Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 17, 1863, Image 1

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i A tion of the 1211 of this month, commenting | These repeated and continued invasions | derstood. If not hindered [ot course by| We repeat, a suspension of the writ of} waiving that cousideration this statute, by | tant that party feclings should be laid ae
@he use on the resolutions adopted at that meeting, | of constitutional hberty and private right | arrest,) he is sure to help the enemy, and | fubeas corpus merely dispenses with & sin. [118 very terms, promptly removes the pro-| and that all should be called upon tov
3 7 Eo. was addressed, Have tho honor to sent to have occasioned profound awxicty in the much more if he talks ambiguously —talks | p16 and peculiar remedy against an unlaw- ceeding in every case into the courts where | most cordially and vigorously ta main an
nd ra) ke Watch = | your Excellency a reply to that communi-| public mind. The apprehension and alarm | for his coun ry with ‘buts’ and ‘ifs’ and | fu] imprisonment; but if that remedy had the sons detained are to be dischiarned, | Union, at the 1ime you were sworn int
“or the atchman. ati : tho oe tree X + 3 3 wy ulate . - « *n 5 . 3 : » . . adicte TIN ARPGS ARInG 1 y ei a3 Inile « h
FSTRANGEMENT. he Lp by u ‘ Mamie who reported fhe Yih Gey wre ealoulsied to bretaes have | ‘ands. : You so Es that (310, 8¥1081% nave existed, the right to liberty would be |unle Jidieted for Spiel often against for pePastee of the aited ie w
n- resolutions, The great importance to the [been greatly enhanced by your attempt to | complained of have not been made “for the | he same, aud every invasion of that right the established, and ascertained laws of | you should have urged your fellow-ci
WY IOUS 7. MITGIRIL. people of this country of the questions dis-| justify them, because in that attempt you [treason d.fined in the Constitution.” nor [would be condemned not only by the Cons- | Lhe country. {in the most emphatic manner to cv
Sr cnssed must be our apology, 1f any be|assume to- yourself a rightful authority] «for any capital or otherwise imfamous | (itution, but by principles of far greater an Upon what foundation, then, permit us| all past differences and to rally in defene
“Twas not thy human heart which spoke veeded, for saying that we fully concur in| possessed by no constitutional monarch on | crimes, nor were the proceedings following tiquity, than the writ itself. Our common | to 28k, do you rest the pretention that men | of their country and its institutions, when
o i ye this reply, and believe “it to be in entire | earth. We accept the declaration that you | in any constitational or legal sense ci minal {law is not at all indebted to this wrt for | Who are not accused of crime may be seized | You should have enjoined respect for the la
Spain Rai harmony with the views and sentiments of | prefer to exercise this authority with a | prosecutions.” The very ground, then, of lis action of false imprisonment, and the {and imprisoned or banished at the will and | and the Constitution, ro clearly di
= the meeting referred to, moderation not hitherto exhibited. But be- | your: justification is, that the victims of | action would remain to the citizen, if ihe pleasures of the President or any of his sab- | by the South, you chose, for the first
Theu dost tot mean to erush the heart We are, with great respect, very truly yours, | lieving as we de, that your forbearance is | arbitrary arrest were obedient to every law, | wnt were abolished forever. Aaain, every |oFdinates ia civil and military postions 2— | under like circumstances in the history
_ Whossovang! ih Shing ould Frases CORNING, President. | not the tenure by which liberty is enjoyed { were guiltless of any known and defined | man, when his life or liberty is threatened Where is the warrant for invading the {ree- | our country, to set up a party plat
To ee, which thon Ei Perry, John Taylor Cooper, Peter | in this country, we propose to challenge the | offence, and therefore were svithout the pro- | without the warrant of law, may lawinlly dom of specen and of the press? Where is | called the Chicago platform. as your creed
Monteath, Peter Gansevoort, Wm. S. Pad-| ground on which your claims of supreme | tection of the Constitution. ‘ihe suspen- | resist and if necessary in self-defence, may | the justification for placing the citizen on | to advance it Leyond the Constitution, and
