ro a Sa Business Directry. DR THOMAS ROTEROCK, PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT HONARD, PA. Lo. M’ (LLISTER. JAMES A. BEAVEL MALLISTHFR & BEAVER, ALTORNEYS AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENNA 3. D.SHUGERT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEWONTE, PENX _Ofice in the Court Mouse. with the Treasurer ES FI. BANMRN, ORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENN'A Office. on the Diamond, one door west of th. Post Gllice WIALNIAR A WwW ALLACE, : ATTOR: EY AT Law, CLEARFIELD. PENNA, Will visit Bellefonte professionally when speci .ctained in connection with resident Counsel AMay 10th 1862 —1y. J.J. LINGLE, SURGEON DENTIST, BELLEFONTE. CENTRE CO., PA. saow prepare d to wait upon all who may desir Lis profussional services. Bovis at bis residence on Spring street. AY EDMUND BLANCHARD. E. NM BLANCA 2 & BLANCHARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PEN'NA. OMhee formerly occupied by Curtin & Blanchard on Mari street, DR. WINGATI, i DENTIST. Oftee and Residence direetly North «i the Court huduse portico, At his office except two weeks in exch month, beginning with the first Moon ol’ the month _ Bultefnte, M.— fv. C.T ALEXANDER , ORVIS & ALEXANDER, ‘LLEFONTE PA. Oice oe dor below Reynold's Bank Nov. 21 —1862 GRYIS & CoRRSu, ATTORNEY'S aT LAW. Lock Haven Pa. Will practice in the severe! Courts of Centre and Clinton counties All business entrusted to their care will be promptly attended to, Ane 29 1862 DR.J &, MICCHELL, PUYSIC:AN & SURGEON, BELLEFONTE, CENTRECO., PA. Will attend to professi espeetfully offers hi the public: 113 as heretofore, he services to his friends and on Allegheny strect. 3—=ly, WoW. wna, SURGEON DENTIST, Respectfully intorius the public that he is per manently located in Boalsburg, Centro esunty Pa. and iz well prepared to practice all tc vari ous branches of his profession in the most i nproy vd manner. Al operations warranted 0 giv atisfaciion or no charge will be wade. burg, May 15, 1862 3 BANKING HIOUKE, — or — WM. FF. REYNOLDS & C0. BELLEFONTE, CENTRE CO., PA. Bitls of exchange Jeciions made Interest paid on i and Notes discounted.Col- id proceeds progiptly rewitted ctal deposits. Kxchange in the 4 n cities constantly on hand for sala. Depos- 1 receivea - a 0. FURST, AT1OBNRY AT LAW, 2FOYTH, I BA, PLL practice in the several Courts of Centre and Cliziton counties. Ail legs’ entrusted to Lis care will roecive promp on, LUE-—-On the North-west corner of the Div DI. L W.TIROMAS, TT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, MILESBURG, CENTRE €O., PA, Yespeetfaily offers. his services to Lis viends and the public. Office on Mill site the National Hotel. Refersto Drs. J. M, McCoy, > “ 8. Taoxpsoy, “ T.C. Tnouss. ly TY (Yr i nog AOLLECTION OFFICES, D. G. BUSH, : BELLEFONTE, Cextre Co. PENNA. RUSH & McCULLOUGH (T. 1. M'CULLOUGIL) . Cl Es LELD, Clearfield ce., EUSH & McCORMICK, {€. 8 M'CORMICK,) LUCK HAVEN, Ciinton Co.. RUSH & ALLEN, (R. I. ALLEN,) WILLIAMSPORT, Lycommg Co., Pa, Mareh 20. i586 Pay Rervnex —Drexel & Co., Phil’a, Mason & Co. Ph ith, Bowen & Co.. Philadelphia Shields & Brother, Philadelphia, T. Conrow Philadelphia, Sower. Barnes & Co., Philadelphi» Hon. J.T, llale, Bellefonte, Hon. J. 37. My Williamsport, J. Tome, Pert Deposit, ) Feb. 21, 1862—1y. NeW PICTURE GALLERY. R. J. 8. BARNUART, HAVING pur a new and splendid SHY LIGHT PICTURE GALI ERY, iz now prepared to execute all orders in the Awm- Lrotype. Photograph, Ferat ype, Maleneotype, or any of the customiy branches of the Heliograph- is Art. His Photographs will be of the LARGEST SIZE ever taken in the interior of this State.— Card Pictures, and almost an endless variety of common and fancy eases, are offered at prices which vary from 50 CENTS TO 25 DOLLARS ! Instructions given and appartes furnished upon reasonable terms. This Gallery is loeated on the hill besite the Court Mouse, near Garman’s lo- 10 1 May 22.63 1y. is a TO THE LAJ {ES 1 Having just returned rom Philadelphia Edwin a new andg,! + lid assortment MILLINERY" 0O0DS, of the latest styles and fashion, «feel prepard t please all, both youngand old g sve and gay, whe may see proper to giveusa 11 ‘ur stock con § inpart cf SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, PLAIN AND FANCY TRIMMINGS and all other articles generally keptin a Milliner Store. {7 We have most experienced Milliners in the city. Bishop street, nex door to