NL fhe Qletelman, TY Soa A Co tiem The follwing is the schedule of time of closing the mails on the different routesleaving this place: Nortin.—Via Snow Bhoe and Moshanon, closes at 9 o'clock P. fovin.—Via Pine Grove Mills and Spruce Creek, closes at 9 P. M. , Fase. —Via Hublersborg and Lock Haven clos- es at 124 P. M. Lasr.—Via Oentre Hall, Milroy, and Lewistown, closes at © I’. M. Bast.—Vian Howard and Took Haven, closes a 9P. M. West. —Via Port Matilda and Tyrone closes ab 9P. M. Wstr mile Hal Moon and Tyrone, closes at RAILROAD ROUPS. Bellefonte and Snow Shoe, leave Bellefonte a 8 A, M. Bald Bagle Valley Branch Railroad, leave at 330 P. A STAGE ROUTH. Stage! e, Via Half Moon, leave on NT, re Fridays, st 64 4. M. i for Lock Hoven Vin of Hublersburg, leave daily at 3 P. M. for Lock HavenVia of Howard leave Mondays Wednesday, and Fridays at 7 A. M. Stages for Lewistown Via Centre Hall, leave dally at 6 AM og for Spraoe Creek Via of Farm school, and Phe rove $itte, leave Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7A. M. LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS, EE TNT = Democratic Editorial Convention. Agrecably to the resolution passed at the mocts ing of the 16th inst., tho Democratic Editorial conyontion will meet at the Merchant's Iotel, in Philadelphia, on Tuesday the 11th of August neat, at 3 o’elock, P. (7 At hand—The huckleberry season. ——] Coming. —The draft and the day of retyi- bution for Abolitionists. see Pr 17 Col. W, H. Bair has been spendinga few days at home during the past week, he looks hale and hearty and seems to be en- joying eamp life considerably. Otero 77The large brick house owned and oc- cupied by Wm. Thompson, just below Centre Furnace was nearly destoyed by fire on Tuesday morning last. The origin of fire we have not learned. Obiin 17" Samuel F. Reynolds, Beq., of Lancas- ter city has been visiting his fiiends in this place for a few days past. As a lawyer Mr. Reynolds has few superiors of his age, and as a Democrat there 13 none truer. Success attend him. 0- I+ We notice that a few hands are at work on the eservoir, when it will be fin- 1shed no one can say.. We have heard a great many declare that to pay interest on money and receive no advantage from it whatever, was rather hard. a Ee a 11anprr3 Now MoytnLy Magazine for August has boen received, wo cannot but again recommend those of our readers who desire to subscribe for the largest —most en- tertaining and instractive monthly published, to send for Harper’s. Terms, 83 per an- num. [WC 7 We should like to know if the school directors in this place are all dead or gone to_the army, or what has become of them. The school house on the hill is in a most scandalous conditicn, and growing worse everyday from the depredations of Youhg Ameria. seams ve () mem en 7” Scarcely a might passcs by but oir streefs are disgraced by drunken brawls and the Rowlings of inebriated men.” For the sake f our town, and tho feelings of the sober class of citizens, we wish these bachanal ns would rest for one week, would but give w i seven days of quiet. ———0 0G"By eference to our advertising coi- umng, it will be seen that our old friend, Geo. Downing has disposed of his billiard and eating saloon to Mr. W. S. M’Fealers, of this place. Mr. M’Featers has already commenced to improve and remodel this old and favorite place of resort, and it wili, in a short time, present a neat and handsomo appearance, M'Featers is de- termined to make it pay, and ho will do it, if attention to business and a disposition to oblige are of eny account to those who de- ight in billiards. MTFeaters is very much of a gentleman, and we hope he may suc- ceed beyond his most sanguine expections. ————0— . Wo understand that quite a number of “loyalists’’ about town are trying to procure southern contrabands for servants, The very ones that howl the “udest about south- ein “slavery,” willindu ¢ hepoorrunaways to come North—work t ¢ almost to death —starve them unhl oy 2re unable to do anything and chaget emu { without their wages, and then bliie al ut “southern nigger drivers,” Shame on ; wh principles, Wo hive enough of negroes here now, moie “han can be comfortably provided for, and ‘I these meddlers in other peoples Lusiness would attend to the sufferings ones at Lome, 18 would be considerably more to their cred- it. The plan fact of the businggs is that tho while population of this place will not permit the Abolitionists torun iv a lot wore niggers, to be fed at their expense. rt ——e ee