Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 17, 1863, Image 3
—— of Se Ea : “The following is the schedule of time of closing the mails on the different routes leaving this place: Norrn.—Via Snow Shoe and Moshanon, closes at 9 o'clock P. M. Sovri.—Via Pine Grove Mills and Spruce Creek, closes at 9 P. M. kast.—Via Hublersburg and Lock Haven clos- esat 124 P. M. LasT.—Via Centre Hall, Milroy, and Lewistown, closes at 9 P. M. East —Via Howard and Lock Haven, closes a 9P. M. a Port Matilda and Tyrone closes at : « Me West. —Via Half Moon and Tyroue, close at 9. P.M. RAILROAD ROUTS. Bellefonto and Snow Shoe, leave Bellefonte at 8A M Bald Eagle Valley Branch Rallrvad, leave at 330P. M STAGE ROUTS. Stages for Tyrone, Via Half Moon. leave on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, at 64 A.M. Stages for Lock Haven Via of Hublersburg, leave daily at 1 P. M. Stages for Lock Haven Via of Howard leave Mondays Wednesday, and Uridays at 7 A. M. Stages for Lewistown Via Centre Hull, leave tlaily at 6 A M Stages for Spruce Creek Via of Farm school, and Pine Grove Mills, leave Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7A. M. i, LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS, [77 Ten new contrabands havo arrived in Lown within the last couple of days. Let them como; we suppose our republican friends will receive them with open arms and gushing hearts, 0 47 Ira O, Mitchel, our former towns. man, but now of Wilkesbarre, is on a visit to his friends in this county. Mr. Mitchel 1s a sound lawer and a good Democrat, and intends to do yeoman service for Judge Woodward (his fall. oan IZ Capt Frank Huston, who left this county with a company of militiamen, has been made Licutenant Colonel of the regi- ment. This will gratify the friends of the Captain, and we hope he may prove him- self worthy of the position. oe IZ On our outside to-day will be found a beautiful poem, entitled * Estrangement,” from our talented contributor, John P. Mitchel. We commend it to the attention of our readers as a composition of more than vrdinary merit, containing the ring of true poetical ge nius. jo 17 ‘Lhe body of Capt. R. M. Foster, kill. «d at the Lattle of Cettysburg, arrived in this place on Tuesday, on 1ts way to his home, near the Farm School, where it will ;be interred. The Captain brave man and fell hike a hero, ashes. > was a Peace to his ei (rE CroriuNG RrevrNep. —The friends of the soldiers who left this county in the late mili. tia companies, called out for the defence of the State, are hereby notified that the clothes which they took away with them have been returned to Bellefonte, and can be obtained by calling either at the Prothonotary’s, Reg- ister’s or Treasurer's office. =) ee [Ir A valuable cow, belonging to Mr. Copenhaver proprietor of the “Pennsylvania House,” in this place, was yesterday run over by the locomotive at the depot, break. ng one of her limbs. We learnfthat the leg hase en set, and the poor creature may probably recover, We do not know who 3 to blame in the matter. Ci [i Business in town just now is extrem- iy dull; and everything wears a listless and saddened aspect. Ths war absorbs all thoughts, and sorrowful hearts are every- where throbbing heavily. We hope the Almighty in his goodness and mercy, will bring terrible struggle to a close,before many days, and restore to our country its former happiness and prosperity, and to our people their smiling faces and joyful hearts. 0 f= Three militia companies from this county, namely, Captain Snyder’s, Captain Boal’s and Captain Thomas's formely Cap- tain Huston’s, are now stationed in Hun- tington, The men are all well and in good apirits, and appear to be well satisfied with the arrangements for their convenience and comfort, A number of our citizens have been to see whew lately, and found them Hourishing finely. re 57 A number of our citizens have just returned from viewing the battle-field at Gettysburg, and express themselves as much impressed by the scenes then presen: ted by that bloody field. Numbers of dead men were yet unburied, and fragments of the battle were strewn in every direction, Dead horses were everywhere, and the stench is described as almost intolerable. — Gog save us from any more such awful CE eS. Q en 07 NEw PAVEMENT. —A new patent pave- ment has been laid from the residence of Mrs. Sourbeck, on Bishop street, extending around the corner of Allegheny to the sad- dlery establishment of Harvey