Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 19, 1863, Image 2

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ln ELS
sler of what 12, anil 13 rea- | Exalting the Negrd.
Hi acgomp' ished fae that 1f the | Ee
he dom of 4 hallow-box, be interfered swab | de Tucgueviile, in hig celebrated work on
f 10 the Nort) weston
sts ede Ness! o
es, or if the fice
Tass Acad to a free eleation
i. ther futeprupted there,
wal fall, As i shehony
rom above, and lee earth
£1. | {rom the four eins of
the Ihwoc acy of Aweiica, in speaking ot
crues, made this remark: Wherever
thie whites and Lincks hove lived together in
the sane State, history has opened but two
neeounts kelween them, vin: Wher the
whites hy reason of their iutdlectunl super-
The character of the Aioltion:
mrably drawn in the folowing langlinge
Wherever Abolition:
{ feokold in the North,
s sown the sed
division Pr
nd of heaven th
as converted ele into po- wr vi vy ”
Doe csi will by i Elaze of armed 82-4 inriiv were s ; fuarhs 0
$ a alre evered the | e ” we om i ; iorisy, were strouger than the blacks, they
tile greariziions | FaY. By yours Tal soppr gepeech {reduced them to slavery, and when, by rea-
dq be ikem the
55, you have forced
You hinge to
on of their vast numercial superiori
ser than the whites, tue
hacks vox 4 murdered the whites, There
is no other Liistorial account between the two
! §
blacks been
mon do action ans tend or words.
he North West wich the kind of men
[ who took Fort Donelson for you, against
21s Ll
PA 3 of the Sou’? them what can avail your weep races, Thege remarks must, of conrsa he ap-
LE B1nH/e OF Tn | { i Wide-Awakes ” iranstormed into ©U plied in a general sense, for thore are sever-
1 was proclaimed to i on 1.0 i vt
, = | Leaguers 17 Lal decrees of slavery, ihe exsenc al! hee
Driday Horning, J nongst men.’ jong , tal decrees of slavery, ihe essence of all =
; [4] te will be perceived. 3 i Three years ago wo labored le prevent i; ton of ane person to the wili |
I TT TE PA SHO NT : ' ior i nn apvi t
YC A TIS ST _ a. | the elation, of Linenln, saying that i he of apathor, for the ine, is his master.
there woald be a civir war
considered preposterous, We
cnd 10 the mad Paritad
beearive if
: when the
henelit of the
{were elected
guhjee fen is
Master, and it
: tthongh in appearance
Siavery is
i wholly for the
[may only be gel
od | but in Nitin
: ‘ord and
foam our post i
ni appi
iriee tn nit ar
Ils be thar Bir! yn
endell itil Ps.
var patrons will favor Gx ow
policy that rales Lineoln,
sed, sud at onee, in thn North t
i not only the eoreals that New York r. lies on |
txchan 268 |
when there are
master and to
for the |
be absolute!
¥ the asus smot dl
f ng from it to the
its record in
mast solemn o
n, * ome i |
Warcusas kh
to make the larger part of her
the she has! lease with childien who
(need for her own consampiion, and whieh | their parcnfz and teachers wholly for their
| she expects 10 draw from the West, will be | own good.
{cut off as unexpectly as Scuthern traffic
as interrupted aficr Lmeeoln’s election.
WF Toes our it of the subj ied personas is the
with Farope, hut
these Ruow
i by osal
pod would entuciy Gif
The negro who artived in {Lis
from his mative Africa was no better
And vob this
than a
3 be of value.” | he stayed, We will allay it. the Sonth the negro continued to be call-
oe he stort thickens and grows nearer.— fof hild, and he me a slave for Lis own
{ dl slow-moveing. but paramount mass 1 benefit as well as for the benelit of his mas-
Tei of the people are in the moment of yet in: | eor, JI we subicet to the white man
wer a‘e deliberation. Let freedom of speech i mn tv, and 0 artial observation
is 0 " t | treatm ci the press, and fice and liwful Lo shawn {hat Lis happiness and well-
Hari-Luit widiess is | clections, be guaranteed, and the stor may | being were must promoted complete, 1a
threw ing np fortifs | If Nese ve E
Trip beim g Tiny = wnt { the gro y mad further interfered with, the question is pat {ed a slave; in the Northern Sates he
soyecpyated at Soeun, Menit { cn that (he editor of the Pre sharp and elenr to every man. to become a! gag vemancinated.” but it was utterly
Hamilton, which places Zo 7 : cls 2 5 = } i : )
Hanglt 1 om ty characterized the Aboliti we or to erm and fight for Lis ioherited jmpossible, for him to cst N any
np tte ened 10 resist any sifaek we : ; Vro J ! 5
Ing £1 ited | 2 i the present day 10, in his own lange i ils { claim to equality wih the white man.—
1 > 1} ) > . ‘ 7 .
on them hs jo enemy {used at that time, are “mfatuated men, who | It behooves the moneyed men of New phe wag exclubid fram ull secial rela
York to look to this, Da they hope to mike
something more out of this wickel war 72 —
We tell them that they may lose in at all {poy corvien to his white This
they possess. It they do not join 08 11 ia~ | hus heen his condition up to this moment,
{ sisting on oll the rights of freemen, they | 44 we have seen no effort on his part to
thinness may be denied in a coarse and! have no guarantee for the security of their | change it.
w. rds of m- 1 sswmilitary necessity’ ean de!
source they i prive us of the right of publishing our
destroy our Union in the miserable
free the nevross of the
We cutertain great hope that the |
will do winch |
rood to “the fing.” Their
| tionship with the Caueasian, and was only
knoxn a3 a servan’, or as performing in.
{ hope
of setting
pin ny 58, $10-
wa cditer of the Firil employer.
aes far: to
series nd ton of these exiracts
Jotituin 8
the fins
4 in il
Conn ti
cause and the
tol 8
ing arguape {
CAV aN then
x tell in Berks
the nm strioiony
1, under
{property Ye instruction, without
that self-respect
cengry way. and with as any
but, coming fron the
The negro, without
1m, without
2 : of the do, they mast be received by the Jacobins | per, or can consign us to Fort Latiyatte 4 | which arises from the conciousness of his
1 reiters + detmoctaite principles hs aid | + :
“8 ow Correr: [reiterating the democratic principles handed | worth is now entering upon a new stage, —
down to us for generations on thie soil-—if | 114 jg made a soldier, he is called
; |
10 orga wh' ehiz : : upon to
Congye his once <1 papers 1 Olio and 1llinols cus be suppiess- [end the free institutions of the coratry to
If ho Are. i ed, and Vallandigham, "by an unheard of] wyiop hic ancestors were (ranspericd as
} “ ris ; = i 3 Y ere f
mel in a oo amy, be ex:ded by the by Lincoln, slaves, aud beds suddenly to le inspired
nd the Beomed
i : i Lo.
i . Jhon: 1g a Y Lave .
Ti \ Lot Federal Admin | (he millionanes of New York huve peasor Wh a sense of honor to which he t
ae lnltony. Thid Bag honda Yh ar 3 ;
13 dr'fiing without rudder, and | to fon This Leena ¥ War {OV 1g been 8 stranger. His enthusiasm
to fi'l the
snon visit
N fH + ! may
13, nor whither driven, We can well be- | 2!
; . iihem, not only to appropriate their
that the unzainly tle : : y i
: to put up their rea} esate, !
