and shedding tears of sorrow at her fault. superior to any man inthe repub- lican party. Don’t be silent. ~ Lincoln says that silence is a clear case of treason. If it is treason tobe silent, why did Lincoln silence Mr. Vallan- digham ? : It is treason to be silent, when rulers are trampling on the rights end liberties of the people. Thank God! Vallandigham is safe, and he is so near to us that his voice will soon be heard. Where is the Republican who does not blush to think that a Province of Queen Victoria has become an asylum for refugees frome American despotism ? Vallandigham is in a country where there the Exe utive— through that Executive is a here- ditary monarch—ecannot and dare not suspend the writ of /faheas Corpus. Mr. Vallandigham was sent to the South because he was in fu- He Union. Gazeite. Tnavive TrickneENTIL— Did you go to Dr. to Lave him cure you of lisping 7” said a gen- tleman to a little boy who had been tongue-tied, ¢Yeth thir? lad- «What did he do to you 7” “He cuta little thring there wath under my tounge.” Did he cure you © Yeth, thir,’ “Why, you are lisping now.” “Am I, thir? Well I don’t per- theive that 7 lithp, ecthept when I go to thay thickthpenth, then I always notithe it.’ answered the EBSe> When yougo to kiss first grasp with haste around the waist, and hug her tight to thee ; and she’ll say “Do go way—ano, won’t you let me be?” Then, O whut bliss! but never miss so good a chence as that, then make a dash, as quick as flash, and—Georgic hold my hat. er #35 A chap down in Connet- icut, after the passage of the con- scription act got married to es- cape the draft. He now says, if he can get a divorce he will en- list, as if he must fight, he would rather do so for his country.—- This fellow made a mistake mat- rimonially. STERNBERG HALL. BY PUMP SUNKINS, EG. ¢ ago, I told the fi About a mean in town, s Who kept a clothing store And did the thing up brown, sirs. See tim Netw, this same man has moved his store, I Diamoud down the street sirs And now, naxt door to ¢ Conrad House, He's got things mighty neat sirs. At Reynold’s Areade, where all The folks do congtegate sir. You'l find our Steruberg’s Clothing Full, With ¢very thing first-rate sis. eid rts and bo x Are piled up so “gplendi sly, You scarce know what to choose, sirs nd hats I tell you now its mighty grand, into his shop, sirs, iled up on every hand, ‘hinges nice as any top, girs, And then Sternberg, he serapes around, And bows and acts polite, sirs, Ard asks you If you ever fourd « Goods half so strong and bright, sirs Pl And then you're bound to praise his goods, Because, to teil the truth, sirs, here’s uever goods like them to be seen In towa, by age or youth, sirs. Besides, thoy're all so mighty cheap, And good, and clean and ney rs: For, should you turn and leav Yeu certainly wou!d rue, sirs, That you did not a whole suit buy From this great clothing man, sirs, Who'd sell you clothing cheaper, far, Than any one else can, sirs So here's ¢—may he live Torey ia day, sirs, And when he dies. we hope he’ll find A soft place for to lay, sirs, And on his grave, mid flowers bright, Beneath which he shall sleep, irs. We'll p ace a stone, whereon we'll write, “Ile sold goods mighty cheap,’ sirs. Mayl tf IT GREAT CAUSE OF HIUMAN MISERY Just Published in a sealed Envelope. Price 6 cts. A lecturs by Dr. Culverwell, on the cause and {eure of Spermatorihoea, Consumption. Mental | and Physical Debility, Nervousness, Epi Impaired Nutrition of the body, La | Wenkness of the limbs and back, Indis “and Incapacity {cr study and Labor, Dulin Apprehension, Loss of Memory, Aversion to So- cioty, Love of solitude, Timidity, Selt-Distrust, Dizziness, Headache, Affectios of the Eyes, Pimples on the Face, Involuntary Emissions and Sexuai Incapacity, the consequences of Youthful Inc etion, &e. > 7> This admirable Lecture clearly proves that the above enumcrated, often self-affiicted evils, may be removed without medicine and without dangerous surgical operations,and should be road by every youth and every man in the land. ] Sent under scal, to any address, in a plain, sealed envelope, on the Fai of eix cents or two postage stamps, by addressing. Tonal CIIAS. J. C. KLINE & Co. 127 Bowery, Now Yoik, Post Office Box. 4586 vor of the Constitution and the | had to leave the! South for the same reason.