Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 29, 1863, Image 2

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he Talatchman,
Friday Morning, May 29, 1863.
Coercion of States.
The rowers delegated to the General Gov-
ernment by the States, get forth in that sa-
ered and now frequently violated instument,_
the Federal Conatitation seem, to us, to be
very imperfectly nnderstood. T he cause of
snch a general misapprehension of the prin-
ciples of republican government in general,
and our own great wise and beneficent feder-
sl system in pariicnlar, Is withont a doubt,
the false teachings cf those who were, and
are, opposed to the application of republi
can principles to the government of a people,
and the falacions reasoning of men now con-
tro'ing the affairs of the States cluiming to le
united, and are crushing out the life blood
«f the Repablic, by the strong arm of a
asurped, tyranical military desspotism.
The Constitution, as every man who hag
read it and its history knows, 13 &n instru.
ment which was framed dy a convention of
delegates from the several States. Previ-
ous to the framing of the Constitation, it
wos plainly scen by the Statesmen of the
whols coaniry, and by the intelligent msss-
eg geaerally. that under the old Confedera-
tion, the grneral Government did not pos-
sess powers requisite to enact and enforce
Imes, which were greatly needa, and which
would be very bendlisial to che people of
the several States. But so jealous and con-
siderately careful were the three depart.
ments of Government—Judicial, Executive
and Legislative—of (he rights of the States,
and of the people of the States, that they
we uid not, in the least jarticulan, exceed or
go beyond the powers granted them, by the
articles of the old Confedera‘ion, and in
sone instances they evin did not make use
of puwers which they really possessed, fear-
ing that they themselves night be miscon-
struing the only authority they had. (What
a contrast is seen, when the course of the
Fathers of the Republic is compared with
the actions of those who now rule but te
rainy) “Vhen, however, the Slates became
fuily eonvinced thut a change of Govern-
ameni, or more properly, the detsils of the
gpatem (ney then had, was absolutely neces-
sary, they wisely concluded to hold a con-
vention, in which each State should be rep-
reseuted in its sovereign capacity As A State
by a certain number of delegates, oniy to
framz & Constitution, for the general govern-
ment of the States which would be better
adapted to that purpo-e than the old articles
of confederation, and which would sezure,
(uot grant.) all toe rights of the States and
of the peoj le of the several States. Accor-
dinglythe Btatesselected their bestandwisest
men to represent them, in their individual
eapacity as States, in the Convention, The
delegates met and framed that great instru.
ment, called the Constitution of the United
sates, which was once so much revered
and fo 2igidly adhered to and ebserved —
Bat the Constitution thus framed had no vi-
tality, was of no force or cffect, possessed
no authority of law, was, in fact, a mere
nullity, until 1t was adopted by nine States
as STATES, not the people collectively of the
United States, Lu! by the authority of the
Sates. 1t was made the ru/e by wich we,
in certain specified respects, which are
plainly expressed in the Constitution itself,
were to be governed. It is plainly evident,
we think, to any reasoning man, that the
framers of the Constitution had no intention,
whatever, of making one which even looked
towards a Centrahzed Goverument. Cen-
tralizalion was the great coil which they
wirhed to, and did avoid : nor is there a sin-
gle cxpression in the Constitution which
even intimates that any powers were intead-
ed to be given to the general Government
which was not thercin exoressed. Now are
there any powers given to the general Gov-
ernment by the Constitution to coerce Sov-
creign States 7 Tt cannot Le found in Art.
1. See. 8., where the powers granted to Con-
gress are enumerated, it cannot be found in
those portions of the Constitution giving
the Executiiv, Judicial and Legislative de-
pertments certain powers: nor can it be
found in any place. No such thing as the
Coercion of a State vas ever thought of
when the Constitution was (reamed and adop-
red. A man who would, at that time, have
alvocated such a doctrine, would have sub-
jected himself to ridecule and been called &
Monarehist at once,
But let us examme the suljoct a little
farther. The General Government must be
but a creaturc of tbe States, since from them
1t derived al its authority. ‘They relinquish-
ed or delegated to it certain powers which
are laid down in the Constitution, and all
powers not therein expressed or necessarily
implied are re<erved to the Stafes. Noth-
ing can be pointed to in that sacred instru-
mut, in any decision of the Supreme Court,
nor iv any of the teachings ot the Fathers
of the Republic authorizing the general Gov-
erninent to coerce a State acting iu its sov-
¢:eign capacity ; and a power given to it to
succomplish that object would utterly destroy
the ends and purposes for which the Consti-
tution ‘of was cstablished. In fact it was
so well understood by the people of the dif-
ferent States that they were delegating to
the General Government a portion of their
sovereignty, for the purpose of providing
for the common defense, promoting the gen_
eral welfare and securing the blessings of
Liberty to themselves and posterity, that all
‘ sovereignty not delega'ed by them was reserv-
ed, and that, if at any time the General Gov
ernmant committee a breach of trust or per-
veried the powers given to it to *¢ their inju-
ry or oppsession,’’ that only three of the
Thirteen States thought proper to express
this condition of adoption in their ratifica-
tion of the Constitution.
