Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 27, 1863, Image 1

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    ahe IPuse,
"dor the OWidren’s Corner of the Watobman.)
A Chickadee sat on an old apple tree,
And said, ag he sang in the height of hisglee,
~Riddle-de-diddie de, little Charlie, me.
With your bows and your arrows you cannot shoot
Then Charlie to Chickadee gent him 8 mite, o
+ I accept of your banter, you rascally bloat ;
Chickadee only answered and said in reply, oF
** On your bows and your arrows your cannot rely”
“ Taunt me, Chickadee, and this arrow go (leet,
You a message of death shall unwelcomly greet i
But Chickadee answered him—:‘Fiddle de dee,
Little Charlie sould shoot all hia arrows at me.”
So Chickadee sang, quite determined, if wrong,
To give little Charlie the best of hit song ;
But, alas, for the song! the paor bird gave a jump,
Au arrow brought Chickadee down with a thump.
Who pays the cost? Ask thesister
Sorrowful she sits and sigha—
‘ Momuirg for an only brother,
“Zhe cost ts mine,” the maiden eries.
Who pays the cost? Ask the father,
Grieved, but silent, quelling grief,
That swells hig Losem for his boy,
‘Ive dearly puvid,” his suswer brief.
Who pays the cost ? Ask the mother,
Beat with sorc0w as with years;
She weeps a gon inb tle fallen—
The cost is mine, I pay with tears."
Who pays the cost? Ask the orphan,
Sad and friendless now his life; ©
His father in the condict fell —
“Lis mine the cost of this pell strife.”
Who pays the cost? Ask the widow,
Broken-hearted lone and poor—
Her husband slain, she doth bewalil,
“I'va picd ny all, 1 have no more.”
What is the 6 +t? Bank bills and gold!
The dross that misers hoard and hide?
These tears of grief, a thousand fold,
Ovt-weigh all other cost beside.
The Farmers Can't Stand it Much Lon-
Every day that the waris prolonged the
daily debt is being increased, and it must be
paid by taxation in some form or another:
The governwent is spending at a fearful rate
the accumulation of former ycars or pros-
Already the tax is beginning to be felt by
the people ; but as the war is procrastinated
and the debt is increased, the burden will
becotne more and more grievous. till at last
it is intolera’ lo. The present taxation can
be paid with comparative ease, ‘running
along. as we are, at forty miles an hour, un_
der the pressure of irredeemable paper.’’—
There is now a seeming prosperity in the
- eastern and middle States, but a day of
reckoning will surely come.
In addition to the financial difficulty of
carrying on a long war of such magnitude,
there is anot er difficulty which 18 looming
up in a very alarming shape, and that is the
position and attitude of. the north-west.—
Without the hearty co-operation of thac sec-
tion cf the Union the war would soon be
brought to a dead halt. But it cannot be
denied that in Illinois, Indiana, Towa and
the north-western States, a fecling of gener-
al discontent has grown up, arising from the
military blunders at Washington resulting
in the failure of campaign after campaign:
and irom the political blunders perpetrated
in the same centre, appearing to change the
legitimate objects of the war as announced
in the beginning by congress and the presi-
dent, and to turn the struggle into a fanati-
cal crusade for the abolition of negro slav-
ery—a policy calculated to unite the peo-
ple of the Southern States as one man, to
render their resistance desperate, and to
protract the wsr to an indefinite period.
The northern States entered with enthu-
siasm upon the war, under the idea that it
was to be a short one, and that it would re-
sult in & speedy restoration of the Uuton
under the constitution ss it has come down
to us from the founders of the government,
They cared nothing about the negro. Their
interests and their patriotism combined for
the Union. Their interests lay both with
the east and the south, but far wore with
the south, the chief and natural market for
their agricultural produce. By the war
that market was closed against them. [ft
was cheir ioterest to have it speedily open-
ed, by bringing the war to a rapid conclus-
ion by the triumph of the Union aims.—
Their patriotism tonded in the same direc-
tion. [Hence their zeal. They went heart
and soul into the war, in order to make it
short. One of their main reliances that it
would be of short duration was that the pe-
culiar institution of the South would not be
meddled with, except go far as the military
operations rendered 1t necessary, and that
the Union gen iment in the Southern States
western men are disappointed. They ac:
count for the change, and for the determi-
nation of the Southern men to fight it out to
the bitter end, by the change in the political
programme at Washington. This change
they think separates their patriotism from
their interest; for while the voice of patri-
otism prompts them to battle on and battle
ever for the Union, the voice of interest
whispes that a long war wou!d ruin them
even if it should be successful ; for it would
consume all their property, while at the
same tine it would destroy the goose of the
South that bad laid golden eggs tor them. |
Already the patriotism of the States of
the north-west has been severely tested. —
We of the Atlantic States can hardly appre-
ciate their situation... We are a commercial
trading and manufacturing people. We are
making money by the war This 18 partica-
larly true of the New England S ates, The
people of the north-western States have no
present compensation whatever for the loss
of their blood and treasure. On the contra
ry, they are losing money #0 rapidly that ig
the war continues long they will be beggar-
ed. Those States, bordering , as they de,
upon the Upper Mississippi or its tributaries,
sent their agricultural produce, down the
Father of Waters to the plantations border-
ing on the Lower Mississippi and its tribu.
taries- corn, wheat, flour hogs, bacon, hams,
becves, butter, «ggs, horses and mules, for
which in return they received either sugar
and molasses, or the gold, poured into the
planters’ coflers from every nation in Eu,
rope. Not that the Southern States in the
valley of the Mississippi could not have
raised for themselves, a8 thoy now do, the
products sold them by the north-west, but
that it was more profitable to grow cotton
and that the transportation down the Mis-
sigsippi of eereals and animals was so cheap
and convenient, the navigation being open
at all seasons of the year. Thus the people
of the north-west fed and supplied with
mules three millions of negroes employed in
raising the great southern staples—sugar.
rice, tobacco and cotton. but particularly the
last named product. Before the war the
price of a mule in Illinois was one hundred
and twenty-five dollars in gold. At present
nowwithstanding the great demand for the
animal in our army, the prices only sixty
dollars in depreciatod currency. The same
18 true of other agricultural products. A
late number of a Mi journal qt
prices there as follows : —Flour, five dollars
per barrel ; corn, forty-five cents per bush-
el ; dressed hogs, three dellars and twenty-
five cents per pound ; bams, foar cents per
pound ; butter, ten cents per pound; eggs,
cight cents per dozen, and other articles
equaliy low. In the river counties of Iowa
beef is only two dollars and fifty cents per
hundred, or ut the rate of two and a-half
cents per pound, and in the same State, last
winter, n0t & hundred miles from the Mis-
sissippi, pork sold, dressed, at less than a
dollar per hundred. [It is certainly not
cheaper now. What is the cause of this,
while the same articles are so high in New
York ? [tis the increased cost of railroad
transportation. Owing to the closing of the
Mississippi by the blockade, the freizhts of
fered to the railrcads exceed their capacity,
and the directors have enormously increased
their rates. Flour, which used to be trans-
ported from the towns on the Mississippi by
railroad through to New York at ninety
cents per barrel, now costs to move it thrice
that sum ; and as for corn, it costs the price
of five bushels to send one to market. :
Tt will be impossible for the western farm}
ers to stand this very long; for hard as is
their case how much harder would 1t have
been had not the demand for our breadstuffs
in Europe been so great during the past tw®
years. But, a8 this arose from the accident
of short crops, it i3 not to be depended on
hereafter, and the prospects for the agricul-
tural interest of the north-west in the event
of a continuance of the war, are gloomy in
the extreme.
_ O eternity, without all bounds! O eter.
nity tha: can be measured by no spaces of
time ! 0 eternity that can be understood by
no understanding of man, how much dost
thou increase the punishments of the dama-
ed! After innumerable thousands of years
they sball always be constrained that this
is to them only the beginning of torments!
Low grievous a thing is it to. lie in a mos:
soft bed for thirty years! What will it be
to burn thirty thousand years in that lake
of fire and brimstone! O eternity! eterni-
ty ! thou alone beyond all measure, dost ex-
aggerate. the tormen's of the damned.—
Grievous is their punishment by reason of
the sharpness. of their torments ; it is the
more grievous by reason of the diversity of
their torments ; it is the most grievous for
the eternity of their torments. . There shall
be death without death,. end without end,
defect without defect, because: death ever
liveth, and the end. ever beginneth, and the
defect knoweth mot how to fail. . They shall
seck life and shall not 8-2 it; they shall
would be developed with the progress of | seek death, and death shall fly away from
our arms. The north-western men believed
that the Unionists were really inthe majors
ity, as would be seen. if they had ouly an
opportunity to declare themselves. - But if
that was the case in the beginning of the
war, the course of events has completely
changed it, and there is now no real Union
sen'iment worth spesking of anywhere
south of the Potomac. Hence the north-
them ; after an hundred thousand, thous-
and, thousand years, without any end, they
shall return to renewed torments.—Gey-
" A Buanr Scmoram—¢ Toby, what did
| the Israelites do when they crossed the Red
| Sea?” :
« [ don’t know, ma'am, but I guess oy
The Rev. J. H. Cleveland of the army of
the South West, writing from Napoleon
Arkansas, to a friend in Providence, R. I.
confesses his sin, repents and promises fu-
ture amendment. ft would be well for
many more professed ministers of the Gos-
pel, to follow the example of Rey, Mr. Cleve
— His letter is dated January 16, 18.
I am about to do what will probaoly cost
me your friendship—write an honest letter:
Not that'I have hitherto written dishonest-
ly, nor that you are accused of bating can:
dor, in itself considered, But candor upon
the theme I shall treat of, differing, so wide-
ly as I now do, from your. well known
views upon the same topic, cannot fail “to
overtax your patience, involving writer and
epistle in one irrevocable anathema. But
the fact is, I can't write at all without be-
ing true to my nature, which became deep
ly stirred with shame and indignation by
my country's follies ; how deeply stirred
this letter will prove, since even your ‘good
will is not a bribe rich enough (0 prevent
my wnting it *
Like many other.republicans, wii, loving
the whole country, and depresating coer-
cron as the most likely means of sundering
it forever, were yet firm in their allegiance
to the old flag, however loth to see it com
mited to a wrong policy, I long strove to
Justify this war, employing for that purpose
all my little stock of learning anc ekill,
both as & theologian and an amatenr politi-
cian, though I had the . decency always, as
wy friends all know, to keep politics er-
tirely ost of my Sunday lectures. When
the increasing needs of country seemed to
demand the sacrifice, I heartily threw my
person, as well as my voice. into the tide of
carnage. willing even to die that the Union
might live, and ready for any polizy look-
ing to that end, m the spirit of ilie danger-
ous maxim, ‘all’s well that ends well.” The
negro—having suited him in’ real lite, not
in the pleasing fictions of the Beechers—I
knew 100 ‘well to care about disturbing him,
unless as a convenient make weight, to be
thrown into the scale when better means
should fail. ‘1 was proud of our regiment
—had some lingering faith in the President
—and somewhat more (though hardly full
confidence) in the wisdom and virtue of our
Generals. This I went forth in hope, trus-
ting mainly in Ged and oar vast number of
for success, and proud to find s0 ma-
ny old friend® gushing with me to the
This was six monthyago. Anybody with
open eyes, campaigning even three months
in the Southwestern army, ought to learn
something that cou'd met well be learned at
home. Our boys have been léarning. and ©
don't claim to be duller than the the rest.—
Ergo my faith in President Lincoln has
changed from a grain of mustard seed to a
perfect ponenity ; my trust in the Union
(eneralship has dwindled to the verge of
despair, as the machinery by which so'diers
are made becomes. more bare. and their
characters, when made. more visible and
Noble exceptions there are, but these are
the men that soon resign or find themselves
court-martialed. My sentiments touching
the black idol have changed from goodnatur-
ed indifference to downright disgust; and
need barely add, my hopes of the Union are
reduced to & mere hope in some new politi-
cal dyvasty, which I shall now pray and teil
for with all the zeal and industry my nature
_|is capable of.
* Were I alone in these painful aiscoveries
I might be inclined to distrust my owh judg-
ment, or at least to repine ir silence. —
But when 1 find the same views and feeling
pervading our whole regiment and every
ocher we are brought in contact with, ven-
ted in louder and still louder whispers, bur-
dening the letters to every home, seasoning
the broth at every mess table, and deepen-
ing the murmurs around each bloody grave
—when 1 know ali this, 1 have no longer a
pretext for feigning ignorance of facts wiiich
if men could ignore them would cause the
stones to ery out.
What are we fighting for ? 1n tYs name
of reason and humanity, what is he sub-
lime result, which can justify + :ar after
vear of sackcloth at hume aud butchery
here, of neglected fields but thi k strewn
Golgothas, of empty churches cramed hospi-
tals, deferred bridals. accelerated bankrapt-
cy. and the ever-lengthening line of pension-
ers who for a paltry stipend and a puff of
praise, must hobble armless, eyeless. foot-
less to the pauper’s grave,
For what were these things begun, for
what must they continue, without even the
remotest prospect of an end Nobody knows.
But from the conflicting rumors on the sub-
ject, we may examine four of the more com”
mon and plausible, each and all of which,
instead of justifying the war are conclusive
reasons why it should be. condemned, and
at once Abandoned. ’
Firstly. We are fighting, it is ssid, to
cram the pockets and wine cellars of a com-
missiored aristocracy, whose reign and rev
elings must end when peace removes their
shoulder-straps. Gladly would 1° pronounce
this 8 mere slander, but—I promised to
write an honest letter. Doubtless there is
just enough truth in it to demand this one.
remark namely : That such cause of war
fare ‘agreeably to the privileged class.allud-
ed to, can not always satisfy the rank and
file on whose blood they are supposed to fat-
ten. Even glory grows irksome at last
dried thowselves. :
when consecrated by uo higher ei than the
aggrandizement of tyrants. I have heard the
bayonets could be turned upon their employ
ers, but I never believ~ that. :
Secondly. We are fighting to abolieh sla-
very, the Union to survive ox perish as em-
ancipation may d rect. This too bas truth
in 1t for a large class in New England, and
for a few in the West. To them: Caucasian
blood is so inferior, when compared with
Africa. that we can afford to drain its richest
arteries that Pompey may call himself free,
though noterieusly incapable of true freedom
(which implies self-government and self
pport) as the parrot is of true eloguence-
Theorists may whitewash as they will. Our
army has secn the black elephant as he is
sod we are forever cured of Uncle Tom's
Oabin, To fight n such a crusade is a freak
worthy alone of idiots and madmen.
Thirdly. We fight to restore the Union,
slavery to stand or fallas the ictercsis of
the Union may demand. So we were told,
and so we believed six months ago. Grant
that such is indeed the fact. We shall best
succeed by conquering ourselves—in other
words, by throwing down the sword and
fire-brends, trusting to the listening car, the |
structive tongue and the faithful breast. —
No Union can be valid or lasting antil ce-
mented by the union of hearts; and to say
that. we can rivet Southern hearts to us by
hacking them to pieces, 13 absurd in terms
ag well as in fact, A'naiion as great as ours
in wealth, population, art, arms and com?
merce, can afford to be equally so in magna-
aimity. And a Christian nation might as
weil set an example to the world by dealing
with her unroly chifdren upon Christian
principles. — Rom. x1, 17-21.
Finally, we fight simply to humble and cir-
cumseribe the South, whose growing wealth,
power and territory, excite the jealous fears
of the New England States. This opinion,
though held by very wany in the South and
West, I cannot entertain for a moment. If
in this I am deluded, and such be the real
origin of our troubles, then the Union army
is sure of defeat; for crime cannot prosper,
and war from such motives is crime of the
most damnable type. Better share amiably
the glory we cannot prevent, than to play
the part and share the doom of Haman.
1 will vot speak of the demoralizing ef-
fects of war, nor even enlarge upon its phys-
ical horrors, as a further cause for being
sick of the present struggle. Mercy to the
anxious hearts at hoine, already convulsed
at the bare suspicion of the heli behind the
scenes, forbids us all to unfold the secrets
of our prison-houses--even if human lan-
guage.could unveil the worst, as, thank God.
it cann.t. Leaving such gleams of Pande-
monium for the hollow eyes that are com-
pelled to bear them daily, or to close on
them only in the last chill sleep, I confine
this letter purely to the intellectual phase
of the war questions, where we flud enough
and more than enough* to ‘justify the al-
most mutinous anxiety for peace that fills,
as [ have said, the heart of the great South”
western army. You may say we are home-
sick, [trust in God those of us who have
homes, love them too dearly even to forget
what we have sacrificed, or to_ forgive the
Administration that: could so needlessly,
yea wickedly, tear us from “their hallowed
circle. For me, however, the taant is pow-
erless, death having left me no earthly home
to sigh for. You may call us cowards. Qur
blood has washed out the fcui aspersion up-
on every field where we have been brought
to the test, Indiana, especially, has no n-
dulgence or partiality to crave at the hands
of history. Her record in this war 1s one
blaze of heroic deeds, only dimned by the
want of cause equal in splendor to the con-
duct of her sons. The Eighty-Third Begi-
ment, inits brief but arduous career has
| won, absolutely, the finest reputation in the
service, 80 acknowledged by older regiments
and by Generals in nowise predisposed to
flatter us. Personally, I am not very brave,
but my place now is at the Quarter-master’s
desk, where, except by sympathy, 1 have
no concern about the dangers of the van.—
Yet1 ani a man with friends in the ranks
and « heart in my bosom; a man to whom
the mothers, wives, sisters ana children of
those friends look for news from the fray,
‘snd whom they justly bold responsible for
at lonst the mortal welfare of many who
came with me to the field. O, God! thatl
ghould ever have aided, even by a breath,
to rush into the shambles so much good ma-
terial for 50 poor a canse.
If this expiatory offering—for 1 shall
make the confession to them all --can lessen
even partially, the guilt of the past, I shall
die content even though hung for saying
what we all do know. 1f spared to reach
home, however, 1 shall devote myself, with
wiserand humbler zeal, to the gospel of
peace, leaving ‘war to brute beasts, and stri-
ving, in deep contrition, to “goand sin no
more." \
Asever. your friend,
{IZ “Sambo, do you know the diffurence
between a mason and an anti-mason 2”
“Yes, sar. 1 belieb 1 does.”
“Well, what is it ?*
“1f my brain tells me de trut, and it neb.
er fails, do magon is Je man what lay de
mortar, and de anti-mason de man what car.
ries de hod.”
057" Jef. Davis has issued another proc-
lsmation, appointing a day of fasting and
prayer. Tho 27th isthe day fixed upon.
” {Por the Watchtaan.)
' Eprror WatcaMas ;—While confined to
learned to my surprise, that a little arti-
Jcle which appeared in the Walchman over
my signature, headed “ A Dun anc its An-
swer”’ gave offence to a little fellow of this
place, one P, F, Sturgis, (we call him ** Em-
peror,”) related by marriage to some of the
parties mentioned in the article,
The persons whose names I noticed were
formerly old residents of Bellefont, and who
Lhold in the higest estimation, and with
whom 1 have been on terms of the clugest in
timacy ever since they first landed at this
place, aud of course the liberty I took in
making mention of them, was only intended
asa friendly mention of their names to
their friends in Belicfonte. But true to
his meddlsomme propensities the ‘* Emperong’
noted for his low cunning, tho't it a good
opportunity to vent "his spleen by getting
somebody else mad at me because ke was,
That's the way with some folks.
What makes it worse, the Emperor and
myself have always kept sociable terms uan-
til I returned from the war last Fall, hav-
ing been Cischarged on account of wounds
received in battle, when I flatly renouuced
allegiance to ** Old Honest,” for his wick-
edness and refused to associate myself with
him (the *¢ Emperor”) ag a spy upon the ac-
tions of houest and Union luving Democrats.
Consequently the Eq peror,” true to the
precepts and practice of his lord and master
took advantage of my crippled condition and
blew the hot breath of jealousy an. revenge
into the ears of some of the female portion
of the families mentioned aid pursuaded
thein that I was © slandering’’ them, which
certainly, was the furthest from my tho'ts.
This shows the heartlessness of the Abo.
lition party, and the spirit of revenze with
which they scek t3 persecute those who are
bold enough to show up their rascality, and
corraptness to the public view, and the low
cunning that possesses pimps of Abraham
Lincoln. The astute “ Emperor’’ being the
cowardly to fight for his country in th: field,
takes it upcn himself to abuse his neighbors
‘and returned soldiers who do’nt happen to
agree with him, that ¢ Abraham” is great,
and 4/ah is his Prophet, and dont like to
swaliow a nigger whole.
As it was, the treacherous ink that spread
the effusive article hefore the readers of the
Watchman, and your wicked little ** imp”
that ** spread on™ the ink, I will say to his
Majest the “ Emperor.” that if this expla-
nation does'nt appease hiz wrath, why then
he can just ge to the devil.
Was Uniow, Towa,
March 12th, 1863.
Proverbs of the Billings Family.
Don’t swap'with your relashuns unless
yu ken sfford tv give the big eena of the
Marry young, and’ ef sarkumstances re-
quire 1t, often,
1f you ean’t git gud cloathes and edica-
tion too, git the cloathes.
Bay how are ye? to everybody.
Kultivate modesty, but mind and keep a
gud stock of impudence on hand.
If you are angry never get beat.
Be charetable; three-sent pieces ware
maid on purpose.
Don’t taik ennybedy’s advice but your
owne. f
It costs more to borry than it dus te buy.
Ef a man flatters yu, ya ken kalkerlate
that he is a rogue, or yure a fule.
Keep both ize open, but don’t cee mor'n
haf you notis,
When yu pra, pra right tu the sentre of
the mark.
Don’t mortifi the flesh tu much: twang
the soars on Lasarus that cent him to heav-
Ef yu ich fur faim, go inter a grave yard
and skrach yerself against a tume stone.
Beggars don’t have tu advertise fer run-
awa dorgs.
«Tis a long lain that never turns,” and
’tis a good mill that alwas dus.
Sin is like weeds—self sone and sure ‘u
Natur is natur, Yu kant alter the krook
of a dog’s tale much and preserve the lengih
of it.
I wuld sa tu all the young men, “go in,”
and to all the old fellers, ** knm out."
About as sure a wa tu get rich as enny I
no of, is to get inter dedt for a hundred
thousand dollars, and then go tu work and
pa oph the dedt. =
Filosophers tell us that the wurld revolves
on its axes, and Josh Billing tells yu that
fall half the folks on arth think tha are the |
N. b.—these ar proverbs have stood fer
morn a hundred yeres, and haint gin out
Pp — ai.
Pux veéN PoN.—Strange, Moore and
Wright, the uctorious punstirs, were on a
certain occasion, dining together, when
Moore observed :
¢ There 18 but ono knave among us, and
that's Strange!" z
«Oh, no,’ said Wright, * there's one
«¢ Ay,” said Strange, “that's Wright
{77 « Dou’t think of me.” 8s the man
said who was on the point of being thrown
from the gallety t& the pit; but recollect
those beneath me.’
‘my room in consequence of a fractured leg, |
Well, at last the nizht cum; that orful
Cle NM ee— {nite a3 was to fetali me intoo a new state u®
The Friends of the Union and Constitu- |
tional Liberty Arowsed. 500 to T00 Free-| bein avd it foun me in a dregf 10x. fust {
mann Counc... + pros good then bid, first proud. and thon
¥ 4 3 4
The citizens of Penn and surrounding; Shoired Nie Bes hus I 1a ta
townships met on the evening of the 16th] — pore is hill Phy he FI hy
inst,, in order to effect a more perfect prgan. | *N¢ fo 8 her takon it i SHEP, on
ization of the great ‘Democratic party ; to | ung Tor me 13 fem Aang pu tue me
express sentiments of loyalty to the Consti- | L 745 In a hurry won minkite, aud she next,
tu ior: of the United States, and disapprobs- | fol: F414 rather 3 Hille 3: badd tin put off.
tion to the course of the party now in pow [ro pangdv ash, eh 1 pat op the
er: From 500 to 700 people were assembled ; | cleanest sort uv a shirt that Aunt June had
the eharch in which the meeting was_hetd , 5X14 Up wity nice and smonth, and then 1
being literally crowded; an evidence that! drawed on about 8a nice u sets uv Sanday
the people an honest yeomanry feel decply | harness, as you evir feed, and arter mam
io : A { an Aunt Jane had primped up sn fixed my
indignant at the manner in which our pub- ¥ t ,
lic affairs ars mismanaged and our constitu- | 137 81d creevat, Twas ready, so off [ puta to
| Sal's dad’ Td
tional rights trampled upon. On motion Sal 3 cad 3, an 1 reckin [ dun about a8 much
thinking a going over thar as was ever Jun
John Hosterman was called upon to act as J
chairman of the meeting, also a number of | by suy uther feller in the Same tine: At
Vice Presidents andjSecetaries were appon | last Larric, an was marched in two whar
Great Qutpoarings of the People,
I went prer ine
ted: On:motion Rev: Be Muswercolored a | Nal was —she sorter blushed and then got
her head on one side an locked about as
sweet as enny flour you ever seed. ihought
she was alout as pully a crectiur as Lever
lade my ise en.
Directly Sel's sister ses, the passon's cum
an in we marched whar thar was shout fif-
ty fokes, and I felt mity skeered, but tried
my very Lest to keep a stitt upper lip. —
Well we took our places, Sal hamgin on too
my arin an me a lookin at the fore. Then
the passon ses. ses he: ‘ Du you take this
ooman’ (he might & sed young lady) * as yeu
roid by the Band to be youre lasful wife
too help her and too keep her, too luv and
too nus her, te!l deathdns you part? 11
du my bist,” ses I, (standin fust on wun leg
and then tother, fur all the world like a tur-
key on a hot rock) —
Then he looks at Sal an ses he—
« Du you take this man’ (like he did’uf,
know my name) * as you hold by the hand,
tu be your lawful husband, tu nus him an
tu help him, onor and obay him, tell deth
dos you part? :
¢ Yes sir," ges Sal. Then, ses he, «I pro-
nounce yu both man and wife, salute your
bride.’ With that. [ clinched Sal, and gave
her about as hearty a buss as yu ever heard.
Then the fellers allcum round and kissed
Sai like blazes, yu could see it dun em good.
Sal orter a stopped it, but she never said a
word ; as for me, J kissed right and left an
cum mighty neer a kissin a nigger gal es
was fechin in sum water, When everybody
begirs a giggling an I begins to feel wity
After a while the kissin an fcolin was all
over and we all pitched in tu the goodies,
and if [ ever sor sweethings fly, it was then ;
I et tell [ like tu & popped, ond everybody
else dun thar best.
About ten o'clock they all left, an gum of
the boys ses, ‘ Peter won't you go home
with us,’ an all such things, & devilin of me
tell I hardiy noed what to du or whar to gn.
After they all left, thar I sot myself tell a
viggar gal cums tu the door an ses-—
+ Mass Peter, miss Sal's & waitin fur yu.’
« Whar is she?’ sea I.
+ She’s in her room,’ ses she.
¢ Well, tell her to come down,’ ses I: lin
reddy to go any whar she wants.’
¢ But,’ ses she, ‘she's in bed.’
‘Oh, yes," ses I, +1 forgot] but ses I,
+its erly yet, aint it.’
She seed I was rkecred an begin 8 snig-
gern, tel! T picked up wy hat, =n follored
her. tei] she cum tu u doe, and ses, + That's
yore room,” My hart jumped up to ny
throat, a5 1 nocked agin, I was then & ot
tin despirit. I opened it, and jeewhilikens,
the cold chills run over me tell l felt Lika
somebody was a pullin cedar brush up and
dowa my back: Thar was Sal fast asleep,
{or preterden like, "as 1 found out) the can-
dle’shinnin as lite as day. :
I s'00d some time looking mity, foshsh,
an then puts my hat on a cheer—next |
draws my coat off; it was mity hard wu git
oft—then 1 hed my jucket, and the balance
of my harness, tell § cum tu my boots, and
ef ever [ sor a pair of tite b mis, thom way
the wuns ; I pulled I tugged and jerked, bat
they wouldnt nigh cum oft, nn happenin to
leok roand 1 thought { seed Sila jecpin et
me outer wun eye; so 1 blose the lite out,
gits my boots off, an then —— hut it sint
nobody's bigness, so I shunt tell suymore,
Weli I've tried maryin sum time, an must
say that ater a feller girs ust 16 it, it pint a
bad thing, in fact 1 flosofics as follers :
Martyin is a good thing, iL ig a gras
thing a6 Aunt June sos, 8 great fustitution,
(how she nose T can’t tell, for she never had
a trial of it.) It's good for everybody —ar
you old— marry it'll make you young, or
prayer. “On md tion the Constit ition of the
U.S. was read and commented apon by
Fred. Kurtz, and its repeated violation by
the present Administration stown. Spirit.
ed remarks were then made by the chair-
man, Thos. Ehrhart, P. Gephart, Dr. Dash-
ler, Jno. Smith, defending free speech, free
press and the right of the writ habeas cor-
pus, followed by Rev. B. Musser, who spoke
fechingly in favor of peace. On motion a
committee of five, cousisting of Fred. Kurig,
John Grove, Philip Gephart. H. Korman and
Dr. Dashler, was appointed to draw up res-
olutions expressing the sentiments of the
meeting. the committee reported as follows :
Waereas, The people of the United
States have the constitutional right peacea-
bly to assemble wnd express their senti-
ments in reference to governmental affairs,
Resolued, that as true and loyal citizens
we place ourselves upon the good old plat-
form of the * Union as it was, and the.Uon-
stitution as it is."
Resolved, that as peaecable, loyal and
lawabiding citigens we cannot, and will noty
endorse the repeated violaticn of our cher
ished charter of liberties-—the Constitution
of our fathers—by the present Administra-
tion. That by its arbitrary arrests and a de-
nial of the writ of habeas corpus it has rob-
bed the citizen of his liberties, similar in_
fringements in times past having cost guilty
tyrants of the old country their crowned
Resolved, that we are in favor of the pas-
sage of 2 law preventing the immigration of
free Negroes info Pennsylvania: that we
have no objections, and think it right. that
Massachusetts and New England should re-
ceive and harbor them, io accordance with
their pestilent Abolition professions of Ne-
gro Equality.
Resolved, that we are opposed to any iu-
fringement on the part of the general gov-
ernment upon the righs of the States as dan-
@orous to our liberties and ending to a des-
potic and monarchical government.
Resolved, that we pledge ourselves, each
to ‘he other, to maintain and protect each
other, in suppri of the Demccratic faith by
Equal and cxact justice to all men, cf what-
ever persuasion, religious or political —peace
commerce, and honest friendship with all na-
tions, entangling alliances with none, The
support of State governments in all ther
rights, as the most competent administra-
tion of our domestic concerns, and the eu-
rest bulwerks against anti-Republican ten-
dencies. In State administration opposed
to all monopolies and special privileges. —
And the preservation of the Generat Gov-
‘ernment in its whole constitutional vigor, as
the sheet anchor of our peace at home, and
safety abroad —a jealous care of the rights
of election by the people—a mild and safe
corrective of abuses which are lopped by the
sword of revoiution when remedies are un-
provided—absolute acquiescence in the de-
cigions of the majority—the supremicy of
the civil over the military authority —free-
dom of religion, freedom of the press, free-
dom of speech, freedom of person under the
protection of the Aabeos corpus, and tris]
by an impartially selected jury.
Resolved, that upon this platform we cor-
dially invite all true and loyal people, to
join with us for a change of Administration
— Stateand National—and the election of
men who will enforce the Constitution and
secure us the blessings of peace, and a res-
toration of the Union.
Resolved, that the proceedings of thig
meeting be published in the Berichter and
the Watchman.
These resolutions were unanimously adop-
A meeting was appointed to be held at
Wolf's Schoolhouse, on Tuesday evening,
March 24th, - Adjourned.
Bren Stress
(7 « Father, what does the printer live
“ Why, child 2"
“ Because you said you hadn't paid him
for two years, and you stil! take the paper.”
*¢ Wife. put that child to bed; he's an
everlasting talker.”
§® When were Love's arms stretched eo
wide 88 upon the Cross? When did they
embrace fo much as when Thou, 0 Christ,
didst gather within Thy bosom he spears
and arrows of the 1ighty, to open up a lane.
for Freedom ?
| you’l die a tryin to pear 60. Ar you young ?
ill make yu o'd. Infect it is sooted tu
every an ennybody. [td a ten rail fence
that society has built up tu keep fokes in-
side the bounds uv good behavior, an tho
I've had my ups an downs in it, an no all
about it, still I say —hooray for marry,
OLp Ape’s Last Jokr.—When our good
President heard of the recent rebel raid at
Fairfax, in which a brigadier general and a
number of valuable horses were captured,
he gravely obseved, “ Well 1 am sorry for
the horses.” ¢ Sorry for the horses, Mr.
President !”’ exclaimed the Secretary of
War, 1aising is spectacles and throwing
himself back in his chair in asionishment.—
+ You,” replied Mr. Lincoln; “I can mako
a brigadier general in five minutes, but it is
not so easy to replace 8 hundred horses.”
it in
C7 Don’t borrow your neighbor's paper.
Take one yourself, and pay for it like a