McClure, This is a great improvement on the abomin- able old concern that formely dis- graced that portien of our town, and adds much to the appearance of, and comfort of pedestrains in that locality. — Patent pavements bid fair to become an mstitution of our town, as the more that 15 seen of them, the better they are liked, — If laid in the right way, with the proper elements properly commingled, they become as hard as a rock, aud are far superioy to either brick or stone. We hope soon to see them laid in all our streets Bellefonte Markets. Lhe following are the quotations up to 6 o clock yesterday (Thursday) evening SPECIAL NOTICES. PRESERVE YOUR BEAUTY, SYMMETRY OF FORM, YOUR HEALTH, AND MENTAL POWERS, By using that Safe, Pleasant, Popular, and Spe cific Remedy $mown as HELMBOLI’S EXTRACT BUCHU Read the Advertizement in another column, and profit by it— Discases and Symptoms Enumerated. Cut it out, and Preserve. You may not now re- quire it : But you may at some future Day. “It gives health and vigor to the frame, And bloom te tLe pallid cheek.” saves long suffering and Exposure. Beware of counterfoits. Cures guaranteed. Two months. A Card to the Suffering. The Rev WirrLiAm CosGROVE, while laboring as a Missionary in Japan, was cured of Consump- tion, when all other means had failed, by a recipe obtained from a learned physician residing in tho great city of Jeddo. This recipe has cured great numbers who wero suffering from Con- sumption, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Coughs and Colds, and the debility and nervous depression caused by these disorders. Desirous of benefitting others, I wil send this recipe, which L have brought home with me, to all who need it. freo of charge. Address Rev. WM. COSGROVE, 439 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. ly PF we Died. On the 31 inst., of Consumption, Thos. B. Lu- cas, of Snow Shoe, aged 32 years. Mr. Lucas enlisted in Co. BE, Fifth Regiment P. V. 1. C. on the 25th of July, 1861. He took part in some oi the bloodiest battles of the war: acting his part as became a soldier and a patriot. On the 22d of December 1862 he was honorably discharged on account of general disability and disease which he had contracted in camp, hurried him to the grave. His remains were jinterred on tho 4th of July by a large concourse of friends who lamented his death and mourned him asa brave soldier and a good citisen. D.H XY. W ADVERTISEMENTS. TI NE IST of letters remaining in the Post Office at Bellefonte, Centre coun- ty, Pa, July 1, 1863. Ashburn, Libbie Austin, Lizzie BE Apsley, Isabella F Bueh, Wm H Baker, Lieut Burd, Solomon Clippinger. J A Sra HA Campbell, J M Coll, Hugh Craig, Wm Craig, Jennie Chapen. James Emelerose, — Eckley, Martha Frank, Jacoh Gobble, Charles Greenfield, Fannie Gill, Jacob Goodfellow, John Hyle, Mary M Hary, Michael Heller, Augustus Hill, Maggie Harris, R IIit, Pheba Hiles, Margaret llouts, Henry Heel, Edward Jonson, Annie Johnson, Anthony Kinney, Samuel 2 Wilson, David Klingeth, Edward 1 Walker, Edward L Kessinger, Thomas M 1 Walsh, W J Persons calling at this office for any of the above named letters will Jans say they are ad- vertised. WM. P. COOK, Postmaster. BOALSEURG ACADEMY. This institution will be opened 1 King, A 1 King, John 1 Ribe, Henry 1 Lyon, Saul 1 Leonird, Caroline 1 Little, Daniel E 2 Lyon & Bhrart 1 Miiler, James M 1 Miller, Daniel 1 Miller. Alexander 1 1 Middleton, A M 1 MecGillen, M 1 Montgomery, A J 1 Nowlin & Co 1 Cdea, Franeis, I0tta, Noah 2 Orlby, Daniel 1 Parks, Wm 1 Quimley, E G 1 Rockey, Amos 1 Reeser, Henry 1 Randal, Wm 1 Richards, James 1 Rider, Abner 1 Riley, Patrick 1 Riddle, Cardee I Ruller, Joseph 1 Stonebrecker, Martha 1 Smoyer, Mary M 1 Smith, Joseph N 1 Wilson, Kate er PD 00 mt 0 10 1 mt ddd tt nt tt kt Pt Bh dd hk 3 ot mk 3 pt hk August 3d. Terms per quarter of eleven weeks, Common English studies, T8100 Mathematical and Philosophical studies, 500 Latin and Greek language, 600 Contingent feo 37 The County Superintendent, who resides in"the village. and the Principal will take special intor- in training those who desiro to teach. * Boarding and furnished rooms from $172 to ' OLF. $2 00 per week. D.M. WO July 17 8¢ Principal, LEGAL NOTICES. fC XEC TORS NOTICE. Letters testamentary to the estate of Georgo Garbrich, late of Benner township, hav ing been granted to the jundersigned, ali persons indebted to the said aro requested to make pa nents and those having claims against said re will make known the same without delay to Julyl7 6t BENJ. CORL, Executor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Admiuistration on the estate of Michael Flinn, late of Bellefonte, dec’d. having been granted to the subscriber,he requests all persons knowing themselves indebted to said esta e to make immediate payment, and those having clafma to present them, duly authenticated for settlemont. 