Deaton or Me. CRITTENDEN. —YA great man hes failen in Israel.” Hon Jonx J. CRITTENDEN, tlie sage, stat esman, aud vat riot, has passed {rom earth, and been gath- cred to his fathers, He died in the city of Frankfort, Kentucky, on Sunday morning: at 3 o'clock, without pain or a struggle, in the full possession of his faculties, at the i ripe old age of 77 years, Thus one by one, are the old patriarchs passing from the i {ctenan 7 ot | 1863 at the Store of Goorge Jack *in Boalsbure, at | stage of SEiten e.. Who ii ie Tory | 2 o'clock P. M. when and where all persons in to fill. vheir pls in tals d JOULE {fended any attecd if they see proper. of our . country’s ixisience God aleng) JOULE HASSON, Snows. | Sluy 3, 4¢ Auditor. Belicfonte Markets. 1he following are the quotations up to 6 o clock yesterday (Thursday) evening: Wheat, White, per bushel, $110 do Red, do | 1,05 Rye, - : do 90 Corn (Shelled) do 80 lo- (Bars do 490 Buck Wheat, do 62 Barley, do 1,00 Oats, (By Weight) do 50 Clover Seed, do 5,00 Timothy, ; do 1,7 Potatoes, do 75 * Beans, 3 do . 1,7 Onions, do 75 Apples, (Dried) do 1,50 Eggs, per dozen, 12 Peaches (Dried) per pound, 16 Bam, do 10 Beet vax, do 25 Bultuy | do 12 Tallow, . do 10 Lard, do 10 Rags, do 05 TR I A SE A GI SPECIAL NOTICES. Epitor of WATCHMAN, ; DEAR Sin: —With your permission I wish to say to tho readers of your paper that I will send by return mail to all who wish it, (frec) a Recipe, with full directions for making and using a sim- lo vegetable balm, that will effectually rentove in 10 days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all impurities of the skin, leaving the samo soft, clear smooth and beautiful. A I will also mail free to those having Bald Heads or Bare Faces, simple directions and" in- formation that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Mous- tache, in less than 30 days. swered by return mail without charge. Respectfully yours. THOS. ¥. CHAPMAN, s Chemist, July 24, 8m. No. 831 Broadway, N.Y, FEMALES! FEMALES! FEMALES Use that safe pleasant remedy known as HEMBOLY'S LXTRACT BUCHIT, For all Complaints Incident tg {lo sox, No family should be Without it, And none will when once Tred by them. NG AND OLD, In tho Decline or Change of Life, Lejore and after Marriage. During and after Confinement, To Strengthen the Nerves, Restor: Nature to its Proper Channel, and invigorate the broken-down Constitution, From whatever Cause Originating. Eno MORE WORTHLESS PILLS! Take HEMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. Sco advertisement in another column. Cutout and gend for it. 2m. Its used Yo A Card to the Suffering. Tho Rev. Wirniax CosGrove, while laboring asa Missionary in Japan, was cured of Consump- tion, when all other means had failed, by a recipe obtained from n learned physician residing in tha great city of Jeddo, This recipo has cured great numbers who were suffering from Con- sumption, Bronehitis, Sore Throat, Coughs and nd the debility and nervous depression y these disorders. ous of henefitting others, I wil send this recipe, which I have brought home with me, to all who need it, of charge. Address Rev. WM. COSGROVE, 430 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. ly 3 “NEW ADVERTISEMENTS JPO4LELURG ACADEMY. August 3d. Terms per quarter of eloven weeks, Common English studies, + $400 Mathematical and Philosophical stud les, 500 Latin and Greek language, 600 Contingent feo 57 Tao County Superintendent, who residesin the vill «ge, and the Principal will take gpecial inter- in rraining those who desire to teach. Boarding and furnished rooms from $172 to £2 00 per week. D. M. WOLF. July 17 6t Principal. yrnamental Iron Works, 0f——— WOOD& PEROT, 1131 Ridge Av’e, PHILADILPHIA PA, Offer for sale wpe. tho Mest Favorable Terms, NEW and BEAU (FUL DESIGNS in great va rity of IRON ¥ ATLINGS for CEMETARIES, RESIDE 73 &e., of Wrought and Cast Iron, and GALVA )ZUD IRON and BRASS TU - BING, 1R0O & VERANDAHS, BALCONIES, STAIRS, COUNTERS, FOUNTAINS, GATES, COLUMNS, HITCHING POSTS, LAMP. STANDS, VACES, TABLES FLOWER STANDS, SOFAS, CHAIRS, STATURY, ANI MALS, end a'l other Iron Work of a Decrotive character. Des igns forwarded for selection. Per- ons applying for same, will pleaso state the kind of work needeed. cb dm LEGAL NOTICES. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Letters of Administration, on the estate of John Vanpool, dec’d late of Taylor township, having been granted to the undersigned all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment and those havi img to present them duly au- thenticated b for sottlement. July 3lst, 1863,—65. CATHRINE VANPOOL. AUDITOR 5 NOTICE : © "The undersigned, an Anaditor ap- pomted by the Orphans’ Court of Centre county to malo distributgon of the money in the hands of John W. Hays, Admr. of John W. ana Martha H. Donaghy deceased, to and among those legal- ly entitled thereto, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Belleionte, on Satur- day the 8th day of August, at 10 o'clock, A. M. when and where all persons interested are re- anired to attend or be debarred from coming in 0 a share of said fupd. ADAM HOY. June 21, 6t. Auditor, FO XECUTORS NOTICE. Letters testamentary to the estate of Georgo Garbrich, late of Benner township,hav. ing been granted to the jundersigned, ali persons indebted to the said are requested to make pay ments and those having claims against said estate will make kuown tho same without delay to Julyl7 6t BENJ. CORL, Executor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 43 Letters of Administration on the estate of Michael Flinn, late of Bellefonte, dec’d. having been granted to tne subscriber ho requests all persons knowing themselves indebted to said esta e to make immediate payment, and those having clafma to present them, duly authenticated for settlement. 8. T. SHUGERT, May 29 6t Administrators, ADMINIS TRATORS' NOTICE, Letters of Administratiod on the estate of Francis Stevenson, late of Patton town- ship. dee'd, having been granted to the under- signed, ho requests all persons knowing them- selves indebted to said estate tomake immediate payment, and those having claims against said es- tate to present them duly authorized for settle- ment. Jel¥ 6t JNO. A. HUNTER, Admint’r. AUDITOR 8 NOTICE. ‘The undersigned, an auditor ap- pointed by the Court of Common Pleas; of Cen- tre County to make distribution of monies, in the hands of George Alexander, Sheriff, nrising {from 1 "tho real estate of Williams and Hum- will attend to. the duties of his appoint. in Belicfonte, at two o’elock, P. M., when > all persons interested may attend. i. M. BLANCHARD, Auditor. 5 UDITORS NOTICE. The undersigned, an Auditor ap pointed by the Orphans Courtof Centre Co, to i distribution of the balance remaining in tho of Samuel Gilliland administrator of tho of Wm. Prien | hig account will attend tothe duties of his &p- { pointment on Thursday the 20th day of August All applications an- ment on Fridav, the 17th of July, 1863. at his of- w Dec’d after settlement o - Snuonucements. iw Sheriff, We are authorized to aunpanee the mame ot E. Kreamer of Boalsburg, as a candidate for the office of sheriff, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce the name of Col. P, W. Barnhart, ¢f Boggs township, as a candidate for the office of »heriff, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. Weare authorized to announce the name of J. B. Kreamer, of Jak Hall, Harris township, as a can- didate for the office of Sheriff sub ject to the decision of the democratio county convention. Wo are authorized to announco the name of Thomas McCoy, of Boggs township, as a candi- date for the office of sheriff, subject fo tho deci. sion of the democratic county convention, We are authorized to announce the name of Jacob Wolf, of Haines township, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention, We are authorized to announce the name of J.J Lingle, of Bellefonte, as a candidate for office of sheriff, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. Wo are authorized to announce the nmme of James Furey, of Howard, as a candidate for the office of sheriff, subject to the decisisn of tho de- mocratic convention. We are authorized to announce the namo of John M. Bush, of Patton townsh¥p, as a can- didate for the office of shenff, subject to tho decision of democratic county convention, Vo aro authorized to announce the name of John Miller, of Penn township, 88 a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the degision of the democratic county convention , Wo are authorized to announce the hame of A. Carner, of Hublershurg, asa candidate for the office of sheriff. subject to the decision of the demoeratig county convention. We are authorized to announce the name of Daniel Z. Kise, of Howard, as a candidate for the office of eherifl, subject to the decision of the Jemocratte county convention We sre authorized to announce the name of Amos Koch, of Benner township, as a candidate ior the oflice of Sheriff subject to tho decision of the democratic county convention. Ve ate are authorized to announce the name of R. D. Cummings as a candidate for the ofilce © Sheriff subject to the decision of the demoesatic county eonvention. Wo are authorized to amnounce the name of Josepd Gates, of Ferguson township, as a can- didate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the de- cision of the democratic county convention. Weare authorized to ammounco the name of Ricaarp Coxny of Gregg township as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the democratic county convetion. Wo are authorized to announce tho name of D. ©. Bower, of Asronsburg, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the de- moe y ¢ounty convention. " Register and Recorder. ——— We are authorized to announce the name of Jesse L. Test of Rush township, a8 a candidate for the office of Register and Recorder, subje to the dec n of the Democratic county conven- tion. Wo_nre authorized to announce tho name of Thomha J. Holt, of Jerguson township, as a cant didaze forthe offico.of register and recorder, sub- ject to the decision of the demceratio connty convention, We are are authorized to announce. the name of J. P. Qephart, of Milheim, as-a eandidate for the ofilce of Register and Recorder, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention We aro authorized to apnounce the namo of Jacob G. Meyer, of Haines township, as a candi- date for the office of Register and recorder, sub- geet to tho decisicn of the democratic county con- This institution will he opened poention. Te are authorized to announce the nano of Al- len Bartholomew, of Grege township, as a candi. date for the office of Register and Kecorder, sub- Jeet to the decision of the democratic county con. vention, We are authorized to avnounze the namo of G- W. Rumbarger, of Patton township, as a candi date for the office of Register and Recorder, sul cot to the deciion of the Dewoceratis County Convention. E - Treasurer, We aro authorized to announce the B. ¥. Hunter, of Benner township, as # date for the office of Treasurer, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention, We are authcerized to announce the name of C. Derr, of Bellefonte, as a candidate for the office of P'reasnrer, subject to the deoision of the democrat tic county convention. We aro authorized to announce the name of John Hoy, of Spring township, as a candidate for the office of Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. We nre authozized to announce the name of John Shannon, of Potter township, as a can- didate for tho office of Treasurer, subject to the decision of the democratic county couvention, Prothonotary. © We are authorized to announco the name of J 8S. Barnhart, former editor of this paper, as acan- didato for the office of prothonotary, subject to the decision of the democratic county conventions Wo aro authorized to announce the namo of James H. Lipton, as a candidate for the office of Prothonotary subject to tho decision. of tho demoeratic county convent ion. Commissioner. Wo are authorized to announce the name of Jas Yorseman, of Snow Shoe pone, a3 a candidate for the offico of Commissioner, subject to tho de- cision of the democratic county convention. Assembly. Wo uro authorized to announce the mame of Anthony C. G eary, of Walker township; as a ean~ didate for the Assembly, subjectto the decision of the democratic county convention. Wo are authorized to announce tho name of ¥ illiam Allison Jr. of Walker twp. asa candi- ate for Assembly, sabjoot to the decision of “the Democratic county convention. NEW ADVDRTISEMENTS. RPHANS COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of the Or- ha ns Court of Centre county, will be exposed to ub ic sale, at tho Court House, in the borough B oilefonte, on TUESDAY, AUGUST 25th 1863. all that valued farm or tract of land, situate in Harris township, four miles east of tno AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, in Center county, containing . TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY-TWO ACRES, strict measure, bounded by lands of Charles Stam, Michael Wheeling and others. About one hundred. and ninety acres of the above tract are cleared and in the highest stato of cultivation. Tue land is of the best quality of limestone, easy to till, and produces equal, if not superior, to any farm in Centro County. A never failing stream of water runs through the premises near the buildings A LARGL Bhiun ~-..