Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 17, 1863, Image 2

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    GRR Ty
A eh MET
?. GRAY MEEK, bs
‘Friday Moriing, April 17, 8868.
PT or —————
Demoorate Heeting.
A woesing of the Democracy of this County will
take plaee in the Court House on
TUESDAY EVENING ‘38th inst., (Court weok.)
Hon. W. H. Witte and other able speakers from
_» distance will be present and address the meet:
rz. Al those who are in favor of a restoration
of the Uuios under the Constitution as it come
toe from our fathers, wre respectfully invited to
: 8. T. SHUGERT.
‘iimnan Standing Committee,
Gn atl A API en
To We Het Beat Them ?
Wo auppees the Britisheas sre satisfied,
They have rejoieed with exceeding great
joy crer the milrpiege of that eprigof *No-
bility, * the Pringe of Wales, and gloried in
the prospects of being taxed a millivn or so
tore tn Support another “royal” house-
told. Ascording to the reports of the daily
jupers the wounded and slain slone, on
@uturday, the day of the jollification.
ssounted to more than thet of many a hard
aught battle field. Crushed to death by the
wrowd, trampled to the earth by the vehi-
cles, bruised umd beaten by each other, and
-a'l for the sake of “royalty.” For one day
xd one night were the cities held in terror
“indies honor.” ruffianism reveiled in all its
glory brutality and wielence reigned in their
streets, windows ware smashed, pockets ri-
“ed, persons muimed for life, and sll “in
hii honor,” Wheat more? Let the stark
and hideous corpse of the strangled thous-
5 ds tell, they were “butchered to make a
British holiday. In speaking of this
re geand display.” the Ligh Nulien rays :
“When all the gas pipes have been taken |
down, when ail the tawdry ders have been
removed lige the relics of a night's debauch
ane relly permanent memorial of the dis-
play ulose will remain. The shattered win-
dows will be mended. Bruises will heal,
and wounds will cicatrize. But the murder.
«1 dead will shout no more for Prince or
Ring. The wounded and slain in Londen
wlone cn Satarday--killed and maimed by
he Prinec's pagent—is greater than that
of many a bicody battle recorded in the
aunuls of wer. Dublin, too, has its hos-
pital Ist, though it cannot cope with thal
of London, 1% “loyalty” satisfied ¥ 1lave
homes enough Leen widowtd —have victims
enough been offered to this Moloch of flunk-
eyisw ¥ ”
But what of that? Why should we, as
Smecivans think. airangs of (ha noor ignoir-
wis, imopious, besotted creawures of the great
cities of Fuogland, who believe in the ‘dis
vine right of kings.” and that by the grace
of God,” & “‘a tuady,” of the *‘royal fami-
ty” is called (0 govern them, rioting and re-
veiing for one night ‘in his honor,” when
we, ourselves, have, for two ycars been
butehering our own brothers--growing
drunk on the blood of innocent women and
children —desolating our land and glorying
i» We orgies of war, all “in honor” of Sam-
bo of the South—all to degrade ourselves
to ® level with the negro # Why need we
g8e in astonishment at these miserable,
half starved beings, white slaves of Kng-
land, doing *‘honor’ to the small-brained-
kid-ploved-acion of ‘royal’, blood, knowing,
se they west that their aweat and toil, alone
will procure the luxuries and grandeur of a
mew palace for this conceited pair, and their
progeny; when we, to destroy our own Gov-
erument. are carrying on a wal jthe expenses
ot which, in one day, are greater than the
whole amount expended to furnish “flumer
jes*,and ‘fixings for them for ONE YEAR!
Ts not the ‘patriotism’ that is actuating
the pecple of the North to suffer privation
»nd want—-to crush themselves to the earth
with taxes to carry ona war for the free-
dom of the negroes a good deal like the
“«Joyalty’’ which induced the laboriag clas-
ses of England to make buftoons of them-
solves on account of the marriege of the
Prince of Wales?
We may turn in disgust from such scenes
as were cracted in London and Manches-
ter by the miserable, degraded gatherings
«hat wero dung honor to the ‘‘royal pup-
pet,” wa may look with pity, and even con’
tempt, upon ihe wretched beings who would
(has aweat and toil, and grovel in ignorance,
want and misery, to glorify ‘royalty :”
wnt how fmuch better are we, as Americans,
who are taging, toiling, sweating and fight-
mg to glorify a few degraded beings of an
inferior race 1
rel ol Orns
Ox Last Saturday night the Wide- Awakes
na # calling themselves the Union Leaguers
held a meeting in their Lodge rosa for the
avowed purpose of defending the Cocserip-
sion sel, and other radical measures of the
atalitionists, One of. the speakers we are
ad denounced the democrats in unmeas-
ured terms. Yetit is said, Judge Linn
was present and took an active part in the
proceedings. ‘There has not been a speech
made in the * League'’ from its first start
(hat has not been intensely partizan ia its
character, and tending to defend the aboli-
140nis.8 in their most obnoxious measures, —
And yet a man will have the effrontery to
stand up ond say that the league is not a
* politieal association. “Shame on such
_pare faced hypocrisy as the Leaguers. are
guilty of. We wish for the honor of tle
judiciary, that Judge Linn had never per.
