~ sashion plates adorn its pages. PUAAELIA & ERIE FAILEOAD, {PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO., LESSER ) WINTYR ARRANGEMENT LOCK HAVEN STATION will be as follows : ARRIVES. LEAVES EAST. Express ... 9:40, A. w. Fxpress... 8:04, p. x. Bante wm Ma a TEA Accomm’n. 10:20, A. ¥. Accomm’n 2:50 P. x. Fassengers for Philadhlpbia aud Baltimore, on the Mail and Express triins, go throngh without change of enrs, Express West runs daily all others daily except Sundays. This Line has been extendad to Riunemaho- ning. 2 EA ML A BLACK, Fuperinterdant Fastern Division. oo ECREREECY except Mondays, LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS. . The board walk from the Rev. Mr, Linn's corner to the bridge across Spring Creck. we notice has been materially improved and widened. mn . 5" Thelargest and best assortinent ef I'hoto- graphic Albume, Guilt Frames, common and fan- y caseg—ever offer to the citizens ofy this place and vivinty, ean now be had at the picture car of J.S. Larvhart, near the Court House. - o— We would refer the attention of our read ers to the new advertisenuent of Baxtresser and Crist, Hardware Merchan's. Persons wishing to purchase anything in their line of business would do well to give them a call, —— (er mem Tir Commissioners have concluded to {ake up the old worn out brick pavement in front of the Court House ;ard, and re- place ft with Scrimshaw’s Patent Cement Paving, Mr. Elward Brown has received the csniract and has bards now engaged a work on it. 95 ai 17 Through some mistake or other last week, wo announced Mr. Jas. 1, Lipton of Miicsborg, as a candidate for Register and Recorder, when it should have been, for Prothonotary. We have corrected the au- nouncement this week, however, and hope that no misunderstanding will grow out of ur mistake. — rm ee 777" The largest and best Magaziue of the kind published, 15 Harvers, it coutains more intersging reading watter, more subs. antia information, and furnishes more engravings then any monthly published 1a America. — The June number has - been received, read and laid carefnly aside, Address flarper Bros. Franklin Square N, ¥. Terms $3 per yeer. ——0 Arrier's Home Magazine for June, bas been laid upon our table, “Just like Mamma,” a beautiful steer plete engraving. and Baby's Ride,” together with numerous The read- ing matter is fiom the best American au- thors, interesting aud instructive to all. Price 82 per year. Address T, 8. drthur & Ov.. Philadelphia. 9 Wr wae much gratibed, on Tuesday morriug, by witnessing the Street Sprinkler again wending its way through our streets, The intolerable dust with which our borough has becn annoyed, will make it a welcome visitor in our midst. It is to he hoped a that liberal spirit will be manifested on the part of our citizens, whose duty it is to keep the *‘machine in motion ———0 77 It may not be generally known that, by the amended stamp duty act, ell tran- scrip's of judgments from dockets of justi- ces of the peace will require a five cen stamp to be attached, which must be can- clled by the justice giving the transeript, ‘Fhe person ordering the transcript will, of course, be bound to pay the duty, but it would save time and trouble for justices to Jeep a supply of stamps on hand. in order that they may be affixed when required. A neglect to comply with the provision of this act renders the transcript worihless, ————i) Dox'1 Sioor.—Spor sman should remem- ber that there 18 a law on the statute books of this S ate, forbidding the shooting of any vightingale, night-hawk, blue-bird, oricle, finch, chrush, laik, sparrow, or any other insectiverous or harmless bird, at any time, end bob o-links and robins between the 1st of February and the 1st of October. The penalty of an infraction of this law is fine and imprisonment. It is creditable to our Legislature that they have interferred in be- alf of the birds, for of all created ceatures they are the most harmless, useful and en- livening. Even the unrefined nations of (he garth are mindful of their claims upon them for protection. The semi- civilized Japanese in their international treaty with this coun- try, stipulgted that Americans traveiing in thet land $hould not take the life of any bird. rm) NATIONAL Utrous— Mrs. Dan Rice. —This gified lady, so wellknown in Western Penn- & Ivania, in fact all over the Union, will vis- it this place on Friday, June 5th prox, with one of the largest and finest equesirian establishments ever organized. She con- trols the direction of the programme, and does not permit anything exceptionable. to be said or done in the arena. * The stock of acting horses, ponies, mules and other svi- mals are said to be unusually fine, while the artistic forces comprise a number of leading performers, Miss Libbie Rice, Dan dice's eliest daughter, is associated with the establishment. Since the manageress has been on ber present campaign, her suc- cess has been most encouraging—the ladies appearing determined to support her, Our readers will remember that about three years azo, Mrs. Rice obtained « decree of divorce from the notorions Dan Rice, hence the necessity of her putting her undivided Bel'efonte Markets. Lhe following are the quotations up to 6 0 clock yesterday (Thursday) evening : : Wheat, White, per bushel, $1.35 ac Red, do 1.30 Rye, do 100 Corn (Shelled) do 85 lo (Ears do 25 Buck Wheat, do 62 Bailey, do 1,00 Oats. (By Weight) do b0 Clover Seed, do . S00 Timothy, do 1.75 Potatoes, do 87 Beans, do 1,75 Onions, do 75 Apples, (Dried) do 1,60 Jggs, per dozen, 10 Peaches (Dried) per pound, 18 Bacon, do 10 Beeswax, do 25 Butter, do 18 Tallow, do 10 Lard, do 10 Rags, do 05 Zo Named On Monday, the 25th inst., by the Rev. Father Bervard, Mr. Andrew Doyle to Miss Mary Flinn. allof Bellefonte. SPECIAL NOTICES. PRESFRVE YOUR BEAUTY, SYMMETRY OF FORM, YOUR HEALTH, AND MENTAL POWERS, By using that Safo, Pleasant, Popular, and Spe cific Remedy known as HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU Read the Advertisement in another column, and profit by it— Digeasos and Symptoms Enumerated. Cut it out, and Preserve. You may uot now re- quire it * But you may at some fature Day. “It gives health and vigor to the frame, And bloom te the pallid check.” It saves long suffering aud Exposure. Beware ot counterfeits. Cures guaranteed. Two months. i orm LL A Card to the Suffering. The Rev Witriax Cosarove, while laboring 48 & Missionary in Japan, was cured of Consamp- tion, when all other means had failed, by a recipe obtained from a learned physician residing in tho great city of Jeddo. This recipe has cured great numbers who were suffering from Con- sumption, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Coughs snd Colds. and the debility and nervous depression caused by these disorders. - Desirons of benefitting others, T wil send this recipe, wrich I have broaghhome with we, to ali who need it. fres of charge. Address Rev. WM. COSGROVE, 439 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. ly sem oan Annonucements. ce the name of B. F Hunter, of Benner township. #s a candi- date for the office of Treasurer. frubjeet to the decision of the democratic erunty conventi en. We aro authorized to announce tye name of J.J Lingle, of Bellefunte, us 8 oandidate for office of sheriff, subject to the decision of the demoeratie county conventien. We ars authorized to announce the name of Juwes Furey, of Howard, asa candidate for the oftive of sheriff, subject to tho decisisn ot the de- mocratic convention. Wo are authorized to announos the mame of John M. Bush, of Patton township, as a can- didate for the office of shenff. subject to the decision of democratic cou nty codvention. We are authosizel to announce the name of John Shannon, ot Potter township, a3 a can- didate for the office of Treasurer, subject to tho decision of the demoeratio county conventio n. We aro authorized to announas the name of John Miller, of Penn township. as a candidate forthe offise of Sheriff, subject to the decision of tho democratic county convention. Wo are authorized to announce the name of Jam es I. Lipton. &s a candidate for the office of Prothorotary subjeat to the decison of the demcoratio county convent jon. "We are authorized to announce the nama of A Carner, of Hublershurg, as a candidate for the office of eheriff. subject to the decision of the democratic county eouvention. Wo are authorized to announce the name of Daniel Z. Kiine, of Howard, as a candidate for the office of gheriff, subjsct to the decision of the vewocratto county convention. We ara anthorizad to annonnes the name ef C- Derr. of Bellfonte, as a candidate for the office of Treasnrer, subjsct to the deaision of the damoora tic county convention. We are authorized to announce the name of Amos Koh as a candidate for the office of Sheriff subject to the decision of the democratic county conven tion. . Wa are are authorized to announce tha name of R. D. Cummings ss a candidate for the office of Sheriff subject to the decision of the democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce the name of Joseen Gates, of Ferguson township, as a oan- didate for the office of Sheriff subject to the de- cision of the democratic county convantion, We nre authorized to announce the name of Riemann CoNLy of Gregg township as a candidate for tho office of Sheriff, subject to ths decision of the democratic county convetion. We are authorized to announce tha namo of D. ©. Bower of Aaronshurg. as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the de- meeratic county convention. Wa are authorized to announce the namo of G. W. Rumbarger, of Patton township, as a enndi- date for the offi*s of Register and Recorder. sub ect to the decision of the Democratic County j Convention, Wa are authorized to announes the name of Jolin Floy, of Spring township, as a candidate for the office of Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention, ~ NEW ADVDRTISEMENTS. HARDWA RE. WA RE. BAXTRESSER & CRIST, - EALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMES- TIC UARDWARH, WINDOW SHADES, DOOR MATS CUTLERY saws RIFLES . : PISTOLS SHOT GUNS AXES . EDGE TOOL3 SADDLERS HARDWARE Carringe Mako rg’ Trimmings and Carpenter's Tools. STEEL SPRINGS. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, * NAILS, &e.,"&o,, &c. &c. And all other kinds of merchandise usually kept in a well regulated hardware store. Tho stock is entirely new, and are enabled to #oli lower than any other establishmeut in the claims forward for the patronage of the peo- ple. country. Their establishmert will be found pn the Northwest eorncr of the Diamond, Bellefonte 5 « x NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. (C OMMISSIONIES EULE OF UNSEAT ED LAND. In pursuance of an ast of Assembly passed on the 2¢ih day of March A. D. 1824 the Commis- sioners of Coutre County will sell at public sale at the Court House in the Borough of Bellefonte on Tuesday the 18th day of June A. D. 1863, the following described tracis and parts of tracts of anseated lands. purchased by the County ut Treasurers sale and which hivo remained unro- WW ADTERTISEMENTS. FDUBLIC SALE, Iu pursuance of an order of the O.phans’ Court, of Contre coucty, will be expos- ed to sale on SATURDAY, the 6th Day of JUNE, 1863. a the premises, tho following desoribed Real staie: No. 4. All that tract or plece of timber land &ituated.in Potter tewnskip, in said County, ad Joining tho lauds of Daniel Fleisher. Win Hishel, wards. Alexander Korr aud others, containing twenty six | Acrss & per. WARRANTRST TowNerrips acres and twenty one perches aud sllowsuce be | 150 of Joseph Harriscn Rush township the same more or less This tract of laud is hea- | 250 P.B. & D. Gray Worth towuship Vily timbered with white pine, oak aud spruce | 100 Jacob Beck Taylor township Dau’l Beck Jacob Beck timber and within a few rods of a saw miil. 50 : Taylor township Also, that truct of eleared land adjoining lands | 59 Taylor township late of John Lee, John Rishel,and the isuds row | 35493 Wm- Wistar Boggs township in the occupancy of the widow and heirs of Sam’i | 400 John Bell Harris township Runkle, de:'d, and John K. Runkle, coutniving | 40u Tho’s. Johnston Harris township ne hundrecd and fifteen acres and furly four | 400 John Irvine Harris township perches and allowance, be the game more or less, | 400 William Irvine Herris township | on which are erccted a large stone dwelling house | 400 Win. Browg Harris township bank barn, tenant houses and other ont-builiings, | 409 James Reed Harris township with a never failing stream of water near the | 409 Absslam An dor Hurris township buildings, and known a3 the stone mill farm. The | 400 Rob’t Patterson Harris townabip above described two tracts to be sold together. 400 Joseph Cowgill Petter township No. 3. That tract of land adjoining laud of [ 104.83 John Brady Howard tiwp Charles Bruoe John Rishel. lund now in the occupancy of Jaeoh Margret Spear Runkle, and lands late of Geo. W. Boal, decd, and others, containing seventy nine acres, and ninety seven perches, be the same more or. less, on which are erected a frame dwelling house barn and out buildings Ne. 3 That tract of land adjoining land of late John Lee, George W. Boal, and lands now in the occupancy of Jacob Runkle and ofhers. containing Seven on at and one hundred and twenty perches, be the same more or less, on \ re Yo 1 lan: a which er erected a frame dwelling house, & We hase the pleasure of inform log barn; and out buildings. lan Ii yo that. § ; Cel ply ‘No. 4. That pleco or lot of ground adjoining | ,qur. at our O11 and Nos 10%, 105 & 107 North lands of Michael Ulrich, Danis) Fleisher aud oth- | SECOND St., PHILADA, ers, containing four acres one hundred and twenty . x i perches, Hi atowance. The above described A well selected Stock of lands aie situate iu Potter township, near oe Stone Mi!lin Penns Vallay, and are among the } IL \ IY § 7 0 ng ILLNERY & STRAW 6067S, in every variety of the latest tmportations, and of the newest und most fashionable styles Howard townsh p Rueb township Wm Lowrey Haines township . Martha Godfrey Howard township JOIN M'CALMONT A. ALDXANDER, WM. FUREY, Attest J. Moraxw, Com. Clk. MILLINERY & STRAW GOODS!! best quality of lands in the valley. Sale to commence at ten o'clock of raid day. The terms of sale are, vue third of the purchase money toremain charged upon the land for the widow of Jacob Ruukle, dee’d, to be secu ed by bond and mortgage on the premises, the interest thereof to be paid annually to the said widow. during hor li e. and al her death, the principal ot OUR ST to be puid to the heirs and legal repregentatio ‘ ; } . the dec’d. One half of the remaining two thirds i oved shaves an oa. z to be paid on the confirrution of the sale, - L remosin Yours, Respoc 3 the residue in eno year thereatter, with H. WARD. LEGAL NOTICES. A DIINISTRATOR'S NGTICE 4 Letters of Admiuistration on the estate of M aving been gr all persons knowing thewselves esta @ to make imuediste pay having elating to present them, du for settlement. 8. 1 May 29 6¢ A PMINISTRATCRS' NOTICE. Leiters of adwmistration on the es- tate of erry arbrick. late of Benner township, deed, havidg bhoen granted to the undersigned.he request all persons knowing themselves indebted to the sail estate to make immedinte payment from the time possession is given to be by bond and mortgage on the premises. Posse iun to be given on the first day cf April, 1864. : JOHN RUNKLE deo’d SAPONIFIER, OR May15 te silefonte deed. ver Le regue I Flinn, late of 1 A tothe sub nt, anl those v authenticated rators, CONCENTRATED LYE, The Family Soap Maler. -10; and al send having claims against said t 7 to present them dnly authenticated for settlement The PUBLIC are cautioned against the SP U- may22 MICHAEL GROVE, ad's RIO US articles of LY II for making sorp, &o., now offered for sale. The only genuine andl pa tented Lye is that mads by the PENNSYLVA- NIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY, their trade mark for it being “SAPONIF[RK, or CONCENTRATED LYK.” The great ~UC CES of this article hus led UNPRINCIPLED PARTIES to endoaver to IMITATE it, in vio lation of the Company's PATENTS, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. & Tike notice that letters of Ad- ministration an the estats of M been granted to the undersigned; all persona hav Irima against the said esta e requested veal them, duly authenticated for sotiemont and wll yersons indebted to sail estata are ro | ay the sume witli vy to the | final Kearrs have ADMINISTRATORS KOTICE Letters of Admini-iration on the h Miller, decd, All MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS, er SEL LERS of theso SPURIOUS Lyex, srs hereby NOLIFED that the COMPANY huve empioy- ed as their ATTORNEYS, GRO. HARDING, Esq., of Philadelphia. WAL, BAKEWELL, Esq., of Pittsburg. estate of & ite pa ymont, them, duly and those having elaims« authenticated hy mayl 8t Dr. 1 —ee ri strator. And that all MAUFACTUE ERS, USERS, or Torrent SELLERS of Lye, in violation of the rights A DIHRISTRATOR'S NOTICE. of the Cowyany, will be PROSECUTED at] < Letters of Administration on the once. estato of Fredorick Nestlerode, deed, of Liherty tow p, having been granted to the subaeribor, be requests all persons knowing th debted to mid estats, © make imm ment. and those having claims to present duly authauticated by law, far settlement. Mayl 6t N. J. MITCHELL, Administrator, ADMINISTRATOR $ NOTICE. < Notice is hereby given that let- ters of Admnistration have been granted to the undersizred on the estate of Robert Lij ton, late The SAPONIFIER, or CONCENTRATED LYE. is for sale by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. Take Notice. The United States Circuit (Court, Western { of aif 2, dee’d. Ail persons knowing thems District of Pennsylvanian, No. 1, May Tern, | wolves in ehited to said estate, are requested to 1802, in enit of T HK PENNSYLVANIA SALT nzkoe immediata payment, d those having MANUFACIURING COMPANY vs. THOMAS ; bir fu itds he ae claims against the same, to present them, daly G. CHASE, decreed to the Company, on N= | authent ated, for settlement. W.J. KEALSH, vember 13, 1862, the EXCLUSIVE right gr. nt Mayl Gt Admit or. d by a patent owned by them for the SAPON- FIER Patent dated October 21, 1356. Pers Petual injunction granted. TUE PENNSYLVANIA Salt Manufacturing Comp. OFFICES: ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is herehy given that let- ters of adm trat have b ¢ h A whip. Ail p 1 to said os paymout, © same, to prese s for settlement. S. PROULFONT, Adm TRATORS NOTICE. Whercas Lettors of administra- tion having been granted to tho undersigned on the Estate of Daniel Gates, dea’d. , late of Fur. n to said quested to mako immediate paymont , having claims to present them duly authentinted for settiement, - an i246t JAMES, GATES, Administrator, A DMINISTRATORS NOTICE. setters of Administration on the ; . I authentic May1 at E27 Walnut Jircet, Philadelphla, Pitt St, nud Pupnesne Way, Pitsburg: may Ld Sm LATEST ARRIVAL OF SPRNG AND SU MMER AT THE 120% PRONL” GO2PTR BRAS, Have just received the flnost assirtment of Spring and Summer Goods ever brought to this an and selling at prices that defy competi- tion, 1¢ been granted to t ail persons knowing th debied to said estate to make itymedince payment and (hess having