8, T. SHUGERT, May 29 6t - Administrators, A PMINISTRATORS’ NOTICE. Letters of administration on the es- tate of Henry Garbrick, late of Benner township, dec’d, havidg been granted to the undersigned,he requests all persons knowing themselves indebted to the said estate to make immediato payment, and all persons having claims against said estate to present them duly authenticated for settlement may22 6t MICHAEL GROVE, adm’s ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Letters of Administratiod on the estate of Francis Stevenson, late of Patton town- ship, dec’d, having been granted to the under- signed, he requests all persons knowing them- solver indebt ed to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said es- tate to present them duly authorized for settle- ment. Je 19 6t JNO.'A. HUNTER, Admint'r. — AUDITORS NOTICE. The undersigned, an auditor ap- pointed by the Court of Common Pleas; of Cen- tre County to make distribution of monies, in the hands of George Alexander, Sheriff, arising from the sale of the real estate of Williams and Hum-« phreys, will attend to the duties of his appoint. ment an Kridav, the 17th of July, 1863. at his of- fice in Bellefonte, at two o'clock, P. M., when and where all persous interested may attend. Jo 19 6t E. M. BLANCHARD,, Auditor. Sn ee rea A UDITORS NOTICE. The undersigned, an Auditor ap? pointed by the Orphans Court of Centro Co, 19 wake distribution of the balance remaining in tl @ hands of Samuel Gilliland administrator of tig Estate of Wm. Price Dec’d after settlement o his account will attend td the duties of his aj» pointment on Thursday the 20th dny of Augu t 1863 at the Store of George Juck in Boalshure, af 2 o'clock P. M. when and whereall persons in: tended may attend if thay see proper. JOHE Hao us _duly 3, 4t x. Ayers Cathartie Pills, Annonucoments, Wheat, White, per bushel, $1,25 do Red, do 1.20 - i Rye. do 100 We are authorized to announce the name ot Corn (Shelled) do 90 | E. Kreamer of Boalsburg, as a candidato for the © (Bars = do e 40 | office of sheriff, subject to the decision of the Buel: Wheat, do 62 | democratic county eonvention. Bailey, do 1,00 We are authorized to announce the nama of Oats. (By Weight) do 50 | ool. P, W. Burahart, of Boggs towuship, as a Clover Seed, do 2.00 candidate forthe office of »heriff, subject to the Tails, > 1.78 decision of the democratic couaty convention. ’ id : 5 Beans, > do 1.75 Weare authorized to announce the name of J. I Onions, do 75+ Kreamer, of Dak iall, Harris township, as a can- Apples, (Dried) do 1,50 | didate for the offico of Sheriff, sub ject to tne Eggs, per dozen, a 12 | decision of the democratic county convention. Poaches (Dried) per pound, 16 We are authorized to announce the name of Ba», do 10 { Thomas McCoy, of Boggs township, as a candi- Bees vax, do 25 | date for tho office of sheriff, subject *o the deci. ‘Butte, do 12 { sion of the democratic eounty convention. il ! do 19 Wo are authorized to announce the name of HA do 10} jacob Wolf, of Haines township, as a candidate Kags, do 05] for the office of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. Woe are authorized to announco the name of J. J Lingle, of Bellefonte, as a candidate for office of sheriff, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. We aro authorized to announce the name of James Furey, of Howard, asa candidate for the office of sheriff, subject to the decisisn of tho de- mocratie convention. We are authorized to announce tho mame of John M. Bush, of Patton township, a8 a ean- didate for the office of sheriff, subject to the decision of democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce the name of John Miller, of Penn township, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention . We are authorized to announce the namo of A. Carner, of Hublersburg, asa candidato for tho office of sheriff. subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce the namo of Daniel Z. Kiine, of Howard, as a candidate for the office of sheriff, subject to the decision of the Jemocratto county