#, BANK BARN and other out buildings, in good repair, are ercet ed thereon, everything in fact calculated to make a home comfortable. Terms, one half at confirm- ation.of sale, the residue in two equal annual payments with intevest. JOHN HUFFER Jeb ts Guardian of Ecoch and (eo. Hastings. NEW BAKERY! MATHIAS SCHMUCK. Would respoct fully inform the people ot Dellefonte and vicluity, that he has apened a ncz and complete Bakery on SPRING street, in &3 premises of WW. I. Reynolds, where ho will kegs i constantly on hand all kinds of BREAD, RUSK, POUND CAKE, SUGAR AND GINGER CAKES, CRACKERS, &e., &e., &ec, which ho sells at a reasonable and solisfastery | Bread, Cakes and Pies baked 10 order on the shortost notice. Families will find it to their ad- vantage to get their. baking done at this estab- lishment, as they can always got pure wholesome bread and cakes just when they pood them Sopt. 12th, 1862—1y. 3 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NoT A RUM DRINK! A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED VEGATABLE EXTRACT. 4 PURE TONIC, THAT WILL RELIEVE AFFLICTED AND WILL NOT MAKE DRUNKARDS. DR.HOOPFLA N'Y GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED BY DR.C. M. JACKSON. PHILADELPHIA, PA. WILL Linn AND MOST CER AINLY CURE ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM A Disordered liver, Stomach, or Kidneys. Thousands of our citizens are suffering from | D vepepsia and Liver Diseases, and to whom the following question. apply—we guarantee HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, WIL! CURE EVERY:CASE OF Chronio or Vervous Debility, Disoasoof the Kid ney 3, ga Sats uaa {row 8 mri me ovrdered Stomach. OBSERVE T'yR FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS Resulting {mm Disorders of the Digestive Organs Constipation, Inward Piles, Fulness or Blood to the thead, Acidity of tho Stomach, Nausen, Feartburn. Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Ktomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Saffocating Sensations when ine lying posture, Dimness of Vision, Dota or Weba before tho sight. Fover and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Porspira- tion, Yellowness of tho Skic and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, &o., Sudden ¥'lushes of Heat, Burning in tho Flesh, Constant Smagini. gs YF Evil, aud great Dopression of spirits, Particular Notice. Thero nro many preparations sold undér the nae of Bitters, put up in quart Bottles. com. pounded of the cheapest whisky or common rum costing from twenty to forty cents per gallon, the taste disgusted by Anise or Coriander Seed. Thi 5s class of Bitters has caused and will con- tinue to oanse, as long as they can be sold, hun dreds to dse “the death of the drunkard. Dy their uso tho systom i kept continually under the influence of Alohoholio Btimulants of the woreb kind, the desire for liquor is created and kept up, and the result is all ihe horrors attendant upon a drunkard’s life and death. For those who desire and will have a liquor bitters, we publish the following receipt. Get Ono Bottle Hooflaud’s German Bitters and mix with threo quarts of good brandy or whisky, and the result will be a preparation that will far ex- cel in medicinal virtues and true exzellence any of the Liquor Bitters > market d will cost much less. You will b 1t the virtues of Hoof Jand’s Bitters in ¢ n with a good article of liquor, at a much e-than these inferior preparations will eo HOOFLAND'S GERMAN RITTERS WILL QlVR YoU A GOOD APPETITE, WILL GIVE YoU STRONG HEALTHY NERVES, WILL GIVE You BRISK AND ENERGETIO FEELINGS, WILL ENABLE YOU Tn SLEEP WILL, AND WILL YOSITIVELY PREVENY YELLOW NEVER, BILIOUS FEVER, &c. MAAAAAAAA from to Constitutions, Those guffe Broken down and Del Yrom whatever ¢ p, either in MALE OR FEMALE, Will find in : IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, A REMEDY That will restore them to their ususl hb Such has been 1 ands of i and a fair trial is bat requested to prove the as- sertion. alth, REMEMBER, THAT THESE ARE NOT ALCOHOLIC And not intended as a The proprietors have thousanfiz of Letters from tho most eminent Clergymen, Lawyers, Physicians end Citi- Zens, Testifying of their cwn personal knowledgo to the bencficial effects and medical virtues of those Bitters, From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of the Encyclopedia of Religions Knowledge. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent Medicines in general, through distsust of their ingredients and effects. I yet knew of no sufficient reasons why » man may not “testify to the benefits he belioyesto have received from any simple preparation, in the hope that ho may thus contributo to the benefit of others. I do this tho more readily in regard to *Hoof. land’s German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of this city, becanse I was prejadiced against them for many yoars, under the impros- sion that they wero ehisfly an aleoholic mixture. I am indebted to my friend Kobert Shoemaker, Esq. , for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and for encouragement to try them, when suffering from great and long continued debility. The use of three bottles of theso bitters, at tho beginning of the present year, was followed b, evident relief, A restoration to a degroe of bod ily and mental vigor which I had not felt for six months before, and thad almost despaired of ro- gaining IX therefiro thank God aud my friend for directing me to the use of them. Philad’a, Juno 22,1803, J. NEWTON BROWN DISEASES OF KIDNEY AND BLADDER In youugor Aged, Male 0 Female, Aro epecdily romoved, end tho patient restored to health, DELIOATE CHILDRREN, Those suffering from Morasmng, wasting away, with scarcely any flesh on their bones, aro cared in a very short time, one bottle in such oases will have a most surprising cffe of. YAR ENPS Having suffering children as above, and wishing ro raise them. will never regret the day when they commenced with these Bittora, LITERARY MEN, STUDENTS, And those working bard with the tr brains, should always keep & bottle of Hoofland’s Bitters noar them, as they will find much benefit from its use, to both mind and body, invigorating and not do- spressing. : IT IS NOT A LIQUOR STIMULANT, And leaves no prostration. ATTENTION, SOLDIERS! AND THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. We call tho attention of all having {friends or relatives in the army, to the fact that Hoofland’s German Bitters will cure nine-teuths of tho dis- eases induced by exposures and privations inci dent to camp life. In the lists, di al most daily in the newspapers. on the arrival of the sick, it will be naticed that a very largo pro- portion are suffering {rom debility. Kvery case of thot kind ean be readily curcd by Hoofland’s German Bitters, We have no hesitation in eay- ing that, if these Bitters wero froely used amon g our soldiers, hundreds of lives might bo saved that otherwise would be lost. a The proprictors are_daily receiving thankful letters from sufferersin the army and hospitals, who have been restored to health by the use of these Bitters, sent to them by their friends. . BEWARE OF COUNTERFELITS! Seo that the Signature of ¢«<C. M. Jack- son’® is on the wrapper on each Bottle, Price per Bottle 75 cents, Or Half Dozen for $4 00. Should your nearest druzgist not have the aii- ole, do not bo put off by any of the intoxicating preparations Hat may be offered in its place, but send fo ue, 21d we will send, securely packed by express. - Principal office and Manufactory, NO, 631 ARCH STREET. : v > y JONES & EVANS, (Successors to U. M. Jackson & Co,,) Proprietors, MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. LATEST ARRIVAL OF STING AMD SCMAER GOODS AT THE R48 FRONT" BOTTER BAAS, Have just roceived the flge Spring and Summer Goods eve place, and selling at prices th tion, Lortment of veht to this Jefy competi CONSISTING s 5) oo Ladies’ Dress Goods, SUCH AS MERINOS, QASHMERES, DELANES, CALICOS AND SUMMER DRESS G OGDS Also, alargo assortment mers’ BOOAS AND SION, GREAT of ladies and gentle INDUCEMERTSE AND SPLENDID BARGAINX OFFERED TO PURCHASERS FOR Cash or Country Produce, FURNITURE WARE ROOUS North side of the Diamond. BELLEFONTE, PA. WHERE BUREAUS, * SOFAS, . LOUNGES, HAT RACKS, WIIAT NOTS, EXTENSION TABLES, STANDS. CHAIRS STOOLS, 5 &o, &o., Of every deso fption, quality and price, 8 sale CHEAPER than at any other establishment of the kind in Contral Pennsyl: ania. June 1st 1863—1y. HENRY P, HA' RIS MRS. M. 8. HUG BE BLE T.Y. EIT XA, Alleghony Btroet, one deer north of BLANCHARD'S LAW OFFICE, Hoa just opened a fine assortment of the latest Gey Grins and Toiits Go 4, Which sho 13 prepared to make up nnd trim fu the lateet fashion ond at LOW PRICES. BONN AND HATS Always on hond and timmed at the shortest TS ) notice, BLEASRING Done in tho most complete wanncr known to the trade. Mayl tf VY EISKERSH! PRLAVREATS STIMCLATING ON GUENT, oR FRENCH CREAM, FOR BALD HEADS AND BARE FACES! ! os celebrated article is warranted to bring out a full set of Whiskers on the smoothest face, or a fine