iY “THIRTY-SIX 2A XIMS FoR FAR- i N= RS. "4 lowing maxims, are The ® fo copied, with high commenda- | tious, by the agricultural press: | 1 TI. Naw or Soi in Never get debt when you cannot see your way out es when you owe, piv you can. and promptly. N ver enlarge yeur farm | hail’ of what you now ow is not cultivated. 3. If you own more land tha vou con titl well, and are in debt, or need funds to muke ne fsx ry | improvements, sell part of your, | farm and use the money to pay |eause you dan get them cheap. : y ls = ax: Sap vour debts and make your im-| Better expend the money fol » o 1 swwements [voolis. travel, or some needed ver : rl 4. Never borrow money to built a showy houze, when a loss | ontions one would answer | r, asd never lend money n youl have undrained or poor- ed land to improve. Te out 4 sys'em of improve- your as you hese plans Po not enter upon ; ith r peoples , unlers yon vou will make pro- tdoit br means permit out | neeala- noncy, | | 3. 3 snne : . £ 1 without know- | wit it, and how yon! investment pro- 3 i. Do uct keep poor en vou can k ox Ise; inios the profit. $. Do not anse what you 3d, ‘cu have a good iceation out expe to bet- t , because red a Lif d price. Do not change. farms of- hy so doing you can carry ite system ofi improve: you a ten, for out no defini ment. 14, Do not begin to improve | ‘ou have a general plan of | you wish to do; would be like comme > fon house | before y on nd breadth. oe ps are = er nein g tog st ent with your hands s possible, otherwise 15. Be 5 ns oh 11 ¢ work will be done, and that No business requires the oversight more than thrming, 17. Duenly @ litle 1 ithe it hau much poorl does at remeir ber, the pith 2 trrzer who had two daugh- i YWhen the first one mor- 71.4 ne gave her onesthivd of li vineyerd, and yet he had « many the second married she Sone be he remainder for her port tion, { the yicld of the father’s sengd, le or your work w you. 10. Resolve that your fur nm shall be a profitable one, if m- dustry and gond management will | nm hn keep whead of { Oil 3 oo 24. Tuvest your sugplus carn- | ings in making such improve ments as will add to the profit, | appearance and convenience of farvin, the laws of nature. 1 PYAR ihe Inrmel expernents as appear to be reas- | ouable, no matter what Your, one cont. neighbors say. |v v2 Be kd ty those you eni- | ploy, and to all the animals you | work. 23. Sell your produc. when prices are hi: ah, and if you dol not need the money keep 1t whe nly they very 1Gw, unless it is | 1 certain they will remain so. vi, Mave yourself thorough- by them. = |B} | manner. 29. Take care of your tocls {when you through using them, | ones. farm and build-' mes education, provements that have a bearing good at the | with four |“ | st cl] i { | | ange your kind | to do so TAPCE 18 for merly; wh 7 { { of your work, ! 11. When you make experi- cause it i= zomething to adore, ments, see that you keep withing These are! helps ; make suc h | price of liberiy iy i ith the prinei- 'yles of aoricalture, and be guided : 1 xt 5. Perform all labor at the! right season. ] 27. When yonhe of work, finish it before menee another. not leave work halft ing to finish il next! you oo, gin one piece you com- do ne e: | year ; finish a pect wd do not work with poor ones vhen you can afford to have good old w agons, 30 Do not buy auction, be- harre lows, ab fae 3 improvement. not keep more stock farm than you have ( ture for. 52. If at forty-five you have i property, do not work so your nuscies, as 2 for- save the af feanoat of |i mental and social 3 1 . Do On. yous fn rovement. . 53. Give your children a good | plysically, intellec- | tually, morally and socially 2 toro 11 3{. Take an interest in all im- jeulture. Use machinery and hic lo, endeavor, | ¥ 37 aton 3 ever, instea 1 if vou would red hushand to his | wif she wrote back, “Pearest, let me corr cot either your graw- mar or vour morals. You ad : oy dearest Maria’ pro-e you have other Ol amer Cloverseed 1s a very p elite mon. co mueh so that i he 15 even courteous to his cattle. r ity heard to say as | $ yoke eo of steers. | : haw, Buck ;-also, Bright, Thank you.” ¢ 1552 ed Ip AL,” said Dr. Boomerang. meeting a patient, «I road not ask you ti cause of your 1 being out again; you followed ngy pre- scriptions.” “No, I didn’t, doc- tor. If1 had, my friends would have followed me to the grave’ «How well he plays for one 50 Foun, > said Mrs Partington, 5 the orgau- hay performed with a “monkey near the door; and how much his little brother looks like him, to be sure. A young officer wlio was al- ways chard ap’ upott being ked by a lady whether he like 1 3, Teplied that he did not hink them v ery interesting until hey were able to stand « load. Apology is egotism turned wrong side out. Generally, the first thing a man's companion knows of nisshortcomingsis from, his apology. Debts are troublesome; but, as a general rule in these days, they “don’t give lalf as much troihle to debtors as to creditors. | «War chureh’ do vou attend, Mrs Partington ? «Oh, any par- adox elim oh where the Gospel is dispensed with I” CurerrurNess avises half from personal ‘goodness, half in the be- lief in the personal goodness of | others, A man comes to church and falls fast asleep, as though he had hee brought in for a corpse, and the pr cacher were preaching at his funeral, Te can hardly be prepared to enter the world of spirits who - | trei ables at the thought of en- countering a solitary ‘whost. Goon Pone—W by is a lovely | young lady ike the hinge? Be- A wiry editor of a penny pa- per took for his Ti, «I he is cternal vigi- lance, and that'of the Star only GOK B EFONTE, PA Ny, LPropreeto ving remove 1 only opposite th, 0 Some 1 lounge, stil k on hand | sortment ot The ee gies x Ci 1,8unda’y Soto Miscellaneous, and all the various schoo books now in fuse; £0, a large + tment of Phot 8 and ly mitt Weekly 1 for any paper New yublica Books and oe, ah MiS HLL ANE ous. ANEW AND uP RTANT WORK. THE JOUR 1615 OF DESPOTION BY A. D. MAHORLY, OF IOWA, Author of the “Prisoner of State.” Tals work e he Four Great Acts ¢ tof Washington was gub- constitutional governmer verted, and the irresponsible Lincoln dynasty in- stalled in its piace. 1. Tae Tax Biri, by which all the property s of the people are mortgaged to the 10x PBruv. by which all’ the h 8300 are placed in the Presiiont f cd in the pasy ov ny com- se four acts are cach preceded by wu care alanalvais, by } ir, Mahoney, and their unjus o. unconstitutional and odious features it will he ut. Asa book fur referenge, invalualle to the farmer, the ucchanie, the poli luborer—in fact, to overy person, for tician, the lu amphlet of and will be s the low priee y-Inyw on the orders at once. All or according to the date «of re gerved. The cash must AnpaAnY RG GOING RIGHT AT TTIW 1 vary best qualit) 2 WH 01d Monongahela Ry ky, Bourbon Whisky, Cabinet Whisky, Apple Jack Whisky, os ‘of all kinds. RUM. snd cheap Whisk Jamaica nam, New EnglandRum GINS, Vare Holland Gin, i Domestic Gin. BRANDIES. Dark and Pale Cognac, Domestic, (all prices,) Guzer, Lavender, 2 Cherry, Blackberry, WINES. Pure Port, Domestic, Caraway, &e. Madeira, Sherry, Raspberry, CCRDIALS. Rose, Annizeed. STOMACH BITTERS The very bes st in the t Ha purchasing el All the Liquors wi , have Custom ic ure particularly ios to his ii a triad. He has the ouly artele of Lire Port Wine Juice and Pure Brandies in this Rerouzh, L > 109 be of Jurssy Cider- Vinegar just received and REMOVAL, R.L.ENIGHT Have aved from 403 S. oe 847 ESTNUT ST, ABG Where v have opened a well selected Sto = 0 CARD IS. "OIL CLOTHS AND MATTINGS. BUDDING AND MATTRESSES Of every Ceseription, ready-made or made to order FEATHERS 8. Various qualiti The M Sale of EnDbINg will SECOND Street. ¢ cont % HARLTY REEVE L. KNtvédg, April 17 KNIGHT. SEMUN A FELDMAN, IMPORTER & WIIOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES GINS, Wheat, Rye, & Bourbon Whisky’ NO. 806 Northiinth Street, BELOW SPRING GARDEN, FER ADIL EITA. FROOT AND SHOE STORE BELLEEONTE, PA. THOMAS ROT ROT: Ro pu, PERMAX 3 LOCATED AT HOWARD, D, PA, H.ALLISTER. . JAMES A. pEAVED FX ALLIBTER & BEAVER, ATTORNEYS AT LAV, - PELLIFONTE, PENNA : 3 ; eT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENN Ofice in the Court House, with the Treasnrer. TT JAMES YE. RANXKEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELLRFONTE. PENNA one door west of the Offee. on tha Diamond, lost Gffiee. WEILER A VALEAFE, ATIOR) EY T LAW, EARFIELD, Pi 3 ily when speci: ined in conucetion with resident Counsel. y 15th 1862. ~1y. I J. GINGLE, SURGEON DENTIST, BELLEFONT X'S. CEL BLAND SEARD, ATTOR INE Y AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PEN'NA. rly oseupied hy Curtin & Elanebard — us the »t two the first ORV & ALEXAND ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BELLEFONTE PA. Ofice one d low Reynold's Hank ATTORREY™S AT LAW. Lock Haves Pa. HR AN SENG ROU [FON = gp wil. F. PROSPECTUS DEMOCRATIC WATCHHAN OF THE ¢ PUBLISHED AT SELLEFONTE CENTRECOUNTY, PA. EVERY FRIDAY MORIN. TIC IN FOLITICS, IT IS STRICTLY DEMOCRATIC FREE AND INDEPERDERNT, U amoved ty the Hopes of Unsioliteous Gain 1 by the Frowns of Unprincipled iagogues, Unintimidated by the Clunors of the Rabble and the thren's of Insolent Mobs. and Fearing nei- ther the Unhallawed Precincts of Presidential Dungeons and Tyrants’ Vaults, nor the Rock-bound Fortresses of any Modern Caligula. il 1S IN FAVOR OF PRES SS Sy FR PE SPECH I: AND THE QU AL RIGHTS OF ALT, xX WY HD) J WHITE MEN IT IS DEVOTED TO Leng) and Gene- ral News, Av vl Lite Sie ture, BELL EFONTE, P. in the several Courts 6} : By FLOR—0n the North- mond. RG LON, NIRE CO., TA, eg to his ‘ . M. McCoy, THOMPSON, 7 C. HoMAS. March 20. 1862—1y pl : ORF [CER GOLLECTION BELLUFONTE, CuNtRE Co.. PrNx,A. D. G. BUSH, RUSH & McCULLOUGH (7. J. M'CULLOUGH. ) CLEARYVIELD, Clearficld co., Pa BUSH & McCORMICK, {¢. 8 M'CORMNICK,) LOCK HAVEN, Clivton Co., Pa., EH & ALLEN, EN) LEFERE el & Co., Phil’a, M & Co., Phil's wen & Co., Phila Shields & Ae "Phils wdelphia, 7 Phadnis Sower, Barnes & Co. s Philadelphia I. fF. Hale, Bellefonte, Hon. J. 17 neat a7 Tone Pert Depos i, Md NEW LIVERY 7481s BACK OF HU ME'S STORRS. TIIOMAS DONAS, P Six fine Bay d Propricior Horses, all good travelers ie:,. Carriages 1 y Harness and t any other est HI iu lemen, fitted with fancy hire cheaper than town. Call around January 23, 1863-1y. ~|QLINTUN HOUSE LOCK HAVEN, PA. A. WANN, Proprictor. The proprietor having leased the abova amed Hotel in the borough of Lock Haven, Clin. /, Pa, takes this method of informing the Lat he has madeevery necessary rtain strangers and travelorsin His table will fri ays eo tain the cheisest lux- hat the country wi’ afford, and he is deter not tobe surpassed in this department by ther Hotel Alon; 2 the West Branch : o Hquors that cau ers will eonsta hand to take Ee of “horsesand see th are properly attended to. Trusting that he may receive a portion of the patronage of the traveling public, he hop tloge attention to be ablet @ rende general action. June 6, '61.-tf. fEUWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, For the Relief of the Sick and’ Distressed, a#ilie- ted with Viruleng and Chroni iscases, and es- pecially for the Cure of Dieseases of the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Ac ting Surgeon. VALUABLE REPORTS on Speraiatorrhen or Seminal Weakness, urd other Diseases of the Sexual Organs. and of the NEW RELEDIES em- syed in the Dipensay, sent to the aflicted in ed letter envelopes, free of charge, Two or three Stamps for pustage will be acceptable. Address, DK. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTUN, Ac Ung surgeon, Howard Association, No 2 South & Ninth si, Fhijosipnis, June 12, 18631- DEALER IN PETER MeMAHON, Proprietor. Would res; fonte ard vi cifully inform the citizens of Belle nity that Le has opened up a shop on ALLEGHENY STRLET, A few doors below Hoffer’s Store, is prepared to sell at the LOWEST BOOTS AND SHOES, may! 1863 1y here he RICES Gobueer «© Cigars TEN ISTO PA A LW PLOUGHS. right of Cenive County to manufacture and soll the J. 6. Bidwell no 7 Centre Leaver Left Hand Pp tough, Chis is nov considersd the best metal Plough made in Penna. eps an oxamine it by calling at the "Belle. dry. Cast Stee res will be furn- ished won fhe Plough if des Jan.it30th, 1853. Ar ed. 2 Haver & Co. . 7 mayil tf GRORGE LIVINGSTON? Sob Printing ayer’s Cherry Pretorsi ~ | tions aro paid The subscribers have secured the | m,. the Union, t the Laws, the best of the whole Coantry, and Cen- and opposed si, a d , OF Ye and an un- mpromising advocate Of TRUTH, JUSTICE AND MERUY. EIR MES. Per annum. (strictly in adv ance.) $L,50 When paid within 3 mouths, 2,00 If left run over 3 months, § ably charged. 2,50, will ho invari- ntinnad until all baek sa bserip , ond a failure tonotify a disemtin. nance at the end of the time subssribed for, will be considered a new en These terms will bo ri; No paper d Aly adheard to under all circumstances. VERTE OR The following terms of Advertiseing have been agreed upon by the publishers of the Central Press the Berichter and the Demoeratie Watch- man and witl be strictly alhe red to 10 Hines jor less] constitute a square. One Square three insertions a= = « - «=F 100 Foreach subsequent insertion less than thrcomonths. ~ - - - ~ =... «mw ... 25 One mks wonths, - = - « - - . 3 60 i 6 ois. eie Bal) £ .4 oneyear - -. .. -. . 8 00 Quarler-column, one 2:3 ar, two changes, 15 00 Half ‘0 i we “25 00 One column, ke eu $2 40 66 Auditors Notires. - .. ...a.. .. 30 Notice of application for Yicense = - - - 1 50 Notice forstrays, each animal, - - -1350 Advertisements disployud in fancy lelte so to attract attention, 50 per cent, more than the above rates. Advertisement not marked with the number of insertions desired, will be continued till forbidden and charged according to these terms. 2 Editorial or local notices for the bonefit of indi- viduals, - 20 rents per line Religious or educational notices. 5 « 4 Obituary notices, over b lines, 8 ” Daaths and marriages announced free. Communications recomending persons for of- fico, inserted at ten cents a line; and the pay nunteation, Advertisements must be assompany the con JOE BRE OF ALL KINDS, SUCIL AS Legal Blanks, Shipmeuts, Manifest. Receipts, Receipt Books, Order Books, Cheek Rolls, Toll Orders, Car Books, Way Bills, Advice Sheets, Specifications, &e,, POSTERS, . \ : SHOW BILLS, s BLANKS, PAMPILETS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, ’ In fact, any kind of werk done im a printing office, gxecuted in a superior manner, and the most (ASONABLE TERMS. OUR ASSORTMENT OF wOeD TYPE, Cannot be beat, and all our jobbing will | be executed in the neatest and most isi proved character. Address, Editor and Publisher Democratic Watchman, it DeMufouts, Centre Co . Pa, that he has leased, refurni have been empl C ONRAD HOUSE speetfully solicit a share of public patrenag P.GRAY MEEK priotor. where he will bo happy to wait HOTELS, THE GREATAMERICAN REV PPLNA SALLY Asia BUUGL i BeLugronte, Pa. JORN COPKNELA VER, Proprietor. RESPECTFULLY anno nees to the publie, ed and refitted the above House wkere he will be happy to wait upon hose who favor him with their com wus House is large and conven iished in the best modern style. and fur- i I ded Ww E BE K L Y P A P R, 33s a large number of well aired fi mo artments, Rooms and Private Par- ithout chambers attached. Persons vi ting J Bolin, on by ines: ple a honest seyva a lef] ug left or 11 add to the esmfort BELLEFONTA, Court, oo on Hos © an ag is and p ac decommodating servants are attendance ready to supply the contribute to the comfort and sat guests THE TABLE is sup plied with all the substs provisions, uxuries and delicacies which produc. | tive country ean furnish, or industry, vigilance and exertion can procure. TIE BAR, will always contaln a gereral as- gortment of thin very best liquors, that the mark er Sis addapted to suit themost oap ricious “ii STABLE will be attended by atien- tive and obliging hostlers, well qualified to dis- ¢harge the duties pretaining to this important da- sariuent of a public biishment rom tha attention and time, the propreitor has devot d to this branch of business he hopes to re- ceive a liberal portion of the patronage hereto- fore be ved upon him, May I. 1862—tf. GAR SAN'S HOTEL. BELLEFONTE, PA. DANIEF, GARMAN. Proprictor. This long established and well known Hotel, situated on the Southeast corner of the Diamond, © prjgite the Cowrt Houso, ha aving been puretased by the und signed, he announe. as other © former patrons of this establishment and to the traveling puplic generally, that he intends refitting it thorowghly, and is prepared to render the most satisfactory accomm on to all who fmpy favor him with their patronaga. No pats | will be spared on his part to add to the Pen ence or comfort of his guests. All who stop with him will find BY, YS abundantly supplied with the most suwptuous fare the market will afford, done up in style, by the most experienced cools ; ; while HIS BAR will al- ways ecntain The Chocest of Inquors, His Stabling is best in tow and will- always be THE ALL SU PRICIEN I THREE Known aso Flcimbolats Genuine Preparations, iz: HELMBOLD’S EXTR, AC te “ Si Yil 1 IMPROV ip = 5 FX TIN EROTAT GENUINE PREPARAT “UIGHLY Con NTRATED? 48 pxiract FOR WEA of “cipal of paion Dis 0. ertion., Th CONST T 2 i ia N OR FEMALES, FE Old or young, single In many affect tract Buchu is as in Chlorosis or | fullness, or suppres tions, Uleerated o Leuchorrhea, or W complaints incidemt to from i seretion, J sya I NOF ANIL « si ww 3 ABOVE. THOUT IT. LOBEW Take no Balsam, M cine fur unplens Helmbold's Extract CURES SECRET DIS In all their stages ; at lite e change in diet : no incon Buel a SEASES nse ; litle or na fence, attended by the most tru yorthy and attentive hostlers Give him acall one a fident that me dation. all, and me feels all w* be sa 1:ficd with their ¢ AN EXCEI EN T LIV ER ed to this est chsh abroad will find gre DANI Jan. 9, . 1862. 2 TH CUMM INGS HOUSE. BELLEFONTE 1A B.D. CUMMINGS, rr onristor. Hote! states ion o arr angsments, and is 1 furnished in ne very seme and comfortable farniture gether the best gotten up. and will he the best conducted hotel in Bellefonte, THE TABLE wil' always be found groaning under the wight of the best provisons (he ma gliords, attended hy peat futelligent and attentive |. waiters. THE BAR will always be supplied with choicest and best of liquors --nut a sickuir ture of drugs—bat lignor- in there pure best state TE STABLE is large, warm. commodious and is clean. a a) figing and attentive hostlers, are always inw A Hack LEA SY passengers free of eharee, to and from the cars, after the arrival an d He irter of the train: (JUMMINGS } HOUSE BALOOY. his new and splendid Baling Fs ow open for the entertainment of tublishment the public, wh Fresh Oysters, Fried Oysters, Stewed Oysters, Spiced Oysters, Clam Soup, Turtle Soup, Chicken Soup, Ham and Eggs, Pig's Feet and Tripe, Sar- dines, Fresh Fish, Fried Chickens, Stewed Chickens, etc. ete., can be had at all times. DRINKS. Cognac Brandy, Old Rye Whiskey, Bourbon Whisky, “heat WLisky, Irish Whi y Hol land Gin, Currant ne berry Wi ine, Cham gue, Wine Gin Cockt, oh Bre uy Sadi St lers, Whisky Pune! s, and ail othe Massui & Collins's XXX Philadelphi Porter, Cider, Fancy Lemonades Sarsaparilla,, Mineral Wa- ter, ete, efa., ele. HOT MEALS to be had at all hours of the day or night. A magnificent BILLIARD XOODM. with fine marble-faced Tables, is connected with the cstab- lishment. We invite our friends to give us a call, and think we can insure them the utmost satisfaction. CUMMINGS & FISHER. Bellefonte, March 27, 1863.1y ~~ Props terers, “Another Requisition 600, 000 NEN WANTEDi!! To gi Be their hd -. 2 Lhe ut the WLOX. XE WINE & LIQUOR ‘STORE NEFY & ETTLE. BISHOP STREET, BELLEFONTE, TWO LOORS WEST ad S MEAT MAL Foreign and Domestic Liquors Such as OLD NECTAR, OLD RYE, & HMONON- GAHALA WHISKEY, COGNAC AND COMMON BRAN DIES, PORT AND MADERIA Bishop i : chureh, is | re | And No Exposure. re FN Li And it i7 cor i Diseases for w rocommes le 31 00D! BLOOD! BL 00D ! Helmbold’s Hizhly Concentrated Compound FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILIA 5 VEPH ILLES, nings of the Nose, Ears, Throat the 24 mucus Surface pre- er extent than any other prepa- iila rved to ration of 8 Helmbold’s Rose Wash. An excellent lotion for di of a Syphilitie of the CATES OF CURES. ding, with names s' valuable works on the Prae the late celebrated Diy aim MeDawell, a celebrated Ply + member of the Royal Uoliege of Surgeons, Ireland, and publish- od in the Transactions of the King and Quesu’s Journal, a il Review, pablished by Tellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. See most of the late standard Works on Medi- eine. Bxtract Buchu, 100 per Bottle, or “ix tor 5 00 , 100 ih 500 se Ww ash, 50 £3 “ 2,59 “ Sura Twproved I alf a dozen of each for $i2 00 which will be sufficient to cure the most obstinate cases, if diree- tions are adhered to ered {o any addressy securely packed from scribe symtoms in all communications. Cures guaranteed. Advice gratis. AFFIDAVI dH WINESSCOTCH AND HOLL A ND GIN, | NEW ENG 2 LAND RUM, Ana all grades of Liquors found in the Eustern Ci ies, sold as low as in Philadelphia and New | York. | All Liquors warranted to give | Satisfaction. Confident they can please purchasers, they re Sold by the quart arge lot of BOTTLED LIQUORS, barrel or tierce. Also a "l Of the fs a ade ou hand. July 19, PLEASANT E GAP | HOLLL PLEASANT GAP, J. EE. MMOREUSON, /ro)rioi This well known Hotel is now kep: by (ha p ie ule raveling public generally, + 1yr. sonally appeared before me an Alderman y of Philadelphia, T. Helmhold, whe i sworn, doth say, his preparations con- narcotic, no merenry. or other injurious p— drugs, but are pure ly veg getabl e T. HAELMBOLD. 5 his 25rd day i.p HIRD: ARD. above Race Phila ire Letters for information in coufidence H.T. HELMBOLD Cncmist. Dopot 10¢ South Tenth-st, below Chestaut Phil, BEWARE OF COUNTEFLITS ND GNPRINCIPLED DEALERS - sof Tholr Own? and tion attained by ine P ations = ixtract Buchu, t o Sursaparilla, ‘ Togroved Rose wash. Sold by all Draggists everywhere, ASK I'OR HELMBOLD'S—¥BKE NO OTHRR., Cut out the advertisen Wd sendloritnd a mpast! on and ex; rol” 21, +63 l yi