convention We are authurized to announce the name of Amos Koch, of Benner township, as a eandidato for the office of Sheriff subject to the ‘decision of the democratic county convention. We are are authorized to announce the name of R. D. Cammings as a candidato for the ofico of Sheriff subject to the decjsion of the democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce the namo ef JosePH GATES, of Ferguson township, as a can- didate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the do- cision of the democratic county convention. We are anthorized to- announce the name of Ricianp Conny of Gregg township as a candidato for the office of Sheriff, subject to tho decision of the democratic county convetion. We are authorized to announce tho namo of D. 0. Bower, of Aaronsburg, asa candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject tothe decision of the de- mocratic county convention. Register and Recorder. We are authorized to announde the name of Thomas J. Holt. of Ferguson township, ean* didate for the office of register and recorder, sub- jeet to the decision of the democratic connty convention. We aro are wuthorized to announce the name of J. P. Gephart, of Milheim, as a candidate for the office of Register and Recorder, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention We are authorized to announce the name of Jacob G. Meyer, of Haines township. as a candi- date for the office of Register and recorder, sub- fot to the decisicn of the demoeratic county con- ention. We are authorized to announce the name of Al- len Bartholomew, of Gregg township, as a candi- date for the office of Register and Recorder, sub- jeet to the decision of the democratic county con- vention. We are authorized to announce the namo of G- W. Rumbarger, of Patton township, as a candi date for tho office of Register and Recorder, sub ect to the decision of tho Democratic County Convention. Treasurer, We arc authorized to announce the name of B. F Hunter, of Benner township, as a eandi- dato for the office of Treasurer, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention We are authorized to announce the namo of C Derr, of Bellefonte, as a candidate for the office ol Treasnrer, subject to the decision of the democrar tic county convention. We are authorized to announce the name of John Hoy, of Spring township, as a candidate for the office of Treasurer. subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. Wo are authozized to announce the name of John Shannon, of Potter township, as a cun- didate for the office of Treasures, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. Prothonotary. We aro authorized to announce the name of J 8S. Barnhart, former editor of this paper, 2s a can- didate for the office of prothonotary, subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. We aro authorized to announce the name of James H. Lipton, as a candidate for the office of Prothonotary subject to the decision of tho democratic county convent ion. Commissioner. Wo are authorized to announce the name of Jas Forseman, of Snow Shoe township, as a candidate for the office of Commissioner, subject to the de- cision of the democratic county conven tion. Assembly, We are authorized to announce the namo of Anthony C. G eary, of Walker township, as a cans didate for the Assembly, subjoctto the decision of the democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce the mamo of William Allison Jr. of Walker twp. asa eandi- date for Assembly, subject to the decision of tho Democratic county convention. NEW ADVDRTISEMENTS. ()RPHANS’ COURT SALE. y virtue of an order of the Or- ub lic sale, at tho Court House, in the B eliefonto, on TUESDAY, AUGUST 25th 1863. all that valued farm or tract of land, situato in Harris township, four miles east of the AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, in Center county, containing TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY-TWO ACRES, strict measure, bounded by lands of ChaiTes Stam, Michael Wheeling and others. About one Lundred and ninety acres of the above tract are cleared and in the highest state of cultivation. Tic land is of the best quality of limestone, easy to till. and produces equal, if not superior, to any farm in Centre County. A never failing stream of water runs through the premises near the buildings A LARG. Bhiun ---..u, BANK BARN and other out buildings, in gaad repair, are erect ed thereon, everything in fact calculated