growth of hair on a Bald Head, in less than six weeks, and will inno way injure the tkin. The French Cream is manufac- tored by Dr. M. PuraTreAvs, of Paris, and is the only reliable article of the “kind. “Use no other.” “Warranted in every case.” One box will do the work. Price $100. lmported and for sale Wholesale and Remil by HOS F. CHAPMAN Chemist and Druggist 831 Brodway, N.Y T. S.A Box of the Onguent sent to any address by vet wrn mail, on reeeipt of price, and 15 cont for Postage July 3d 1363,—1Im. I IME! LIME! A The undersigned having purchas. ed the “Bellefonte Lime Quarry,’ located cn the pike leading to Milesburg. about half a mile from the borough of Bellefonte, is prepared to fur ish lime of a superior uality at short notice in quan. tities to suit purchasers. Persons desirous of procuring a first class article for bujlding par. FOR SALE by Droggests and Dealers In| poses would dowellio call ab the kiln or nddress very town in the United States jel® 1y ¢of 2m WM. SHORTZLIDGE i sd dai] BAXTRESSER & CRIST, TiC HARDWARE, WINDOW SHADES, CUTLERY SAWS RIFLES PISTOLS SUOT GUNS AXES EDGE TOOLS SADDLERS HARDWARE Carriages Makers’ Trimmings and Carpenteg’s Tools. STEEL SPRINGS. PAINTS, O18, GLASS, NAILS, &o , &e,, Ke. &o. kinds of merchapdise usually ed hardware store. oly new, 1 are enabled to any other establishment in the r establishmort will bo found on And all otha kent in n wel TAIZ GL SBSEIFD L780 PETER LORILLARD Souff and Tebueco Manufacturer 18 & 18 CHAMBRES §T., rey 42 Chatham Street, New York,) Would call tho attention of Dealers to the articles of Lis manufacture, viz: : BROWN BNUFF. Demigros, Pure Virginia. . Nachitoches. A Copenhagen. YELLOW SN UKF, iloney Dew Scotch t Scotch, Fresh {loney I sh High Toast, Fresh Seoteh. or Lundyioot, - Attention is called to the large redustion in Scoteh, ses of Fine-cut chewing and smoking ‘Lobucsos, which will be found of a superior quality. TOBACCO. SMOKING. FINE CUT CHAWING. BMOKING. Long, P, 4. L. or plain, No. I, Cavendish, or Sweet, No. 2 Sv nted Oronoco, or, Nos1 & 2 Tin Foil Cavendish, Puarkish. mixed, Granulated. N.B.-—-A circular of prices will be “sent or application. April 17 1 year Wo A CHANCE TOR FB pnw SADDLER BRI! fad % ToL 0s i UI YSIS 3 IVE La TIF A.C TOXR YT, The subscriber | sve to inforin the world and tho people of o Cennty in par r that he still continues to earry on the Bu business in all its various branches, at his n the Norru-East corner of ALLEGHANY an BISHOP Streets; where can be found at all times a full supply of Baddles, Waggon Harness Dirldles, ne ; Carriage Hamess Collare, Wagon Whips, Truoks, Driving Whips’ alters’ &c., &e., &eo. made of the very beat material, and wanrnAsTEu to be pat ty-gather in the most sibstantial man- ner. Prices to suit the times. Valises, Netts, Call and examine yourselves gentlemen, and if you are not satisfied, you need not purchase. JERRY TOLEN & Co. 1-y. Bellefonte, Sept., 10th 62. ABOLITION =X Tan BELLEFONTE, PA, ) W. W. MONTGORLEY, Prop., Has received a large invoice of CLOTHS, CASSIMERE?R v ote., ele. | Which will be manufuctared in the LATEST STYLES, and fia manner that eaunol fail to prove sally factory. A lurge assortmont « GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, 6 ing of Collars Neck Ties, Suspenders Hoslory, Uundkerchiefs, ete, Exactly suited tothislocality andintende I for the SUMMER TRADE, His shelves pre-enta greater variety of plain and fancy goods than ean be found elsewhere in Cen tral Pent rani. Call und sec-that M utgowery is the man that can male Clothes in the fashion, strong and cheap; Ail that have ever tried Lim yet, Say that Le really can’t be beat. June 26 1y TH EROOT AND HERB DOCTOR, FROM : PHILADELPHIA, . Whe has had thirty-five year constant practice, can be consulted at the CONRAD HOUSE, BELLEFONTE, On tho EIGHTH DAY OF JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER. He cures all diseases that “FLESU 1S HEIR 10.” A STETHESCOPLO EXAMINATION Of the Lungs FREE, jel21y W. LEVINGSTON, M. D WANTED TMMADIATELY. Bmi 1g trade. One from the countr 3. A WQUISTON, Bellefc m22 HARDWARE. IpraLER IN FOREIGN AND DOMES- DOOR MATS ener of the Diamond, Bellefonte. oh A boy to learn the Caniage orrod. Ion. Winson M'Caxpress Judgeot the United States Circuit Court, President. Corner Penn and St. Clair Streets, Dettsburgh, LPenasylvania, The Largest, Cheapest and Best. 5 pays {or a full commercial coarse. N tra charges for Manufacturers, Steam 1 land Bank Dook-Keeping, s' eons at half price. Scudents onter cw at any time. Institution is conducted by experienced rs and Practical Accountants, who prepare :n for netive business, at the least ex- st tl ur the wost lucrative § i Divrowad granted for merit ouly. Hence ths universal preference for graduates of this College, by business men. Pror. A. Cownny, the best Penuian of the Un- ion, who holds the largest No. of sr Prasxivms. 2d over all compelitury, teaches Rupld Business itt For specimens of Penmanship, snd Catalogue containing fill information. inclose twonty-five cents to JENKINS & SMITH Principals {79 Altend where the Sous and Clerk 8, Bankers und Business Men graduata, OS ole ye 5G KATIONAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGES LOCATED I PIIILADELPHIA. £.2. cor. 7th and Chestnut Streets, N.Y. CITY, BROOKLYHN ~TBANY TROY, BUFFALO, L&AVELAND, DETROIT, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS. < ring, PENMANgmIP, ConMBR aL AR - , COMMRRCIAL LAW, Foras Cri .RB8PON- &o , practically taught, Collegos being under the sama genoral managoment, and ur in each the , offer greater fucilities tor fmi- tion than avy other similar instl untry. cholnrshilp tssued by any one ts good in ail aniimited timo. Pl sIphia College has Leen recently cn rnished fn a superior manner, ani pat and moss prosperous Comer nin the Biate. t 3 of Text books, em- nimercial Aritometie, waereial Law, for sao and and sent hy eo ac Come mail. LZ7° Lor full partvenlars send 1 @ civcular Oct. 17. 1802—1y. Bod Bugs, Insects ur Animals & Pat up in 250 be and $1 00 Toxes, Doties & | #3 and $5 sizes for Hotels, Public Inst de. “Only infallible remedies known.’ “Fp om Poisqus “ No 1zetoud to the ITuman Family. ¢ Rats eome out of thelr holes to die.’ 77 Fold wholesale in all large clos. = Sold by nll Druggists and Retailersevery where. = Beware! of all worthlees tmitations. fee that © CosTAR’S”’ nawe #5 on each Box, Bottle and Flask. before yon hur Address ENLZY R. COSTAL. Principal Depot 433 Broadway, N. X. f° Sold a - HARRIS'S RUG STORE Bellefonte,. Pa. March 27, 1863-8. CUNMIGE YANURACTORY My. 8S A. McQulsiion woald res form the citfzens of Centro com opened a new Carriage Maru: of Cummings’ Livery Stable, w to manufacture CALRIAGES, BUGGIES, SULKIES,” PiIAYETONS. SPRING WAGONS, : SLEIGUHS, SLEDS, &C., &C at prices to suit the time.s. Repairing done on short noiize. Bellefonte, Feb. 6, 1863, 1y. luily im thit he has , in the rea hols prepara werewrne MARRIAGE —ITS LOVES AND Sf hates, sorrows and angers. hopes and {ou grots and joys. MANHOOD, t, how restored, the nature, trea‘ment and ours of spermatorreea or geminal wenk- ness ; involuntary emissions, sexual debility and impediments to marriage venerally, nervousness, consumption, fits, mental and physical iveapaoi- ty, resulting from SELP-AnUSz —are fully ox- plained in the Marriage Guin, Ly WILLIAM FOURU, MD. This ost. extauatinary hon should beln the bands of every young person emplating murdage, and every wan or wo who desires to Hmit the n®mber of their off g to their circumstances. Every patu, dis and ache inel to.youth maturity ard 0, { ied; every partielo of be known fa here given — : zs. Eu fact, It discloses se erets that every one should kuow, stili it is a book that must be looked up and not ie about th o house. It will be sent to any one on the receljt of 25 cents, in epoclo or postage stamps. Address DI Wm, YOUNG, No. 418, Spruce street, ubure Fourth, Philadelphia. PLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE, no matter what y diseuse, before you place yourself {any of the notorious Ques cks— p 1=—who ‘n this or any other coun. v copy of Dr Young's hook, ana read ec dt will bo the nenus of saving wo 1 lars, your health, and possibly you « (+ ean be consylicd on any ef the bed in his publiention, nt his office No. 418, Spruce Street, above Yourth, Phila. - Offieo hours trom § to 6 daly. Oct, 2nd, [862-1y. jpoot AND SHOE STORE, BELLEFONTE, PA. . PEER McMAION, Proprietor. y Would respectfally inform the citizens of Delle fonte and vicinity that he has spened up a shop on ALLEGUHENY STR ET, LA few doors below Hofler's Store, here he is prepared to sell at the LOWEST RICES BOOTS AND SHOES. ¢ . mayl 1863 1y JIVE TWENTY U. §. LOAN Wm I! Reynolds & Co., of Belle. onte, aro subscription agents to dispose of the Five-Twenty yours’ United States Loan Amounts can be had to suit the moans of different individ- uals; tha interest is payable and will be paid Ralf yearly in gold. april 10, 1508 tf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers