tant Provost Marshall. Oh! who Whe Tlntchman. t : PL Lotikiia & ERIE FAILROAD, (PENREYLVAKIA-RAILROAD CO, LESEER ) WIFETIR ARFIXGEMERNT EES Cn ard after Monday, Nov. 17ih, 1862, TIME e LOCK HAVEN STATION will te us follows: ARRIVES. LEAVES EAST Express .. 8.04, p. ¥. Mull... ... 1015s a 'n. 10:20. a N. Accomm'n 2:80. P.M. Be for Philadblpbia sud Baltimers, on CS he MEois md § xpress trains, ge throngh without change efears, i Express West rung daily except Mondays, all others daily except Sundays. This Lino has been extended te Sinngwmaho- nx FAN'L ATTACK Fuperirtirdert Fasten Division. LOCAL ARD OTHYLR MATIERS. 77 Scarce — Local items amd abolition be patio 8. ee 77 Gotng his rounds - the enrolling offl- cer So be ready Gents the draft is near at bund. oo . B. Butig has been appointed Aasis- ok would nt be a Leaguer? a en () 17 From present appearances, fruii of all kinds will be plenty in this sectica of the country t.¢ coming SEAS0H. dee fy errtumen 7 The Certiticates of m ambership of the Bellefonte Reading ascomation hsve heen filled out ard are dow ready for distribuiion ‘hey will be handed to tre Honorary mem- bers residing in town during the present week. 0 377 Oar enterprising townsman T. BR Revnofds, intends putting uy a large brick house on the corner of Spring and Ligh street, he has had the old stone building, kuown ss “McKeys tavern, entirely remov. ed, on which site the new House is to be encited. meman ) ree 7 Oo Friday last a large bara beloug- ing to Mr. Buck, who resides a few miles west of Stormstown, was set ou fire and burned to the ground. The incendiary was geen by the women, but before the wen could be called from the field, he had ac- complished his wicked design and madg sure his escape, es me 777 A pair of horses belonging to J. B. Batts, Esq., of this place, ran away cn Ved nesday lust, breaking upa wagon r od injur. ing thewseives to sowie extents None but careful drivers should be alloxed to have charge of a team that will frighten and runaway, for there is no telling what dam. age could be done, by a pair of h.rses go- ing pell-mell through the stieets with a wagor®or anytiing fastened to thew. ——ir £3 on ExtonNsivit ADVERTISING, — On the 4th of April, Messrs, Bryant, Stratton & Co, oc- cupicd an entiie page of the New York Tri. bune with an edvertisenent of their inter- avons] Commercial Colleges: and ou ihe 7 14. of Apri, ihe same adv | yearvd in ths New York Her | 3 also giving an extended edi torial notice of the enterprise. Again, on May Tih! they took a whole column of the Daily Tribune, the adveitisemeut also be- ing inserted 1a the Weekly, with a long ed- iterinl notice. These institutions must be enjoying unprecedented success to warrant anch an outlay in advertising, while tbey are conferring lasting benefits upon the jutlic. The Herald truly says, “The ro- sults of their labors are telling largely upon the business copacities and usefulness of our young wen.” Ana the Tritune adds, «Thr plan seems to ‘us eminently wise and practical, and we are confident that nearly every one who purposes to conduct any sort of commereial or industoial busi. ness hereafter will derive signal ben fit from devoring 8 season to oue of those col- legen.” The Philadelphia College has just been refi ted in a superior manner, aud now of- fers rare aavantages to young men who desire a thorougwr preparation for busi- ness." em) An Item for the Longusrs, Parson Brownlow, the lion of the Aboli- ionists during his late tour through the North, and who pocketed their dimes and quarters to almest a Government contrac. tors come, uses the fullowing language in a letter to an Abolition Loyal League meeting at Chicago a few days ago.—It | will be an excellent addition to the Book which the Abolitionists purchased of him go liberaly, and we recommended them to paste it in: « “You citizens of Chicago call yourse'ves loyal. you glory in your loyalty, you pro- | claim it upon the streets. and herald ition your press, and’ declare it from every plat- form but it costs nothinz to be loyal here in Chicago, &) far away from danger. Loyalty leads to the field.” This was pretty hard on the stay-at-home Abolition patriots. If the parson talks that way he will be very soon ranked among those | whom the Abelidonistsare pleased to call ‘traitors.’ me men ty Ay AM te TaLLent and worth are the only external grounds of destinction. To these the Al mighty has fixed his everlusting patent of nobility, and these it is which make the bright immortal names to which we may as- pire. . eee OD pres amen 7 Godeys Lady Book for June has beep { didata for the « | prs | poor Bel efonte Markets. be following ere the quotations up to 8 0 elock yesicrday (Thursday) evening : Wheat, White, per bushel, $1.35 d¢ Red, do . 130 Oh gue ye orn (X ao 1 : wok Whoaty 0 Salen, By Weight) i i» ats. © “ Clover gn du S00 Timothy, 1.75 Potatoes, do B87 Beans, da 1,75 Unriona, do 75 Apples, (Dried) da . 1,50 Egys per dozen, 19 Peuches (Dried) per jound, i6 Bacen, da 10 Recswax, da 2% i Go 18 T do 10 do 10 do 05 TTT Married. On Sardsy May 10h by Kev. 8. M0. Har'sock, Mr. Jeeich Benn, of Pennsylvania Furnace, to Miss Marish Keys. of swe place. Cn Sesh EN EAA SPECIAL NOTICES OL. Card to ve Suffering. The Rev Winnlax CosGrovi. while laboring ag a Missionary in Japan, was cured of Coneump- tion. when all other meaus bad failed by a recipe obtained from a learned physician re-iding in the gren! oity cf Jeddo, This seeipe has cured great numbers who were suffering from Con- eutuption, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Coughs and Colds. sud tho debility and nervous depression cauged by theso disorders. Desirous of benefitting others, I wil send this recipe, weich Ihave brought home with me, to ali who need it, free of charge. Address Rev WM. COSGROVE, 439 Fulton , Avegue, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1y HELMROLD'R EXTRACT RUCHU . THE GREAT DIURETIC BLMDOLD'S EXTRA 8#UU 0, THE GRIAT DIURET HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCH, THE GREAT DIURETIC. HELMBOLU'S EXTRAT BUCHU, . THE GREAT DIURETIC. Aud a Poative and Specific RaMedy for discases of the R! Kiin Dropy, Weonknoss, the Urinary Organs. uother couma. Cut it A ‘16 at’ence. a NTERFE 18, ES —————————————] a) ho te announcs the name of J.J Lingle, of Bellefonte, na zu candidate for office of sheriff, subject to the docision of the democratic county convention We aro authoriged to anvoupse the nema of James Furey, of Huward, as a candidate for the office of shariff, vubjegt to the decisisn ot the de- mocratis convention We are usuthorized to anvounse the mame of John M. Bush, of Pationtownship. as a can- didate for the office of shen subject to the decision of democratic county codvention. We re authozized to announce the name of John Shannon, ot Potter township, as didate for the office of Treasurer, sab the decision of the democratic county convention. We are authorized to announce the name of John ilier, of Penn township, ;a8 a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the demoeralic county convention. Wo are authorized to announce the name of James H. Lipton. as a candidate for the offices of the demogratic county convention. Wa are uutherized to announce the nama of A Curuor, of iinblersburg, aga candidate for the ofice of ¢ if subject to he decision of the demoerntic conuty convention. We are authorized to announce the name