Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 22, 1863, Image 4
A Sem TI PR aT | 3 EE Lousinegs Direetrn, Pw THOMAS Roti 200. PERMANENTLY LUC:TED AT HOWARD, pV. LB. ALLIETER. JAMES A. EEAVEN PE ALLISTIR & REAVER, ALTORNEXS AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENN'A | 3. BD. SIUGERT, , ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENN _ Office in the Court House. with the Treasurer. TT JAMES IS. RANKIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, . BELLEFONTE, PENX'A. Office. on ibe Diamond, one door west of the fost Office WELLIAM A WALF AGL, ATTOR? EY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PENNA. Will visit Bellefonte professionally when speci ctuined in connection with resident Counsel Si — 33. SURGEON DENTIST, BELLEFONTE. CENTRE CO., PA. enow prepare d to wait upon aid who may desire his > pring street BUOMUNDG Bi xc D E. M FLANRCUANLD E.AK BLANCHARD, STTORAZY AF LAW, 190)? Bostic « $v moh, beginning with tho first month : M.—{y. 0 onViS € T ALexavdus, CRVIS & ALE NBER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BELLEFONTE PA. O8ie 0 e door below Reynold’s Bunk Nov. 31 —1852 CVI & ColRui, ATTORNEY'S a1 LAW. Lock Haves Pa. in the several Courts of Centre and All business entrusted io their npily ntenicd to. Will prac joe Cimnton ¢ care wii Ager 2 ies, ) EE. rs, MENGE: RE.N,, PRYSIC.AN & SURGEON, BERL iE, CENTRECO., PA. 1 calls ag kerotofore, he eto his friends and *Sidence of = Jurnside July 25. 1%62—1y BANKING FBOUSE, ! —_ OF — 3 WM PF IE EYNULDS & CO. BELLUFONTE, CENTRE CO., PA. Bills of exchange and «le and procee ie soial depo ge iu the tantly on hand for sale, Depos- discounted. Col- y remitted VAIONAS, ND SURGEON, NTRE €O., PA, srvices to bis riends son Mill sie DER. 2, W YRLICTANA 1, C iotel. Drs. J. M. McCoy, 4 8. ThomesoN, T. 0. Tues. Retersio VIE, Cextrie Co... PENNA. & McCULLOUGH T. 7. M'CULLOGGH.) C1 EARFIELD, Cloarficld co., Pa BUH & McCORMICK, o.8 MeanRyies,) LOCK i1AVEN, Clinton Co., BURH & ALLEN. (R. 1. ALLEN) Pa., Rerrrencrs i —Drexel & Co. Phila. Smith, Bo & Co.. Philadelphia Fhields & Brother, Ph phin, T. Conrow Phiiadeliphia. Sower. Burnes & Co, Philadelphie Hon. J.T Hale, Bellefonte, Hon. J. VT, Maynard, Willinmsp Tome, Port Deposit, Md Feb. 21. ly. N W PICIURE GALLERY. 15: JN BARNHART, HAVING pur . a new and splen Co... Phila, Mason IVREGALLERY, xeonte uli orders in the Am- Ferot ype, Muleocotype, or SEEN LIER PIL is now vrenared t brotype. t SIZ ever ta Curd Pietur common wud which vary i 50 CE ¥ 12 loca on the art House, near Garman’s Ho- yor shiv. . re : TJ THE LAS {ES Et Having justretorned rom Philadelphia Fe with 2a new andy 1 lid ascortment MILLINERY: OQODS, of the latest 3 and fashion, «feel prepard to youngand itl g «ve and gay, whe togiveusa MH ‘Jur stock con- ETS. CRIM AINGS iin a Milliner Vi) STRAW BONNY ‘LAIN AND FANCY and all other articles general BLOTC. Lu” Woliave procured the services of one most experienced Millinors in the c Store Bishop street, nex door to the old id. JRBECK. | Bellefonte. May 3,61. MARY S¢ A DMINI 5 HO Le ISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration having en granted to the undersigned on the estate of tates. dee’d., late of Uuin i lebted to said estate, are ediate 'p pnt, and avir claims will presed 1 duly authenticated for settle- | went. (april 6t) JOUN BING, Aaministrator, | NEW LIVERY STABLE A BACK OF HUME'S STORE. TIIOMAS DORAS, Propricicr o Bay Horses, all good travele 8 Bugsie:, Carriages and Sle h taney Harness and warm huge cheaper than any 2 town. Call eatlewmen. Jabuary 2 4 k ARABOLA SPECTACLES. ! puperior to any others in use, con ae | structed in accordance ith the Law OF NA- | TUR Vin the peculiar form of # Concave-Con | dmirably adapted to the organs at tly natural to the Kye; alto- | IHELP TO THE BU- | nted. When there is | use a cane— why not ren- the hest ar VISION ev cmen 3s itis naine J ) o wopas stance to tha yaluable organ, the Eye when ceded ? y . - Tae shove for sale tt eity prices, by JERRY. J. WINGATE. At tio Dental Off ce East of Post Office. ’ 3 These spo tacles can bo obtained J at no place in town. Belleloute, May 20, 18 | PROSPECTUS] 0m DENOCRATIC WATCHMAN, meme that he hag lensed, refurn A abeve House where he will those who favor him with t WEEKLY PAPER, PUBLISHED AT EXLLEFOXTLE] ENTRCOUNTY, TA, EVERY nizhed in the best mod n will used to render ther st FRIDAY MORNING | '¢ IN POLITICS, IT IS STRICTLY DEMOGRATIC able. The Pex er advantag SYLVANTA HoTeL.” possesses great ated in the bu, Sufficient stab ty hostiers alw Attentive, accommodatin ss part « provid will add to the comfort and 3 guests, FREE AND INDEPENDENT. : ; Te 2 (ONRAD HOUSE Unmoved by the [apes of Unrichrenus Gain BELL the Frowns of Unprinecipled J. EB BUTTS, 1 + ntimidated by the 1 Rabble and the threats Mohs, and Fearing ni Unhailowed BP 5 ential Dungeons and ty? Vaalis, nor bound Fortres Modern Cali hii ral the 5 of 3a. modating ance any IT 1S IN FAVUR OF ready to sup e to Zue. THE TABLY is suj plied provisions, uxuries and Jd tive country can furnish, and exertion can procure. THE BAR, will alw sortment of the very b et affords addapted to tastes. THE STABLE tive and obligi charge the duties pr partment of a public e From the attention and devoted to this braveh of i AND TilE EQUAL RIGHTS OF ALL WHITE MEN. fore hestowed upon him. (FARMAN'S EI DANIL Gait This long estal known Hotel, & IT IS DEVOTED TO . the Dismond Local . been pu and Gene- es tothe fo ral News. Art, to the tras Science and Litera- ture, Morahty. Po anes, Education, ( and Hdli- rions Freedom, the Union. he tution and the Laws, the host Futerests of the whole Contry, anid Coen- tre county in particular. and opposed to Abolitionism Dhsunionisin, and ail Kinds of F n. he it Moral, Po al, or Ree ! 1 gions. and an un- } compromising | advocate } him aeal' one a° -Qfi | fident that all w i! be =a 12 i { modation. AN EXCET | isattached to this est oh: from abroad will find 1 by the und r patrons of ecol ul Habling is bes 2d by the most tru TRUTH, JUSTICE AND MERCY, ee A rm em TERMS. Bellefouto. Jan. 9, 1832 1 until all boek lure N tions are paid, and a fi nance af the end of tha time s be considered a,new engagement. These terms will bo rigilly alhiarl to all circumstane ABIERTITONE, |. The following terms of Advertiseing have b agreed upon by the publishers f the (vr / Press the Barivhter and the Democratic 11 mre and will be strivtly alae red to liscontinue per now opan for the re 8. [thash with handseme and is altogether the } the best eondacted hot THE TABLE wil’ for. will 3 in ander 18. BAR will always stand best of lig of drugs—but liguor 0 large st state HE STABLE is ad ohli and from the lines lor ! : 16 lines lor ol the train tute a square. a Ey) One Square thre Foreasli subsequent insertion 1 three months, = « + == cv0 wm = =. 2 than T'nis new and land Gin, Currant abhovo rat berry W ¢, Cham forbidden and charged according to these terms. Blitorial or loz! notizss Gr thy bonefit of indi- viduals, 20 cents per line Religious or educational notices, & *¢ “ Obituary notices, over b lines, B42 4 Doaths andl marriages announced (rae. Communications resomaading presras for of fice, inseriel at ten cents a line; and the pay must accompany the communteation, All teal and transient advertisements must be 1 - lad befo:e they are tnseried. XXX Sarsapariil 107 MEALS to be ha duy or night. A may marhle-f lishment. a think we can insure them t C LINTON MO A. MANN, The proprietor hav named Hotel in the boro = Sesh Ay 5) 100 7 of Rl Eo NY wGY hy OF ALL KINDS, SUCH AS or 2 pusli preparation to entertain str the best possible manner. His table will always «co uries that the country wi’ a Legal Blanks Shipments, Manifest. Receipts, Reevint Boks, Order Books, Cheek Rolls, Toll Orders, Car Books, Way Bills, Advice Sheets, Specifications, &e., POSTELS. SHOW BILLS, v His Bar will contain the cb reful and attentive Ost are properly attended to. Trusting that he may rec patronage of ‘the traveling ARDS. action. BLANKS, PAMPHLETS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, 6, '61.