to mako a home pospfortable. Terms, one half at confirm- ation of sale, the residue in two equal annual payments with interest. JOHN HOFFER Jedts Guardian of Ecoch and Geo. Hastings. WHISKERS! orough PELALRENT'S STIMULATING ONGUENT, OR FRENCH CREAM, FOR BALD HEADS AND BARE FACES! ! rus celebrated article is warranted to bring out a full set of Whiskers on the smoothest face, or a fine growth of hair on a Bald Head. in less than six weeks, and will in no way injure the ekin. The French Creat is manufac- tored by Dr. M. PeLA®reAUs, of Paris, and is the only reliable article of the “kind. “Use no other.” “Warranted in every caso.” One box will do the work. Price $100. Imported and fox salo Wholesale and Recail by THOS F. CHAPMAN Chemist and Droggist 831 Brodway, N.Y P. 5.A Box of the Onguent sent to any add ress by roturn mail, on receipt of price, and 18 cent for Pos age. : Taly 3d 1863, —1m ha ns Court of Centre county, will be sspesid to | A MIGOLY CONCENTRATED VEGATABLE EXTR%CT. A PORE TONIC, THAT WILL RELIEVE AFFLICTED AND WILL NOT MAKE DRUNKARDS. SAAAA A AAAAAA AAA AAA DR.HOOFLAN 8 GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED BY . DR.C. M. JACKSON. PHILADELPHIA, PA. WILL EEE OP MOST CER TAIN hd y CURE ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM A Disordered liver, Stomach, or Kidneys. Thousands of our citizens are suffering from Dyspepsia and Liver Diseases, and to whom the following question. apply—we guarantee HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, WILL CURE EVERY CASE OF Chronic or Nervous Debility, Discaso of tho K. neys, and diseases arising from a Disordered Stomach. OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS R csultingati m Disorders of the Digestive Organs Constip on, Inward Piles, Fulness or Blood to the ‘head, deidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn. Disgust for Food, Fu'ness or Weight in the Stomach, Squr Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the tlead, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a lying posture, Dimngss of Vision, Dots or Webs before the sight. Fever and tion, Yel lowness of the Skit. and Kyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, &e., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Fish, Constant Smagini gs of Evil, and great Depression of pirits. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA . Particular Notice. There are many preparations sold und r (he name of Bitters, put up in quart Bottles. com- pounded of the cheapest whisky or common rum costing from twenty to forty conts per gallon, the taste disgusted by Anise or Coriander Seed. Thu 8 class of Bitters has caused and will con- tinue to cause, as long us they can be sold, hun- dreds to die ‘the death of the drunkard. By their use the system iv kept continually under the influence of Alchoholie Stimulants of the sorst kind, the desire for liguor is created and Kept up, and the result is all tho Lorrors attendant upon a drunkard’s life and death. For those who desire and will have a liquor bitters, we publish the following receipt. Cet One Bottle Hoofland's German Bitters and mix with three quarts of good brandy or whisky. and the result w a preparation that will far o x- eel in medicinal virtues and true exelienco any of the Liquor Bitters in the market, and will cost much less. You will have all the virtues of Hoof Innud’s Bitters in cor tion with a good article of liquor, at a much less price than theso inferior preparations will cost you. AAAS NAAAAAAAA HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS WILL GIVE YOU A GUOD APPETITE, WILL GIVE You © STRONG HEALTHY NERVES, WiLL GIVE YoU BRISK AND ENERGETIC FEELINGS, WILL ENABLE YOU To SLEEP WELL, AND WILL POSITIVELY PREVENT YELLOW FEVER, BiLIOUS FEVER, &e. Those suffering from Broken down and Delicate Constitutions, From whatever catso, either fn MALE OR FEMALE, Will find in IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BUTTERS, A REMEDY That will restere them to their usual health Such has been the case in thousands of instances eh fair trial is but requested to prove the us- Zertion. . REMEMBER, THAT THESE ARE NOT ALCOHOLIC. Auod not intended as a B EV ER .A GE. The proprietors have thousands of Letters from the most cminont Clergymen, Lawyers, Physiciass and Citi zens, Testifying of their own personal knowledge to the beneficial effects and medical virtues of these Bittera. From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of the Eneyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. ~ Although not disposed to favor ov recommend Patent Medicines in general, through distsast of their ingredients and effects. 