# am . lution been adopted, the then vacilating TF. The Itluse, {For the Democratic Watchman, A VISIOA. BY J. P. NM. The mystic, unknown regioz, the dwelling of the cu . | The fathom ese Hercafler, where £0 many hopes | are fled— . How silent are its chambers, how fir and yet how near The shadowy land to which ‘are gone the friends once with us here ; A moment, and the living, like a wave upon the shore. Sigh out their dying murmurs and are with us nevermore; A moment is the distance that hides from us their face Yet the eye of "man has sought in vain to pene- trate the space. : But tell ine not they never come to view those scenes again, Where, with the friends of life, they've been, in joy as well as pain. [is sweet to think that thoss I've loved ae some- times ling’ring near, That they hover ‘round my pillow and whisper words of cheer ; That they see me as L struggle by the world’s rough tempests tossed, That they know I still am mourning for the dear ones I have lost; That they know I hope to greet them when the cares of life are o'er, ; - In a happy, happy country where we'll never sor- row more. I have heard they never come but to whisper words of gloom, . That they never bring a message but of gortow from the tomb, That they only come at midnight, or in the morn- ing’s gray 0 To tell, in mournful cadence, of joys that lee away. * * * * * * * * * It was by the light of morning when the stars grew faint and pale, i es As I tried to read my future in the night-wind’s d i ail, ard a foot-fall, soft as the dawning it, When I turued my eyes to gaze upon a spirit clad in white. . Surely earth could not produce a being half go fair As that whose face I gazed upon through waves of sunny hair; I thought there was a hale of heavenly light around, And, fearing to disturb the shado, I uttered not a sound. A moment thus it met me—a time I'll ne'er forget; Gh, the memory of its beauty is living with me yet ! " It varied fike a shadow as transieat as our breath ; It spoke no word of sorrow, it breathed no thought of death, But often when the shadows stand around the dy- ing light, I sce, still smiling on me, that vision of the night. Its messages are bright ones—it brings no thought Methoug oO But softly b , «look upward, I hope to meet, thee thers.” How I eng to meet that angel where we never mors shall part, r the morning it first met me, it stole away my heart. Hewarp, PA, March 30th, 1883. (For de Vemocratic Watchman A WARKDE RER™S LAMENT. BY MARY WEAVER. In this land I am a stranger, Friends, companions, haye I n®ne; Q’er the world I am a rawger-- Oh! that I could have a home! Yes, a home, though poor and lowly, It would be a home to me; And my cwu—oh ! “owould be lovely ! In my fauey, it, I see. Those who hive their homes, I envy, Though I know it is not right; All wy lite is but a shadow, Like unto the deepest night. Yet a home in Ifsaven there's for me, Apd T Juek toward the day, shall § vy upward, n eluy. od Til rest forever, w3 Will ba done; ¢ feeb of Jesus, blessed hone. Ber SPEECH OF HON. BENJAMIN WOOD. Separation with a View to Reconstruction PEACE AND FRATERNAL RELATIONS. During the first session of the present Congress, and one week before the slanghrer at Manassas had awakened our people to the realities ol war, I offered in this House the following resolution : : Resolved, That this Congress recommend the Governors of the several States to con- yene their wegisiatures for the purpose of cailing an election to select two delegates {rem cach Congriseional district, to meet in general convention at Louisville, Kentucky, on the first Monday of September next, the purposes of the said convention to be to de- vise measures for the restoration of peace tp our country. ; That resolution was laid upon the table. In its place, from time to time, emated from this and other branches of the Government, certain edicts, laws and proclamations, which, while powerless to affect rebellion at the South, have tevolutionized the political sentiment, of the North. Sir, I sincerely believe that, had mv reso- teeling of the South would have been won to hoporable compromise, and the blessings of rk and Union would this day bless the land. But even if cffectual—looking back to the period when I presented it, and over the blood-stained record: of the intervening time—1 feel that its adoption could have lent no additional horrors to that fearful history. If the logic of events should bring the conviction that the course I then suggested wight have averted from: our country the curse of a desolating war, the responsibility of its rejection will not be mine Sir, 1 desire to shun the language of re- proach, and to avoid any unnecessary retro- spection. 1 drag the past from 1s shroud only 88 an imploration for the future. For We have inflamed oursaslves into the wildest state of warlike frenzy. In our legislative halls. in our market places, and in our tem- ples of worship, we have tumbled the white image of peace from its pedestal. Upon the “edge of the sword we have ballanced our country’s fate. We have rebuked and veri- fied end chastised and shut out from the light of heaven all those who would not re- egho the hoarse notes cf war. Passion, excitement and overstrained phi- Janthropy, o false inspiration for the emblem of our nationality, a heroic but misdirected devotion to the Union. ail these have had their sway. Lt is time that reasou should git in judgement, taking counsel only from humanity, We invoked the spirit of war to gave—it came but to destroy. Our treasu- ries are cmptied. Our posterity will be cursed with a crushing debt. Hundreds of thousands of our bravest men rest mn un- timely graves. As many more, limbless, with shattered frames or broken by disease, moan in hospitals, or crave alms by the high- ways. Everywhere the garb of mourning ufilicts the eye. -a silent reproach from or- phans widows and bereaved parents. The death-blow stcuck upon the battie-field is felt in the cottager’s distant house. There you may find the record of the war. You will trace it in the lines upon the matron’s brow ; you will sug it in the subdued fones of the father’s voice, who fuels the staff of his age shivered from his grasp. Graves in our valleys, sufferersan cur hospitals, deso- lation at eyery hearth-stone, distrust in our rulers, distrust in curselves, bankruptey, anarchy and cain - these are the triumphs won by your relentless policy. All that has been done has been what, were the past revocable, treason and human- iy would recall. With all respect for the valor of our armies, and without reproach to the capacity or fidelity of our generals, not one tangle of this Gordian knot has the sword severed ; not one avenue has it earv- ed through the frowning und steadily eu- larging barrier between North and South. The close of each campuign tells the re- peated tale of victories barren of all fruits, or of defeats with an cqual aksence of re- sult; of advance aud relrogression; of genersls hurried up to the high post of honor, and as hastily thrast aside. The Administration, through its pariisan pres- ses, cecupies the people with rich premi- scs of achievements in the future, but achieves ouly the stale nothings of the past. Assuming that the reconstruction of the Union 13 the object of the struggle, I ask every citizen not wilfully blind to our present condition, have we not heen reced- ing from that object 2 Hag all this blood letting abated one jot the fever of rebellion ? Has it not confirmed its malignity— deeg- seated it into the very southern heart 2 Sir, 1t has done more ; it has made disunion the sentiment of the entire South. 1t is habitual to throw the weight of re- sponsibility for our impotence npon the ad- ministration and its generals. Imbecility ard incompetenee have indeed been sulli- ciently conspicuous, but not to these do I attribute the failure—the utter unequivocal, wremediable failure of our enterprise of con- quering back the Union. ‘The failure of the scheme is simply due to the impossibil- ity of its uccomplishment. We exn never, Ly force of arms, control the will of a peo- ple ous equals in the attri butes of enlight- ened manhood ; and while the will of that people remains adverse to political compan- ionship with us, political companionship is impossible. Bloodshed, destruction of prop- arty, and occupation of lands are possible; much suflering, grief, and folly are possible— we have too sadly proved 1t; but a con- strained union of sovereign states is an im- possibility, which, if omnipotence could ac- complish, omniscicuce would not attempt. Six millions of Americans, whether they oc- cupy the North, the South. the East, or the West, cannot be governed except in accord- ance with their sovereign will. Sir, I mean this net as an idle compli- mert to the American character. The ex- perience of the past twelve mouths hae re- vealed in that so much of passion, pride and bloodthirst, that I am more inclined to hu- mility than boastfulness. I feel that upon the fresh, pure coil of the new world we have thrown the seeds of discord, sad they will take root. But while my experience, and the testimony of our fathers through eighty-seven years of prosperity and pro- gress, have well established my faith in the beneficence of a union of the States, I cannot understand that its blessings are of a nature to be enjoyed upon compulsion. But granting it possible, the question arises of equal moment, is 1t desirable #— Has not the struggle already been to fierce to admit of umty and cordial feelng between a conquering and a conquered section ? Sir, fear it bas. I believe that, while the mem- ory of this war exists, the people of the North and South, united by constramt, would never sufficiently forgive the past year's record to admit of friendly relation- ship in the same political household. Right or wrong, men will cling to their own 1m pressions of a great and sanguinary struggle in which they or their sires have been participants. Ag the living fathers of future generations this day feel, so will they tequeath to their children, avd in natural course, the North and South will nurse their awn and separate views of this unparalleled epoch of carnage and contention, two years we bave been lengued wiih death. f Will the text book of history conned by the boys of Massachusetts serve hereafter in the school-rooms or the Carolinas ? Will the stories of Manassas, of Shiloh. of Antie- tam, of Fredericksburg, ofa hundred other battlefields, be told in the same spirit north- ward and Southward from the banks of the Potomac 2 Will the winter tales be samilar when the youth of either section gather about the hearthstone and feel the young blood tingle in their veins at the words of white-haired heroes 2 Will the patrons of Louisina train their offspring to vencrate the name of Butler? Will the rememberenceces of Davis, Lee, and Johnson be identical in New England and Virgmia 3— No, sir. consent should reunite us, the pages of his- tory and the words ot tradition will breathe of the sympathies that now exist j and th generations to come will as surely |e educated to distinct and opposite prejuic s. ‘I'he school-room, the pulpit.aand the press, would then, as now, inculcate doctrines that cannot assimilate 3 and in this Capitol the representatives of the people would be the representatives of sectional antipathies. Nir, to avoid this, we must avoid inflicting the sting of submission or engendering the pride of conquest. To me that future of domestic discontent, of jealousy, distrust and irritation, is so palpable and painful, that, in place of giv- ing life and treasure to attain it, [| would make an equal sacrifice to escape it. Our fathers gave us a Union founded on mutual consent, concession, and reciprocal attach- ment ; would entail upon our children a po- litical conneetion based upon hatred, suspi- | cion, and opposivg prejudices: A nationali- ty thus constituted would be a mockery of repablicanism end its bane, It would be as the consummation of a marriage where antipathy usarped. the place of love. A po- litical prostitution. The joining of hands be- fore an altar whose divinity could attest the heart's irrepressible loathing and disgust. Had I the faculty to crush with one tlow the material power of the Soath, I would not strike. My pride as an American would revolt at the thought of dragging them, reluc- tant, helpless and spirit broken, into a fel- lowship that (hey abhor. Union restored by subjugation would be but the prelnde of increasing slicreation. It is not envugh to air that I would enforce the unnatural connection : sir, I would not consent to it. 1 would not oppose as a degradation to our- selves, an insult to our institutions, and a violation of our principles of seif-govern- ment. 1 would oppose it us an impediment to our national progress ; as a perpetuation of discord and contention beiween states, and as involving either its own dissolution or the assumption by the general govern- ment of military and despotic functions fa- tal to republicanism. I confess, sir, that I apprehend no difficulties or misfortunes, in the event of a separation, at all commensu rate with those that must inevitably prove the consequences of 1e-union by mere force of arms. I can conceive two great republics, ex- panding to grandeur, moving side by side, upon principles almost identical, extending the area of self government, the one north- ward and westward, united for mutual de- fense and protected by a wise and gever- ous alliance from the jar of conflicting in- terest. I can conceive them gravitating towards each otaer, diawing nearer aud nearer as asperitics and unpleasant memo- nes soften with the lapse of time, until when the safe and natural limits of politi- cal affinity shall have been determined, the two mighty nations shall emerge again mito one upon a foundation perfected by the experiences of the past. But I cannot con- ceive a happy. prosperous and republican Jnion, cemented by blood, remoulded in repugnarce, and prolonged by the submis- sion of the weak to the dictation of the strong. A partnership in our ‘confederacy should be .granted as a boon, and only to those that seck it; not enfo ced as an obligation upon those that ask it not. It should be held a privilige to be proud of, not at im- position to shrink from and protest against. Were I certain that, in a military sense, this war would prove su3cessful, nevers theless I would oppose it; for with the destruction of the resisting power of the South would vanish every hope of their existence as equal and contented members of one household, How much more firmly then shall I oppose it, when I feel that as a mere trial for supremacy in arms, it will result only to mutual exhaustion. In my view, therefore, this war, nemi- nally for the Union, has actually been waged against it. With that belief, rather than prolomg it, I would concede a sepa- ration as the only meaps of ‘an ultima e reunion upon such principles as a true re- publiean should entertain. Animositics have been engendered, and couflicting prin- ciples have been developed by hostilities to an extent that renders re-union in the present state of feeling an event to shrink from as unnatural. Those conflicting prin- ciples may be reconciled when the smoke of battle shall have passed away, but sure- ly ool until then. When every conciliatory measure shall have beeu resorfed to in vain ; when negotiation shall have deen ex- hausted ; when the purpose of the southern people to abstain from companionship with us shall have been demonstrated as fixed and irrevocable, and not the passionate re- Unless mutual | NIN solves of heated blood, then, as’ a neoessi- ty useless to stragele against, 1 shall not’ cnly counsel, I shall urge s separation. Sir, it is natural that, for every patriot, this word of separation should be fraught with sorrow and’ foreboding. Tt is bard to realize the sundering of ties that we have been taught to believe sacred and eternal. He who beholds the shadow of death hov- ering over the scene of his aomestic joys —the husband bending over the form of his dying wife, the father gazing at the ashen signs of dissolution that marbles the lincaments of his favorite child. in his ag- ony rebels sgainst Providence. But when the spirit has flown, when what is immortaj hae gone to ita immortal home, the monrn- «1 tows before the will from which he knows that there is no appeal. Let us likewise bend before an inexorable trath x 1 cannot weasure the affection of my’ countrymen for the sublim® inheritance be- queathed tous; but I know that there dwells in my own breast a boundless love and a great pride for those principles which the builders of our nationality made the arch- pillars of their work, In my childhood 1 was taught © love my couniry, ard wy of my religion, a part of myself, an essence and a necessity mn all that is spiritual with. in me. Here has been a magnificent temple as perfect in all ifs parts as hunan ingenuity and labor could make it—admirably snited to be the ome of a great and happy fam- ily, impervious to the assaults of foreign encmies ; the refage of the oppressed: dhe pride of its inmates . the envy and wonder of the world. But upon what foundation was the structure bailt 2 Sir, upon the free will of the people. Not of one State or of one section, but of all the States and all the sections. While that free will existed the temple was of a nature to withstand the ravages of time* That free will has ceased to exist, and the temple bas crumpled into dust. Itis no more. It sa glory of the past. What you now conceive to be the structure is but a memory so intense that it seems to be a reality, but the substance is not there. Rebuild it if you can, but you must first secure the free will of the South. which jour army and navies cannot do. If we will cease the mad attempt to en- force {raternity and cosapel concord, perhaps the sundered links may be rejoined; but not one stroke will {all upon the anvil t the echo of the last gun of the last shall have ceased to vibrate over ti Let battle plata. Seif exculpition and reproach al ko must cease, for the country's salva- tion lies not in the justification of either section, but in the mutual remission of of- | fenses. They have both their fauits, but tending before hard blows is not among them. Doubtless wrong ana wjultice have been done ; but it is for calmer minds and less excited times to strike the balance and mete out to either side the measure of its blame. [Iu is not the original error that we have to do with now ; it is the present, daily, continuous crime of multiplying hu- man sacrifices to the spirit of our national ity, whose very essence is fruternal love. It is a spirit that was bora of compromise aud generous concession ; and now, when gory hecatacombs are heaped before its shrine, ows is the fault if it loathe the of- fering and desert our desecrated temples. Sir, I appreciate the extent of this Gov- croment’s military resources. I acknowl- edge its wonderful strength in ships, men and munitions. Had we a foreign foe to grapple with, onc half the battles we have waged against the South would have decided the issue to cur triumph. No earthly power could resist our magnificent machinery of war, directed in a cause that touched the people's hearts. 17 thg Confederate armies all massed together and fired with the lust of subjugation, should invade one Northern State, the thought of our violated firesides would arouse an energy that would scatter the invaders like leaves before the wind. Bat mn this war we have no principle that comes Lome (0 the Leart of the masses; we are fighting for subjugation ; with a patri- otic ulterior purpose, perhaps, but still for subjugation. If that is a principle, it is one that can never arouse the energies of the American people. The foe has us at a disadvantage, sir. fle believes that he is fighting for the sanc- tity of his home; for the frecheld of his na- tive soil ; for social institutions that he was taught to justify, and for his conception of self government. Sir, the American soldier, without sec- tiona' distinction fights best in such a cause No dream of lural crowns can make the notes of war harmonious to his soul ;no greed of conquest lures him to far-off battle plains. But where within sight, the smoke curles from the cottage chimney; where the corn waves in the farrow where he planted it, and the pastures and pathways about him, are his familiar haunts, he stands a warrior born. He counts not the number of his foes ; he measures not their strength ; he knows himselfe indomitable. Therefore it is that the South has main- tained itself, defiant, resolute and hopeful, against the most formidable military opera- tions koown in the history of war. The question of superority in skill or courage is G, x APRIL 10, 1863, 3 IR ania calm, dispassionate appeal to the judgment and better feelings of the contending par. ties. With such convictions, and believing that every hour of hostilities tends to our farther estrangements, I have never voted a dcllar for the war. Asa legislator, asa citizen, and as a man, 1 claim to be absolved from all participations in this murderous strife.— With all my humble abilities T have endea- vored to arrest it, I shall still endeavor, and if in vain let my efforts attest befere (30d and man that [ am unstained with the blood of my countrymen. If, by giving all latitude to goveromont, 1 could discover a posibility of effecting a friendly reconstruction by dint of terrible encounters betwee armed hosts, I might look on in silence and patiently await the end, But even inthe event of the complete and crushing victories, 1 see ba t the sullen, forced,aud temporery submission of the vanquished to a rule that they abhor Uan this stabbing and shooting and reniing with shells convince the wrong or reconcile he anzry, or inspire with confidence those that distrust.and with friendship those that hate us! Will time and habit make sub- manhood Las made that sacred lesson a yar Ljection acceptable to a proud and sensitive race ¢ At this day Poland. straggling 1m 53! her chains with desperation, is answering the question. When 1 look ahout me and see this spacious hall filled wiihenlightened gentlemen, cloathed with great power and with great responsibilities, [ am amazed that with all this coucentration of intellect upon one subject, no means can be devised to accompltsh a political end without conver ting the country into shambles and its peo- ple into butcheries. flow thé problem may be solved I know not ; bug I know that itis not in process of solution while armies are in the field.— While the energies of men on either side are concentrated upon warlike measures, it is impossible {or their mmds to dwell with de. liberation upon expedients for peace. lt is no time to argue the terms of amicable ad- justment with a duelist when his finger i on the trigger; he must first be invited to lower the instrument of death. The intel- lect of our statesmen is now preoccupied with the war; their natures, mental and moral, are under the control of that fever- ish excitement created by the contemplation of the chanaing fortunes of a desperate and Grant them an interval of i ; a respite from the absolute tyran- ny that war exer's over the feelings of man- kind, and their thoughts will revert into a aatural channel, and will seck to unravel these disordered political meshes with the patient labor of the brain, From vs, a8 being materially the stronger paity, the proposition for an armistice ean come with a good grace. Let wise and just men from all the States assemble in convention; if ther, sir, no honorable peace can be secured, my faith in human nature will have passed away. : Sir, before that solemn conclave would come as an advocate the ghost of the bur- 1ed year, with all its mournful memories, with its hundreds of thousands of ghastly spectres, with its record of anguish, bereave- went and desolation ; and its warning finger would point to a vision of the future, 1n sem- blance of itself, but more hideous a thousand fold. They would not dare to mock the warning. Passion and prejudice would shrink from the presence of that awful past. It would not be a gathering of excited par. tizans, but a council of grave men, assem- bled in the interest of humanity, in the same spirit of trathscarching physicians deliber- ating to chase away a pestilence. Sir, such a convention would never adjourn to renew the signal of civil strife. They might fail to fulfil to the utmost the hopes . of their con- stituents ; they might coucede tuo much on one side or the other ; but never, from their calm judgment seats, would they lauuch again the thunderbolt of war upon our al- ready bleeding and exhausted country. Sir, you may have observed that I have spoken with regard to the views of other men, or the doctrines of political organiza- tions. if 1 s'and alone, my isolation con- jures up the phantoms of doubt and fear. While my country groans beneath the stroke of her own dagger, I forswear all al- legiance to party, Whatever proposition, in my mind, shall enhance the prospect of a peace shall have my vote. Peace is the goal of my political course, the haven of my hopes. I care not by whose chart 1 bleody struggle. rep “steer, or whose hand shall guide the helm, so that the compass shall point thitherward. Whosoever shall raise its standard shall find me ready to serve beneath its folds. Who- soever shall blazon the olive branch for his device shall have me his adherent. In whatever shape the demon of destruction shall appear I will oppose him. In what. ever garb the spirit of peace shall clothe her radient form I will embrace her. Concilia- tion, compromise, or separation, each shall ve acceptable to me if as its consequences we shall be spared the scourge of war. Let the most zealous émancipationists sug- gest a cessation of hostilities and I am with him. Let the staunchest member of the opposition uphold the war, and I am against him. In my view the abolitionist is a more honest politician and a more conscientious citizen. He is a fanatic—not a mere time- servers, wiong, but consistent in his wrong; uot at issue. In these we stand upon equal- ity, and man’s power to resist, is greater than his equal’s power to compel. The on- ly prospect of accommodation rests in a . the worshipper of a false god, but earnest in his adoration. Would that all who de- nounce him were as sincere and as bold fo most | the expression of their opmion, I have striven to avoid invective, but I cannot re- press my scorn for that American citizen, who, at such a ‘time as this, fushions his words according to the exigencies of party, or in the mould of popular opinion. They plead that the people are not prepared for the ‘naked truth. Sir, in this erisis, truth may destroy the utterer. but it may save his country. . Let the friends of peace proclaim them- selves as such. Let them not fear to be premature. This day is not one day (vo soon for their lips to assert what their hearts know to be true. If the people aie nat pre- pared, let us commence the task of prepara tion. Itis a task already half accomplished, for iudeed the asses, with their unerring instincts, have already fathomed the depths of this great sea of troubles. They wouid welcome reunion for its own sake and for the memories of old; or, if inevitable, they would accept separation, with a sigh of re- gret, and then push on alone in the broad path of progress ; for their self reliant Anglo Saxon natures would spurn the timid doe- trine that the sturdy North—iheir North. built by their energies, and with millions of acres yet unreclaimea from the wilderness, for expension—is dependent on the South for prosperity and grandeur. : Sir, for my country’s sake J have perform- ed a task that only the most solemu sense of duty could have induced me to assume. I have given you my thoughts as plainly as my gift of 1: nguage would permit, For good or for evil, to my shame or to future honor, let my words go upon record, to abide the test of time. No generous wan will Aecuse me of aimmg at popularity, fer all must ac knowledge that I have not modelled my opm. ions upon the public sentiment; and even those who think with me will doubtlegs with hold the present expression of their appro. bation. Kaltering and cquivocation have not been numbered an the list of accusations which my enemies huve made against me, My motives have been and will be impugned and probably, for a time, I must submit to be the object of denunciation; but the rushing stream of events willsoon efface the brand, and I can wait, I only ask my coun- trymen to ajudge me, not hastely orin an- gor, but after fair consideration. Neither the ties of relationship nor pecun.ary intei- est bind me to the South, all that I possess, and all that 1 bod personally dear ara of the North. My course has been prompted by an intense convic ion that the war policy is rnously wrong. Reason, mstinet, moral nature, and every faculty of men that create ithin bis braia a conception, of the truth inspire me with that conviction, with a rigid fixed, and unfaltering faith, that kuows no doubt and fears no refutation. Aud as the days rush through blood and carnage, they leave in their desolate path the confirmation of my creed. Alroady the time seems gen- erating when patrotism will no longer be invoked as an incentive tc destruction, when over the graves of heroes, the. ruins home- steads, and the dreary wastes off devastated fields, the North and the Shath shall clasp their hands, cleansed from the stain of blood saying each to the other: *-All is forgiven, let what is terrible of the past be sepulehred with the ashes of the fallen.” ree For the Watchman. ] To His Royal Highness, Prince Jehn Van Buren: My Nore Lorn :—I am an **Old Foggy.” 1 lived at the time your father was tieated hall,” aud never was a term more appropri ately applied. I voted for him for Presi dent and he was elected. 1 pray Ged to forgive me for it, for he, by bis cunning, de- feated that great .and good patriot and statesman, Gen. Cass for the Presidency, by inaugurating the Free Soil Convention’ at Buffalo, aud you are a chip off the old block. You are very smart, but it is such smart- as grows about the barnyard. You claim the right to change your opinions every day, and itis the teachings of such men as you that has put the hogs in the po- tato patch. Acd as from Free Soilism that was handed dowo to you by your father, as a necessary consequence, has emerged you into Abolitionism ; and as you, Most High and Mighty Pree, have had the distinguish- ed honor of dancing a jig with her most gracious majesty, Queen Victoria, of Eng- land, and as we have been taught not to put our trust in princes, we leave you to wor- ship the Abolition God, the Abolition Bible and the Abolition Constitution with Burlin- game, Wendell Philips, Horace Greely, Sum- ner, Wilson, Henry Ward Beecher, the clo. ven footed Thad Stevens and all the rest of the Union sliders among the nations that forget the true aud living God; while we will cling to the advice of the immortal Washington who, under the God of Abra- ham, Isaac aud Jacob, founded this mighty Republic. You are a great historian, in your own conceit. You have discovered that in the waging of all wars the North has al- ways conquered the South ; therefore, you. have come to the conclusion that the South n must be “abolisbed annihilated, wiped out.” And now, Most High and Mighty Prince, TI will tell yoa how the thing can be done : Draw your sword, summons all and every one of the ‘Union League,” and at the head of your strong legions attack the foe, Lreask through their thick array and charge home upon them, and do not make use of the Democrats any more as the mon- key did with the cat's paws to draw the with the sobriquet of **The fox of Linden. | chestnuts out of the fire. If you are sin cere in your principles, why not be wiiling to sacrifice your life on the battle field, if nece-sary to consummate the great pro- clamation of your lord and master Old Abe; and as Wendell Philips says, the Constitu- tion of the United States is a league with Hell, eschew 1t, and go in with your Union League with the Devil, for a war of exter: mination, confound the innocent with the guilty, and say to your legions, come on then, be men, the southern fs may with with more safety be cowards, they have their cwn country behind them, and have places of rétuge to flee to; but for yeu, there is no mdlle course between death and victory... Let this be but well fixed in your minds. Stand up to the trigger and I'll be bound the flower of Africa will per- fume, the North; while the South will mourn over the joss of that fragrant flower, the rose—the Negroes. - JERSEY BLUE. Heino ve INsoreNca «F Daesport ar, —When Rov. Judson 1). Benedict was about to be di charged fiom his unlawful imprisonment; Farner, the ‘:Jodge Advocate General,’ said to. him: —There was no reason for bringing yna here, and it was only necessary to bring you here to show that the military law was above the civil one.” If the people want to know precisely what the Lincoln dynesty 18 capable of, let them never forget that this is the ouly reason assigned by one of its minions for kidnapping a citizen of New York from under the very shadow of a Court of Justice which had just decided guiltless of all offence, putting him in jailg and prisions, and dragging him across the Stato to be trust into another and wore loatnsome dungeon, there to languish for weeks withont examination and to oe re- leased without trial, explanatio 1 or redress. Many a glorious speculation has failed for the same good reason that th» old Texan ranger gave wien he was asked why he didn't buy land when it was doz cheap. — Well 1 did come nigh onto taking eight thousand acres’ onst,” said Joe mournful- iy. ‘You see, two of the boys cawe in one day from an Indian hunt, without any shoes and offered me their titles to the vwo leagues just below here for a pair of boots. “Fora pair of boots !” we exclaimed. - © Yes for a pair of boots for each league,” ¢ Bul why on earth did you not take it ? “Jest because 1 bad no bootsto give them, said old Joe as as he took another chew of Lobucco, quite as contented as if he owned two bundred leagues of land. mre tt meme Porites 1x Maine —~The Eastern Argus, in speaking of the town elections in Maine, says : Large Democratic gains have been made in nearly every town, Tue only town that was D -mocratic last year and has gorie Ab- olition this, so far as we have noticed, is Mount Desert, while the towns that have changed from Abolition to* Democracy are reckoned by the score. lm [= General Hooker has been vindicated from the imputed calumny that he has tes- tified to the War Committee that the failure of the peninsular campaign was attribatable to the incompetency of General MeClellan. The best authority declares that he never uttered such a statement. tt pe ii —Though General Fremont has been per- tinaciously urged by a crowd of admirers for a third” important command, the * President has not favored the claim. The latter is reported in republican circles to have said that ** Fremont never obeyed or- ders.” ee pent —11t is stated that the S-cre ary of the Treasury hes pliced in the hands of the Paymaster General, a suffisicnt amount of money to pay the entire army up to the first of March. Suflictent has also been sent and reached its destination to pay the entire army of the West. ae er 07® In one country in Muylnd there are seven hundred acres of strawberries, and two persons in that State kave each one Taodred and twenty acres, anid thre e others one hundred acres each in straw berry ficlds, : —————a te A gentleman, recently arrived {rom Cana- da, states that a fee of $1,500 was pmd to Lim the other day in Quebec, wholly in American silver. He did'nt want the stuff, but was compelled to take it, Poor fellow. ard nies J57 How does the President's emancipa- tion proclamation conflict with the tariff, — The one ir poses a tax on wool, while the other makes wool free. AAA emt The deep-sea telegraph cable between France and Algiers has failed. It has been unavailable for three months. and all at- tempts made to repair it have proved abor- tive. AB Apr ne The New England Pin Company, of Win- sted, Connecticut, are making pins of iron instead of brass, They are also made st Seymour in the same State. SS aaah The Abolitionists are going into what is’ called white stavery. Any white slave may’ buy his free papers of Lincoln, if he can raise three hundred dollars. er A AA Aree A letter srom Port Royal says that the number of freed slaves in that department is nearly seventeen thousand,