¢ -0f Linesln > . |
: arty at anc! Certainly
were sacred than personal [og
Puritan it is far
cMEitsry nee
nder, fled by the whites, ay
ve Whacks
likerty is to be!
he is armed to deliver hinfeiln
Bank= | yon
pass. It knows neither whore
oul ¢
wid should be coftors of the esrmorants
uid he pt
ana vacant ¢
1088 OF 0
ageounte, bat
The Constitution. which to hin 1s a sen
the law which he only
trained him. the Uni
he never eared for, it now entrusted to
, and a earcer of glurg opened fo
is foe
it is a
or jotte
prov letter,
Land other
property is not w itself ow
that sunicu:d 4 4 fal
pesce, here at tne oni howl naturally d.zale his mite! ca-
sirate by a ue . : :
a0 Danvedic me ; b y and his inexperienced mind, Ue 1s
wi peace with the t the last hope of the esuut isin
> tell wm ven is who ave | hig fiddity and bravery, whose c¢ Le
all thev have hith vio I King ps the war, that their gain { trashed, and on whom he used to wait in
sweet things will { pay
now ready to
at submission, aie
r failure in t!
| im by the hand on the universal
tof Liberty, Equality, and Pruternity. Is
is a delusion, oris it reality ? 1 is
the deeepiions is terrlble, hut fit
, wa may as well look to the ¢
5 at
il it te not stayed t
ration, we will sce w delusion,
is reality
ig to the and resignin
vir ml pit E |
; : w gh law-atiling Democrats, | Ve | quences.
ut cruts loathe aad detest them, but! PHE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. | Ihe negro isto be armed, he is to Le form-
t he vditor of the Prec. dhoaever, who eet our own magnanimous prinei- | a | ed into regiments of infantry, civalry, ang!
it Gaile ! Ses f Ro 1 Cte FAT Tris} | . } :
t then tod npiesis tn the tem d never ; ise to deal w Ne than | Foom letters reecived from Has ! artillery, and he is to bo bistructed in the
hn a ved i ¢. Bat, Wis ihe! fupths intense frtenush Hing nee of war, which! henceforth to prac”
is A iti is not the nraper . mve deals with us at, this the science ar, which ti cefortt te
{ Abolitionism is not tne proper per ef tw bs 3 UIC he deliberation of dhe Demoria: | iH ! > B
Leottire oF faction of 'uritan growth ave in which is to assemble 40 | tree under the gnardansiip of waite offers,
thread a eintion,
erawned that oity with As far as this new plaa has been acted upon
"un To bring it near
§omtetance, tanya i a . i antivsslastin Nu be
. ate tite he nge. suppose we tell hi] Tn oF a oy s ii (it has, as we are assured from Abolition
ps : * . | orats, hie vention wall undoubtedly be | a;
rep them too utterly ever toi fTat® fhe Ion WL Npeoumesl BC { sources, already proved a complete succes:
tet s the largest that ever toet in Peupsvivama. J The b 0 tt 21 1 5 .
wurselves to the thought of ta Wo are rejoiced also, wo learn th felting | The bravery of the 21 Louisiana {1 3
«8 the
to his own lV of harmony prevails ver belore (qual «and teziment hag become the theme of praise in
tou mangs be not ean |
: s : il os seenstt | Wi io of this Lincoln AC. | that a determination eXists to ac only for ; prose nnd in poetry. and we are told tha
* vd od ol of 1s un. | the weifare and suceess of the Demoviatis | jg example will fire others td d
Re ih a | couse. Vadividual preferences must wll give |) We. Bat il fos mill te
a | neived fvars, huve Lead instructed to disarm [vay *o the common good, and the nomina- | ar va or, i 1b there Tesuies stll another
: it of | the Demear in the Gieat North West | tion of candida es inust be sceared who will | gnestion. Those who are killed are dispes
Lane | Prov cards are going round, | command the support and coifidence of the | el of, they ne ther trouble the state-wen or
deus | at night gener ly, taking away from Dem. j citi piriy. E is absolately neces "| the politieal economist, bat what shall be
} i Sly hy vin op to secure a Demoe rimuph Tn Qotober iar Fl thie SHEVIS ine oes horoas ® AT
prche their firearms. They do th xt. Whe Jacohins will make a desperate we with the surnving negro heroes 1
! oo wider (he warrawt of the d at the polls. They will leave ne | they, after their capacity and their heroism
Wat da here
Aitielwofile | have been acknowledged, be conient to re
main the life-long infertors of the whites ?
Will they, after having saved the canniry, he
means Nt io defi fe at their opponents. The
contest will he, perhaps, the severest that
ever tuok place in Pennsyivani ie dread
i of losing the power whi wiclding
of the peo
wteral Cons
vs, that “he
ceep and’ bear arms,
ail not Le iu-
roan his
nother, Us ai i act as gl i wicked Federal Administra {for the Ar own advantage se them io willing to return to their former occupation
1 fe wont itic ips friends of slaves,” are | bring hor power A resources to bear | of Loot-blacks and barsers 7 Will they not
srant of political | upon suggic, Hueiee, the stern necessi- | rather ask to bs ma de officers aud comuian-
: > = + - of or
while taking to their |W latory conn i ders of the regiments whose fame they have
ee on the part of the re softhe BD
they nic seeking | graov.
the fice | Inu
| estatlished with (ier blood 2 Ang if all the
| flus things which are told of them are trae,
sie 10 : what rizht have their tellow-citizons of Cuar-
Lo ae: 1 eaciun descent to exclude, them from a pars
| dint} n
nnsjon | beipated inthe rewards of bravery and zood
to Sh the yoke «f slavery on » this course upon our {ii
: actuteted by an earnest d
the suceess of our cause.
end we shall labor us
that the fate of the
complish t}
Iv, We believe
4 wes of men int
ficre nye Lut two ef
Sig Woe ale
on tha c + resiutance to Fhe laws
freemen and slaves.
tril etn Ged” i customs of former ¢ dudine it. Look to | hangs, in a great degree upon the vesuli of | conduct? The ecouclasion is inevitable.
. + 3 T + Lop
Winle wo autarly saademn ! the chronicles of thew Anglo Sax on anees- | the next election in this Commonwealth, | The nearo must be promoted.
| Inbued with this belief, we have not permite
ted varsedves to be led away by any person. |
al pr ferences, the attainment 2 which mighu |
in any manner, place in jeopardy the suz- |
cess of cur paity. tis with aie we re- | motion, and admission to the Caueaean so-
cord that this feeling has ig da chars ciety he bas helped 0 save.
acter and importance in the Sate which |
must make self felt for gond among the ! Bastes Basnslreniy eticom ini te hom |
: with graceful condeseeution and the ladies of
Bat he will riot be satistied with military
Living fought and bled |
! tors, and sce how a frecuan became a slave.
«The unhappy mau laid on the ground his
i it and his lance, the symbo's of the
free. tovk up the bill end the goad, the im-
on his
teachings of the ed tor of the Press in which
osererd usurpiiions a promotion only.
To asSeTis
r eh wrongs © ous 1 oonse ript
sred dnx-gs Lhe wonld le ik
Vie ot Fight) we wat be permitied to ap- 0 plemerits of slavery, and, falling
prove, m the iia? of & number | knees. placed his head in token of submis-
st hiauieyy {
{ sion under the bands of Lis master.
tated that tbe wration | © And those cowardly and incapable things
was directa? priged- —ddneoln, Seward Stan'on, have jmasgmned
vst the Order of Know Nothings, | that this flere fighting American race aain-
faa bouquet prepared | ed to baty even iu its excesses, will bow
that time, beneath the
such ex and quicly
“symbols of the free
it the Constitution of the Ia
arantec to them to tl
s in the «ams address,
delegates to tte Convention. We shall,
therefore, look with earnest hope to the | other cities, inspired by the New England
action of that body ard await with confi- iden, cannot but follow the example. Why
dence the movement of those who are en- shou d not & negro army, such 831 we gic
promised, some three hundeed thovge:
trusted with the high and ioporgant daty
of deliberating fur the welfare of the party
strong, pioduce au Othello (perliups not
I quite so black) fortunate enough to flad in
woe gi ie,
down their heads trembling | and the country,
exe I ea oo
lay i 0. I. Smith, of Maine, being
a boi? with “arbitrary arre if he |
d | asserted the right of free speech, said 10 a |
vublic speech :
P pans of {hese creatures,
the ground the
. demona, who will love him for the danger
he has past; he loving her tht ghe?
eh Lo Keep and bea,
the j
are subjected to}:
for has coun ry, he will also claim social pro- |
| the regions of upper tendom a pentle Dos
as Armistice.
People are talking ahoat the protatilities |
of “pence fifty thousaed citizens assemble
iu aweesd convenidon, in the chivi city of the |
nation and demand
mored =Mr. Wool is sent fur by the Pres
Bebe io Mr. Si is sent fur by the Emperor
Wve in Bartle
THIGH of an armistice |
cold commences tumbling — Ocean LL channd
- Mr. Wood. TWhat does this mean g
hasty (0 reason,
Bit, when you ere Mr. Wood, the man
who avows operly that he e ried to Mr,
Lineoln in December. 1862, Api fo
peace und compromise from the ‘h-
when vou gee the wan who has nee aca
the I os gi: rejecting these terms. pre-
vented from testifying to it (befo ¢ the Conrt
Marial that tried Vallandigham) by ordars
{from the President—when you see hin sent
! for by the President —when it is known that |
I the Tarver asted him. What reason he had
to suppose that the South was yet willing
to compromise ¢ —when he was not arrested
and seat South like Valandigham--why, it
means —Something !
i When you see 50,0630 peaple ascembled
in Mass Convention, peaceably dnd orderly,
demanding “pence,”’-—when yon see the
Seeretary of State ai the Astor House, with-
tn pistol shot of this mecting, holding I
terviews with isc tue orator, Mr Wood, -
when you see this, it means —-something,
W hen you see 10 000 people of E.gland
cmbled in grand mass meciing, peaceably
" re-
ment intervecion—when you sce the
| ition in Parlinment—when von
acknowledge that intervention is vo longer
ey of
of the rottén portion of the Democer
man who Fovd not Geign to notice Mr.
Wood. if he did not represent a formidable
organization—when you ses hrm cull upon
Mr, Wood. 1t means—something, «
When you hear people—&™ peopla
— talk cowplacentlv atont the probalnlities
of an armistice -when yon see gold tumh-
hng after defeat in ev
theatre of war—{ harlestm-—Frediek
Vicksburg, and Port Hudson —when yon see
this. it weans-—gomerhing,
Now we have gaid all these thinrs mean
something. What do they mean? These
are the reasons for the faith that is 10 us:
1. That the Administration at last sees
that its war 7 poting,” as a measure of re-
returning wave of popular
ent 14 Shing agalast it.
hit Ia opean intervention can no
fonger he : oided if war 1s Ts tin.
4. Ghat the l28t chinee to prevent an alli- |
ance n the Sonth and an Ea
on tess hostile to the No
{ hostilities—San arn
ile chance, th
Cus i on of
I, b iy any
tortune of
wat there is notl
tg arndstice
military of i}
will be the of
ad miited thar Job
: 5 ry and Ki
ey can
uty than the
ved his
mecntrate their forres
Federcls — the whole
en: a doubt. lids
since Gen
the captare of Vicksburg wi
If one may judre of the :
past. when Johnston and ilirhy Sw th ad- |
he former alone, cither the
{ LW consequently Port
fara ? larly wiit !
Pode eral armies
side of him G
dliier retire ander cover of tie pn boa
d. The admi iste:
¢ with al
snother and a nore formidable
Oooseripuon is a greater turer to
selves than to the people —-the arbitrary
tary satraps hasc cre-
hostility © and Jealousy
agzinse the nniitary pomere tLe defection of
dae indicating the feel
Congress in Deverber—al} Fave iceron
thom greater than are generally imagined.
All these thmrzs show the desperate
straits to which this a: rogant faction, which
hag controlled the destinies of the pation |
for two years p is reduced. Fven the
BEgroes, the ouly friends it was thought
‘lo would not fajter and fail them,
ave to be coerced as well as the South—as
well as the Republizans-—as well as the
D 'moecrais of the North, All are coerced
j alike, Atl are drafted into the army, and
amy oO
{or Lede
teries of their masters.
1:2 short, the Administraiion hag, through |
its own blunders, and not by any inherent
weakness in the eapse of “the Union,
bro: whit the notion to the varge of ruin,
Complications slrond. caused by the it
1] plieity of Seward; diseftection at home,
caused by the arburary acis of the Secretary
of War, and bis erozy Generals; and de-
ment of flocers sound on the “negro ques-
tien,” insteud of possessing ability to meet
such veterans as Lee, Beauregard, Ih, |
Longstreet, Bragg and Johnston, All com- |
bine to compel an effort on the part of the
| 4dministration to coucniate the popular
clamor for “peace and eompromse.”” This
fort must be made soon, or England and
The ladies of | France will place it beyond the power of
the Federal Government to do it voluntarily,
| We therefore believe, most firmly, that ne.
gobiationy ars now being made in tv ashing-
| ton to that end, and a few monihs will Le-
hold us again at “Puace,” When that shall
take the plece of the pomp, pride and eir-
j cumstance of war, we will have no fe roof
ral of this sectional fratriendal strife.
Zucaing Journal,
i ———— rd PB ws
IC™ Aleiter was recently rrecived at!
i the Post offize in Cleveland,
directed —
1 tn, that we ol wi ad pice “T . ~
: 4 : ol luge oY . , ah ih) «To the big butcher at Cleveland and
he yallls heels Ee wh “for theprotection of themselves and of the Ld sire here and now. to say that if | ied them. The negro, with his enperioe pt he '8 : % ; !
’ an your Provost Marshal shall atiempt, either an 1h hich figl 1a Lig wart on his nose,” The
alate, : : | Ste an ir r » } :
? at . \ = : here or in any gihier similar assemblage, to I Flyangasn ishing qu ie i 'h2 office knew the man, but were siraid to
ade- jo Every revolver you take from tiese peo- | exercise a power of thai rash nnd extraor. | ding teeth and neiis, may justly exciaim vith | | reseat it
A lights! ple, is replaced by a rifle and bayonet. — | dinary character, he may be assured thai he | the classiepoct. None but the Lrave, none | : . i
! et eee ren ere
will find in every commission that he
cep's to do such an act, his own death-
warrant, and his ready passport also to
merited grave.
bet tha Lyave, nove but the brave
the far. ~ Te Age.
a a
un you steal from (hem, is
ulations uuskets, with
! You think you bave
| Every old shot
good for a ¢
ws sake: geicive |
ving set |
| amnunition Lo mal i 1
| a theophy when you have seized a rvifle— he ia mts 3>= The foll g item we clip from the |
swowill flud, a iF 1 had dropped down | [[77Gen. Fiz Joba Porter, under advice Philadelphia Age. We leave it to our |
clouds, or if the had of his counsel, will soon present his yepiy readers to judge of the coriectness of tle:
ised | fo ex Sveretary lolt’s statement upon which | report;
king good the loss | the President’s tinal action, cashiering Gen,
d to fet it forth, a w fur
y take |
. |
ating Lowitz r, ma
reme drought for a week or two
> De of the rida! Porter, was based. Past, has compleiely parched the mountain |
s ewrche of i ee — Forinic and n letter from P Valle
i 1, fp 1" “row = : y B1 ym Penns Valley says
all lant the Liu Woyoa will met Bud 77 A Cario letter says that General Mc. | that ani vmense conflagration is vow !
stance oi | them! Bun Sere Wd you will not destroy
Sony { thems, Exloust yoor Lui narrow
tof nt} 3
su will be arer the mark
, to the nie brats, and Fs
stitution. What} hs i nut by pitical forcast,
mg on what 1s know as «Seven Mountain
resulung in great destraetion of property
and intercapbing travel. The Bellefrntaine
Qlerindiis Leen put under arrest for diso-
bedience of orders, and General Washburn
has been ordered to Vicksburg, to take com
wand of his divisgivu. «
1a daily trips
and Lewistown Raijiond is unable to perform ' tls connie?
~ »
{ ay
077" The co'ten mills of Woodioeket
i Tibode Zsland, are reducing their lours of
Yator. Several of them have commenced
to La'f time, and it is presumed that the
others will adopt a similar course,
(>>The call for a Democratic State Con-
vention, at Montpelier, Vt., on ths 25th day
of June next, is addressed to “all citizens
i who see in the restoration of (he contiol of
the General Government to the Democratic
party the only hope of a restoration of the
Union, of peace, and of hberiy and law in
s are forced by bayonets upagaiast :
in the field, eased by tho appoint- |
—ant 81mistice 15 11a
i it torn
ne gi onger ee
comes from Aibany to Now York and sends | Governor.
thing, says the man who is tu lazy or to a
r the writ of habeas carpus
1 orderly demanding from their Govern.
; presenfative, Me. Roebucle, movin gfor recog.
sec Mr. !
son fcave London for Paris, ead !
company with Mr. Slidell immediately cali]
upon the Emperor—-when you see the coi-
respondents of the Adminis ration papers politicians, who have been enjoying p
When you sce Dean Richmond, theleader ¢schirged,
New Yoik, who wonld adopt any plat form the dnue
that ca ers to the passions of the hour--a caused quite a fattening
y quarter of the occupy them shou!
; a! unless they render
+ born niggers.”
i hundred thousand dollar appropria
Huzza foc the B zckeye Sate.
or Ono.
nvention of Ohio
on Thursday last avd
ated. by Accla
Hou, ©. Vailas fur Governor
anid =.
fon. rege. Bo Pugh, for Lreutenant
Resolntions were adopted protesting
patust the President's Eaanecipation Pro
+ elamation — condemning the bi-hn-a
"of martial law in the i 3 ates where
war does not exist, and the suspension of
- denouncing the
zham nnd de
avoiicg the
an: 1
banishment of Mr. Valiands
manding lis restoration —and ©
freedom of specch and of the press,
the rizht of trial by jury. A commin
of tweaty was ap ne ted to wait on the
President of the Uniced 8S aes and demand
he return of Mr. Vall: ls hve.
J he Convention was the largest and most
enthusiastic ever assembled in Ohio. Its
cstimnated that 50. G00 people were in at-
tendanee, Ex Senator Pugh made a boll
and «le quent speceh, denoune nrite une
stitutional arrest of Mr Vallandigham, 1}
mock trial and despotic Pamshwent, He
exeerated Burnsile’s order Now 38, and sain
bie would rather dic a freeman than live a
slave. Speeches wore a'so made by ion
!' 8 8. Cox, Ex Governor Medary and others,
! ell; bitterly denouncing Burnside and lus
No interference by the military occarred.
many of the soldier8 taking part in the
proceedings and endorsing the resolutions.
et eee
A N:w Icrepresstible Conflict.
There is a very earnest and decided move.
ment on foot in Philadelphia to have the
in the Custom-UHouse, Post offices and other
a doubt. when you see these things, itmeans | Feders] quarters, to yiclddhem to the re
| turned soldiers, who have been honorab y
and espe aaliy o those w un | have
but who are able to pe
The movemer
among the
been we sunded,
g of the of!
ve heen
t tho-e
, aud abl-odied Repub io
enjoying the spoils of offi
¢ id
is fair play —
cffices a wearon,
filhige op (he rgnments thal
ing, This ball was put in mati
aro al a meeting “of Lonora
sehdiors, on which occasion
| vGo as men, sud demand
Gl the sp
of those in au-
: thority that jou get vonething to do. You
want to w ork and yon shail wit mand thai |
i those politicions in offive shall be turacd ont |
to give place to yourself. Famer speaking
| here for party. Firs isa question in wh
i party has nothing to do. The soldi
i wounds are an honor to’ them, Therelore it
thie sentiments of cvery heart in this
{to-night be, we want work in ths places of
{I'he poiiticiang in effice, when
the fuirn 58 and justice of the de
to!d of
nd. say
war might el nnge mater div, sa that Grant, i they © an't see il, They may fue alle
Binks and Eoscerans could overs the ; * :
Southwest and disperse “ta Gort lerate | ——— ty
crmyes, it would delay the cousin 37 Prentice ays: ** Soma of
lition editors think that they cannot be!
slavish « i
the sdministration. They she
a em ent, GP me
= Ios alleged that the
Ittinois Logisiature,
Yates, was intended to aud did defes
x and woundel soldiers. 1s final
srge of {hat bill was pending ta the
when it dissalved,
nz of the nex: |
s for
Who Lins had thirty-fve years constant practi
cau be consulted at the
On the
le cures all diseases that
Of the Lungs
je121y = v. LEVINGSTON, M.
North eldo of the Diamond.
&e, &
Of ake deo ipticn, quality and prise, for «ile
CHEATER than ut any other etublibtodt uf the
kind in Cen’ ral Pounsyh ania.
June 1st 1863 —1y. NI XRY NARRIS
House |
isordered liver.
nds of our eitiz
a and Liver Di
astion, apply
2, 9 :
Hoollamd’s German Bi {ors
Wirt. CURR LV ry Lr ASE OF
Chronic or Nervons | isons: Srshe Kid
Leys, oe nz froma :
ll Slomuch
Resulting from Disorder. of the I)
Conetit ation, Tiward Piles, Fulness
to the head. deidiiy of the tom, wh,
Hearthurn. Disgust far Food, a ness or
in the Stomaeh, Sour Eructatic 0s,
Flattering at the Pit of the Stomach,
of the tf sad, Hurried and D
or Boot
nt or the
el com
CHM ram
card. By
ually nn
| up aud th
s have iousands of Leite foae
ya, Lawyers
and Citi-
; is ay ot
A fn r any
4 24 may thus
benefit of others.
re readily in regard to Hoof.
prevared by Dp
eauss 1
r i i is + the
fland’s Geri wo is
wos prejudio 3k
£ > thy 1mpres-
flu that ro ware chictly. an aleohnlic in
I am iudelited to friond Robert sh
Esq, for the removad of this prejudice by
tests, und for en agomut to try thew when
it and long continued debility
bottles of ° “those bitrers, at tha
evident relic
Hy and ment
months betor
and Bad Fr despuired of ve.
erelore thuvk God and my f
>of thew.
. June 22,1864, J NEWTON EKOWN
In yoangor Azed Mie or
Are gpsedity removed nad the patient r 2atoral
ta health.
| Those suffering fiom Maras 8. wosling away,
on Sp bots weo enpod
such cases will
0, ga ishing
ene with i Ii
Aud thoss working hard wi ith th - i
always keep a bottle of Hoofland
them ws they will find muah b
to boty mind aud boly, iuvigoru
And leaves no prostrai
ali the ast
I that
nigat bo saved
rieriving thankfal
crags in the neay and i1asp tals,
t 1 hy the use of
avho live hoon
| these Bittoare, sent to
{See thac the Signature of su. M. Jack-
07 is on the wrapner on each Doitle.
Paes per B tila 75 cents,
Cadre £1 0 zn for §4 00.
4 is!
i spre:
Mannfie ory,
Prinripal offfee and
NO. 631 ARCH
MN. Jackson & Co
Prop etor: :,
(Sucee.sars to C.
town im tho T