The unconstitutionality of the coercion
of a State is so evident, that we consider it
almest useless to argue it. Jefferson, Mad-
ison, Monroe, Henry, Randolph and a host
of great men who wers cfficient in the fram.
ing of the Constitution. all denied the grant
of any power to the Federal Government
which would justify in invading or attempt-
ing to coerce a State. In evidence of this
we give you Art. Ist of the Ratification of
th2 Constituton, by the State of Virginia as
reported by John Randolph, June 25 1788.
* We, the delegates of the people of Vir-
* ginia, duly elected in pursuance of a rec-
‘Commendation from the General As<enbly,
‘and now met in Convention, having fully
‘and freely investigated and discussed the
¢ proceedings of the Federal Convention,
‘cand being prepared as well as the most
‘“ mature deliberation hath enabled vs to de-
‘t cide thereon, Do, in the name and in be-
© haif of the people of Virginia, declare and
“make known, tnat the powers granted un-
“der the Constitution, being derived from
¢* the people of the United States, BE RE
“SUMED BY THEM, whensoever TUE
‘* that every power, not granted thereby, re
© mains with them, and at their will; that
‘ therefore, no right of any denommation,
*¢ can be cancelled, abridged, restrained or
‘modified by the Corgreas, by the Senate,
** or House of Representa ives, acting in any
capacity, by the President, or avy depart
“ment or officers of the United States, ex-
tt cept in those instances in which power is
** given hy the Constitution for those purpo-
‘+ ges; and, that among other essential
+ rights, the liberty of conscience and of the
PRESS cannot le cancelled. a'ndzed, re-
“strained or modified by ANY authority of
‘the United States.”
Now, if Virginia was rccognized by the
twelve remainicg States as a member of
the Union, formed by the adoption of the
Constitution, with the right to resume the
powers delegated to the General Govern-
ment, which the people of that State ex-
pressly declared in their article of Ratifica-
they have; the people of the other States,
have the same right and power, for tha Con-
stitution says, “* The citizens of each State
shall be entitled to all the privilges immuni-
ties of citizens in the several Sates.”
eee erermenineecrearce.
The Opposition,
It is amusing as well as interesting to re-
call the names by which the opposition to
the democratic party have been known since
thie Revolution, We have prepared a list
but do not pretend to say that o/l the differ-
ent parties that have attempted the over-
throw of demncracy, since the formation of
our Government are named therein, for like
the color, platforms, and pretentions of the
persons comprising them they are innuwmer.
able. They were
In 1775, Loyalists or Loyal #5 hing
George or Tories,
In 1776 Loyal Tories.
In 1780, Nova Scotia Cow Beys ang
In 1780, Convention Monarzhists.
In 1789, Black Cockaders.
In 1808, Anti-Jeffersor Improvement men,
In 1811, Br tish Bank Men.
In 1812, Peace and Submission Men.
In 1813, Blue Lights.
In 1814, Hartford Conven'ionists.
In I816, Washingten Society men,
In 1818, No Party Men.
In 1819, Federals.
In 1820, Federal Republicans.
In 1826, National Republicans:
In 1828, Anti-Masons.
In 1834, Anti-Masonie Whigs.
In 1836, Conservatives.
In 1037, Independent Democratic W higs.
1n 1838, Abolitionists.
In i849, Log Cabin— Hard Cider Demo-
cratic Republican Abolition Whigs.
In 1843, Native American Whigs,
In 1844, Coon Party or Anti-Annextion
In 1845, The Whig Party.
In 1846. Mexican Whig Party,
In 1847, Anti-Mexiean War Party.
In 1848, Rough ard Ready Party,
In 1850. Cley Whig Party.
In 1852. Sroit Whigs.
in 1854, Knownothings.
In [R855 Native Americans.
In 1855, Freemonters or Abolition1sts and
In 1857, Biack Republicans.
In 1859, Opposition and perples party,
In 1800. Wide awakes cap and cape Par
In 1862, NO PARTY.
In 1863, Union-League-No-partyEmaneip-
There 1eader, 15 but a few of tha names
under which the ¢ loyalists” of to-day have
flourished, in attempting to overthrow the
Democracy and the principles of our Gov-
ernment. From the beginning they have
had the same intention, and that is the es-
tablishment of a Monarchy. They have
ever, as to-day, been despisers of ihe Con-
stitution of the U. S,, violaters of law and
order, advocates of mobocracy, supporters
of the suppression of the freedom of speech
and of the press, aud in favor of a military
despotism, and the sucial and political cqual-
ity of the Negro, with the white. Every
intelligent honest man must, by tos time
agree, in our opinion, with the Quaker, who,
on being urged by a leading Abolitionist, to
join the Union League, replied:
‘ Friend, thou changest they namo too
often: 1 have known the as a whiz, as a
Free Soiler, as a Native Awcrican, as a
Know Nothing, as a sneerer at the Union,
as a friend of the Union. as a Loyal Leaguer,
ard thou recollectest how many more titles,
and 1 cannot trust thee © When brother
Obed fell from grace, and became a rogue,
he changed his name, and [ have found that
whenever men design making their Living by
dishonest meaus they ave always likely to do
the same. If thou dost ever adopt one
name and set of principles, and bold on to
them for fifty years, as the Democrats have
done, I may begin to trast thee.”
How can we save the Government.
The bistory of the past informs us that
ever since the foundation of the world,
great and mighty scencs have been enacted
in single governments that have affectod the
people of all the countries on the face of the
earth. Kingdoms have been shaken to their
centers by bold and daring conspiracies, —
aristocracies have been humbled and subdu-
ed,—and Republics have been rocked to and
fro by fierce and mighty revolutions.; Amer-
ica has often looked at the contests that were
trying the governm.nts of other countries,
and bar trembled for the fate of other na-
tions that were manfaily battling to uphold
their political institutions ; while other coun-
tries have long looked upon America with
jealous eyes, and hoping that the changes
that were taking place in her civil and polit.
ical institutions, would scon cause fer over-
throw. But we were proud of the glorious
government left us by our patriot fathers
and contented ourselves, in the belief that
it was built upon principles as sound and
Jasting ag the rock of Gibralter which n°
ambitious faction or set of men could ever
interfere with. But bave we have not been
mistaken? Has not a mighty change tak-
en place in the past two years that will for-
ever end the system under which we so lung
lived a free and happy people? The proph-
ecies of men that were proclaimedlong years
2:0 have come to paws, aud we are at the
yresent time realizing the awful truth of their
prediction, and rushing ou into the a anarchy
and despotism which their warnings clearly
pointed out to to ws. The reigns of govere-
ment have been taken out of Democratic
hands, and from Union-loving hearts, and
that same old anti-Consiituti nal party
whose principles were born in Great Brittain
has placed an administration in power that
was purely sectional, and whose avowed
pinciples have aiways been the abolition of
slavery’ or the destruction of the Union.—
When we think of the freedom, the liberty
avd happiness that we enjoyed but two
years ago. and contrast it with our present
distracted condition, we ars na uarlly led to
inquise what has caused this mighty change}
We will answer, that it was by not heeding
the warnings of the great men who formed
our Government, and contrary to their 1m-
portant teachings have elected a sectionai
party to administer the laws. We have
elected a parity to power whose only motive
is the abilition of “slavery” and whose only
God 1s the nigger, We have elected a
party who say that there ia a higher law
than the constitution and that it is a league
wich hell and a covenanz wich death. We
have placed a party into power who are try-
ing ¢o elevate the nigger £0 an equality with
a while man, and who would piace him, if
they could, in the chair thar n WasnmiNeToN
flled. We have elected a party who have
(#ken every thing into their hauds and every
one whose princ ples are oposed to their
intolerable fanaticism, aie branded as *“trai-
tors” and arrested, sentenced and imprison-
ed without the shadow of trial, by some
wean, cowardly curse of a military despot
like Burnside. Can any one at the present
time whose prejudice has not got complete
control of his conscience, deny that we the
sovereign people of the States claiming still
to belong to the old Union are living under
one of (he vilest, foulest, bluckest deepotism
that ever cursed the earth? Canany one
contradict the fact that we are fast approach.
ng a catalugue of events, to which the
French reigu of terror will sink into com-
parative insignificance when compared with?
It carnot be contradicted, We have an im-
becile fyrant for a President, and a lot of
ambitious evil-designing dogs for a cabinet.
Unless we can get them out of power and
agnin place the party there, who have el-
ways administered the laws with equity and
Jastice, and who mada this country what it
was but a few years ago, we need have no
hopes for **American Liberty.” Unless we
can get the snesking nigger party dethroned
of this war will
There is sever-
by some means, the effect
be felt by miilicns unborn.
al ways of doing a thing, but &s Democrats
uave always been law-abiding, Union-lov,
ing men, they propose to ds it ina lawful
way, and that is through the energy of the
ballot-box. Rally then to the support of the
Democracy, the only Union party that ever
existed in the United States, elect them to
the several offices, and with the principles
which they have always advocated, this un-
godly unchristain, barbarous war will be
brough to a specdy termination, and the pri-
vileges and liberties that we have enjoyed-
will be left as a rich boen for coming gener
ations.—- 7
Another Outrage Jo Democratic
Not satisfied with the proceedings of their
party in other States or in other parts of
this State, a parcel of miserable, cowardly,
abolition curs, some of them, we believe,
returned soldiers, clated no doubt at their
success in getting sately out of the clutches
of Lee and Jack«on at Fredericksburg, enter-
ed the office of the M. nitor, at Huntingdon,
and destroyed the press, (ype and all the
material belonging to it.
Outrages of this kind, since the advent fo
power of Abolitionism, has become so com-
mon, that to hear of the mobbing of Demo-
cratic presses, excites no more interest or
indignation in the minds of some people,
than to be told of a street brawl or dog fight.
When we remember that this is claimed to
be a Republican Government, with a Con-
stitution which guarantees ‘the freedom of
speech und of the press to every individ-
ual, no matter of what influence, we won-
der that one portion of our people will
tamely submit te the usurpations and ty.
ranical acts of another. We do not be-
licve in retaliation under a'l circamstan-
ces, but there are times when examples
shouid be made of the aggressor, and if
the freemen of Iuntingdon county would
burn to tne ground every paricle of pro-
perty belonging to the dirty devils who took
part in this infamous affair, we would con-
sider it but an act of justice. Democrats
have submitted long enough—too long for
their own good, snd not until retalistion
is made the order of the day will the spir-|
1t of mohrocacy ceasc, -Abolitionists can he |
made to suflir as readily as Democaats,
and it does not become a freeman to” have
unis lips locked, and his property destroyed |
by a pack of nigger worshipping traitors.
What better are we citizens of Pennsyl-
vama than the serfs of Russia, or the
white slaves of England, if we dare not
express our honest convictions, or open our
mouths but at the dictation of some brain-
less beast of an abolitionist, What is not
worth preserving is not worth having, and
If he liberties purchased for us by the
blood of tho patriots of the Revolution are
not wouith the courage that it would take
to protect them, the sooner we give ihem
up the better, .
- What its Done for,
We have news from Vicksburg of a very
contradictory and contlictory character. The
news of the taking of this strong hold of Re-
beldom was received in our large cities on
Saturday last, and 1n several cases it was
announced by the Clergymen from the pul-
pit that Vicksburg had fallen Our present
Goyernor telegraphed the welsome intelli.
gence to some of his friends in this town, so
it is said. The county people got the news
and there was a general rejoiceing, temper-
ed with a little doubt as to the truth of the
rumor, for it was.nothing but rumor we had
after all, and nothing really reliable. Much
a3 our present Governors word may by worth
to some people in the way of an office or a
contract, it is not of any more importance
than any other mans when he tskes upon
himself to telegraph to his friends here that
a *‘victory is complete.” Knowing as we do
the gentlemans cnthusingm and impetuosity
on the subject of the war; we always take
anything coming from him, with the usua)
degree of allowance, We have no doubt he
oes not intend to deceive by giving false
information to his particular friends here,
but he is so surrounded by flatterers and
designing men that it 18 impossible for Aim
to get at the truth. Reports of all kinds
are gotten up by all sorts of interested men,
to suit their own personal speculating and if
they can get their reports into an official or
semi-oflicial channel so much the better for
their speculation. The price of gold, the
prices of stock, the prices of all kinds of
merchandise and products are effectucl by
the reports of a victory is a defeat and in
this connexion we may say that the people
of the North are drifting into a singularly
inconsistent position as regaids themselves,
lor there is no doabt that whenever the ar-
mies of the North are defeated or repulsed,
there are thousands of men made richer by
the defeat or repulse, and there is no doubt
but that they secretly chuckle over their
success notwithstanding their pretended loy
alty and devotion to the administration. A
man to-day may wantto buy, a victory
would suit him better than anything else as
prices would go down ; to-morrow he may
want to sell, then a terrible defeat would be
just the thing. No one can deny that this
1s the position of our capitahsts in the larger
cities, and indeed this interest in the fluctu-
ations cansed by the varying news from the
battle ficl] entends down to the holder ofa
five dollar gold piece or demand notes,
Tre Abolition papers that have labored
most @trenuously to uphold this infernal
administration ia its war against the frce-
don of Democratic presses and speakers,
are just now quite jubilant over the ac-
ceptance by Hon. J. J. Crittenden of his
renomination for Congress. They have le-
ralded about parts of his speeh—parts only
that suited their own purposes—and care-
fully avoided giving his views in regard to
arbitrary arrests and the freedom of speech.
Mr. Crittenden, although a supporter of the
war, is not one of the kind that believes
now in its being waged against the liber-
tics of the people here in the North, and
though we may differ with him materially
--as to the results of the attempt to co-
erce sovereign States, yet we cannot dut
commend the following to these editors
who gloat and glory ro much over the ar-
rest and imprisonment of hovest patriotic
Demaocrate. IT the abolition party was as
liveral in their views as Mr. Crittenden,
there would be some hope of closing this
wicked tar and restoring peace to the coun-
«Neither on this nor on any other occas-
son bas it been my habit to make an outcry
and clamer ; but when usurpations of power
are made dangerous, and when encroach-
ments upon wy liberty and the liberty of
my constitutents, and upon the Constitution
intended to guard the liberties of us all, are
made, I would Lave every man have spirit
enough to declare is opinions ané offer his
protests, Without this freedom of speech
there can be no lasting liberty ; the Republic
cannot exist. If every man should close his
bis lips,and not venture even a word agaiuts
violated rights, who could maintain, a free
government 2 Nobody. A people who can
not discuss the public measures of the na-
tion, and apply the ne@essary rebuke to se-
cure correction of wrongs, cannot be a free
people, and do not deserve to be. But it is
nat neccessary that it be done in passion, —
Yeu are a portion of the people of the United
States, act in a wanuer becoming your high
character. Action at the proper time, and
the proper manner, according to the legal
and constitujional provision, is what we
want, and what the world has a night to ex-
emma) lA AB erate eet
Ir the Post Masters at Boalsburg, Pleas .
ant Gap, and Port Matilda, will deliver the
Democratic WATCHM AN to subscribers, when
called for, we will not, perhaps receive so
many com plaints, from our patrons, who re-
ride in their districts, The WATCHMAN, is
mailed regularly at the Bellefonte office on
Thursday night or Friday morning and their
is no reason under heaven why the; should
not reach subscribers in ‘this county long
before we are (old many of them do. Mr.
Cock at this place,we know does not neglect
his duty, the fauit lies somewhere else, Leg
those who are 1otcrestel remember that
there is a law that ntust be observed.
We will wager our hat, that the con-
temptible whelps that destroyed the Mon-
tor office, ave the biggest cowards, the big-
gest biackguards, the biggest fools, and
the dirtiest, meanest set of Leing in Lun.
tingdon county,
TT — ge
Recurrence to Fundamental Principles.
We find in the present Constitution of
many of the States, and in yet others we
find it in the first Constitutions severally
formed, in the ¢ Declara.ion” or *« Bill of
‘ Rights,” that ** a frequent recurrence to fun-
damental principles is absolutely necessary
to preserve the blessings of liberty.”
These © Bills of Rights” were not enu-
merations of all the rights that the people
reserved to themselves in forming their gov-
ernment. They were rather a collection of
those ** fundamental principles” to which
the fathers wished frequent recurrecce. It
was hoped. by them, that these would be
written as on the palms of the hands of the
people, and hung as frontlets between their
eyes. Whey were to be the precepts of po-
litical liberty, of which fatuers would talk
to their gons while in the field, and when
travelling by the way, in their sittings dawn,
and in their risings up.
Alas! like their bibles, the name has been
a kind of idolatry, but the precepts and the
meaning have been neglected! Let us re-
hearse some of these *¢ fundamental princi
ples” from the Constitutions of the States :
t No person in this State can, in any case,
be subjected to law marshal, or to any pen-
alties or pains by virtue of that law, except
those employed in the army, acd the militia
in actual service.”
That 18 the doctrine of freemen. We
quote it from the Constitution of.the most
thoroughly abelitionized of all the Siates—
Vermont—nbut the language is substantially
the same in other State Constitutions, North
and South.
But, how fares it, to-day, with Clement
L. Vallandigham ? fe was notin the army,
nor in the militia in actual service! ¢ No
erson can !? It seems he can! Ilow ?
y the most damnable and atrocious cxer-
cise of despotism !
1t is no new right of liberty that has
been invaded. In England. in the time of
the tyrant, Charles 1, the swrdy freemen
of kngland s.ood by Sir Edward Cuke,
while he drafted the ** Petition of Right.”’—
In that, he set forth that, in violation of
Magna Charla, and of its subsequent sanc-
tions, Charles had “ appointed commission-
ers with power and authority to proceed
within the land according to the justice of
martial law,” and that these Commission-
ert had, © by such summary cause and or-
der as 18 agreeable to martial law, and is
used in armies in times of war!” put to
death some of his mnjesty’s subjects :—
‘when and where, if by the laws and stat-
utes of the land they had deserved deatn,
by the samc laws and statutes also they
might, and by no other ought, to have been
By the civ’l laws of the United States
and of Ohio, “* and by no other ought’? Val-
landigham to have been judged! Why was
he not # Beeause Ae was known to be inno-
cent, and the abolition admimstration of
Lincoln is guilty of high treason against 1ib-
Here is another ¢ fundamental principle”
to which we ought frequently revert :
* The people have a right to assemble to-
gether to consult for the common good —to
instruct their representatives —and apyly to
the legislature for redress of grievances,”
&c. We lake it from the same most aboli-
tionized State of Vermont—but it is almost
identical in other States. For * consulting,
with the people of Ohio, Vallandigham, a
law abiding and patriotic man, has been ar-
rested, by ope of the tools of the thing call-
ed Lincoln!
Without taking the trouble of turning to
the Constitution of any Stateless hopelcss-
ly aboliticn ridden, let us quote once more,
all from the same page, the Constitution of
‘“ The people have the right to bear arms,
for the defence of themselves, and the State
and, as standing armies in times of peace
are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to
be kept up; * * # the military should be
kept under strict subordinarion to, and gov-
erned by, the ervil power.”
Now, while recurring to fundamental
principles.” and as Massachusetts is in such
sweet ador thronghout the world, we will
give one quotation from her Constitution,
as it stands at this day. Tt is the moat ex-
plicit State Rights document that existed in
the the shape of a State Constitution, up to
the time of the Lincoln abomination. It
*¢ The people of this Commonwealth have
the sole and exclusive richt of governing
themsclves, as a free, SOVEREIGN, and
INDEPENDENT State ! aad do, and forer-
er hereafier shall, exercise and enjoy every
power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not,
or may not hereafter be, by them EXPESS-
LY delegated to the United States.”
A manly declaration, and worthy of the
Puritans—stern and dirty— of the last cen-
tary ! But in view of the persistent efforts
of the Puritans now to alnlish all these
** fundamental principles,” and to ‘ wipe
out these State lines,” while the Constitu-
tions of their own Yankee States stare them
in the face—may we not well say, with Gov
Seymour, that that they are a law-breaking,
and /aw-despising people! Uncomfortable
neighbors, indeed !--Freeman’s Journal.
Hi evi
Loyal Leagues.
Tt is all right and proper for the Abolition
Republicans to forma “Loyal Leagues" and
pledge themselves to fideiity to the Union,
for their ‘loyalty’ has ever been more than
doubtful, Among them, in various secticns
of the country. are thousands who have
been open revilers of the Union -~men who
have publicly burned the Constitution—men
who have labored avowedly to break up the
Union—men who have denounced the flag
and marched under sixteen starred banners.
Pledges and sotemn protestations are neces-
sary from these men to induce people to put
any confidence in their fidelity to the Con-
stitution and the Union. But not =o with
Democrats; their life-long devotion is
known to the whole world. Says the Bos-
ton Post, ‘‘when the Abolition set, with the
Union on their lips, but with their old high-
er-lawism in their hearts —approached Arch
Bishop Huges, his reply was, ‘that his pa-
triotism and loyalty were too well known
to require him to make any public demon-
stration or to sign any paper on the subject.’
This is the point, and covers the whole
ground. Especially is this true of the De-
mocraocy of the eountry. Let them now
continue on mn their zealous work, and
cheerfully support the laws of the land.
Until next year, when their will be grave
political duties to discharge, lat them thus
labor and wait. There can be no peace un-
tii abolitionism and secessionism, those en-
mies of cur land, occupy a common politi-
cal grave. and the Democrats must put
them squarely into it. Whoever has not
got the courage to hold up to public rej »-
bation the anti-slaveryisn of the North has
not the nerve that is necessary to save the
country.” — Kz.
stopped his money manufactories 1n New
York and in this city. The counterfeit
greenbacks made in Germany and other
pe of Europe are found to be such excel-
ent imitations of the genuine article that
he has concluded to let them circulate in-
stead of his own. By using them the ex-
pense of paper and pinting is saved. We
learn that very large amounts of the foreign -
made greenbacks are arriving, free of duty.
This is a great country !— Evening Jonrnal.
landigha a.
We print this weelc a latter, which, we
know, will gladden the hearts, of thousands
ofour cou: trymen. We mean the lerter of
Governor Horatio Seymour, of this State, on
the recentarrest of Hoa. ¢. L. Vailandigham.
This nable. patriotic and spirited document
18 full of glorious sentiments that will render
the name of the writer immortal. It can be,
it ought to be, und we believe it will be, the
itia, point of anew era. Let the people
rally to it as one wan, for it contains the es-
sentinal elements of our whole contest with
this Administration. Peace follows free
speech ay logically as any effects succeeds a
cause. The policy of this Administration
cannot live in the atmosphere of a free dis-
cussion, and thousands who support it will
say, “Well, if it cannot so hive, then ley it
die. What we need therefore above a'l todo
19, to contend for the inalienable rights of
free speech. Without it we are lost, *The
ballot box might as well be laid aside. This
Administration will re-elect itself, and pepet-
uate its power, as it is now trying to dy, un-
less the people arouse at once. There will be
no Presidential election in 1864 unless this
letter of Gov. Seymour 15 now made the ral-
lying-cry of the masses. The danger is im-
winent. The States of the West are now
governed by military satrupe, sent from
Washington. They try citizens by drum-
head court martial, stop newspapers, exile,
imprison and shoot. just as they see fit.—
Life, liberty, property are all unsafe. New
York,and New Jersey are the only free Siate
eft ; but how long would they be sa, were it
not for Horatio Seymour and Joel Parker? —
As Governor Seymour truly Suys, * those
acts do not lead to revolution —they are rev-
olution. They do not intend to establish
military despotismi—they do establish ili-
tary despotism.” The thing we bave pro-
tested against, written against, argued
against, &c., &2., is upon uv, Because il
only falls in its crashing, deadly weight upon
one or two, let no wan suppose th t he is
Safe. The cause of one is the cause of all
Despotism is always insidious wn its ap-
First, 1t only wishes to establish a
dent, Submit to that, even in ul
humble citizens, aud in the next case it
ten times stronger. The child Fyrant has
grown into the adult Despot, and so he goes
on, until he crushes ous every spark of free
dom, every sentiment of inanh. 04, and every
attribute which goes to make up a free peo-
ple. All honor, then, to Governor Seywur,
for this clarion trumpet-tounga letter. Lot
meetings be held in every town, in every vil-
lage atevery cross road, in every school-
house, to endorse it, for it is the harbinger of
a new era. The duy of cowardice is pussed.
At one bast from the bugle of Chief Magis
trate, men will 9pring, as Roderick Daa’s
clansmen did, from every hiil-side and thick-
et, to defend their rights ; or if they do not,
then they descrve to be the variest slaves
that were ever spit npon. They have a lea-
der now who possesses all the elements of
virtue, honor, integrity and fearlessucss, Ie
has shown great prudence and caution, but
when he doesfspeak, his words nng like a
thunderbolt in the ears of the usupers of
power. They will be, they wast be, heed-
ed. The great State of New York, with its
four millions of inhabitants. speaks through
Gov. Seymour ; aud the Governor of this
State if he rightly appreciates his dipuity,
13 ab all times & greater man than the Presi-
dent of the United States, for the latter bas
neither dominion nor people, and only ten
miles square, which he holds solely by ces-
sion, while the former has 47,000 square
miles, ond nearly three-quarters ofa milion
of voting citizens. Mr. Lincoln thorefore
should not expect Naw York State to yield
up her Constitution and the Laws, the rights
of her citizens &c. They elected Gor. Sey-
mour to defend them, and he will defend
them, and they will defend him. In this,
way we shall cave Constitutional Liberty
and thereby all that is worth saving —
for that comprehends all.— Caucasian.
———. a
For the Watchman.
Mg. Eprror : — Allow me to make known
through your paper a few thoughts as they
occur to me relative to the coming election.
Although having little experiente as a poii-
tician beyond show’ ng my preference at the
polls, yet in times likes these, it may be
well to pause and consider tha respective
claims of persons aspiring to office, and if
thero was ever a time that the right man
should be in the right place, that timo is
In your last issue I notico quite a num-
ber of respectable men announced as candi-
dates for the different offices, guhject to the
decision of the democratic county conven.
tion, I would, therefore, with all due re-
spect to the persons announced, bring to the
notice of your many rerders, J. G. M yer.of
Harris township. a3 a man in every way
qualified, for Register and Recorder. As he
18 well known throughout the county fur
‘honesty and integrity of character, a ready
penman and speaking fluently bo'h the Ger-
man and English languaze, his nomina-
tion, I think would be a prudent one, and
his clection would reflcet honor upon his
constituents. The only oljection that will
be urged against him, no doubt, will be,
that he has always been a faithful supporter
of demotratic principles, in opposinon to
the various isms which have proved so fatal
to our country ; and should Mr. Moyer per-
mit hig name to be used 1 connection with
the aforesaid office, which we hope ke will,
we cannot hesitate a moment to say tha
the right man wv be jn the right ;
Having already cxtended this beyon.
first attenuon, I remain, yours, gc.
A vote
r of
oedema sk
Reading the Signs.
Henry J. Raymond, cditor of {ie New
York Times, (Abolition) ia a recent epeceh,
said :
‘“ We are about played out as a party.—
We played the «* Mame law,” a good enough
Morgan for the time being— but it was play-
ed out, and so abolitionism 1s played out.—
It may last Lincoln's timo ont—but if we
hold on till then, there is not one of us liv-
ing (hat will ever get into public life again,
Weed 1s wisely getting out of the scrape. —
Greeley is fool enongh to hang on. The
only hope there is for any of us, is ts leep
on the war unte! the Union is so thoroughly,
split up that it can never le got together
again. A reumon with the South on any
terms is death to all this generation. But,
at any rate the taxes, which thie people have
not yet begun to feel ; the debt and the con-
scription, not yet begun, but to come, will
damn every man concerned in levying them.”
We learn fiom the Clinton Democrat that
the Confirees, from this district, which met
at Lock Haven on the 20h inst, selected
Dr.:McMicken, of Mill Hall, Senatorial del-
egate to the State Convention, which meets !
at Harrisburg on the 17th of June next,
with instructions to vote for the lon, H.
Clymer, as the Democratic candidate for
¥ i graceful au
Washington and Jackeon “‘Uoppechen du.’
Every man who speaks out for the Consti-
tution a9 it ix, and in opposition Lo all ¢iola-
tions of it, says the West Chester Jefferson-
ian. is denounced by the Abolition, negro
worshippirg Leaguers as a *‘Copperhead.’’
Beis so. Tie white man of the present day
whatever name the Leagners may apply to
him; has the satis‘action of knowing that his
principles are those of the great and good
Washington and Jackson. who, if they were
now living, would be assailed by the woolly
head patriots as ¢ copperheads,” *“‘rebels,”’
“symrathbisers with treason,” &e., simp y
for advocating the Constitutional Govern -
Waskhing'on in his farewe 1 address, which
was subsequently endorsed by Jackson said
to the american people—
“Indignanily frown upon the first dawning
of every attempt to alienate any portion of
our country from tho rest, or to enfeeble the
sacred ties that now link together the var-
ous parts ”
Democrats have always livea up to this, —
Noathern Abolitionists who now rule the
country to its ruin spurned each ccunecil,and
for years devoted themselves to alienate the
North trow the South, and 10 excite the two
sections into open antagonism.
Again— )
Washington's address says:
“The Constitution which at any time ex-
its till changed by an explicit and authen-
tic act of the people is sacredly obligatory
upen all,
+ Resist with care the spirit of innovation
upon its principles, hewcver specious the
“The spirit of encroachment tends to con-
sumate the powers of ail departments in ona
and thus creaie, whatever the form of Goy-
er nn, a veal DESPUTISM?
rats hay ver Lived up io this
tn! themsalyes upoa it as
a sure foundation m this hour of trial.
Washington’s address further waras the
Let there be no change by usurpation, for
though this is one instance may be the in-
terment of good, it is the customary wee<-
on by which free government is pEaTROY-
RD. —
Democe:ats have time and azain proclaiin
ed that the tendency of abolition rule was to
the destruction of the Government,
Now. if the Demoerats who conenr fully
with these views, so pointly repudiating and
condemning the: powers that be,” and their
unconstitutional doings, are ¢ copperieads,”
of course Washinzton and Jackson were cap
perheads and the Leaguers would so densim-
inate them if now upon the earth.
The conclusion which unprejudiced, sober
minded, thinking citizens, who desire to
have the good old Union asit was, with all
the Statés at peace ant in harmony, must
arrive at, from ll this. is that the Demoerx's
~the Washington and Jackson ‘copperheads’
and not the sectronnl, Abolition, negro-wor-
shipping Leaguers —are the men by whom
the country may be saved, and the good old
tires of the Fathers azain be restored. Hon-
or— ali honor —thecefore to the Conprrhoads
—the white men of Washington and Jackson
Under the Control and direct Supervision of
An Exhibition of
iter and Mora Valuahls Stock of
than any cotemporary concern can produce.
and their
tho beautiful young Equestrienne.
the dashing Principal Rider.
The Chesterfield of the Arena.
Clown, Comodian and Popular Vocalists.
. C, KING,
the great Leaper, and a powerful ‘auxiliary forse
are secured for this new org..nization.
MRS. C. WARNER, formerly
will perform the
and introduce to the public her eldest daughter,
Miss Libbie Rice,
in graceful scenes from the Schaol of the Manage.
in a highly laughable parformanco
Will exhibit at
BELLEFONTE, Friday, June 5th., i
LOCK HAVEN, Thursday, June 4th.
JERSEY SHORE, Wednesday, June 3d.
Seats for everybody. No extra charge,
Performance nt 2and 71 2 o'c ,
of all the great resources of the ‘show,’
preceded by the H
Dr. K.P. J0
Director of Publioations,