{ihe legen, ‘ ! i B= i RSPAS ETL ROAD Gu. LE ISSRE ) | i? SUMMI R ARRANGEMENT. ; i Cuand “ior Mon 3 iad LOCK HAVEN ! will bo zx foilows: Leave Hastward Teove Westward i in Harrisburg For our part we shall place no conlidence ia the reportantil we receive more reliable mionmation., " Belicfonte Markets. The following are the quotations up to 6 o clock yesterday (Thursday) evening : Wheat, White, per bushel, $1.25 do Red, do 1.20} Rye, do Tuo Corn (Shelled) do 90 lo (Far do i Back Wh 1 Hurley, do do de du do do do do eieny ithout change ress Furperinter dent LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS. om et he new Reser AVOir. © Deir “statis belong- | 77> Going up,—' 1g to the Denvsylvania House. eo Gr m= We wonder of Ye , downs town, has found bis hat loco! of the 8. : fm Capt. J 3iisbin, formerly one of ile editors of the Contre Demcerat, has Cavalry of the as, SH inte chief of ua CpRPURL. been Sus I~ Qur enterprising and W, W, Mont. gory has teeo A, for the celebrated inz Machines.” There is wo’ Niner Se Lumb Ling fu enjoy a spledid saueer ot shon'd drop in saloon — = Persons tete-a tote over a cream and strawbernies Mrs. Hf. N. Mcdllistais ice alove the Post Office cienm — 7 What is wore refreshing these boty — days than a geod saucer of fee erat. We recommend all lovers of th teliewus | article, to call in at Mrs. Soarbeek’s LO Delivion- wm Saloon, on Bishop street 17 A man, we ave not learned his name, who Ins been word {fur swine time in the | r al this plac sied hy It Pra monday last, | Sidineolira 5.” Not being able mode the brave (3 piro- wiped to Lo pluve the (3) was cc rg Li weetor of our givehur an 7 great nshyol the town duiing the past- exit \ having rofused finn e now, to he sworn into © 1 sir months or ring the vice for They did exacly Ss Lin ow Cre Eency. | with horses, cattle and baggage. | of refugees are coming into the city. , and : Bown 1 deeision of (L l 7nd : fur the of + whic demogratic et _ TEE +The rebels are veeupying Carbisle, and ARE {our forces are falling back to the intrench- ments at Harrisburg, The inhabitants of the valley are literaily jamming the road Hundreds Warm work is espeeted before twenty-four Lours per dozen. per pound, do do do do do do SPLCIAL PRESERVE YOUR REAUTY, SYMMETRY OF FORM, Lye UR HEALTH. AND MENTAL POW | By using that Safe, Ple Popular, ani !eifie Rewedy known us HELMBOLD'R EXTRACT RUCHU Bead the Advertisement in snother column, miofit by it Di Cut it out NOTIC ES. Epo iymptoms Enumerated. 3 You may not now ve i we future Day. vigor to the frame pallid {che k.” ing and Exposure. Cures guaranteed. T'wo months. “Jt pivea heatih And hh fe of counterd t} ie nime of te for the siun of the Kieamer, of 9ak Hud, didate fur tho office of iC ony ention. We are au Thun dute for the of sion of the de Beet We are authorized fo » da00h Wolf, of Huinesto 23° a candi- u the deci. ution, : the na no 4 can decision of pus fu the name of ididate for | nm of the We nro author a tha J.J Lingle, of 1 8 of shen, sul mocratie eo uty conveniion nome of re the eundidate for the | rif, subject to the desision of the de- : convention, We aro authorized to sm . of Howard. the nzme D, As QL can- oO to aimoaies of Patto ¢ ¢ aro autho hn M. Bush a for the sion of det We the name of + candidate eeision of DUNG of Blan, subj meat 4 for the We are aul 1 fH } to che deciniom convention, An nonueen nats. | part of On edition wes worked ot] a ly was received at this place «lating | oh SEWING ‘BONNETS of the ! csiimaton, If Pennsylvanic he de» i 2 of ! 2 { Dan for | fended, the militia uld be sworn dato the | the fi nob fhe State service, and ao! Lauded over to the ! Jenne 3 . 3 Y | We sized to supounce the name of | General Governmen { Amos Benner township, ns a idate | a i for tha sheriff subject to the deeisic f t= Qur devil says, that on Thursdsy {ihe den minty convention. I vallaint exploit, of the Batis in after, the und or Provost Marshall r Mr. Wingard, he mommy viterans, Arrest sing in concert, in the back stall of the Ho- tel Stable. 3 are we, we. we, 5, PENNA STATE AGENCY, |) D.C, June 10, will tind the list of the sick and wounae the hospitals in this city and vicinity, as far as I have visited, Lclonging to the 148th; legiment. To-morrow and next day, T! wilt continue wy visits to the hospitals in | company with W. J. Kealsh, of Bellefonte, | and send you a further list of the sick and wounded. AND WOUNDED IN Tui 148tun! REGIMENT. Lienry Pennington, Co. C; shoulder, near Ir well Charles I. regiment. i Ewavurl BH. Harter Co. D, shoulder, ! minnie tall went in in front and out at back | bone. Join Jackson, Co. ©, adelphia, David Etters, heal, doing well. LIST OF SICK 1 | | i Speaker, Co. D, returned to transferred to Phil | | Co. D, wiunie ball, side, 1 Witham A. Reed, Co. D, farlou shed. | Wm, U. Huey, Co. €, left arm, getting | well Spy ; ileoman, oe C. dead. { J cob Le L ander, Co. C, Ward 24, dong | well Thomas Williams. Co. C, right wound in arm, dome well, Christian Swartz, Co. C, right arm, get ting well i Jolin C. Bathgate, Co. b, wound ia breast | doing welll } David 1, Kerr, Co. D. Serta to daty. | eye goae, James dings, Co. B, iansferred to Gen- | tho Demoeratio County Convention. ral Hospital. Jopr BE. Sawers, Ge ® Hospital. Wm. F. Hebering, Co. D, thigh, well. Wn. F. Clark, Co. farloughed. i John A. Burchfield, Co. D, arm, healed up and nearly welt, Michael Spent bau’l 8. K-ller, Co. C, transferred to . D, furloughed. Jo, 3, ! furloughed. rized to announce the name of tig e fur the offen of ounty convention, to aunouncs the namo of ownship as a candidate erift, subject to thie decision of uty convetion, 2d to announce the name of D, A wrousbury, as a candidate for the nif. subject tu the decision of the de { mocratic gounty convention. Register and Recor der. are authorized to announse tha nam: of Thomas J. Holt. of Fergusin township, as a can: Ardueo forthe olf coof Teglster aud roaorder, sub- joet to the decision of the democratis connty convention, Derr. of Bellefonte, | John We are are wuthurized to annouro: ths nams of J. P. dophat, of Milheim, as a candidate for the office of Register and Recorder, subject to the fone of the democratic county convention We aro authorized to anucunce the name of wl G. Meyer, of nines township. as a candi. date for the office ut Register and recorder, sub- geet to the decisicn of the demoeratio county con. vention. 13 e ate authorized too leu Portholimew date for the ! jeet to t he deeds nneunce the name of Al- riz township, as a candi- ster and Recorder, sub- mn of the demoeratio county con- | vention. We are suthorized to announce the name of G_ W. Lnnbarger of Patton township, as a candi’ date fur thie oftice of Register aud Recorder, sub cet to the dueision of tie Dowmoorati County Convention. Treasurer, We are guiborized to announce the name of !B. F Huwcr of Benner township, ss a candi- i date for the office of Treasurer, subject to tho ! decision of the democratic county convention. We ure authorized to anuvounce the name of C. u< n candidate for the office ol 1h6 accision of the democra ery conven We are authorized to sunounce the nume of fuy, of Spring (ownship, ns a cundidate for | co of Treasurer, subject to the decision of | the of We are ruthotized to announce the name of John Shanoon, of Potter township, ug a can. I didate for the offige of Treasurer, subjoot to | the decision of the democratic county convention, | { he ug . Prothonstary. Weare anthorized to umnoEnCY the name of J . Barnhart, former editor of this paper, a8 a can- i | idee or the office of prothouotary, subject to Henry 1 a rs, Co. U, side, up and | the decision of the democratic county conventions ‘ S . OC, about. David well Johan Riley, Co. D, hip. HH. Young, Co, “}, fever, very bad. | getting | Richard Mites, Co. 1 right arm ainpnta- | ted close to shoulder —has chronic d anhea. Johu Hart, Co. D. below the knee, getting well. Fraucis J. Hunter, Co. H, night arm am- putated close to shoulder, getting well. Convalescent W alters, of Milesb arg, de tailed as nurse, Letters addressed to me at Pennsylvania Headquarters, No. 487; 11th Steet, will re- ceive prompt attention, Very respertfuily, yours, JAMES GILLILAND ight leg amputated | Wo are authorized to anounco the name of | II. Lipton, as a candidate {or the office of | £ James Prothorotary the democratic Commissioner. subject to the decision of! county wouvent ion. We are authiiized to announce tha name of Jas | Forseman, of Snow Shoe towns ship, ag a enn? tidato | the « of Comanissioner, subject to the de- ¢igion of the democratic county couveution. Assembly. We sony CL Gea cy, of Walker township, as for the Ausembly, suljectio the deo Dopatic cr unty conventions neatis “— the demoeratic | anuoarce the name ¢f ou towrship, a3 a ¢n- riff, subjaet to the de- 1k &e.. of Wrought and Cast Iron, ! JALVA ZED IRON and BRASS 1U { BING. 1R0 ANDAHS, BALCON | STAIRS, COUN TERS, FOUNTAINS, GA 3 { COLUMNS, HITCHING POSTS, LAMP. STANDS, VACES. TABLES FLOWER | i | | | are snthocized to announce tho uawme of won of { Exactly suited tothis NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. | &X on MPO RITE BELLEFONTE, PA, W. W, MONTGOMERY, Prop, Tina received a large invoice of CLOTHS, i CASSIMERER, VESTINGS, | ele., ete. | Which will be manufactured in the. | LATEST STYLES, 4 and in a manner that cannot fail to prove satis- | factory. | A lirgersiortuent off i GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, { Consisting of | Collars Nock Ties, i Suspenders Hosiery, Handkerchief, locality sndintondal for the | SUMMER TRADE. 5} elves pre ent a greater v ariety of pl ain and | ds than can be fonud elsewliere iu Cen- BP ATOR & §2 ul [22 od “ MA % HIN Q 4 S, /. W MONTG ELLLEFOXNTLE PA. AGLNT FOR CPNTRE €0 UNTY. Live: aie . tl ANT Ir 377 NO HIFMBUG Having nsed ono of them for { { T y or - | ‘TTY Tm > y cf | SEYEN YE Ang | i I ean warrunt them to do ail that is eluimed ! : (or them. : { Call and examine and procure a cirenlar, i June 26’ 1x; MRS. M. 5. HUGHES, MEL L.LIN IDR, Alleglieny Street, one door north of I BLANCTHARD'S LAW OFFICE, lias just opened a fine assortment of the late C - 7 or oF 2 7 foi em berg ant, Sevier Coceds, 7 / Pd Which she is prepared to make up and tim in the fahion and at PRICES, AND HATS L6W Always on hand sud trimmod at tho shortest notice, on oo LAN SABLE Done in the ost complete manner known to the trade Mayl tf pH .ROCT ARD HE RB DOCTOR, FROM PAILADELPHIS, Wi fo has had thirty-five y ear constant j rac tice, ean be consulted at the CONRAD HOUSE, On the EIGHTH DAY OF ALGUST, AND SFEPFIEMIIR. Ife cures all diseases that FLESH 18 DEIR 10." STETHESCOPIC EXAMINATION Cf the Lung | FILE. | W LEVINGSTON, M.D. | BELLEFONTE, ULY, _el2ly un amen tal fren Works, WOOL PIROT, 1151 Ridge Ave, PHILADELPHIA PA., the Mest Favorable Terms, {FUL DESIGNS in q AILINGS for CEME i Offer fur aale vp | NEW and BEAU riety of TRON > , STANDS, sOFAS, CHAIRS, STATURY, ANI MALS, end all other Iron Work of a Decrotive character. Designs forwarded for selection. Per- ons applying forsaine, will pleass state*ihe Lind of work needeed. Jed Zi Wa LTED IMMEDIATELY. A boy to learn the Carriage Switking trade Onc from the country preferred. my 1.8. 4. M° Slipmen, N. Helenie m22 LEGAL NOTICES. ADMIN ISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ; Letters of Administration on the estate of Michael Flinn, late of Bellefonte dec'd. having been granted to {ne subscriber he requests all persons knowing themselves indebted to said i esta e to make immediate payment, and those | having eluting to present them, duly authentica ted | for settlement, S. T.SHUGERT | i { May 2¢ 6t Aduwinistrators, ADMINISTRATORS’ NOTICE. Letters of administration on the es- tate of Houry Cacbrick. late of Benner township, | dec’d, havildg been granted to the undersigned. he i roguests all persons knowing themselves indebied | to the zaid estate to make immediate ayant aud all persons having claims against Hg estate to present them duly authenticated for sattiem>ut may22 6u MICHAEL GROVE, adin’s ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Take notice that letters of Ad- ation on the estate of Michael Kearrs have anted to the undersigned; all persons hav ing Sheng img the said estate, are requested to present’them, duly authenticated for settlement and all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to pay the sh, without delay to the | undersigned. BRIDGET KEARNS, mayld 6L Admiuistratsiz. . ADMINS EnAToRs NOTICE. Letters of Administratiod on the | estate of Francis Stevenson, late of Patton town- | ship dec'd, havieg been granted to the wnder- | signed, ho requests all persons Knowing them- !salver indebted to kaid estate towake immedia‘e i payment, and those having claims against said es- | tate to present them duly authorized for seitle. went. Je 19 6t JNO. A. ATINTER, Admint’r, | AUDITOR 8 NOTICE. The undersigned. an auditor ap- | { pointod by the Court of Common Pleas; s; of Cen- tre County to make distribution of monies, iu the hands of George Alexander. Sheriff, urising {rom the salo of the real estate of Williams and Hum- phieys, will attend to "the duties of 7 his BERD | went on Friday, the 17th of July, 1863. at his of- re in Bellefonte, 2t two o'clock, P. AT, when and where all persous interested may attend. | Jelsst EM BLANCHARD, Audit. | ministr | cleared aud in the firs state of cultivati ‘any farm ia Centre County. A never | nl tho ness: NEW A DVE RTISEMEN Ts. NIFRCAN TILE APPRAISE SIAENT. SALR® CLS3 Lit Bellefonte DM Wagner Mase 19.000 1 1 do Hoffer Bros do 19,060 II 1 1 OF | | | | LiCar) | { 9 Jer Loeb do. 19.600 1t - 1 0 i C Humes & Bro. do 4500 | . arr VAN 9.004 t ] { ow Bicomd Hh OU ZOIORNG AND SUMMER GOODS | do C McBride do 4.00 Tq 700 | do JB Awl do. 4000 14° T00 : do A Susman do 1400¢ lz. 1250 AT THE do HI erhoff do 9,000 13 10,00 do y S Tripple, Mer- i chant tailor +500 1 50 5s do Www Moutgomary 5 aa sq R 0 N I R {) N Py ’ Merchant Taitor ~ 1,000 14 7.00 | bd do W M’Clellan do 1.089 Jd 7,60 | do FP Green Drugs 4.500 14 7.00 f° do John Harris do 4,000 14 7,09 WR ET do Baxtresser & Crist Rosa 3 Hard 9.060 13 10.00 vg we er do de Boots 9,000 13 10.00 d 1t 700 rtment of do h 14 7.60 8 1Eht to rete | do W J Stine Jewelry 14 7.00 | Joely competi- do A Eternburg & Co Clothing 4500 14 70 | Boggs M Coy Linn & Co Mdse 4.560 14 do © &J Curtin Mdse 8.000 13 Benner Peter Cu Mi 1.602 1t Ferguson Swi ut Co Mdse 9000 13 “do I. A Settoniyal & & Co. M 14 do 8 do 14 do Short Stewart & foi Mdze 11 8 7.00 | 4 13° 19.40; DELANT 13 taco | CALI 8 It 7.00} AND suuMMER 13 10¢4} br DR GOODS | 1t 7.00 | . faliy 3 MIS} 14 T00] { it F001 Also, alurge assortment of ladies and gentle. i “3 7.60 | niens’ { it 700 | 8 700] 14 7.08 ! LEY o AN] - 1 JY 13 7 iL i Ad; im tow Mdse 1i y TV A? Halfmoon Jas Love mdse 14 GREAT nl v Qray mdse 14 Halfmeon Henry Adams 1 ffowarg D Leathers cont a a {ownrd 4 Z Long wise 9 0 5 = Howard R Cook 1ads3 9600 13 T TE] 1 PER . Howard B iveber ndse 2.000 13 DU CH JRE N Alt ard John Irvin & Co. mds It J Mo Sed AND H DY ARIAT DaiDot AT Vy * OPT IAN I ADR “ 2 i SPLENDID BARGAIAS ty Liberty Jolin Bri Marion James Beek mdse EC Humes and Bro Spring 7,60 WF Lomeiae Ep ng 7.00 C Dal T 08 JM nuts Sri 7.00 J ¥ Green Mile: burg 7.00 James Gordon Walker 7.00 ¢ The appea! will Le held in Bell fonte cn Thurs- ‘day, the 25th day of Juae, 1863. jun t JOHN ¥. FORSTER, Apprai prune COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of the Op- ha ns Court of Centre county, wiil be exposed to uh lie sale, at the Covrt House, in the boroug Bellefonte, on TUESDAY, ACGUST 25th 1863. - all that valued farm or tract of ol situate ia Harris townshin. four miles east of tas AGRICU LTUR AL COLLEGE, in Center county ntaining TWO HUNDR AND TWENTY-TWO ACRES, rict measure, bounded by lands of Charles Stam, Michael Wheeling and others. *About one buadred snd ninety acres of the above tract sro The land is ot the best quality of limeston fo till. and produces equal, if not super wil stream of w afer runs through (he premises near the buildings . A LARGL Bhiva .....g BANK BARN and other out buildings, in good repair, are erect ed thereon, ev erything i in fact calculated to make a home comtortalblo. Terms, one half at co.firm- ation of sai, the residue in two equal annual paymenis with interest. JOHN HUFBRR Jed ts Gu tan of Bench and Geo. Hastings. (QRPEAN 5 COURT SALE. By order of the Orphans’ Court Centre Court, will be offered at publis safe on © premises, on SATURDAY, the 4th Day of July 1863. at 10 o’clock, A. BM. of said day, the full described real estate, situate in nia Slonins ad joining lauds of John Riskel, John frye, hoirs of Daniel Mitchell, des’d, and Jacob Horman, | containing Three Acres and One Hundred and Forty Perches, more or less. having’ thereon erected two two story log houses, a frame barn and stable, with ry. outhouse”, a good learing or- fruit, and a well of pure water erms of sale, one-half in hand on LS andl the residue in one | thereafter be secured by Lage on re Promisor 15 frst of April next. chard of cho at the door. Possession to ho glvea on JOHN 8 SHANNON, D W. WE VER, fed ts Administrator of Jucob Weaver, deo’d Year | | Show [all 2, Pe Clk. Centra OFFERED ters’ Bellefonte, De. TO PULCHA merehs 14 Miles id i - it 9.000 5 43 wok Sudset any Jy 185 it North side of the Diamond. Mua It x va atton oo dolph ] 11 Penn Fort & Ii Penn Javeh E it BELLEFONTE, PA. Penn J P Gey It an D A R 1t Pean J V 13 - Potter Win V 12 | Putter Peube: 13 1 Pott Y { 13 0 Potter E 1 1 0 me Putter GW 14 BUREAUS, Potter Peter Ci 1 (80. 14 Rush D and J | 13 Rusa § Bor) ile miso 1 ! Rush Hu 1 : SUFAS, Rush C ih J Rush JJ M 11 ’ : Rush RK Neilson Grocer 14 1 cher < lRE tush Robert Loyd mdse LOUNGES. 14 1 14 i nudze 4,000 14 Slo utaner oil's HAT RACKS, merch 4,000 14 Snow © Crismon and Hud £00 13 ring Va entine aud Co mdse 14 IS ring H Main mdso 14 WHAT NOLS, sg J 3M Campbell mdse 11 prieg John Barnes coufe 8 Spring Hairis and Darn it Unionville J Gris and Lom 1 14 EXTENSION TABLES, do J Unde: wood & 5 do Joho 8 do A N Rus: 8 Walker ¥ aud H Ponties A 4,500 11 STANDS, Walker M Thompson and Co nulse 4,500 14 7.00 \ r Henry Bir oy nmdze. 4,500 14 00 Walker Long weed, 600 34 F001 CHAIRS | Worth R Cu 4. 00 14 700 WorthARD ra 2,000 14 7.08 BANKS OF DEPOSIT. Hames, Yaris r. Hale and Co,, Delle- STOOLS, fonie 20,00 WI Reynolds 30,00 : DISTILLERIES. Mieaael Hazel Beier 15,00 | &e, Seo. Lewis Hf ns Bowwar 15 G0 nric eo. for sale George W Stove © Penn 15,00 | blishment of the BILLIARD SALOONS. RY I*. HARRIS George W Dowaing Bellefonte 30,00 ells s x x 2 IES MERCHANT MILLS, Leather ! Leather ! ! D A Rehl Penn 7.00 O Mo z Hains 7.00 a= m— RH Duucon Gregg Toul Adam Hi her Gregg 7.00 | Jacob Moyer Harris 7.00 ! WE Reynolds Benner 7.9) | SOLE LEATHER Henry Brekerhoft 3Zeuner 7 i SPANISH E2XNUH CALF BKINS COUNTHKY CALF SKINS MOROCCO LININGS, &C., &C Threat and Shoemakers Tools, of to bohad at UY 55 MLALIN 8. ! than at any other cstublishaent in nn vlvania. mber 19, 1362—tf. MA Would Bellefonte constantly which he s vantags to lishment, a bread and Sept. 12 i THE! | ed thy “Dellefonte Lime Quar ry, pike endl | tities to procuring Vjede da and complete Bukeiy on SPRING street, premises of W. F. LBynolds, where he will kee » Broad, Cakes shortest notice. TTRW BAKERY! 7 HIAS SCHMUCK, respectfully inform the people of and vie inity, that he has opened a nc=> in iz) on hand all kinds of Bape RUSK, POUND CAKE, GAR AND GINGER CAKES, CRACKERS, &c., &o., &c, olls at 2 reasonable and satisfactery and Pics baked to order on the Families will find it to their ad. get their baking snus at this estab. As they puis wh viesome ges h, 1&8 LIME! The undersigned having purehas. Yet ted onthe ing to Mileshurg. about half a mile from tha boro ugh of Bellefonte, is prepared to furnish bond and mort. | lime of a superior quality at short notice iu quan suit purghasers. Persons desirous o a first closg article for building pur | | poses would do well geal at the kiln or addres WM. SHORTLIDGR xe | i STEEL ' 3 ZEBTAl BAXT Leu TLERY SAWS I GUNS AXES EDGE TOUL SADDL o8 Makers SPRINGS. PAINIS, nr Northwes a de » eongres ut co know wha in 4 his shop, st nat a who cloth othing That yon ¥ » Who'd rn Shan ap y one elso can, srs ay, 8 3. We 4A soft place for to lay, Ard on his grave, mid Beneath which he h w ell p nee asi ‘He sold gow PETER BROWN SNUFF. rican Gentleman YELLOW Fre it Toast, i ur La Attention is called to tho large reduction in prices of ine cat chewing any smoking Tobaccus will be found of as whis Lich - TOBACCO. PINE CUT CHE Cavendish, or Sweet Reente Tin Foil Ca & 3 mixed, Granulated. N. B.-A circular of or appiteation. { | + den! 17 1 year Bh a CHANCE & £30 IN I 1 I 8ADBL oy SRP D3 BI Nee (sls [ATARAIPAMBY OY Da FARE. ESSER & CRIST, | [Eo AR IN FOREFGN TIC HARDW ARK, WINDOW SHADES, RIFLES | ings and Carpenter's lo, where thang 3 fou now its mighty grand, iE ay he LASEXEIILTAO i i | LORILLARD | Snuff and Ta Havufeeturer | fore the oitizens of EN UF, } Honey Dew Seatoh P. 4. L. or plain, BARGAS! BH and zy i AND LOMES- DGOR MATS PISIOLS 3 ERS HARDW, ents to 5a usually Wied Lo in the and ef all to Nirg. C Clu! t to choose, sirs rs hin sine, bh rirs, vle suit buy ~ ing man, airs, r ches ager, fur, live fo ho'll find Birs. flowers au «1 Ale S 4 sed Demigros, ] 5 { Caopsnbagui. ! sr Honey Das Scoteh, | resh Scotch. iperior quality. WING. Sweet, d Oro vendial prices will be sent | FOR Fourth, AFFLIC BE £180) 6 § ih dollars. DEA NTE LOL OEY, | life. The subgeriber begs lexve to inform the world | i and tha peopls of Centre C that he still sontinnes to earry on the Si 2ddisry | business in all its various branches, ab