i ri 55 . a tell-tale, LOCK HAVEN STATION will Le as follows: WERRES i Hi S ~ ti r . man « Bellefonte Markets. - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. : Wha : ate # | ‘he following are the quotations up to 6 o'clock | ~~ oR : = A HE EL STERNBERG HALL rs EE , Whi 1.40 nw Whaat pe, per bushel, Ha BY PCMZ. SUNKINS, ESQ. Rye, i , do Bo Mm] > { Corn (Shelled) do 85 Bome time ago. I told the folks, + 1 1 ars do 25 Abcut a man in town, sirs, . Buck Wheat, do 62 W Lo kept a clothing etoreso grand. Ba gs 1,00 And did the thing up brows, sir. Oats, (R7 Weight): do 50 Tater RA ‘Clover bead, ~~ - ‘do 500 Naw, this esme man has moved his etore, : Tinothy, do 1.7% From Diamond dovin the etreat airs - 4 i - Pp ! 2 “do 5 And ‘now, next doér te ** Conrad. House," i 3 aber Renna, fe 1.73 He's got things mighty neat sirs. Te “rr | Onions, - 5 Co : iy Apples, (Dried do ° 1,50 At Reynolds Areade. where all PLM & DHE ALBOAD, bons 5 | pms ea A Peaches (Dried, r it ou’! find our Sternberg's Clothing Hall (PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO, LESSER ) Hod { ld) pe fo 3 p With «very thitig Strate ftir Bh | Beeswax o 3 ni iy Las, 4) i a ol ; | Butter, . do 18 There, coats and pants. end hate and caps, | WINTER ARRANGEMENT Suter 2 10 ee oy pau ard has a vant : Smarr SS . Lard, “do «10 Are piled up so * gplendifercusly,’ | Cn aud after Monday, Nov. 17th, 1562, TIME a | Rags, do 05 You scarce know what to ehoose, sirs, ! { | LEAVES EAST. ARRIVES. Fxpress ... 9:40, 4.3. Express... B04, ». on. Mail oa. 8:04 0 wr. Mat... 0.03.4 0° Accomm!n. 10:20, A. 31. Accomm’ 2:00 P. a. Tassengers for Philadhlphia and Baltimore, on %eth the MEmil and Express trains, go through without change of cars, hapress West guna daily sll others daily except Sundays. This Lise hus been extended to Sinnemaho- ning. ” RAM'L A BLACK, Superinter dent Eestern Division. except Mondays, LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS. Between a Crndidate and a School Director. Scexe.-—A road side and man ploughing. Canpoate,—How arr you Meester B.? Dirgcror.-—-liather umder the weatler these days. There is too much rain iu the air! Infact the prospect of planting earl looks a little damp. x CAND.—Then, shure ye've had time to m.ke up your mind to vote for me. Come, neighbor B,, it weg be vary gude to hey your word for it; Din.—T am not quite sure that it is right to pledge myself before going into the Con- vention. I glory in bein a free man! Caxp.—But hev I not been faithfool ? Hev I not been particularly ettentive to my offus 2 And more than all, I am now well buked in the beesness ; I found the uffus in in the “‘mire,”” and Fhave poot it on a better futing. . Dir.—You certainly hate been all atten. tion, but perhaps you might still be excell- ed by oue who would be not only altentive but also fustructive. 1am inclined to think that we have had more Aorse-back exerci.® than improved class drill. This thing of only going into a school room to put in time, answers the part of 0 wooden man. But if you have no superior competitors, we must try to sustain you. Let us hear who are your competitors CaN.—F’en fact, I have none; they're {wom number but not one may-writ (mer- it.) The onc is a professor and a daisairt- X and the other is a quake doctor and a aseal. The first mentioned, raised a squad of men in Snyder county and sold them. He made out middhng well and would like to sell the day-rectors next. As fur the Doc- tor, he hes run out cf praketus, and now he wants to praketue sharp on the people, ord, by the by, which hic spells p ee-pel-e! My gude sit, they're both feet for the peni- tentiary. Dir. —8tep, stop! You alarm me! What are the names of those detestable men? Why not arrest them ? Let the murder out. CaN. —Vary well, vary well, you shall know all about them. They are Professor Weaver and Dr. Wier. Now, sir, how can you support thedirty fellows ? pin. — Sir, you turn my surprise into dis- gust. You presume and dare on my izno- rance and credulity, Sir, I know both those nen by better reputation than yoa represent. I long ago heard of the scandal which an infamous scoundrel “by the name of John Garduer, in Selinsgrove, tried {o fasten on Mr. W's fair character, when he fwiléd. by no fault of his, to raise a company of vol- unteers, The charge is basely untrue. I can cite you as proof to Rev. Robert W- one of his students, v ho is a man of truth, Mr. W. is a thorough scholar. CAND. -Do not get offended. stated what I heard. Dir. —Sir, a public official should not be In regard to Dr. W,, 1 can prove that you /ie under another mistake. Dr. W. has no worse faults than you have. Your language is more criminal than his deeds. Besides, you are condemned out of your own mouth, You endorsed his pro- fessional certificate. ¢ O Consistency, thou art a jewel !” : Caxp.—1 sishure you, I must have been misinformed, and I shall not rip-pete it. But there is one thing wheech must block- ade those men effectually. They both talk about teaching Normal Schools in summer for the bane-e fit of teachers. This is worse than nonsense and ill.legal, Dir,—Why so ? I always thought a good chool for teachers wonld be of the first im- Sortance. It certainly would tend to in- crease the supply of good teachers. .Be- sides you do not superintend much at any in Summer, except your patch of Long John's. Oaxp.—My gude sir, I can prove that he has no time or right fur ainy such thing. He must make out his statistics, his anoual riprorts and visit a number of schools. Dif. —I think Solomon was right. He said, “there is a time for all things.” A farmer who grows only corp, cannot expect to sell grain in winter, In like maaner, the crop of teachers will be deficient if we do not stir the fallows (fellows) a little, and drill inte them the seeds of truth. Cao. inl So you are in for schooland I am out ; So go-alang my gude auld Gray, We are bound to ‘pioneer the way.” iar me * 1t is said with, how much trath we do pot know, that the Prince of Wales intends vsiting- our country again during. thé com- ing summer, what the object of. the visit is we do not know, nuless 1t be to purchase a, fancy buggy or carriage from eur old friend McQuistion who does things up about right-ut his establishment, back of the Cum anngs ‘House: AW I only MARRIED. On the 9th of April, by Riv. J F. Tallhelm, Mr. George M. Marks, of Half Moun, Centre Co., to M ies Mary E. Jordan, of Janesville, Clearfield Co. 2 : On the Tthinst,, M Rev. Robert Hamill, Mr. (eor ge Odenkirk, to Miss Martha Lingle, both of Potter township, Rs : = or On the 1st inst.. by the same, Mr. Peter Mayer to Mies Jane Thompson, beth of Buffalo Run. DIED. In this borough, of consuraption, on the 2Sih inat., Patrick Keenan, aged 03 years. SPECIAL NOTICES. A Card to the Suffering. The Rev. Wirrtay Cosarove, while laboring asa Missionary in Japan, was cured of Consump- tion, when all other means had failed, by a recipa obtained from a learned physician residing in tho great city of Jeddo. This recipe has cured great, numbers who; were suffering from Con- sumption, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Coughs and Colds, and the debility and nervous depression cuused by these disorders. Desirous of benefitting others, I wil send ‘this recipe, wkich I have brought home with me, to ali who need it. free of charge. Address Rey. WM. COSGROVE, 439 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. ¥ ly HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU THE GREAT DIURETIC ELMBOLD'3 EXTRACT BUC U, , THE GRFAT DIURETIT . HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHTU, THE GREAT DIURETIC. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU; THE GREAT DIURETIC: And a Positive and Specific ReMcdy for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Uravel, va Dropey, O-ganic Weakness, And all disceses of the Urinary Grgans: See Advertisement in. apcther column. Cut out and send fur ike medicive at unce. BEWARE OF CeUNTERFEITS. Maren, 21 '63—2 mo. . it Annonucements. — Fora ny We are authorized t6 anndwnive the ame of Josgpa GATES, of Forgnsoh towuship, as a oan- didate for the offica of Sheriff subject to the de cision of the democratio county convention, We are authorized to announce the mame of Ricuarp Co¥Ly of Centre Hall a3 a candidate for the office of SHeriff, subject to the decision of the demooratic county convetion. We are authorized to announce the ngme of D. 0. Bower, nf Asronsburg. a¢ a oandidate for the office off Sheriff, subject to the decision of the de- mocratio county convention. We are authorised to announee the name of G. W. Rumbharger, of Patton township, as a ocandi- date {ur the offico of Register and Recorder, sub ject to the decision of the Democratic Cou nty Convention. We are authorized to announce tle name of John Hoy, of Spring township, as a candidate for the Democratic County Convention. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. © DR.THUMAS ROTHROCE, PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT HOWARD PA. 0st ; On Bishop or Allegheny Street, a plain Gold Bracelet with theinitiale “X. KE. B.," ongraved on the insider The finder will be suit- ably rewarded und receive the thanks ofa lady by lecving it at this ofico. mayl IN PRESS, ANEW AND IMPORTANT WORK. - THE FOUR ACTS OF DESPOTISM. BY A. D. MAUONEY, OF IOWA, Author of the “Prisoner of - State.” This work will contain full and official copies of the Four Gireat Acts of Despotism by which tke constitutional government of Washington was sub- verted, and the irresponsible Lincoln dynasty in. stalled in its place. 1. Tue Tax Biri, by which all the property and resources of tho people are mortgaged to the present administration.’ : : 2. Tar CoxseniprioX Brii. by which all the bodjes of poor men not worth $300 are pladed in the hands of the Administration, 3 : 3. Tae FiNanceE Biuu, which destroys State Banks and places the entire currency of the coun- try inthe hands of the Secretary of the Treasury. 4. Tue INpEMNITY Act. (fitting climax,) which presumes to indemnify the President for all the wrongs he has committed in the past or may com- mit in the future. ; These four acts will ench he preceded by a care- ful analysis,” by Mr, Mahoney, and their unjust, opprassive, | unconstitutional. and odi ous features pointed out. Asa book for reforonce, it will be invaluab le to the farmer, the mechanic, the poli- tieian, the lahorer—in’ fact, to. every person, for these monstrous acts reach from the loftiest man- sion, to the bumblest cabin in the land. These four acts are not published together in any other form. Thoy will make a large octavo pamphlet of nearly 200 pages, In good sized t5pe and wlll be gold at the low price‘of Fiery Cents in paper, aud Sevaxer-Fiva Crxrs in muslin binding. a 3 Send" on the ordéie'it gue. AU ordre will Go filled according to the date .of reception, First coms first a:rved” Tho ‘cash must accompany the orders. 3 Ad dion VAN EVRIE, HORTON & CO., No. 162 Nassau Street, New York. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Which she is prepared to make up and trim in the tha office of Treasurer, subject ts the decision of | | A DIMNISTRATOR'S NOTICE. a estate of Fredrick Nestlerode, de. d, of Liberty ERR SR La SR CR 1tell you now its mighty grand, To go into his shop, sirs, And see, piled up on every hand, Things nice a8 any top, sirs, And then Sternberg, he serapes around,’ : And bows and aets polite. sirs, Ard asks you if you ever fourd (Goods half so strong and bright, sirs And then you're bound to praise his goods, | Because; to tell the truth, irs; 3 There's never goods like them tq be seen In twa, by age or youth, sirs. Besides, they're all so mighty cLeap, And good. and clean and new, sis : For, should yoa-turn and leave his“store, -. You certninly would rve, sirs, That you did not a whole suit buy From this great elothing man, sirs, ‘Who'd sell you clothing cheaper, far, Than any one else can. airs: : So here's to Sternberg—may he live Forever and a day, sirs: And when he dies. we hope he'll find 4 soft place for to lay, sirs. ! And on his grave, mid flowers bright, Beneath which he shail sleep. sirs, We'll p ace a stone, whereon we'll write, ‘He sold goods mighty cheap,’ sirs. t May! tf "MRS. M. S. HUGHES, MILILIN ER, Allegheny Street, one door north of BLANCHARD'S LAW OFFICE. Has justopened a fine assortment of the latest Foyle Siring and Sommer Ged, atest fashion and at LOW PRICES. BONNETS AND HATS ‘Alwaye on hand and trimmed st tho shortest notice. | BLBATHING | Bone in the most complete manner known to the trade. Mayl tf LEGAL NOTICES. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the estate of Sarah Miller, doc’d, 1ate of Rush town- ship ‘having been granted to the subscriber, ho requests all persons knowing themselves indebt- ed to mid estate, to make immediate payment, i and those having elaiw. to pregent them, duly authenticated by las, for settlement. mayl or Del. B. PUTTER, Administrator. Letters of Administration on the { townships having beon granted to the subscriber, he requests all persons knowing thomselves in- debted to aid estate, ro make immediate pay- meat, and those having claims to present them, duly authenticated by law, fer settlement. Moyl 6t N. J. MITCHELL, Administrator. A DEISISTREATOR S NOTICE. - Notice is hereby given that let- ters of Administration have been granted to the undersigned on the estabe of Robert Lipton, late of Mileshurg, dee’d Ail persona knowing them- selves indebted to said estate, aro requested to make immediate payment, and those having olaims against the same, to present them, duly authenticated, for settloment. W.J. KEALSH, May! 6t . = Administra‘or ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. « "Notice is hereby g ven that let- tors of administration have been grantad to the undersigned on the estate of Michael Ridar, dec d of Boggs township. ‘All persons know ng thems solves indebted to said ‘estate, are requested to make imme liate payment, and those having claims against the same, to present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. Mayl 6t J.S. PROUF i Whereas Letters of -administra- tion having been granted to the undersigned on the Estate’ of Daniel Gates, dec’d., late of Fur- geson township. All persons indebted to -eaid estate are requested to make immediate payment . nd those having claims to present them duly authentiated for settiement. > api246t JAMES, GATES, Administrator. A DMINISTTA TOR'S NOTICE. Whereas letters of administration on the estate of David Fortney, of the township of Ferguson, deceased, having been granted to the subscriber, all persons indebted to the said es- tate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or domands against said estate, will preser.t the-same, duly authenticated, for settlement to the undersigned, at the late res- idence of the deceased, in Ferguson township. arpil 106t JAS. FORTNEY, Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR § NOTICE. . Letters of administration on the, Estate of Patrick Gallagher, dec’d, late of Walk- er township, having ‘been granted to the subscri- ber, he requests all persons knowing . themselves indebted to said Estate to make immediate pay- ment, and those having claims to present them, duly authenticated Dy for settlement. 3 ? EWIS GALLAGHER. Bellefonte, March 27, 1863—6t. * Adm'r “FITERS OF ADMINISTRATION. | On the estate of Michael Aamar- gast, dec’d late of Potter Township. having been granted to the subscriber, they request all per- sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate. payment; and those having claims to present them, duly autentisaied, = settlement. Ww, A April the 3 1863,—3¢, J. ARMARGAT : Administrators. ADMIN ISTRATORS NOTICE. . £3. Letters of Administration ‘having been granted to the subscriber on the estate of Joo, Merritts dec’dlate of Howard township. He requests all persons knowing themselves indebt- ed to said cavage to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them, duly authenticated by law for settlement. March Sth 1643,-8¢ EPHRAIN GLENN. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. : Latims 5 Administration ow hii estate of Henry" leman geod’ late aines Township, hay hot anted to the subscriber he requests all pereons knowing themselves in- debied to said estate to make immediate Deyment and these having claims, to present them duly au- thenticated for settlement: , April 11 1863 —6t. BENJ 8. WINKLMEN. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. : Letters of Administration having heen granted to the undersigned on the estate of Henry Gates. dec’d., late'of Union township, all pereo s indebted to said cstate, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having | Seatch, | ont uppiication. 7 MISCELLANEOUS. STABLISIEEBED 170 PETER LORILLARD Seal and Tobaees Fanafactnrer 18& 18 CHA MBRES £T, _ (Formerly 42 Chatham Strest. New York ) Would eall the attention gf Dealers: to the articles of bis manufacture, vig ° ; BROWN Macabay: ing gh ADemETOR, 0 Lt Fino Rappes,, : 4 5 Virginin. Coarse : - * % = Nachifoches. American Gentleman. Copenhagen. YELLOW SNUFF. i. Honey Dew Scotch tiigh Toast Scotch; Fresh Honey Due Scotch, . Irish High Toast, Eresh Scotch. _ or Lundyfoot, a i . Attention is called’ to the arge reduetion in prices of Fine-cit oliewing and smoking Tobaceos. Which will be found: of “h superidr quality. es TOBACCO. SMOKING. PINE CUT CHRWING., © SMOKING. Long. PUA Lor plain; C'S Jag: No. } Spanish, Cunuster, -* Turkish, April 17 | year “| PHILADELPHIA 1863 4 PAPER HANGINGS. } : > HOW IL & ECUEEY, COR. FOURTH & MARKET Streets, Puiv’a. have now in stock, a fine variety of WALL PAPERS. got up expressly for their Spring Trade WINDOW PAPER OF LVERY (RADE, te which they invite the altentic of Stone. K& “ERS. . In ir Retail Departatent, vill be found the choicest . ‘es of the zeason. March 6, 63-3. NEW BAKERY! MATHIAS SCHMUCK, Would respectfully inform the poople of Bellefonte and vicinity, that he has opened a na> and complete Bakery on SPRING street, in ie) premiges of W. F. Roynatis. where he will kat 5 ConA hand all kinds of : BREAD, RUSK, POUND CAKE, SUGAR AND GINGER CAKES, CRACKERS, : c., &c.." &¢., which ho sells at a reasonable and satisfactery rice. n Bréad, Cakes and Py~s baked to order on the shortest notice. Families will find it to their ad- vantage to get their baking done at this estab- lishment, as they can always got.pure wholesome bread and oakes just when they need them Sept. 12th 1862—1y." Hil yond 6+ NATIONAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGES LOCATED I PHILADELPHIA. S.8. cor. 7th and Chestnuf Streets, N.Y. CITY, BROOKLYN ALBANY TROY, BUFFALO, LEAVELAND, DETROIT, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS. Book-KEEPING, PeNMaNSHIP, CovMEP TAL AR rAMETIC, COMMERCIAL LAW, Forys, Co. RESPON- DENCE, &c , practically taught. z i These Colleges being under the same general and lveal management, and uniting in each the advantages of all, offer greater facilities tor im- parting instrnction than any other similar insti tutions in the conatry. A Seholar-hin sued for an unlimited time. by any oue is good in all In 1 and refurnished i superior manner, and is now ihe largest and most ‘prosperous Commer ¢ail Institution in the State. Bryant & Stratton’s series of Text books em- bracing Book-Keeping. Commercial Aritametic, Comommereial Law, for ste and and sent by mail, 5° For full particulars send 1 a circnlar Oct. 17. 1862—1y. Por Rats, Mice, Roge 8, “hes, ‘Bed Bugs, Moths tn Furs, lens, *&e., "Insects. on Pla ts, Fowls, Animals, &e. = Pat up in 26e. §0c.. and $100 Boxas, Bottles & Flasks. $3 and $5 sizes for Hotels, Public Insti- tutions, &c. t= + Only infallible remedied known." i Freo from Poisons * : Not dangerous to thé Human Farily.” ¢: Rats come out of their holes to die.” §27 Sold wholesale in 11 large cities. .s Sold hy all Druggists and Retailersevery- . where. A : t7° !!! Beware '!! of all worthless imitations. {05° See that ¢“.CosTAR’S’’ name is on each Box, Bottle and Flask. hofore yon buy. “57> Address “HENKY BR. COSTAR. 57 Principal Dépot 482 Broadway, N. Y. E- Sold at HARRIS'S RUG STORE = Bellefonte, . Pa. CARPETING & BEDDING, REMOVAL, ; . R.L.KNIGHT&SON Have Removed from 403 S: SECOND Street, to 807 CHESTNUT ST, ABOVE EIGHTH, Where they have opened a well selec ted Steck of CARPETS a : AND MATTINGS. ‘BEDDING AND MATTRESSES Of every description, ready-made or made to order FEATHERS. Various qualities always on hand. The Manufacture and Sale of BEDDING wil} be continued ai 262 8. SECOND Strest. REEVE L. KNIGHT. FABLTY KNIGHT. April 17, Sm. : [COLLOCK'S BOVEDDANDELION 8. COFFEE, —This Preparation, made frown the best Jaya Coffee, is strongly recommen- ded by physicians as a superior NUTRITIOUS BEV. RAGE for General Debility, Dyspepsia, and a)} Bilious disorders. ~ ‘hopsands who have been relustantly compelled to abandon tho use of Coffee, will find they can use tms combination withigut any of the injuriou effects they formerly experienc: a [55 One can contains stre of two pounds of ordinary Coffee. BAR Ti . For sale by all Draggists and & ers, and b the Manuf turer, Soweto ROX und CHEST NUT Streots, and by JOS. B'BUSSIER & CO., 108 and 110, 8 WHAB VES: = Price 25 gents. wi mint March 6th 1862—1y. G. L. TOVELL, DEALER IN Tobacco € Cigars '0IL CLOTHS, claims will presedt,; duly authenticated for settle. | ment (april 6t) JOHN BING, Aaministrator. LEWISTOWN PA Asie ~ : SNUER..