mitted higuell to be inveigled into such
company. Ye wish that departinent of our
government whether administered hy dem-
orats or Regpuhblieane, could at least rajn-
tain resprotpbllisy 1m the eyes of sil gand
‘siding and comfort}
‘luevitable or cowardly
“It Must®@ometo Blows.”
nenlly stated thut ‘the time
We have f
«was not far distant when a collision ‘must tgke
place between the loys men of the Pree States and
the traitors who prowl in every town and hamlet,
borough and city, Dying the insidjous work of
ng rebellion. That blows were
submission unavoidable
any man who had grit and sight could plainly un-
derstand.— Thar time is herc now, and these
‘blows ars now about'io be struck —Harraburg
Then at is remembered that these cow-
1ardly, lying. whitelivered, black-hearted
vipers denounce all Democrats as ‘traitors,’
and ‘‘comforters’” and ‘‘aiders” of the ‘‘re-
bellion,” it is easily known against whom
the *‘blows” are to be “‘strack.” Wo can
tell the hungry Hessian of the Telegraph,
that go far as the Democrats of *0ld Cen~
tre’ are concerned, they are ready and wil-
ling to meet the*‘blows™ at any ‘time. If you
have an army, though it is as !argeas that
shipped by England from Hesse, to murder
our ancestors in the Revolution. send them
on. There bones will be lft to bleach on
the hills and in the valleys of our own
Btate. Turn your hell hounds loose; let
their lank jaws and craving stom:chs long
for the blood of honest patriots; let their
red-mouths howl for lives, and their ‘beny
fingers clutdh at the throats of their imagin-
ed victims, we'll shrink not from them;
Justice and ‘ruth, God and the right, are
with us, and spurning, scorning, contemn-
ing your cowardly threats, we spit them
tack in your teeth in defiance,
tn cn cn ll) Ape Al pn Sry
VERY Sore. —The woo!ies became furious
over the card of Dr. Mitchell in the last
WaTouMAN, and denounced him most bit
terly. Why was this, gentleman? The
Dr,, merely said he was a © .mocrat, and
on sober reflection, was sati fied that your
League would wun into party politics, He
used no harsh language, applied (o you no
offensive epithets, Then why tear and
pitch in the style you do? But you say,
“if Dr. Mitchell wanted to be a Democrat
he liad no business to join the League!”
Oh, ho! own up this soon do you, that
you have been lying to the people about
your objects, and the character of your or-
ganization ? Bat “he had no business to
publish a card!” Ilad’nt hey * Then you
might have deceived others, in the same
way. Leaguers, lying won't work: your
game is blocked, and you might as well
come out boldly and admit this to have been
your old trick, tried over and over again, of
obanging your nume, denying your princi-
ples and identity to catch those of our party
who were unwary. The net was deceptive,
bat in your first haul, yoa caught one who
was not a gudgeon, and he broke through
your meshes. Know-nothings, Republicans,
Wide-Awakes, Abolitionists, come out in
your old uniforms, and get a good threshing
in the coming campaign. Don’t sneak be-
bind your Leagues, and cry “no party,”
that is about played out. Tf you have not
the manliness to stand up and defend your
“rotten principles and infamous practices be-
fore the people, have the frankness lo cry
craven, and leave the ring to your masters,
the unterrified democraey. But this sneak-
ing around the issue by assuming a pew
disguise, 18 A WIT toe mcan business for
white men to be employed in, and news 134
niggers and nigger-worshipers would be
guilty of it.
————— Om
Tre war news for the past few days, has
been anything but encouraging to the ad-
vocatesof coercion and subjugation j the
Federal fleet that was to capture Charles-
ton has get -‘drubbed” completely, ‘and
driven back across the bar, with a lose of
several yessles, and wé suppose a great
many men. Gen Foster who was’ tg keep
North Carolina in the ‘Union,’ and *‘crush
out” the “rebellion” in that State, has
been entirely surrounded, and has doubtless
before this time surrendered his command
to Hill and Petigrew of the Confederate
Army. Admsral Farragut is reported to be
shut up the Red River, between some +. e-
bel” batteries which prevent, hia from mov-
ing either one way or the other. The Guenl-
113 in the West seem to be making strikes
of considerable importance to themselves
the past four weeks. Federal trains and
scouting partics have been captured almost
without number. 1t is reported that two
new Iron Clads, for the Southern navy have
but lately left England and that others for
he same purpose are now building,
Ix tne LAST Press is given what purports
to be the proce: ings of the Union League
in the town at the first meeting, including
the speech of Judge Linn, How did the
editor or secretaries of the meeting get a co-
py of: that speech # Was it taken down
in short-hand at the time? If so why wer,
not the other speeches also reported ¢ Or
did the Judge, like a school boy, write ous
his speech beforehand, commit it to memo.
ry, and recite it to the wondering and gape-
ing Leaguers? We presume this splendid
offort of genius was preserved in neither of
these ways, bat two weeks after it was de-
livered its author undertook to reproduce
something as a reply to the articles in our col-
ums touching the subject, Its correctnes
might well be doubted on general princi-
ples; and persons who heard the speech
delivered say the one printed in the Press
is not a correct report in hardly any partic-
Ve gt ee
We should like to kuwew why “‘our Gov-
ernment” wants to take Charleston twice.