Forgot thee! oh as easily So eos B. ss, iL Ww! oy power is based. While yielding to you as |sion of the writ of habeas corpus instead of | (ake the life of the aggressor. .Morcover, trial without the presentinent of a grand ju- | to speak disparagingly of that great cr
Fe nny rs Sa block, FA x es a constitutional magistrate the deference to | being intended to prevent the enlargement the people of this country may demand the Ty and before mifitary commissions ? There varlge tribunal of our country, so higely res-
Must do it after death. Stephen Clark, Bernard Reynolds, John P. | which you are entitled, we cannot accord to | of arrested criminals until a legal trial and impeachment of the President himself for | és 20 poiver in this country which can sip- | pecied by all thinking men who have hi-
Mi ai a JA 3 you the despotic power you claim, however | conviction can be had, is designed, accord - | the exorcise of arbitury power. And when ath ils I The President 15 as | gulf into our ingifintions The Supreme
\ ‘ore ness 04 nly come otewart, . JSaee, sv. 2s bo Loeb, - and jus v omit i . i cubie i . . . a a humhlos tdi) wrt of the ited States
ir Li alas tii
i D.V¥ Radclifte, Moses Patton, Francis Sd ul ‘ 2 A STASIS ’ # sap 37 Le . P asure. | the protections of free institutions, thei re- i Ta b i : in mind, in fist i a ; us pe 2 ; 5 fifi
Talits hos ceased toolifi. Kearney, Sumucl w. Gibbs, Timothy Sey- 2 or 5 realy conmirere 2 Diente disel OF prusisnies aedovaing t0 | mains. in the last resort tae supreme right pier Sha yeu A Solr painnt the Ieel jes efi¥0q) {hen dad down. Notwith-
: mour, L. D. Holstien, J. Sporborg, Richard |on which your pretensions to more than | this extraordimary theory, and still more so | of yeyolution. You once snunounced this | ing of the people on this snljeet that for the | Standing the fact that “several hundred
The pine a3 casily may cease Purr, John McElroy, E. Jiaioatny Sigmund regal authority are claimed to rest ; and if | the expression of opinions, however loyal, right with a latituds of expression which crime of dispencing with the laws and stat. | thousand Demosrats in the loyal Stat
"lg moan when breezes sigh, gig W on oy oun anes Quibs dow we do not misinterpret the misty and cloud- | if attended «with criticism upon the policy may well be considered dangerous in the | utes of Great Britain, cur anzestors brought | cheerfully responded. to the call of thew
A : { lasing hosting Beart Viee Prosdents. AHOTgArY ! fed forms of expression in which those pre- | of the Government. We must respectfully | present crisis of our national hisiory.— One monarh to the seaflold, and expelled | country, Hild dre ranies of lis) armies, and
Hale Kingsley, James McQuade, J. M. | tensions are set forth, your meaning is, that | refuse our assent to this theory of the con- | you said , <Any people, anywhere being another from his throne. by ther sirong hands and willing arms aid-
Love's harp has often wail'd the dirge Bullock, RW, Peckham, Jr., M. A. Nolan, | while the rights of the citizens are protect- | stitutional law. We think that men way |iyclined and having the power, have the This power which yon have erccted in| ed to maintain your exccliency and the of-
Of vietims he hae slain— ee ii 20. 1863 ed by the Constitution in time of peace, | be rightfully silent if they choose, while t to rise up and shake off the existing theory is of vast and illimitabla proportions. | cers of the Government in the possession oi
Ilis harp strings are tho chords of life, 2400s SURE RA: L500, they are suspended orelost in time of war. | clamerous and needy patriots proclaim the |; cornment, and form a new one that suits | IF we may trust you to exercise it merciful. | our national Capital, potwithstan the
Which thrill the notes of pain ; To his Excellency, Abraham Lincoln, Pres=| when invasion or rebellion exists. You do | praises of those who wield power ; aud as a ii Nori ie right. confined to |v and feuiently, your successor, whether | fact that the gicac body of the Democrats of
Vol Devot. hoo oan the heart dent of the Unated States. not, like many others in whose minds reason | to the <<buts,” the ‘afs’’ and the “ands,” | sages whevd the people of on oti 2 Goy- immediate or more remote, may wield it the country have in the most patriotic spirit
Fs the tallow shrine Sir» Vour snawer, which ins appeared and oe ny gate liberty seem to bel these are Saxon words and belong to the | .ryment may chose to exercise it. ny with ti geyeray of a Cesar or Napoleon.and | given their best efforts, their treasure, their
Wh g Ora + 3 y 0 ; are 3 s 3 rt A AnGH NRL wathors ras tnt 4! .