1 yet kuaw of no sufficient reasons why a man may not "testify to the benefits he believes to have received from any simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily in regard to “Hoof- land’s German Bitters, prepared Ty Dr. C. M. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced against them for many years, under the impres- sion that they were chictly an aleoholic mixture. I am indebted to my friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq. , for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and for encouragement to try them, when suffering from great and long continued debility. The use of three bottles of these bitters, at tho beginning of the present year, was followed b evident relief, i restoration to a degroe of bod- ily and mental vigor which I bad not felt for months beloro, and had almost despaired of re- gaining 1 therefore thank God and my friend for directing me to the use of them. Philad’a, June 23,1863, J NEWTON BROWN DISEASES OF KIDNEY AND BLADDER In young or Aged, Male 0 Female, Are speedily Femaved, an J fe patient restored 0 health. DELICATE CHILDRREN, Those suffering from Marasmus, wasting away, with scarcely any flesh on their bones, are cured in 2 very short time, one bottle in such cases will have a most surprising effe ct. BAKE OY Re Having suffering children as above, and wishing ro raise them. will never regret tho day when they eommenced with these Ditters. LITERARY MEN, STUDENTS. And those working hard with the ir brains, should always keep a bottle of Hoofland’s Bitters near them us they will find much benefit from its use, to both mind and body, invigorating and not de- pressing. IT ISNOT A LIQUOR STIMULANT, And leaves no prostration. ATTENTION, SOLDIERS! AND THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. We cali the a ttention of all having friogds or relatives in the army, to the fact that Hoofland’s German Bitters will cure nine-tenths of the dis- eases induced by exposures and privations inci dent to camp life. In the lists, published al- most_daily in the newspapers. on the arrival of the sick, it will be noticed that a very large pro- portion are suffering from debility. very ease of that kind can be readily cured by Hoofland’s German Bitters, We have no hesitition in say- ing that, if theso Ditters were freely used amon g our soldiers hundreds of lives might bo save d that otherwise wauld be lost. The proprietors are daily receiving thavkful hospitals, letters from sufferers in the army an who have been restored to health by the use of these Bitters, sent to them by their friends. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS!" See that the Signature of ¢{. M. Jack- son’ is on the wrapper on each Bottle. Price per Bottle 78 cents, Or Half Dozen for $4 00, Should your nearest druggist not have the arii- ele, do not bo pus off by any of the intoxicating preparations that may bo offered in its place, but send fo us, and we will send, securely packed by express. Principal office and Manufactory, NO. 631 ARCH STREET. JONES & EVANS, (Successors to C. M. Jackson & Co..) Proprietors, FOR SALE by Druggests and Dealers in very town in the United States j©19 1y ee er A ETN es ee oe SARE Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspira- | J \ MISCELLANEOUS. LATEST ARRIVAL OF RMG AND SUMAER hous AT TUE JR0N TRONT™ THREE Have just recelved tho dine Spring nnd er. Goods evo place, and selling at prices th tion, Bs 5% [ Jdety competi- CONSISTING Ladies’ Dress Goods, BOOYS AND BIIOES, IRBAYT INDUCEMENTS AND SPLENDID BARGAINS OFFERED TO PURCHASERS FOR Cash or Country Produce, may8 FURKITURE WARE ROOMS BELLEFORTE, FA WHERE BUREAUS, J SOFAS, LOUNG 1 HAT RACKS, WHAT NOLS, EXTENSION TABLES, STANDS CHAIRS SLTOULS, &e, Le., Of ovory desc iption, quality and price, for sale CHEATER than at any other estublishinent of the kind in Central Peunsylsania June Ist 1863—1y. HENRY P, HARRIES MES. M. 8S. HUGHES, RETITL.E XN HAR, Allegheny Street, ono door north of BLANCHARD'S LAW OFFICE. Has just opened a fine assortment of the latest 2 SA J Zi Glyde Si ry and Tries Goats, Which she Is prepared to make up and trim in the latest fashion and at LOW PRICES, BONN TS AND HATS Always on hand and trimmod at the shortest notice, BLEACHING Done in the most complete manncr known to the trade. Mavl tf NEW BAKERY! MATHIAS SCHMUCK., Would respoctfully ‘inform the people of Bellefonte and vicinity, that he has opcucd a naz and complete Bakery on SPRING street, ia ids promises of WV. &'. Reynolds, where ho will keay constantly on hand all kinds of BREAD, RUSK, POUND CAKE, SUGAR AND GINGER CAKES, CRACKERS, &e., &e., &e, which ho sols at a reasonable and satisfactory Broad, Cakes and Pies baked to order on tho shortest notice. Failies will ind it to their ad- vantage to get their baking done at this cstab- lishment, as they can always got pure wholesom e bread and cakes just when they need them Sept. 12th, 1862—1y. | Pat LIME! The undersigned having purchas. ed tho “Bellefonte Lime Quarry,’ located on the pike leading to Milesburg. about half a mile from the borough ot Bellefonte, is prepared ta furnish lime of a superior quality at short notice in quan tities to suit purchasers. Persons desirous o procuring a first class article for building pur poses would do well vo call at the kiln or a1ires ¢ WM SHORT ZLIDGE o obs Printing { | Carringe Makers Trimmivga MISCELLANEOUS. HARDWARE. BAXTRESSER & CRiST, [] EALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMES. TIC HARDWARE, WINDOW SHADES, POOR MA's CUTLERY | Ril'LES PISTOLS SHOT GUNS { <wiment of | veht to this | AXES EDGE TOOLS SADDLERS HARDW ARE and Carpeater's SUCH AS Tools Niles | STEEL BPRINGS DELANES, { . CALICOS | PAINTS, AND SUMMER | DRESS GOOD | OILS i 3, Ala, a large assortment of ladies and gentle | : mens’ | GLASS, | to usually inhied to ut in the s fonnd on 1, Bollefonto ETFRNBERG MALL BY PUMP SUNEINS, EQ wD told ih bout poman in town Who kept a elothing swore so gran? Ard did the thing up brown, sirs Now, this some man has moved his store From Din i And now, next door to © He's got things mighty noat At Reynol's Arende, where ait The folks do congreg ite sics. You'l find our Sternborg’s Clothing fall, With cvory thing first-rate sits There, coats nud ponte. and bits And shirts and boots and shoes of Are piled up go ** eplonditercusly You searce know what to choose L toll you now its mighty grand, To go into his shop. airs, And 800, pilad up on every hand, Things nico as avy top, srs, And then Sternberg, ha scrapes around And bows and acts polite, sir, And asks you If you ever fonrd Goods half go strong snd height, sis you've bound to prafse his goods, to toll the truth, sive, ever goods like ther to be acen In tow, by ugoe or youth, sivs. Besides, they ro all so mighty cheap. Aud good, and ctenn and new, sire For. should you turn and leave his stuso, Yea certainly would rue, sirs, That you did uot a whole suit buy From this great clothing man, sivs, Who'd sell you clothing a far, Then any oue else can, sir Bo here's to Sternberg may he live Forever and a day, sire. And when be dies. we hope he'll find A solt place for to lay, sis. And on bis grave, mid flowers bright, Beneath whick he shall sleep, si Wo'll p ace a stone, whereon we'll wrilo, “ie sold goods mighty cheap,’ sire Day! tt ESTABILISIEENID L760 PUTER LORILLARD i Snaff and Tobuceo Manufueturor 16 & 18 CHAMBRYES BT |, (Formerly 43 Cinthan Street, New York.) Would call the attention of Dealers tu the articles of his manufacture, viz: BROWN SNUEF, Macaboy, Demigros, Fine Rappes, Pure Virgina Course Wappee, Nachitoches Amerienn Gentleman, - Copenhugen YELLOW SN UFF. Honey Dew Scotch. Fresh Honey Due Scoteh, Frosh Scotch. Seoteb, High Toast Seoteh, Irish Nigh Toast, or Lundyfoot, - Attention is enlled to the largo reduction In prices of Fine-cut chewing and smoking "Lobacous, which will be found of a superior quality TOBACCO. SMOKING. PINE CUT CHEWING. SMOKING Long, P. 4. L. or plain, 8. Jago, Nol, Cavendish, or Bwoet, BSpawigh, No. 2 By Seented Oronoco, Canaster, Nest & 3 Foil Cavendish, Turkish mixed, Granulated. N. B,-—A oircular of prices will be sent on: application. April 17 1 year - M.A CHANCE FOR 1m FR BARGAM! ¢ GABBER BRILL. HARES MA NTI ACTOEL YW. Tho subscriber begs leave to mform the world. and tho peoplo of Ceutro County in particular, that be still continues to carry on the Eaddlery business in all its various branches, at his shop -n the Noprie-Kasr corner of ALLEGHANY an BISHOP Streets; where can be found at all tlmes a fli supply of Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Waggon Harness, Carriage Harness Wagon Whips, Truoke, 58 y Driving Whips’ Valises, Haltors’ Notts, &o., &o., &e. made of the very best material, and WARRAN?ED to be put to-gather in the most s hstantial man- nor. Prices to suit tho times. Call and examine yourselves gentlomen, and if you are not satisfied, you nesd not purchase. JERRY TOLEN & Co. Bellefonte, Bept., 10th 62. 