» a The Fuse. For the Watchman. 1 Fis BEAUTY. BY J. P. M. There isan earth-born beauty, it fadeth in an hour . "Tis feeting as the rain-bow or dust upon the flower ; It glitters in its splendor and dazzles for a day, Bat like the mist of morning it vanisheth away. It liveth but amomentin Time's destroying breath The hour that sees its glory may also sec its death As the blusk upon the rose or the blue upon the grape. Is the splendor of a heauty that wears an earthly : shape. As transient is its glory as foam upon the wave And all who own must lose it at the portals of the grave, At the touch of death *twill wither like leaves in Autumn's frost And all who bow before it are with its glories lost. Woe to those who worship beauty formed in an ear thly mould, . Or in homage fall before it, « all that glitters is not gold,” Too often tis a cover for a false and wicked heart And love that’s founded on it ina moment will depart. There is another beauty which cometh from on bigh, Its splendor never fadeth. its glories never die; It never, never changes, 'tis the heauty of the soul It lends to earthrits presence but heaven is its goal. It cheers us when we suffer beneath afflictions rod, Tt tells us to look upward and put our trust in God, Above the dying pillow of a weak and suffering friend It shines in all its glory which knoweth not an end. It speaks not as the beauty that owes to time ils birth, RE meer The time here meationed must elapse before power can be zompletely lodged in : safe hands, before the work of reconstruct- ing the Union (horougkly reforming the Government can be performed. In the mean (ime how muck of calamity must we under- go ? To what measures of evil must we be subjected ? The public debt will be swol- len enormously ; and crippling public cred- it and power; and it is 1.0t impossible that in an hour of desperation our rulers may abandon the war. and place the barrier of a bad treaty, or the impertinence of a foreign medifation,in the way of reunion. Unques- tionably, they are great dangers in the im- mediate future, and apprehension of evil is timely, and justified by the events of the past two years. But during this period of danger—of tyial and peril—this interval which scperates us from the day of relief and sccurity—what shall be the attitude of our party toward the Administration and the war? This question may reasonably be asked by the thousands in this State, and by the thous- ands in other Stateg who are willing to join us and assist in the redemption of our coun- try. The question may be answered, in -part, by refering to the past. The object of the war was announced in the attack by a reso- lution of Congress, which went out North and South, and to foreign countries, as the platform of the Government in its prosecu- tion. The resolution announced the object of the war to to be the deferce and mainte- nance of the] supremacy of the Constitution and the preservation of the Union, with all the dignity. cquality, and the rights of the Several States unimpaired, and explictly denied that it was waged in any spirit of oppression, or for any purpose of conquest But is better known by actions of geod upon the earth, Its power is felt, as gently it stealeth o'er the heart | And a love that’s founded on it will ne'er from it | dopart. Ho who bows before it owes allegiance to a power That will only shine the brighter in dak afilie” tions hour, Stand by him while he struggleson Time's remo aes less wave, Aud renew its holy presence in a home beyond the grave. Howarp Pa., Aprin 11th 1863. YOUTH AND AGE: When all the world is young, lad, And all the trees are green ; And every goose a swan, lad, And every lass a queon; Then hey for boots and horse* lad, And round the world away ; Young blood must haveita course, lad, And every dog his way. old Iad Shromny I at an aimed among : God grant you find one face there Who loved when all was young Wiscellaneans, LETTER FROM HON. C.R. BUCEA- LE The subjoined Letter was addressed by the Hon. CHARLES R. BuocaLew, of Penns- yivania, tothe Central Democratic Ciub of Philadelphia, on the occasion of the celebra- tion held by that association on the 22d of Feburary last in honor of the birthday of W ashington. BrooMsBURG. (PA) Feburary 20,1863. or subjugation, or purpose of overthrowing or interfering with the rights or established institutions of the Southern States. But the time came when this ground, of a contest for the supremacy of the Constitution and the preservation of the Union, became, in the policy of the Administration conncet- ed with, if not subordinate to another and different object . The tinsel rhetoric of Sumner, the dicta- torial utter ances of Greeley, and the rabid violence of Phillips and: Garrison, became of more consequence at Washington than the views of the great majority of the people and the pledged faith of the nation. A pol- icy of emancipation was announced, invol- ving enormous expense, doubling the diffi- cultiés of the contest, and in flat contradic- tion of the solemn declaration upon the ob- ject of the war just recited: And this was done by Presidential decree —the fiat of a single man—without authority, and at the same instance of men Who would be among the very last selected by the American peo- ple to advise their rulers. To this, and to all like departures from the Constitution and from good faith and sound polity, we are, and must remain, un- slterably opposed. 1 say like depariures, the times were unsettled and fraitful of pre- gnemy's country Were necessary to certain or prompt success, the arts of policy and all the means of con- ciliation within our power should haye been exerted. . lers? Ls it not written in the history of. the Crittenden compromise and of the Peace Conference resolves ? mn Congressional en- actments and in Presidential proclamations 3 No concession, no. conciliation, but only sheer force, to compel complete submission ! This policy, at once inculcating and impas- sioned, was persisted in until repeated dis- asters came to exhibit its folly and impo- ad 0 Eo lroy them, and the encroachment upon State ju- risdiction by “the appointment of sundry po- lice officials to exercise powers uncefined by and unknown to the Jaws. What is asked is that the military power shall be applied there shall be no invas‘on upon liberty by it; in short, that it shall be subjected to the domination of establisned laws. And we are perfectly persuaded that the Government will be all the stronger, all the more suc- cessful by following this policy and sternly refusing to yield to the temptations which assail those entrusted with authority in rev- olutionary times. Let our rulers carefully imitate the example of Washington, who exercised military powers in the Réyolution with constant respect for the laws and the authority of Continental Congress, although texts for departure from ang Jegitimaté dc- tion. wld » In addition to the signal advantages which will be secured to our cause by re- versing the policy of the Administration— by establishing other and truer doctrines than those just examined— the Democracy can take into account as one of the agen-. cies for restoring the Union the powerful and invaluable aid of allies in the Border and Confederate States—men who have gone into revolt reluctantly, or who now stand with divided inclinations, uncertain of the position they sLall assume, The issue of the war hag always depended as much upon the detemination and union of the Confed- erate States as upon the magnitude of the efforts put forth by us against them. Mani- festly, therefore, our true line of policy has been to divide them, to conciliate a part of their population, and to dampen the ardor of the revolutionary spirit by subjecting it to conservative opposition in the very com- munities where it arose. The subjugation of the South by {hg ipere exertion of physi- cal force against'it, assuming 1t to be really united and in earnest, is a work of extreme difficulty, and requires an amount of wis- dom aud vigor which our Administration has failed to exhibit. In a war of invasion upon the South, most formidable natural obstacles are to be encountered, and also the powers of the enemy, and our strength must be, or made to be, adequate to overcome both. In short, in this case, allies in the and to secure them all But what has been the policy of our ru- for the pretence of military necessity upon which emancipation has been announced has teen extended to other subjects besides the status of the negro, as the debates cf the day abundantly testify. The seizure of eit- igens in States untouched by revolt, ang their incarceration in d stant prisons, are from witnesses who might testify in their fa- vor, and from friends who might intercede for them, is ong of the most prominent of To P. McCaLL, Esq., Chairman of Com- mittee: Dear Str: Inresponse to your friendly invitation, T have to express some views ujon public topics which may be submit- ted to your meeting on the 23d instant. And I do this very cheerfully, although I cannot know that any words of mine will deepen popular conviction upon the necessity of changing our rulers and overthrowing their resent policy, or quicken popular zeal dor the accomplishment of those important objects, : A conviction that thecouatry is misgov- these, and (eserves all the condemnation it is receiving from the psgple. The Father of his Country; the anniver- sary of whose birth you celebrate, had no conception of a doctrine of military necessi- laws of the land ; nor of those undefined un- limited powers, now asserted to exist in the President as Commander-in-Chiel of the Army and Navy of the United States and of the militia of the States when’ called into actual service, nor can We recognise them except as basaless pretentions, to be put down with strong public disaspprobation at erned, the war mismanaged, and liberty itself in peril, is growing up in the public ‘mind, and thousands are alert, inquisitive and critical, who gave to Government un- calculating and enthusiastic support, foun- ded upon complete confidence, twelve months ago. - The day of blind, headlong passion, and of confident, unquestioning trust in our rul- _ers has passed, and the electoral duties of the citizens will now be discharged with a more intelligent comprehension than was possible in the earlier months of the war. "The sure result of this will be to perfect the political revolution in the North and West,begun by the late elections, and to ‘exclude the Republican party, with its sec- tional passions, its fanaticiem, its corrup- tions, and its incapacity, permanently from power. But can this be accomplished 10 time to save the country ? To preserve its unity and liberty 2 And if these vital objects can ‘be secured, either sooner or later, by the restoration er, upon what policy shall that party act in their attainment ? These questions are timely and important enough to occupy {the space and leisure now at wy command, Complete control in the State goyernment con be secured to our party in Qctober next. Control of the Federal Government can be obtained by ita year later in the election’ of President,assuming that the renovation of Congress, now begun, shall goon and be consummated by that time, of the Democratic party to pow- the earliest possible moment. Washington's views of military jurisdiction and conduct in a time of insurrection were given to the army sent by him to quell the revolt in Western Pennsylvania in 1794, when he ad- monished them ¢‘that every officer and sol- dier will constantly bear in mind that he comes to support the laws und that it wou Id be peculiarly unbecoming in him to be in any way the infractor of them ; that the es- sentia] principals of a free government con- fine the province of the military, when call ed forth on such occasions, to these two objects: first , to combat and subaue ‘all’ who may be found in arms in opposition to the national will and. authority ; secondly, 10 8id and support the civil mpgistrates in bringing offenders to justice belougs to the civil magistrates and let it ever be eur pride and our glory to leave the sacred deposit there inviolate : To the sprit of this admonition and of the constitutional doctrine that ¢ the military shall, in all cases and at all times, be mn | strict subordination to theweivil power,’ we must stand opposed to the abuse of the mil- jtary power in applying il to other purpo- ses than those appointed and regulated by law; ag the seizure of private property of non-combatants not-legally liable to confis- cation ; the seizure of hordes of negroes and their ‘support, instraction; transportation. drill and payment as allies ; the seizure and jmprisonment of Northern freemen without law and against it ; the suppression of news- ly scouted in the outset, became demonstra- ty as a substitute fox the Longtitution and instructive to future times. tency. Yes! the necessity of allies, utter- ted on the plains of Manassas and in the swamps of the Chickahominy. The course of events taught us that assistance would be useful, if not indispensable, to the great work of subduing. rebellion and restoring the integrity of the Union; . : Recognising this truth, the men in pow- er have turned their attention to the negroes —the subject race of the South—and pro- poge to arm and employ them as allies in the war. This experiment is likely to be carried out, to be fully tested, and to pro. duce results which, to say the least, will be In marked contrast to this desperate;ex- periment, conservative men look for alliance and aid to the white race—our own: stock and kindred—and propose to secure; their co-operation in restoring the Union bysapol- cy of conciliation, and by the example of a return by our own Government to a druel constitutional rule, uninfluenced by, a fanats papers ‘or the closing of the mails against and confined to its appropriate uses; that avs 3 ment for introducing arbitrary rule among us. And they will lavot to prepare the way for the complete reunion of the States upon their accession to power, or if, in consider- ation “of their fears, such re-union should previously be achieved by arms, then to confirm it and render it real, cordial, and perpetual. i. isi Let it_be distmetly. understood that the great mass of the Democratic party and of the conservative men of the country have never agreed, do not now agree, and have no intention of agreeing in future to a dis- solution of the American Union, founded by Washington ‘ard his compatriots, and that thep will not cease their efforts for its com- plete restoration in its original prestne vig- or. But to accomplish this purpose, they, nolike their opponents, will use all legiti- mate means of restoration, and not physical force alone. This may be openly announ- ced every where, and ought tp be accepted every where, as the only reasonable and pa- triotic ground pon which a party can stand thyt desires Rig in ends to save the coun- try. pe 3 ded ag The Adiinistration has deliberately cast away all means of restoration, except phys- ical force, and hag'called into existence great and unnecessary obstacles to success, until, notwithstanding the immense difference of apparent strength between the parties to the war, its issae hangs trembling in the balance. Bat let us not despair of the fu- tare. *¢ Out of this nettle danger” we may yet pluck the flower safety.” We may hope that the remaining months of Mr. Lin- coln’s term will be got past without com- plete exhaustion, and the point of time ar- rived at when a vigorous and truly great party, clean-handed from the past; thor- oughly Union, upright, just, patriotic and bra.e,, witl assume possession of the pow- er of Government. And then. tlns party, sith an old history identified with the glo- ries of the country, binding to it sympathy and affection in every quarter, with no self- 1sh, local or fanatical passions, to weaken or mislead it: with a generous, even-hand- ed, impartial, time-tried creed, conformed to the Constitution, and springing naturaily from its principles—this party thus qualified to speak to the whole land, ana to be heard with affection and reverence, can and will command these wind waves of buman pas- sion to be still, and, rejecting alike the fa- paticism of Boston and of Charleston, will rebind these great States thgether, in endu- ring bends of interest and sympathy. "I am, dear sir, very truly yours, C. RB. BUCKALEW. For the Watdhmany 3 NORMAL SCHOOLS. Mg. Epiron:-Permit me {g uses column to discuss the different phases of this subject and thus gratify s growing interest in many of your intelligent readers. Normal sckools are no longer a novelty or an idea under experiment. They are realities, and cen- tres of light and influence radiating into all parts. The entire Common School system has been set in motion by their propelling force, and public opinion has been revolu- tionized by the magic wands of normal me- thods. With this premise, let us leave gen- eralitjes pnd czamme pagticulgrs and’ dg- taiis. First. What is a Normal School ? The Roman sartificers used an instrament called norma, to ‘square materials in process of manufacture. A similar instrument is used by ‘our mechanics named a square. A thing, then, is normal or square if it comes up to the requirements of this criterion. A man’s actions are said to be squared by right, Hence, in the figyrative sense, the word Normal means principles or elements. This is the sense mn which it 18 applied in the phrases, Normal Schools, Normal training and Normal course. Such a distinction, some years Ago, Was necessary at the time and we do not realize the worth of the prize should be, ag she may be, the centre of a great educational revival, and when the spirit moves, the material will come to erect BELLEFONTE, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 17, 1963. cally understood, not by memory alone, but also by imparting them as teacher in a mo- del school. The test ‘of proficiency is not the grade in the recitation room alone, but also it the registry of the model school, and in both, analysis and elementary iustraction vaust enter largely into every process how- ever complicated. The course, ic short, must be thorough, practical and experimen- tal, ang may be ge jong as desired, but rot divergent to other pursuits than that of teaching. , Third. What has been done in - this work in our State ? There have been three district or State Normal Schools successfully founded. The first and most successful one at Millergrille in the Second district, which was founded at a total cost of sixty thousand dollars, and had last year five handred and forty- nine students in attendance, under thirteen professors and teachers. The second school 1s located at Edinboro, Erie county, Twelfth district. Its total cost is twenty-five thou- sand dollars. It had last year one hundred and thirty-six students under eight teach- ers. Tae third school, at Mansfield, in the Fifth Normal district, was recognized late- ly. It has a facuity of nine teachers and its buildings aze of a superior character. 1t will be remembered that while these noble schools have already been recognized as State schools. a number of similar schools are now knocking at the door of the School Department to he also admitted. The Nor- mal Schoois at West Chester and in Colum- bia, are also strong schools, and necd only to conform to the requirements of the Act of May 20, 1859, to come under the foster- ing care of the State. The time is drawing near when there will be District Normul Schools all over the State which shall guard our liberties better than our fortresses, and which shall clear the sky of the smoke of war to let shine the perennial sunshine of DrOgress. . Fow th. What can be done in cur Normal Schools ? Quy central position and wealth should induce ma to. belicve that we could have one of the best schools in this State. The school must, however, be founded on better material than silver or gold; it must be bas- ed on liberal ideas. When liberal minds co. operate to tunnel through the barriers of inaction and indifference, the brains of pros- perity will roll 1n laden more richly than with the goid of Ophir. All the counties be- longing to our district are avle, and need only be set in motion. to be willing and ready to put their shoulders to the wheel of this enterprise. We know not our trengths that we lose by ingction. Centre county a temple to the cause of popular educa- tion. Fifth, How shall the result be achieved ? By a good beginning and continued eftort. We may be creators through means. Let the Szhool Directors enter into the spirt of the enterprise and say it shall be done, and their encouragement will invite experimant, To do the work, we must nel imgzine “that we already see a spacious edifice, and that we hear the hop of the busy throng of in- mates, and then fold our arms as mere spee- tators. Let an humble beginning oe made with a good understanding, and let the effort be seconded by every friend of “education. There are rooms, and even halls, in Centre county where now the canker worm and the dead-head are the only tenants, which could be thrown open and fitted up to accommo- date fifty teachers in the capacity of a soun- ty Normal School. If this were once pro- perly inadgurated, public opinion would push all obstacles out of the way as the Ocean currents pich the iceburg on its way land. — Wm. Luy@ Gusi tse wn 1000. ton States, ig to continue ¢—Hon. Mr. Bingham. gressman from Ohio for ten years, and is a prospective candidate of that party for Gov- ernor at the nex t election. making it gll to be squandered on a subterfuge and a cheat ? dollar of a man for the war until it assumes a different standing, and tends directly to an anti-slavery result.—M, F, Conway, reeentglive from Congress. WHO ARE FRIENDS OF 1HE UNION. The Sentiments of Democratic Statetmen and Leading Repualicans—What the South Thikns —“Cpperheads’ vs. Re- publicans. a TH® DEKOCRATIC DOCTRINE, 1 wm for getting back the Southern States best. The Union I desire, is a union of hearts and of hands, such as our fathers gave us. Nothing less will satisfy me than the whole Southerp States. THOMAS H. SEYMOUR. Democratic candidate for Governor of Con. necticut. Extract from a late speech. Itis in the restoration of the Unizn as ;t was 1780, and continued for seventy years that I am*bound to the last year of my po- (tical exis ence. "The above is an extract from a late speech delivered in Congress by the Hon. C. L. Val landingham, THE REPUBLICAN DOCTRINE. 1 will not stultify myse f by supposing that we have any warrant in the Constitu- tion for this proceeding. This talk of restoring the Union as it was, ander the Constitution as it is, is one of the absardities which I have heard repeated un- ti! T have beceme sick shout it, Zhe Union can never be restored as it was. There are many things which render such an event impossible. This Union never shall, with my consent, be restored under the Conti t100 as it is, with slavey to he p it. THADDEUS STEVENS, The Administration leader in Congress. The above is in an extract from a speech of is, delivered in Congress. From the Nem York Tribune, February, 1863. ] Speaking for ourselves, we can honestly say that for tae old Union, which was kept in existence by Southern menances and Northern concessions, we have no regrets and no wish for its reconstraction. Who wants 1 Union which a sentiment to lacquer Fourth of July ora- tions withal ? f, by chance, in ancient times, the crim- inal felt the loathsome corpse, which justice had tied upon his shoulders, slipping off — he did not, we fancy, ery out: +O wretched man that I am—who will fasten me again to the body of ‘his death.” 1f we ave, in the providence of God, to be deliverod [rom unnatural alliances—if the January of sia very is no longer (0 chill by unnatural em braces the May of human hope, who is there weak or wicked enough to orbul the gight- eous divorce ? . ’ The Fremont party is moulding public gentiment in the right direction for the spe- cific work the Abolitionists are striving to | accomplish—the dissolution of the Union and the abolition of slavery throughout the 5 nothing bul Aga. Who, in the name of Ged, wants the Ceat- or any other State this side oy erdition, to remain in the Union if slavery Mr. Bingham has been a Republican Con- This is the immense sacrifice we aro far freedom and Unions and yet, is For one, I shall not vote another Rep- Mr. Conway is a Republican Representa: tive from Kansas I tell you there is going to be a dissolu- tion of the Union, and 1 do not care how quick it comes : all 1 wants to give those fellows (the Southrons) a good licking aud then kick them out.—Swdney fdgerton. Mr. Edgerton is another Republican mem by fair and honorable meaus, if sach al’ thing be possible ; and I will hope for the | [tor 12} : reg “Phe Union :s gone stored !’ ? : From Mat. Carpenter's speech at Ciica- 0} “ ~ “These caviling Constitulion Tovers must now come-to time !-* * In war. the - Presi dent exerciges’ unlimited po Wal : “From Wm. il. Seward; “There is a hugh er Tow than the Constitn- tion which regulates our suthoriy ever tng domain,” : From Wm. Loyd Garrison, who now sus tains the measures of the National Adminis. tration. The North must seperate from the South and orzanize her own institutions on & sure basig:™ } From Ifrace Greeley :#'# wi “I'he Union 1s not worth supp) ting in connection with the Soath. hema ~~ From Wendel Phillips; whe Mow $n pports a. a ’ & ix the Administration : _ “There is merit in the Republica party, 4t 13 the first sectional pai ty “Eoer-er Anyi in this coun. ! rd : Ct Ot THE LINCOLN CATLCHISM. What is the Constitution ? Ed Tl : A compart with —no x nhealete Ww Abrahaw Lincoln. Charles Sumner, an! hat i8 the Government Owen Lovejoy. What is A general agent for negroes. What is Congress ? ; 3 President 2 body or. A body org nized for the purpose of ap propriating funds to "buy Africans and to make Ihws to proteés® he President feom W, ing punished for any violations of Tae” He may Le guilty of, “#008 anes 3 Whatis an army ? A provost guard to arrest’ hice wen and set negroes free. Whom are members of Congress ed to represent ? ry : : The Pr t and his Cabinet, 4 a3 Y hat is understood Ly ‘coining money 2° Printing green paper. What does the Constitution “freedom of press? ’? SUppPos- mean by The suppression of Democratic gewspa. Crs. : What is the meaning of the word liber ty 1? . Incarceration in a bastile. What is a Secretary of War ? A man who arrests people hy telegraph * What are the duties of a Secreta y of the Navy ? i To build and sink gunboaly. What is the busingss of a Secretary of the Treasury ? i : Tu uustM™y the State Banks, and All the pockets of the people with irredoemablo U’ S. shinplasters, What is the meaning of the word ‘pa triot 77 A man who loves is country less ant tha negro more, What is the meaning of the word ¢ trai One-who is a stickler for the Co and the Jaws A What gre the partienlar duties of a €ut mander-in-Chief ? 3 To disgrace any General who does not be. lieve that the negro is better than a white mar. What 15 the mearing of the word law ? The will of the President. : How were the States formed ? 3y the United States Is the United States Government olde than the States which made it § Tus. ; Have the States any rights § : nstitution . None whatever, except what the Gendt] ber of Congress from Olio. There can be no. Union till slavery is de- stroyed,—Eatract from Owen Lovejoy's Speech, April 24,1 62. Slavery has caused the present rebellion, to the tropics. Yours traly. THEOPHILUS WEAVER, Pixa Grove Mirus, April 9th. of their first institution. In Prussia and Germany, in general, scholastic or college jcal passion and regardful of all: State. and individual rights as established by our fath- ers. In their policy, the gonservative ele) mant along the border and in the South is to be encouraged and developed, not: repell- ed, spurned, and insulted. ! % 5 Great allowance is doubtless to be made for an Administration charged with the conduct of a great war, and particularly a civil war. The difficulties to be surmounted are great, and often the course to be pursued. is but a chbice between evils. At such a time a gen. ‘erous mind will not seek occasion of offence ‘and can overlook small points of objection in reviewing public affairs. hoi of 3 “But the subjects now Bredght into debate by the policy of Government are fundamen- tal'and vital; it is impossible to be indif- ferent to them, and it “Would be unmanly to ovade them. Frank; “full, open debate upon them, wiil lead to wuseful conclusiond zens of a broken and afflicted ‘country. 1t results from what has been said that the Administration now in power may ex- pect from the great mass of those political ly opposed to it acquiescence in & legitimate vested, whether relating to the war or to in: icy, and will resis: by attempt to pervert the war from tg true joot, or to use the war’ power asan instru- "lish branches: . P & and give due direction to-our efforts as cine exercise of the powers with which it is in. ternational administration. But they will claim and exercise the right of discussing the wisdom and ‘constitutionality of its pol all lawful means any | sity. © ob-| mal course begins with the common Enog- ‘learning was very speculative and impracti- cable. It was a fine thing for the learned, but too diffuse and theoretical for the wants of the great mass of the people. Hence, schools were instituted to counteract this tendency. The lung road to knowledge was cut short by analysis. First principles were put in plain langu age and common people were no longer fed on the husks, but on the fruit of knowledge. Text books were re- modeled, old methods were abandoned for the new and many of the old theories were exploded. Man became rational in the true gense of the word. The same work has spread since the foundiog of the first Nor- mal School by Agasis, until it has gained a grateful acceptance in our State Normal ‘Schools. The work 18 coeval with the greatest triumphs of the Nineteenth Cen- tury. Second, What is the limit of their course or curriculum ? The course is unlimited ; any branch of study may be pupsped, 1 is in a direct course with prerequisites. The higher math- ematics, languages, natnral sciences, philos- ophy and the art of instruction may, and are included in the course of our District Normal Schools. The course does not-aim at professional quaiificition fur any other pursuit or profession than that of teaching, and in this respect it differs from a univer- . Tt is generally understood that a Nor- i These must first be practi BUTTERNUTS. Nonsence, Going to Show thet the Ad- ministration is the Government. 1f the Administration is the Government why didn't it die with General Harrison, or General Taylor? HY We suppose the Goyernment was cut with a razor the other day when Mr, Seward wounded his hand. If Lincoln should take the diarrhcea, the Government would have to swallow burn brandy or some other astringent to regulate its bowels ¢ If Lincoln should get the rheumatism the Government would have to go ov crutches. When Chase takes snuff, the Government has to snceze, When Welles gave his fab contract to Morgan, ii was a brother-in-law of the Gov- crnment to whom he extended the favor. There is a rumor that the (fovernment drinks tea out of a bottle. We don’t be- lieve the rutor, so far as it relates to tea. The Government, by skillful and success- ful strategy. arrived unexpectedly in Wash- ington, dressed in a beautiful Scotch plaid. The Government was once heard to say that it had not studied the tariff, but in- tended to do so, as soon as it bad leisure. - The Government is about six feet high, bas large feet and lank jaws, and used to maul rails when it was young. When Halleck hit Stanton, the Gov- ernment got & black eye.~Logan (0.) Ga- zelle. ! 2 and there can be no permanent peace and Union in this Republic as long as thay insti- tution exists. W. P. Culler, dpri 22, 1862. : Cutler is a Republican member of Con- gress from Ohio, and Lovejoy is from Iili- nois. Seven or eighty States now deny their al- legiance to this wovernment ; have organiz- ed a seperate Confederacy, and have declar- ed their independence of this Government. Whether that independence is to. be main- tained or not, is with the fature. [If.they ‘I'hall maintain their position, and if public opinion in the seceded States shall sustain the authorities there for a year or lwo to come, 50 as to show that nothing but 8 war of subjugation and conquest ‘can bring them back, I, for one, am disposed to recog- nise their independ ence.— Benjamin Stanton Feb. 28, 1861, : There was no freedom at the South for either black or white; and he would strive to protect the free soil of the North from the same blighting curse, There was really no Union between the North and South; and he believed no two nations upon the earth entertained feelings of more bitter rancor toward each other than these two sections of the Republic, The only salva- tion of the Union. therefore, was to be found in divesting it entirely: from all taint of slavery, 'Ihere was no vnion with the South. Let us havea Union, or let us sweep away thie rempant which we call a Union. 1 go for a Union where all men are equal, or forno Union at all, and T go for right,— Ea- tract’ from B. F. Wade's Maine speech, 1855. Stanton is the Republican Lieutenant Gov- ernor of Ohio, and was formely ® Republi- can member of Congress. Ilis speech above was delivered in Congress. Government bestows. Have the people any rights ? . None, except what the President gives. What is the Habeas Corpus ? : Is the power of the President to imprison whom he pleases, as long as he pleases. Who is the greatest martyr of history John Brown. : Who is the wisest man ? Abraham Lincoln. Who is Jeff. Davis ? The Denil. te PAs wo = Tue ApNINISTRATION Nov 108 Lovers MENT. — The Cansritation provides thi Liii- ecoln, Chase, and the whole elan whizh nw compose, or at any time shall compose the Administration, may brimp ached. exp led from office and disqualitied. Whenall this is done, does any one suppose that tho Government is impeached ? Can you inn. gine such a thing as the Government. bein arrainged before the S.nate —expelled from office —and disqualiticd from holding offize kyen the supposition is nonsensierl. Lin coln, Chase & Co., might all be’ bung as high as John Brown, and still the Govern, ment would endure, aud probably sufler very little detriment in consequence, Otner and better men would take the places they had happily left vacant,and the Government would go on, just as if nothing had happen- ed. All these ig so clear—so self-evideht— that it humiliates us to off the “argument to an rateiligent and enlightened people. — Yet there are persons who say ‘the Admin. istration is the Gavernu » all 1 Men are called fice thinkers, who instead of thinking freealy, are free {rom thinking. : ee — From the speech ef Carl Schurz in New } York : {7 Those who look into everything ars apito see into nothing. , - ma ue phe it can aot be re. 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