~tf. J. MORRIAO This well known ITotel is HOTELS. PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE. Annon have been employed, and noth 16d t servants are 1 thie comfort and sa uit done s; while ILLS BAR wil Chocast of Liquors in tow eatly to their advant DANIEL GARMAN. TH CUMMINGS HOUSF, ging and attent passangers fie ter the arrival ay ( UMMINGS HOUSE SALOO ¥. lic geverally that he has made cy be purchased in the city mar tose attontion to be ables rendo BerrLsronTs, Pa. JORN COPENH AVER, Proprietor. to the nd refit PpY to Wait upon ompany is beh Tre House is large and convenient and fur- style. Itie provided with a large number of well aired and comforts ble tug apsrtinents, Roows and Private Par- tors with or without chambers attac} Persons visiting Bellefonte on bu pleasure, may rest assured that cverv exertion ness or for ay at the “ Pennsylva- nis Hotel” pleasant and pgreeable, HI3 TABLE WILL BE UNDRR THE DIRECTION of an experienced Cook and supplied with the very e warket affords, and HIS BAR wih the choicest wizes and sther liquors —charges reason- 1 in point of loeatien than any other similar estahlishmeut in the borough, being situ- of the town, ed. and good and trus- in attendance, % and honest servants ing left undone accommodati April 17, 1363 EFONTE, DA, Proprietor, t resting always lin the wan and ction of the 1 all the substantial ies which aprodue- or industry, vigilance contain a gereral as- juors, that the mark-- themost oap rivious will be attended hy atten- qualified to dis- to this important dg- ceive a liberal portion of the OTEL. BELLEFONTE, PA. Proprietor, lished and itheast corner of t House, having ed, ho 4nnouno- biishment and that he intends prepared to render nw dation to all whe e. No pains id to the conveni- All who stop with th up in style, and will always be .orthy and attentive all, and ho feels con fied with their aceom- ENT LIVERY went, which str: BELLEFONTE, PA. Poy annum. (strictly in advanse.) St. 57 RD CUMMINGS, Propricior. hen paid within 3 months 2,00 } . : y Whenps Si Si wits iuast o This elegant new Hotel. situated on Bishop If left run ovr 3 months, $2,530, will be invar street, a few woors north of the Catholic church, is ably charged. at last complete in all its arran ats, and is ) 2 : ard entertainment of hel inthe very latest cmfortable furniture, gotien up, and will be Bellefonte. he supp'ied with the 1S nut ini i in there purest and ware commodions and re hostlers, sre of charge, to urter splendid Eating Es- tublishment is now open for the entertainment of One sqaare, 3 months. - . .- . - . 3 80 the public, where He 2 4 Sm 5 00 I'resh Oysters, Fried Oysters, Stewed Oysters, ‘ . one year - - - - - <n 8 00 iced Oysters. Clam Soup. Turtle Quarter-column, one year, two changes, 15 00 Soup, Chicken Soup, Half . “ “ i“ “25 00 am and Bugs. Pix’s Feat and Tripe, Sar- lain Noteas. cpr Tin sng 00 can be had at all times. Administrators and Exeeutors no -25 DRINKS. Notice of applisation for license » - - - 1 50 Cognac Brandy, Notice fur strays, each animal, - - - 150 01d Rye Whiskey, - Advertisements displayed ia fancy loiter, 4 0 as Bourbon W hiss, “ heat to attract attention, 50 per cent, more tin the Whisky, Trish ii 3; i gne, Go scherry > ment not muked with the number Wine ty Wine ort Wine, ete, ete. y 33ir ill be oc aed till h ( ra oy Smashes, Sherry Cob- of yo bol be hui &, and ail other fancy drinks. Philadelphia dlc & ney Lemonades, ineral Wa- ter, ete, ele, elo. Lat all hours of the iiticent BILLIARD ROOD. with fine aced Tables, is connected with the estab- We invite our friends to give us a call, and Lie utmost s CUMMINGS & PISIIER. Bellefonte, March 27, 1883 1y Proprietors USE LOCK HAVEN, PA. Proprietor. leased the abova ch of Lock Haven, Clin- ton county, Pa., takes this method of informing tha Y and travelersin ange tain the chsicest lux- ford, and he iz deter- wined not to be surpassed in this department by any other Hotel along the West Branch. 101 st liquors that cau at. leps will constantly be on hand to take ebarige of horsesand see thatthey eive a portion of the public, he hopes by general satis. PLEASANT GAP HOTEL, .. PLEASANT GAP, PA. N, Proprietor. now kept by the pro- In fast, any kind of work done in a printing | priotor, where he w ill be happy to wait on the ofiice, executed in a soperior manner, and the most | teavaiiing public generally. i yr. REASONABLE TERMS [RRowaRdassesiazion, OUR ASSORTMENT OF ®o0D TURE, Cannot be beat, and all our jobbing will be executed in the neatest and most im- proved character. Address, P.GRAY MEEK. Editor and Publisher Democratic Watchme Bellefonte © Urgans. ting Surgeon. Seminal Weakness, ard o s threo Add ss, DR. &¢ . Philadelphia, For the Reliefof the Sick and Distressed, afilic- ted with Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and es- pecially for the Curo of Dieseases of the Sexual MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the de VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrheen or ther Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and of the NEW RELKEDIES em- pioyed in the Dipensay, sent to the afllicted in sealed lettor envelopes, free of cha ge, tanips for postage will be acceptable. 7 SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Ae i ting Surgeon, Howard A:geciati un, No 2 South Two or . | Auother Requisition i well | Anan MISCELLANEOUS. 600, 000 MEY WANTED! To purchase their Wines and Liuors at the WEOL EYAL, WINE & LIQUOR STORE NEFF & BEITLE BISHOP 8: REET, BELLEFONTE, TWO LOORS WEST OF LOEG'S MEAT MA KRY Foreign and Domestic Liquors Such as OLD NECTAR, OLD RYE, & MONON- GAHALA WHISKEY, COGNAC AND COMMON BRANDIES, PORT AND MADERIA WINES,SCOTCH AND HOLLAND GIN, NEW ENG. LAND ROM, Ana all grades of Liquors found in the Bastern Ci ies, sold as low as in Philadelphia and New York. All Liquors warranted to give Satisfaction. Confident they ean please pur a speetfully s share of public § Sold by the quart barrel or tierce. arge lot of BOTTLED LIQUORS, Ofthe finest zrade on hand. July 19, 1862, NEWS FROM THE SEAT OF WAR ANOTHER REQUISITION. A HEAVY IMPORTATION OF MARE! FOR THE FIRM OF BAXTRESSER & CRIST, Who have Just opened, in the Store Room on the N. YW. corner of the Diamond. in Bellefonte, for merly occupied by Wilson Brothers, their large and splendid ass ut of Shelf Hardware, House Trimmings of eve loseription. : POCKET AND TABLE CUTTLERY | of every variety and price. CROSS CUT, MILL AND CIRCULAR SAWS of the best manufacture. RIFLES, PISTOLS, SHOT GUNS, AND LOCKS sf every description and the best quality. ZORTICK AND RIM LOCKS AND LATCHE of different kinds. CUPBOARD, CHEST BOX, AND TILL LOCKS. ud and small PAD LOCKS. . GRAFTING AND PANNEL ad, Hand and Chopping AXES, 5 AND CHOPPERS, atchets, Chisels & Adzes. D SPADING F( S of every desir Also a t, and 50 per cent ce clso, { CARRIAGH TERS | VICES, ! { IRST CARPEN which cannot be sury i VILS, DRILLS, SCREW PLATES. RASPES, PIPE SKEIN & WAGON S, IRON AXELTRERS, BENT , HHAMES, &e. PAINTS, OILS. GLASS AND PUTTY, COAL Olt AND LAMPS, VARNISIT, FLUID. OIL CLOTHS PA Ww Their stock all the leading ware trade goods not being ex s went, they here 4 2 to sell from fifty to one hundred per cent. lower than any lishment in t country, and invite wanies, and all others in need of 1 and satisfy thewselves of the riion. compri ted with the If WV 3 ruth of the a July 18, 1860 Good News! The War Ended; AND EVERY THING GOING RIGHT AT THE WECOI SAT. ID WINE & 3I0B0% 9 STORE SHOP STREET, dircetly opposite the building formerly known ns the TEMPERANCE HOTEL. A BAUM, Aqgsr. All kinds of FOREIGN and DOMESTIC LI. QUOKS, at wholesale, to be had at the very: lowest prices, and warranted to be of the wavy best quality. Iis sock consists of 2 WHISKLES 0id Monongabela Rye Whisky, Pure Bourbon Whisky, Cabinet Whisky, Apple Jack Whisky, aud cheap Whiskies of all kinds. RUM. Yamaier Rum, New EnglendRum GINS, Pure Holland Gin, Domestic Gin. BRANDIES. Dark and Pale Cugnae, Domestic, (all prices thnger, Layender, all prives) Cherry, Blackb , Caraway, &e. z ony WINES. Pure Port, Domestie, ~ Madeira, Sherry, CCRDIALS. Raspberry. Rose, Anniseed. STOMACH BITTERS. The very best in the market. The above liquors, with others not named, will all be warranted us represented, and s5ld at prie- es that cannot fail to made it an object for deal ers to purchase of him, iustead of 2oing or send- ing tothe city. Farmers, Hotel-keapers and oth- ors are requested to call and examine hig stock before purchasing elsewhere. ? All the Liguors which he offers for sale, have been purchase! at the United States Custom Mouse, and corsequently must be pure and good. Physicians are particularly requested to give bis liquors'a trial. He hns the only artele of Pure Port Wine Juice and Pure Brandies in this Berough. E47” 100 barrels of Jersey Cidor-Vinegar just 1 received and for sale low, Bellefonte, Aug. 29, 1862—1y. wea 1 PHILADELPHIA 1863. ¢ pAPER HANGINGS. | 1803 HOWLL & BCURKE, COR FOURTH & MARKED Streets, Priva, have uow in stock, a fine variety of WALL PAPERS. got up expressly fur their Spring Trade WINDOW PAPER OF LVERY (RADE te which they invite the attentic .- of StoREe KF "ERS. In. ir Retail Department, will be found the choicest s ‘es of the season. March 6, 1.63-8m. THE ALL SUFFICE ENT HRE THE GREAT AMERICAN REMEDIES, Known as ** Helmbold’s” Genuine Preparations, Viz: HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT ‘* BUCHIU.” 8 4 SARSAPARILLA ef IMPROVED ROSE WASH. TX TUT ECT EYES GENUINE. PREPARATION, “HIGHLY CONCENTRATED” COMPOUND FLUIDX "210 TBUCHU, A Positive and Specific Remedy for Diseases OF THE BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. The medicine increases the power of digestion, and excites the Absorbents into healtky action, by which the Watery or Caleerous deposition sg, «nd all unnatural Enlargements are reduced. as well as pain-and inflamation, and is good for Men, Women or, Children. Helmbold’s Extract Buel cimbold’s xtract Buchu, + FOR WEAKNESS Arising from IExcesses, Ifabits of Dissipaion Early Indiseretion, or Abuse. ATTENDED with the FOLLOWING SYMTOMS: Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Broathing Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dimnuess of Vision, Pain in the Back Universal Lassitude of the Flashing of the Body Muscular System, Eruptions on the Face Hot Hands, Pullid Countenance, Dryness of the skin. These symptoms if, a ed to go on, which this medicine invariably rem: | soon follows. {POTENCY, YFATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they are not often followed by those “direful diseases,” INSANITY AND CONSUMATION, Many are aware of the cause or their suffering but none will confess The records of the insane Asylums and the melancholly deaths by Consump tion, bear ample witness to tho truth of this as sertion. THE CONSTITUTION, NCE AFFECTED BY ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Requires tha aid of medicine to strengthan and invigorate the system, which Hecuynonp’s Ex- TRACT BucHU invariahly does. A trial will con- viuce the most sceptical, FEMALES, FEMALES. FEMALES, 01d or young, single married, or contemplating marriuge, In many affections peculint to Females the Ex- tract Buchu is unequalled by any other remedy as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Pain- fullness, or suppression of the customary Evacua- tions, Uleerated or Schirrous state of the Uterus Leuch: ea, or Whites, Sterrility, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arrising from Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. SER AYNTOMS ABOVE. ; NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Take no Balsam, Murcury or Unpleasant Medi- cine for unpleasan and dangerous diseases. Hetmbolds Extract Buel u CURES SECRET DISEASES In all their stages ; at little expense ; little or no changa in diet: wo incorvenience, T i'r Qo 7 And No lixposure. It causes frequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate thereby removing obstructions, prevent. ing and curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying in and inflamwation, so frequent in this class ses, and expelling poisonous, diseased and worn-out matter. . Thousands upon Thousands WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIMS OF * QUAUKS, and who have paid heavy fees to be curedin short time, have fund that they were decieved and the poison has, by the use of “P-werful t 4" heen dried up in the system, to in an aggravated form, and perhaps af- ter marriage USE Helmbold’s Extract Buen Tor all affections end Diseases of THE URINARY ORGANS, Whether existing in Male or Female, from what- ever cause originating, and no matter