EE io ES - rily be mwanufactored of the cheap and worth | of the wurld that would speedily have revol- -~ ja Dauphin, and Armstrong, fifteen in all, and Huge it is seen that in these Mr. Frost. washeaten & Wyeth i br § 600, votes. while in the same counties, |in 1856, Mr, Buchanan had 23, 061 majori- For the Watchman | ty, being a change against the Democrat- MY EARLY HOME. ic party of 20,616 votes! By deducting — + from this aggregate the total mnjority | 41 omel 2emow _e Toe an} ue egainst Mr Frost in this State, 25284, Bn fan iy and ati, it will appear that the entire change since A if they knew not wa. 1856 was produced in these filteen coun- ties. } cone genet grees en bigls “These facts are very eanclusive. Treen — ever may have heen the cause, it is true that | a ted froma ae we gained largely in the North and West on our vote of 1856 and lostat a most disaster- oug rate in the mining and manufactoring districts. Other facts can be given to con- firm the view we present, for instance, our What- | Still where the high road's dusty track, The bare ridge rans serosa, Ard takes upon its tswway back, A housing of red moss. {1t may be u “| Sexes: but the transportation was insuffi. The authorities of the United Sates admit! { cient for those who would be of no bencfit it to be so, and send him to a foreign ecun- to thet : Th ) : ! , ; heir proprietors, andy ere try. Does he desire to expatriate himself, . pret ! ey Pere fot be . hind to exhaus: the country.” and become a citizen of the Confederate States! 1f so, well and good. But as a citizen of the United States he cannot. and should not, remain here,» We da not wich to be inhospitable, but we cannot recognize the right of any power or court to'send its convicts here as to a Batany Day. The Routh is not the proper lodze for po- lifcal hermits, however dignified or popu'ar, or noble.— Chattannonga Rebel. —— ese toh Cabinet, and we lock at its the result were of all sizes, colors and ages, and both It was considered a military necessity to “take horses. mules and con‘rabands,’® and we have no doubt this was gIven very po- lirely in excuse when those articles were aD- propriated from the effects of the hospitable citizens, hat it appears that military neces- sity does not confine itself to these artic leg as the following indicates : BAD FAITH OF A BLOCKADE RUNNER. A blockade runner, near Warsaw, Cap- A TEDERAL CAVALRY RAID. ta’n Philips, profussing Union sentiment = promised to produce his horses by four Col. Kilpatrick and Col. Thomas have]o'clock in the uorning, ‘and wich were heen making another eavalry raid en the hidden in the forest, and was told that i he Northern Neck, and we glean from the New did not do so Lis house would he burned York papers some parhealars of the glarie! down before the cavalry Icfi. Wis promise, ons manncr in which it was performed. We lon his sacred honor, was not kept, and his are first informed that the people behaved { house was committed to the flames while he most hospitably. The Jicro/d says: | was secking sympathy or securiy J south side of the Rappahanncek. HOLDING THE MIRROR UP. A Richmond dagnerreotypist, who had run the blockade from the North through Mattox cre. k, with several runs contam- T DENTS OF TIE NORTITERN NFCK. “The Northern Neck embraces the conn. | ties of Lancaster, Northumbe nd, West. Imareland and King George, bordering on | the Belle Plain, the Rappahannock and the Potomac. There are inciden's rleasant and | ° very unplersant connceted with a raid for | 102 his personal clothing and dagnerreotym the purpose of weakening the rebel resour | materials fell into the hands ofseur return: ces hy redneing thenumners of their horses. ing cavalry, With $1500 1 preontacks he mules and contr bands. 1t was a military Nod Bor ht S730 worth of od necessity to © the “favorite and only 2 DURRNE 5/00 worth of goods, o hoarse.” notwithstanding the grief of weep. | Motel bills, but the rest of his won ; 3 A church, in which Baptists and Methos “The grief of weep'nx girls, the plend- hats Di i D nts Phi) Tetioy ing of nzed women, and the en'reaties of 4'StS worshipped, near King George Court fascinating voung ladies,” may be all well | House, was accidently destroyed by fire enongh for people to ery over at the theatre yesierday morning. Sono of the efi the play of +Maron.? when Tarleton wpa, sympathies are with Sceessia, made his cavalry raids in ’76, but as they itn t etiatiolone) 7 are “rebels” uw, they find no pity among | ©0 that it was maliciously sot on fire, and | In plain English, this means that safer. Horses, mules and niggers, it seema, were | teloth,” and finally drove the whale coreern ing g'rls, the pleading of aged women, and | absorbed in CXpenses, . the entreaties of fascinating young la. CHURCH BURNING. Lr! dies.” VALLANDINGHANM. : I Liberty sits weeping to day on the blood- {drenched soil of once free America at the [fate of one of her noldest and bravest sons, The accumulated malice and long garner fr bate of filthy demagogies has at leneth | been gratified by the sir down, by tha ; maired hand of mititary power, of the truest, | bravest, “noblest Roman’ of ali thas» lo | irions men who Lave confronted tha fli tng h of arkbitrary power: fig | eannted, indomitable Vallandin | Chevalier Bayard of the forum —sans pens el 8 repinche, ortons record of his pnb'ia life, ver did mortal ma } 0 grandly tiltered hy him an lie nes "modern times in the halls hy in : Bhinay to Gort, the truth, and the pee. rish off perish henoi8 peri-h i. but do the thing that is tight, and do-it lite a man.” For such a man no terrors Face the dan. jgeons and bastiles, the mack t1ia's snd brag *, even death nflicted by ihe pet 7 tyrants of the hour, whose names will 50 iter sill, through lapaing years, will shine in (hatt wl Lit galaxy of names onl, an Arnold Winkelreid, a Bozzarie, and an Emmet. icorruplible statesman ! pure patriot! noe hero ! pecrless, proud Vallandighan | Your encmics and your country’s ene. mies triumph now, but beyond the dark 1 contains a Cori cloud that now hangs rs a pall over (ha fate of Your country and of yon, there pf shining out the glorious effalence of the {sun. ecannopicd by the blue of Licaven’s own bright dome, “Banished t0 Tortugas I'' So rends the sentence of the ro-alled Cours, that with. out lnw, has struck down the intrepid lea. der of the Demoeratia party, and through hit str a blow st tho great Demoorata party is Avo £¥ with Vallandigham. Send inn where Lis elasior voice can no longer denounce the nefariona plotg of Abolition conspirators against ogre country. Place b Is and bars and solid walla between |) and the gallant peopla of whom he was tha sentative man, the eXpment, and yo! f Liberty, thames + the eleetin current of will (ty { Eis priven chard ta ihn whiin he was Ss words I haar thir Sin wl] £28 the earning bing forgetting neti ing" Bow all. “Know yo na that after ye | Killed the body ve } more that ye ean do,” No, thank God there your ower s The free rpirig mocks v ns and laughs at your punvattemp:s to bind ic For us, if free government 8 10 Le lost in the wild whirlpool of revoli'in 1 if free and a free pres ed 1 knaves and fo can no logoor he He the Abolition can utter ther incondiade yermi mouthings une the very n and in de- fiance of ns the Who, ithe price of bi soni unetaintd he od. the jobs and contractd’ —~ the blood mos 'y of epecnlatory in war, but would to day roether re the banish. met of the patriot exile Vallanhigham, han to Rit in the Cabinet of Lincoln, in {ton 2. Puc tT §TIOS, ently -frcluding all the Democracy, Brady, inson—furled to come 3 and, still more laughable, the soldiers whom it had assembled to do honor to it. groancd tor Grecley, cheered for Seymour and Me Clellan banners, | fizz jrenegrades fiom Van Buren sud D ked the” Republi 0 speakers oft the stage, “tore thir broad. 1 7 —Pieindaaler. Sl * RETALIATION. — The Richmond Lncui-er Muy 26 says: ar two officers recently mardercd « it cially un Ohio, two cficers of equal rani, now in our hands are to suflop through th. those who are truly ‘doyal.”’ Go on brave We shall hear of * Yankee charch burners.” Kilpatrick, make more weeping girls andi The citizens thonght that G.n. Wads_ | pleading women, and pray God io Keep the | worthy aids were niggers, and the cores. | 2 4 >! oe Santhron from thy Northern home. 1 ie ses his & : this, But we are told the people treated those | POUCONt €Xpresses his surprise at their 6 officcrs —how ? with disgust? with eye. 0rance; we do not share his surprise. crations * with horror ~-no! The [raid] In conclusion, the Herald correspondent - . says: TOSPITALITY OF THE PDOPLM. +The citizens on the ronte were hospits- ble to the officers of the brizads. and spread boneons tables for their three daily meals, (Green peas, cherries and strawherries were amonz the luxuries. Naar Lytwa'ton the | 173. and beheld the dear old flag of the brignde headquarters were estatlished at| Union floating near his home, tears involun- the re sidence of Mrs, Bates, a widow lady, tarily blinded his eyes. while he exclaimed. whose ooinnd was 3 broiberof Hon, By with deep emotion, Col. Morrow, that flag ward Bates, Attorney General of the Uni- ted Sta'es. She is noi a Union lady. wes once very dear to we. It was severing At Warsaw, near the Rappahannock, athe last link that bound me to the Union most lovely village, Mrs. Shackleford, a! when 1 was forced to array myse widow lady, entertained the brigade offi- it” cers, and involuntarily contributed her best | *. | horse to the support of the Government of | tis 00 wonder that Col, Critcher shed the United States to the prosecution of the | tears at the sight of the “deur old Fiag;” amar for the restoration of the Union, though | and if Col. Morrow did not do Jikewise, it her sympathies’are wi'a the Southern Con- was because be had no sh s : federacy. Dr. Pendleton, Clerk of the| Se 0 3uaine efi fir ihe THE OLD FLAG BRINGS TEARS T0 REBYIL rene. Col. Citcher was treated with that con® sideration due to a gallant enemy after his arrest, and when he saw our infantry narad- If against are responsibnlities, and weighty, but except Courts for Lancaster county, alsé extended | 230 deeds it was made to cover, — Fae nin hospitalities, Journal. operation of the fe jalions. This infell. gence has bien conveyed tu Us), [rndlow, the Ya: kee Commissioner, by Conn cr Quid, with the additions] assurance. tha. hereafter for all Confedernte «ldis Ys or (1 f- zens improperly held of “execnted the Jaw of retaliation will te rigidly enforced, - tre 0 Sarvs one of our exchanges : I'he Yar: rested Vallandigbam for what ho said in a speech, and a mil ion tongue began to talk for him. They have banished him, and mw) Lons have sprung up to fill his place end vindicate his name, Was this the way ty supp > 8a him # comes res New York Brpress saya: if anybody, just now,i hinking of two Dem: cratic parties in this State, in the presen crisis of public sR4irs, there ig about as wuch chiace for hin to hve whoo between them, as a grain of wheat between two great millstones. = 07 The Republicans profess great anyiee ty that soldiers should enjoy the pr of voting, | et Caen To test the swoeriy 1 Y Tn ndi} + > ‘ Y World Proposes that t my of the f'eto- was be allowed to oh ¢ ther commsnder - Bid { 1 NR