of Daniel Z Kiine, of Howard, us a candidate for the office of #h riff subj ct to the decision of the demogratte county convention, : Wa are authorized to announce the name of © Derr, of Bslifonte, as a ent ite for tho office of ‘I'refanrer, pubjact to the deeision of the demosra tic cvunty convention We aco authorized to announce the name of Amos Koh as a date fur the office of Sherid subject to the decision of the demoerntio ovunty convention, We ora aro authorized ts announae the name of i or t dae of Fle demooratic ention. authorized to announce the name of Joseeu Garss, of Ferguson towiship, a# a cun- of Rhoriff subject to the de- ocralis county convention, cision of the & We are authorized to anuounde the namo of Ricuarn CoNny of Gregg township as a candidate for tha office of Shenff, subject to tho decision of the democratic sounty ceunvetion. Wea ars author!zad to announse the namo of D. ©. Bower, of Aavonshurg, a3 a candidate tor the office of Sheriff, subjact to the decision of tho de- moeratio county convention. We are suthorized to apnounoe the nama of G. W. Rumbarger, of Patton township, as a candi date for the office of Register and Recorder, sub ject to the decigion of the Democratic County Convention. We nro authorized to announce the name o John Hoy. of Spring township, us a candidate for the cflice of Treasurer, suljoct to the decision ef the Lamoeratic County Corvenddon, Nw VV ALTED IMMEDIATELY. A soy to earn the Carriage Swithing trade Ona from the country preforred Adply tv 8.4 M'QUISTON. Bellefonte m22 Apu ISTRATIRS NOTICE. Leiters of administra on on the es- tate of Hovry Garbrick. late of Benner township. dec’d. Luvidg bean granted to the undersigned he requests nil persons knowing themselves indebted to the said estate to make immedists payment aud all persons having claims nzainst said estate to present them daly suthentionted for settiem nt may22 8 MICHAEL GROVE adin's REFORMED American Practise. ——rt) : GO AND SEE THE AND HERB DOCTOR, from Pouapelphia, who can bs con- sulted at the CONRAD HOUSE, In Bellefonte on the Sth day of June and the 8th dayof July: also one duy in «verv wonth during 1883, ; He trea's all diseases that flesh is beir to. He invites sl females who may be suf- | foring with divenees peculiar to their sox. to call and examine his now mods of treatment; as thou sands have been restored to health who have been abadoned by others. Heis in possession of perfect instruments for sounding the lungs and ehest, and ia therefore able to dstermine tho -xact condition of the vilul organs—conseqiently he can treat such complaints with greater safoty and certainty than it is poss ble for those why guess at the dis euse and cxporimoat for its cure. Ha believes soil a never failing remedy. Parents can receive trentmert for 5 per mouth exeapt in cases of can cers and tumors; they vary from id to $100 Examinatsons free. m3 Wo LEVINGS TON M.D | i ! | i received, interesting and at'ractive as former | uutmbers hase been, this one exceeds them all. We would go without boets er shoes in the winter rather miss reading Gody. Ad- A Cody.=-Priec 83 por year, dross &TRAYED OR STOLEN. ‘ A sorrel mule, three vears old, eirayed or was stolen front ths Bellefonte Forges, about two weoka singe. Any parson returning the said mules, or giving the necessary information where it can be found, will be liberally rewarded. mayld ot» ‘ VALENTINE: & €0. es ae 2a tr heise HE rR Sree opie YMVE TWENTY U.6 LOAN. i Wm F. Reynolds & Co., of Belle. foute, aro subscription agents to dispogs of the Five-Twenty years’ United Siatez Loan Amounts ean ba bad to suit the panne of different individ. itevest 1a paya'Me and will be pad gad. avrit 10 193, & v " Register and Recorder, subject to the decision of | that for every malady, there is founded® on our | NEW .ADTERTISEMENTS. [PUBLIC HALE. = a In porsnance of an order of the 0 phaag® Court, of CeutiéBourty, will be expos- ed Wanleon: + ol i SATURDAY, the Gth Duy of JUNE, 1863. ou tho premises, the following desqribed Real usta er , : Mo. 4. All that tract or picce of timber land situ ted in Potter township, in'said County, ad joining the Manas of Lanse! Flei:her Wim Richel) Alexander Kerr and others conthiving tweity six acres and twenty ove perches and aliowance be the same more or less This traeq of laud is hen- vily timbersd with white pine, ok awd spruce timber und within afew rods:of a saw mil.” Also, that tract of eleared land adjoining lands a'e of John Lee, John Lishel, und the lands now in tho occupancy of the widew aud heirs of Sam’l Ruukle, deo 'd, and John EK. Ruikle, containing cre hundreed apd fifteen ngres ahd forty four perches and wlowance, be the sume moro or less, on which are erected a large stone dweiling house bank barn, tenant houses aud othor out-huildings, with a never ailing stream of water pear the buildings, and kovwn a3 the stone mill farm. The above deseribed two tracisto ba ao d tegethor. No. 2 That tract of land sdjuining land of John Rizhel land pow in the ocoupancy of Jucob Kunkle, and lunds late of Geo. W. Boal, dec'd and others. con.aiiing seventy vine acres, nnd nine'y seven perches, be the same nore or le:s, on which are ecéeted a frame dwolling house barn aud out buildings 3 No. 3 That trast of land sdjeining land of late John Lee, George W. Loaly and lands now in the occupancy of Jacob Ru kie aud oihers, contuining seventy eight acres, and one hundred and twenty perches, be the same more ‘or less, on which are aro erected & freme dwelling house, log barn; and eut buildings ‘No. 4 That piece or lot of ground adjoining lands of Michael Ulrich, Daciel Fleisher aus oth- erg, containing four acres one hundred and twenty perches, and eiowance.” The above described lands no siiuate in Potter townshin, near the ne Miilin Penns Valley, and are among the best quality of lands in the valley. &als to commences at ten o'clock’ of raid day. The terms of sale oie, one third of the purchase mons y to remain charged upon the aud for the widow of Jueob Runkle. dec'd, to be secu ed by Lond and mortgage on the premises. the interest thereof to be pnid annually to the said widow, durivg her ii e. and at her death, the principal tbe pid to the heirs and legal ropresentation of the dee'd. One half of the remaiuing two thirds to be paid on the coutirmution of the sale, anl tue rosidae in ene yoar thereafter, with iterest from the time possession id given to be secured by bond and mortgage on tas premises. Possess {un to be given ou the frst day f April 1864. : : JUIN KUNKLE, of Fu Vics, deo'd Mavis te Ll le SAPONIFIER, UR CONCENTRATED LYE, The Family Soap Maler. 101 r——— The PUBLIC ar- cautioned against the #PU- RIO USB articles of LYE for muking soap, &ec., now otfered for sale. The only geuuine and pa- tented Lye is that made by the PENNSYLV as NIA SALT MANUFACTURING CUMPANY, their trade mark for it being “SAPUNIFIER, r CONCEN {RATED LYE.” The great »UC- CE=S of this article bas lod UNPRINCIPLED PARTIES to endeavor to IMITATE it, in vio ation of the Company's PATENTS. All MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS, or SEL LEKLS of thers SPURIOUS Lye, are hureby NOLIFED that tho COMPANY have empioy- ed us their ATTORNEYS, ‘GEO. HARDING, Esq., of Philadelphia. WM, BAKEWELL, Esq., of Pittsburg. And that all MAUFACTUF ERS, USERM, or SELLERS of Lys, in violation of the rights of the Comyuuy, Will be PRUSECUTEDL at OLY, CENTRATED Taks Notice. The United Et:tes Circuit Court, Wea'ern Distriet of Pennsylvania, No. 1, May Term, 1582, in suitof T HK PENNSYLVANIA aif MANUFACLURING COMPANY vs. THOMAS @. CHAE, decreed to the Company, on Nu= vember 15, 1862, the EXCLUSIVE right ge. ut d by a patentowned by them for the SAPON- FIER Patent dated October 21, 1856. Pers penal injunction granted. TUE PENNSYLVANIA £alt Manufacturing Comp. OFFICES: E27 Walnut Broce, Philadelphia, itt St, aud Dupuesne Way, Pittsburg : m.yld di LATEST ARRIVAL oF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS AT THR “JEON TROXNTY BORIBR BRAD. Have Just recsived the finest assortment of Spring and Summer Uoods ever brought to this place, and ecliug ot prices that defy competi- tion, : CONSISTING OF Ladies’ Dress Goods. SUCH A§ 'MERINOS, OASHMERES, DELANES, CALICOS AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS. Algo, alerge sseortment of ladies and gontle- mens’ | BEOLS AND SEOES, GREAT INDUCEMENTS SPLENDID ~ BARGAIN OFFERED TO PUKCHASERS FOR Cash or Country Produce. Woy6 , Grocers nud | NEW" ADVERTISEMENTS. re Yt > {( MHISSIONERSS ULE OF UNSEAT. ED LAD. In puranonce Jf an uct of Assembly passed on the 28h doy of March A. DD 1824 1hs Comuis- sioners of Centre County. will sdit at public sale at the Court House in the Borough of Bellefonte on Tuesday the i8ux day. of June A. D. 1863, the following described tracts and parts, cf tracta of unseated lands -purthased by the County at Troasurers sale and which hive remained unre- deemed for the space uf five years and up- wards. milan) & LZAW GODS! re IR “i offer, at our Old Stand Nog. 103, 105 & 107 North SECOND St., PUILADA4, A well selected Stock of HILLINERY & STRAW GOOTS, In every variety of the latest emportations, and of the newest and most [nshionsdle styles We have the pleasace of informe tA or son k bo OUR STRAWDEPARTMENT, wil! comprise every variety of Buonuets, kats & Trimmings to bo found ia that line, of the and most approved shapes and Bo li an early cull. I resin Your Hespecitully,d H. WARD. LEGAL NOTICES. a = Ee ADMINISTRATOR'S MPTICE. Take nonce hat levers of <A ministration on the estate of Michael Kearrs k beeu granted to the undersigucd; ali persons hav ing olaims azainst the said estate. are requested to present them, duly authentiea ed for gettiement aud all persons inlebred to saii esiate are re quested to pay tho same without delay to the undersigned. BRIDGET KEARNS, mayb 6¢ Admiuistratrix. ADMINISTRATOR 8 HOTICE. Letters of Administration on the estate of Sarah Miller, dec'd, late of Rush town. ship haviog been granted to the su requests all persons knewing themsalv ed to suid estate, to make immediat and those having elaims to authiouiicated by law, for settiamant. t Dr. T. B. PUTTER. Adwministr m A MNISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Admiumstraaon on the estate of Fredarick Nestlerode, decd, of Lit township, having been grauted to the sabs he requests afl persons kuowing thornsel debted to aii eatate imu o, to make mont, and thoss having claims to neesent t duly authenticated by Inw, fur zottiement. M=y1 6t N. +. MITCHELL, ddministrator. ADMINISTRATOR 'E NOTICE. Notwe 1s hereby given that let ters of Administration have heen gr urdersigned on state of Rube of Milesburg, dee'd Ail persons kno seives indebted to said estate, are requ wake immedinte payment, and claims against the sume, to prosont authenti-ated, for settlement. W. Many! 6t a, we ADMIN ISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Jef 3d to the ters of administration have been gr ied on the estate of Michael it woship, All porsons kuow ng them. 1 to eaid estate, are requested to pont, and those having to presaat thom, duly 3 nent 3. PROU FOOT. Adm DMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Wherias betters of adwinis tra- tion having been granted to the undersigned on the Estate of Danie! Gutes, dae’d., Inte of Fur geson township. All persons indebted to said | estate are requested to make i: ¢ payment and those huving claims to p them duly authentiated for settiement. api2dtt JAMES, GATES, Administrator. A DAIN ISTRATORS NOTICE. Mugl8t__J estate of Henry Winkleman decd’ late of 1 Township. baving been granted to the subseriter he requests ull persons knowing themselves in- debied to said estate to make immediate payment and thess having “lsima. to present them duly au- thenticated for settlement: April 11 1863 —6t. BENJ S. WINKLMUEN. : ADMINIETTATOR'S NOTICE. Whereas letters of administration on the estate of David Fortney, of the township of Ferguson, deceased, having been granted to the elbscriber, all persons indebted to the said es tate are requested to make immediate payment. and those having elnims or domands against smd estate will presert the same, duly anthenticated, for settlement to the undersigned, at the late res- idence of the deceased. in Ferguson township. . arpil 10 6t JAS FORTNEY. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NCTICE. Letuers of Administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Henry Gates. dec’d., late of "Unim township. ail perso s indebted to said estate, are requested to wake immediate "payment, and these having claims will presedr, duly authentiont ed for seitle- ment, (uprilt 6t) JOHN BING, pawmivistrator. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PUILADELPHLA, For the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afilic- ted with Virnlent and Chronic Diseases, and es Urging MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the A: ting Surgeon. VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorhaa or Seminal W enkness, ard other Diseases of the Sexual Organs. and of the NEW RELEDIES em- pioyed in the Dipensay, seut to the afilioted in sealed letter envelopes. free of cha ge, Two or three Stamps tor posiage will ho acceptable, Addre:s. UK, J SKILLIN HOLGHTON, Ae ting Surgeon, Howard Association, No 2 South Ninth &t , Philadelphia. Tore 12 IRG—1.v fpuoL AND SHOE STORE, BELLEEONTE, PA.- PETER McMAHON, Proprietor. Would respectfully infirm the citizons of Belle fonte and vicinity that he has opened up a shop op ALLEGUENY STREET, A few doors below [offer’s Store, where he is prepared to sell at the LOWEST PRICES . BOOTS AND SHOES, hs waylsly PII, ADELPHIA 1865. § pipER HANGINGS, | 1803 HOWLL & BCURKE, CCR. FOURTH & MARKET Strects, Puir’s. have now in stock, a fine variety of - WALL PAPERS. got up expre~sly for their Spring Trade 4 WINDOW PAPER OF EVERY (RADE te which they invite the attentic » of Storir KL PERS. " In. { choicost & Murch 8, Yee of the scason, + A% dm. ETT Ackes & per. WarRANTRET mia i =. a 150 SS airerh tiarrison Rush i AINNTIFAC L OXY. 2:0 PB &D umy Wort | The subgeriber begs ‘er vo to inform the world 1090 Jacob Beck Ta ip | and tha people of Centre County in pr ular. 30 Dan'l Reck Taylor toweship | that he still continues to erry on the Saddlery 80 Jucob Beck Taylor township | business in all i arious brane it his shop 35493 Wm: Wistar ¢ n the Nortit East corner of ALLEGHANY ane 400 John B- 1 | BISHOP Streets; where can be found at ail times 400 Theo's. Johnsion | a full supply of 400 John Irvive | Saddles, 400 William Irvine | Waggon Harness, ! 400 Wm. Brown i Bridles, 400 James Reed pi Carriage Harness 400 Abaelam Ao dor pi Collars, 409 Rob’t Pattersun i Wagon Whips, 400 Jogeph Cowgill { Trunks, : 104 63 John Brady Driving Wiips' 41828 Charles Bruce | Valises, 432.153 Margret Spear wnship ¢ : Hulters’ 106,22 Wm Lowrey Hames township | Nets, 415 Martha Godfrey Howard township : ko.) Sa. Lo. JOAN M'CALMONT i made of th WARD ANTED A« ALDX ANDER, to be pai ts tential man Attost J. Monax, WM. FURRY, i ner. Drie Com Clk. Commissioners Call and Letters of Admmistration on the | pecially for the Cure of Dicseases of the Sexual ir Retail Department, will bs found the i S NEOU MISCELLA . oo CHARCE FCR - a IR Ma 25h SADDLE BRILL. ani { i | | { | t ed, you need not p JERKY TY Bellefonte, Sept. 10th 62. ame. MARRIAG bx SW hates, sori {you are not sa wanes ircapnoi- aro fully ex by WILLIAM vrdinary book young person ry man or wo nuuiher of their off neces. Every pain, di idestal to youth watur ained | every known is Le ulti Ir fe) id in th (OUNG, M. should bein th contemplating mn man who desi s it ja lisabout th on tha receiy tamps. Addres ice atraet, abov dn of Zocents. in LR Wm, YO Fourth, Phiis AFFLICTED may bey under th ecie or p A t, No. 418, Spr shia. ) UNFORTUNATE, no matter wh ur dissase. before on place yourse care of any of the notorions Quuels native or fureign—who n this or any try get a copy of Dr. Young's book. carefrlly It will be the means of s ¥ life. yo ING can be consulted on snr of th ed in his ation, at Gi n9tod 1862-1y: NOTICE. IN PURSUANCEOF 7 tian, Firat Article of the amended | i | mony dollars, your health, and possibly you | { | } i RAF X S JOUN | W. TF REY { 0 M ELDER, i MAY & LOEB, ! THOMAS, } PR BROTHERS, | june 26, 186 i. Li LEPTER.-BHERT “PRICE CURRENT” ARE PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, THE COMMERCI AXD " STREP BIT IX TL SLOW, No 2260LD STREET, PHILADELPUIA. BIOGRAPICAL SKETCHES oF THE MERCHANTS&MANUFACTUR'S OF PHILADNIPHIA, THE OPULENT AND THE INDIGNENT, | SECRET OF THEIR SUCCESS AND AD- VERSITY, WILL BE CONTINUED. Boox STORE BeLterontr, Pa. GEORGY LIVING? oN, Propristor The Undersigned having removed to “Brokerhaf’s Row,” directly opposite the Conrad House continues to keep on hand a large assortment of Theological, Classical, Sundav School, Miscellaneous, and ali the various schon! books now in use; also, a large assortment Blank Books and Swationry, Photographs Photograph Albuns; a! Daily and Weekly Newspapers. Subs {en for any paper or periodical in the ited States. New pub i al pihleshers pre f tions ca mayid t GEORGE LIVINGS SIMON 4, FALUMAN. IMPORTER & W HOLESALLE DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES. GINS, Wheat, Rye, & Bourbon Whisky’ NO. 506 NorihiNinth Street, BELOW SPRING GARDEN, ERI Ta ADELE EITA. WATCHES, J Eynry AND SILVER The undersigned would respectfully elgg li your attention to his well selected stock of kine Gold and Silver WATCH Fine Gold JEWELRY, of every kind nnd v iricty of styles —compriking all of the NEWEST and most beautiful dasi oF i Alan, SOLID SILVER WARE. equal 10 Coin | —and the bast make of SiLver Praten Wann Fach article is WARRANTED to bo as reprosen- ns ed. 70 Watches and Jewelry carefully REPAIR. D and satisfaction guaranteed. JACOR ARLE {Sucenssor to Stunilir & MH v,) No. 622 Market Street, Philadviph March 6, 1883." m, PLEASANT GAP HOTEL, . rin PLEASANT GAP, PA J. M0. MORK EEON, Proprietor. Ibis woll known [otal is now kept hy the pros priotdr. wliers he w The happy to wait wo le traveling publie gencially, lyr. 3! | MOROCCO i | ELANCHARD'S LAW WAI a BEREIDITGC PETER LORILLARD, Suuf and 'iobacco Yauufactarer 13 & 18 CHa KBRESET,, _ (Furmerly 42 Chatham Street, New York ) Wanld enil the attention of Dealers io tro urialos of bis manufacture, via: BROWN SNUIFE. Macaboy, Lawigres, Fina Rappes; Pore Virginia « appre, Nac shes Auwericun Gentleman, Co - 5 YELLOW SNUFF, Sooteh, Honey Dew Scotch High Toast Seoteh, resh Honey Dua Seotok, Fresh Scotch. Irish [igh Toast, cr Lundyfuot, g and guoking Lobaco)s, which will be found of a superior qunlity TOBACCO. SHORING FINE CUT CHEWING EMOKING. Long P. 4 L. or plain, 8 I Cavendish, or Swent Spi i Sweet Seented Oronosn, Canustar, udisa, Larkisa Tw Foil ¢ nixe Granulated, N. B, -48 circular of prices will be sent NEOUS. MISCELLA 0 inl ~~ or or Hox. Wr sox M'Cinpruss Jodgeot the Uniled States Circuit Court, President. - Corner Penn and St Clarr Streets, Dittshurii, Lennsyleania The Largest, Cheapest end Dest $35 pays fur 7 Noextraé ido... : rere, Steam. for tha most |} vo sitions Dipnoss cnce (he universal pr 2 College BY PUMP QUNKINS, U Q Boma time ago, I told the folkg, About aun in town, sire, Who iept su clithirg “ore so grand And dul tke thiig up brown, sir Now, this 2:me mun hat moved bis sters on a tention. April 17 1 year = Leather! Leather! SCLE L¥ATHER | i t i SPAN EIP et ‘NCH CALF ERINS COUNTKY (ALF SXIRS end and Shoamakors Tools, of kinds, to bo hal wt Allsgheny Biraet, one Jdoor north of OTRTAT QF Aa B Has frst opened a fine as2orimont of tha latest i A 2 ig nd Geter 7 or ol + 14 prepared to m:ke up and trim in th latest fashion and at LOW PRICES, BONNETS Alvaya on hwnd and trimmed at the shores - notics, GLEATHIND 1 iu (ho meat camp! 7) 2 NATIONAL COMNELCIAL COLLEGES PHILADELPHIA. S.K. cor, 7th and Chestout Streets, ‘N.Y. CITY, BROOKLYN: ~TBANY TROY, BUFFALO, LEAVELAND, DETROIT, CHICAGO &8T. LOIS. eBook-wrrriNe, Pexyavsire, Covyer fan An ITEM ETIC. C MMERC RESPON- peNce, do, pr i Thess Colle g& under and loend management. and nui advantages of all, offer greater ing instraction th y other sit in the country cholarshi cd by any one iv good in ab fur an unlimit The Philad larged y taught. gar ies tor i r insti s of Text books em- wmorcinl Aritametie, sac and and lars send 1 x cirealay REMOVAL. R.L.KNIGHT&HESON Have Remaved from 403 3. SECOND Street, to 80% CHNSTHUT 8r, ABIVE FIGHTH, Where they have opened a well soleatod Steck of CARPETS "OIL CLOTHS ; AND MATTINGS. ‘BEDDING AND MATTRYISES Of every Ceseription, ready-made or wade to orddy FEATHERS. | | | LINIYO3 &C, &C | | { ela pranner known to (lst ps Copid (Bid 1 allele ntr Gr gent by From Diewo td down the street sf Ard now, next door to (0 IT He's got things mighty wos sis 8 cy hand, HB ALY top, sir, 2. he corared pron: 4, ¢ ole rv foned 21 bright, ara nnd tan o’n Ha raed nh e Lis gua, it cl #od eioan sn: ! ‘ id you tun and ASN Certinly wont vue, alg yom did tat a whala puit hn ent clothing man, ¢ Y te Yun e.ha'll 0d LAY ae . righ . ed 2 Lnseciy va ie out of thei ! ule in all large ¢ ! Druggiats und Retaile HARRIS'S BUG SORE Belfour Pa. { i NM CARRIAGE Mr.8 4. MeQu forma the ciizens sutre county. thot ho bas opened a new Carrisge Mar ufuorory, if the reac of Calimings’ Livery Stable, where ho is preprred to manufacture ; : CARRVAGES "7 Of 33. . KERY! A 5! 3 eeviraat MATHILS SCHMUCK, Would rn inf Beilefunte a aud complet promises of gonstanftly Various quali The Manufae! be cont p 55 always on hand 1 Sule ot BDL. Ni will S. SECOND Strect Woe ah meen a | GAINST THE WORLD | *3 W. 4. MURA, _RUBAR TAL G.L. T BEALERIN Gobees © Cigars « 4 { rey py vers Cherry Protoral Printing | DROREVIE tee rod i LULL on - tok .. "SENT FRYE OF CHARGE Sddlass PROBLEMS § cu Pea oO, 4 ol is mn prt mE W rivaGus 88% . Thedsnbaenitiors have scoured the of Centre Con iy to man ure and soil : weil no 7 Contre Dotiver Left Hand ; ull Dale is wiv eradidored the, best metal Ll ugh wade in Penga. : Funers unite it Kyeullingue the PB Lo | foute Pour acl shages, will bo fur. taed w a t dau. 40h 1500-1 2'Mucrr Ca, - ¥ - go. ate i y a SN ei Ra
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers