leg RAS A EEE BMI SUMTER. Norru.—V 9 o'clock P.M. Sovtn.~-Via Pine Grove Mills and Spruce Creck, closes at 9 P. M. East —Via ae and Lock Haven clos- .M. es at 12% P East —Via Centre io Milroy, and Lewistown, closes at 9 I. Xast — Vin ton? 0 Lock Haven, closes & M. gp, } West —Vin Port Matilda and Tyrone closes at 3 Me alf Moon aud Tyrone, closes RAILROAD ROUTS. Belefon to and STAGE ROUTS. Stages for Tyron Mondays, W cdnosdnys, Fridays, at 63 4. M. ph at t P.M. Stages for Lock Maven Viz of Jlov Mondays Wednesday, aud Uridays at 7AM daily a 6 AM Stages for Spr Pine Grove Mi and Fridays at TA. J (= Lucreas ng.—our subscription list. — we {J r— 77 Hands are ex eonnty nb pre to ge sullieicus help to harvest their crops i hoof the ralinbitants return, to cule: © A muls belonging to the firm my 3 WOaIAs oi Saturday last. or meres {) 2 rotsreens. ly Provost Marshali Bu Ws, tor ¢ discouraging vulistments,”’ was not, a8 we were informed charged, bat is still held dn durance 1 vile,” 7 Lhe scholars of the Free Schools 1 town held a pienic in the wouds, buck of the toll gate en Saturday last, every thing pass- ed off pleasantly, and the Jitde foiks no doubt enjoyed th 3 veay much, pinces of business Baiks, closed or for th y wistaken,and that our soreener! than they wre gen y takun {o be. iris P. Bzn otumae, has been spending a few du Lis hotte in this place during the past week. 1 ’ Maj, Wilson has been in sever dest fou cer. | Success attend him, o—— {=A rough looking German who says a teacher of music, was arrested en Mouday last by Marshall Butts, on suspicion of being » spy, what evidence he had that led to the suspicion, we do not know I"roms the cetions of the man arrested, he 15 evidently insane, and Las no doubt wander- «d from lis home and friends to fall into the Le hainds of our patriotic (2) Marshall, —i)- , Juno 2 6, 1805, LLIN, ¥orror Ware itaNi= The ey is qa 1 privates of he list of olii uu Valicy Infantry, Berlin, Somerset county, Jane 251 . Jobin Boal, ieutenaat, John B. Hatchinsor, sceond Lieutenant, Adam Gregg, Ir. pant, W ‘3 Talner fred Da . Mortimore ongwill, Oli S 3d Corpora 4ih Corpora 5th Corp Sik. Corporal, Jolin J, Thowpseo, PRIVA WW likinson, John Brant, Reon Hiram y } DW HL David By i 3 Geor, Jolin Can Bhatt. Alx J Lk Uemut Aaron Durst, J A ut bl, He Dust an, A Elie Jolin Beton, E b tishi \ ind, Gagar Green, Rt John Goheen, 1 Gordon, Jawes Harkins, A Boyd Henderson, hos, & laicuison, S'muel Hauer, JL irvin. Frank B sett, I' # ounson. WM J hnsoubaugh, ~ Johusonba J Xisterbock, Sules T Ketner, CG Ldteraiay, J HL J J Lyi Miller, John Bl Win Marshman, ¥, Samuel Mayes, J A McClay, Lackey, Ww P Morrow, 11 W John C Mur Thomas Mayes, Jd L Me athan, 88 Myer, Frank Milliken, C A Newhall, 1 Usman, J Osman, Wu 5 Palhiner, S P Palmer, Jr., WAY Parry R ¢ Patterson, TF Russell, ‘ A J Shiver, Jd A Se de 4 JW Sucetword, Henry J Stuger, vart. Saylor, A U Smith, John i Peters, # a Thom 0 Van Tries, PN Wilson, James Weaver, Jom Young, diem Worl, John J Witha aus, i 1 Yarner, ma tire is the schedule of time of closing nt 1c ifferent routes leaving this place: | Snow Shoe and Meshanon, closes at i w Shoe, leave Bellofonte ai Branch Railroad. leave at | Via Half loon, leave on for Lock Maven Via of Hublersburg, rd leave SAE, Lewistown Vie Centre Hull, leav % Viz of Fara school and o Mondays, Wednesdays i { Cul ® used oy the dingly scarce in this sot,” farmers find it difficult 1of will be ay anti] | ll of this p & Harris, we undersland, was drow- Lin the Lock of tho canal just below town he man Wright, arrested last week n ikLis Wednes- I they Lie we FOR BALD UF i Enis celebrated article is warranted to smoot Bead dul i Ju © the il eo ainde men sv considerably the t Hy 1 other,” + Warranted in every cxze.”’ One box will do the work. Price $1'00. ported jand for Wilson of the army of the al of the har. t uattles of the war and proved to be a brave manand a good offi ? sworn into the service a! Surg Te Bel efonte Markets. i ho following are the quotations up to 6 0 clock yesterday (Thursday) evening: AER oF FORM, YOUR HEALTH, AND M ENTAL POWERS, By using that Safe, Pleasant, Popular, aud Spe cifie Remedy known as BLMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Read the Advertisement in another column, and mefit by it— Diseases snd Symptoms Inumerated. Cut il out, and Presérve. You way not now re quire it - ‘ou may at some future Day. Lealth und vigor to the frame, o tLe pallid i check.” ‘ering and Exposure. Cures guaranteed. Two months. save Beware of counterfeits. iter eterre rer A Cad to the Suifering. The Rev Witnrax C as a Missionary in Japan, w tion, when «ll other means had fuiled, by a recipe obtained from & learned wn residing in | tho great city of Jeddo, Abis recipe has cured | gent numbers who were suffering from Con- Sample 41, Bronohitis, tore Lhroat, Coughs an :ud tho Jepiiy and nervous depression disorder Desivous of ae others, I wil send this po, LI nave brought howe with me, to free of cha “iV M. COs ove, while laboring cured of ¢ ongump- VE, 433 Fulton 1 8. A. MeQuis s.' Well, friend Mao. we always | Lad an idea that “yon would travel thatread,” and wo supposs now, thot your uame will bo stricken of the 1st of Bal 5, to appear among them “ro more forever.” Muy the wave upon which you bave now launched your baik, bear you on vo hay 3 and fortune. and time demen strate the truth of the oid maxim, that the chain of Lue love which binds two wiliing hearts, Tike | a chain of gold is lasting us well as beautiful.” Yourself and lady. will please except thie thanks of all guonested with this office for the delicious romomber that you have cur beat wish- ture happiness and prosperity. FREL OC HH CREAM. {DS AND BARE FACE fy ta full set of Whiskers on the e, or a fine growth of hair on a Buld tha six veeks, and will inno way in. The Freuch C ream is manufuc- M. Pirate cius, of Paris, and is le ar icle of tho kind, “Use wo ~ Lring te ned by D sals Wholesule and Recil THOS I, CIIAP tr MAN P. Pox of the by re mail, Gu x for Postage. y 341960, — 1m. TANTED IMM ADIATELY. A boy to learn the Carriage 2 trade. One from the country preferred, a iy “to a 'QUISTON, Bellefonte. m22 :t te any address co, and 15 cent Lo Between Bellefonte and Qartin’s silk v Tuo finder will he tat this office. te, Fre 3th [BEEN ISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ers of Administration on thy of Michael Fling, late of Bellefonte dee'd. bebn gri tne gubseribor,he requests cives intebiod to said payment, ond those 1iNISTR ATORS 8 NOTICE. Leders of adnimstration on the cs- {Jewry Uarbriek. late of Benner township, ily been granted to the undersigned, ho ons knows 15 thensolves indebted alo sr srsons having py aims against said estate soul them duly authenticaiod (or seitlement MICHAEL GROV E, adm’s AM MINIS LEZATOR'S NOTICE. | Tike nouce that letters of Ade oa tho estate of Michael Kearrs Lave ved; all persons bay : state, are requested Lem, duly authenticated for settiement 5 indebted to said estate are re 7 the same without delay to the BRIDGET KEARNS, Admiuislrat. Tr $IRATORS NOTICE. tiers of Aaministratiod on the ais Stevenson, late of Patton town- 12 been grauted to the undor- quests all persons Liowing them- XA to aid esfate tomake immediate i those having clajs nst said es. t them duly” authorized for settle. it JNO. A , SLTNTED, Admint’r. MN. yp - 5 : nndersigned. an auditor ap- Court of Common Pleas; of Con. purty to make distrib f monies, inthe 3 uf too Alexander. Sheriff. urising from the gale oi t {estate of Williams nnd Hut- phieys, wi 1110 the duties of his Appoints ment on Fridav, the 17th of July, a at his of - fico in Bellefinte. at two ofelock, P. M., when and where all persons futerestad i attend. Je 19 ot LK. M. BLANCH ARD,, Auditor. © Amonucements, Sheriff, NOT A RUM DRINK! Whzat; White, ~ per bushel, $1,25 do Red, 9 0 = retil ain the namanot A BIGDLY COCR NTRAT ED : Rye do ¢ are anthorize 0 announce en CR om on (Shelled) do 90 | E. Kreamer of Boalsburg, as a candidate for the VEGATABLE EXTRAC TT, io thas do 40 | office of sheriff, suljret “to the decision of the A PURE TONIC, ts, 1 heaty . i . 1 o Ah some convention, : ie THAT WILL RELIEVE AFFLICTED AND 4 5 ) e are authorized unce tho name ret - pT Onts. (By Weight) do 2 Col. P, W. Barnhart township, us # WILL NOT MARE DRI : Clover Seed, do 24 candidate for the o Lject to the Sd EEA AE Ene » 2 decision of the democratic comnty convention. DR. BQO iN 5 ’ : 3 1,75 | Weare authorized to snnounae the game of J. B. “TD r YET IN TP CF ae BH : camer, of Qak Hall, Harris township, ss & ean- G E R M A N B x ry TER 2, Appl i do idate for the office of Sheriff, sub ject to tus SB CnDhnY TE iii per dozen, ion of the democratic county Couyention. PREPARED BY P. ches (Dried) per posad, i We AL irized to announce the name 2 DR.C. M JACKSON. 3a 'n 01 Themas McCoy, of Boggs township, as & candi- 3 IT DHTIA DP Bec. rox, > 2 © for the office of sheriff, subject ‘o the deci- pil Toh b ELPITA PA. 2 Putten | 22 > sivn of the democratic county convention, WILL EPrReeY; si He AND MOST CBR Failov, , 0 We are authorized to announce the name of Lard, do 2 Jacob Wolf, of Haines tow p., as a eandidato CURE APE DISEASES Rags, do for the office of Sheriff, sub vs the decision of ARISING FROM A NY y cratic ¢ vv ; a _— ; ts dupinetails crn oa Disordered liver, Stomucli, or Kidneys. We are authorized to announce ; the namo of Thousands of our citiz suffering J.J Lingle, of Bellefonte, 23 a can te for Dispepsia and Liver I office of sheriff, subject to the decision of tio following question. a demoeraiic county convention. > ea We age authorized to announce the namo ‘of HOOTLAND'S 61 RIAN BITTE James Furey. of Howard, a3 a candidate for the 17 STIR I URRY OA office of shetiff, subject to the decision of the de- WILL © UR 2 fi) ie weeratic evnvention. Chirouic or Nervous Dobili i : neys, and i We are authorized to announces the name sordered St of J hn 8 Lush, of Patton town hi asnean- | OBSERVE Til od ey 373 2 3 . t to the Bev m Disorders of the D ipation, Inward Piles, ¥ the name of | to tie iead Acidity of the Stomach nn township. 48 a .didate ust | for Food, Funes: » of Sheriff, subject to the decision of : eh, Sour Eructe .ic coulty eonveution . Fluttering at the Pit of the d to announce the namo of A. of the Head, Hurried and D i Fluttering at the Heart Sensations when in a lying ps Vision, Dots or Webs before ¢ Dull Pain in the lead, Deficie tion, Yellowness of the Ski the Side, Baek, Chest, Lim Flushes of leat, Burning in the He : zini gs of Evil, aud great Depressior 3 1 io whom t we guarunice the danoer Ve aren Cure roof oa of the : zed to announce the name of Z%. Kituo, of Howard, as a e s of sheriff, subject to the deci ¢ connly convention nuthorized to’ announce the namo of , of Be township, 13 a candidate | for the of Sheriff subject to the dee the demoeratic county convention. Wo ars are authorized to announce the name of R. D. Comming: us a candidate for the u Sheriff subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. + We are authorized {o announce the name of Josern Garis, of Ferguson township, as a can- didate for the offico of Sheriff) subject to the de- cision of the demoeratic county convention. { "Weare authorized to amunouned the name of ir use the system i ter the Ricnanp Cox Gregg township mae \didate | infiuence of Alchoholic Stim s of the y for the oRlice of Shoriff, subject kind, the desire fur J uo bs created and the demu up, and the result ‘he horrors atte Woe are author upon a dran) 8 ue Sh 1) ath. I® Bower, of For those who d 1 will We [ Da i | the 0 I Jen jy An Pagtigule Notice. the 2, 08 Wg a3 th to die tho death of Whe have a liquor office of Sher i ian ik ¥ ey iceratic ef ty convention. “t gigi Ie 2 x GOI neni with threo quarts of good brandy or wh , and rigte Aor the r. w a preparation that will far © x- Register and Recor rbot 2 in medicioal virtues and irae exsellence any — f the Liquor Bitters in the ma 32 authorized to ar 20 the name of £3. You will have all th - Holt, of Iurg Ps can: Sitters in conneotion with og r, 2ub- connty or, ato inuch Jess price sparilions will cost yow, domocra for 4) off d ! } ccision of the re are wuthorized to announces th» namo of f, JI COFLARD'S 3 Gephart, of Milbeim, us a or nts for fice of Register and Record ex, subject to the . 3 : decision of the democratic county convention A GOOD APPLTITE, We are authorized to announce the name of WILL GIVE You Jagob Gi, Meyer, of Haines i Lug n eandl: STRONG HEALTHY NERVES, dato for the ofiice of Begin: and recorder, 8 WILL GIvE You gect to the decisicn of the democratic county con- QUIT. AN tpn rion. BRISK AND ENERC We ae nuthorized to announce thd name of Al- yink BYSDLE X y 78 len Daath olomiew, of Gregz township, as a candi- SLEPRP WELL, date for the office of hegister and Kecorder, sub- AND WILL POSITIVELY PREVENT jum the decision of the democratic county con- | YELLOW FEVER, BILIOUS FEVER, &ec. vention. We are euthorized to gpnounce the name of G- 7 hone suffer on 3 abarroe 2 hi ii Sy oy oe . . . 2; ny an RD : Sh Broken down aud Delicate Constitutions, wot fons From whatever cause, either in MAL OR FEMALE, Conyentivn findin HOOFLAND'S List GERMAN BIITER WILL GIVE You 0 FEELINGS Treasurer, Tio A REA That Such We are authorized to announces the nue of will rest y B. 1 Hunter, of Benner p. 2s a candi- date for the of of Treasurer, to the dectsion of the democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce the nae of C. Derr, of Bellefonte, as a candidate for the Treasurer, subject to thy qutslon of the dewocrar tic county conveniion. eR ia VM We ure authorized to announce the name of un 0% A LC La John Foy, of Spring township, us a candidate Lor And not FE as a the ofiice of Treasurer. subject to the decision of | F3 I= VE =: x: <x E32 the Demveratic County Convention, ET A oh Pp We are authosized to aupounce the name of John Shannon, of Putter township, as a can- didate for tho office of Treasures, the decision cf the democratic county convention, Prothonetary. aertion 3 have thuusands of Letters from Clergy men, Lawyers, Physicians and Citi- Zens, ir own personal I Testifying of th the beneficial elie i i Bitters, We are authorized to announce tho name of J Frou i 8. Barnhart, former editor of this payer, as acan- didate for the office of prothonotary, subj the decision of the democratic county conve We are authorized to announce the nae of James Ho Lipeun, 4s a candidate for the oftice of Prothorotary - subject to the "decision of the dewoeratic county convent ivn. 1 do this the moro readily ommissioner. ¢ E laud’s German Bitters, proj sm Jackson, of this city. besaus We are authorized to announce the name of Jas edn for Tain phi, Forseman, of Snow Shoe township, as a candidate |} 0 Ei on = ny for the offic issioner, subject to the de- | v2 1% y fru ision of the democratic c sonven ti Esq. , for the removal of iis piejud e by j cision of the democratic county conven tion. ;, and for eneourngemant Lo Lry them, suffering from great a 1d long continued debility. The use sof three bottles of these bitters, at tho beginning of the present year, was followed 1; . evident relief, aud restordtion toa degroe of bod Wo io authorized to announce the name of | ily and mental vigor which I had not fat for six Anthony UU. G eary, of Walker townihip, as a cans months before, and ‘had almost despaired of ye. didate for the Assewbly, subject, to the decision of gone I therefire thavk God tnd my friend the democratic county coave for directing me to the use of then 2 Phila a, “June 22,1853, J. NEWTON LEGWN AAA AAAI NAA owledge to 5 of theso re nes in pe id owen ¢ I yet} stuplo p prepa: cation, in the h contribute to the benefit of of Assembly. 0a We are authorized {to announce the name of William Allisoy Jr. of Walker twp. asa candi- aate for ascomily, subjact to tho decision of the | DISEASES OF KIDNEY AND BLADDER Democratic county convention. ln.youngor 2ged. Mela o Feu a — wo 32 Sa | Ave speedily removed, and ¢ he patient Soaioved NEW ADVDRTISEMENTS. to health. DEI A IK Sink MRREN {jeaans. COURT SALE. By virtue ot an order of the Or- 4 a very ys timo, one bot: is § in such cased ha ns Court of Centro county, will be exposed to | Lave a most surprising ell ly sale, at the Court House, in the borough kp ¢ efunte, on r vuiforivg i children as above, and wishing TUESDAY, AUGUST 25th 1863. An will never regret the day when all that valued farm or tract of laud, situate in {they commenced with these Bit tors. Harris township, four miles east of tae bi Lip ERARY MEN, TU AGRICULTO RAL COLLEGE, And those working bard with th air br in Center county. containing always keep a botile of Hooftand’ TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY-TWO | then as they will find much i ACRES. to bolls ning aud boly, Luvigos at strict measure, bounded by lands of Charles | Profit Stam. Michael Wheeling aud others. About one I 5 NOT A LIQUOR STIM buadred and ninety acres of the above tract are And leaves no pros eleared and in the highest state of cultivation. 4. ¢ land is ot the best uality of limestone, easy to till. and produces equ, if not superior, to ATTENTION, SOLD TERS! Gi any farm in Cenfro County. A never failing \ < streanr of water runs through te premises neer AND THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. the buildings Wa cali the attention of all having [iriends or A LARGE. Bhiva ~~. sh BANK BARN relatives in the army, to the fact that Hoofland’s and other out buildings, ia good repair, ars crect | German Bitters will cure nino-tenths of ile ds- ed thereon, everything in fact calculated to muke | eases induced by exposures und privatic ons inci a home comfortable. Terms, one half at coufirm- | dent to camp hfe. In the lists, pu lished a ation of eala. the residue in two equal anuual § most daily in the newspapers. on the arrival of paymen ‘§ With interest. JOHN HUFFER the sick, it will be noticed t a very large pro- Jed ts Guardian of Eeoch and Geo. Hastings. portion aro fuffering from debit Every ¢ of A UDITORS NOTICE. x ‘The undersigned, an Auditor ap” land admi vistrator of tie irsday the 20th day of Augu P ® whon tended rawy uo 1ift Loy 800 propor. JOHF HA3SON, only 3.4 Auditor. MY ELL AR aX 3 FLLIGERCE. enoe of, or : ym their friends or rofations in tho my lar and addressing J” KEALSE ed ; Yahi DC. | Ayers Cathart.e Pills. phan Courvof Centre Co, 10] he Lalance remaining int) @ re prewlses , on Tiice Dec’d after scttlement i SATURDAY, the 4h ay of July 18063. | Gyo have heen restored to 1 a'tend to tha duties of his sre! n Stars oF Siotae dnt Fhe Dos of described real as gitnate in Gregg township, whereall peisonsie ~{ Pierce Acres and One Hundred i f the Potomac or ia any of the army hos-, | tals, can receive infosspation by cncloging one | | i | German Hirer We have no hesitation in siy- By order of the Orphans’ Court ing that, I thesa Bitters were freely used amon g our as hundreds of lives might bo save 4 Centre cou, will bo offered at public sale on | 4M iherwise would bo lost. 5 The proprictors are daily reeciving thankful letters from sufferersin the army and hosp tals, health by the use of t 10 o'clock, . A. M. of 1 day, the followi these Bitters, sent to them b 5 friends. ot hl gaiay wos | BEWARE OF COUNTERFELTS! ad joining ands of John Riskel, John Frye, heirs | Seo that the Siguature of <U. M. Jack- | of "Duniel Mite hell, dec’d, and Jacob Horman, | son’ is on the wrapper on cach Bottle. | containing Piice per Bstile 75 cents, Or aif Dozen for §4 C0. Should your nearestaruggist not have tha axii- thet kind can be Seadily cured by, Hoot od s (QRPHEANS §' COURT EALE. : and Forty Perches, all the necessary ont houses, a good bearing or. | ‘express. . chard of chaice fruit. and a well of pure water Principal office and Manufactory, | at the door. Tamms 4 sale, Smee -balf iu Land on NO. 631 ARC STREET. confirmation. and the residue in on: "year J TANS, thereafter to bo secured by Lond and ay JONE iS ¢& EY. INS, &uze on the premisés. Possession to be given on (Succexsors to C. M. Jackson & Co. ) Fs flrst of April next. JOHN SHANNON, Proprietors \ D W.WE.VER, ! 5 ts_Administrater of Jacob Weaver, decd very town in the United States. jolé ly LATEST oR RI VAL OF " BAXTRE:SZPE & CRIST, | FaBALER FORELGN “AND ‘DOMES: | HEY G00 el TiC HARDWARE, SUMUER IN | WINDOW SHADES, foinriniiy DUOR MATS oo i CoA dali » f CALICS PAIN AND MS CLS, t ALass NAILS GREAT MEARE ENR PRY ! ii 2 BEL.) Ie | sail jew AND AR3 | roi | ¥ Tooaen, | WEYL. EET ESC, Allegheny Street, one door north of RIS LAW Q¥TICE Iias just opened a fine assortment of the latest 7 ’ 1 Tori ey PRICES. | | i Which slic is prepared tu maks up: and a dhe | | i i BOXRETS Always on hand and trim red at the shortest! notice. BRT 7 7 Gad 2 & Done in the most complete manner known to the trade. Mayl tf M ses iL : SAWS Carringe Makers’ : > Attend whore + STEEL SPRINGS. &e , &e,, &e. + IARE ROOM | and i | { BELLERONTE, PA. | " | You scarce know what to choosy, sis ! 1 iol you now ils mighty grand, WHLIK i go into Lis shop, 3 | piled up on ev | 29 nice as any toy, | 1 | { . i | i otha I. 1 Ie ! { Y, | Tho ~HAT RACKS, 1 iL oe orp 1 ia i | ban an WHAT NOTIN, | | . | | i . EXTENSION TABLES, | bo RA i | = | I = STANDS. | ih PETER LORILLARD SLEIGH: led iv the large reduction in -enb chewing aod sooking Tobaegus, ich will be found of a sapcrior quality NYT AL TOBACCO. FINE CUT CREWING. RUORING. | P. 4. L. or plain, g J Cavendish, or nt Sweet Seentod Tin Foil Cave 7 pion and at Granulated. AND IIATSH Jo~4 circular ot prices wili be eal a AL 'HANCE FOR REW DARERTY! MATHIAS SCHMUCK, spect fully inform the people of and tha people of Centre Bellefonte and vicinity, that he and “ np fete Bakery on SPRL oun arb having purchas- jut off by any of the intoxi ting | Nk ele, donot be pus off by any BIRCH Lime Qu wrry, 1 cuted cnihe § person desiring any mtelli- more or less. baving' thereon erected two two preparations (hs at may bo ofiered in its story log houses, u frame barn and stable, with send fous, 21d we will sand, securely packed by : ce. but | FOR RALE by Druggests and Dealers wl al HA NOR ACTDOIL The subscriber begs! 18 opened @ ng street, in nolds, where he will ker that busin 1 the at still ‘continues 10 earry on the various branches, H ANY and | | | 0 | © corner of ALLE | where pan he found at all times | hi ntiy on and ali kic ls of BISHOP Streets; oI mn » n r 1% Sait : an ZazaD, RUSE, “OUND CAKE, a full supply of a HR GREAT C ATS oF AN CINGER A Yon : rgon Harness - 5 Sars or 1CKERS, Helios, es HUMAN} >» 20: &o., : ai Carriage Harness Just Published in 2 sa rit a reasonable and satisfactery a Wagon Whips, A ivetura by Dr. Culver Dread, Cakes and Piesbaked to order on the Trunks, or Pra ! i Families will tind it to their ad- rats Driving Whips } tage ta get ‘their be aking done at this cstab- Valises, 5 { 3 can always get pure wholesum e Nett Halters i an when they need them Nhs, fois do tn | Apprehension, Loss © | male of the very bost matertal, and wannas | vie Zine Love of 3 | to be put U-gather § in the most s.abats nor. Prices to suit the tin ) 4 id ex SIV E . | Tho Taroes ip <l1e Largest, Ch SPRING W AGUS, vied Envelope. Price 8 cts i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers