MHLAELFA & ERIE RAILROAD, (PENNS YLY ANIA RAILROAD Co, LESSER Jovi WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Cn ard sfter Monday, Nov. 17(h, 1862, TIME a LOCK HAVEN STATION will Le 28 follows : ARRIVES. LEAVES EART. Fxpress ... 9°40, 4. uw. Express... 8:04, v. M. Mail ...... 8:04. 0 Mu. Mail ... ... 1013.4. Acconun'n. 10:20. A. u. Accomm'n 2:50 P. Mu. Fassengere for Philadblpbia and Baltimore, on the Mini and Express trains, go throngh without change afenrs. Express West runs daily except Mondays, all others daily except Sundays. This Line has been extended to Binnemaho- ning. 8 RAM'L A BLACK, Superintendent Eastern Division. LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS. 17 Just as we are going to press, we reccige a full list of the killed and wound- ed, of the 148th Regiment; which wo will publish in our next paper. ee () em I The prospects for a full crop of Oats and Barley, the coming season in this coun- try is not very flattering. O =e T= Mi. isaac Miller of Pleasant Gap liad his arm broken, on Tuesday lsst by trying to drive a fractions colt, Qi I~ Our friend John V. Forster, of Mil. heim, has, beep sppointed Mercantile Ap- praiser fof this county. . ° srr Om 77 A meeting of the Democracy will be held in the Democratic Club room tomorrow evening. Let there bes grand turn out. en (ee £7= We would call the attention of our readers, to the Advertisement **Strayed or Btolen,’” in another part of to days paper. Loni ted wo [= We notice that handsare laboring al- ready on the new Water Works, how long it: will take lo complete them we do not know, We aotice that Mr. Gee. Livingston has just received ao large assortment of Phelo- graphic Albums at his Book Store on Alle- ghany Street. . Qremeres 17 The farmers goerally throughout the Gounty nre busy planting their Corn. Better weather for the business than we have had for a few dys this week, could not bs wish- ed fr. . 0 {== Our friend and late partner, Joe. W. Furey, Esq., paid our town a visit on Mon- day and Tuesday last. Jue. is looking well and seems to be enjoying life -hugely for a Typo. 0 f= Quite a number of candidates have announced themselves, as wiil be seen by refference to an other column. The contest for the different nowinations will, no doubt, Des a warm one, and good men willbe una- voidably defeated, for all cannot win. EL {7= A horse belonging to Mr. Haag, cf Ro} burg, broke loose on Friday last from’ 8 pogt infront of Brokenhoof's Row, and ran sway, sm ashing up a goed spring waggon to which it was attached und injuring sever- al bugg ies that were standing in the street. 0 07 Quite a number of cattle along the line of the Bald Eagle Valley Rail road have been killed by th ¢ ¢ rs during the past fey weeks. On Tucsasy lust a thioe year ol colt ard savers cuite wpe kled ear Uniony ile, notwithstanding the care of the engineer ard all these cmployed on the train: We would advise the people living along” this road to keep a sharp lookout about car the. —— 07 Below we give a list of the killed and wousded in company H. 148th Regt. P. V. which went into the fight sixty-two strong and as il be seen by the list. came out with goput haif the number, Campanies B. C. G. and H. were the only companies in the Regiment that were actually engaged, the rest being on pickt duty. We have no list of the causslities of any other companies but the one given below, 1st, “Lieut Wm. Bible and 2nd. Lieut Franz Stevenson of Co- ©. were killed. Col. James A. Beayer, wus severely wounded in the side. : . KILLED. . Lorporal M. B. Lucas, Private W. S. Miller, « Michael Flinn, ¢ Wilham Ludwig, «George T. Jones, +¢ David Stier, «« James N. Test, +t Ulysis Wants, «+ Harrison Yeager, «+ Frederick ‘Reeder, ¢ Benjamin Zimmerman, WOUNDED. Laptain George A. Bayard, head and arm, First Lieut. John L. Johnston, breast, Second Lieu. John A. Bayard, side, Corporal, Rich Miles arm—amputated, + RGeorge Neiman, hand Private, Peter Frantz, arm, « John Gzhagan, arm, +¢ Francis J, Hunter, arm, « Bamuel Wyland, finger, « (George 11. Long, foot, « W. J, Lucas, arm, «¢ Micha Libkicher, arm, : 8 «« Thomas Myton, mouth and arm, «Samuel Orris, face, i «« Oscar L. Runk. hip. + Charles Whippo, leg «Jolin D. Wager, leg «« Daniel Woodring, severely, ler, one of the ge: tlemanly salesmen in the “| goods, louking g'asses,, etc., 504 Market |’ Street, Soyth sudo, thifd door abové Fifth,’ ‘lin Philadelphia, and we would ‘recommend, -{ «thet ar’ bonner’ were all “0. K.'" 7 While io Philadelphia last week, w made the acquaintance of Mr. Edward Mil- wholesale house of Frederick, Paxton & Co, trimm ings, gl ve , handkerchiefs and em- broideries, cloaks, mantillas, shawls and every ‘vari oly. of foreign and doinestic fancy Through the courtesy of Mr. Miler, we were enabled to accomplish tbe