TT TET RE ¢ gEmme Ph go 1L Lees rE the wi TOMES. T., 5 «y+ ON TH: DLATH ICINNIE. | BY MARY FoREsT. Al gh your darling Aidcer hard sly Althoug Remem! Our Savi <’s gone, Tok dark ax cur bloodless b {cals louo, pic's ani d Ler above— , only dear, and took in love. urn or shed a tem. o behold her. whors sare nor troubles rise. i1here, des— hier winni © brow, the Maver. row eo liet Major, and unilcd garter Masters Deport ro ethane was : oar: Major myvacif with the { ment down on the pretty hot fumes of gt there 1 tel or ckstnz, but Hooter y at Fred \ to this s de—it wus the sales ardisu AV lot fhe Assistint, when bis curiosi'y was Ne, PO RCIGAR ; YOU know something ahout —bat not all. As every fellow wig eetiing feave to ao home for a thort sg 1 theoehit I would 3 for a few take a > Fronch y Liens ard v in old Center. Stopping for n shor 4 in Crow Bollew, then en Pie nel in the evening. sre Rome filed de for youu ro nix Mil's about ei tic town, passed yy 0H Cr + Big with natures « le there, noticed no man on nrg’ to gue and giepped at r. ous nec my thirst, the verge am. bade him evening. co Why, M 1 to see . , is that “Yours at! ficting grely. gays I, ~but pray, Mr. Bat. A ter Prin the name of all ur'ure Are YOu Why, Rol er ido ! the prar fr, — t Fow men ~hecaiie 1m thins dasing nurs shiny w i} ie, 1 hit £ th FR that its fade 1x O¥Q in er on it bir our ened heard of the man in the rods ayonnd in the atoe. iherefinve you wil fall to the ground. 1a tiie) sopher ms ces his ways find th ams ston bik the facts and seasonings dey ent on his th theory cn b orv, and not b and when lus ther gested and arrayed. a ean of the find a'l na: sternig to his vee, Hence golfer dont “nxi genni Like myself, wil ' . ftdrwn nga 1 apple d monn in shape like which is the reason thar it always shows a vornd face, and therefore swims around ir no hing hut wa'e which are yer seen vain aseend to the elond-! Ka, ro, ain always desronds, Ad here is the reasan that the apes of the al wav bid from you: a kind of Valance that 1 ke pr the face alwavs, foward vou. and, therefive, he wde, like a p shale J ean pins from the Norih, many patriotic ers, and: Lost of resolu ins adopted by the differen Their main whole De he ata of department. +1 o Herbanon tie he ope a d ee who 1 They ation and pence, Jon’ want pe A low tie to say. ve bet We sre wil hitter end flag, but we have thus far flrts to ov rwheim the willions arrayed in Sull the encrimsoned waters of th hattle. civil waris nor subside of the mo tter is there is 1s but would »joice at ih Je and an he norable peace. setory to the whole Ame country that the solder vote fur any man who wi Truly yours, A HiGH Co, D 85h. PAV, ~o-a- Repeaticss SC ARGUN axon,” treason at the North,” 1 hang up trai ors,’ + tras sonable demonstrations,’ reason ot the Noarih,”* ‘‘copperher ism,” ceoppoath aded,’ salut tary hang nz. hemp.” -hung at the firs ovat ¢ sediment of fiiih, 00 pe rheaded ’ Sarmput ‘Northern traitors! ason at the Northwe senst,’ treason at our dvots.” shutiernnts,’ firsides,” *hutiernu's in nats on ihe half | i i upon pre fessions rmoand retrenchment, TR e evidinne ator, there = in- Ad in the land that 3 vhode } ir 1 j= mebody bas plundored thy pots tress el righ in that single year as nuh the enti‘ ep ye . : iT tie entice current yearly expenses of tha | Governioont during the sdwimistration whieh the pt 3 BRUTY W ple henled from power tecnnse of 11a LOUK ON TRIS PICTgus have uo purpoeNe. 1 ot i i tly. to interiors w cin the Sreies rectly op indirent. tthe insti ution of sla- i be ) Pright to do gn, and 1 | [Lave no inclnsa en is de Ina: i re It eeiata, rs 1 have wa fy : kJ oo. so." Lonenin's val, TEEN GM 18Y4, I 1 order and declsre that all rersosg heid {#3 rlovex in the suid designated Staten nid paris of Stated sre and hereafter shall Ya frig: - i sy a Lineein’s Emancipation Proclema- tion, t Neith i! Neither tha President nor Corgrass can can grant Hi] uses Sup moe an dey |e fn as uf & yt ~ ton : bit at discrce. —J8, Bye Du as 3th ane Tn lo Ws speseh at the Ur don Leagnoe Porlenman m nore ic notice. It wav, pe £1. SL, movers £0 the fag pany of i Cixvoiis * Tem sn Le a wan, wad 1 fa Tashan ed to ray that 1 hive wot yet been na. iged : but. if 1 were sn American citizen, 1 wonld a'so te a hued if § were not on the £.d of battle fighting for my country,’ The Lc rguers did nod cheer at this point nt the prececdings. et Pe 57" The Democracy of Phil i em with Beigel i ¥ of Philadelphia hold will be Yotier Rppte a i» great mot ng io ludependencs Square vn re — Gr A 1 i Mouday evening for the prrpsse of express TRIZUTE OF REIRLECT. 1t bling announced to the members orl the Prescott Literary Society, of Pine Grove | Academy, that two of her bro hethood tad fallen io the grasp of death, They fel! on the Bloody field of Chanedd rs- ville in defence of the beloved flag of their follinving preamble country. whereupon and resolutions were slopted expressive of ! the feelings of the socie Wirereas, 1t has pleased Almighty in hisinfinie wisdom to remove God, from our st eur fellow members Caplam Andrew T Muscer and prizate Franklin Durst, ef company Db, 148 bh Regiment U. Mos | fore, Rosoved. Th t we how serntnble ways of Providence rid that we unexpee ad | There before decp'y mourn this sudden and death. esolved, That we sincersly sympathise hesclthiee | with the hiends of the departed 2nd hope that the grace of God may be sufficient for them in their affliction Resoloed, and of our regard of their and characters in our soc iety at d their la. That we, a8 a token® of huh sin: welfare, we weer r her r thirty da YN. atont That a copy of tha sbove reco Jutions he published in one of the 1 papers and that a copy be sent (o the - ends of the deceased. D. F. FORNEY. WM. LL. FRY, D. M. MERCE", Committee. ek oh eager ~~ Free the negroes, snd the roads from Boston to Washington will swarm wiih armed men.—Gon. dade. Yus, they are swarming with armed men: bat armed men on their way hone, disgust- «d hoth with Lincoln and the war. i i ay A negro und rZoing an examination, w Her n an of his mister was a Christian, “No gir, he's a member of Con- pelea gross. Eran aerate 77 The annual commencement of the Missionmy lustitute and Sisq + hanva Col- lege oo sewrred this week, There wore some SIX OF Seven theologival grasuates at the 1nsfitute, and three at the hi call ge. ying t noble band of i sdapred, the in-| r rindigeation at the ontragenas end unconstitutional measure azainst the Hon iehim. There was a great e pecple, no kes than 30, people IT present, by the Hor, Wm Chas. J. | Song and seurd pecches ven Ergler, [Jon E lie Hw need many whe Lew, Ton, resol Hy ow ite Democracy of Philadelp iy gronsed : (are ful ee 7 By the time the s pryopristd 3Tth Congress are expended, debt will Be 2400060 thet suin et the raie of 2 ef the the National C0. To ‘count oh two hundred per prinute pnd twelve hours per day it mould jean ane man busy every day fur a pe dod of Over seventy @1X yerps. | blessings ef ar ah | How do yon like 11 2 These are the ion administration. emp en a : 07" 1a reference to the coming draft we Joo 1 suggest that &il these perons, whe tars opp d to fight tor the nigger. ata {easier Ly contest be eonstivibonaing The law ia clear! wnconstig. fl: ional red should be ee to the ntinos c1of the law. [in our snperior cant If avy rnd. Lan. Lot him nae fewer, be gompelied to pry 13 fail todo 80 with 3 pro There may We |» a future reckoning for thes things, EIEN 177 Adopt this policy, and it will be in your power to 8 amp srmies oul af ihe curl, * * lings will feap like a fami giant mio the fight —~ Gee. President. Stimp armies out of the carth * ile meant samp them into tho earth ! Yates ta 15. Queun re ry id imal iat To DeMockaric Epitors,—Ths Dema cratic Editors of the Siate ure respectfully wiited to attend in Harrisburg, on Ted nesday, the 17th of June ; business of me portance will be submitted, Domoerntic papers please copy. ent ret eat Tuosu are the most valued that ase de wos epviceable, and those are the gigas est, noi that have the most talents, hat that use ful.y. those they possess the most uke. eal OO Ire an— WHAT are you writing such a big baud fo Pat ¥ «Why, vou see my grandmother's dead aa Tm wring & ford etler t r 8, lay viclens 1310] agg