OF HOW LONGSTANDING. Discases of hiese organs require the aid of « Diuretic. . N ; or . ) Helmbold's Extract Buchu IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, And it ig certain to have the desired effect in ail Diseases for which it is recommended. BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! Helmbold's Highly Concentrated Compound FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA SYPHILIS, This is an affection of the blood and attacks the Rexual Organs. Livings of the Noge, Ears, Throat Windpipe and other mucus Surfaces, making its appearance in the fori of Ulsers. Helmbold's Extract 8 arilla purifies the blood and rea moves all Sealy Eruptions of the skin, giving to the Complexion, a clear and healthy color. I eing prepared expressly for this class of comt plaints, its Blood: Purifying ¥roperties are pre. served to a greater extent than any ether prepa- ration of Sarsapariila. Helmbold’s Rose Wash. An excellent lotion for diseases of a Syphilitic Nature, and as an _irjection in diseases of the Urinary Organs arising from habits of dissipation, used in connection with the Extracts Buchu and Sarsaparillasin such diseases as recommended. Evidence of the most responsible and reliabie character will accompany the medicines. CERTIFICATES OF CURES. From eight or twenty years standing, with names known to Science and Fame. For medical properties oy Buchu, see Dispensa- tory of ihe United States. . Ree Proff. Dewees’ valuablo works on the Prac tice of Physic. See remarks Jiade by the late celebrated Dr. sick, Philadelphia. ? yy remarks Sik by Dr. Pphraim McDowell, a celebrated Physician, and a member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, and publish- ed in the Transactions of the King and Queen's Journal. See Medico-Cirurgical Review, published by Benjamin Travers, Ecllow of the Royal College of Surgeons. E See most of the late standard Workson Medi- cine. Extract Buchu, 100 per Bottle, or tix tor 5 00 + Saraparilla, 1 00 te 5 00 Twproved Rose Wash, 50 «250 Or half a dozen of each for 812 00 which will be sufficient to cure the most obstinate cases, if direc- tions are adhered to Delivered to auy address, securely packed from observation . Describe symtoms in ali communioations. Cures guaranteed, Advice gratis. AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before me an Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, H. T. Helmbold, who boing duly sworn, doth say, kis preparations con- tain no narcotic, no merenry, or other injurious druys, but are purely vegetable. H. T. AELMBOLD. Sworn and subsoribed before me, this 23rd day of November 1854 WM. P HIBBARD. * Aldermau, Ninth-street, above Race Phila ad Address Letters for information in H.T. HELMBOLD. Cnemist. Dapot 104 South Tenth-st, below Chestnut Phil. BEWARE OF COUNTEFEITS AND UNPKINCIPLED DEALURS. Who endeavor to dispose * Of Their Gwn’’ and ‘other’ articles on the reputation attained by Helmbold’s Genuine Preparations 3 Extract Buchu, “ “ 4 Sarsaparilia, « « Improved Rose wash. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. ASK FOR HELMBOLD'S—TBKE NO OTHER, Cut out the advertisemoant, and sendforit,nd avoid imposition and exposure. March, 21, ‘63=1 yr, gg MISCELLANEOUS, etm MARRIAGE ITS LOVES AND hates, sorrows and oa My eg and fears, regrets and joys. ANHOUD, how lost, how restored, the nature, treatment and radical eure of spermatorre@a or seminal wenk- ness ; involuntary emissions, sexual debility and impediments to marriage venerally, nervousness, gonsumption, fits, mentakand physical innapaoi- ty, resullinz from 8uLF-ABUSE—are: fully ex- plained in the Marriace Guipe, by WILLIAM YOUNG, M.D. This most extraordinary book should bein the hands of every young person contemplating marriage, and every man or wo man who desires tolimit the number of their off spring to their circumstances. Every pain, dis ease and ache incidental to youth maturity and old age, is fally explained; every particle ci knowledge that shouid be known ia bete given — It is full of engravings. In fact, it discloses se crete that evefy one should know. still it is book that must be locked up and not house. It will be sent to any one on of 25 cents, in specie or postage star DE. Wis, YOUN, No. 416, Spr Fourth, Philadelphia. . APFLICTED AND UNFORTY may be your disease, bef nnder the care of any of the note cf native or foreign—who n this or any other cow try, get a copy of Dr. Young's book, anu read + carefully Ju will be tha weans of saving yo many dolfars, your health, and possibly yo lift e. DR. YUNG can be cousnlted on any ef il diseases de bed in hiz publisation. at his offier No. 416, Bpruce Sireet, nbove Fourth, Phils hh aaa MISCELLANEOUS. 