the old stand. cilef ‘61. MARY SC'JRBECK. TORE PELLEFONTE, PA, IWORGE LIVINGS ON, Proprietor his well known stand on. the North ¢ v of the public square, keeps constantly large assortment of THEOLOGICAL, SSICAL, MISCELLANEOUS, aud SCHOOL BOOKS. Alao a large aviety of BLANK BOOKg and STATIONERY, of the best quality. Also MATHEMATICAL jNSTRUMEXNTS, PORT- FOLIOS, &c. Books pought to order at a small advance on ¢ily pri b May 1, 1862, tf ces. NEW LIVERY STABLE. - BACK OF HUME'S STORE. THOMAS DORAS. Proprictor ~ix fine Bay , all good traveler aplendid Buy i Siei and fitted with faney wari ITER hire cheaper than a « ec eatublishment iu own. Call avound. gent 3. January 23, 1863-1y, rocured the services of one Stora B 00K § Job Printing, Office next door to the residences of s—and | PROSPECTUS DEMOCRATIC WATCHMAN, A WEEKLY PAPER, ° PUBLISHED AT EXLLEFONTE CENTR COUNTY. PA.. EVERY FRIDAY WIOXEIIN IN FOLITICS, iT 18 STRICTLY DEMOCRATIC FREE AND INDEPENDENT, Unmoved bv the [Topes of Unrighteous (iain Unshaken by he Frowns of Unprincipled Demagogues, Unintimidated by the Clamuis of the Rabble and the threa's of Insolent Mobs, and Fearing nei- ther the Unhallawed Precincts of Presidential Dungeons and - Tyrants’ Vaults, nor the Rock-bound Fortresses of any Modern Caligula, IT 1S IN FAVOR OF TT er 1D my 1 Ce AND Ti1E EQUAL RIGILTS OF ALL WHITE MEN. IT Is DEVOTED TO Loe il and Gene- ral News, Art, 8 tence and Litera- ture, Morality, Politics, Liducation, ( and Relic gious Freedom, the Union, he Constitution and the Laws, the best Interests of the whole Conntry, and Cen- tre county in particular, and opjoscd to Abolitionism Phsunionism, and ail kinds of’ Fanatics be it Moral, Po itical, or Re- ligious. and ¢ mprom advocate a —0f- TRUTH, JUSTICE AND MERCY, TERMS. ) B ably charged. paper discontinued until all beck sahserip- for. will idered a now engagement. These terms will bo rigilly adhearl to under The following terms of Advertiseing have been agreed upon by the publishers «f Press the Berichter and the Democratie Watch sian and will be strictly alba red to 10 lines [or less| constitute a square. One Squnre three insertions =-= - - - -$ 1 00 Foreach subsequent insertion less than three months. = - = = = coe. 2m =o 25 Administrators and Executors notices, - 2 25 Notice of applisation for license «» - - - 1 50 Notice for strays. each animal, - - - 150 Advertiseinents displayed in fancy letter, 5 0 as to attract attention, 50 per egnt, more than the above rates. Advertisement not macked with the number of insertions desirel, will be continued till forbidden and charged according to these terns. E litorial or loz ul notizes for the bonefit of indi: viduals, Religious or educational notices, 5 + ‘4 ybituary notices, over 5 lines, 8 & 28 Deaths anl marriages announced free. Communications recomending persons for of fice, insertel at ten cents a line; and the pay must accompany the communteation, + 20 cents per line laid befo:e they are inserted. soe T er OF ALL KINDS, SUCTL AS Legal Blanks, Shipments, Manifest. Receipts, Receipt Books, Order Books, Cheek Rolls, Toll Orders, Car Books, Way Bills, Advice Sheets, Specitications, &e., POSTE!S, SHOW. BILLS, CARDS, BLANKS, : PAMPIILETS, ENVELOPES, BILL EADS, office, executed in a superior manner, and the most REASONABLE TERMS. 4 { OUR ASSORTMENT OF { Maem TERY, Carnot be heat, and all our jobbing will Le erecuted in the neatest and most im- | proved character. Address, P.GRAY MEEK. Editer and Publisher Democratic Watchigan, Bellefonts, Centre Co. , Pa. FREE SPEECH, the Central One square, 3 months, + « = « - « - 3 80 | he public, where 2 : 9 Soret vih Y Fresh Oysters, Fried Oysters, Stewed Oysters, t o ongeyear - -- -- +. 8 00 Spiced Oysters, Clam Soup, Turtle Quarler-column, one year, two changes, 15 00 Soup, Chicken Soup, . 9 Half of 4h te He “25 00 Ham and Eggs, Pig's Feet and Tripe, Sar- Onseolumn, 730 = we 7 ern died qo (0 Sng Prodibn Budd, i Auditors Notices - - = - = «=... . 