$ wok: PHLADELENIA & ERIE BAILAOAD, (PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO., LRASREK ) WINTER ARBANGEMERY Cn and after Monday, Nov. 17th, 1833 TIME a LOCK HAVEN STATION will be as follows : ARRIVES. LEAVES BAST 5... 940, A. x Expreea... 8:04, p. ai. hes 8:04. p M. Ma 1013.4. 0" Accomun’n. 10:20. a. x. Aocomun'n 2:50. P. Mm. © Fassengers for Philadblphia and Baltimore, on both the Mail end xpress triivs, go threngh without change ofenri. Rxpress West runs daily excopt Mondays wll others daily except Sundays. This Line has been extouded to Sionemake- wg $AMN'L A BLACK, Buperintendent Enetern Division ‘LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS, 07 We call the attention of our readers to the new advertisements in to-days paper. mmr as (me ee. 17 Capt. Michacl Runkle, of the Army of the Potomac, we observe, iz at home on The Captain looks well. oO 07 Taecard of Mr. Copenhefler, who has teken charge of the Pennsylvania House in this place has been unavoidably crowed out this week. a visit. 7= We notice our Biend, Mr. John Cros- thwaite, private soldier, on our streets, once more. John is home on furlough ard in- tends returning to his post in a day er two. o We would call the attention of our readers tothe card of W, F. Reynolds & Co,, nan other column of to-days paper, who are the authcrized agents for the disposal of the Five Twenty Year U. S. Loan. 0: Lievr. LiproN.— We had the p easure within the last week, of shaking hands with our friend, Lieut. Samuel Lipton, who has recently returned fiom the army, hav- ing resigned his commission. Sam is a “ good egg,” and we wish him mn whatever business he may engage. — an or (mms 7” Two trains are now running daily on the Bald Eagle Valley Railroad-—one pas- senger and one freight. The building form- erly occupied by Mr. Burnside a3 a shoe store, has been fitted up for a ticket office, and through tickets to Pittsburg and Philas delphia are now sold. a8 well 4s to all inter- mediate stations. ° {7 Our friend. Simon Mulrooney, Fsq., baving taken unto himself a wife last week, a number of his friends got together and gave him quite a serenade. We wish Si- mon much joy in the new estate into which he has entered, and hope that many httle Mulrconey’s may rise up to cail him ‘ bles sed.” es crn) re ee (=We are requestec by Mr. Koemg to state that the report which appears to have gained considerably credence in this town that the small-pox was in his family, is en. tirely untrue. and without the least founda- ticn. Nr. Keonig offers ten dollars to any one who will prove the assertion. ——— SprING TowNsui? DEMOCRACY. —AR we the el; who need it. free 'HELMBOLD'S BX 'GLLuMBAID'S EX © Bladder, Gravel, Msren, 21 ’63—2 obtained from a le eat sity of Jad 2 reat numbers who] were pplion. ‘Brozohitis, Sore Throat, Coughs and Cold. and the debility and nervous depression saused by those disordsra. : : Desirong of honefliting others, I wil send this reoipe, weich Ihave brought homes with of char SPECIAL NOTICES. A Card to the Buffering. The Rev WiurLiax Coserovs, while laboring a8 8 Missionary in Japan, was oured of Consump- tion, when all Ta means had failed, by 8 redije i ad siciap rexiding in hy Pa reste bas ured Con- me, 0 as vn Address Rev WM. COSGROVE, 438 Fulton Avenus, Brooklyn, N. ¥. ~~ °° ta 4 HELMBOLD'3 FX | BLM BOLD" BXTRAOT BUD, TRACT BUCHU THE GREAT DIURETIC ’ THE GRFAT DIURETI'. TRACT BUCHU, : HE GREAT DIURETIC. TRACT BUCHU, THR GREAT DIURETIC. mo. And a Positive and Spacifie ReMedy for diseases f the : Kidneys. Dropsy, D:ganic Wesnkneas, And «ll diseases of the Urinary Organe. Seo Advertivement in avcther columa. out and send for the medicine at once. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Cut it NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PIND GROVE « INAR session. Pine Grove Miu ly in gold. I ADM arpil 10 6t JAS. ACADEMY AND SEM- Y.—The Summer term will commenso. Wednesday, April 30 1863 Board, Tuition and English Branebes, $55 per TER¥S : J. E. THOMAS, Prineipal. 18, Pa,, April 10th-w3t FORTNE ee ey IVE-TWERTY U. 8. LOAN. Wm. F. Reynolds & Co., of Bella fonta, are subscription agents to disposs of the Five-Twenty years’ United States Loan Amounts oan be bad to suit the means of {different individ - joa: the interest ia payable and will be paid april 10, 1863 tf INISTTATOR'S NOTIC:. hereas letters of administration on the estate of David Fortney, Ferguson, deceased, having been granted to tha subscriber, all persons indebted 0 tho raid ea- tate aro requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or domauds against said ostate, will presert the same, duly suthenticated, | for settlement to the undarsigned, at the late res- idence of the deceased, in Forguson township. of the township of Y. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Aduwinistration havin been granted to the undersigned on the estate Henry Gates, des'd., late of Uniin township, a persons indebtek to raid estate, are requested make ‘immediate payment, and these havin olaima will present, duly authenticated for tottl ef ment [apr10811 JOHN BING, Aaministratnr. | i To mutual oungent. aprillo 3t are in a Ligh well timbered. roasonabie terms. apr$ 8s esllont water. tenant house, of eholoe fruit of every variety, will be slid on Title unexeeptional THOMA - ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN | Notice 18 hereby given that the partnership lLeretofore oxisting betweon the wn- dersigned, trading under the firm of N. & 1, Book, at Hoy’s Mills, has this day been disolved by The books will be settled hy N. Beck, at the store of J. Beck, in Jacksonville, when all those having accounts are requested to- call and make settlement NATHAN BECK. JAMES BECK. YALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale the faxm on whivh Le resides, in Potter tuwnsbip, two miles erst of Centra Hill, eontaining ezehan- dred snd 8Ry two screw, one hundred end twenty #tate of oultivation, the batahoe (tood buildings of all kinds, ax- and a young otohard nal. S HUTCHISON, sons knowing themse! settlement. April the 8 1383,~ mon School april 3. 1848. announced last week, the Democracy of spring township, will bold a meeting in the room of the * Democratic Central Club," in this place, on Saturday night, We hope to see a large turn out. Good speakers will be present to address the meeting. 0 IZ" Mr. Sussman requests us to notify all his old triends and the public in general, that he has removed his store to the large brick mansion on High street, formerly oc- cupied by Dr. G. L. Potter, ss a residence. Mr. Sussman having purchased that prop- erty. has fitted up a neat and handsome atore room, and now invites all his old cus. tomers (0 give him a call in his new loca- tion. Mr. Sussman is as good-natured, jol- ly, and cheap as ever, and hasa s;lendid | stock of goods on hand. Call and see him. eae (Jomsmmann 07" We understand that on Tuesday night last, an attempt was made by some person or persons, to break into the the la- ger beer saloon of Mr. Koenig, near the de- pot. Whether the intention was robbery, or murder, we are not aware; we presume, probably, the former. Quite a crowd coliec- ted befure the villains had succeeded in their object, when the scamps took to their heels. This was a bold attempt, and we hope the next occasion of the kind may resul: in the apprehension of the participants, o 7 {Main Pox,—This dreadful disease ig still prevalent in some portions of our country. Mrs. Potter, wife of Samuel Pot- ter Esq., of Pleasant Gap, died with it on Saturday last, and was burried in the cem- etery at th place, on Sunday afternoon.— We learn that other members of the same family have also had it, aud that there are several cases over the mountain. The peo- ple of this town have reason to be thank- ful that this much dreaded discase has uot made its appearance among us thus far; and we hope, with proper care, that it may be altogether prevented (rom reaching ns. + There have, recently. been several reports circulated that the small pox was in our midst ; but these reports have proved un. true, much to the joy and gratification of our citizens. In view of the prevalence of this disease throughout the country, and the obability that it may eventually insinuate its unwelcome presence among us, we would suggest to the Towo Council the propriety of some measures being taken on their part, to prevent its introduction into our borough TOL notice, by calling on 27th March, ber, he requests al I FITTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. 4 On the estate of Michael Asmar- grat, den'd lata of Potter Township, havio, granted £o the subsoiiber, they request al Ives indebted to said estate to make humedinte payment; . claims to present them, 8, A | PROBLEM FOR THE LADIES. SENT FRPE OF CHARGE. Address ¢ PROBLEM,” Box 94s J. 0, Philadelpkis, Ps. EN G00D8! The subscriber hds in his posses gicn 4 sheets, 2 tabls-oloths, 1 chemise, and 1 pil low-case, ali of whish were found by the officer congealed at the house of Foster Delege, in Ben ner township. Tho owner or ¢ vners van have the same by proving property and psyingfor this GEORGE JOHNSONBAUGH. J. P., Osx Havg, Harris Township 1868.-% A DMIR ISTRATOR'8 NOTICE. Letters of administration on the, Estate of Pa'rick Gallagher, dec'd, lato of Walk- | er township, jevig ‘been granted to the subseri- porsons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate to make immediate pay- ment, and those having claims to present them, duly authenticated by law. for- settioment. LEWIS a Bellefonte. March 27, 1863 —0¢ duly authontioated. W, ARMASAST J. ARMARGAT a Administrators. For COUNTY SUPERINTE . THEOPHILUS WEAVER. A. M of Pine @rove Mills, Centro eounty, notice that he faa osndidate for the subjeet to the decision of the Convention of Com- Directors, on the ib of May next, been per- aud those having for NDRNT ()RPHAN'S COURTSALE. By virwde of an order of the Or- posed at publia sale, in the borough of Bellefuute at the Court House, on TYESDAY, the Beh DAY of APRIL, 1888, at 1 o'clock , PM:, the following’ desoribed Real Hale, Hapnah Fishburn and others. - dree reves. contaliing twonty-four sores, bounded by lande of James faines, Danibl Shank, William Haines and others, : ; ALSO, cne hundred acree more or less, of tim- ber land, situate in Curtin township, adjoining land of Roland Curtin's heirs, Jacob Baker, Geo. Brown and others. ALSO, a hovso ard lot of ground rituate in Howard township, bounded on the west by a road leading to Marsh Creek, on the nerth by land of Corneling Leech, on the east by land of Samuel Loatpern, sod on the south by land of Henry ook. : TERMS OF SALE —One-balf the purehase money in hand upon confirmation of the sale un the ve:idue in one year thereaiter, with interestd to be secured by bond and Tongue on the prem, isea. JOHAN P PACKER, JOEN HUGHES, March 27, 1863—5t Administrators. (UKMIN GS HOUSE SALOO™. This new and splendid Eating Es- tablishment is now open for the entertainment of | the piblio, where Freeh Oysters, Fried Oysters, Stowed Oysto rs, Spiced Oysters, Clam Soup, Turtles Boup, Chicken Soup, fam and Fggs, Pig's Feet and Tripe, Sar- dines, Fresh Fish, Fried Chickens, Stewed Chiokens, ots. ota, oun ba bad at all times. DRINKS. Oognac Brandy. | 0ld Rye Whiskay, Bourbon Whisky, + Lest Whisky, Irish Whi ¢ Hol. land Gin, Currant ype, Straw- berry Wine, Cham gne, @o seborry Wine, Sherry Win port Wine, ato. ota. Gin Cocktails, Bro ,y Smashes, Sherry Cob- lers, Whisky Punc 5, and ail other fancy drinks. Magsui & Colling’s XXX Philadelphia dle & Porter, Cider, Fancy Lemouades, Barsaparilla,, Mineral Wa- ter, etc., elo., elo. HOT MEALS to We had at all hours of the day or night. A magnificent BILLIARD ROOM. with fins marble-fuced Tables, is connected with the estab- lishment, We invite our friends to give us a call, and think we oan insure them the utmost satisfaction. CUMMINGS & FISHER. Bellefonte, March 27, 1863 ly Proprietors "THE CUMMINGS HOUSE, BELLEFONTR. PA. phans’ Court of Contre County, there will be ex- | Betste, late the property of Thomas Hughes, of Howard township, deceased : vi : ty A certain tract Of unseated iand, in Curtin township, containing. four hundred sod thirty. four acres, surveyed in the warrantee neme' of Mary Tallman, adjoining lande suiveyed to Thos: |- ALSO, # tract of unseated 1 Bd toe | * above-mentioned tract, Bh taining iho 8. a, ThE ALSO, a tract of land:sliuate in Homan twp , Wriaon Mam , 1d : -o1.th8 United Sietes Clronge Ort, Th roult Oot, Pracident. Gorusr Penn ong 31 Clay Strostsy Porisiurgh, . Tid wn nes. v , boat, Raiiroad and. Baw Keeping, + post : inisters’ sons. at half price. dents enter and revisw aay tithe. * Pre: Sout . This Institution is conduoted’ by: experiended Teachers Practionl Acgountants, who prepare young wen for active’ business, at the least ex- pense nud shortest time, for’ the most luerative and responsible eituations. Dirrowas. granted for rraduates of this College, by business men. * Pror. A. Cownny, the best Penman of the Un- fon, who holds the inrgést No. of 1st Presxiou gra over all compglitory, teaches Rupid Business riting. For sposimens of Pormanship, end Catalogue containing full information. inclose twenty-five cents to JENKINS & SMITH, a Principals. {ZF Attend whera the Sons and Clerks Bankers and Business Men graduate, of for merit anly. Hence the universal “preforemte | NATIONAL COHME; CIAL COLLEGES LOCATED 1 PHILADELPHIA. *'8.B."cor. 7th and Chestaunt!Streets, N.Y. CITY, BROOKLYN ,TBANY ‘TROY, BUFFALO, L«AVELAND, , CHICAGO & 8T. LOVIIS. Book kxEPING, PENMANSHIP, COMMBP IAL AR- ITHXETIC C MMERCIAL LAW, Forus Cc. RESPON- DENCE, &o , practically taught. : i These Colieges being under the same general and local management, and uniting in each the advantages of all, offer greater facilities tor im- patting instruction than any other similar insti tutions in the country. : - A Scholarship issued by any oue is good in ali or an unlimited time. = The Philadelphia College hus been resentiy en Jarged and refurnished in a superior manner, and is mow tho largest and most proeperous Commer oail Institution-in the State. Bryant & Stratton’s seiios of Text books, em- bracing Book-Keoping. Uummersial Aritametic, Comommerofal Law, forsa.caud and reut by mail. 257° For full partsoulars send 1 2 cirondar Oct. 17. 1862—1y. i : ; ' z ER MiN 7] AA Hl el i — 0) . For Rats, Hee, lioaches, Ants, Bed Zug Moths in Furs. Woollens, &s., Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, &e. Pat up in 250. 60c. and $1 00 Boxes, Bottles & Flasks. $3 and $5 sizes for Lotels, £ablic Insti- tutions, &o. “Only infallible remedies known.” “Free from Poisons ** “ Not dangerous to;the Humgn Faeily.” ¢‘ Rats come out of their holes to die.” E22" Sold wholesale irr all large cities. ‘ « Sold by all Druggists and Retailers every- where. §7 !"' Beware!!! of all worthlegs. imitations. k5® See that ¢"Costar's”’ name is on euch Box, Bottle and Flask. before you buy. £77 Address HENRY BR. COSTAR. £37 Principal Depot 432 Broadway, N. Y. £27 Sold at : HARRIS'S RUG STORE . ++ Beliefonte;. Pa. March 27, 1862-fm. N THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF CENTRE COUNTY, w Elisabeth Emery by } In the Court of Common her next friend, Jno. | Floss Centre county, Campbell AY. Supt. in Division ‘a Vilidula Matrimonia. R. D. CUMMINGS, Propristor. ‘This elegant new Hotel. situated on Bishop | roet, afew aoors north of the Catholic church, is | t last goraplete in all ite arrangements, and is | w opon for the reception and entertainment of | eats. It us boon furnished in tho very latest le, with hand and comfortable farniture, A ia i the best gotten up, snd will be Up beet conducted hotel in Dellefonte. "HE TABLE wil' always be found groaning wider the wight of the best provisons the market afirls, attended by neat intelligent nud attentive wilters. E BAR will aiways be supplied with the cbidoest ani best of liquors—not a sickning mix tus of drugs—bat liquor. in there purest and bal stats. iE STABLE {a large, warm, commodious and zn. and obliging and attentive hostlers, are al 28 in waiting. ! {nok conveys passengers free of charge, to from the oars, after the arrival an d departer a train’ 371 A CHANCE FOR BARGAINS! DREDAH, 815012 a of hereby gives above office, ALLAGHER. Adm'r A FPLICATIONS FOR LICENSE. Noticeis hereby given that the following-named dersons have filed their c in the Court of Quarter Sessions, and will make spplivation at the April term to sell liquors : hand a large CLASSICAL This is a duty which they owe to the eom- manity- May 1, 1862, thee: GEORGE LIVINGS ON, Propristor At his well known stand on the North-eastern corner of the publio square, keeps constantly on asdortment of TIIEOLOGICAL , MISOELLANEOUS, and SOHOOT, BOOKS. Alao a large variety of BLANK BOOKg and STATIONERY, of the boat MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS.” PORT - FOLIOS, &o. Books rougzht to order at advance on aity pri b Martin Dolaa, Tavern, Boggs Twp. Geo. Taylor® do Unlonylile. Jobn Copenbiaver, do Bellefonte. Robert Loyed, dv Philipsburg, J. M. Kepler, do do J.H Galer, do do Daniel Kunes, do Hagleville. Margaret Wolf, do Boalsburg. i ey, © pret 3 of y : D. Dor 3 do Mileshu oe John Spangler, do Potter Tw p 8. P. Reesman, do da Geo. Miller, do do Jona A. Fry, do Ilaines. T. M. Hall, do Milesburg. no. H. Morrison, do Spring. Wm. Myres, do Philipsburg. Tobiss Wetzel, do Walker. Daniel Kreamer, do Miles. Geo. Richards, do Halfmoon. Jno. Russel, do Aaronsburg, Ed. Brown. do Bellefonte. Daniel Garman, do do J. B. Butts, do do W. C. Black do Port Matilda. Henry Shaffer, do Miles Twp. Jraves Furey, do Howard. Wm, L. Musser, do Penn Twp Ubristian Hubler, do Hains Twp J ohn Berry, do Potter Twp 4% artin Murphy, do Burogide T Pic1sol Lytle, dp Pinegrove Mills | A. Brom, Store Bellefonte. May & Loeb, Score, Bellefonte. Neff & litle, do do B 00K STORE Buireronte, Pa. uality. Also HARNRBES | MANUTRFAC: CRA The subscriber begs lecve to inform the world. end the people of Centre County in partieular, that he still continues to carry on “she. Raddlery business in all its various branches, at his shop +n the Nortn-East corner of ALLEGHANY an BISHOP Btrests; where can bo found at all times & foli supply of Saddles, Waggen Harueas, Bridles, ; Carriage Harness Collage, Wagon Whips, Truaks, Driving Whips' Valises, i Halters’ Nets, &e., &e., do. made of the very beet material, and WARRANTED to be pat to-gather in the most # ibstantia! wan- nar. fara to suit the times. : .. Coll and examine yourselves gentlemen, and {f you are not satisfied, you need not purchase. . TOLEN & Co. Bellefonte, Sept. 10th 62. 1.y. THE COMMERCIAL LIST LETTER-SHEET “PRICE CURRENT” ARE PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, BY STEPHEN WN. WINSLOSY, Ko. 2I2GOLD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. BIOGRAPICAL SKETCHES OF THE MERCHANTS&MANUFACTUR § OF PHILADBIPHIA, THE OPULENT AND THE INDIGNENT, SECRET OF THEIR SUCCESS AND AD- VERSITY, . WILL BE CONTINUED. {C08RAD HOUSE uv BELLEFONTE, J.B BUTTS, Pro - This well known establishment 1y re-fitting and re-furnished throu, second to none in eenteral Penn: Jomfors and gonyenionce it affords Bel PA, etor. a8 Deen engre- ut, and ia no sylvania in the 8 to travelers.— le from the country during their sojourn at efonte during weeks ef {Court, will find the House an agreeable and pleasant resting lage. 5: dccommodating servants are always in attendance ready to supply the wants and fia. to the comfort and satisfaction of the HE TABLE issu) plied with all the substantial provisions, uxuries and delicacies which a Prednis. ive country ean furnieh, or industry, vigilance exertion can procure. - THE BAR, will always. contain a gereral ag- sortment of the very best liquors, taat the mark— et affords addap! to suit themost oaprivious - THE STABLE will be attended by atten. tive and obliging hostlers, well qualified to dis- charge the duties pretaining to this important de- ent of a public establishment. From the attention and time. the propreitor has devoted to this branoh of business he hopes to re- eeive a liberal portion of the paiionage hereto- fore beatowed upon him." May I, 1862—tf. DEALERIN © © -—--tagresd upon-hy the publishers f 1 —and the best make of SiLvar” PLATED "G6. L. TOVELL, | vs | Joseph Emory. - J No 225: April Term, 1863. To Josooh Emer , | A ; You are hereby notifiell to ‘appear at the Court of Common Pleas, to hecheid at Belifonto on the funrth Monday of April, 1863, to wnswer to the complaint of Elisabeth Emery, in the above proceedings in divorce. ; GEO. ALEXANDER Sherif : © Sherift’s Ooftice. W. J Kenlsh, Atty for LibeHant, March 27th, 1363. : Che Domoccatic Watchman, P. GRAY. MEEK, Editor. Per annum. (strictiy in" advance.) $1.50 When paid within 3. months, 2,00 If Jeft run over 3 months, $2,50, will be inveri- ably charged. ur! No paper digcontinued until al! brek an bsorip- tions are paid. and a failure to notify « discontin- uance at the end of the titae kubseribed for, will be considered a vew engagement. These terms will be Saal adheard to under all circumstances. RATES OF ADVEDTISISG. Advertiseing have heen the Central Press theBerickter and thes & + yocratre Witch- man and witl be strictly alne © 10 lines [or less} consti One Sqanre three i-sortior Foreach subsequent nse The Gllowing terms 1 square. = 5100 srless than threo months, - - - . - . vam, 25 One square, 3 months, ©. =. 360 4 8 gms imo 500 -4 o ONG WORr a. 2 sv wi=bul B00 Quarter-coluiny, ole year, two ehanges, 15 00 a KD Ay Haag 25.00 Onecolumn, « «ww “40 06 Anditors Noticea~ ot Jia. LL L200 Administrators and Executers notices, - 2 25 Notice of applization for Heonse = - - - 1 50 Notice far strays. each “amis, - - - 150 Advertisements desplaged in fancy letter, so as to attract attention, 50 per cent, more than the above rates, : bh, Aw Advertisement not marked with the number of insertions desired, will he continued till forbidden and charged “Weohrding to these faring terms. | . r . Editorial or local notioes for the bonefit of indi viduals, sss ens se C00 ments per line Religious or educatfonal notisss, § + = « Obituary notices, over 5 lines, 8 « A Deaths and marriages announced free. Communications recomending persons for of- fice, inserted at ten cents a line: aud the pay must accompuny the communtealion, An legal and transient advertisements must be laid befo:e they are inserted. MILLINERY & STRAW GOODS!! We have the pleasure of inform- ing you that we ace now prepared to offer, at our Old Btsnd Nox 10,105-& 10§ North SECOND Bt., PHILAD’ A. FS A well selected Stock of MLUNERY & STRAW GOODS in every variety, of the latest 1m ortations, and of the newest and most fosntonable styles OUR STRAW DEPARTMENT, will comprise every variety of Bonnets, [Tats & Trimmings to be found ia that Hine, of the latest and most approved shapes and styles So Rioiting an early call. I remain Yours. RL WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND SILVER The undersigned would respectfully eal] your attention to his wel! selected stock of Fine Gold and Silver WATCHES, Fine Gold JEWELRY, of every kind and ‘variety of styles _—comprising all of the NEWEST and most beautiful dasigns. : - Also, SOLID STLVER WARE, equal toed ARB. Each article is WARRANTED to ba as reprosen- ed. 5 © ED and satisfaction guarantead. JACOB HARLEY, * (Sucoesgor to Staaffor & Harley) No. 622 Market Steest, Philedeiplia March 6, 1863.3m. MPORTANT TO T & PEOPLE ~0F 1 BELLEFONTE al ai nots 25% Watches and Jewelry carefully REPAIR. On and aftor Tuesday Deo. 2 d’ the “Ph @- nix Mills.” wagon will deitver fi Wut feed fro0 of charge to customers residing id Bellofaute’ reg ularly od Tuasday’s and Fridays. Persons hav- 1 ing grist to send to the mill orded ars ¥o bo filed will give them to the driver - shop wilt soe that | they are attended to promptly. : FC RPRBYNOLDS & Co. Deo. 5th 1862 tf, Th 34 trv . SUGAR VALLEY WHISKEY AGAINST THE WORLD “To be aor ‘W. A. MURRY,. SUGAR TALLEY PA. a small EEN LREOWN PA Gobaceo ¥ Cigars a i ‘ayers Cherry Prctoral. Leathex! Leather! SOLE LEATHER SPANISH KIP ERENCH 0ALF SKINS COUNTRY CALF £XI1NS. MOROCCO LININGS, &C., &C Shoemakers’ Thread and Shoemakers Tools, of all kinds, to bo had at STUSSMANS, CHEAP. ’ thanat any other establishment in Central Penn ¢lvania. Bellefonta. Decomber 19, 1382 NLW PICTURE GALLERY. RJ.S BARNIART, HAVING point & new and splendid SEV-LIGHT PICPURKE GALI KRY, | is now Digpazed to execute all orders in the Aw. | brotype, Photograph, Forot ype, Malensotype, or | any of the customary branches of the. Helitgraph- ic Art. His Photographs will be of the LARGEST SIZI ever taken in the interior of this State.— Card Pictures. and almost un endless varlety of common and fancy oases, are offered at prives which vary from 50 CENTS TO 25 DOLLARS ! Instructions given and appartus furnished upen reasonable terms. This Gallery is located on the hill beside the Court House, near Garman's [lo- tel May 22, ’62-1y. TO THE LA" {ES 7% J Having justreturne! tom Philadelphia Sin a new andioly lid assortment MILLINERY 00DS, of the latest styles and fashion, feel prepard to pleaseall, both youngandold,g «ve ond gay, whe may see proper (o giveusayali “Jur stock oon- ists in part of SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, PLAIN AND FANCY TRIMMINGY and all other articles gonerally koptin a Milliner Store. 59° We have procurod the services of one most experienced Milliners in the city. Stere Bishop street, nex door to the old stand. Bellofonta. May 3,81. MARY 8("JRBECK. HOWARD ABSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, For the Reliefof the Sick and Distressed, afilio- ted with Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and es- pasially for the Cure of Diesenaes of the Soxual TZANns, MEDICAL, ADVICE given gratis, by the Ae ting Sargeon. VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhoa or Seminal Weakness, ard other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and of the NEW RELEDIES em- ployed in the Dipensay, sent to the afilicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charges, Two or three Stamps for postage will he acceptable. Address, DR, z SEILLIN HOUGHTON, Ae ting Surgeon, Howard Association, No 2 South Ninth #t, Philadelphia. June 12, I882—1-y. 5 JPARABOLA SPECTACLES. Superior to any others in use, con- structed in accordance with the LAW OF NA- TUR © ia the peculiar form of a Concavo- Cun ve: _.llipsrs. admirably adapted to the organs of T «at ond perfectly natural to the Eve; alto- gather the best artificial HELP TO THE HU- MAN VISION ev invented. When there is fmen ss itis nator | use acane—why not ren- derag stance to tha yaluable organ, the Eye when seded? The shove for sale it city prices, by JERRY. J. WINGATE. At the Dental Office East of Post Office. P. S.—These spectacles canbe obtained | at no other place in town. Bellefonte, May 29, 18 SIMON A. FELDMAN, IMPCRTER & WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES GINS, Wheat, Rye, & Bourbon Whisky’s NO. 506 NorthiNinth Street, BELOW SPRING GARDEN, PFA: AIDELIEILA. NEW PLOUGHS: The subscribers have secured the right of Centre County to manufacture aud sell the J.C. Bidwell no. 7 Centre Leaver Left Hand Plough, This is now considered the best netal Plough made in Penna, Famers san examine it by calling at the Belle- fonte Foundry. CastSteel shares will be furn- ished with the Plough if desired. Jan. 30th. 1863. —tf NEW LIVERY STABLE BACK ‘OF HUMES STORK. THOMAS DORAS, Proprietor Six fine Bay Horses, all good travelers—and splendid Buggie = Carriages and Sleighs,——and fitted with fanoy Harness and warm Robes, to hire cheaper than any other establishment fu ‘own. Call around. geatlemen. January 23, 1883-1y. A DHINISTRATORS NOTICE. Letters of Administration having been granted to the eubseribsr on the estate of Jno, Merritts dec’dlate of Howard township. He requests all persons knowing themselves indebt- ed t9 said estate to make immediate payment, and those having elaims to present them, duly authenticated by law fur settlement. Murch 5th 1868,. -6t EPHRAIN GLENN. PLEASANT GAP HOTEL, PLEASANT GAP, PA. J. H. MORBYSON, Proprietor. This well known Hotel is now kept by the pro- priotor, where he will be happy to walt on the traveling publis geneially. 1ye. A Haver & Co. } i blv, passed on the 14th day of February A. JHON- CL. VALLANDIGHAM'S * RECORD ON : _ ABOLITION. SLAVERY, AND THF CIVIL WAR. This work is in press and will soon bo ready — It contains cmaplete nnd curate copies of Mr. ysinarvisesn’s peissirle speeches en the eub- eots above named. Aldo parts of many other peeches, with letters, incidents, votes, cto, eto. The work has been carsfully edited and is believed to presen: fairly and dorreatly. the polit- ical record and poeition of a man whose views in Iegard to the cause of our National troubles, and the right remedies for them are aftrac- Hog sn extraorpinary amouut of tho public at ention. large ostavo 8vo. Frice—Paper cents. Deliverad by a Mall or Expross, prepaid, co receipt of the price. E27" Send orders, with the money enclosod, to | Columbus, Ohio, addressed to J H.'RILEY & | CO., or to Gav. MEDARY, offioe of the Citisis.— A large sale is expeotad. very new per that gives the above three ingertions, aleo this notise, und sends marked oop: ios addressed Box 699. Columbus, Ohio,” will receive threo copies of tie work. THE UNLUCKY COLD To show what misery from a oold, { (Thougk tis in the head) may grow, } Yunng Pettigregn did unfol { To us this story of bis woe: — i oavars, i + “I wooed a lady, young avd fuir, i And balf e d we were to wed ; | But wh! I caught from keen Maroe uir | A cold distressing, in my head * My reddened eyes etrenmed down with tears ! However vlesant was my tasl: ; 1 My nose most hottle-like appears { My voice geoms smothered iu a onsk. { | “I knew that 1 this wratohed plight My looks wou | quite repulsive acer ; And 8, 1 kept m from the sight Cf ber who wus y nightly droum. ** Another feliow #0 ed the chane While I from Lucy stayed awa And did so well his suit advanse That ehe has named tho brid Jd day. i + Ha never had a cold I haar; } And must I tell the resson why ? : At Sternberg’ Hull be bays his gonr, rd And always Lus a good supply. 4 Wo have tle largest assoriment of Ready made | Clothing in Bellefoute, of ever size, siyle and : price, made ii the best and most frshion=ble mans | ner Every one can be suited from unr stk, whatever be his stylo. Our prices are much ha- low market rates | 1863. | | PHILADELPHIA { PAPER HANGINGS. HOWELL & BOURKE, COR. FOURVH & MARKET Strects. Puna. have now in stock, a fine variety of } WALL PATZRE, got up expressly for their Spring Trade WINDOW PAPER OF LVER) to which they invite the attenti K PRS. In ir Rotail Department, will be found the choicort ‘es of the season. March 6, A2.3m. NEW BAKERY! "MATHIAS SCHMUCK.- Would respectfully inform the Toople of Ballefonte and vicinity, that he bas opened a na + and complete Bakery on SPRING etreet, in ica premises of W. F. Reynolds, where he will ka¢ conatantly on hand all kinds of BREAD, RUSK, POUND CAKE, BUGAR AND GINGER CAKES, CRACKERS, | . &e., &e.. &e. ! which he sells at a reasonable rice. Bread, Cnkes and Pies baked to order on the shortest notice. Families will find it to their ad- vantage to get their baking done at this estab- lishment, as they can always got pure wholesome bread and cakes just when they necd (hem Sept. 12th 1862—1y. I OLLOCK'S IMPROVED DANDELION COFFEE, —This p.eparation, made from the best Java Coffee, is songly recommen. ded by physicians as a superior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dyspepsia, and all Bilious disorders. Thousands who have been reluctantly compelled to abandon the use of Coffee, will find they oan uso tms combination without any of the injurlou effects they formerly experienced, i” One caa contains (Le strength of two pounds of ordinary Coffee For sale by all Druggists and Grocers, and hy | the Manufacturer, corner of ROAD and CHEST. | NUT Streots, aud by 30S. B.BUSSIER & CO , | 108 and 110, 3 WHAI VES. Price 25 cents. March 6th 1882-13. CLIFT0 NHUUSE LOCK HAVEN, PA. 1863. RADE. of Erone , and satisfaciery The proprietor having leased the nhova named Hotel in the borough of Lock Haven, Ciin- ton county, Pa., takes this method of informing tha public generally that he has made eyery necessary preparation to entertain strangers and travelersin the best possible manner. His table will always so (ain the choicest lux- uries that the country wi’ afford. and he is detor- mined not to be surpassed in this department by any other Hotel along the West Brauch. { His Bar will contain the choicest liquors that ona be purchased in the ctty marist. areful and attentive Ostlers will constantly be an hand to take charge of horses and see thatthey are properly attended to. Trusting that he muy receive a portion of the patronage of the traveling public, he hopes hy slose attention to be ablot ¢ rende = general satis. action, \ June 8, *81.-tf. To the Séhool Directors of Centre County : | | Gentlomen.—TIn pursuance of the 43 section of | the 8th May,, I834. you are hereby notiflod te meet in oonyention, at the Court House. in the boreugh of Bellefonte, on the first Monday in May, A D. 1883 being tAe fourth day of she month at 10 o'clock in the = afterncon; to select viva woes. by a majority of the whols number of Direators prozent, one person of literature and scientific aequirements, and ofekill and experienc in the art of teaching sg county Suporintendant for thres succeeding yenrs; determine the amount of compensation for the same, *and certify the re sult to the Stats Rupertendant, at Harrisburg as required by the 38th and 40th sections of said act. ’ THOMAS HOLAMAN. Boalsburg April 1st 3t, 1863. County Super- intendant of Centre County. Mo¥ EY WANTED. In pursuance of an act of assem- | Dp. 1863. ¥ am authorized by the Town. Council of | the Borough of Bellefonte, ta negotiaty a lean for improving the Wailer Works, and for other | purpnsog, to the amount of five thousand dollars, | for which Borough Bonds will be given. The i security. of course, is undonhted. and the act au- | thorizing the loan, exempts it from taxaticn.— Eor the prompt payment of the interest as it be. eomes due, a part of the Borough fund is eopei- cially set npart. ‘ March 34. 1863.,,—3t G. LIVINGSTON, Boro” Treasure 1 den = i } PRIVATE SALE. : ! The property belonging to James | ‘Williams, deceased. late of the Borough of Bella: | fonte, is offered by the heirs at private sale The | property consists of two houses and lots situated | on the corner of V"'lliam and Railroad streets, | Bellefonte, a water ight, sufficie it for aay steam | pur-ose, and a sple lid spring of water belongs | tr ue property. ALSO, | A good frame hous. , and lot with excellent ou | buildings, situated in Cheapside, Spring town | ship or further, rticulars, epply to George | n ,8t Bosisburg, i Boal, # “ia RLES McAFFERTY March 6, 1388—2m. Bellefonte, Pa. | The work is good, substantial papor, 200 pages | 50 oents; Clote, 75! i Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual I { Abuse. Xo. —RBy RORT [ ar. uo madtor what his voadition may be | two poslage st 1 the market w most experienced cooks ; while HIS BAR A. MANN, Proprictor. | M Section, ¥ tion of 1 Section ed the First day of June, W539, the undersigned citizens of the Commo iwewsch of Ponnsylvania, hereby give notice that they iniend to make ap- | plication tothe Legisiatara of said State, at ite located in the borongh ty of Ceuiro. nnd State wiv suid, to be called the of to be One 1} of Issue, Disconat, JMBLYGE BAEFACTORY! Mr. 8. 4. McQuistiun would reapeotfully in form the citizens of Centre wounty, tht he has opened a new Carriage Marulnotoer, tu the rear of Cummings’ Livery Stak i=, whore huis propared to mafufasture CAERIAGES | BUGGIES, SULKIES, PH AY ET SPRING WAGONS, 3, &G., &C. tt prices to suit the tune. Repairing done on short notion. Bullefoutd, Feb. 8, 1483, ty. ~ mg ——— LA LLEBECOCTHUT ER TES TO YOUNG MPN. Just Publishod, in a Sasic? Lrvelope. Iroc’ Ser Cents. 3 A Bwcture on the Nainre, Teeaimont nud Lndieal Cure of Bpermatorrhma or Scmined ty and lin YOusne ss sdimornts to Marriage gagur nrumption, Bnile; u Pils; and Physteal laeapaaity, ug from Seif LYRRWELL M &a. in this fei onbie wm hiz own oxp In Mauial 0. Author of the Gro The world-renowned I. . clearly prove 11 } that the awful corseqnoneas of Reif-nbuse Wy be romov 4 with gerous surgi rings or gird licina, sud withoui dun- bougies, instruments 4 ont a made of sure ut i once certain nud effoctuai. by which every svftor Timsalf cheaply, privately and rali 1 LECLURY WILL PROYE A BOON TO TROUALNDS 45D SANDS eal. to any pidlonss. ig a pain, 9, ou the reeeipt of six ue ny nddreasing CHAS. J.C KLINE & 00 127 Bowery, New York, Post Olfics Box, $3253 March 6 In J—ly {3 ARMAN'SHOTEL BELLEFONTE, PA. DANIEL GamIIA © Ai, ov . Proprietor. Thic long established andl wail | known Hotel, situated on the Southeast corner nf the Dinmond, opposite the Court {use havipg ! been purchugsd by the undersigned. hy anusune ! ] 68 toth e former patrons of this establishmont and to the traveling puplic gonersily, that ho intends refittine it thoroughly, and iz prepared to reidar the moat eatisfuctury secomm dation ta all wha may favor him with their patronage. Neg will be spared on Lie part t once or comfort of hi bim will find Pe tod Will tho most aamuig as inra afford, done up fu stile, by the will ai . abundauily s Ways ¢ontain” : Ths Chocest of Liqu 1s. His Stabling is beat fn tow und will wlways ba attended by the most tra worthy gad iontive hostlers (iva bim aoal' one ar all. and ho feels coy. fident that all w ‘1 be eu 13fed with their nooo - modation. AX EXCRI EXT LIVERY Isnttached to this est clwhment, which strangers from abroad wiil find greatly to Weir advaobge. DANIEL dARMAN. sBollofonte, Jan. ¢. 1882 . rE TO THE § UBLIC. The inquiry 6 fr | ently muda, “ Whers sn erocks be obtaine !, © at the ginsing May retain ermanently on, vs o filled with Appla-butter r Milk—ard, that & inet becoms suit or diea- greeabls. nor poisonous, the glazing of which hae | caused much disonse, and frequently death ? q y 1 take this opporiunity of nfuru doe a pubis that I have sold a re ten and Myk crock durable in glazing. free from all obroxi us smelts when Jased in differont places, to dhe widersigued named persona tbat cannot he excelled for guilty and durability anywhere. These erocks?are glazod with the vary hest mo terial, vix., Red Lead, Quartz, &, and [ wie use the vory bast Jak Wood, by which [wun bara the ware the hardes: and most durables. I learned the Pottery business in Europ», studi- ed the Chemicals in the schools of Munich snd Augsburg, (Bavaria,) and by thess moans and many yours of experience, I am enabled to fure sh the public with the above desoribed ware. JOSEPH BAPPLE. N. DB. If you wish to hay good. gubstantinl glu zed Crooks, they oan he had at the. stores of tha undersigned periang J, 5 AVRAHAM SUSSMAN Rallefuy a, BROWN & COOKER JOHN AW. I. V. GRAY, Stermstown "MUSSER & SWARTZ. B.Gh. Mite ROB'T CAMPBELL Port Matilda, LYONS & Co, Pennaylv'n Furnacs. JOSEPH 34PPLE Munfusturer 6—=mao. at. fash NOTICE. IN PORSUANCE OF THE 26th t Article of the swovded Counstitu- State of Pennsylvanian, and the Firat the Act of the General Assembly. paes iRa2 (LARK n, eomwmencing the first Tuesday of i ter of 3 Bank, to be Hollofonte, in the coun 3 fur the ¢ » BEELEFONTE BANK “tlecapital gtock there od Firnsand olives, with the wo Hundred Thous- olieat for which the su churtered is to traps ta business of a Bank sit and Lxohange. privilege of ine and Polls: and t proposed Corporation act the usual and leg H BROCKERUO WM P. WILSUN ED. BLANCHARD, D G4. BUSH D.M. WAGNFE GEO W. ACH Rk. ll. BUNCA EROTHERS, SAM. STROHECKER M'COY LINN & CO. AR BARLOW, THOMPSON LINN &£CO, HARVEY MANN, DANIEL HHOADS, F. P HURXTHAL, BAL, A JOHN P. HARRIS, & 1 CURTIN, VALENTINES & €4 3 Belletonts, June 25, = meme, MARRIAGE 11S LOVES AND butes, sorrows and angers, hopes and fours. regrets and joys. MANHOOD, how Jost, Low rostered, the buature, treatment and radienl eure of spe rmatorrea or surainal weak- ness | involuuiary emissions, sexual debility and . impediments to meriiage anerally, nervousness, consumption, fits, me and physioal incapaoi- ty, resulting from Sviv-aBesc--are fully ex- dained in the Marnier Gv by WILLIAM FOUNG. MD. Tails most extraordinary book © hou'd Beinthe band: of every young person . contemplating martinga. nnd every man or wo- man wie desires tolimit the wvumber of their offs spring to t oiroumstavors Mvery pain, dis. 3 cidental to youth maturity and s, 18 fully knowledge that should be known is here givon.— y explained ; every particle. of Ttis full of engravings. In fact, it discloses ga - crets that every one should know, still it. i8° a book that must be locked up and pt lie about th © house. It will be sent to any oue on the recelp t * of 23 ents, in spouie or postago.atamps. Addroe i DR Wm, YON, No. 41%, Spruce street, aboy Fourth, Philadelphia. x ys APPLICTED AND UNFQRTHEATE, #0 matter whe may be yonr disease, before. yun place “yourse 1 under the eare of any of the notorious Qua, native or foreign —who 'n this or any other cong « try, got a copy of D2 Young's book, ana read ed carefully i; vitll he the means af saving yca id dollars, your health. and possibly you ¢ life. — DR. YOUNG can be consulted an any of the | divenses desorihed in his publloation, at his office No. 416, Spruce Street, above Office hours from 9.t0'8. daily. Bet. 2nd, [862-1y. Job Printing Fourch, Phila es