object of visit to the city in a much shorter ‘space of time §nd move, (0 “oar satisfactiou than ‘we would otherwise have been, and we take the opporiunity of this little ‘nofige to return him our sincere thanks for the same The | house of Paxton & Co., is one of the most cxtensive establishments of the kind to the consideration of our merchants heré’as’ one of the ‘most advantageous in point ‘of prices in iho city, With such salesmen’ as Mr. Milles, who is certainly one of the mos gentlemanly and obliging men we ever met public, and for these various reisons we re- commend itto our merchants. Mr. Miller will please consider our hit tipped oncé while we again 6ay, “bully for Nidward.” By the way, Ned, “then ére alivwls'™ and’ Ang, War N ws, The country has been full of news for the past week. Battles after battles, victury and defeats onc upon another, until no. ons can tell * what's what” or 3‘ who's who”: Hooker, like Burpsides, bas beso gyhipped. and whipped badly, notwithstanding the ly. ing reports that he fell back simply for a ruse; It was a fearful ruse to many a brave sol- dier. The reports circulated in the begip~ wing of this week thst Richmond wis ta- ken by Gens. Keys and Peck, stested at Washington, dispatches were forwarded to Europe, for the purpose of bolstering up the war wen, on the otherside of the Atlague. Our Goverument must have fallen pretty low, when lying must be resorted lq to keep i s credit up. Richmondis not taken, It is roported that [looker has recrossed the Rappahannock, but it is doubtful. It is the field, then we may lookout for the !* Re- bellion fc be squashed,” or something cise doue.: : : dg . "Gen. Grant with all bis efforts has not suc- ry, it is rumercd that Vicksburg, took quite a number of his men, destroysd séveral beats, and captured quite a lot of Govern- ment stores. Gen. Banks is making about a8 successful a campaign is Louisana as he did in Virginia, as yet he has accomplished nothing of importance. igh : Grund Gulf is reported capturcd by the Federals, who took quite a number of pris- overs, whether this will cause the fall of Vicksburg remains to be seen. Forrest, the Confederate Guerilla, hag beep .dashisg round Tennessee, 2nd after a fight succeed- ed in bagging Col. Strejght’s whole com- mand, said to be 1600 men, with their horses, equipments, &¢, So it cau be seen that another week has giipped sway snd the « back bope of the Rebellion” is, pat yet broken. : is pe AusxANpeR TaN(#0N oN COERCION 4ND Civ War. —The following is ag extract from a speech delivered in 1788 of that great patriot, Alvxander Hamilton, in the (Convention that was held in the State of New York, for the ratification of the Con- g itution of the United States. It will be remembered that Ifamilton was also a mem- ber of the Couvention which framed the Constitution: “The States can never lose their powers till the whole people of ‘America are robbed of their liberties. Thess must go together. ‘They must support cach other er meet a cowsuen fate. wish the Commiitee to re- metnber that the Uoosiitution "under eXam- jnation is framed upon truly Republican princiy les, and that ag it is expressly de- signed for a common protection and the general welfare of the United States, it west be utterly repugnant to this Consti tution to subvert the State Governments or oppress the people. fie coercion of States is one of the maddest projects thgt was ever desised. A failure of compliance will never be confined to a single State. This Leing .the case, can we suppose’ it wise to hazird a civil war? It would be a Nation at war with itself. Cap any rea-, Sonjhie man be well disposed towards a Government that makes war and carnage the funly nweans of supporting itself—s Government that can’ exist only by the sword? Every such war must involye the inuncent with the guilty. This single con- sideration should not be inefficient to dis- pose every peaceable citizen against guch a Goveinment,” : sre Hon. C, i. Vallandighaw has made ap- plication to be released on che writ of habeas Corpus. Bellefonte Markets. 1 be following are the quotations wp to 6 ¢’slock yesterday (Thursday) evening * MARRIED. * Matriod on the 15th inst. by tht Rev. 0. G. Me- st A.J. Yeathers, avin +¢ Daniel Farley, stomach, : Our Count: has sustained a much heavi- | er loss in their last battle than at any other | during the war. We are just at the legin ing, if force alone is to settle, the difficulties, and how much better would it be could, we .close the Floody histery, without tle loss of acother man, Chait. Mr. R. D. Cummings, of - Bellefonte © Mrs Sarah Blywireof, Lowistown. + With the above, notice we regeived. one of the biggest, best, and,‘ handsomest”’ cakes, that, ever was made up of “flower ad sweet things,” for which all hands réturn thanks and wish Mr Cam - mings and his estimable lady, all the happiness <*impoi ters ar'd wholesale dealers in hosiery; | Goi Ne with, it cannot fail to be a favorite with the * more in acknowledgement of his" courtesy, | rumored that Gen. [lalleck is about to take | ceeded 1h taking Vicksburg ; on the con:ia- | % soil amever Wheat, White, per bushel, $1,40 al Red, a 3 ‘ 1% 8 3 oh (Shelled; - .. + “8b io Gore * BY : Buck Wheat, + °° : do . $2 Barley, ' do ES Oats, (By Weight) Reade Sr 8 Cloyer Seed, Deode : 5,00 Timothy, ~~. co»: rade 2” $378 otatoed, Ve LONE RE 87 Beans, *% wy y ” 17% Ors. 5 od Rr ‘ & i ans atl pples, (Drie fois de 4 cuov vp Po sehen (Dried) oc foand, ea i e red) 3 Bacon, Tar (Anant ome ET Seite Ty Beeswax, vw dor ov 38 Butter, : ge ae, 181. Tallow, ys : . To Lard, pp a om Ge ugnd to LM Rags, WX fran Mita iare 0% sam SPECIAL NOT. : A Card to the Suffering. aa a Missionary in Super: ) & darned ‘physician resi tha greas oity ‘cf Jeddo. “dr .. hag, cured great numbers whoj were & oriog from Our sumption, Bronchitis; Bere Throat, ‘Goughs" and | Colds, and the debility- snd. egrveps. depression! vansedby {hess disorders... Desirous of benefitting sthors, £ ~wil® detid 'this { who need it free of Slugs; i Address Erv WM. COSGROVE, 439° Palton' Avenue, Brovklya, N.X, [+ ly | HELMBO ID'S EXTRAOT BUCHU ~~ EXTRACE BU ‘ELMBOLD , 34, » pe EP © “TIE GRFAT DIURETI . ‘ HELM-BOLD'S EXHRACT BUCHU, - 1 : TIE GREAT DIURETIC. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, - |. + ac: ‘tv THE GREAT DIURETIC. And, Pegitivgstd Specifio ReMedy for diseases of th ait. Ean fies 182 Tops, fe i _... D:.ganie Weakness, 3 divy And all diseases of the Urinary Orgars. See Advertisement in ‘ancther ‘column. Cut it -out ard gend fur the medicine at omce. © . * BEWARE OF CCUNTELFEITS. . Maron SPB320 made SE rua Jay Tuwionuceine nts. . ate 4 Carner, of Hublersburg, asa candidate for the L office of -eheriff. subject to the decision of the democratic ovuuty convention. We ara-euthorized to announce the name of C. Derr, of Bellfunte, a3. a candidate for the office of - tic county convention. "~ ‘We are guthurized sto announce.the name of Amos Koch ad a candidate for the office of Sheriff. cobventign.: . +f Wo age sre authorized to snvounde the mamo'of R: D. Cummings as a candidate for the office, of Sheriff subject to the decision of the democratic sounty convention. +... ¢ aioe We are authorized tq. agnounge the name: of Joskeu Gates; of Fer piso township, as a ocan- didate for the office of Sheriff, mal to the de- cision of. the demaaratiqoounty copyention., © The Rey Wissen Cosdrovs, while fsboring | yp hppa hase ipo, wiiels T have brought home, . with: me; to |. + ar. , THEA REAT:DEURETIC : a A iss’ nh : ‘Ereasnrer. subjoct to the decision of the democra | subject to thé'devision of the ‘demoeratio county | rn —— Wa tm Ae TET A hw pin A NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. re —X. MISCELLANEOUS. Tian otal LATEST ARRIVAL A ? he ; x : - MORPER BRGI. Tave just received the ‘finest. assirtment of Spring and Sumwer doeds ever brought to this place, and selling at prices that defy competi- tion, 3 > tis § © CONSISTING OF ~~ : . Lage 3 piv qi a 2 . Laties’ - Dress Goods, 2 * Af seep >: a sUCH 4% Jae LE MERINOS, CASHMERES, DELANES. . CALICCS BC. ag AND SUMMER Also, alirge eesortment of ladies and gentle. he’ . : : * x » ‘ | BOOLS AND SHOES, tt: GREAT ate Ae . oan Te, wl Tht ated NA ‘|"And that all DRESS GOODS. | ONIFIER,™ Wi. oer wih J nn, a. + SAP Er i Jala 3% Ee . ey J st Smart gg Su thaieiT se 3 ¢ ¥ 3 ra fia J ks od dws: " as SPRING A SAR HRY PRAYED EXE ‘Ihe Family Seap. Malser. | 30s ———vp + The PUBLIC are cautiongd: against the SDU- REO US articles of LYE for making svap,. &, aw offtred ¥¥ eale.® The only genuine and pa- tenged ipye'is'thut mude-by the PENNSYLVA NIA SALT MANUFACTURING. COMPANY, "| their trade mark for it being “SAPONIFIBK, or CONCENTRATED LYE.” ‘The. grat 2UC- CHESS of this articla has led UN QIPLED PARTIES tg endeaver to IMITATE it, ia vio lation of the Cumpany's PATENTS. ® NOTIFED that the COMPANY have employ- ed’es Hiei ATTORREYS; © #~+ = hd wn . GER. HARERG, Esq., of Philadelphia. “WM, BAKEWELL, Esq, of Pitlslurg. MAUFACTUEERS, USERS, or SELLERS of Lye, in violation of the rights of the Conyauvy, will bo PROSECUTED. st ounce. : ’ 18a The LYE. is for sale by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. oA : ey X ¥ " ant. Cu LY . atic sre ." + ——_—— ‘Take Notice. . The United Stites” Ulr Dietriot- of RpcEARD CoxNLY of Gregg township for the office of Sheriff subjecf if; - * the democratic ¢ounty cotizetion. We are authorized to announce the nar of * We ate’ auttioifed to announce the name of P, office of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the de- mocratio county convention. : : Wo are authorized to announce the namo of G4. W. Rumbarger, of Patton twuship, 8s a .candi- dato for the-offico ef Register and Recorder, sub ject to the deeision: of the Democratic County: Cenvention. ~ , We are authorized to announce the name o John, Hoy, of Spring township, as a candidate fo the*ffice of Treasurer. subject to the decision. o the Democratic County Conyention, NEW. ADVERTISEMENTS. PUBLICBALE. co : . In pursusuce.of an order of the 0.phans’ Court, of Centre coutty, will be expos- od tv saloon * SATURDAY; the 6th Day of JUNE, 1863. On the premises, the flluwing {described Real Haas ; . All that tract or piece of timber land situate in Potter township, in said County, ad joining tho lands of bLaniel Fleisher, Win Rishel, Alexapder Kerr and bthers; containing twenty six acres and twouty one perches and atlowauce. bg. the same more or less This tract of land is hea- vily timbered with white pine, “ouk ‘and * spruce timber and ‘within a few rods of a saw mill. Algo, that truct of eleared land adjoining lands late of John Lee, John Rishel, und the lands now in the gccpancy of the widow and heirs of Sam'l Runkle. dée'd, and John K. Runkle, gontaining one hundred and fifteen acres and forty four perches and allowance, be, the sage pore or loss, | on which are erected a large stone dwelling house bank barn, tenant houses snd-other out-butluings; with a never . failing stream of water near’ the buildings, and knowu ad the stone mill farm. The above described two tracts to be sold togethor, Neo. 2. That tract of land adjoining laid of John Rishel, land now in the occupancy of Jacob Runkle, and lands Tate of Geo. W. Boal, decd, and others, containing seventy nine ascres, snd ninety seven perches, be the same 1nore or loss, on which are erected a frame dwelling house,barn and out buildings. No. 3. That tract of land adjoining land of late John Lee, George W. Boul, and linds mow in the occupancy of Jacob Ru.kle and others, containing seventy eight acres, and one hundred and twenty perches, be thé same more or less, on: which are are erected a frame dwelling house, log barn; and out building. : “No. 4. That piece or ‘lot of ground adjoining lands of Michael Ulrich, Daniel Fleisher ana, others, containing fout acree and one hundred erches, and allowance. The above desciibed Stope Mill in” Penns Valldy, and are among t! host quali § of lands ARTY. - $V “Sale to commence at ton, ¢'clogk of paid: day, ‘The terbug bf sale aie, onc thifd of the purchase money to remain charged-upon the land for the- . widow of Jacob Runkle, degid, tos be secu ed: by: bond and mortgage on the promises, the interest thereof to be paid. annually ‘to the" fd widow, during her li e. and at her death, . the pripeigal to be paid to the heirs and legul ropresentation of the deo’d. One half of the remaining twé thirds to be paid on the eonfiriugtion of; 1h «gale, anl the tesidié in one year thereafter, with iiterest from the tine possession is given to “be secured by bond and portage ou the premiges.:d Possess- jen to be given on tho first dash April, 1364. aid JOHN RUNKEE, Mayld te 3 administ’r of Jacob Runkle; deo’d "REFORMED. American Practice : be GO AND SEE THE ROOT AND ‘HERB DOCTOR, .from | Phitspelphia, “who ‘can he con- sulted at the ¥ Hii S Hey CONRAD HOUSE, » In Bellefonte on the Bth day of June “and ‘the 8th day of Jugs also «one duy io -every mouth during 1863. ¢ He treats all diseases that fesh is heir to. He invites »1'females who may be suf- fering with diseases peouliar to their sex. to eall and examine his new ode of treatment; as thou | synds have been restored to health who have been abadoned by others. Heis in possession of perfect instruments for sounding the lungs and ehest, and ia therefore able to determine the exact condition ofthe vital organs—oonsequently .he oan treat. such cor-plaints with greater safety and certainty than'it .s possible for thoso who guess at the dis- onse and experiment for its cede. ‘He ‘believes that for oveiy malady, thera is founded on dur iling remedy. Parents can receive treatment for $y per month &xdept in ‘cases of can- cers and tumors; they vary Aon .810.t0 $ ~ .Examinatsons free. mis W. LEV BOOT AND SHOE STORE] BELLEEONTB, PA. . . ry “PUTER MAUS, Bropetor, Wopld respectfully inform. thé eitisdnis' of Belle fonte and vicinity that he has opened up u shop on ALLEGHENY STREET; A few doors befow Hafler's Store, where he is prepared to sell at tg gy weal - OWES? PRICES BOOTS AND SHOES, ? - ‘wayl5 ly STRAYED OR STOLEN. _ strayed or was stolen from the Bellefonte Forges, about. two weeks sirigs:* Any person TORR ‘the enid ule, or giving thie -hedéssary oimAation find prosperity thyt a “kind’provilenes con bestow | upot, tem whare it ean. bo found, will berliberally rewarded. i wayld 34 VALENTINE & C0. 6. Bower, of Asrousburg, asa candidate for the.) .. 4 SECOND $t., PHILAD'A, township, havi ands d.o situate in Potter township, neyr Lhe 5 0. wi. Litters of mdministation on the, | Estate of Patrick EA Walic- ) $100. INGSTON M.D. | *| granted to the subscriber they-request-all por. sons kmowing.thetiselvesrisidebidd to sxid estate “| estate of Honry Winkleman A sorrel ile, three years ald, 1 } mayS tf - » , _2idil "MILLINERY & STRAW -GOODS 1! F We have the pleasure, of inform- _ 3 that wa aes yw prapassl to offer, at6ur Old Stand Nos:-103,105 & -107 North 3 MELISERY ATRL GOR, in every. variety of the latbst emporiations, and of tee’ newest and most fashiouable styles OUR STRAW DEPARTMENT, will comprise every variety of . Bonvets, Hats & Trinrmings to be tound in that line, of the Iatest and most approved shapes and styles’ So liditing an early calli [*remuin: Yours. WakD" I \ well setected Stot ., 1% PY . “Hoar Sonos : ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. - - A “I'ake notice that “letters of Ad- minis‘ rajion on the estate of Michael Kearrs have been granted to the undersigned; all persons hay ing oinims azainst tho said estate, are requested to present them, duly »uthontisated for §attlemont and all persine indé.ced to sail estate ars re quested to pay the same without delay ‘to the ungersizned. BRIDGET KEARNS, mayld bt Admipistraiziz. A DMINISTRATO i'8 NOTICE. Letters of Administsation on the estate of Sarah’ killer, dec™d, late of Bush town. ship, having been granted to the subscriber 3 requests all persons knowing themsolves iudeht- ed to said estate, to make immediate payment, and those havipg claims to present .them, duly authenticated by law, for.settlameut. «- mavl 6t Dr. T. B. PUFTER, Adminstrator. AM MNISTRATOR'S NOTICE: Lettesa af Adininist ration on. the estate of Frederick Nestlerode, deeds, of hiberty” Jowrs 5 been. granted to fie gobsaribyr y e requests’ wll _parsojis knowing, thaygselves in- debt fo suid” Satato. 0 ae fuliigiiare pay- ment, and those having * ims to presént them, ‘duly authepsieated:by wr settlement. + May! Gt, \N. JM TONE Lad di nistrator. > x i DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 4%» Notice is hereby given that lot ters of Administratipa *have been granted: tq the undersigned onthe restate of Robert Lipton;:late of Ailsshirss den ds; 4st ‘persons knowing thew- eclyqs. indebtert to maids estate, ‘are-reqyested to make immediate: payment, ‘and those having claims agaiugh the same, to prosont: them, duly: ; authenticafpd; forzsoktlement: Ww pi aREALSN 3 CiMuyl 6... +& coc Adurinistrator. ! ADM TRATOR'S NOTICE. wis Nofice is hereby given that: let- ‘ters of admipistration - have been granted-to the undersigned on the estate of Michael Ridarsdeo d | of Boggs township. ,All 'persous know ng thems selves indebted t0,.p0id estate, are sequested to mgke imps sie payment, aug those -haying claims uguinst the : gaine, to: preyont them, dul autheuticated, for al. 1 * 0 x 7 l May! 6t J.8. PROUDFOOT, Adwt nistratqr. A DMINISTRATORS BOTICE. £3. Whereas Letters of .administra- tion having, beengranted to the undersigned om the Estate of Dautel - Gates, dec’d. , late: of. Fur- geson township. All persons indebted to said, and those having claims topresent iaem duly puthentiated- for settiemept... t+. © ani248t JAMES, GATES, Administrator. | 4 DMINISTTATOR'S NOTIC: Whereas fetes of alm on (he estate of David Fortney, of tig to sushi Fergus on, deceased, having Uni granted mv vio subscriber, all persons.-indebted to)the sail es tate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having elaims or dompands against sud estate, will prosori ‘the same, i) authentioateq, for settlement to thé undersiged, at the late res- idence ef thé deceased. ir Ferguson-4ownship. arpil 10 8¢- JAS. FORTNEY,. Aduysinielrator. A PMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. istration er township, having “been gréfited-fo * the subscri- ber, ae requests all persons glggowming - thew sejves indebted to said Estate to ted to said Estate to make jmmediate puy- ment, and theas haying cl pus, Jo resant thom, «duly aathontitated by law, for foment. dict ULEWISHATLAG LER, Bellefonte, March 27,.1863—36t.. « * “Adm's LE A. gast, deo'd late of Poteer Townehip, having been i or Country: Produce | estate are requested. to make immediate payment, |. | Seho hoo y 1856. Pure tal ingen shasasg ric de TIE PENNSYLVARIX™ FOL RAGS | | Galt Manufacturing Comp. OFFICES: 127 Walnut Sweet, Philndeiphin, Pitt 8, and Dupuesne Way, Pittsburg: * mayld Sm : (COMMISSIONERS SULE OF UNSEAT ED LAND. “In pursusnoe of an act of Assembly passed on the 29th day of March 4. D..1824 the Commis- sioners of Centre County will sell at publio sale at the Court House in the Borowgh of Lellefoute on Tuesday the 16th day of Juno A. D. 1683, the following described tracts and parts cf tracts of unseated lands. purchased by the County at "Preasurers salo avd which hive remained uure- deemed for tho spaco of five years and up- wards. Acres & per. WARRAXTERT TowNsnIrs 150 of Joseph ilarrison Rush township 250 P.B.& D. Gray Worth township 100 Jacob Beck Taylor township 80 Dan’l Beck ‘Taylor towaship 80 Jacob Back Taylor township, 354 93 Wm Wistar togges township ‘400 Jolin Bell ‘Harris township 400 Tho’s. Johns:on Jari township 400 ‘John Irvine farris township 400 William Irvine Herris towuship 400 “Win. Rrown Harris township 400 James Reed. +. Harris township 400 Absslaw Andor Harris towaoskip 400 Rob’ Paiterson Harris township 400 Joseph Cowgill Pctter township 104.83 John Brady: ° Howard t wp 418 28 . Charles Bruce Howard townsh p 433,153 Margret Spear Rush township 108,22 Wm Lowrey Haines township ¢15 Martha Godfrey. Howard township JOHN M’CALMONT . 4. ALDXANDEE, Attost J. Noras, WM. FUREY, : Com. CI'K. Commi swésnme Te. ACCANCETR a-vwm a poe 5B ADDIE DRIAL AR BEE The subscriber begs leave to Inform the world and tha people of Centre County in particular, that be still continues to carry oa tho Baddlery } business in ull its various branches, at his shop n the Nout Kast corner of ALLEGHANY and BISHOP Streets; wuerc oan be found at all times a {oli supply of addles, Bridles, © Waggon Harnese, .: : Carriage Harness ~ 34:+ Collars; 3 ¢° tribe : “Wagon Whips, ¥inoks, Driving WLips' Valises, Halters’ Wotts » ne &o0., &o., &o. wade of the.vory best material, and WARRANTED to be put to-gather in the most s.ibstantizl 1aan- ner. Prices to suit the times. * Call and ezamine yourséives gentlemen: and if you ure not sutisfied, you need not purchase. © : : .. + JERRY TOLEN & Co. Bellefonte, Sept., 10th 6 BOOK SFORE ; BELLEFONTE, Ps. @EGKGE LIVINGY OF, Proprietor The Undersigned having removed to ‘Brokerhafi’s Row,” directly opposite tbo Cooyad Jjouse, still continues to ‘Keep on and ‘R Inge assortipgnt of Theological Classionl, Sunday ol, Migugliznaoad anpl’alt the yavious school in use; ala). a largs apsortinent of and Staiion:ry, Poetographs and Photograph Albus; als Daily and Weekly {cwspipers. dubsciiptions taken for uny paper or periodical in the United States. New publion tions at publishers prices. mayld tf GEORGE LIVINGSTON. | WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND SILVER SToan, “WARE ¥ The undersigned would respectfully wall your attention to his well selected stock of Fine Gold and Silver WATCHES, Fine Gold JEWELRY, of every kind and variety of styles —gomprising all of the NEWEST pnd most beautiful dasigns. Alin, SOLID SILVER WARE, equgl to Coin ‘—and the best make of SiLver Pratep Ware Each ergigle is WARRANTED te bo as represen- ed i 28 Watches and Jewelry carefully nxyilr. p and satisfaction guaranteed. JACOB HARLEY, (Sueeeseor to Stauffer & Harley.) No. 622 Murket £ueet, Philadelph March 6, 1863 7m, BD make immediate payment ands those ih ing _claims to present phem; dyly, Authenticated, . for Stor * thom dply, JS ARMA4G AST April the 3 1863,~3%; *+¢¥J “ARMARGAT la tery “Administrators. A DMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the gd Iate of Haines Township. having been grmwtedt te*the subscriber he requestea]l persons knowing themselves - in- debied to snid estato to make immediate payment and thesd having oliims, to_preseat them duly au- thenticatéd for settlement’ = *~ April 11°1863 —6t. BENJ S.°WINKLMEN. "ADM JTTATQR'S NOTICE. Co. Lefer of Adwinistration having been granted to the nudefsigned on the cstate of gpry (ites. deo’d., late of Union township, all | so 8 ifdebted to “said cetate, are requested to | Jake immediate. tpuywppt, nd aber having | claims will presedt; dul Suthantioplil for afhis- yo (Aprflo on Jai BING, prmigistraioi | yy JPARABOLA SPECTACLES. Superior to any others in use, con- structed in accordance with the LAW OF NA- TUR F in the peculiar form of a Concawo:Con vex _llipsis, admirably adapted to the organs of T gnt end perfectly natural to the Eye; alto- guitar the best artificial HELP TO THE RU- AN VISION ev invented. When therp is dmen 3 it is natur -) use acane—why not ren- der ae ' stance to tha yaluable organ, the Eye when seded 7 : The wbove for sale it city prices, by JERRY. J. WINGATE. A} the Dental Office East of Post Offices P. §.—These spectacles can be obtained ; at no other place in town. : . Bellefonte, May 29, 18 © All MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS, or SEL | LERS of theso. SPURIOUS Lyws, mrerieioby:|y SAPONIFIER, Lor iCONCENTRATED | | MISCELIANEOU LsTaBn Puen Jey ® 5 arial PETER LORILLARD; Snull’and Tobacco Manufacluioi’ + 18&18CHAMBRESST, ' +" (Formerly 42 Chatham Street, New York ) Would &all the attention of Dealers tothe articles of his manufacture, viz: s yon ” : BROWN SNUFF, s Maoaboy, Demigros, . Fine 3, Pure Virginia. Coarse -Kappee. Naohitoches.” * Awerican Gentleman, Cgpsuhpzen: YELLOW SNUFF. ... .z Loney Dew Scoteh ~ . Fresh Honey*Bus Scotch, Eresh Scotch. .Seeteh, High Toast Scotch, * Irish Higa Toast, cr Lundyfoot, which will be fotind of sf superidiquality’ oy TOBAGUQ. "1+ Y 397 it sxopiNa. phd cor ‘thawte Tiss Long. +P, A Lor plain, * 8. Jaga? =! * No. .I Cavendish. or Bweet, Spauiah,, . - No. 2 Sweet Scented Oronoco, Canaster, Nosl & 2 Tin Foil Cavendish, mixed, h2 i ‘Granulated. po Turkish, : oD application. AE et is - Leather! Leather | 0 « SOLE LEATHER .. - - wif wa © ENCH CALF SKINS CQUNTKY CALF SKINS.’ 'MOROCG0 Sut pil Sy * LININGS, &C., &C Shoemakers' Thread and Shoamakers Tools, of | all kinds, to be had at SUSSMAN SS. CHEAP; :' thap at any other: éstablisiggent kf Central Penn vlvania iy Rollefonte, Deenmbidr 19, 1362 —tf 7 Rh SRR #pt yy ¢ 5 HU GHEY, Wp MILILE ™~ ES ER Allegheny Btreet, one dvor northeofir 17 7 ROCHE Has justopened a fine assortment of ths Latest : . ’ iv 3 latest fashion and’as LOW PRICES. BONNETS AND BATS Always en hsnd and trimmod at the shortest BLBACKIND Pong in the most complets manner known to the NATIONAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGES | LOCATED 1 PHILADELPHIA. 8.8. cor. 7th and Chestnut Jtroets, + N.Y. CITY, BROOKLYN" »LBANY TROY, BUFFALO, LKAVELAND, DETROIT, CHICAGO & ST.. LOUIS. : Book-E FEPING, PENMANRHLP, CoMMRP IAL AR DENCE, &o0' practically taught. i These Colleges being under the same general and local management, and uniting in each the advantages of all, offer greater facilities tor im. parting instruction than any other similar iusti tations in the country. A Scholarship 1ssued by any one is good in sl. for an unlimited time. . : The Philaielpkia Coll age hay been recently en larged aud refyrnizhed jm » superior jusnner, and ia now the largest and most prosperous Commer eafl Institubiou in the Btate. : Bryynt & Stratton’s series of Text books, ew- bracing Hook-Keeping, Commercial Aritametic, Qosiopmersial Law, fo; sa.e sud and seit by mall. ; : EB Hor full partyoulars agnd 1» eiranlar Cot. 17. 1362—1y. CARPETING & BEDDING, REMOVAL. - . %! R,L.KNIGHT&RBON Haye Removed from 463 S. SECOND Street, to 807 CHESTNUT 87, ABOVE RIGHTH, Where they haye opened & well seleatad Btock of CARPETS ‘GIL CLO TUS : t AND MATTINGS. BEDDING AND MATTRESSES Of every desoription, ready-made or made to order FEATHERS. . Various qualities alwsza ag. hapd. The Magufesture: sad. Sale-of be cout ah HEA, SECOND | EEBYR §. KNIGHT: © HABLTY KNIGHT. EDDL NG will rast. Sap Be Eras J OLLOCK'S IMPROVEDDANDELION COFFEE. —This pieparation, made from the best Java Cofice, is strongly recommen: ded by physicians as a superior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dyspepsia, aud all Bilious disorders. 5 waa Thousands who have been reluctantly compelled to abandon the use of Coffee, will fod. they om use tnis combination githout.any of the injuriou effects they formerly cyforionsed, Higa |" One can gontatnd the strength oftwo pounds |: of ordinary Coffee. ny 3 Forsgle by all Druggists and (Grocers, and b the Mangfacturer, ¢urner of BROAD and CHEST A NUT Streots, and by JOS. B.B 108 and 10, S WHAB VES. - Piice 25 conts. March 6th 18062—1y. NEW PLOVGHS. - ‘The subscribers have secured the right of Contre County to. man itacture and sell the J.C. Bidwe!l no. 7 Centre Loaver Left Hand - .Attention is called to tho large reduction in prices of ‘Fine-out chewing ‘and siking Tobagoss. | + N. B,—A circular of. prices. will -bg. sul Ny 23 +E Fiyle Sing ei Triste: Gol Which she fs prepared to make wp and trim ia ‘tiv § Milesburg, bots Toth 1842, © 6 mo 1THNETIC, COMMERCIAL LAW, Fonxs, Cr ~RBEPOX-| | USSIER & CO, MISCELLANEOUS. 1 or rrr dy T Eager _.i SIERNBERG HALL ! DY. PUMP SINKINS, ESQ. ~ ,.7 | vv. Fome TCE I told the folks, > ios man intown, sirs; ¢" Mbo kept a clothing store so'grand,” .. | And did the tHirg-ip brown, sirs. Bay 5 wg Pan FENN an Now, this me wan hag moved, his stora,, ; From Diexond down the street sits." Aud now, next dor to (Canrad House, He's got things mighty peat alee’. < At Roynold’s Arcade. where ail dhe folks do congre, irs You'l ud our Sternbe; ! Wih, 4 yerythicg fir Clothing lait, Sra, [© _._ There, conta and punts. and hats and cape, And shirts wud boots and shoes sirs, Are piled up so * splendiforensly,’” © | You ecaice know what to chiovss, gir, I i0M ‘you mow ifs mighty grandi {i ei ia ‘To go into his shop. sics. = And se, pifedup ov every Wid, : Things nice ssymnx wp, ssl nif #427 "i And then Sternberg, Le sorapes aronud, Aud bows and sots potiter wil And asks you if you ever foyrd, i Goods half so strong und bright, sin’ Ard tasn you're bhooad tn praise his goods, ‘ no «7. dt adhe 0” § i 5 byseat Jieomuse, to tel the toyy awn an here's sever goods ah Ne son Se J In towd, by age or youthrdipsl hey eran te and? wr cel MRA pueitarat Besides, they're all'sn IS el Terapvig And goad. abil cloan Ak‘dio dW Ads: © + 3% laa For, should yon turn apd lease hig stare,., 1u.4.. You certainly would rue, sirs, . A ange Sa ee That you did uot p whole sgit dug» .. From this great efofhing mun, sits, Fivu esBthri st Shs opr, ENF, Le Ca 6 Igy apy SIF yh arever and nday, sles... And ‘when he dics. we hope he'll Gnd A soft place for to lay, sirs. * +. « And on his grave. mid flowers bright, i Beneath which he shall sleep. airs. “5%, + Wo'll p noo astone. wherson, we'll wie, Ha Ile sold goods mighty cheap,’ sirs. °° : ” ¥ cer! Mayl tf The inquir; is frag: ently made, rocks bo ubiaineld, Yentandnity on, wh o filled with Apple-butter » Milk=-nrd, that w i nct become stir “or” isu’ zreeahly caused much disease, and frequently death ? 1 take this opportunity of informing the *publia:+* that °T baye sold spple-butter, and Milk erogh, durable in glazing. free from all vbuoxious onl Stibadn otag a wig aad wi y 41 wy vat TO THE FUBLIC. “ Wheid' eam" + at the gaging may remain . . Pniiitam ~ «10 Stutriborg—inay he 'live' i: «1 nor peisoncus,. the glazing of high has... tt My platurin diferent pieces. tothe umdersignhd,’ fan nary ‘and durability anywhere 3 dp J hose arteks are gluzedswith the very best qmo- + terial, yjz., Red Lead, Quarts, ec, and J uly ‘usethe very bast du “Wool: By whish Tekh publ” the wate’ thie hardest and most Garable’. [= loagped the Pottery business in Europe, studi- L Lt [\ 3 . persons that onupgl he oxcelled for guality, ie “% La #dsthe Chiemioals Tu*tho achoufs of Munich ai © °° Sat i ygeburs, (Buzaria) and. by these meyns, audi, hdilify yanrs of experience, I am enabled to furn tishetho publib wich t be ‘sbove described ware. REIT EEC SoSEPH SAPPLE. sod Cropks, they.ean be had at the, stores, of; the *undersigued persons: as TTSPROAWN 8 COOKE. + Sa PIN AWE as vs in # IV. GRAY. Rtormstown : 4 "MUSSER &'SW ARTZ, ‘PG Mila: ROBT CAMPRELL . Port. Madildn “LYONS & Co., Ponnsylv'a Furnace WOSEPH SAPPLE, Vice, Roaches, Aw‘s,. «. Waollens, &e., Insrcts on Plats, Wowls, Animals, &e * pret Pat up in 250. 4c and $1 00 Bexosy Bottles & 4% Flaxka. £3 and $o sizes for Lotels, Pablio Insti ‘tutions, &u. “Quly infallible remedies known “Free from Poisons Yiig + Not dangerous to the Human Farite.”’ +: Rats coms out of their hioleato die.’ 13 Sold wholesale in all large cies. ¢ Sold by all Druggists and Retailersevery wlicere. : ! gt FU Beware ''! of all worihlpas imitations. 2 Reo that + Costa's’ name is on eaol Box, bottle and Flask. befure you shuy..y BI Address | HENRY KR. COSTAR. _ 3° Prsncrpal Depot 482 Broadway, N. Y. - {7 Bold at 3 : re «+ tus +. HARRIS'S: RUG STURE Belicfonte,. Pa. Marl 27, (802-6. CARRE JANCEACHRY . Gila r IER Ra “a “ocari Ba : ' ABRAHAM SUSIMAN Bellefonte, BLANCHARD'S LAW QFFICE. | ford B: Thyounwish to-buy good. substantinl gh” 47 Bd Manfuotures ; Bod: Bugs. a. Mr. 8 A. MeQuishon would respectfully f° v form the citigens of Centre gaunty, sthat he Js Spaned & new Carrtage Murufactory, in tha rear | of Cummings’ Livery Stable, whore he is prepated to manufacture pit : CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SULKIES. : + ~PHAYRTONS, : . SPRING WAGONS, . BLEIGUS. ~ SLEDS. &C.. &C. to suit the time. s. } opal ing done on short notice. Bellefonte, Feh 6, 1883. 1y. NEW BAKERY! | 2 ir ve MATHIAS SCHMUCK, Would respeot fully inform the peopie af Bellefonte aud viginity. that he hay Spendd a ng » and complete Bikery gu SPRINGatrvets i020 5 teynolds, whege he will ke: ity at price, premises of W. F constantly oii hand all kinda of * BREAD, RUSK, POUND-CAKE SUGAR. AND GINGER CAKES. CRACKERS, ve &c, &c.. &c, : kl which he sells ut a reasonable “and satiefictery ree. | 4 . wae 4 OY aii AT Bread, Cakes and Pies buked to order on the shonteat patie: Fhinilidd Ki And itt) fheir ad. ntagd 7 [Poiz, balsa 7s TEs anil A ata fe es 5 Yrieh Anda Aités ol (hb &y foe {I Menam A 7 3 toc {5 HppTREEANG | teen : i RANEY : 4 HOWLL & ECUFKE, COR FOURTH & MARKED. Streetd, Paina. 2%. have now in stock, & fine variety of : +, WALL PAPERS, = got up expressly fur their Spring Trade : WINDOW: PAPER OF EVERY. RADY. te which tlicy iufite the attentic of Srowr wu-veREr F.00 A3ntad ad Linh Plough, Tuis is now considers | the best metal Piotigh made in Pepga. | Famers van examine it by calling at. the B Ta. | ayers Cherry Pretoral fonte* Foundry, ( oct Steal shares will ‘te pra- | | hed with the Plougn it desired. J | Jun. Sh. 1843 —tf 3 Haver $ Lo, In ir Retai! Department, will bs found tune choicest . © ‘es of the season. sh March 8, ; #3 dw. : Ayers Cathart. Pils yh] fe iE Aur } ta id 3d a