1-y. FIVE TWENTY U. 8. LOA) Wm. F. Reynolds & Co.. of Belle Cite, are subscription agents to disnose Five-Twoaty years’ United States Loan Amo can be had to suit the weans of different individ- Fen a AIHELLT CORSE TI TTRIRE | Moz. Winsox M'Cann: States Cis Cerner Penn and bar ditend Bankers snd Rus 25 spl) Dlalie: 7 ens ¢ ¢ ed "4 TH WHER jd i \THYAL COMERCIAL ti LOUAT LD I PIMLADELPHI A. 5.1. cor. 7th and Chestaut tre N.Y. CITY, BROOKLYN: ..7 ROY, BUFFALD, 1s&aVEL DETROIT, CHICAGO & 87. Book-Kreeing. Pexyassue, Coy raMETI unica Lr tnrgoad and is now th a b Comomumercini Law, mnil Lg For full; Vet. 17. 1862—1y. : Art amet for sme and and sent by Marticniars seal 1 1 etreular = \ — ‘s. Bed Bug Xoo Lusects on Plants, b Put up Flasks tutions, . © Ouly tnlailibie romedies known “Free from Poisons © Not dangerous to the Human Yawsilv ¢ Rats come out of their holes to die £4" Fold wholesale tn all large oii 8.3 Bold by all Druggists and et where MM Beware!!! of all worthless imitation Bee that © CosTar’s' nmne 13 on ench Box, Battle snd Flask. before you 7 Address BPN Y B.C Principal Depot 453 Broadway, N.Y «~ Bolt a HARRIS 5 > i L I 00 Boxes, Bottles % es for and 5 siz Hotels, Public Lust rEevery WIG STORE Bellefonte, Pa. Mr 8 4 MoQuistion wonld respecttuliy 1a form the citizens of Centre vounty, that he has opened a uew Carriage Manufactory. in the roa of Carmings’ Live ible, where huis propars to manatucture CARRIAGES BUGGIES, BULKLES, PHAYETONS, SPRING WAGONS, SLELWGES, SLEDS, &C.. &¢ at prices to suit tha times. Repairing done on short notice. Bellefonte, Feb. 6, 18683, 1y. ———— MARRIAGE -1 LOVES ANG hates, sorrows and angors, hopes ant fears, regrets and jovs. MANHOOD how lost, how restored, the nature, treatient and radical aure of spermatlorrma or seminal weak ness; Involuntary emissions, sexual debility and impediments to marciage venerally, nervousness, consumption, its, mental and physical incapaci ty, resulting from seLr-apuse—-are fully ox plained in the Manrnrace Gur by WILLIAM YOUNG, M.D. This most extraordinary bool: should bo in tho hands of overy young “per contempl: gmnrrings, and every man or wo man who « 0s to limit the number of their off spring to their circumstances. Every pain, dis. enso and acho incide to youth maturity ant old age, is fully explained; every particle f knowledge that shouid be know i It is full of engravings. In fact, iv Jdiseh S arots that every one should know. still it is, book that inust be locked up aml nit lis nbout th houso. It will be seut to any ons on the resetp ¢ of 35 conts, in specie or postage stumps. Addres DR. Wu, YOUNG. No. 4186, ¢ 3irect, abov Fourth, Philadelphia. AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE, 1) tnatter wh i] be your disense, before you plice yourse | under the care of any of the notorinus (0 (41 native or foreign— who in thi§ or any other sone try get a copy ef Dr Young's book, ane revi e0 carefully ¥ will bo ths means of swing ve 1 many dollars, your health, and possibly gout lifo DR. YOUNG can bo consulted on any af the diseases d ed in his publication, at lis offise No. 4 wo Street, above lourth, Phila. « ily. Bi Oliico hours from 9 to 6 da 0 . 2nd, 1862-1y. "JHE GREAT GAUSS OF HUMAN MISERY Just Tublished fn a sealed Huvolope. Price 6 ots. A teoturs by Dr. Culverwell, on the cs oure of Spermntor hoes, Consumpt and Physical Debility, Nervousn it psy, Impaired Nutritlon of tho body, situde, Weakness of the JHmbs and back.” Indisposition and [nonpacity for study and La var, Dullness of Apprehension, Loss of Mew wy. ion to So- ciety, Love of solitude, Tiuiidity, Self-Distrust, Dizzinoss, Headache, Affection of the Eyes, Ptinples on tho Face, Involuntary Emissions and i ', the consequences of Youthful 30 and ental { bi that the above evils, way b without daugesct be road by every Land send upder y sealed Cuvee, on the cipt of six cents or Wo postege staunp Y addrvseing, [a virable Leciure clear! proves cuumerated, ofton sel afliiciet roved without mediviue and ul operations, nnd should aad every wan in the deal adress, in a plain, uaig; the interest is payable and will he paid Lali yearly in gold april 10, 1505 « CHAS. J. C. KLINE SC 121 bowery, Now York, Fost Oiice Box, 4500