It wag esptured, accorii gz to ¢ official dis-
patohes,” just before the Connecticut elec-
tion, and we home guard waniors of the
North rejoiced no littie over the news. Now
we have accounts stating that ‘‘our fleet”
attacked the city and was compelled to re-
turn with gevere loss. Tn the name of high
Heaven what is “our fleet” trying to drive
sour forces,” that took possession of the
doomed city but a few wecks since, out for.
Can any one explain, So far as we are con-
cerned, we are opposed to having Federal
soldiers fighting Federal soldiers ; ard ad-
vise the “Government’’ to be careful that
such an affair don't soon occur again. We
rather imagine the first news was a hum-
bug. [low was it (ireenbacks ?
-# Praitors.” * Copperheads.”
Itihas become "habitual with very neurly
il persons who are in favor of a continuance
of this unholy, uncalled for and suicidal
war, to denounce all others timt do mot ‘be.
lieve their idiotic immaginings, as ‘‘trai-
tors,” “secessionists,” “copperheads,”’ «&c,
To these gentlemen (?) who assume all the
feelings of patriotism, of devotion to the
country’s welfare, and love for the old flag:
and yet, whose actions prove them to be Ia-
boring for the extermination of slavery”
and the degredation of the white man tos
level with the negro—who are in favor of
increasing our public debt—enlarging our
burdens of taxation— and by sustaining this
Adminstration in its crusade against the
institutions of the South, and doing all" in
their power to *-wipe-out™ the Constitution,
overturn the Government estatilished ander
it, and substitute in its places central des-
potism,the asheme of which will be to force
social and political equality between the
white and ‘black races. we have a Tew words
of plain Saxon truth to speak. You know
in the innermost depths of your hearts, that
it was a Democratic spirit which actuated
the brave and ‘hirdy men who endured the
hardships of the Revolutionary war, and
fought it through to a successful termina-
tion, You know, or ought to know, that
the advocates of this Democratic spirit were
afterwards organized into a political party
by Thomas Jefferson, whom you, would
now fain claim to be one of your teachers.
but who never, anywhere or under any cir-
cumstances, tavght such infamous doctrines
as yours. You know, also, that the party
formed by this great and good maa, the
father of Democracy «in the New World,
held the reins of our Government for wore
than eight-tenths of its existence. and that
under its wise and benifizent sway, the
States grew from weakness to s rength, and
in the short space of eighty years become
one of the most powerful of Govercments,
with peace and plenty everywhere abound-
ing. You know that whatever the emer-
gency, there never was any considerable
public debt, and that no direct fares were
levied upon the people by Federal aulhori-
ty. You know that in the history of the
nations which have existed or do now exist,
there can not one be found, that has pros-
pered 50 rapidly mn all of the sources of pe-
cumary wealth and in the intellectual ad-
vancements ef its people, as we have done.
You know that np Government has ever ex-
isted with as few wars, and have carried
them through, when they did come, as suc-
cessfully 2nd at as little expense as have
we under the role of the Democracy. You
know that no Democratic Congress ever pas-
sed laws in open violation of the most im-
portant provisions of the Federal Constitu-
tion ; this you'have done. You have placed
in the hands of Lincoln and his Cabinet
more power than is possessed by any crown-
ed head of Europe, and with your sanction,
they are now using (hat power to change
the eternal decrees of the Almighty by at-
tempting to force the negro from his normal
condition of inferiority, to an cquality with
the white, and to change our present Repub-
Military despousm or Mcuarcny .
We can tell you plainly, supporters of
the war, that you can not abolish negro ser-
vitude or “slavery,” w'th all the powers
you cau bring to bear against it ; you may
destroy the lives of hundreds of thousands
of your own brethren in such butcherings
as you prepared for them at Fredericksburg,
you may waste millions upon millions of
the treasures of the people and oppress
them with innumerable burdensome and nn-
just taxes, but you cannot ‘‘wipe out”
“slavery.” It is the natural condition of
the negro race and cannot be permanently
Unless the people awake to a sense of the
dangers that enviren them, you may be able
to succeed in your second object : the estab
lishment of a Monarchy upon the ruins of
our Republic. Ambitious demagogues, as-
pirants for crowns, can accomplish much
while a people sleep, and who will say that
you cannot blot out one portion of the Con-
stitution with the fame impunity that you
can another. There are men, we know,
claiming to be Democrats who support your
war, many of whom can be induced to join
your “Union Leagues,” others that will aid
yea in your general policy, but snarl and
snap at some things you may do of minor
importance, they are the ones to work upon,
but remember you are accomplishing noth-
ing vy calling men who stand by the PRIN-
cieLes of the Democratic party ‘‘copper-
heads,” “traitors,” &c. It has becoome an
honor to be stigmatized as such. It is the
“Copperheads’’ aud ¢‘traitors” of to-day
that will save our Government if it is ever
saved, it was their ancestors that gave it
birth, and nourished it from infancy to man.
hocd. So belch forth your mnvectives, whine
away you blue bellied devils, Democrats
have principles to stand by that no names
can change ; your epithets pass us by as
idle words.
(17 WisooN.1N has elected a Democratic
State ticket by ten thousand of a majority.
The township elections throughout the
whole west have gone largely Democratic,
Wii the Black Vipers crow over this news
as an Administration triumph?
07” The ‘“U. Ls,” Unmitigated Liars
alias “Union Leaguers,” of this place ere
considerably down in the mouth. Paor fel-
lows, we pity them. Couldn't Ye, get som-
thing up that would gull people a little fas-
ter than that ? Try it ““Greenbacks !”
“Tae Ace,” is the title of a new Demo-
eratic paper just started in Philadelphia,
For true Democratic doctrine, general news,
and the latest telegraphic dispatches, it is
second to none in the State. We would be-
speak for 1t a liberal patronage.
rr Pn .
Frou the papers of W ednesday last, we
learn that Gen. Foster 15 abont heing reliev-
{ ed of his command, at Washiagton, N.C.
| Gens, Hill and Petigrew, of the Confederate
| army, are going to take charge of it.
lican form of Gevermmest into a Central
The Comeeticut Election.
~The most remarkable politeal contest that
has ever taken place in this country has just
closed in the State of Connecticut. The De-’
r ocracy went inte it on the distinct plat-
form that the war policy of the present Ad-
ministration never could and never would
restore the Union, and that a cessation of
hostilities and a resort to pcacelul measures
afiord the only possible way 16 bring aboat
that result, A proposition go self evident
‘as this'would, if party spirit were luid aside,
be universally accepted. It, of course, gave
a direct challenge to the Administration.—
It touched them on their tender point. If.
Connecticut, an Eastern State, should con-
demn the war policy on a straight-out issue,
how could this plundering, despotic Admi
istration any longer pretend to the civilized
world that their pohicyis sanctiened by the
American people T The last subterfuge
would have been exployed, and henes they
bent every energy aad employed every -
cy to effect the defeat of Thomas ‘H.
mour, sud the galiant mea who stood 1-
der to zhou!der with him, 1a defence of the
Constitution of their country. ‘The mode
by which hey defeated him will forever
form the most shumefyl chapter (a Aweris
can political history.
We will very breifly detail the facts, 88
they have come to us from the most rella-
ble sources: Both parties, about two weeks
previous to the election, eompleted their ean-
vass of the State As it is a small one, it is
comparitively an easy matter to com. w ith-
in a few votes of the exact resut. Un this
oceasion it was ascerained, and acknow!-
edged by leading Repubiicans, thut their
canvass gave the State to Mr. Seymour by
about 2 900 or 3.000 majosity. This esti-
mate did not differ three hundred votes from
the Democratic canvass.
The men, at all times anxious to visit
their families, embraced the opportunity,
and received a fourteen days’ furlough, up
on the distinct understand that they
would cast, their votes against the Democrat-
ic candidate. The follow extract from
the letter of a soldier in the Let Connecticut
Artillery, at Fort Scott, Virginia, explains
how it was dove.
“We were yesterday thrown iste great excite-
ment by the report that coo Aundred of cur regi-
ment were to be sent home $0 wove #8 the election;
and an order did come to ‘plek TWENTY
company.” Our officers told usthad the Quarter-
master-tGeneral of Connecticut came on to Wash-
ingwn and had an interview with the head of the
War Department, Mr. Stanton, and stated to
him ‘that Connecticrt would be sure to go for
Seymour, unless the soldiers could go home and
vote.” And they wade an agreement thatus many
as could be spared should home and vote —
Mr. Stanton asked how long it would take for the
furloughs to go throogh the regular chan-
i Aud being told it would take three days
6 said: —
And the men were accordingly PICKED out
men that were ‘sure to vote for Buekingham;'
no watter if they spent their time in the
house, if they ‘wore sure to vote right,’
enough. But, as youmay well suppose.
t was
, We, whe
were nct of the same political way of thinking.
did not like it,”
It has been accertained, by counts kept
at the railroad station in this city; that 3,
000 soldiers were thus sent home ? The
Abolitonists feared that many of the man
would cheat them, and 50, to make assure
ance double sure, they sent more than they
really needed. Thus was the. army used t,
defeat the expression of the will of the peo-
ple at the ballot-box. To comment upon
such atrocious conduct in words becomming
he enormity of the crime, is simply impos-
If the Commander-in-Chis! of the army
can use it when he pleases —for fighting the
South in the field and for crushing the
North at the ballot-box—our liberties are
all an empty name. If he can throw five
thousand Republican voters from the army
into Connecticut. he can throw fifty thous-
18nd into Now Vork, Ulhty thouvand inte
Ohio, and €o on. If this is the programme
the game is ended. The argrment is ex-
tinguished. There is no peaceful way to get
rid of this Adwiniasiration, if such acts§are
tolerated by the people. AR persons who
intend to hve freemen may as well look
these facts sternly in the face, When the
ballot-box 1s a mockery, a snaré, a cheat
and a sham, men who do not intend to be
slaves will be compelled to appeal to the eer-
tridge-box. To this terrible ordeal this Ad-
ministration is now slowely but shurely dri-
ving the North.
At present the people are cheated into the
belief that the elections are fairly conduet-
2d. They see the outward forms complied
with, and like the Romans, when despotism
first stole over the Republic, they do not
yet feel that its life is departing, Thought-
ful men, however, do see it,and they stand
aghust at the temerity, folly and wicked-
ness of this Administration, which seems to
suppose that it can crush forever the liberty
of American citizens without bringi
itself a retribution, and upon the i
revolution more bloody than any yet recor-
ded in the history of time, Liberty is the
normal condition of the white race, and
sooner od later it will have expression, and,
surging through all bonds, and chains, and
bolts, and Bastiles, tear and rend a country
if need be, from centre to circumference,
bat it wil| assert its supremacy. Vainand
foolish are the men who suppose they can
arrest cr annihilate it. 1t woreas easy to
annihilate the Creator.
¢ But,” say the tricksters and trimmeps
“tif Seymour had gone for the war, he would
have been elected,” To which we replgs
«Well, whatof it? What is the use of
having two parties of the sume princip es —
If the war policy of the present Administra.
tion 18 right, 1t ought to be supporied.—
Don't tell us, therefore, that Mr Seymour
could have beer, elected by supporting the
present Administration. ~ We : know very
well that he could bave been, They wosld
have been rejoiced to get so honest and “so
popular 8 man in their mioking party. But
that is not exactly what the ‘trmmers,’
mean. They mean if he had only pretended
to be for the war, while all the time he was
secretly opposed to it, he might have been
elected. We donot believe this, however.
On such a platform we believe he would
have been defeated Ly 10,000 votes. We
rejoice, however, that he did not try ft. —
The Qonnecticut Democracy stand
upon a noble and glorious issue. They
have not been defeated. They have . been
swindled. Thev have gained all the subswan-
tial elements of a victory. for they have cut
down, in face of all the combined power of
‘the Administration, with its “greenbacks,’
and its ‘soldiers’ votes,’’ the Abolition ma-
jority of 8.000, two years ago, to 2.500.—
Wha is better still, their record is clesr—
They have not got the millstone of this ac-
cursed war around their necks, to drag
them down in the future. They have fought
with the wild beasts at Ephesus, and they
will not fear the next encounter, Ther
glorious example will inspirit others;—
Above all, the responsibility of the war is
left just where it belongs, and just where
we wish to gee it remain. We desirs to see
no Democrat stain his hands with an abeli-
tion crusade, abhorrent to every impulse of
Christianity and civilization—a war degen-
Siating into a massacre of women and chile
For Heaven sake, let the party now in
power have th? whole responsibility of such
a war—let no man ever claim to be a Dem-
ocrat who can so much as look upon it with
} any other feelings thun:thosedf unuttergble
Connesticut Democracy, who Imve washed
their hands of the wile thing, for though
“cast down they are not destroyed,” and
“wiil yet rise again to vindica' e the principles
of American liberty, now temporarily crush
ed beneath the heel of a military despotism,
if not 80 bold, ot least as effctive as that
which to day stamps the heart's blood from
the prostrate form of long-suffering and
bleading Poland. - Caucasian.
Thayer's Coloniza'ion Boheme.
er, to col
nial. in which he forcibly says:
tion, e!
most of all injure the
into a mere dee
our enemies,
o M
ee ly AY Mm
Is this a Federal Government.
ty of soil and climate, she stands unrivaled
among the nations of the earth; and, until
recently, her brightest jewel was the free-
dom ef our institutions, the fame thereof”
had penetrated to ** earth’s remotest bound,”
and from eyery nation humanity had throng-
ed to place themselves under shelter of our
Eagle's wings. Now, Americans can glory
in the past only, blush for the present and
trzmble for the future. A civin WAR, the
most gigantic that ever marked its bloody
footsteps upon this earth, is raging at our
doors, and threatens to convert our land
into one vast Golgotha and everturn every
principle that has distinguished us in th
the mind naturally seeks the cause. Tha
ug through until the end of time. Wha
net which. How strangely have they for-
stand or fall together.
cate, as are we in ours.
pation is mourning sbove the graves of her
slaughtered sons, while a million of our
brethren are yet in the destroyers path,
while American hberty trembles on a hair,
we gey, palsied be the hand that seeks to
make the strife more bitter. Despotism,
that subtle end fatal enemy of Republics,
bas raised its head amongst us, and with
ruins of the Constitution is weaving a crown
for a tyragts brow. In an hour like this
could any voice be raised to inflame the
sentiments thst were not, m his opinion,
calculated for the good of all! a curse a na-
tion's curse will follow him forever. Many
and bfoody have been the battles for which
this people must account to God ; the tide
of victory has surged (0 and fro, the North
to us, to every true patriot. all has been ruin,
desolation and defeat. When the eivife {3
over, all will be mourning and soriow; as
the children of Israel, when they had ¥an-
quished their brethren of the tribe of Ben-
jamin, 8 wail will go up from the whole
people for the desolation they have wrought.
Hon. Caleb Cushing, «of Massachusetts,
‘having been reported as approving of the
‘rascally, but visionary scheme of Eli Thay-
Florida, writes a letter of de-
«This new Emigrant Aid Company be
longs to that base brood of pestilent
schemes of policy towarll the insurgent
_ | Biates —subjugation, colonization, confisea-
pation, devastation, extermina-
tion which sound like the delirous ravings
of Bedlem let loose —which, if carried into
operation, would, in their ultimate effect,
loyal States, and
which tend to cause a great national upris-
ing, entered upon for thewaintenance of the
Constitution sad the Union, t» sink down
rate struggle of suicidal
blind rage of self-destruction—the abolition
of the'Congtitution and the overthrow of the
‘Union by our own fatal hand, not that of
This Gospel of Death, this
radical destrustiveness, is the only practi-
cal disunivgism existing among usin the
loyal States. Though it makes believe sup-
port, it flereel ; opposes the Administzation;
it is in deadly hostility to the ircedom, pros-
perity and happiness of the people, it is
treasongble conspiracy against the Govern-
God in bia mercy confouna all such
disloyal eounse!, that thus—for “thus only
can it be—the Union shall be strengthencd
and shielded to pass unscathed through
this, its second baptism of lod and fire,
and our suffering country be enabled to re-
pose once more in peace under the broad
{shadow ef the.Constitution.”
memes SAR, SORT
all the tloodshed that has occurred in oer
puposely dor.e by those who hope to rise to
country. Iu the ose case, an understand
ing of the matter would sheathe the sword,
drippiug with the blood of brethren, in the
other, the genious of American Liberty
ought to rise up and burl the monsters to
perdition. The great questien of moro fm-
portance to our existence than all others, is,
is this a natiunal or Federal Government ?
We wish to place before our fellow citizens
a few ideas on this subject : if any one who
believes differently from us, may favor our
poor arlicle with a perusal. we hope they
may read in the same spirit it 18 written ;
we love our whole country, the Constitution
has taught us that, through its great sup-
porter, Democracy. We try hard to leve
our fellow men, the Bible teaches us that,
oni our sentiments are honest and express-
they are wrong we would be glad to be put
right, if they are correct, will any one dare
in such an hour as this, refuse to receive
them ? ‘
We hold that Americans know no such
thing as Nationality. We are a nation, bat
* | & nation of sovereigns, not of subjects.—
When the present Constitution was framed,
all the States preserved their sovereignty
unimpaired, helc all the rights they had
wrested from Great Britain, excepting those
delegated to the United States, That those
who formed the Constitution intended to
make this a Federal, and not a National
lowed them through the Convention in
| whioh it kad its birth. Is it not absurd to
suppose that the smaller states would even
they would appear as mere cyphers 2 In
glory and a throne above the grave of our
ed only with the hope of doing good. If
Government, i8 evident to all who have fol-
have given up their sovereignty, and become
When we look over our proud country, | merged in a General Government in which
every American must be proud of the pro-
gross she has made 1 the brief years of her
In extent of territory, in varie-
the Convention which formed the present
Government we find three parties: at the
head of one stood Alexander Hamilten ;
Edward Randolph led the second, or war
one of its most prominent members, and the
third was led by Mr. Dickinson of Delaware,
and to him, and his supporters, do we owe
our present syetem. Hamilton, as every-
body knows, advocated a Monarchicat Gov-
ernment. 1le proposed a Governor fi life,
and a 8enate for life, he plainly advocated
the doctrine that the British Government
should be their model, and in his own words,
« the nesessity of establishing a goverement
which would annihilate the state distinctions
and state operations.” All know that his
past, or on which we can hope for the future
In contemplating our present and past con-
dition, and observing the fearful contrast,
we have grown up in a time unprecedented
in all history, does not prove this to
be the greatest goyornment that ever eXis-
ted. Mushrooms will spring up in a night,
rail-plitters grow into Presidents in a brief
space, but shat does not prove their strength,
both may sink into oblivion as rapidly as
they sprung into notice. Shall we then
conciude that our institutions have no sta-
bility ; that they cannot survive the first
blast of adversity 7 Far from it, we deny
it utterly, Democracy pins its faith to the
immovable Constitution of our fathers, and
an adherance to that instrument oar carry
say the enemies of Democracy, of our coun-
try and of God? ¢ Aetions speak louder
then words,” 18 an old maxim and a true
one, what say their sections? That our
Government ips not the strength to protect
itself, that a tyrant’s hand must be inter-
posed between a citizen and his rights, that
8 servant is higter than those who empluy
him, that the Government as our fathers
lefc it, & oonfederation of sovereign. states,
has, by some mystic process, been welded
into one masg. In short, by their actions,
they have proclaimed to the world, that we
have been living for three-quarters of acen-
tury under a Constitution that is no more
than the paper on which it is written, and
can be spit upon by those whom the people
have hired to protect it, that the Government
must be destroyed to save the Union, or the
Unioa to eave the Government, they care
gotten that the Union and Constit ution must
‘We propose to examine, 80 far as we ars
‘eble, some of the questions that now agitate
the people of the different parties, and we
doit in all kindoess. We have nothing
personal against any ono who may differ
from us in vpinton, we believe most of them
to be us honest in the principles they advo-
Far be it from us
to seek to stir np strife in this hour of our
Oountry’s sgony and awful peril, When a
the bones of our murdered countrymen is
bujlding ® throne for his favorite, of the
minds of eur people? Could any one utter
has been victorious, 0 has the South, but
t | state distifictions.
ment as it is,
if they were empowered by their states to
form for them any Guvernment they choose,
or if they were not all required to form a Fed-
eral Union by an improvement of the old ar-
ticles of Confederation. These 1nstructions
as given by the slates proposing a union,
certainly are the source of this Government,
they declare it to be Federal, and such it
certainly is. If any one on earth, is expec-
ted to know the character of our institutions
those who formed them must have under-
stood them, by the fact of their rejecting the
extreme policy of Hamilton and even the
milder form proposed by the National
party, it is evident to all huw zealously the
guarded the rights of Siates. Bat is our
Government conducted upon such
principles! The monarchy advocated by
Hamilton did not grant half the powers
now violently se’zed by those pretending to
administer the Government. Rights grant
ed by European Monarchies, in their dark-
est days are rcfused to American citizens;
rights granted the States while colonies of
Great Britain are refused them to-day. We
could enumerate a score of instances, but
all are familiar with them ; despotism has
stolen upon us silently but surely, and its
iron grasp is beginning to be felt. The term
nationality, ard the idea it represents, is one
of the principal causes of our present conds-
tion. We know no such thing ; we owe al-
legiance to no power on earth but through
our State. 1t assisted in the creation of the
General Government, it existed before the
Constitution and holds all the powers it
ever did excepting those granted {or certain
purposes. As citizens of Pennsylvania, we
are bound to assist in carrying out those
purposes, no mere, no_less, and we do not
find the abolition of slavery enumerated
among them. 1f we go upon the high seas,
we are protected by the flag of the United
States, because our State is a member of
that Confederacy, because she has agreed to
assiet the other States in protecting their
citizens do they lend their aid for the pro-
tection of hers. This Government, as it
came from our father's hands, is, to borrow
a beautiful figure, exactly like the solar sys-
tem. It, (the Federal Government,) like
the Sun to the plansts, is the source of life
tu all, but each has its own separate exis
tence independent of all others ; each regu-
lates its own affairs, yet each is Jnecessary
for the existence of the system. While
each follows the laws prescribed for it,
there can be no collision or confusion ; but
with a rail-sphitter or a fool to guide their
great centre, how soon would they be dash-
od against it and hurled into jruin. Per.
Wa beligre, hosestly and sincerely, that ne the question may be asked; do we jus-
war will amhwwwrer wide; (bb two portiopa | Uy
¢ State in withdrawing from & Union of
scheme met with few supporters, and he and
bis followers threw themselves nto the
ranke of a party advocating a government
nearly as strong and equally destioctive of
That party was compos-
ed of delegates from the large states and
Ted by Randolph of Virginia ; the design of
his plan was to erect upon the ruins of the
ola Confeders ion a strong Central Govern-
ment : for a time, this plan had the ascen-
dency. But the wisdom of onr fathers fail-
ed nut to discover the danger of trusling
man with such a power over his fellow men
and the National party, sharing the fate of
the Monarchists, was overthrown and utter-
ly routed. To the small states, but more
particularly to Delaware, through her dele-
gate, Mr, Dickinson, do we owe our Govern-
Ho requested the delegates
to carefully read their instructions and see
loathing and horror. All hoor, then io the | of this nation, we believe that the sword is | which they have becoms members ? We
dealing doth to our institutions, and that
answer, we do not ; we have our own ideas
{upon that question 9ise ; bat fee! that now
country in the last two yesrs, hes been, { is aot the proper time to present them—it
either the result of a mistaken idea as tof is being tested by mor: iclent hands— we
the character of our government, or has been } leave the theme for a mightier pen than ours,
but right or wrong, certain it is, that vio-
lence can never restore the order that vio-
lence has destroyed. A union whereof a
portion i3 in unwilling subjection to the rest
is sometking that never had ahd never can
have existence. “The Union,” says Jack-
son, ‘‘exists only in mutual confidence,” —
that lost confidence can be restored by force
of arms, that a human being or any num-
ber of human beings ean be whipped 1ate
loving us, is an absurdity too palpabie for
& moment's consideration. How then, says
one, can it be restored ? That it ever can
‘be, now, we do not possess sufficient knowli-
edge ef the future to assert. but if it ever
15, we are confident in saying it will be by
other means than that now employed.
We have so long enjoyed the blessings of
freedom that we have almost grown into
the idea that liberty is the spontaneous pro-
duction of our soil, and can no more be de.
stroyed than our eternal mountains can be
leveled. But we should remember the aw-
ful price of tears and blood it cost our an-
eestors to purchase for us our liberty, that
man trusted with power is the most de-
structive of all animals to bis species, that
ours is a human Government, that all his-
tory, with its pages hideous with the blood
of slaughtered millions, points out to us the
danger of war. The facts, the fearful fact
that despotism is even now upon us, ‘stares
us in the face and speaks in tones of thun-
der, telling us that * eternal vigilance is the
price of liberty.” J. P.M
Howarp, Pa., April 9, 1862.
The Ball Still Rolling.
A large meeting ot the Democrats of Fer-
guson township, was held at the White
[Tall School House, on Friday evening, the
9.h inst. Jacob Neidigh was appointed
President aud Frederick Kramine, Ihomas
Strouse. Jacob L. Roup, Daniel: Stover and
others, Vice Presidents, and Joseph Gates,
Secretary. The meeting was ably address-
ed upon the issues of the day by Geo. M.
Keplar, Wm. E. Meek ane James Snyder,
Esqs., after which the following resolutions
were read and unanimously adopted:
resolved, That we endorse the Peace
meetings of the citizens of Penn and sur-
rounding townships, and that we are fur
Resolved, Thai we are opposed to all se-
crel political societies, believing them to be
injurious to any free Government, nnd that
we will never assist in elevating to office of
trust £ ud person or no i
mav belong to way League or scerei ory
zation which has Tor is purp carry-
ing out of ihe neiarious plans of the pre-
sent Admimstration mm its abolition pro-
gramme of the war.
Resolved, That the war has been changed
¢ Las
the Union, to a war of subjugation —and if
itis not waged to restore the Union as it
wag, we will resist the draft. believing it
to be unconstitutional aud unjnst.
Resolved, That we are in favor of passing
a law prohibiting the immigration of ne-
groes into the State of Pennsylvania.
Resolved, That we endorse the resolations
passed by the Democracy of this township,
ai tie Bwartzville school house, on Tuesday
Resolved, That we endorse the course of
the Dexocratic WarenMaN and Cealre Be-
richter, and hereby warn all persons not to
attempt to interfere with cither of the pres-
ses in a mobrocratic or forcible manner, but
if the editors of either have violated any
law, to convict and punish them according
to law.
Resolved, That these resoluftions be pub-
lished in the DescraTic WarcAMaN and
Central Berichter.
—The following unsolicited letter from one
of the firm of Bener & Burgess rays a high,
but decided compliment to an institution
which numbers amorg its graduates many of
the mest intelligent and success{ul business
wen in the country : ]
Professors Jenkins & Smith—Gentlemen;
I have long felt it ny duty to express to
you the high opinion I entertain of the Iron
City Uolle ge as an institution fit in every
respect to prepair young men for active
business. :
I can most unhesitatingly say, that I
can conceive of no way, by which to make
the course of study more thorough and prac
tical than that so long pursued by you,and
which has been so fully attested by the un-
varying success of your students.
What 1 regard as one of the most admira-
ble, important, and never. to be forgotten
features of the sshool, 1s the constant and
and watcHful care bestowed by the various
Professors in behalf of their pupils, ani I
feel as though I could never repay the Fac-
ulty for their efiorts in my behaif while a
student there. These feelings, together with
a deep sense of daty, have prompted me to
pen this note, and I shal! never fail to say
young men contemplating a commercial
course. “Go to the Iron City College, if
you whish to require a perfect knowlzdge of
the science, and beeome successful practica
Truly, yours, B. I. Bex gh
Eri, Pa., March, 18, 1863.
i A A A Mp
37 A single woman has generaly’ but
a single purpose ; and we all know whas
that is.
eri Si
(= A gester will often boast of & “good
hit.” when, if it isn'v ali in his ege,iv ought
to be.
ee A A
[7 The prescription of medicine is some-
times good, its proscription is generally
eines lA IA rrr
Father is the ring of light around
the eclipse we call death.
re ee ————s
Ler the Democrats throughout the coun-
ty organize thoroughly; there is nothing
like being prepared for any emergency.
from its original purpose—the restoration of