—/Zo-| -1 verted, and the irresponsible Lincoln dynasty in- LCHEAP, .! BY A. D. MAHONEY, OF IOWA, Author of the «Prisoner of State.” This work contains full and oficial copies of he Four Great Acts of Despotism by which the constitutional government of Washington was sub- stalled in its place. 1. Tue TAX Birr, by which all the property and resources of the people are mortgaged to the resent administration. 2. Tue CoNScrirTi0¥ Binn. by which all ‘the bodies of poor men not worth $300_ are placed in the hands of the Administration, 3. Tue FivaNce Bru, which destroys State Banks and places the entire currency of the coun- try in the hands of the Scoretary of the Treasury. 4. Tue INDEMNITY Act. (fitting climax,) which presumes to indemnify the President for all the wrongs he has corumitted in the past or may com- mit in the future. These four acts are each preceded by a care ul analysis, by Mr Mahoney, and their unjust, oppressive, unconstitutional and odious fealures pointed out. As a book fur reference, it willbo invaluable to the farmer, the mechanic, the poli . tician, the labiover—in fact, to every person, for reach from the loftiest he humblest cabin in the land. are not publithed together in They will make a large octavo ¥ 200 pages, in good sized type and will be sold at the low price of Frrry CuNts in paper, and Sevesty-Five (exts in muslin binding. Scud on the orders at oneo. All orders will be filled according to the date ef reecipt. First ome first served. The cash must accompany the orders. Address VAN EVRIE, HORTON & CO, No. 162 Nassau Street, New York. Good News ! The War Ended; AND EVERY THING GOING RIGHT AT THE WEIOI/ SATE WIR & BiOUOR STORE these ni man- pamphlet of nearl BISHOP STREET, directly opposite the building formerly known as the TEMPERANCE HOTEL. A BAUM, Aagpxr. @ All kinds of FOREIGN and DOMESTIC LI- QUORS, at wholesale, to be had at the very lowest prices, and warranted to be of the vary best quality. lis s'ock consists * of WHISKIES, 0id Monongahela Rye Whisky, Pure Bourbon Whisky, Cabinet Whisky, : Apple Jack Whisky, avd cheap Whiskies of all kings. RUM. Jamaica Rum, > New EnglandRum. GINS, Pura Holland Gib, Domestic Gin. DRANDIES.: Dark and Pale Cognac, Domestie, (all prices, Ghnger, Lavender, Cherry, Bluckberry, WINE Pure Port, Domestic, Caraway, &e. wn . Madeira, Sherry, Raspberry. CORDIALS. Reso, Anniseed. STOMACH BITTERS. The verybest in the muket. The above liquors, with others not named, will all bo warranted as representcd, and sold at prie- os that cannot fail to made it an object for deal- ers to purchase of him, iustead of going or send- ing to the city. Farmers, Hotel-keepers and oth- ors are requested to eall and examine hig stock, before purchasing elsewhere. All the Liguors which he offers for sale, have been purchase] at the United States Custom Iie and corsequently must be pure and good. Physicians are particularly requested to give hisliquors a trial. He has the only artcle of Ju ors Wine Juice and Pure Brandics in this barough. £7 100 barrels of Jersoy Cider-Vinegar just received and for sale low. 3 Bellefynte, Aug. 29, 1862—1y. "Leather! Leather! SOLE LEATHER SPANISH = KIP FRENCH CALF SKINS | COUNTKY CALF SKINS. HORGCCO LININGS, &C., &C Shoomukers’ Thread and Shoewmakers Tools, of all kinds, to behad at SUSSNMAINS than at any other establishment in Central Penn vivania. 3 Bellefonte, Desember 19, 18352—tf. SIMON A, FELDMAN, IMPORTER & WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES. GINS, Wheat, Rye, & Bourbon Whisky’ NO. 506 NorthiNinth Street, BELOW SPRING GARDEN, . PRIA DEILEPEITA. err a—————— run J ,08T. Between Bellefonte and Curtin’s Forges, a brown silk Parasol. The finder will be suitably rewarded, by leaving it at this office Bellefonte, June 24th '63—3t. H. M’ALLISTER. JAMES A. BEAVEYW ML ALLISTER & BEAVER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENN’A. J. BD, SHUGERT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENN __Office in the Court House, with the Treasurer. JAMES BH. RANKIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENN’A. Offce, on the Diamond, one door *west of the 1 ost Office. - . 4 CT WILLIAM A WALLACE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEAR®TELD, PuNN’A. Will visit Bellefonte professipnally when speci- setained in connection with resident Counsel. gMay 15th 1862. ~1y. J.J. LINGLE, SURGEON DENTIST, BELLEFONTE, CENTRE C0., PA. snow prepare d to wait upon all who may desire his professional services. Rooms at his residence on Spring street. "EDMUND BLANCHARD. E.M BLANCHARY El & BE BLANCHARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENNA. Office formerly occupied by Curtin & Blanchard on Main street. DB. WINGATE, DENTIST. Oflee and Residence directly North ot the Court Eouse portico, At his office except two weeks in each month; beginning with the firgt y of the month onte, M.—iy. I ORVIS. C. T. ALEXANDER, ORVEIE & ALEXANDER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BELLEFONTE PA. Ofleo one door below Reynold’s Bank Nov. 21.—1862 ~~ ORVIS & CORSE. ATTORNEY'S AT LAW. Lock HAVEN Pa, Will practice in the several Courts of Centre and Clinton countics. All business entrusted to their care will be promptly attended to. Aug. 29, 1862. © DR.J.B, MITCHELL, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, LELLEFONTE, CENTRECO., PA. Will attend to professional calls as heretofore, he espectfully offers his services to his friends and the public. Office next door to the residence of Thowas Burnside, on Allegheny street. July 25, 1862—1y. BANKING HOUSE, —OF— WM. F. REYNOLDS & CO., BELLEFONTE, CENTRE €0., PA. Bills of exchange and Notes discounted.Col- lections made and proceeds promptly remitted. Interest paid onspecial deposits. Exchange in the Eastern cities constantly on hand for sale. Depos- its receivea a ©. FURST, ATiORPNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PA. WILL practice in the several Courts cof Centre and Clinton counties. All legal 1 asiness entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention. OFFICE—On the North-west corner of the Di amond. BE. %. W. THOMAS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, MILESBURG, CENTRE CO., PA, Respectfully offers his services to his riends and the public. Office on Mill site the National Hotel. Refersto Dr « . M. McCoy, THOMPSON, ‘I’. C. THOMAS. March 20, 1862—-1y 1 A GOLLECTION OFFICES, D. G. BUSH, BELLEFONTE, Centre Co.. PENNA. RUSH & McCULLOUGH (7. J. M'CULLOUGH. ) 'CLEARFIELD, Clearfiold co., Pa & McCORMICK, AY ICK,) 6 BUSH LUCK Clinton Co., Pa., LUKH & ALLEN, {R. PP. ALLEN,) WILLIAMSPORT, Lycoming Co., Pa, RrrereNces :(—Drexel & Co., Phil’s, Mason & Co., Phila, Smith, Bowen & Co., Philadelphia Shiclds & Brother, Philadelphia, T. Conrow Philadelphia, Sower, Barnes & Co., Philadelphia Hon. J. T. Hale, Bellefonte, Hon. J. V/ . Maynard, Williamsport: J. Tome, Port Deposit, Md. Feb. 21, 1862—1y. : DEMOCRATIC WATCHMAN, WEEKLY PAPR, PUBLISHED AT BELLEFONTE CENTRE COUNTY, PA., EVERY FRIDAY MORNING IN POLITICS, IT IS STRICTLY DEMOCRATIC FREE AND INDEPENDENT, Unmoved by the Hopes of Unrighteous Gain Unshaken by the Frowns of Unprincipled Demagogues, Unintimidated by the Clamors of the Rabble and the threats of Insolent Mobs, and Fearing nei- ther the Unhallowed Precincts of Presidential Dungeons and Tyrants’ Vaults, nor the * Roek-bound Fortresses of any Modern Caligula. IT 1S IN FAVOR OF FREE SPEECH, AND THE EQUAL RIGHTS OF ALL WHITE MEN. IT IS DEVOTED TO Local and Gene- ral News, Art, Science and Litera- ture, Morality, Politics, Education, Civil and Reli- gious Freedom, the Union, the Constitution and the Laws, the best® - Interests of the whole Country, and Cen- tre county in particular, and opposed to Abolitionism, Disunionism, and all kinds of Fanaticism,be it Moral, Political, or Re- ligious. and an un- compromising advocate —of- * TRUTH, JUSTICE AND MERCY. EIR SS, Per annum, (strictly in advance.) $I,50 2,00 If left run over 3 months, $2.50, will be invari- ably charged. When paid within 3 months, No paper discontinued until all back subeerip- tions are paid, and a failure to notify a discontin- uance at the end of the time subscribed for, will be considered a new engagement. These terms will be rigidly adheard to all circumstances. under HDVEBTISING, The following terms of Advertiscing have heen agreed upon by the publishers «f the Central Press the Derichter and the Democratic Watch- man and will be strictly adhe red to 10 lines [or less] constitute a square. One Square threo insertions = -= - - - -§ 100 © Foreach subsequent insertion less than “Another Requisition !! 600, 000 MEN WANTED! To purchase ¢heir. Wines and Liuors at the TWIECOXLESAL WINE & LIQUOR STORE NEFF & ETTLE BISHOP STREET, BELLEFONTE, TWO DOORS WEST oe donoy MEAT MAR Foreign and Domestic Liquors Such as OLD NECTAR, OLD RYE, & MONON- GAHALA WHISKEY, COGNAC AND COMMON BRANDIES, PORT AND MADERIA WINES,SCOTCH AND HOLLAND GIN, NEW ENG LAND RUM, Ana all grades of Liquors found in the astern Ci ies, sold as low as in Philadelphia and New York. All Liquors warranted to give Satisfaction. Confident they can please purchasers, they re spectfully solicit a share of public patrenage. Sold by the quart barrel or tierce. Also a arge lot of # BOTTLED LIQUORS, Ofthe finest grade on hand. July 19, 1862, B 00K STORE BELLEFONTE, Pa. GEORGE LIVINGSON, Proprietor. The Undersigned having removed to “Brokerhaf’s Row,” directly opposite the Conrad House, still continues to "keep on hands a large assortment of Theological, Classical, Sunday School, Miscellaneous, and all the various school books now in %use; also, a large assortment of Blank Books and Stationary, ats and Photograph Albums; also “Daily and Weekly Newspapers. Subseriptions taken for any paper or periodical in the United States. New publica tions at publeshers prices. mayl tf GHORGE LIVINGSTON [EW PLOUGHS. . The subscribers have secured the right of Centre County to manufacture and sell the J. C. Bidwell no.’ 7 Centre Leaver Left Hand Plough, This is now considered the best metal Plough made in Penna. Famers can examine it by calling at the Belle. fone Foundry, Cast Steel shares will be furn- ished with the Plough if desired. Jan.it30th, 1863. —tf 4 Haver & Co. ARMY INTELLIGENCE. —_— Any person desiring any intelli- genco of, or from their friends or relations in the three months. - - ~ = ==... ca... 25 One square, 3 months, ~ - - = - « - 3 60 cc 0 6 “c -iow i.e 5 00 £2 4 one year - «= = - - - - 8 00 Quarter-column, one year, two changes, 15 00 Half “ [4 5 “ “25 00 One column, « « u ot “40 C0 Auditors Notices. - - - - - --- 200 Administrators and Executors notices, -2 92 Notice of application for license = - - - 1 50 Notice for strays, each animal, - - -150 Advertisements displayed in fancy lette so to attract attention, 50 per cent, more than the above rates. Advertisement not marked with the number of insertions desired, will be continued till forbidden and charged according to these terms. . # Editorial or local notices for the bonefit of indi- viduals, + 20 rents per line Religious or educational notices, 5 oe Obituary notices, over 5 lines, 3 i Deaths and marriages announced free. Communications recomending persons for of- fice, inserted at ten cents a line; and the pay must accompany the communteation,s All legal and transient advertisements must be laid befoie they are inserted. « POI Wir Owe gO %e) Wr J 36% OG, OF ALL KINDS, SUCH AS : Legal Blanks, Shipments, Manifest. Receipts, Receipt Books, Order Books, Check Rolls, Toll Orders, Car Books, Way Bills, Advice Sheets, Specitications, &e,, POSTERS, : SHOW BILLS, CARDS, BLANKS, PAMPIILETS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, ® In fact, any kind of work dome in a printing office, executed in a superior manner, and the most REASONABLE TERMS. OUR ASSORTMENT OF WOOD TERE, Cannot be beat, and all our jobbing will be executed in the neatest and most im- Job Printing C—O Army of the Potomac or in any of the army hos- proved character. Address, pita ls can receive information” by enclosing one P.GRAY MEER. dollar and addressing Ww. > KEALSH, Editor and Publisher Democratic Watchman, Washington, D* C. | Bellefonte, Centre Co . Pa. with a large number of well aired ble sleeping apartments, Rooms and Private Par- lors wit! NEW LIV RESPECTFULLY announces to the publie, that he has leased, refinished and refitted the abeve House where he will Le happy to wait upon those who favor him with their company * Tue House is largo and convenient and fur- nished in the best. modern style: It is provided and comforta or without chambers attached. Persons visiting Bellefonte on business or for pleasure, may rest assured that every exertion will used to render their stay at the * P nia Hotel” ennsylva- leasant and agreeable. HIS TABLE WILL BE UNDER THE DIRECTION of an experienced Cook and supplied with the very best the market affords, and HIS BAR with the SHetoest wines and other liquors—charges reason- able. The‘ PexysyLvana Horer,” possesses great- er advantages in point of locatien than any other eimilar establishment in the borough, heiug situ- aced in the business part of the town, Suflicient stabling provided. and good and trus- ty hostlers always in attendance. Attentive, accommodating and honest servants have been employed, and nohing left undone that will add to the comfort and accommodation of his guests. in April 17, 1863-—tf, (CONRAD HOUSE . BELLEFONTE, PA, 8.8. BUTTS, Propricror. This well known establishment has peen ly re-fitting and re-furnished throuwsut, second to none in eenteral J* comforts and cony i People from the Bellefonte during Conrad House an place. Accommodating servants are always attendance ready to supply the wants and contribute to the comfort and satisfaction of the guests, THE TABLE issupplied with all the substantial provisions, uxuries and deiicacies which a produc- tive country can furnish, or industry, vigilance and exertion can procure. THE BAR, will always contam a gereral as- sortment of the very best liquors, that the mark— 2 aif addapted to suit themost oapricious astes. THE STABLE will be attended by atten- tive and obliging hostlers, well qualified to dis- charge the duties pretaining to this important de- partment of a public establishment, From the attention and time, the propreitor has devoted to this branch of business he hopes to re- ceive a liberal portion of the patronage hereto- fore be “wed uvon him. May 1. 1862—tf. GAR YAN'SHOTEL BELLEFONTE, PA. DANIEL GARMAN, Proprietor. This long established and well known Hotel, situated on the Southeast corner of the Diamond, oppons the Court House, having been purchased by the undersigned, he announc- es to th e former patrons-of this establishment and to the traveling pose generally, that he intends refitting it thoroughly, and is prepared to render the most satisfactory accomm dation tosal] who may favor him with their patronage. No prias will be spared on his part to add to the conyeni- ence or comfort of his guests. All who stop with him will find XLXS PABY,E abundantly supplied with the most sumptuous fare the market will afford, done up in style, by the most experienced cooks ; while HIS BAR will al- ways ccntain The Chocest of Liquors. .... His Stabling 13 best in tow and will always be attended by the most trur vorthy and attentive hostlers Give him acall one ar all, and he feels con- fident that all w {ll be sa isfied with their accom- wmodation. AN EXCET ENTLIVERY ishttached to-this est ohishment, which strangers from abroad will find greatly to their advantage. DANIEL GARMAN. Bellefonte, Jan, 9, 1862. "TH CUMM INGS HOUSE. | BELLEFONTE, PA. RD. CUMMINGS, Proprietor. entire. a Ve of Co will find t agreeable and pleasant resting This elegant now. Hotel, situated on Bishop street, afew doors north of the Catho urch, is at last complete in all its arrange , and is now opan for the reception and entertainment of guests. It has been furnished in the very latest style, with handseme and comfortable furniture, and is altogether the best gotten up, and will be the best conducted hotel in Bellefonte. THE TABLE wil' always be found groaning under the wight of the best provisons the market affords, attended by neat intelligent and attentive walters. THE BAR will always be supplied with the choicest and best of liquors-—~not a sickning mix ture of drugs—but iiyuor: in there purest and best state. . THE STABLE is large, warm, commodious and is clean, aad obliging and attentive hostlers, are always in waiting. 4 Hack conveys passengers free of charge, to and from the cars, after the arrival an d departer of the train- : (UMMIN GS HOUSE SALOON. This new and splendid Eating Es- tablishment is now open for the entertainment of the public, where Fresh Oysters, Fried Oysters, Stewed Oysters, Spiced Oysters, Clam Soup, Turtle Soup, Chicken Soup, Ham and Eggs, Pig’s Feet and Tripe, Sar- dines, Fresh Fish, Fried Chickens, Stewed Chickens, efe.. ote., can bo had at all times. . DRINKS. Cognac Brandy, 01d Rye Whiskoy, Bourbon Whisky, Wheat Whisky, Irish Whi y, Hol- land Gin, Currant ine; Straw- berry Wine, Cham gne, Go seberry Wine, Sherry Wine ort Wine, ete., ete. Gin Cocktails, Bro ay Smashes, Sherry Cob- lers, Whisky Punch s, and ail other faney drinks. Massui & Colling’s XXX Philadelphia Ale & Porter, Cider, Fancy Lemonades, Sarsaparilla,, Mineral Wa- ter, efc., ete., ete. HOT MEALS to be had at all hours of the day or night. - A magnificent BILLIARD ROO. with fine marble-faced Tables, is connected with the estab lishment. We invite our friends to give us a call, and think we ean insure them the utmost satisfaction. : CUMMINGS & FISHER. - Bellefonte, March 27, 1863.1y C LINTON MOUSE. LOCK HAVEN, PA. A. MANN, Proprietor. The proprietor having leased the ahova named Hotel in the borough of Lock Haven, Clin- ton county, Pa., takes this method of informing tha public generally that he has made every necessary preparation to entertain strangers and travelorsin the best possible manner. His table will always co itain the cheicest Iux- uries that the country wi! afford, and he is detar- mined not to be surpassed in this department by any other Hotel along the West Branch. His Bar will contain the choicest liquors that can be purchased in the cfty market. areful and attentive Ostlers will constantly be Proprietors on hand to take charge of horsesand see thatthey arc properly attended to. Trusting tha! he may receive a portion of the patronage of the traveling public,” he hopes by elose attention to be ablet 0 rende generalsatis- action. June 6, ’61.-tf. 4 PLEASANT GAP HOTEL, PLEASANT GAP, PA. J. EI. MORRESON, Proprietor. This well known Hotel is now kept by the pro- priotor, where he will be happy to wait on the traveling publie generally. 1 yr. ERY STABLE BACK OF HUME'S STORK. THOMAS DORAS, Proprietor Six fine Bay Horses, all good travelers—and splendid Buggies, Carriages and Sleighs,—an fitted with faney Harness and warm Robes, t hire cheaper than any other establishment iu town. Call around, gentlemen. January 23, 1863-1y. G. L. TOVELL, DEALER IN @obaceo & Cigars LEXWISYOTW IN Pas ed gb HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT * BUCHU,” « « SARSAPARILLA 4 IMPROVED ROSE WASH EX FE ILIVI BO INIDS GENUINE PREPARATION, “HIGHLY CONCENTRATED” COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A Positive and Specific Remedy for Discases OF THE BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. : The medicine increases the power of digest; and excites the Absorbents into Soatiy on, by which the Watery or Calcerous depositions, “and all unnatural Enlargements are re uced, a4 well as pain and iuflamation, and is good f Men, Women or Children, & or Helmbold’s Exiract Buchu, FOR WEAKNESS Arising from Excesses, Habits of D Early Indiscretion, or Abuse Assipaion ATTENDED with the FOLLOWING SYMTOMS: Indisposition to Exertion, Loss o iPower, JOE of Memory, Difliculty of Trembling, Pain in the Back Flushing of the Body Eruptions on the Face Patilid Countenance, Breathing skin ihiese symptoms if, & ed to go on, which this medicine invariably remos » Soon follows. MPOTENCY, YFATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they are not often fol] ““direful diseases,” Shamed ny tow INSANITY AND CONSUMATION, Many are aware of the cause or thei ing but none will confess The ad ras Asylums and the melancholy deaths by Consump tion, bear ample Witness to” tho truth of this as sertion. THE CONSTITUTION, ONCE AFFECTED BY ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ¥ Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which Hewuzonn's Ex TRACT Bucnu invariably does. A trial will con viuce the most sceptical, FEMALES, FEMALES, FEMALES, Old or young, single, married, or contemplating marriage, In many affections peculiar to Females the Ix- tract Buchu is unequalled by any other remedy a3 in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Pains fullness, or suppression of the customary Bin tions, Uleerated or Schirrous state of the Utern- Leuchorrhea, or Whites, Sterrility, and for ait complaints incidemt to the sex, whether ‘arrising from Indiseretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFL. "SEE SYMTOMS ABovE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Take no Balsam, Murcury or Unpleasant Medi- cine for unpleasan and dangerous discases. Helmbold’s Extract Buel « CURES SECRET DISEASES In all their stages ; at litilo ox ense ; little o! . . . 0 change in diet : no inconvenience, : Fa : And No Exposure. It causes frequent desire, and gives stre th tc Urinato, thereby removing Sanity an ing and curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying pin snl [adskrnaiion, so frequent in this class iseases, an li; i i ena Se Ing poisonous, diseased Thousands upon Thousands WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIMS OF QUACKS, and who have paid heavy feos to be curedi short tine, have found that they were a and thay the poison has, by the use of “Powerful astringents” been dried 3 in the system, to 0, break out in an aggravated { rm, and pe: - ter marriage, = Perhaps ur : USE ; Helmbol®s Extract Buchu For all affections end Diseases of THE URINARY ORGANS, Whether existing in Malo or Female, from what ever cause originating, and no watter OF HOW LONGSTANDING. Diseases of {hese organs require the aid of a Diuretic. Helmbold’s Extract Buchu IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, And it is certain to have the desired effect in all Diseases for which it is recommended. BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD * Telmbold’s Highly Concentrated Compound FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA SYPHILIS. . This is an affection of the blood and attacks the Sexual Organs, Linings of the Nose, Ears, Throat Windpipe and other mucus Surfaces, making its appearance in the form of Ulcers. Helmbold's Extract Sarsaparilla purifies the blood and TC~ moves all Sealy Eruptions of the skin, giving to the Complexion, a clear and healthy ‘color. It being prepared expressly for this elass of coin - plaints, its Blood- Purifying Properties are pre- served to a greater exfent than any other prepa- ration of Sarsaparilla. Helmbold’s Rose Wash. An excellent lotion for diseases of a Syphilitic Nature, and as an injection in diseases of the Urinary Organs arising from habits of dissipation, used in connection with the Extracts Buchu and Sarsaparilla, in such diseases as recommended. Lvidence of the most responsible and reliable charactor will accompany the medicines. CERTIFICATES OF CURES. From cight or twenty years standing, with names known to Science and Fame, For medical propertiesoy Buchu, tory of the United States. See Proff. Dewees’ valuable works on the Prac. tice of Physic. See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr Physick, Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. Pphraim McDowell, a celebrated Physician, and a member of the Royal College of Burgeons, Ireland, aad publish- ed in the Transactions of the King and Queen’s Journal. See Medico-Cirurgical Review, published by Benjamin Travers, Hellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. _ See most of the late standard Workson Medi- cine. * Extract Buchu, 100 per Bottle, or Six tor 5 00 ¢ Baraparilla, 1 00 £8 Ly 500 Improved Rose Wash, 50 & “ 2,50 Or half a dozen of each for $12 00 which will ho sufficient to cure the most obstinate cases, if direc- tions are adhered to Delivered to any address, securely packed from observation. Describe symtoms in all communications. Cures guaranteed. Advice gratis. AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before me an Alderman the city of Pitind jadelphia, H. T. Helmbold, wh being duly sworn, doth say, his preparations Si tain no narcotic, no merenry, or other injurious drugs, but are purely vegetable, - H.T. AELMBOLD. Sworn and subscribed befire me, this 23rd day of November 1854 WM. P HIBBARD. Aldermau, Ninth-street, above Race Phila Address Letters for information in confidence H. T. HELMBOLD. Cnemist. Dapot 104 South Tenth-st, below Chestnut Phil. BEWARE OF COUNTEFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS. Who endeavor to dispose Of Their Own” ang ‘ other” articles on the reputation attained by Helmbold’s Genuine Preparations rt "Extract Buchu, “ Sarsaparilla, Improved Rose wash. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. ASK FOR HELMBOLD'S-—-TBKE NO OTHER. Cut out the advertisement, and cendfor itadns void imposition and exposure. i March, 21, 63—1 yr soe Dispensa « & « a] Y - 7”
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers