na Whe Tdetchman, FLALELTA § ERIE DAHZOND, 1862, TINE a LOCK HAVEN STATION will Le as follows: Leave Eastward Mail ‘Train Ta p.m. Express Irain 74% p.m. Leave Westward. M ail Train arrives 8 55 p. m. 2.00 a. m. E xpress Train leaves J ni ¢ers for Philadbiphia and Baltimore, on the Mail and Express trains, go throngh without change of cars, . Express West runs daily except Mondsye, oll others daily except Sundays. This Line has becn extendad to Siunemaho- ning. > ? SEAM'L A BLACK, Superintendent Eastern Divisio ARTSY LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS. 7 Ex= eedingly Scarce.— Local items. —0 05=¢ A good bit Scarcer.” —New inem- 1 ers of the Union League, EL 07~ Maj. Goerge B. Fairlamb, of the 148th vegt., P.V,, las been visiting in town du- 1ing the past week. Gee 377 If you want a geod boot, 5 neat boot, and a boot thot can't be beat, go to Peter McMahon's cn Alleghany Street. em (me mre 15> dt the WarcnMax office i8 the place to get job work of all kinds done, with neat- ue: s and Jdispaich, at exceedingly low rates. 0 == ee 077° The new pavement, in and around the Court House yard, is finiched. It is quite an improvement, and helps tho looks of our town considerabls. 07 Although the erops look promising, at present writing, vet if the drouth, with which we have been afflicted for the past few weeks, continues, there will, no doubt, Le a very Lght harvest. 0 (Owing to the rapid increase of our subscription hst, we were compelled, last week, to send half Sheets to many of ou subscribers, and all of our exchanges, We hope none of them will complain. Or — 077 A mule team, belonging to Messrs: Lion & McCoy, of the Milesburg Forges touk fright and run away, ou Wednesday last. from the tell-gate below town. A likde child narrowly escaped being run over. rac me () ———— 177 Ira UO. Mitehell, Evq., of Wilkes Bar. re, fumerly of this place, has been spend- ing a few days in town. fle gives a pood account of the Democracy of Luzerre, and gays they are ready {or the coming contest, ee Turri will be a meeting of the Democra- cy of Walker, and surrounding townships, at ublersburg. to-morrow afternoon at two o'clock. Let there be a grand outpouring of the people, let everybody and ail their fricuds attend. Able and eloguent speakers will Le present. rr (= ee. 177" We have never yet, during our resi- dence in this place, on days of gatherings, witnessed the good order and gniet that pre- vailed on Friday last. No body scemed to be diunk, no fights or rows of any kind were * kicked np 3” everything passed oft quietly. Everybody appeared pleased with everylody else. 0 077 On the 1st of June, the Excise Tux law, as regards stamps, went into full force. All papers and instruments of writing re- quiring stamps are declared to be null and void after this date, if not stamped. This stringent provision, with the penalties en- forced in addition for violations of the law, will cause an almost universal demand and use for stamps. Oem me 177 Since the streets have been cleaned, we suppose a “feller” will have to shake the dust oft his shoes before he is permitted fo enter town. We wonder if there is any danger ot being reported to the town coun- cil for ‘chawin tobacker,” or “blowin ones nose on thie street. One thing is certain, things are very * nice” just about now, but we very much fear that they will not te kept so till this time next weck. Oe 77 The number of nine months’ regi- ments mustered out of the service at Camp Qurtin during the last month namber fifteen in all. Caleulating a thousand men to a regiuent, this would give n total of fifteen thousand men: bat, owing to discase and death, the average number in each regiment fell considerably below one thonsand, Ten thousand eflective men in the entire number of regiments discharged is pretty ncar the correct figures, re enc. 77 On Friday last, Bricn.s Circus, as ad- vertised, exhibited in this place. lt wasde cidedly one of the best conducted uifairs of the kind that ever stopped 1n this place. - Although the arena, which was large, was crowded to its utmost capacity, yet the best of order was kept, and all was pleasant and harmonious. The performers acted their parts well; and Kenaedy, the clown got oft rome good jokes lie sung several excellent songs, but as they were for “little Mae,” we presume they were rot appreciated very highiy by some of the * pubs ;” nevethe- less, they saited our taste admuably, and from the way a m jority of *folks’ cheered, we “ kinder” thought they Lked ther too. Allin all, it was a good performance, and every one seemed satistied with what they got, feen aud heard. | Bellefonte Markets. 1 be following are the quotations up to 6 0 clock | yesterday (Thursday) evening : Annonucements. We are authorized to announce the name of Thomas McCoy, of Boggs township, as a candi- date for the office of sheriff, subject ‘o the deci. sion of the demcoratic county convention, Pe are authorized to announce the name of Al- lon Bartholomew, of Gregg Sowngin. as a candi- date for the of fice of hegister and Kecorder, sub- John Shaunon, of Potter township, as a can- didate for the office of Treasurer, subject to the decision of the democratic county eonvention. We are authorizad to announce tha nama of John Miller, of Ponn township, as a candidate for the offize of Sheriff. subj:et to the decision of the democratic county convention James If. Lipton. oe n candidate for the offico of Prothorotary sabject to the decision of the demoeratie county convent ion. We are authorized to announce the name of A Carner, of Hublersburg, asa candidate for the office of sheriff. subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. - He are authorized to announce the name of Danie! Z. Kine, of Howard, a8 a8 candidate for the office of zheriff, subject to the decision of the emocratte county oonvention. We ara authorized to announce the nema of C. Derr. of Bollfonte, a3 n eandidate for the «flice of Treasnrer. subject to the decision of the democra tie county convention. Wo are authorized to announce tha name of Amos Koh, of Benner township, as a candidate the democratic erunty convention. We ara are authorized to announce the name of R. D. Cummings as a cardidate for the offlco o Sheriff subject to the docizion of the democratic anunty convention, Wo are authorized fo annsunce lie name of Joseen Gares. of Ferzuson to ip, as a ean- didate for tha office of Sheriff, subject to tho de- cision of the demucratic county convention, We aro authorized to announce the name of Ricnarp C y of Gregg township as a candidate for the office of Sheriff subject to the decision of the demoeratic county convetion. We aro anthorized to announce the name of D. 0 Bower of Aaronshurg. asa candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the decision ¢f the de- mocratic county conventi. g. g We are authorized to announce the nara of G W. Rumbarger, of Patton township, as = candi- dete for the office of Register and Recorder. sub «ct to tho decision of the Democratic Coupty JConvention. We are authorized to announce the name of John Hoy. of Spring township, as a eandidate for the office of Tronsur:r, subject to the decision of the Democratis Courty Convention, NEW ADVDRTISEMEN 8. Urnamental Iron Works, vee gre re $ (J errma vere re RESIDENCES. &o.. of Wrought and Cast lio, character. Designs forwarded for selection. Per- ong applying for same, will please gtate the kind s_work needed ich “mn RPHANS' COURT SALE. order of the Orphang’ Court C itre Court, will bo offered at pubiic sale on Ho premises, on 4 SATURDAY, the 4th Day of July 1863. ut 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, the following described real estate, situate in Gregg township adj iving lands of John Rishel, John Frys, hoirs of Daniel Mitchell, dec’d, snd Jacob Morman, containing Three Acres and One Hundred and Forty Perches, more or less. having theroon erected two two story log houses, a frame barn and stable, with all che necessary ont houser, a good bearing or- chard of choice fruit, and a well of pure water at tho door. Terws of sale. one-kalf in hand on confirmation. anl the residue in ons year thereafter to be secured by bond and mort. gugeon the premises. Possession to he glven on the flvat of April next. JOHN SHANNON, I) W. WRAVER, Jed ts Adminis trator of Jaceh Weaver, deo’d: Hains J C Motz mdse Hains S Wid nsall & Co. mdse 4,500 14 Hains D O Bower mds 4,500 4 7,00 Huinos Philip Gross mdse 9300 13 10,00 Hains Thomas Harper mdse 4,000 14 7,00 Liberty Daniel Kunes mdse 4,000 14 7,00 Liberty John Brickley mdse 4,060 14 7,00 Marion James Beck mdse 4,000 14 7.00 Miles J & A Shaffer mdse 4,500 14 7,09 Miles T Wolf & Son mdse 4,500 14 7,00 Miles Samuel Frunk mdse 4,500 14 Tu Miles tlostermun & Kreamer Seow “hoe J I Uzzel mdze We are authorized to announce the name of | S Walker M Thompson and Co for tho office of Sheriff subject to the decision of Mi WOOD& PEROT, 1131 Ridge Ave, es po 5 400 John Bell and GALVANIZED IRON and BRASS TU 3- | 400 Tho's. Johinglon Maris township BING. IRON VERANDAHS, BALCONIES, | 400 John Lrvine Iarris township STAIRS, COUNTERS, FOUNTAINS, GATES, | 400 William Irviue Heuris township COLUMNS. HITCHING POSTS, LAMP. | 400 Win. Brown Harris township STANDS, VACES, TABLES FLOWER | 400 James Reed Harris townstiip STANDS, SOFAS, CHAIRS, STATURY, ANI | 400 Absolam An dor Hurris township MALS, 2u0d all other Iron Work of a Decrotive | 400 Rob’t Patterson Harris township 400 Joseph Cowgill 433,153 Margret Spear “- — ed the “Beliefouie Line Quuiry,'” located on the 4,500 14 7,00 7.00 000 14 7,0 DISTILLERIES, >A pFIER Patent dat etual injunction g THE PENNSYLVANIA Salt Manufacturing Comp. Pi 8, and Dupnane Way, Piteburg mayld Have just received the fiae Spring and Sammer Goods eve place, and selling at prices th act fo thedanisiou ror ihe domoviits eounip on: LLL andian 4,500 14 7.00 vention. . Miles £ B Erhart mise 4500 14 7,00 Wo ave authorized to nnnounes (he nama of Milesburg © 4 Raymond dru)\sd.500 14 i] —— Jacob Wolf, of Huines township, o¥ a eandidato | jo hug H Levi mdse 9,000 13 10,00 for the of fice of Sheriff, subject to the decision of Milsshurg Willett & Cook mdsed 600 13 10,00 the demoeratic county convention, Mileshues d 11 Hatn indse 9,000 13 i000 are authorized to announce the name of Jas milosburg JB ilubu Grocery 2,000 14 7.00 Torseman. of Snow Shoe township, as a candidate | pion Peter Murry mdse 3,000 14 7.00 for the office of Commissioner. subject to the do- | p44, Rudolph Light mdse 1,000 14 7.00 oision of the democratic county convention. Penn Fort & Harurun mdse 4.500 14 7.00 : Wo are are wuthorize d to announce the name of | penn Jacob Eisenhule mdso 2,000 14 7.00 ; : J. P. Gepha:t, of Milheim, as a candidate for | pony Jp Gephuart mdse 4,500 14 7,00 | SPRNY AV) the office of Register and Recorder, subject to the | pe 1) A Ruhl n.dse 4,500 14 7.60 | MUILVT 2 decision of the democratic county convention. | pon. 1 V Forster mdse 9,000 13 10,00 We are authorized to announce the name of | Potier Win Wolf mdse 14.000 2 12,50 B. ¥ Hunter. of Benner township, as a candi- | pytror Reuben Kellermdse %,000 13 10,0 date for the offices of Treasurer, subjeot to the | potter W J Thompson Bru. decision of the democratis county convention. merchandise 9,000 18 10.00 We are authorized to aunounce the name of | Pottar E Leitzle mdse 4,000 14 7,00 A 1.J Lingle. of Bellefonte, as a candidate for | Potter G W Spangler mdse 4,000 14 n.00 | ¢ 1 R 0 N office of sheriff. subject to tbe decision of the | Potter Peter Curiin mdse 4.000 14 7,00 democratic eounty convention. Fs D and J egund Lf 3 ri We are authorized to anrounco ‘the name of | Husa S Carlile mi leo ,500 , Jaraes Furey, of Yoward, as a candidate for tle Rush Hale and Co 9,000 13 19,00 TEM | Th j 2 5 office of shoriff, subject to the decisisn ot the de. | Rush C Musser mdse d900 1+ I IF moeratic conveution. Rush J J Morris ulse 4,000 14 7.00 Wo aro authorized to announse tho mame | Rush Jk K Neilson hd 3:50 i 1 of John M. Bush, of Patton township, as a can- | Rush Robert Loyd indo L 0 ’ didate for the office of shenff. subject to the | Rush Jas Test mdse 3,000 4 7,00 decision of demoeratis county codvention. Bush J Gailer md. o 1,600 11 1 We are authozized to aunounes tho name of | Bush Charles R Foster drug 3.000 14 4,0 SPLENDID OFFERED TO PURCHASERS FOR 'ONIFIER, ! Wheat, White, per bushel, £1.35 { do Red, do 1.30 : SALE CLSS LICENS { Rye, do 100 | Leliefonte D M Wagner Mdso 19.006 11 3500 OR | Corn (Shelled) do 83 do Hoffer Bros do 19,000 Il 1500 y 10 (Ears do 2% * do May & Loeb do 12.600 11 1500 Buck Wheat, no 5: @ EO umes & “| CONCENTRATED LYE, | Barley, do 1,00 Bro. do 4560 14 7.00 i Ds {fy Weight) 3 J 90 do Brown & Cook 32 20 Fi 10 20 over Seed, 0 S30) do C Derr 0 +i 5 70! Timothy, do 1,75 do © MePfride do 4.000 14 700 The Family Soap Mak I | Potatoes, do 87 do JB Awl do 4.000 14 TH : Leavs, do 1.7% do A Sussman do 14000 12 1258 Ovions, do 75 do H. Brokerhoff do 9,000 12 10.60 iit (3: ic " Apples, (Dried) do 1.50 do W 8 Tripple, Mer- & . Eggs. per dozen, 10 chant tailor 500 13 7.00 ‘ Peacles (Dried) per pound, 16 do W W Montgomery The PUBLIC are cautioned against the SPU- . Bacon, do 10 Merchant Tailor 1,000 14 7.00] RIOUS articles of LYE for making : } Beeswax, do 25 de W M’Clellan do 1.000 14 7,00 | now offered for sale. The anly ge qd pa- ! Batter, do 12 do FP Green Drugs 4,600 14 7.00 | tented Lve is that mude by the } N2VLVAS | Tallow, do 10 do John Harris do 4,000 14 700 | NTA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY, : Lard, do 10 do Baxtresser & Crist cull rsatrk for it being © ONITIFR, | i Rags, do 05 Hardware 9.000 13 18.00 ONCENTRATED LYE.” T IG. } rr —— TEC —————— do T Burnside Boots - 9.000 13 10 00 cicle Rane fol ! En he rr d @ Livingston Books 2.500 14 700 : SPECIAL NOTICES. do N HillibishSteves 1,500 14 7.60 PRESERVE YOUR BEAUTY, do WJ Stine Jewelry 1,000 14 70 SYMMETRY OF FORM, do ASternburg& Co YOUR HRALTH, AND MENTAL POWERS, Clothing 4500 14 700} Aj MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS, or SEL By using thw Safe, Pleasant, Popular, and Spe | Boggs M Coy Linn & Co Mdse 4.500 HH 7.00} [RRS of theso SPURIOUS Lees, are hereby cific Remedy known as 3 do € &J Curtin Mdse 8,600 13 10.60 0 HELMEOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Benner Peter Curlin Mdse 1,000 14 7.00 Read the Advertisement in another column, Persison Cpt oo Mim 2 13 1L.00y ant prods hy it ® Mise OE STYs 14 700] GEO. HARDING, Esq. of Philadelphia. _ Diseases and Symptoms Enumerated. do C Muss r Mdse 400 8 5.00 Cut it out, and Preserve. You may not now re- do Adam Rankin Mdse 4,500 14 7,00 | WM. BAKEWELL, Exq.. of Pittsburg. quire it © b Be M, BAKEYV Wy Esq. of Pittsburg But you may at some future Day. 2 Fo Frome 15,000 11 15.00 “It gives health and vigor to the frame, Yo J O'Brien Coufec’ 400 8 7.00 that all MAU ACTU¥ ERS, USERS, or And bloom te the pallid che k.”’ Groned B Fisher Mdse J 0,000 1 10.60 LERS of Lye, in violation of the rights It saves jong suffering and Exposure. Gregg RB H Duncan Mdse 9.000 13 1060 io Comyany, il be PROSECUTED at .| Beware of counterfeits. Cares guaranteed. | G22 A dam Fisher Mdse 4500 14 7.00 | once. wo months. Harris Daniel Hess Mdse 9,000 13 10¢C0 Harris Geo Jack Mdse 4500 14 7.00 The SAPONIFIER, or CONC TRATED A Card to the Suffering. Harris J Heibler & Co. Mdse 4,000 14 7.60 | LYE. is for sale by sll Druggists, Grocers and —_— is C& M Hower Mise 4300 14 7.00} Country Stores. The Rev. WitLiax CoSGROVE, while luboring | Harris LB v’Entire Mdse 1,000 1 7.00 as a Missionary in Japan, was cured of Corsump- | Harris I' M'Clain Mdss 4500 14 T.00 el tion, when all other means had failed, by a recipe HarrisJ J Price Confectioner 5,00 8 7 00 obtained from a learned physician residing in | Huston J J Thompson Mdse 4.000 = lw : tha great city of Jeddo. This recipe has cured | Huston J Williams Mdsy =~ 2 000 13 700 Take Notice. great numbers who were suffering from Con- | Haltmeon Adam Barlow Mdse 9,000 14 10 00 sumption, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Coughs aud | Halfmoon Jas Love mdse 4000 14 7.00 ; . « Se ee Colds, and the {debility and nervous depression | Halfmoon 1 V Gray mdse 4,000 14 7.09 ‘The United States Circuit Court, Westen caused by these dizorders. Halfmoon Henry Adams mdse 1,000 14 7.00 striet of Pen vania, No. 1. May Ter nm, Desirous of benefitting others, I wil send this | Howard D Leathers confec’y 400 8 500 | 1862. in suit of T E PENNSYLVANIA SALT rocipe, which [have brought home with we, to | lioward J Z Long mdse 9.000 13 1000 | MANUFACTURING COMPANY vs. THOMAS all who need it. free of charge. loward R Cook 1adss 9,000 13 10.00 | G. CEASE, decreed to the Company, on No- Address Rev. WM. COSGROVE, 439 Fulton | Howard B Veber mdse 9.000 13 10.00 | vember 15, 1862, the EXCLUSIVE right gr nt Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. ly Howard John Irvin & Co. mdsed, 500 14 7,00 1 4 by a pitant ownad by them for the SAPON_ Por 1 October 21, 1836. ted. OFFICES: B27 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, LATEST ARRIVAL or UHHER AT THE FRON G00 By veht to i Jody compeli- Suow Sloa J 5 Summerlie CONSISTING , merchandiso 4,000 4 700 | I 5 s \ 3 Snow © hoo Crismon and Hud atin Dr QQ 0 10a 9.600 13 19,00 1a UES esr Q0uS, Spring Va entineand Co mdse 4,500 14 v.00 | * Spring H Mann mdse +500 14 7.00 > SUG AS Spring J J Campbell mdse 4,500 14 7st ! = % pring Johu Barnes coafec’y 400 8 5001 iva Si ng Harris and Barnesmdsed, 000 14 7,00 } MERINOS, ii Unioaville J Grist and Co mdse 4,500 14 ¥,00 ; CASHMERES, do J Unde wood & Co grocery £00 8 5 DELANES, do John Bing Confectionmy 000 8 5, CALIC2S do A N'Russell Confectionary 100 8 5 AND SUMMER Walker S and 1 Ponties mise 4,500 14 ¥ _DRESS GOODS 1s 4.000 14 7.00 . Walker Henry Brown mdza 4.000 14 7,00 Also, a large assortment of ladies and gentlo- Walker Long and Snavelymdzed, 600 14 7 00 | mous’ Werth R Cupbell mdse 4,500 1d 7.00 ’ Worth A RR Barlow mdze 2,000 14 7,00 BREYS AND SHOES, BANKS OI' DEPOSITE. Ifumas, B’Allister, Hals and Co., ollo- GREAT fone 50.00 WF Reyuo'ds e000 INDUCEMENTS AND BARGAINS Cash or Country Produce. mays ol Hazel Benner 13,00 Lewis I as Benuor 15 00 George W Stover Pena 15,00 BILLIARD SALOONS, y Georges W Downing DB:llsfonte 30,09 MERCHANT MILLS. DA Ruhl Penn 7,00 I C Mota ifaius 7.00 BH Duncan. Gregg 7,00 Adam Fizher Gregy 7.00 Jacob Moyer 1s 7,60 WF Roynolds Benner 7,04 Heary Lrokerholf Benner 7,00 I C Hume: and Bro Spring 7,00 W I Reynelds Spring 7,00 C Dale L 7,00 I'M Wagoner Spring 7,00 JM Gren Milesburg 700 James Gordon Walker 7,00 ‘The appeal will be hel! in Boll fon'e cn Thurs- day, the 25th day of June, 1863. June 3t JOHN V. FORSTER, Anpmaica= ( PMIMISSIONERS SULE OF UNSEAT ED LAND. In pursuance of an act of Assembly passed on the 20th day of March A. D. 1524 ths Cowmmis- sioners of Centre County will sell at public sale at the Court House in the Borough of Bellefonte on Tuesday the 18th day of June A. D. 1863, the following described tracts und parts of tracts of unséated lands. purchased by the County ut Treasurers salo and which have remained unre- Jesus for the space ui five years and up- wards. Would respectfully inform Bellefonte and vicirity, that he has opened a ne » and complets Bakéiy on SPRING street, premises of W. F. i constantly on haud all kinds of BREAD, RUSK, POUND CAKE, SUGAR AND GINGER CAKES, CRACKERS, NEW BAKERY! MATHIAS SCHMUCK, the peopie of nic) eynolds, whore he will ker &e., &:., &o, which he solls at a reasonable and satisfactery Bread, Cakes and Piesbaked to order on the shortest notice. vantage to get their baking done at this estab- lishment, us they can alwiys got pure wholesome bread and cakes just when they neod them. Familieg will iad it to their ad- Harris township Pitter township Howard twp Loward townsh L Rush township Wm: gomtey Haines township Martha Godfrey Howard township JOHN M'CALMONT A. ALDXANDER, John Brady 41828 Charles Bruce 106,22 5 WARRANTEET Towssiirs 0 Sid crepin flarrinon Rush township 2 a 3 A 3 250 .B. & D. Gray Worth townshi ept. 12th, —=1y. PHILADELPHIA PA, 100 Fach Deck Faylor tonuehiy Offer for salo upon the Most Favorable Terms. | 80 Dar’l Beck Taylor township NEW and BEAUTIFUL DESIGN~ in great su. | 80 Jacob Beck Taylor township riety of IRON RAILINGS for CEMETARIES, | 86493 Wm: Wistar Foggs township lh a Ta IMPORTER & WHOLUSALY DEALER IN 20 IIIMEO BRANDIS, WINGS Wheat, Rye, & Bourbon Whisky’ NO. 606 I¥orth:Ninth Strect, GINS, BELOW SPRING GARDEN, PXAXTs ADELE EIXA. ortment of | | i | i | i | i | | HARDWA ¥ MISCELLANEOUS. BAXTRESSER & CRIST, IprsLiB IN FOREIGN AND DOMES TIC HAR E DOW SHADES, DUCK MATS w CUTLERY SAWS ‘RIFLES PISLOLS SHOT GUNS AXES EDGE TOOLS SADDLERS HARDWARE Carriage Makers’ Trimmings and Carpenter's Tools, STEEL SPRINGS. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, NAILS, &c , Lc. &e. &e. Anl all otha kinds of me kept in a well regulated hard The stock is entirely new, and soll lower than any other esta} country Their establishmert will be {ound on the Northwest corner of the Dimmnond, Bellefonte Leathex ! Leather ! lisn usually SOLE LEATHER SPANISH XKIP FRENCH CALF SKINS COUNTKY CALF SKINS. MOROCCO LININGS, &C., &C Shoemakers' Thread and all kinds, to be hal at Sheemakors Tools, of 2 than at any other es in vivinia De.cmber 19, 1363 tf. A CHANCE TOR ant TL ” LGY eli < WEA NET Aa CTO YY. The subscriber hegs eave to 1nform the world and tho people of Centre County in particciar, that he still continues to earry on the Saddlery business in ull its various branches, at his shop n the Noatit- Kast corner of ALLEGITANY and BISHOP Streets; where can be found at all times a full supply of Saddles, Waggon Harness, Bridles, Carriago Harness Collars, Wagon Whips, - Trunks, Driving Whips’ Valises, Al alters’ Nets, &e., &e., &o. made of the very best material, and winnrivren to bu put L-zather in the most $s hstantial mwan- unr. Pri o suit the time Call and nine yourselves gentlemen, and if you are not satisfied, you ncel not pu JERRY TOLL Bellefonte, Sept., 10th 62. 1-y. w—— MARRIAGE -1TS LOVE 3 hates, sorrows and angors, hopes and , regrets and joys. MANHOOD, : L. the nature, treatment and @a or seminal 3, sexual de enerally, very weak cal eure of involunt mpt ay y, resulting from ro fully ex plained in the Marriage Grime, by WILLIAM YOUNG, M.D. This most extraordinary book should bein the hands of every young “person contemplating marriage, and every man or wo man wh ires tolimit the number of their off spring to cireumstanees. Every pain, dis ense and ache incidental to youth maturity and old age, is fully explained; every particle cf knowledge that should be known js here given.— It is full of engravings. In faet, it discloses se crets that every one should know, still it is book thatanust be lorked up and not lie abous th house. It will be sent to any one on tho receip 1 of 25 ceats, in specie or postage stamps. Addre: DR Wm, YOUNG, No. 416, Spruce street, abov Fourth, Philadelphia. AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE, no matter wh may be your disoase, before you place yourse uncer the eare of any of the notorions Qiraels: ve or foreign—who nil r any other cow . st a copy of Dr ho { Io will be th your health, and d ean be consulted on any eof tt H oil, tt Bis offer thavu Fourth, Phila ily. No 415, Spruce ites hours frog Oot. 2ud, PAE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MISERY Just Published in a sealed Envelope. Price 6 ots. A lecture by Dr. Culverwell, on the causa and cure of =permatorihoea, Consumption, Menta! and Physizal Debiiity, Nervous Epi Impaired Nutrition of the body, La Weakuess of the Jimbs and back,” Indisposition and Ineapacity for study acd Labor, Duilness of WM. FUREY, Attest J. Morax, Commissiv ners Com. CI’k JME! LIME! ‘I'he undersigne] having purchas- pike leading to Milesb: rg. aocut half a wile from: ths borougir of Beilef nte, is prepared to furnish ime of u superior ud. y a clort notice inquan iities to suit pu-chasc 8. !ersons desirous o procuring a first class rti ic for building pur poses would dow il oc Il at he kiln or addres job 2a +A. SHORTL1 DGE ARMY INTELLIGENCE. Any person desiring any intelli gence of, or from their friends or rolations in the Army of the Potomuc or in any of the army hos Bas, can receives information by enclosing one Tar ae addressing BALSI, ° Woull BOOT 1 Washipgton. .'¢C. | - A few doors below Hofter’s Store, is prepared to sell at the Boor AND SHOE STORE, BELLEEONTE, PA. I ETER MeMARON, Proprietor. res; cetfully inform the citizens jof Bello fonte aid vicivity that Le Bas opened up a shop on ALLEGHENY STRLET, LOWEST RICES S SHOES, may! 1883 ly AND Apprek , Loss of Memory, Aversion to So- ciety, Love of solitude, Timidity, Self-Distrust, Dizziness, Headache, Aficetio ® of the Eres y Pimples on the Face, Involuntary Ewissions and Sexuai Incapacity, the consequences of Youthful Indiseretion, &e. hore he | ; | Lwo postage stamps, hy o { N 3 | | %* This admirable Lecture clearly proves that the ahove enumerated, often self-affiicted evils, may be removed without wedicine and without dangerous surgical eperat .and should he Jol by every youth aud every man in the and. Sout under seal, to any address, in a plain, caled envelope, on the it of xix cents or ww oh S.J. 0. KLINE & Co, 127 Bowery, Now Yuik, Post Office Box 3 WV A IED INMEDIATELY. A Boy tw lemn the Carrage Smithing trade One from the country preferred. Adp'y to FOAM QUISTON, Bellefonte. m22 : pe mee 8. | i of his mar MIS( ELLANEOUS. es FEI ZITCO — PETER LORILLARD Snuff’ and Tobacco Manufaciurer 156 & 18 CHAMBRES ST, + (Formerly 42 Chatham Street. NewYork.) Would call the attention of Dealers to tie a1 eles facture, viz: BROWN SNUFF, Demigrea, mnoa P ure Train'a, Coarse Rappee. Nachitoches Awerican Gontleman, YELLOW SNUFF. Ji Copenhagen, Scoteh Higl Dew Scotch h Honey Das Scoteb, Fresh S [oast Scotch, Irish High Toast, or Lundyot, - Attention is called to ths large re prices of Fins-cat chowi which will be found of « Granulated. i on appiication. ! | | | ! | i Aprit 17 1 year HRS. M. §. HUGHEg, MEET. LT. TIN F3., Allegheny Straet, one door north of BLANCHARD'S LAW OFFICY. Has just opened a fino assortinaut of the Patest 9 2 ey a GF 7 7, rs? 7, 2 fos J ry are! Aeerszics ¢ 6a ~~ / 5 7 { Which she is prepared to maka un avd trim in the tatest fusirion and at LOW PRICES, BONNETS A0D Always on hand and triwmmad at 7 BY ar IIATS the shortest notice. BLEABRINE Done in tho most complet. faanner known ta the Marl tf trade NATIONAL COMYE. CIAL COLLEATN PHILADELPIIA. S.8. cox. 7th and Chestnut Streets, N.Y. CITY, BRCORLYN- ATEANY TROY, BUFFALO, LeaVELAND, DETROIT, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS. res MANRIIP, Cod 1a AR J od by any onus is good ia all ne. 1 Co'leze has been recentiy on larged nd re ed in a superior manner, and is now the larg d most prospercas Commer cail Institution in tha State. Bryant & atton’s series of Text books, em- bracin ; Book-Keeping Commercial Aritametie, Comom vercial Luw, {orsm.e and apd sent by mail, PE For full partiendars send 1 2 ctieila: Oct. 17. 1862—1y. " LEGAL NOTICES. 4 DMINISTRATOU 'S NOTICE. Letters of Admiuisiration on the estate of Michae! Fiina, iate of Bellethnie Jee'd having been granted to tne subse all persons knowing themse ves i esta e to mak» immediate poy elufma to present th m daly for satilement. dT Mny 20 6 A PMINISD dalyan du. IOC. - Letters of administra tat of Henry Go de “d. havilz vee: a re quests ail 10 33 kaowd to ‘he sail steter to mak an tall pers ng ving cl to present tLem duly iticar d satHem nt may22 Si MICHALL GROVE, adins 4 DHIN LSTA ER Adminiatentors Liiva letters of TRALOR'S KN: ‘Take noice that mini trativ on the este te of Mi Ad- di per a m, daly authenticare i porsns ind bed to sail quest dt» pay the same withe ander ig ed. BRID: may § in A DMINISIRATOR'S Adm NOTICE, Notice is hereby given that let- ters of admine vati 4 have sea ut lo th ua ed 01 the ostate of Mi Li ar de of Bogs towns. p. All pers w indebted tu tail estate, are eq ested t immo linta payment, and ties 3 havin tthe sime, to presont th m, dul ated. for «attiemont . 4.3 PRU FOOT. A minisirver ADMINISTRATOR 5 HOLICK. =~ Letters of Admnistranon on dun, Los’ late of R x granted tu the, su er, he requests all per ne knowing t emslve watt od to said estat fo make un ed ite paymert, and those havin cluimr: to pp § 0 than, duly wmthenticated by ‘aw, £ tl ment. 1 16 Dr. TB R, Administrator. A DIMNISTRATOR'S NCTICE * Letters of Adwminists estate of Prod rick \esutcroae, « erd, of Li township, hviag be a granted to wa. subse he requests all ier ns knowing tm elves in. debted to s i1 slate +o ma ate pay- towne p, having b 1s un wr settien LL, Aduwin MINISTRATOR 8 NOTICE. # Noued 1: hereby given that let. ters of Admnistration have been granted to the uodersigred on the estate of Rolfert Lipton, late of Mileshurg. dec’d Ail persons knowing them- selves indebted to said estate, ure requested to nake immediate payment. and these having claims against the siwe, to presont them, duly authenticated, for scitlement. W.J. KEALSH, May! 6t Administrator JPLEASANT GAP HOTEL, PLEASANT GAP, PA, X. ET. MORBESDN, Sroprictor. This well known Hotel + now kept by the poo- priotor, where ho will be happy to wait ou tie traveling public generally. lyr ayers Caerry ctorgl | TV CD TT I PI RTT N. B.-A circular of prices will he sent | ) 7) iL Ynbi og vel Kearrs bave | the | non the t them, | - | ee 7 > MISCELLANEOD TA SNR A BRAT TL Hox. Winsox M'C States Cire Coriror Denman and St. Clarr Strests, Dit . 2 Lenmryloones, 1 ‘ and evar ail ge, Writing. oh reimers of Penmanship, and Tain nIn tear & SMITH ’ t i i ) Jt Re { | Wih every thing fire: i A : ? i . fe | — araud Nand, ALY top, irs, frou bows i / ks voaunf you seer found Houde § ald ODL LL sight loude } all wo strong und bright, sigs + uralee his ao de, sire, : ko bioin te ho seen hy ge or youih. aire. Because, to tall ¢ Ihire'an Lu towy, lal ! And taen goods | { Besides, they're Alle wighiy aldo 3 1 sf iy 1 : Ard gr od. and elvan und ¥ ew, sire : £ For, should sou turn mud lore Lig stare, - : "C1 oe Sel 3 : 3 i ou cert yoweu'd poss, mira, i : ; | Thar voir did not a whole sus hay From thie great clohieg mao, sis, er sell you olothing shoaper, far, Than any one olse cum wis So here's to Sternberg —may ho live Forover aud n day, irs, Ani whon lie dies. wa hope ha'lt find vm A ¥0ft place £1 ta lay, sire. And on Lis gr. Beneath wh Pa Vel) oR “Ho's re, mid flowers brighy, Iho #hall sleep irs te. wheraon weit write, " sirs, Mal f cheng, sm he #1 Spe En ard $1 £0 Boyer, 1 PD Birea for totes, £abl ion & o Tusa Je romedles known.’ Sony '° angerous to the Human u { their holes dee tnitatines i on cael tof a) Mr. 5 A. MeQu'sien wonld awof Caitry eon iat leis cw tlarnl go Man : ia the reae o' Livery Stable where he lz pacgered to manulicinre ir in BUGGIES = SULKIES, PI AYE] ONS, SPRING WAGONS, SLEIGIS, : SLEDS A&C. 0 1 CARRIAGES, | ] | Smerican Practices. as | GO AND SEF THE Be AND HERR | 3 | i | i i | | i DOCTOR, from who can Phunpelphia, sulted at the is i co vs Eg £ June ang tie ne his new moda of (yr 2 have been res: 1 : ar i “ is therefore uhlo to determine he (3a of the vital brganz—consequently Lo such coy with greater sq than it is poss'ble for th | vase and experiment for it Ho believy that fur every malady, there is foundeq Ay ois Lever Parents can rege v reatinent for pti y 5 PID 2nges of cu 8 and m $16 10 §iyy INGITAY uw ea meteeo TY U. 8 LOAN . E. Reynolds & Co., of Belle. pti i x —~ | fove TWE = § War | fonte, | Five Tw eau be | un interest is pay