oof mr PESTA EE I nr Np Beis * munities by tho cars, frequently - of vital importance to your own 7 omen EET PERT 0 TT She pth, Uulon Leagnes- .What They ire. |4, per. The Cleveland Herald, makes e following seisibe remarks in reg.rd tc local papers. “We know of nothing that is ‘more disheartning to publishers | cf a country rewspaper, than to {to be told as he often is when : . , |soliciting subscribers: I take From a daily paper publish- ha Fepglge (or some other huge ed in this city, we learn that iweekly), and it costs me only $2 these legues are organized to, year, and contains twice the ‘counteract the insidious efforts | atecant of reading yours does,’ of the Copperheads.” The or- ‘wh n the rec:ipts of one week of der is to be ‘of a quasi military 46 office named above would be charactor for the Instruetion of | gonile the yearly receipts of his its members in the menual and! on paper, and wien if the seh ol of the soldier” The pla- {coi ser of meeting arc to be known... 5 2s Jarracks. Itis to be a na‘- wal arm of defence asainst trai- tors at home and in the ar-| an CB huh al of his own paper! Recoliect, Ym ol alt ; . a0 1 r 2 a law of ad one convicted thos I 2 hig piper ds th Basan of impateney to secure the rights 134 A county acquires promine of the citizen. Free government | enc: through its paper more pronounced a failure. Military | hanin any other way, Lis home organizatiun are to he establish- papi a Weots ity. lever will ed eves v where. They are to de- | Jon's man takes paper printed ci'e who are copperheads, and, nom home until be is able =oppehonds are to be taken care | to Skea seoond paper. His first {will be h's horee sheet, and’ will ine, it tas daliharate roel a 2 hs 4 3 Chere it 1s—a deliberate av0- oo iqontify his own interests with wal of Jacobinism. / iber- | : : Jag A deliber-y) 0 of Bis county as to cousider ate condzssion that the civil estab! v fishments inthe peaceful States the payment of his snbserip- of the North have failed. A de-| The Cleveland Plain Dedler, on the subject of these falsely! named Union Leagues—every | memeber of which is an enemy of the Union—says. in as much benefit to himself and county in which he lives as would a single week’s edition tion a matter of every day a ; 3 {duty as the payment of his tax- liberate publication of the intent’ J Pa ? to substitute, under the guise of |. a Union society, illegal bodies of , En J | 0 o a s . y armed men in Jiea of constituted | Tan ? Do A Bos lady authorities. ‘having a drunken husband, re- EE Support Your Home Fa. papers were published | seventy years, wonld not result ported, home influence must do | Business Direct, JAMES Wi. RANWKEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENN'A Office, on the Diamond, one door west of the Pest Office. Th M’ALLISTRR. JAMRS A, RTAVEYS MIALLISTFR & BRAVER, AITORNEYS AT LAW, " WELLEYONTE, PEFN'A J. D. SHUGERT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE. PENN Office in the Court House, with the Treasurer. H.08VIY 0. T ALEXANDER ORVIS & ALEXANDER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BELLEFONTE PA. Ofice ane door below Roynold’s Bank Nov. 21.—1882 WEAREADE A WALLACE, ATIOR: EY AT LAW, 4 : CLEARFIFLD, PENNA. Will visit Rellefonte p= fossionally when speci | . tained in connection with resident Counsel. | ZMay 10th 1862 _-1y. ORVIS & CORSE. ATTORNEY'S AT LAW. Lock Havex Pa. | Will practice in the several Ouurts of Centre and Chaton counties. All business entrusted to their care will ba promptly attended to. Aug. 20, 1982 J OF LENG RN, SURGEON DENTIST, BELLEFONTE, CENTRE CO., PA. anow prepared to wait upon ail who may desire his professional services. Rooms at his residence on Spring street. W. W. WilITR, SURGEON DENTIST, Respectfully informs the pulls that he is per manently located in Boalsburg. Centre -sunty Pa., and is well prepared to practice all t e vari ous branches of his profession iu the most : nprov ed manner. All operations warranted o giv perfect satisfaction or no charge will be made. Borlshurg, May 15, 1862.—1y. EDMUND BLANCHARD. E.M BLANCHAR® KE.& BK. BLANCHARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE. PEN'NA. Office formerly occupied by Curtin & Blanchard on Main street, © Dx. 3. D. WINGTE¥, DENTIST. Offlce and Residence directly North ui the Court Louse portico, At his office except tw Wo unto these foolish wretch- | Soived to ges him into boy opr . . i ty > PO 1 0 { es if they inagurate such a sys-| Pe ie : sereipre snEnpen teow. Wo unto thom and thier ® Wolchman for a stipulated | children after them if thoy rash | tmount, to carry Philander to | Ky wud oder any pretence what | H© wateh house, while yet in a | over. 2 hid up Yared clube | State of insensibility, and to rhroaghont (his lnd—let hem | frig ten him a little ‘when he rargagiiofl 5 LLU ie mn | { . 3 1 * To +I TRVIV ” head the revelutionery history of | Yevived ; France In consecjuence of this arrange- | ET. . i he was waked « t olov- Let bankers, merchants, the ment j was Ww ed about elev «solid men,” the owners of stone | 91 © clock at night, and found col mn, tha s uf stone | =| ee ta 2 fronted mansious, tremble when himeelf ly ing ons pe bench n the the time comes that they hold a strange dim apartm-nt. Rais- Walth at the marcy of in. Ang himself on his elbo, he look- 3 Wig te Ea aS 5 bd to ji . ac. when as in the oid | 1 around until bis eye rested on le. gency. house. hoo 2 man aittme. by & stows, and, Atal ) - ¥ Ra Yeo - Le : Ly 0s comes an aned castle, and tha Say 2 hi kel Phil laws are poweriess, We feel an | i flere am 1: asked giiion- unutterable contempt, horror and 4°% : Sh scorn for reckless anarchists who In a medical college,’ said ci- would . deliberately propose or | 837 smoker, sanction a project so frought- oy hat a doing there ? wich death to American fiber-] XO to be cut up! | tut up '—how comes that?’ tt Se ‘Why you died yesterday, while you were drunk, and we have brought your body here to make anatomy. “It’s a lie--I ain’t dead ! «No matter; we bought your carcass, any- how, from your wife who had a right to sell it, for it’s all the good she could ever make cut of you. If you are not dead, it’s no fault of the doctor’s and they’ll cut you up, dead or alive.’ “You will do it, eh? asked The Sieves of Society. You weuld not pour: precious wine ino a sieve, yet that were i= wise 1s to make a confidant of ene of theseeleaky vessels” of cociety that, like corporation vater-carts seem to have heen made for the express purpose of letting out what they take in.— There in this difference, liowever Letweon the puncheon and the leaky hrain—-the former taps the Gust and the latter is prety sare to ra'se one. Beware of immediately, was the oozv headed people, between | answer. whose cars and mouth there is! © « Well look o'here, can't you no partition. Before you make let us have something to drink 2 bosom friend of any man, be before you begin?’ shure that he is secref-tight.— | Bt "Phe mischie i's; 13 ron-reten- en Yell a Ta os Scere iv A Raieroap Car —In TE a a 7 1a car on a railroad which run into often mar the best-laid schemes | and vendes futile the most pro- found strategy. In social life they cometimes set whole com- New York, a few mornings ago, a scene ¢oenrred which will not soon he forgabten by the witnes- ses of it. A person Cressed is a brake up families, and ave the gentleman speaking to a friend A A To « across the car said : cause ofinnumerable misfortunes | «Well, I hope the war may miseries and erimes In busi-| ? If it ness they spoil many a promis- | ‘last six months longer, : , : does I shall have made enough ing speculation and involve hur- dreds in bankruptcy and ruin.— to retire from business. In the PN, : last six months I’ve made a hun- Thelin YY a phn dred thousand dellars-six month whem you entrust information more and 1 shall have enough. _A lady sat behind the speaker and necessarily heard his remark but when he was done she taped interests of those yon hold dear. Every man has a natural inelin- 1 ON Mn ce what he. f i mane vie bi - | him on the shoulder and said to knows, and if he doesnot do suit pL dg | iO: «Sir I had two sons—one 1S Poplar Misra an oy | of then was killed at the battle “| of Fredericksburg, the other was py ¢ inherent propensity. |, . : trod th rd il I ; ! J [killed at the battle of Murfrees- When you find a friend who can | bows”? e188 @t sluts 1 Wer gover i a . 3 SXOrelsg Masai povene he She was silent t moment and communicative instinet—-it we | : in ..~ lso were all around who heard ay so term it-——wear him In your hearts.” If yeu have no ther, Then overcome by her in- such friend, keep your own cour- | i inn ig des iy sare) Sel. i mn (then in the other, and before gre Ob, Jacob,” said a mas- | the fellow could say a word, the tert, bis apprentice boy, it is a passengers sitting near, who had wonderfal to see what a quantity | witnessed the whole affair seized you can eat’ him and pushed him out of tle, «Yes, master,” caid the boy. car, asonenotfit to ride with J Liave been practicing it sinee J decent people New York was a child. ! Post. ment are strong encugh' to the old sot. 3 : i «To be sure we will—now— resolute | weeks in each month, beginning with the firs Monday'of the month Bellefonte, May 1st, 1862. —[y. BANKING HOUSE, —F WM. F. REYNOLDS & CO., BELLEFONTE, CENTRE C0., PA. Bille of exchanze and Notes discounted.Col- lzotions made and proceeds promptly remitted. | Interost paid ovspeciat deposits. Exshangain the Eastoru cities coustantly on hand for sala. Depos- its receivea s MITCHELL, POYSIviAd & SURGEON, BELLEFONTE, CEXTRECO., PA. Will attend to professional calls as heretofore, he respectfully offers his services to his friends una Office next door to the residence of Burnside, on Allegheny street. 2), 1862—1y. July A 0, FURST, APiORNTY AT LAW, . BELLEFO¥TE, PA. WL practice in the several Courts of Centro and Clinton counties, All lege | 1siness entrusted to his care will receive promp a’ tontion. OK¥FICE—~On the North-west corner of the Di amond. DR. Z. W. THOMAS, PIIYSICIAN AND SURGEON, MILESRURG, CENTRE CO., PA, Respectfully offers -his services to kis riende and the public: Office on Mill PLS the Natioual Hotel. Refersto Drs. J. M. McCov, ‘8. THOMPSON, ‘“ P.C. TroMAS. March 20, 1802—1y COLLECTION OFFICES, D. G. BUSH, BELLEFONTE, Cextrr Co.. PrNN,A. RUSH & McCULLOUGH . {rr J ¥cuLLoUGH.) CL EARFIELD, Clearfield co., Pa BUSH & McCORMICK, (c. 8. MCORMICK,) 1 LOCK HAVEN, Clinton Co., Pa., BUSH & ALLEN, (R. P. ALLEN,} WILLIAMSPORT, Lycoming Co., Pa, Rerenevces :—Drexel & Co. Phil’a, Mason & Co, Phil’a. Smith, Bowen & Co.. Philadelphia lields & Brother, Pt hia, 1. Conrow d & Co. Philndelphis i ala, ‘ Hon 4.37. Maynard, i 2 5 : it, Md eh The Domorratic Watchman, P. GRAY. MEEK, Editor. Per annum, (striotly in advance.) When paid within 3, months, 2,00 If left run over 3 months, $2,50, will be jnveri- ly charged. . No paper discontinued until all brek sabeerip- tions are paid; and a failure to notify a discontin- nance st the end of the time subseribed for, will be ¢ovsidered a new engagement These terms will be rigidly adheard to under all circumstances. RATES OF ADVEETISING. The following terme Advertiseing have been agreed upon by the publishers «f tho Central Press theBerichter and the U ,ocratic Watch- stan and will be strictly alne i 10 lines [or less] consti ¢ square One Square threai sertiof « « -°. . .8 100 Foreach pabs:qaent ‘nse «rless than three months, « + - « - . miei. 25 One square, 3 months, eee. 3, 60 { = “ 8 Do nS AA pine Jus oueyear . . - + - +. 8 00 | Quarler-column, one year, two changes, 15 00 i Half “ “ “ “ “25 00 { Onecolumn, “ « i“ ‘ “40 06 | Auditors Notices. +