- : - . | "hont, Rufirond and Bank Book-Kenping. Ministers’ sops at hilf price. Scudents enior; oe The Philadeiphia Coli ego hes been recently cn - MISCELLANEOUS. mee lh ae 0 hye Hox. Wipsox M'Ofxprrss Jodge of the United RR RR, a ce Carner Penn and St. Clarr Streets, Pittsiurga, 4k . Pennsylvania. - . JS. The Largest, Cheapest and "Best. ° i | $33 puys for a full éommercial cours ©: and review at any time. Teachers and Practical Avcountants, who prepare young men for active business, at the least ex- and responsiblé situations DipLovMas x ated for merit oniy. Hence the universal preference for zraduates of this College, by business men. Prop. A. COWL vy, the best Penman of the Uni. ion, who holds the largest No. of 187 Pruyirus nnd qver all competitors, teaches Rapid Business Writing. For specimens of Penmanship, and Catalogue containing full information. incloso twonty five cents to JENKINS & SMITH, Priwcipols. {55 Attend whero the Son: and Clerks Bankers and Business Men graduate, of " Leather! Leather! SOLE LEATHER SPANISH KIP E- FNCH CALF - SKINS | COUNTKY CALF SKINS MOROCCO LININGS, &C., &C Shoemakers’ Thread and Shoemakers Tools, of all kinds, to behad at SUSSMANS. CHEAP. .! thanat any other establishment in Central Penn vivania. Bellefonte, Dezember 19, 1862—tf. ~~ WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND SILVER WARE The undersigned would respectfully sil your attention to his well selected stock of Fine Gold and Silver WATCHES, Fine Gold JEWELRY, of every kind and variety of styles —compriving all of the NEWEST and most heant:ful dasigns. . Also, 30LID SILVER WARE, equal to Coin —and the bast make of SiLver Pratep WARE. #ych article is WARRANTED to bo as represen- ed, 2A Watches and Jewelry carefully REPAIR. p and eatisfaction guaranteed. JACOB HARLEY. (Syccessor to Stauffer & Hariey,) Wo. 622 Market Street, Philad«lph March 6, 1862 "m. SIMON A, FELDMAY, IMPORTER & WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES GINS, NO. 506 NorthiNinth Stree, BELOW SPRING GARDEN, Pr Xa ADIITAEELY A. MILLINERY & STRAW GOODS!! CED We have the pleasure of inform- Eo) you tha! wi are now poapusl © offer, at our 01d Stand Nos. 10%, 105 & 107 North SECOND St., PHILAD A, : A well selected Stock of MILLINERY & STRAW GOODS, in every variety, of the latest tmporiations. and of the newest and most fashionable styles OUR STRAW DEPARTMENT, will comprise every variety of Bom Trimmings to be found in that liar. of dt and most approved shapes and styles ting an early call. I remain Yours. Resp eifully, ~. H.WARD SOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, For the Reliefof the Sick and Distressed, afllio- ted with Virulent and Chronic Disenses, and es- pecially for the Cure of Dicscases of the Sexual Organs MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Ae ting Surgeon. : ALUABLE REPORTS on 3permatorrheer or Seminal Weekness, ard other Diseases of the | Sexual Organs, and of the NEW RELEDIES em- ployed in the Dipensay, sent to the afilicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge, Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, DR. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Ac ting Surgeon, Howard Association, No 2 South Ninth 8t, Philadelphia. June 12, I1862—1-y. J PARABOLA SPECTACLES. Superior to any others in use, con- structed in aceordance with the LAW OF NA- TUR © in the peculiar form of a Coneave-Con ves _u!/ipses, admirably adapted to the organs of T gat end perfectly natural to the Eye; alto- gather the best artificial HELP TO THE HU- ‘MAN VISION ey invented. When thgre is dmen sg it is natur 1 uzeacane—why nct ren- der as stance to tha yaluable organ, Lhe Eye when eded ? 13 ay ‘The hove for sale it city prices, by JERRY. J. WINGATE. At the Dental Office East of Post Office. P. 8.—These spectacles gan bp obtained at no other plage in town. Bellefante, May 29, 18 JPRIVATESALE. The property belonging to James Williams, deceased, late of the Borough of Belle- ‘fonte, is offered by the heirs at private sale. The pig perty consists of two houses and lots situated on thecorner of ¥ liam and Railroad streets, Iiellefonte, a wate) sat sufficient for any steam pur ose, and a splo lid spring of water belongs tr ae property. Pepe ALSO, A good frame hous: , and Tot with excellent ou buildings, situated mn Cheapside, Spring town ship For further} rticulars, apply to George Boal, at Boalsburg, to HARLES MoAFFERTY. March 6 , 1863—2m. Bellefonte, Pa. gUGAR VALLEY WHISKEY "AGAINST THE WORLD So JIOWARD 45 To be hid of W. A. MURRY, SUGAR TALLEY PA. | D2 COUNCY SUPERINTENDENT. THEOPHILUS WEAVER. A. M , of Pine Grove Mills, Centre county, hereby gives notice that he ies candidate for the above office, subject to the desision ef the Couvention of Com- ! mon Bchosl Direstore, on the #:h of May next. | april 3. 1863. - : States Circuit Court, Prasident. pi 4i7* No'extra shargos for Mauufacturera; Steam- - This Institation is ecohducted By experienced: pense and shortest: ima,’ fur the most luerative” Wheat, Rye, & Bourbon Whisky’s flals X | iis JOP THE DEMOCRATIC WATCHMAN, : A WEEKLY PAPLR, “PUBLISHED. AT .. | BELLEFONTE, CENTRE COUNTY, PA t= EVERY ~~ FR Day MECERDT nN Ge IN POLITICS, STRICTLY FREE AND INDEPENDENT. is Unmoved by the Hopes of Barigh cous Gain Unshanen by the Froxus of Unprucip'ed Dewsgogues, Unintimidated by the Ciamdrs of the Rabble and the threa's of Tusolent-Mobs, and Feaiing nei- ther thie Unballowed. Precincts of Presidential Dungeons and Tyrants’ Vaults, nor the Bock bound Fortresses of ‘any Modern. Citiguls, IT 18 IN FAVOR OF FREE PRESS, AND . Ed THE EQUAL RIGUTS OF ALL WHITE MEN. Local and Gene- 1al News, Art, Science and Litera- ture, Morahty. Poiitics .. Education, Civil and Ridli- gious Freedom, the Unon he Constitution and the Laws, the best Interests of the whole Cenntry, and Cen- tre county in particular. and opuoscd to Abolitionism Disunionism, and all kinds of Fanaticisin be it Maral, Po'itical, or Re- ligious. and an un- crmpromising advocais -qf- * ! TAUTH, JUSTICE AND MERCY. erm eA a TCITERRIMSE. Per apnum, (stristiy in advane>.) $0,500 When paid within 3 months, 2,00 If left run over 3anon'bs, $2.0, will be invori- ! ably charged. No papar disaoptinaad watit alt han’ aq} ! tions are paid, and 2 failpra tonntily « Ui at the end of tho ti he oonsiderod «4 now snga Those terms will bo rigi ! pane hioriba i | i ly alhaarl to under Il circumstances. ADVERTISING. The following terms of Advertiseing have been agroed npan by the publishers «tf the Central Press tho Berichier and the Democratic Watch. man and will be strictly aloe red to 10 lines [or less] sonstityle a square. One Sqyrre three jnsertions vw - = - - - -§ 100 Foroaclh subsequent ingertion less than { { | with a large numberof wa! | blo sleepin apuris { Jor with or wi | BS Sl Ses i A u g HGLELS: — Ee ee SS JPENNSYLVANIA EOUSE ELLEFON TR, J SOLIN COPENIAVER, Pr sie . LESPECTFULLY ar nuances 0° the t isk He thore who favor him witht eir company - ‘Aik Housk iw hirge-gnd convenient od (o- nished in the. best; modein style. I 1 atrod 83 go Perms vigiy 2 Hellefonie oa business ar fp pleasure, muy “Toa mtvared NE RVEEY 8 xorton will used to ponder thie spay at the © Poopeviva- | mia Hotel” plens:nt snd sgreanbic ! (ONBAD HOUSE - EMOGRATIO Rudess, | | FREE SPEECH, | { three months, - = - « « - - wma One square, 3 months, - - - = - - 3 60 0“ “ 6 ge - 53 00 £ tone year - . 3.00 Quacisz-column, ona year, tw changes, 15 00 aif rhe i : «2 00 ! Onsevumu, 0 CeRtue® ie edn op | Auditors Notices = - © -- - 20 ‘Administrators ant Exeoutars notinos, - 2 25 Notice of app'i sting for tizenge.s - .. . 1 50 Notice fors cuth animal, 1 an i Advertizsemen tn attract atténtion, 30 pur cont abavo rates. . Advertisement not muked with tha nuuhar of insertions dasirel will ho eontinnat til forbidden and charged according to terms. E fitori! or lo: ul molizas for thy hans ofa li viduals, Religious or educational notices, 5 Dvituary notices, over lines, | Ld Daaths and marriagys vino free, | Comm nic ition: reerman ling piss “for of fice, inserted at ten cents a line: and the pyy must acs mpany the communteation, All legal and transient advertisements yvish he laid befo:e they nie rseried. isplayed in funy Iattar, «0 ae mors than ths tha D0 ceite par line EAE OF ALL KINDS, SUCH AS Legal Blanks, Shipments, Manifest. Receipts, Receipt Bik, Order Books, Check Rolls, Toll Orders, Car Books. Way Bills, Advice Sheets, Specifications &o., POSTEXS, SHOW BILLS, CARDS, BLANKS, PAMPILETS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, In fgot, any kind of work dome in a printing offce, executed in a superior manner, and the most REASONABLE TERMS. OUR ASSORTMENT OF Wood teRE, Cannot be beat, and all our’ jobbing wili be executed in tffe neatest and most jm- proved character. Address, P.GRAY MBBE. | Editor gnd Publisher Democratic Watshman, \ Bellefonte, Centre Co., Pa ) {ie Ar | SIZE evor take Card Pictures, and ala i | brotype. PL | | reasonable tom q ‘ehnicest wines aud ther liquurs (CLINTON MO HIS TABLE wire ne tvowe THE Brafioriow | of an exporiencald Cook and sunpiied with the vary best the market a rls, and HIN BAK wih the oharzas renstn- able. The Pewssyrvasty Herter er advants zed in point of foo similar ha Chocast of L quors. md wither Lin tow Proprietor acd wit iy mos? oda 0 aloud ow alt and he feels cen the sa rofied with their aocom ENT LIVERY "iattached te this ea chiinent, whieh strevge:s row abroad will fit rhily to their advantage DANIEL GARMAN. Jrjeniie. Tan 9 ines JHE CUMMINGS HOUSE. BULLEFONTA. PA. R. ©. CUMIN +S, Proprictar, This elegant naw Ife! street. sn fow woo situated on Bishop © of the © pli 1g at last cotupieie 10 nrralL; ant is now opau for the reception and entartainmont of greste. TL hast fur ho v latest atyle. with slsoinin and furniture, and is allogetd t gotten up. wad will be the best conducted hotel in Bellefonte THE TABLE wil' always bo found groaning under the wight of the bast provisons the marke! affords, attonded dy neat intelligent and attentiv. waiters. THE BAR will elwaye bo supplied with tha choicest andl Lest of liguors—not a sickuing mix twe of hiuga—bal ilyuor in there purest and best state . THE STABLE is nrg warm, ¢ mm lous and is ologn. ad obliging aud abtontive hustlers, ars always in wa 3 4 tnok convoys passangor: Soa of shares, to sud from the cars, after ths arciva an d departor of tho train : SORE LOCK HEAVEN, PA. A. WANN, Proprietor. ; > The proprieto Tongwd a aboy named Hotel of Look 11a >! tog county, P wihod of intraiing tha iy that heh public general madeeve pre ration to entertiin sirangars an ihe hest possible manner. this le will always so tain tha cheipest lux uri the conutry wi’ afford, and he is deter mined not to he durpassed iu this department hy any other Hotal along the West Branch. 4 His Bar will ong theghoicast Hquors that oa be purchased fn the (Bin vit Carefui and aticutive Ostiors will constantly he om hand to take charge of Gorses nud son that they are properly ationded io. Trusting that he receivo a portion of tf wiatronage of the traveling publie, he hope attention to be abies 0 rende ganeralsatla F! 1. June 6, "81 if PLEASANT GAP HOTEL PLEASANT GAP, PA: 4 IF MURMIED Tlie yet! huown Hotel privior, where i vprictor Ww hapt by the pes tu wail on thy N W PIOTIRE GALLERY. - R. J. 5S. BARNUHARYE, HAVING suit a new and splendid SIKV-LEGEY PICTURE GAL KRY, R s now prepara to execute nll orders in the Ade ny of the eux His Photogr comman and fancy oises, ave which vary from 50 CENTS TO 23 DOLLARS! given and apnartis fais is Gallery t=} 150, Bahr shed apr ad on ihe CGarainn’s ilo {ustruetic hill beside the Const tel May 22 I EW PLOUGLS Tee rors ave geeured foe right of Centre © npantwetuce and doll the J.C. Bidwell no ‘eutre Leaver Left Hand Plough, Lats 14 now rast doaged ths pest metal Plough made in Penna. Famers :anexamipe it by eaifing at the © 1. fonte Foundry. CastSteel shuras will be turn ished with the Plough if desired Jan. 30th. 1863. —tf A Ha [0 CHOOL DIRECTORS. We would recomme=d RB ( of Centre Hall, aa possessing the gqualificatiuce required by Iw. to fill the office of Conuty 3 perintondent, w th honor and effiviency” ~ Ww. W. Love John Shannon. William Wo!r i’. {vid of ter of fF u vn i Fava IVE FWENTY U 8. LOAN. "Wm. F. Ravnolds & Co, of Beli funte, ave subreriptin agents tu dizpasa af ihe Five-Twenty years’ United States Loan Amounts can be had to suit the maw of different indivi uals; the interest is payable and will ba half yearly in gold. april 10 1089 4p Po OROVE ACADEMY & Dor. INARY. ~The Summer tits wy sommen®: Wolueslav Board, Tuition aud } £03sion. + Pie Gaye Mais $2! Wer, ary April 29 4 3