penn Toning won hip fell in the public prin‘s, to ihe resolutions adopt- ah TE of the hour, vocabulary of freemen. Gidi, ; portion of such people that cam, may Tev- win ae Ww i ot dept and a un ant. Jo i brothers and their sons, to sustely the Gov-
ed at a recent meeting in Albdny affirming P hosts ay pone a Upon x oy We have already said that the intuition | ;1,1i0nize and make their own of so much ina poner y ithout boundary or I'mit because ETnenk and to put down the rebellion, you
Still turnest thou thy face away, . the persona] rizhts and liberties of the eiti- posed military necessity exists outside of of a free people instantly rejects these dav-| of the territory as they inhabit. More than it proceeds Hpan a total suspension of all the | choosing to overluok all this, have made
Aud still thy Jock iz cold, ; zens of this country, has been referred to and transcending the Shisiindd a mili- | gerous and unheard of doctrines. It ig not this, a majority of any portion of such peo constitntioral and legal safeguards which 20 appointments to civil oflice, from your
; op | rE q . 5 n CoS 0 v S yas . J . : bpinliie Te at whinet officers 3 inictara
TN ne press’d the undersign the committee who pre- 4 nh bend which 4d Uist our purpose to enter upon an elaborate and ple may revolutionize, putting down a min: protect the rihs of the citizen. It is a| Cabinet hk ers and foreign ministers down
4 1g . pared and reported these resolutions. The itso I isabpon stn a total echpse. We f extended refutation of them. WY e submit ority intermingled with or near about them | power not inaptly described in the langnage | to the persons of lowest official gradeamon g
Ch, can a woman's heart £0 soon cubject’ will mow receive from us some do not find this giganuc and moustrops’| to you, however, one or two considerations. | hy may oppose their .movements.”-- (Vol. | of one of your secretaries. Said Mr. Sew- | the tens of thousands cngaged in collecting
Forget the love it gave ? further attention, which sour answer seems heresy put forth in your plea for absolute | in the hope that you will review the subject { 19 Con oressional Globe, p. 94.) Such were ard to the British minister in Washington , the revenues of the country exclusively from
hers ro bosom we enn trust to justify, if mot to invite. We hope not | Power, but we do find another equally sub- | with the earnest attention which its supreme your opinions. and you had a constitutional { I can touch a bell on my right hand and or | your political associates.
This stan the yinoiy grave | to appear wanting in the respectidue to’your Forsive of liberty and law, and quite as cer- | importance demands. n ¢ say then, Wel pop to declare them. IF a citizen now der the arrest of a citizen of Ohio. [I can| Inclosing this communication, we desire
(his fickle flash, high position if we reply with a freedom tainly fending io the establishment of des- | are not aware that the writ of dabeas corpus | ghoul utter sentiments far fess dangerous touch the bell again and order the imprison- | to reaffirm our determination and, we doubt
swift ing love ? {and carnestness snggested by the infinite Dl Your claim 1 have found, not}is now A por of the peaceful in their tendency, your nearest military | ment cf a citizen of New York, and no pow- | not, that of every one who attend the meet-
a ; ly gravity and importance of the questions i e or wi nino Mo 8 ated ot 12 Lien 3 foe Ot commander would consign him to a Qungenn Li op but tht of ie President, ean | hg which Mapa the resolutions we have
upon which you have thought proper to ip ¢ or germ or abnitrary power, which in| Congress approve y you on foe 3d of or to the tender mercies of a court-martiaj | reicasc them, Can the Queen of England,in | discussed, expressed in onc of those resolu-
{ take issue at the bar of public opinion. time of war expands at once into an abso- | March, 1863, authorized the President to} 4 «ou would approve the proceeding, her demivions do as much 2 This is the ve | tions, to devote all our energies to sustain
: : : x lute sovercignty, wielded by one man, so [suspend it during the present rebellion. | "000 geliberate judgement the Consti- [ry language of a prefect despotism, and we | the canse of the Union.