2 00 or tre Lh STAR, All legal and transient advertisements mist be 2 Ny SET Wer FOR HORE, In fast, any kinl of work donein a printing T = = i HOTELS. | PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE 1 J x Bernreroxts, Pa. JONIN COPENMMAVER, Proprietor. RESPECTFULLY announces to the public, that he has leased, rcfuxnished and refitted the nbove Ilouse where he will be happy to wait upon | those who favor him with their company * Tue House is large and convenient and fur- nished in the best modern style. Itis provided large number of well aired and comfarta pitg apartments, Rooms and Private Par- | tors with or without chambers attached. | us visiting Bellefonte on business or for | may rest assured that every exertion | vill used to render their stay at the * Pennsylva- | via Ilotel” pieasint and agreeable. HIS TABLE WiLL be UNDER THE DIRECTION erienced Cook and supplied with the very ie market affords, and HIS“BAR wiih the cest wines and ether lignors—charges reasen- ire. The PeNNsyrLvayta Hover.” possesses great- er advanta in point of locatien than any other similar establishment in the borough, beiug situ- ated in the business part of the town, Sufficient stabling provided. and good and trus- ty hostlers always in attendance. Attentive, accommodating and honest servants have been employed, and nothing left undone that will add to the comfort and accommodation of his April 17, 1883—tf, guests. (CONRAD HOUSE BELLEFONTE, PA, J.B. BUTYS, Proprictor. This well known establishment has been entire ly re-fitting and re-furnished througout, and is no second to none in eenteral Pennsylvania in the camforts and convenionce it affords to travelers. — People from the country during their sojourn at Jellefonte during weeks of Court, will find the Conrad House an agreeable and pleasant resting lace. p 4ccommodating servants are always fin attendance ready to supply the wants and contribute to the comfort and satisfaction of the guests. TIE TABLE issu plied with all the substantial provisions, uxuries and delicacies which a produc- tive country enn furnish, or industry, vigilance and exertion can procure. THEBAR, will always contain a gereral as- sortent of the very best liquors, that the mark— ei affords addapted to suit themost oapricious tastes. THE STABLE will be attended by atten- tive and obliging hostlers, well qualified to dis- charge the duties pretaining to this important ds- partment of a public establishment, From the attention and time, tho propreitor has devoted to this branch of business he hopes to re- ceive a liberal portion of the patronage hereto- fore bestowed upon him. May I, 1862—tf. HOTEL. BELLEFONTE, PA. DANIL GUE 1A GARMAN'S + Proprietor. | Another Requisition 1! This long established andl well known lotel, situated onthe Southeast corner of the Diamond, opposite the Court House, having heen purchased by the undersigned, be announe- ¢& to th e former patrons of this establishment and ing puplic generally, that he intends may favor him with their patronage. i him will find : | IS CABLE | abundantly supplied wiih the most sumptuous tare the iarket will afford, done up in style, by the most experienced cooks ; while IIIS BAR will al- Ways contain The Chocest of L: His {tabling is best in tow attended by the most tru hostlers Give him acal'! one ar all, and he feels con-. fident that all w 1 be sa 1sfied with their accom- modation, : : AN EXCE! ENT LIVERY isattached to this est chshment, which strang from abroad will find greatly to their adeant DANIEL GARMA Bellefonte, Jan. 9, 1862. unrs. and will always bo vorthy and attentive IH CUMMINGS HOUSE. BELLEFONTE, PA. Per annum, (striotly in advance.) 80,3) R. D. CUMMINGS, Proprictor. When paid n 3 mont 2,00 3 — : If left ran ovar 3 month 0, will be invari This clegant new Hotel, situated on Bishop 3 months, $2,50, ari- street. afew coors north of the Catholic church, is at last complete in all its arrangements, and is now opan for the reception and entertainment of guests. It has been furnished in the very latest style, with handseme and comfortable furniture, sand is altogether the best gotten up, and will be the best conducted hotel in Bellefonte. THE TABLE wil' always be found groaning under the wight of the best provisons {he market affords, attended by reat intelligent and attentive waiters. Y THE BAR will always bo supplied with the choicest and best of liquors—not a sickning mix ture of drugs—bul liquor in there purest and best state . : THE STABLE is large warm. comuodious and is clean. asd obliging and attentive hostlers, are always in waiting. A Hack conveys passengers free of charge, to and from the cars, after the arrival an d departer of the train® (CUMMINGS HOUSE SALOOY. This new and splendid Eating Es- tublishment is now open for the entertainment of cun be had at all times. DRINKS. Cognac Brandy, 01d Rye Whiskey, Bourbon Whisky, ¥ heat Whisky, Irish Whi gy Hol * land Gin, Currant ne, Straw- berry Wine, Cham gne, Go seberry Wine, Sherry Wine Port Wine, ete., cle. Gin Cocktails, Bro uy Smashes, Sherry Cob- lers, Wyjisky Punel s. and ail other fancy drinks. Massui & Collins's XXX Philadelphia "dle & Porter, Cider, Fancy Lemonades, Sarsaparilla,, Mineral Wa- ter, etc., ete., ete. 1107 MEALS to be had at all hours of the day or night. ficent BILLIARD ROOM. with fine marble-faced Tables, is connected with the estab~ lishment. We invite our friends to give us a call, and think we ean insure them the utmost satisfaction. 3 CUMMINGS & FISHER. Bellefonte, March 27, 1863 ly Proprietors C LINTON MO YsE ET LOCK HAVEN, PA. A. YX ANN, Proprietor. The proprietor having leased the above named Hotel’in the borough of Lock Haven, Clin- ton county, Pa., takes this method of informing the public generally that he has made every necessary preparation to entertain strangers and travelersin ‘the best possible manner. His table will always co" .tain the chsicest lux- uries that the country wi’ afford, and he is deter- wined not to be surpassed in this department by any other Hotel along the West Branch. His Bar will contain the choicest liquors that can be purchased in the cfty market. Careful and attentive Ostlers will constantly be TOOL» which cannot be surpassed VICES, ANVILS, DRILLS, SCREW PLATES, z lower th CARRIAG TET FILES, RASPS, PIPE SKEIN & WAGON ! BOXES. | STEEL SPRINGS, IRON AXELTRERES, BENT | FELLOWS, HAMES, &3 PAINTS. OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY, coar | OIL AND LAMPS, VARNISH, FLUID. | OIL CLOTHS, PATENT LEATHER, ROPE AND | WIRE of every size in abundance. SHOEMAKER’S TOOLS, And all other kinds of Goods usually kept in a well regulated Hardware Store. Their stock isan entirely new one. comprising all the leading articles connected with the Hard- ware trade, and their facilities for pu chasing | goods not being excelled by any other establish- | ment, they here declare themselves able to sell) from fifty to one hundred per cent. lower than any | other establishment in the country, and invite I June 12, I862—1-y. farmers, Mechanics, and all others in nced of Hardware, to eall and satisfy themselves of the ruth of the assertion. Jaly 18, 1860 Good News! | The War Ended ; | AND EVERY THING GOING RIGHT AT THE | WEIOIL/S ATE: WINE & RI9HHR STORE SHOP STREET, directly opposite the building formerly known as the TEMPERANCE HOTEL. A BAUM, Acer. All kinds of FOREIGN and DOMESTIC LI- | QUORS, at wholesale, to be had at the very lowest prices, and warranted to be of the vary best quality. A sock consists o WHISKIES, 01d Monongahela Rye Whisky, Pure Bourbon Whisk OoMnot Whisky, 1 oe oD Whisky, Apple Jack Whisky, aud cheap Whiskies of all kinda. ~~ BUM. Jamaica Rum, New EnglandRum GINS, Pura Holland Gin, Domestic Gin. BRANDIES. Dark and Pale Cognac, Domestic, (all prices, Gmger, Lavender, ll prion) Che: BI % Caraway, &e. rry, Blackberry, WINES, Pure Port, Domestic, Madeira, Sherry, Raspberry. . CCRDIALS. Rose, Annisced. STOMACH BITTERS. The very best in the markst. The above liquors, with others not named, will all be warranted as represented, and gold at prie- es that cannot fuil to made it an object for deal- ers to purchase of him, iustead of going or send- ing to the city. Farmers, Hotel-keepers and oth- ers are requested to call and examine his stock, before purchasing elsewhere. All the Liquors which he offers for sale, have been purchase! at the United States Custom House, and corsequently must be pure and good. «Physicians wre particularly requested to give his liquors a trial. He has the only artcle of Pure Port Wine Juice and Pure Brandics in this Berough, # [&* 100 barrels of Jersey Cider- Vinegar just received and for sale low, Bellefonte, Aug. 29, 1862—1y. » fpARABOLA SPECTACLES. Superior to any others in use, con- structed in accordance with the LAW OF NA- TUR E in the peculiar form of n Coneavo-Con ves _ulipsis, admirably adapted to the organs of T gat rnd perfectly natural to the Eye; alto- gather the best artificial HELP TO THE RU- MAN VISION ev invented. When there is dmen ss itis patur 1) use acane—why not ren- deras stance to tha yaluable vigan, the Kye when :eded ? The hove Sr sale wt city pricos, by + JERRY, J. WINGATE. | At the®ental Office Bast of Post Office. | P. 8.—These spectacles cau ba obteined [ at no other place in town. | Bellefonte, May 29, 18 | trACT BucnU invariably does. | vince the most sceptical. {of diseases, and expelling poisonous, AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS The medicine inereases the pawer of digestion, | and excites the Absorbents into healthy action , | Ly which the Watery or Calcerous deposition s, «nd all unnatural Enlargements are reduced, as well as pain and inflamation, and is good for Men, Women or, Children. Helmbold’s Extract Buchu, FOR WEAKNESS Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipaion Barly Indiscretion, or Abuse. ATTENDED with the FOLLOWING SYMTOMS: Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back Universal Lassitudo of the Flushing of the Body Muscular System, Eruptions on the Face Hot Hands, Pullid Countenance, Dryness of the skin. These symptoms if. a ed to go on, which this medicine invariably rem): , soon follows. MPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, e of which the patient may expire. Who ign that they La often followed by those oqdireful diseases,” INSANITY AND CONSUMATION, Many are aware of the eause or their suffering but none will confess The records of the insane | Asylums and the melancholly deaths by Consump tion, bear ample witness to tha truth of this as sertion. THE CONSTITUTION. CNCE AFFECTED BY ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Requires tha aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which HeLynoun’s Ex- A trial will con: FEMALES, FEMALES, FEMALES, Old or young, single. married, or contemplating marriage, In many affections peculiar to Females the Bx- tract Buchu is unequalled by any other remedy as in Chlorosis or Ketention, Lifepulatipy, Pain- fullness, or suppression of the customary Evacua- tions, Ulcerated or Schirrous state of the Uterus Leuchorrhen, or Whites, Sterrility and for all complaints incidemt to the sex, whether arrising from Indiseretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CIIANGE OF LIFE. SKE SYMTOMS ABOVE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITIIOUT 17. Take no Balsam, Murcury or Unpleasant Medi- cine for unpleasan and dangerous diseases. Alelmbold’s Extract Buel a CURES SECRET DISEASES In all their stages ; at little expense ; little or no change in diet : no inconvenience, And No Exposure. Tt causes frequent desice, and gives strength to ! Urinate, thereby removing obstrustisns, prevest - | ing and curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying pain and inflammation, so frequent in this class diseased and worn-out matter. Thousands upon Thousands WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIMS OF QUAUKS, and who have paid heavy fees to be curedin short time, have fi und that they were decieved and thau the poison has, by the use of **P-werful astringents” been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravated form, and perhaps af- ! ter marriage, USK Helmbold’s Extract Buchu For all affections end Diseases of THE URINARY ORGANS, Whether existing in Male or Female. from what- ever cause originating, and no matter OF HOW LONGSTANDING. Diseases of these organs require the aid of a iuretie. Helmbold’s Extract Buchu IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, And it ig certain to have the desired effect in all Discases for which it is recommended. BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! Helmbold’s Highly Concentrated Compound FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA SYPHILIS. his is an affection of the blood and attacks the Ain Organs, Linings of the Nose, Ears, Throat Windpipe and other mucus Surfaces, making its appearance in the form of Ulcers. Helmbold’s Extract Sarsaparilla purifies the blood and re. moves all Sealy Eruptions of the skin, giving to the Complexion, a clear and healthy color. I being prepared expressly for this class of com plaints, its Blood. Purifying Properties are pre- served toga greater extent than any other preps- ration of Sursaparilla. Helmbold's Rose Wash. An excellent lotion for diseases of a Syphilitic Nature, and as an ¥njection in diseases of the Urinary Organs arising from habits of dissipat.en, used in connection. with the Extracts Buchu and Sarsaparilla, in such diseases as recommended. Evidence of the most responsible and reliable character will accompany the medicines.’ CERTIFICATES OF CURES. Trom eight or twenty years standing, with names known to Science and Fame. Yor medical properties oj Buchu, see Dispensa. |. tory of the United States. . “See Proff. Dewces’ valuable works on the Prac f Physic. Cy ail made by the late celebrated Dr. sick, Philadelphia. LL wel al by Dr. Pphraim McDowell, a celebrated Physician, and a member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, and ublish- ed in the Transactions of the King and Queen's 1, J Nedins-Cirurgioal Review, published by Benjamin Travers, Eellow of the Royal College Surgeons, . — oe of the late standard Works on Medi- cine. Extract Buehu, 100 per Bottle, or Six tor 5 00,, ¢ RKaraparilla, 1 00 et xe 500 Improved pa Wash, 50 ot RTO Or half a dozen of each for $12 00 which will be sufficient to cure the most obstinate oases, if direc. tions are adhered to Delivered to auy address, securely packed from observation o Describe symtoms in, all communications. Cures guaranteed, Advice gratis. AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before me an Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, II. T. Helmbold, who being duly sworn, doth say, his preparations con- tain no narcotic, no mercnry, or other injurious “drugs, but are purely vegetable le. H.T. HELMBOLD. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 23rd day of November 1854 WM. P HIBBARD. Aldermau, Ninth-street, above Race Phila Address Letters for information in confidence H. T. HELMBOLD. Cnemist. Dapot 104 South Tenth-st, below Chestnut Phil. BEWARE OF COUNTEFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS. Who endeavor to dispose Of Their Own’’' and ‘+ other’’ articles on the reputation attained by Ielmbold’s Genuine Preparations ” rk Extract Buchu, a Aad 4“ Sarsaparilla, a. * Improved Rose wash. Sold by all Druggists cverywhere. ASK FOR HELMBOLD'S—4'BKE NO QTHER, Cut out the advertisem nt, and sondforit/nd a avoid imposition and exposure. March, 21; 63—1 yr. , —e—=ee MARRIAGE ITS LOVES AND | hates, sorrows and anges. hopes and | fears, regrets and joys. MANHOOD, | how lost, how restored, the nature, treatment and | ness ; involuntary emissions, sexual dobility and impediments to marriage generally, nervousness, consumption, fits, mental and physical incapaci- ty, resul®ing from SELP-ABUSE—are fully lained in the Marriage Guipe, by WILLIAM YOUNG, M.D. This most extraordinary book should bein the hands of every young person contemplating marriage, and every man or wo man who desires tolilnit the number of their off spring to their circumstances. Every pain, dis. ease and ache incidental to youth maturity and old age, is fully explained ; every particle cf knowledge that shouid be kaown is here given.— It 1s full of engravings. Iu faet, it discloses se crets that every one should know, still «it is » book that must be locked up and not lie about tb « house. It will be sent to any one on the receif of 25 cents. in specie or postage stamps. Addres DR Wm, YOUNG, No. 416, Spruce street, abov Fourth, Philadelphia. AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE, no matter wh: may be your disease, before you place yourse under the care of any of the notorious Quacks- native or foreign—who in this or any other cour try, get a copy ef Dr. Young's book, ana read tt carefully Ji will be the means of saving yc» many dollars. ysur health, and possibly, yor 1 life. DR. YOUNG can be consulted on any ef th diseases described in his publication, at his office No. 4!6, Spruce Street, above Fourth, Phila. Office hours from 9 to 6 daily. Oct. 2nd, [862-1y. BANK PRIOR at as 40 OL Lin NOTICE. “ . IN PURSUANCE OF THE 25:h Section, First Article of the amended Constitu- tion of the State of Pennsylvania, and the First Section of the Act of the General Assembly, pass ed the First day of June, 1839, the undersigned citizens of the Commoawenlth of Pennsylvania, plication tothe Legislature of said State, at its next session, commencing the first Tuesday of January, 1863, forthe charter of a Bank, to be located in the borough of Bellefonte, in the coun ty of Centre, and State aforesaid, to be called the “BEELEFONTE BANK, "the capital stock there of to be One Hundred Thousand Dollars, with the privilege of increasing it to Two Hundred Thous- and Dollars: and the specific object for which the proposed Corporation is to be chartered is to trans act the usual and legitimate business of a Bauk of Issue, Discount, Deposit and Exchange. H. BROCKERNOFF, C.T.ALEXANDER, WM. P. WILSON, JOHN IRVIN. Jr, ED. BLANCHARD, W.F. REYNULDS, D.G.'BUSH LO 0.M ELDER, D. M. WAGNER, MAY & LOEB, GEO. W. JACKSON, W. A. THOMAS. R. H. DUNCAN, HOFFER BROTIIERS, SAM. STROHECKER, M’COY, LINN & CO., A: R BARLOW, THOMPSON, LINN &CO, HARVEY MANN, DANIEL RUOADS, F. P. HURXTHAL, GEO BOAL. JOIIN P. HARRIS, C. & J. CURTIN, VALENTINES & CO. Belletonte, June 26, 1862,—tf. ALBCTURIE TO YOUNG MFN, Just Pullishad, in a Sealed Envelope. Siz Cents. A Necture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure of Spermatorrhwy or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debili- ty and Impedimonts to Marriage generally, Ner- vousness, Consumption, Epilepsy an Fits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self- Abuse, &e¢.—By ROBT. J. CULVERWELL, M. B.. Author of the Green Book, Ye. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-abuse may be removed without medicine, and without dan- gerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings or ¢ordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every stuffer er, no matter what his condition may be, may cme himself cheaply, privately and radically. “Luis LECLURE WILL PROVE A BOOX TO THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. Sent under seal, to any jaddress, in a plain, sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or to postage samps, by addressing JHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO . 127 Bowery, New York, Post Office Box, 4386. March 6, 1863—1y. HY C+ L. VALLANDIGHAM'S RECORD ON ABOLITION, SLAVERY, ANDTHF CIVIL WAR. This work is in press and will soon be ready — It contains complete and acurate copies of Mr. VALLANDIGHAM'S principle speeches on the sub- jects above named. Also parts of many other Speeches, with letters, incidents, votes, etc, ete. The work has been carefully edited and is believed to present fairly and correctly, the polit- ical record and position of a man whose views in regard to the cause of our National troubles, and the right remedies for them are attrae- ting an extraorpinaty amouut of the public at- tention. The work is good, substantial paper, 200 pages large ostavo 8vo. Pricu—Paper covars, cents. Delivered by a Mail or Express, prepaid, on receipt of the price. Ig "Send orders, with the money enclosed, to Columbus, Ohio, addressed to J H. RILEY & CO., or to Gov. MEDARY, office of the Crisis. — large sale is expected. § ¢7 livery newspaper that gives the above three insertions, also this notice, and sends marked cop: ies aulressed “Box 699. Columbus, Ohio,” will re~cive three copies of the work. mr 2--3t Prie 50 cents; Clote. 75 THE COMMERCIAL LIST * LETTER-SHEET CURRENT” ABE PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDA Y, BY SPYERERBIN IN. WXINSLOW, No. 262GOLD STBWEET, PHILADELPHIA. BIOGRAPICAL SKETCHES OF TE MERCHANTS &§MANUFACTUR'S OF PHIL DEIPHIA, THE OPULENT AND THE INDIGNENT, SECRET OF THEIR SUCCESS AND AD- VERSITY, WILL BE CONTINUED. 'I'o the School Directors of Centre County : Gentlemen. —In pursuance of the 43 section of the 8th May,, I854. you are hereby notifled to meet in conyention, at the Court House. in the borough of Bellefonte, on the first Monday in May, A D. 1863 being the fourth day of the month at 10 o'clock in the afternoon; to select wiva voce, by a majority of the whole number of Directors present, one person of literature and scientific acquirements, and of skill and experiene in the art of teaching as county Superintendant for three succeeding years; determine the amount of compensation for the same, and certify the r sult to the State Supertendant, at Hurrisburg, as sequired by the 39th and 40th sections of said aot. THOMAS IHOLAIAN. Boalsburg April Tat 3t, 1863. County Super- intendant of Centre County. WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND SILVR The undersigned would respectfully anil your attention to his well selected stock ot ine Gold and Bilver WATCHES, Iine Gold JEWELRY, of every kind and variety of styles —-comprising all of the NEWEST and most beautiful dasigns. Also, SOLID SILVER WARE, equal to Coin sand the beet make of SiLver Pratep Wane. ho article is WARRANTED to be as represen- ed. 249 Watchesand Jewelry carefully neevain. p and satisfaction guaranteed. . JACOB HARLEY, (Successor to Stauffer & Harley,) No. 622 Maiket Street, Philadelph March 6, 1863.21. radical eure of spermatorreea or seminal weak- | ex. ! kercby give notice that they intend to make ap-< Hox. Wirson M’Caxpress Judge ot the United | States Circuit Court, President. { Corner Penn and St. Clair Streets, Pittsburgh, Pennsulvania The Largest, Cheapest and Beat. i835 pays for a full commercial course. £57 No extracharges for Mauufacturers; Steam- + boat. Ruiiroad and Bank Book-Keepiug. | Ministers’ sons at half price. Scudents enter | and review at any time. } This Institut on is conducted by experienced | Teachers and Proetical Accountants, who prepare young men for active business. at the least ex- | pense and shortest time, for the most lucrative | and responsible situations Dirnovis granted | for merit only. Hence the universal preference for vraduates of this Collega, by business men. . Prop. A. Cowwrny, the best Penman of the Un- ion, who holds the largest No. of 1st Privivws. and over all competitors, teaches Rupid Business Writing. 5 For specimens of Penmanship, and Catalogue containing fall information. inclose twenty-five cents to JENKINS & SMITH, : Principals. B57 Attend where the Song and Clerks Bankers and Business Men graduate, of IN PRESS ; ANEW AND IMPCRTAXRT WORK. THE FOUR ACTS OF DESEOTISHL BY A. D. MAHONEY, OF I0WA, Author of the “Prisoner of State.”’ This work will contain full and offeial copies of the Four Great Acts of Despotism by which the constitutional government of Washington was eub- verted, and the irresponsible Lincoln dyuasiy in- stalled iu its place. 1. Tus Tox Briw, by which all the property and resources of the people are mortgaged to the resent administration. 2. Tue Coxscrierioy Bron by which all the bodies of poor men not worth $300_ are placed in the~hands of the Administration, 3. Tue Fixance Biry, which destroys State Banks and places the entire currency of the coun- try in the hands of the Sceretary of the Treasury. 4. Tug INpeyxity Act. (fitting elFmax.) which presumes to indemnify the President for all the wrongs he has committed in tho past or may com- mit in the future. These four acts will each be preceded by a care ful analysis, by Mr Mahoney, and their unjust, oppressive, unconstitutional and odious features pointed out. As a book for reference, it will ba invaluable to the farmer, the mechanic, the poli tician, the laborer—in fact, to every person, for these monstrous acts reach from the loftiest man- sion to the humblest cabin in the land. These fowr acts are not published tegether in any other fori. They will make a Large octayo pamphlet of nearly 200 pages, in good sized type” and will be sold at the low price of Fiery Civrs in paper, and SeveNTY-Five Cests in muslin binding. Send on the orders at once. All orders wild bo filled according to the date ef reception. Firet cowe first served. The cash must wecompany the orders. Address ° VAN EVRIE, HORTON & €0O, ae No 162 Nassau Street, New York. 7 SIMON A, FELDMAY, IMPORTER & WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDILS, WINES. GINS, Wheat, Rye, & Bourbon Whisky’s 0. 506 NorthiNinth Strect, BELOW SPRING GARDEN, PIT ADELEECLA. UGAR VALLEY WHISKEY AGAINST THE WORLD 7 Fo be had of W. A. MURRY, _STGAR TALLEY PA. ve TWENTY U. 8. LOAN. Wm. F. Reynolds & Co., of Belle- fonte, are subscription agents to dispose of the Five-Twenty years’ United States Loan Amounts can be had to suit the means of different individ. uals; the interest is payable and will be paid half yearly in gold. april 10. 1863 tf Po GROVE ACADEMY Ar D SEM- INARY.—The Summer term will commence, Wednesday TERMS , Tuition and I ches, $35 per session. - EC THOMAS Principal. Ping Groye Murs, Pay, april 10th wit et AA PROBLEM FOR THE LADIES, SENT FRFE OF CHARGE. Address “ PROBLEM,” Box 943 I". 0, Philadelphia. 8. PRIVATE SALE. The property belonging to James Williams, deceased, late of the Borough of Belle- fonte, is offered by the heirs at private sale. The property consists of two houses ard lots situated on the corner of V' liam and Railroad strffts, Bellefonte, a water ight, sufficie it for any steam pur: ose, and a sple lid spring of water belongs tr ..e property. ALSO, and lot with excellent ous buildings, situated mn Cheapside, Spring town ship For further} rticulars, apply to Georg Boal, at Boaisburg, to CHARLES MeAFFERTY, March 6, 1863—2m Bellefonte, Pa. To CHOOL DIRECTORS. We would recommeed R. C, Wier, of Centre Hall, as possessing the qualifications required by law, to fill the office of County Su- perintendent w th honor and efficiency . W. W. Love. John Shannon, William Wolf, Pe- er Hoffer, Sam F. Foster J. LI. Kollar. a):2i2 A-good frame hous. ~ G.L. TOVELL, Tobacco € Cigars LEWISTOWN A