307 7) ; sox M'CaxprLess Judge ot the United States Circuit Court, President. Corner Penn and St. Clatr Streets, Patesburgh. Pennaylvanic # The Largest, Cheapest and Best. 35 pays for a full commerainl eoursa, oextracharces for Ma uufacturers, Steam- afiroad and Bank Book-Keeping. ers” sons at half price. Scudents enter and review at any time. This Institution is conducted by experienoed Teachers ! ouutants, who prepars young men.for active husiness. at tho least cx- pense and shorteat tima, for the most lucrative wnsible situatims I AS granted ; Henoe the + 1 preference this Colloga es3 men. n of the Un- Presivus. «2 Rapid Business g Writing. For specitaens of Penman containing full inf cents to and Catalogue in twenty ive SMITIL, rincipals. I= ditend whers ths 8: Office hours from 9 to 6 daily. Oct. 2nd, (862-15. §3ANK NOTICE, IN PURSUANCE OF tHE 251k tion of the State of Pennsylvania, and the [ir Section of the Aot of the General Assembly ed the First day of June, 1839, the undergigned, citizens of the Commoaweaith of Pennsylvania, hereby give notice that they intend to make ap- plication to the Legislature of said State, at its next session, commencing the first Tuesday of January, 1883, for the charter of un Dunk, to be lacated ip the borough of Bellefonte, in the coun ty of Centre. and State aforesaid, to be called the “BEELEFONTE BANK, the capital stock there of to be One Hundred Thousand Dollars, with the privilege of increasing it to Two Hundred Thous- and Dollars : and the specifié object for which the ‘proposed Corporation is to be chartered is to trans act the usual and legitimate business of a Bank of Issue, Discount, Deposit and Exchange. H. BROCKERHOFF, C.T. ALEXANDYR, WM. P. WILSON, JOHN IRVIN, Jr, ED. BLANCHARD? W. I. REVN,LDS,,. D.G. BUSH, 0. M ELDIR, D. M. WAGNER, MAY & LOEB, GEO. W. JACKSON, W. A. THOMAS, . R. H. DUNCAN, HOFFER BROTHERS, SAM. STROHECKER. M’COY, LINN & CO., A.R BARLOW, THOMPSON, LINN &C0O, HARVEY MANN, DANIEL RHOADS, F.P. HURXTHAL, GEO BOAL, JOIN P. HARRIS, C.& J. CURTIN, VALENTINES & CO. Delletonte, June 26, 1862,-—tf. THE COMMARCIAL LIST AND LETTER-SIHEUT “PRICE CURRENT” ARE PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, BY a SLEPOEIN IX. SX 202G0LD STREET, "PHILADELPHIA. To. BIOGRADICAL SKET2IRS or TEMERCHANTS&MARUFACTUR® OF PHIL DEIPHIA, THE OPULENT AND TUE !NDIGNENT, SECRET OF THEIR SUCCESS AND AD- + VERSITY, WILL BE CONTINUED. Phe. For Rats. Mice. Roneles, Doth s i - oF rs. Wonlle Plants, Fowls, Antinals, &e. Pat up in 252. 0c. and $1 00 Begges, Bottles & Flasks. $2 and $5 sizes for Hotels, £ublic Insti- tutions. do. * Only infallible remedies known.” ¢ Free from Poisons ** ¢ Not dangerous to the Human Famile.” Ded Bugs Insects on Ants, &e., where. (a MW Beware'!! of all worthless imitations #7 See that *“ Costar’s’ i Box, Iottle and bi £57 Address H Ca Principal Depot 432 tr Sol at - : HARRIS'S RUG STORE Beliefonte.. Pa. Mr. S. A. McQuistion would respectfully in: form the citizens of Contre county, thai he has opened a new Carriage Marufactory, in the rear of Cummings’ Livery Stable, where he is prepared to manufacture CARRIAGES, BUGGIES SULRIES, PHAYETONS, SPRING WAGONS, SLEIGHS, SLEDS. &C., &C. at prices to suit the time.s, . . epeithiy done on short notice. Bellefonte, Feb. 6, 1863, 1y. NEW BARERY! MATHIAS SCHMUCK. Would respectfully inform the poms of Bellefonte and vicinity, that he has opened a na = | and complete Bakery ou SPRING street, in iz3 premises of W. F. Reynolds, where he will ki: | constantly on hand all kinds of : BREAD, RUSK, POUND CAKE, SUGAR AND GINGER CAKES, CRACKERS, &e., &c.. &e., | which he soils at a reasonable and satisfuclery | rice. | b Bread, Cakes and Pieshaked to order on the I shortest notice. Families will find it to their ad. vantage to get their baking done at this estab lishment, as they ean always get pure wholes | bread and cakes just when they need lien Sept. 12th 1862~1y. PROBLEM FOR THE LADIES. SENT FREE OF CHARGE Box943 I'. 0, 5 Philadelphia. a. | Job Printing Section, Firat Article of tha amended Coustitn- i | « pass | DEALER IN | the J.C. Bidwell no. 7 Centre Leaver Left H d Clerks of Bakers und Business Men graduate, | 1 N Pr ESS, | ANEW AND IMPORTANT WORK. { iva mw e THE FOUR ACTS OF DESPOTISH, BY A. D. MAHONEY, OF 10WaA, ‘Author of the “Prisoner of State.” This work will contain full and official copies of the Four Great dots of Despotism by which tle onetitutions n of Wachiz conetitutional government of W azhington was sub- | verted, and the irresponsible Lincoln dynasty in. { stalled in its place, «by which all the property ople are mortgaged to the “BCRIPTION Bron. by wi HW onot w 540 are placed in destroys State ney of tho eoun- ry of the Treasury. Banks and places the try in the ¥ 4. © ACT. (fitting ¢lfipax.) whicl ity tho President for an tho Coll 1 mitted in the past or wm iy future. oe com- bhi int Thos ir wets will each be preceded by a care unjust, oppressive, uneonstitutional and odi sutures pointed out. i 1 | i | 1 i | | ul analysis, by Mr Mahoney, and their | As a bookie for referance, it wiil bo | i Invaluable to the farmer, the meckanie, the poli- { timian, the laborer--in fact, to every pergon, for these monstr 18 ass reach from the lofiiest ran. sion to the Lumblest cabin in the land. Theso four acts are not published tegether in any other form. They will make a large octuva pamphlet of nearly 200 po tes, in good sized type and will be sold at the low piss of Fiery Cry oy {in paper, and SeveNTv-Five Cuts in muslin binding Send on the orders at once. All orders will ho | filled according to the date ef reception, First come first served. The ensh muat uecompany the orders. : Address s VAN EVRIE, HORTON & €O , ora NaaseN u Sireet, Now York. . SION A. FELDMA, IMPORTER & W HOLESALE DEALER IN ¢ Rats coine cut of their holes to die.” | | BR f ND ( WINES Ol A 7 Sold wholesale » cities. i AIH NS Es eee | DRRBLIES, WIRES GS, . Wheat, Rye, & Bourbon Whisky’ NO. 535 NorthiNinth Streat BELOW SPRING GARDEN, PEAT Xs ATDMILIPELTAL. UXAR VALLEY WEISKEY AGAINST THE WORLD 8 To be had of W. A. MURRY, _SUGAR VALLES PA. WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND SILVER WARE. The undersigned would respectfully H your attention to his well selected stock of Fine Gold and Silver WAYCHES, Fine Gold JEWELRY, of every kind and variety of styles —comprisi all of the NEWEST and most Leautiful dasigns. Also, SOLID STLVER WARE, equal to Coin —and the best make of finver Prarsn Wann. harticle is WARRANTED to be us represen Watches and Jewelry carefully REPAIR. d satisfaction guaranteed. JACOB HARLEY, (Suceessor to Stauffer & Harlay.) i Market Street, Philadelph March 6, 18( G.L. TOVELL, 1. Tobacco § Cigars LEWISTOWN PA = | NEW PLOUGHS. The subscribers have secured the tight of Centre County to manofactare and seid Plough, This is now envnsidered the Plough made in Penaa. . Famers aan examine it by calling at the foute Foundry 3 will bo ished with the P! . Jan. S0th. 12 ~tf 2 Haver & Co, JIVE-TWENTY U.S. LOAN. Wm. F. Reynolds & Co., of Belle. fonte, are subscription agents to dispose of the | Five-Twenty years’ United States Loan Amounts ean be had to : tit the means of different individ- 1 ; t i: payable and will bo paid old © april 10, 1862 tf 4 DMINISTTATOR'S NOTICE. £ Whereas letters of administration on the estate of David Fortney, of the township of Fergus, deceased, having been granted to the | subseriber, all persons indebted to the said es. | tate are requested to make immediate payment. and those having elaims or domands against said estate will presert the same, duly authe nticated for settlement to the undersigned, at the late reg, idence of the deceased. in Ferguson tow nship. wrpil 106t JAS FORTNEY, Administ rator. er Sy mt