s the soul with lofty thoughts, ! You scem io be aane that the Constitu-| 1y,a¢ fiberty perishes, or is dependent upon | That the suspension is a legislative, and | io is not oneh tb thenew interpretation | leazn from you, with profound emotion, that | Permit us then in this spirit, to ask your
Then sinks in endles tion of the United States, which you have yo will, Ins discretion or his caprice. This | not an executive act, has been held in eve- shumested by your communication now be- | this is no idle boast. It 1s a despotista un Excelleney to re-examine the grave snbjects
Ob, had I never, never loved an ay So — oe a ening ye to derive Ne Torn Syer Tae i Bie il ors as. We think every part of that in- fining in principle. because the same arbi- we have considered. to the end that on your
D2 Ouihun your attention : [1] Congress shall make ro i : Date ofthe ites Wh = hy — ” nt ? ’ wlegatel 0 strument is harmonious and consistent, — any aud oe stramed 1) or discretion retirement rom the high position you teu:
. This gloomy night had never come Fe at Ail SE asentrarial , in case of invasion or rebellion, per- | any other branch of the Government. But possible suspension of the writ of Aq-| which can place men under illegal restraint | py, you may leave behind ycu no doctrines
To bear my bopes away. ssing over that consideration, yon Lave
mit the writ of fAabeas corpus to be sus-
pended, Upon th's ground the whole ar-
gument is based.
not exercised the power which Congress
attempted to confer upon you, and the writ
or banish them, can apply the rack or the | and no further precede
put to torture or to death.
e the people of this country thus
s of despotic power
to prevent you and your posterity from er-
joying that constitutional hberty whien is
Geas corpus is consistent with ficcdom of
speech and of the press. The suspension
of that remedial process may prevent the
the press. 2] The right of the peoyle to be
sceure in their persons against unreasona-
Forget thee ! noy I'll y
ch throb of 1
+1 . le seizures shall not b olated, and no - . : 5 : : : :
The cruel shadow ble SN th 1 2 oe Vi iy You must permit us to say to you with | is not suspended in any part of the country plarkitinant af he ntonded fraftor or. cone [¥ therte understood their Constitution. No | the inheritance of uz all, and to the end also
Zill. ne Card sh ssue , upon probable . 3 mealies a tov yn, a 4 Po Iow Bo 5 . A oa i ’ 13
Will never warrant shall issue but upon probab all due respect, but with the earnestuess | where the civil laws are in force. Now, pirator until he shall be legally tricd and [argnment cau commend to their judrmen: | that history may speak of your Adminis-
The day wiil co
Upon this hour ng
When thou wilt
1 that momories,
Wry heart will t
Thou gi vest
6 not away;
ob with all the pain
ue to-day.
} ¢
Aud {or the loving, heart
eruelt wrung,
t clung.
. wien 1 breath thy name,
mart remember'd still
vever be for,
When o'er the pust I
Its page this truth will ever tell
“True love eannever d
supported by cath, [3] No person, execpt
Government. shall be held to answer fora
capital or infamous erime. unless on pre
sentment or indictment of a grand jary,
nor shall any person be deprived of life,
fiberty or property without due process o
law, {4] In all criminal prosecutions, the
accused shall have the right of a speedy
and pa lic trial by an impartial jury of the
State or district in which the crime shall
have been committed, and to be confronted
with the witnesses against him,
aud law which underlie these provisions
were derived by us from the British Consti-
coldiers and marines in the service of the
liberty against the encroachments of powers
From your earhest reading of histery, you
also know that the great principles of liberty
Gemanded by the occasion, that the Ameri-
can people can never a in this doc-
trine. In their opinion the guarantees of
the Constitution which secure to them free-
dom of speech and of the press, immunity
from arrest for offences unknown to thelaws
of the land, and the right of trial by jury
before the tribunals provided by those laws,
instead of military commissions and dram-
head court-martial, are living afd vital prin-
ciples in peace or in war, at all times and
under ail circumstances.
argument can shake this conviction, nor
No sophistry or
public measures and men, and to declare
those opinions. by speech of writing, with
the utmost la'itude or expression, the right
of yersonal liberty unless forfeited accord-
ing to esiablished laws, and for offcnces
inasmuch as your doctrine of the arbitrary
arrest and imprisonment of innocent men,
in admitted violation of express Constitu-
tional guarantees, is wholly derived from a
saspension of the habeas corpus, the first
step to be taken in the ascent to absolute
power, ought to be to make it known to the
people that the writ is in fact suspended.
It is one of the provisions of the Constitu-
tion, and of the very highest value, that no
ex post fucto law shall be passed, the mean-
against the law when committed can be
these are not offences against the known
and established law of the land, the consti-
tutional principles to which we now refer,
nizance of such offences, make known the
ing of which is, that no act which is not
requires that you should, before teliug cog-
convicted or acquitted + but in this we find
no justification for arrest and imprisonment
without warrant, without cause, without the
accusation or suspicion of crime. lt secs
to us, moreover, too plam for argument that
the sacred right of trial by jury, and in
courts where the law of the laud is the rule
of decission, is a right which is never dor-
mant, never suspended,in peaceful and loy-
al communities and States. Will you, Mr.
President, maintain, that because the writ
of habeas corpus may be in suspense, you
Can substitute soldiers and bayonets for the
justification for the monstrous proceeding
in the case of a citizen of Ohio to which we
have called your attention? We know that
a recreant judge, whose name has already
decended to merited contempt, found the
such interpretations of the great character
Quick as the lightning
flash the intaitive sense of
of their liberties.
freemen per-
cetves the sophistry and rejects the con-
Some other matters which yonr Excelien-
ey has presented demand our notice.
In justification of your course as to Mr.
rest of judy
ed te the ar-
re Hall at New Orleans, by order
seoeral Jackson, but that ease differs wid.
ly {rum the case of Mr. Vallandigham, New
Orleans was then, as you uuly state, under
am, you have refe
justice was dispensed with its accustomed
promtitude. In the case of Judge Hall,
General Jackson in a few days sent him
out side of the line of his encampments and
set him at hiberty, but you have undertaken
tiation with induigence, if it cannot with
We are sir, with great respect, yours very
truly, .
Joho V. L. Pruyn.Chairma of Commitioe
Tames Kidd, Gilbert €, Davidson, J. V, Pp,
Quackenbush, Wm. A. [Massete, O. MM. tlun-
gerford John Hogan Henry Lansing 8S. /fand
AM. I. Cohen, Johe Cutler, C. Van Benthuy-
sen, George II. Thacher, C. W. Armstrong,
Wm. Doyle, Franklin Townsend, Wm. Ap.
pleton. B R. Spilman, James McKaown, A.
II. Tremain, Daniel Shaw, W. Simon, 1. E.
You ave alse no doubl aware that on thelwill the peaple maguire. ts sonfimation by made a peaceful operation of the laws, military | “martial or military law.” This was not Stimson, Isaac Lederer, !
4 ¥ % + 3 } . tan] 3 . i : We i HY ; 1 { e ay 4 oe in : - ‘ . . 7 « -
adaption of the donstituion ten fyalua logieal sequence and deductions. fiisa con- | But your glee 3s, tht fwhers the writ lof commissions and inquisitoriai modes of t1 al lgo in Ohio when Mr. Vallandigham was Albany, June 39, 1863.
ble provisions were proposed by the jealous | vietion deeply interwoven with the instinets, | Anbeas corpus is suspended you may lawful-1 ogo courts and juries prescribed by the jarvested. The admivistration of the eivit| = Derr
of thee : no, caution of the States, and were inserted as | the habits, and the education of our coun- [ly imprison and punish for the crimes of (Gon itself? And if you cannot [law had not heen disturbed in that Com- Abolition Vandalism in the Southw:st.
ill ever theill, amendments for a perpetual assurance of trymen. The right to form opinions upon silence, of speech, and opinion. But as maintain this, then let us ask where is the monwealth. The courts were open, and
The St, Louis Democrat, an Abolition pa-
per, gives an admiring account of the domgs
of a cavalry brigade, under command of
Colonel Cornyn, in which it says that {
mounted brigade left Coriath, Miss, on
one of the last days of May, «for the pur-
: py 5 tutton. In that country they were secured | previously defined by law, the right when rule of action, in order that the peo ple may apology on the outside of the supreme and | to banish Mr. Vallandigham fr m his home. | pose of making a path of desolaii
DWAR Julv 7th 1863 ; vo . i S 1 . i = 4 2 or 2 S } a : 13 ssolation
warn, Pa, July 7th 1863 by magna charte more than six hundred | gccused of crimes to be tried where law 1s | be advised, so as not to become liable to its (undamental lew of the Constitution. But | You seem also to have forgotten that Goris z r solation
many and repeated statules of the realm.
years ago, and they have been confirmed by
admisistered. and punishment is pronounced
only when the crime is legally ascertained ;
Let us turn your attention to
the most glaring of all the assaults upon
this is not the foundation on which your
superstructure of power is built. We have
al Jackson submitted implicity to the judze-
ment of the court which imposed the fine
through a section of country not hereto-
fore traveled by oyr forces. Tt was the
intention (to quote mere of the select lan-
constitutisnal liberty, which have marked
the history of your administration. No one
has ever pretended that the writ of habeas
corpus was suspended in the State of Ohio,
where the arrest of a citizen at mianight,
A single palpable viclation of them in Eng-
land would not only arouse the public in
dignation, but weuld endanger the thion®
itself. For a persistant disregard of them,
Charles the Firs. was dethroned and behead-
all these arc rights instantly perceived
| without argument or proof. No refinement
of logic can unsettle them in the minds of
freemen; no power can annihilate them,
mentioned the act of the last Con-
ress professing to authorize a suspension
of the writ of Zabeas corpus, This act now
demands your special attention, because if
upon him, that he promptly paid it, that he
enjoined his fiends to asseut: “as he
most freely did to the ‘decision which bad
just been pronounced against him.
euaze of the narrator,) “to play the devil
generally,” and to leave on the winds of
the non-combatant people ‘a vivid impres
sion as to what the war really is”
The Dictator Answered,
Reriy oF tie Areaxy Dexocraoy 10 Lix-
COLN’s Lrirer or June 12mm.
¢d by his rebellious subjects.
The fact has already passed into history
and no force at the hands of any chief mag-
istrate can compel their surrender.
So far as it is possible for us to under-
was made, and he placed before a courl
martial for trial and sentence, upon char-
we arc not greatly incrror, its ‘erms and
plain attention are directly opposed to all
the arguments and conclusions of your com-
More than this, you overlook the fac.
that the then Administration (in the lan-|
guage of a well known author) mildly but
brigade was five nights in the saldle, and
in that brief space their aboiition culogist
claims that among other signal ‘victorie
they burnt seven cotton factories, all pri-
vate property, costing
000 each: the largest
three hundred looms,
At a meeting held in the Capitol, in the
city of Albany, on the 16th day of May,
1863, to consider the arbitrary arrest of
Mr. Vallandigham, certain resolutions were
adopted, copies of which were, by the di
ges and specifications which admitted his
jnnacence according to the existing laws of
this country, Upon your own doctrine,
then, can you hesita.e to redress this mon-
strous wrong.
that the sacred rights and immunities which
were desiznéd to be protected by these con-
stitutional guarantees have not been pre-
served to the people during your adminis-
tration. In violation of the first of them
decidedly rebuked the proceedings of Cen-
eral Jackson, and that the President viewed
the subject with suprise and solicitude.—
Unlike President Madison, you in a case
much more unwarranted, approve the pro-
munication. That act, besides providing
that the habeas corpus may be suspended,
expressly commands that thie names of all
persons theretofore or thereafter arrested
by authority of the President, or his Cabinet
stand from your language, the mental pra
cess which has lead you to the alarming
conclusions indicated by your communica-
ton, it is this : The kabeas corpus is a rem-
edial writ, issued by courts and magistrates
an average of $20u-
of these ecnntaininy
being valued at ¥100-
000.000, and employing hundreds of men
rection of the meeting, trapsmiited by its i : ted 5 : i i in your — 3 : : :
olitatats Droste fh od , Pus the freedom of the press has been denied. | to inquire into the cause of any imprison- oe if we a acqieses fu Sow bs ministers, being citizens of States in which [ceedings of your sutordnate officer) oo Fg aa The Sark ot ae
onde Tee 0 2 11.2 coin: ing 3 A T'S i : 1: as that arrests and imprisonmen with- ii vik i 3 tii : A aunbel, 1 Stoe at
+ Inic ¢ xe ate nstances. nowspapers have s mas | I » ; i 3 J 2 3 : io
ul wtion dated the 12th of June, 1863, |" Tepe d ins s pay a ment or restraint of liberty, on the return (he Administration of the laws has eontin- land, wm addition, justify your cowse; o 4 shad or hand 1% Asscrthol 1
out or criminal accusation, in their nature
lawless and arbitary, opposed to the very
le ter of consti ntional guarantees, can be-
come in any sense rightful, by reason of a
been suppressed in the loyal States because
they criticised, as constitutionally they
might, those fatal errors of policy which
have characterized the conduct of affairs
addressed {o the gentlemen referred to,
whi i has appeared very generally m the
public prints, discussed the resolutions and
coniroverted certain positions which they
of which, and, upon due examination, the
person imprisoned is discharged, if the
restraint is unlawful, or admmtied to bail if
ued ummpared, shall be returned to the
courts of the United States for the districts
iu which such persons reside, ‘or in which
by a carcfully considered argument m its
ft is true that after some thirty years,
have been more valucable than the
ings and machinery.
flouring-mills, steam saw millp
naintained in regard to personal rights
and constitutional obligations. -
On the receipt of this communication the
Hon. DBrastus Corning, chairman of the
meeting referred to, adds d the President
informing him in substance that the special
duty assigned to the officers of the meeting
to his excellen
of the import:
of the principles involved,
which the matter
since your advent to power.
| be
and immared in prisons and bastilcs, no
only without warrant upon probable eause,
had been fulfitied by sending the resolutions | but without any warrant, and for no other |
but adding that in view | oquge than a constitutional exercise of the
In violation of all
| freedom of speech.
In violation
of the second of them, hundreds, and we
lieve thousands of men have been seized
he appears to have been lawfully arrested,
and is held to answer a criminal accusation.
Inasmuch as this process may be suspend-
ed in time of war, you seem to think that
t| every remedy for a false and unlawful im-
prisonment is abrogated ; and from this
postulate you reach, at a single bound, the
conclusion that there is no liberty under the
Constitution which does not depend on the
their liberty. It %s onc of the most mater
suspension of the writ cf habeas corpus. We
deny that the suspensron of a single and pe-
culiar remedy for such wrongs brings into
existence new and unknown classes of of-
fences or new causes for depriving men of
ial purposes of that writ to enlarge upon
bail persons, who, upon probable cause, are
their supposed offences were committed,and
such return being maae, 1f the next grand
jury attending the conrts does not mdict
the alleged offenders, then the judges are
commanded to issue an order for their im-
mediate > discharge from imprisonment.-—
Now, we cannot help asking whether you
have overlooked this law, which most asur-
edly you are bound to observe, or whether
Congress, in consideration of the devoted
and patriotic services of General Jackson,
refunded the amount of the fine he had paid.
But .he long delay mn doing this proved
how reluctant the American pebple were to
do any thing which could be considered as
in auy way approving the disregard shown
to the magisty of the law, even by one who
so eminently enjoyed their confidence and
private dwellings, yellow waving wheat
fields just ready for the sickle, were alike
destroyed in the wantonness of vengeance,
Speaking of the immense amount of forage
committed to the flames, the jubilant nae-
rator says: “lmmense 18 not the word—
language cannot describe the scene —the
smoke ar'sing from burninz corn-eribs in
every direction and for many miles on each
duly and illegally charged with some known
side of our path.”
crime, and a saspension of the writ was nev-
er asked for in Engiand or this country, ex-
cept to prevent such enlargement when the
supposed offence was against the safety of
the Government In the year 1807, at the
time of Burr's alleged conspiracy, a bill was
passed mm the Senate of the United States,
suspending the writ of habeas cospus for a
a limited time in all cases where persons
were charged on oath with treason or other
| high crime or misdemeanor, Your doctrine
an the public interest Sa is
a | these guarantees, a dis inguished citizen of
gracious indulgence of the Exceutive only.
I peacetul and loyal State has been torn|'I'his great heresy once established, and by
rom his home at midnight by a bana of sol-| this mode of induction there springs at once
nad. | diers, acting under the order of one of your | into existence a brood of crimes or offences
The committee have considered the sub. | generals, triel before a wilitary commis-| undefined by. aay rule, and hitherto un-
Jeet, and viewing the questions at issue as | sion, without judge or jury, convictcd and | known to the laws of this country; and
o the guises importance, replies to the | sentenced without even the suggestions of | this is followed by indiscriminate arre,ts,
TY Ce ay. Nig jy offence known to the Constitution and | midnight seizures, unheard of modes of
of the coramittée it was sent to’ the Presi. | laws of this country. For all these acts| trial and punishment, and all the machinery
dent by the officers of the mooting, in a let- | you avow voursel{ ultimately responsible, |of terror and despotism. Your language
let, their signatures, to which the | Tn the special case of Mr. Vallandigham, | does not permit us to doubt as to your es-
ilowing is a copy : | the ingustice commenced by your subordin- | sential meaning ; for you tell us that “ar- A
ate was consummated by a sentence of exile | rests are made not so much for what hag {SeTies fhe feodon of speech, and of fe
from his home pronounced by you. That |been done as for what probably would be press. 1 inva ley the suited "domaine of
the {great wrong, worz than any other which | done. And again:- “The man who s'ands optim and dua. ¢ i? dpapunis boi
meeting held in this city on the 16th { preceded it, asserts (he principles of .a su- by and says nothing when the peril of his a i 2S iL Eh Jan
av Invilng rhein. ivr 3 a at guage, and even the refuge of silence is 1mse-
day of May last, to whom your com Government is discussed cannot he misun- | cure.
One subject more, and we shall conclude.
You express your regret that our meeting
spoke “as Democrats,” and you say that in
this time of national peril you would bave
preferred to meet us cn a level, one
higher than any party platform. You thus
compell us to allude to matters which wg
should have preferred to pass by. But we
cannut omit to pass your criticism, as it
casts. as least an applied reproach upon our
motives and our proceedings.
remind you that when the hour of our coun-
try’s peril had eome, when it was evident
it be your intention to disregard it? [is
meaning certainly canuot be mistaken, By
it the National Legislature has sai that the
President may suspend the accustomed writ
of habeas corpus, but at the sume time 1t
has commanded that all arrests under his
authority shall be promptly made known
to the cours of justice, and that the ac
cused parties shall be liberated, unless
seated by a Grand jury according to the
Oonstitation, and tried by a jury in the an-
cient and accustomed mode, The President
way ‘possibly, so far as Congress can give
the right, arrest without legal cause or
warrant. We certainly deny that Congress
ean confer this right, because it is forbidden
by the higher law of the Constitution. But j our Government, when it was vitally impor-
sumed, he had deewed it proper to
t the Presidents letter to the commit-
tee, who ried the resplutions for such
action as in their judgment it might de
Great numbers of slaves
were brought away, but this was a matic
of course. — Ir,
: eer
1>>The Commercial Bulletin says that
Mr. Chase contemplates endorsing Lis own
views by assuming the Presidency, afier
his retirement from office. of a bank under
the national law of 2,000,000 capital, to
be located at Washington
A litile over two years ago Mr, Chase left
this city unable to pay his debts. Those
who make this war pay at the rate of a
million a year may well denounce Demo-
crats Chaitors,” for (heir patriotism
"Chase clears
about fouo dollars on every American citi-
“en butchered. — Crests,
We beg to
To kis Erecll of the Un-
cy, the President
iled States :
1 The undersigned, ofliiers of that a most gigantic cffort was to be Samounts to considerable.
puvhc to subvert our institntions and to overthrow
ea- | preme despoti-m.
ea- | preme despoti-m