RE SS TC So BC AO Se NE TWA Tess Ur 0 0 dhe Talatchman, — ee eet mee PILLADELI RIA & ERIE TAILROAD, . (PENNSYLVANIA NAULROAD CO., LESSEE ) WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Err rrr On and after Monday, Nov. 17th, 1882 TIME a LOCK HAVEN STATION will Le as follows: LEAVES BAST Express... 804, 0. x. Mail ...... 8:04. p w. Mat... .. 1033.4. Ww Accomm’n. 10:20. A. w. Acooma’n 2:30 P. x. Faseongers for Philadblphia and Baltimore, on both the Mail and Fxpress triins go through without change of cars, Express West runs daily exeept Mondays, all or daily except Sundays. This Léue has been oxtondod to Siuwmemaho- wing. 5 SAM'L A BLACK, Superinto dent Basten Division. , ~ ARRIVES. Fxpress e940, 2.9. LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS, ee a Sas Rl. Searce— Local toms: . Ny Scarce: — Abolitienists who love the old Union am me () mm ee Increasing —basipess at the Gayman Ho. ¢cl—and our subseription list. mY reves 177 If you want a fancy Pipe and a pa- per of good Tobacee, you can get them at Sus: man’s. a ia Ry ie Maj John Stover, oneof the editors of The Central Press bas been assigned to the command of the old Calafornia Regt or the TistP. V, : re remem () en ee Tt is our painful duty to record the death of Wm, Gahazan Esq one of our most esteem _ «d citizens, accurred on Tuesday morning last, of Cr mp Fever contracted while on a visit to the Army of the Potomac. Mis re- waning will be interred in the Cementery t this place this morning at ten oclock. 0 Pirrssrrcn Femark Contece.—We clip following highly cemmendatory notice f this excellent institute from the Pitts- urgh Dispatch of the 10th inst. Tha Pittsburgh Female College is just closing the most successful winter term in its history, upwards of two hundred pupils being in attendence. The trustees yester- day elected Professor and Mis. Daunse, as -eachers of the ad vanced classes mm French apd German. The eollege has thus the ad. vantage of thorough and accomplished na ‘ive t@chers of these languages. The fac. 1 1I'y now numbers nineteen thorough teach- ere, ten of whom have had from ten to twen- y years experience mm their profession. — Preliminary steps weralso taken to secure two of the beautiful three story brick buil- dings adjoining the college, in order tu ac- commodate the constantly increasing num- ber of pupils. We are pleased to note fhe iiberal policy of the trustees in thus provi dmg sn abundance of able and accomplished @ichers, and sample accommodations ; and 0 know that Pittsburgh has now an insti- tation which, in buildings. facuity and «quipment, has but few cquals in the land. ‘I'he prospects for the spring term, which will commence March 26:h, are very prom- is ng. Weadvise our readers at a distance o send to the Preeident, Rev. I. C. Persh- ing, for a catalogue, 0 Ear .Bavtivors © Conrerexce.—The Fast Bal imore Confercece of the M, E Church, commenced its Annual Session in york, Pa, on the 4th fust,—Bishop Scott residing. The Conference adjourned on Wedncslay morning last, in great harmony. We give a ist of the appointinents for the B Nefonte Ihistrict, which includes this place, and also the places assigned to a umber of the mintstere whose names are £uniaar th our ruaders Bellefonte Disirict.—B. B. Haxuax, P. E Belicfonte. —S. L. Bowman. Bellefonte. —Civeurt. — IL. Wilson, « Howard.—J. B. Polsgrove, Port Matilda.—H, M. Ash, Warrior Mark.— J. As DeMoyer, 8S. M. Harisocg, t Penn’s Valley.—George Warren, J, W.- Olewine, : Lock [laven.—D.S. Monroe, Saloria. —James llunter, Clinton.—J G. Rothrock, Great [sland.- J. P.. Swanger, Jersey Shore, —1'. Sherlock, Nippenose. -J. B. Mann, Liberty Vailey --J. T'. Wilson, Newberry.--M. K. Foster, C. II, Kitch- en, English Centre'—P. B. Ruch, Sinnamahoning.-—John Guss. Shippen,—W, CO. Hesser, Caledonia.— To be supplied. Karthaus.—. F. Brown, Philipsburg. — T. H. Switzer. G. Leidy, Curwensville & Clearfield.--L, M. Gard ner, New Washington.—M. L. Uram, J. F.1 traig, Glen Hope, —IL Lynn, C. A. Gann, W. Il. Stevens, Chaplain U. S. Ar- wy, member ot Port Matilda, Qua. wan. W. Rarushaw, Chaplain U- §- Army, member of Warrior Mark Qua. Cen. Miscellaneous Appointments. North Baltimore.---Richard Hankle, Frederick City. —Wilford Downs, Smithsburg.—John Loyd, Carlisle Circuit.—Alam Brittain, Chaplain U. g Army— Daniel wan, * Altoona, — Wm. R. Mills, McVeytown.—dJohn Anderson. Williamsburg. | Justus A. Melick. Birmingham. — John Stine. Williamsport —W. L. Spottswood § Thos 1). Gotwalt. Lewisburg. ~ Edward J. Gray. Ashland. —W, M. Showalter. Jeansville.—B. P. Uing. Beaver Meadows. —Jos R, King, Migsionary to India. —W. Ww, Hick Hart- Bellefonte Marke's. The %llowing are the q' otations up to € o'clock yeslerday (Thursday) ev ‘ng. White $1.40 Wheat, Red do i3 Rye, do 8 Corn, (Shelled) do sd Cern Ears, * do 40 Buckwheat, do 62% Barley, do Loo Oats, (By Weight} do 35 Clover , do 575 Timothy, - do 2.00 Potatoes, do 75 Beans, do 175 Onions, deo 75 Applels, (Dried) do 125 Eggs, per dos. 15 Peaches, (Dried) per 1b. 10 Faces, 3% $y at Sas 2 ew Vork, T 15, Beeswax. pe 25 Butter, . do 18 Tallow, do 10 Lard, dn 10 Rags, do 05 Dh L.A DIED. In Union Township. on the 6:h day of the 3rd month, Noah. son of Elijh and Maria Fisher, aged 8 years 8 month, and 16 days. Again the omnipotent, and omnipreseat Father has visited ws with His warning hand, and by His impartial will has seen proper to deprive usf ovr much esteemed little friend Noah.” In him we have lest a congenial, agreeable, and kind school - fellow ; an industrious, obedient, studious and honest pupil. the parents, an affable, loving and an affectionate son. While we grieve on account of his sad fate to us, &nd deeply mourn his loss, we rejoice that his home is in the skies, in that celes- administering to his wants. Ah! he has gone, and Ob! how conciliatory that he has lefi his friends to dwell in a haven of rest beyond this sphere, and where bliss is ever streaming forth as the rivulet from a never failing fountain. OL! how pleasent to die for a happy fature, for an an- ticipation of ecstatic joy—for a crown of uever onding glory. May Lis parents be ready and waiiing for. the golden moments tobe enjoyed in future; and when theirvital parks of life dimin- ishing, and their hearts begin to shudder, and their cords of earth to untwine, may they caet their epiritual eyes, as it were, to his harbor; so that when the fire is quenched, and when the hearts cease to shudder, and the cords are un. twined, they may meet their little Son at Rome in heaven. . MARIAM. Prey Grove. March 14, 63 : In Brush Valley, Centre Co, Pa., on the th inst , Mrs Christiana wife of Mr. James Grove, agod 52 years, 3 months, and 8 days. She waa a christian mother Her illness was peotracted and painful, which she bore with pa- tiene, and resignation tn the will of her Heav- enly Father. She trusted in God, and in her de- parture she has exchanged a world of serrow . and trial. for a heavenly inheritance, and an immor- tal crown. +‘ For we know, that if the earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God. a house not made with handa, eternzl in tho heavens ”’ . 8S. K. Eept. 20th 1862, in Wayne county Ohio, John Long, in the 60th year of his age. Ie was form- erly of Pennsylvania, this county Lo SPECIAL NOTICES. A Card to the Suffering. The Rev Wrinisw Coserove. while laboring as a Missionary in Japan, wae cured of Consump- tion, when all other means had fuiled by a recipe obtained from a learned physician residing in tha great city®f Jeddo, his recipe has cured great numbers who, were suffering from Con- sumption, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Coughs and Coids, aud the debility and nervous depression caused by these disorders. Desirous of henefitting others, I wil gend thie recipe, wrich I have brought home with me, to ali who need it free of charge. Address Rev. WM. COSGROVE, 439 Fulton Avenue, Brovklyn, N. Y. 1y HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT RUCHU THE GREAT DIURETIC, ELM3ILD'S EXCRAIP BT 3 [1], THE GRFAT DIURETI - HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, THE GREAT DIURETIC. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU THE GREAT DIURETIC. And a Pug'tive and Spacific RaMedy fr dis #sex of the Bladd-r, Kidneys, Gravel, ds Drop: 0 ganic Weakness, ry; And ail diseases of the Urinary Organs. See Advertisement in ancther column. Cut it out and ser d fur the medicine ar one. BEWARE OF CCUXNTERFEILTS. Maren, 21 63 —2 mo. aren Ilot Hands, Dryness of the skin. but none will confess. Arylums and the melancholy deaths by Consump tion, bear ample witness to {he truth of this as sertion. : THE CONSTITUTION, CNCE AFFECTED LY and who have paid heav short time, have f und that they were deciev ed and thav the poison hae, by the use of *P werful astringents” been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravated form, and perhaps af- ter marriage, THE ALL SUFFICIENT THRFE, THE GREAT AMERICAN REMEDIES, Kuown as ** Melmbold’s? Genuine Preparations, Viz: HELM BOLD’S EXTRACT * BUCHU,” he “ SARSAPARILLA, 3 IMPROVED ROSE WASH. FT" UNV BOILIYS GENUINE PREPARATION, “HIGHLY CONCENTRATED” COMPOUND, FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A Positive and Specific Remedy for Diseases OF THE BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. - The medicive increases the power of digestion, and excites the Absorbents Er Benilly action, by which the Watery or Calcerous depositions, ard all unnatural Enlargements are reduced, ac well 08 pain and inflamation, and is good for Men, Women or Children. Helmbold's Extract Buchu, FOR WEAKNESS Arising from Excesses, Habits of D iseipaion, Early Indiscretion, or Abuse. ATTENDED with the FOLLOWING SYMTOMS: | Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power," Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dimuess of Vision, Pain inthe Back Universal Lassitude of the Flushing of the Body Muscular System, Eruptions on the Face Pallid Countenance; These symtoms, if all owed to go on. which this medicine tnvariably removes, soon follow IMPOTENCY, FA TUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, . * . 1 ic i i h tial dwelling, where the Father of Saints is ever You aay - > vdireful diseases,” INSANITY AND CONSUMATION, . Many are aware of the cause or their suffering The records of the insane ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which HeumpoLn’s Ex- Tract Brenv invariably dues. viuce the most sceptical. A trial will con- FEMALES, FEMALES. FEMALES, Qld or young, single married, or contemplating marriage, In many affections peculiar to Females the Ex- tract Buchu is unequalled by any other remedy ‘ as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Pain: fullness, or suppression of the customary Eva cua- tions, rT Leuchorrhea, or Whites, Sterrility, and for, al | complaints incidemt to ‘the sex,, whether arrising from Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the or Schirrous state of the Uterus DECLINE OR CIiANGE OF LIFE. SEE SYMTOMS ABOVE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Take no Balsam, Murcury or Unpleasant Medi- cine for wapleasen and dangerous diseases. Helmbold's Extract Bue! u CURES SECRET DISEASES In all their stages ; at little expense ; little or no change in diet: no inconvenience, And No Exposure. It causes frequent desice, und gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preyent- ing and curing Strictures of the Urethra, allfying pain and inflammation, so frequent in this of diseases, and expelling poisvnous, and worn-out matter. class diseased Thousands upon Thousands WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIMS OF S QUACKS, fees to be ecuredin a USE Helmbold’s Extract Buchu For all affections end Discnses of THE URINARY ORGANS, Whether existing in Male or Female. from what- ever cause vriginating, and no matter OF HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these organs require the aid of a Diuretic. Helmbold's Extract Buchu iS THE GREAT DIURETIC, And itn certain tc have the desired effect in all Diseases for which it is r ended. 100D! BLOOD! BLOOD! -* Helmbold’s Highly Concentrated Compound FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA SYPHILIS. This is an affection of the blood and attacks the The: Bmoeratic Gelatin, P. GRAY. MEEK, Editor Per annum. (strictly in advance.) When paid within , months, 2,00 If left run over 3 months, $2,50, will be inveri- ably charged. 3 . 0 paper discontinued until all brek subserip tions are paid, a failure to notify a discontin- uance at the end of the time subsori for, will be considered a new ment.* : These terms will be rigidly adhewrd to under all circumstances. - : RATES OF ADVERTISING. The following terms’ * Advertizeing haye been agreed upon by the publ'shers ' «fhe. Catbrdl Press the Berichter and the I ocrgeae: Watch man and will be strictly albe 10 lines {or fess] consti One Square three sertiot . o "2 Foreac™ s "8 quer BI) three months, - - - - One square, 3 montha, ceed. “ “ 6 : 81.50 « a “oneyear - +. -- +--+ 8 00 Quarter-column, oie year, two changes, 15 00 Half “ “ “ “ «25 00 Onecolumn, «a. « + uw iflp ~ Auditors Notices - + ~ + . - = - - + «200 Administrators and Executors notices; - 2 25 Notice of applisation for Wicense = - - = 1 50 Notice forsiruys, each animal, - = - 150 © Advertisements desplayed in fancy lotter, 50 as to attract attention, 50 per cent, more than the abyve rater, ! Advertisement not marked with the number of insertions desired. will be continued till forbidden and charged according to these terms. Editorial or local notices for the bonefit of indi: viduals, | - 20 rents per line Religious sr educational notices, & + ° © Obituary notices, over b lines, 8 « “¢ Deaths and marriages announced free. Communications recomending persons for of- fice, inserted at ten cents a line: and the pay mast accompany the communtealion, All legal and transient advertisements must be duid befo:e they are inserted. ~~ * for sale at HARRIS'S RUG STORE. Bellefonte, Pa. . PRIVATE SALE. ‘The property belonging to James Williams, decensed, late of the Borough of Belle- fonte, is offered by the heirs at private sale. The property consists of two houses and lots. sit uated on thecorner of \' llinm and Railroad streets, Bellefonte, a water ight, sufficie it for any steam pr ose, and a sple {id “spring of water belongs. _e property. © $7 x « Pr ALSO, © esi A good frame hous and lot with esusil.nt- out” buildings, situated m Cheapside. Spring oh: ship For further) rticulars. apply to” Géorge Boal, at Boaisburg, to ~ CHARLES McAFFERTY, March 6, 1863—2m. Bellefonte, Pa. " THEUNLUCKY COLD To show what misery from a cold, (Though: ’tis in the head) may grow, Young Prrriguven did unfol To us this story of his woe: — “I wooed a lad}. young and fair, And half engaged we were to wed ; Lut ah! I enught fiom keen Maree air A cold distressing in my head. ++ My re ldened eyes s'renmed down-with tears However vlesant was my task ; My nese most hottle-like appears, Aly voice seems smothered in a cack. “ f knew that 1 this wretched plight My looks wou ! quite repulsive scem ; And 5. I keptm (rom thesight Cf her who wus y nightly dren. “+ Another fellow so ed the chance; While I from Lucy stayed away, And did so well his suit advance That she has named the bridal day. + ITe never had a cold I haar; And must I tell the reason why 2. At Sternberg’s Hall he buys bis gaur, And always has a good snpply. Wo hava the Iargest assortment of Ready made Clothing in Bellefonte, of ever fizo, slylo and price, made ia the best and most fashionablejmfin- ner. Every onecan be suited from our stock, whatever be his styl e. Our prices are much be- low market rates NEW BAKERY! MATHIAS SCHMUCK. Would respectfully inform the people of Bellefonte and vicinity, that he has opened a nc » and complete Baery on SPRING street, in i: 3 premises of W. F. Reynolds, where he will ka: ; constantly on hand all kinds of N EW ADVERTISEMENTS. VALLANDIGHAM'S Sexual Organs, Linings of the Nose, Ears, Throat Windpipe and other mucus Surfaces, making its appearance in the, form of Ulcers. Helmbuld's Extract Sarsaparilla purifies the blood and ree moves all Scaly Eruptions of the ekin, giving to the Complexion, a clear aud healthy color. It BREAD, RUSK, POUND CAKE, SUGAR AND GINGER 3 EE &e., &o., iio ag HC C-L. RECORD ON ABOLITION, SLAVERY, AND THE CIVIL WAR. This work is in press and will soon be ready — It contains complete and acurate copies of Mr. VALLANDIGuAM'S principle speeches on the sub- jeots above named. Also parts of many other Speeches, with letters, ircidents, votes, cto, ete. The work has been carefully edited and is believed to presen: fairly and correctly, the polit- ical record and position of a man whose views in regard to the cause of our National troubles, and the right remedics for them are attrac- ting an extraorpinary awmouut of the public at tention. The work is good, substantial paper, 200 pages large ostavo 8vo. Clote, 75 Pricg—Paper cents. Delivered by a Mail or Express, prepaid, on receipt of the price. 1% Send orders, with the money enclosed. to Columbus, Ohio, addressed to J H. RILEY & CO., or to Gov. MEDARY, office of the Caisis.— A large sale is expestad. : 5” very newspaper that gives the above three insertions, also this notice, and sends marked cop- ies addressed ‘Box 699. Columbus, Ohio,” will receive three copies of the work. mr 2--3t covers, 50 cents; In pursuance of an act of assem- bly, passed on the I4th day of February A. D. 1863. I am authorized by the Town Council of the Borough of Bellefonte, to negotiate a loan for improving the Water Works, and for other purposos, to the amount of five thousand dollars, for which Borough Bonds will bs given. The security, of course, is undoubted, and the act au- thorizing the loan, exempts it from taxaticn. — Eor the prompt payment of tho interest as it be. comes due, a part of the Borough fund is eepei- cially set apart. March 3d. 1863.,—3t ~~ G. LIVINGSTON. Boro' Treasurer. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE ** The large and valuable fares sit- uated near the Agricultural College of Pennsyl- yania, known as the “Big Hollow Farm’ recent- ly owned by Moses Thompson Esq. is offered for sale on the most reasonableturms. The little is perfect. and possession givesat any time. In- quire of ORVIS, & ALEXANDER. . Attys for the Lock Haven Bank Mareh 13, 1863. —tf. AUDITORS NOTICE. The undersigned, an Auditor ap- pointed by the Orphan’s Court of Contre county. to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the Trustee of the Estate of Adam Fisher. de- ceased, after settlement of his account, will at- tend to tho duties of his appointment on ¥riday, the 3rd day of April, 1863, at his effico, in Belle- fonte, when und whore all pereone interested may attend. EVAN M. BLANCHARD, March 6, 1963.—6t. Auditor, ’ Benjamin Travers, Kellow of the of Surgeons. Mo NEY WANTED. c Extract Buehu, Improved Or half a dozen of each for $12 00 which will be sufficient to cure the most obstinate cases, if direc- tions are adhered to of November 1854 avoid imposition and exposure. being prepared ex; rely for this class of com- plaints, its Blood- Parifyin served to a greater extent than any other prepa- ration of Sarsaparilla. g Properties are pre- Helmbold’s Rose Wash. An excellent lotion for diseases of a Syphilitic Nature, and as an i jection in diseases of the Urinary Organs arising from habits of dissipat.on, used in connection with the Extracts Buchu and Sarsa rilla, in such diseases as recommended. Evidence of the most responsible and reliable character will accompany the mexlicines. CERTIFICATES OF CURES. From eight or twenty Josie standing, with names known to Beience and ume. i For medical properties of Buchu, see Dispensa. tory of the United States. See Proff. Dewees’ valuable works on the Prac tice of Physic. See r~marks made by the late celebrated Dr. Physick, Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. Pphraim McDowell, a celebrated Physician, and a member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, and publish- ed in the Transactions of the King and Queen's 1. Journal Aiso-Cirer ical Review, published by oyal College See most of the late standard Works on Medi- ord 1 00 per Bottle, or ix tor 5 00 «+ Saraparilla, 1 60 br i 500 nge Wash, 50 2 “ 250 Delivered to auy address, securely packed from observation Describe eymtome in all gommunicatione. Cures guaranteed. Advice gratis. AFF\DAVIT. Personally appeared before me an Alderman of the city of Pilladslibla, H. T. Heimbold, who being duly sworn, tain no narcotic, no merenry, or other injurious drugs, but are purely vegetable. oth say, his tions con. H.T. AEL.MBOLD. hsoribed before me, this 23rd da, ber 1854 WH. P HIBBARD. 2 Aldermau, Ninth-street, above Race Phila Address Letters for information in confidence. ; H.T. HELMBOLD Cnemwist. Dapot 104 South Tenth-st, below Chestnut Phil. | BEWARE OF COUNTEFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS. Who endeavor to dispose ** Of Their Own” and +4 other” articles on the reputation attained Ly Helmbold's Genuine Preparations a - Extract Buchu, M o “ Sarsaparilla, Improved Rose wash. “ “w Sold by all Druggists everywhere. ASK FOR HELMBOLD’S—TBKE NO OTHER, | Cut out the advertisemant, and send for it, and March, 21, 53—1 yr. &e., als which he sells at a "reasonable and satisfactery rice. Bread, Cakes and Pies baked to order on the shortest notice. Families will find it to their ad vantage-to get their baking done at this estab lishment, as they can always get pure wholesome bread and cakes just when they need then. Sept. 12th 1862—1y. J OLLOCK'S IMPROVEDDANDELION COFFEE.— This pieparation, made from the best Java Coffee, is strongly reecommen- ded hy physicians as a superior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dyspepsia, and all Bilious disorders. Thousands who have been Jelusinily compelled to abandon the use of Coffee, will find they can uge tms combination without any of the injuriou effects they formerly experienced. £5 One cau contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary Coffee. it For gale by all Druggists and Grocers, and by the Manufacturer, corner of BROAD and CHEST. NUT Streets, and by JOS. B.BUSSIER & CO., 108 and 110, 8 WHAN VES. Prite 25 cents. March 6th 1862—1y. : PHILADELPHIA 1863, } PAPER LANGINGS. | 180 HOWELL & BOURKE, COR. FOURTH & MARKET Streets, Puiv’a. have now in stock, a fine variety of WALL PAPERS, got up expreMly fur their Spring Trade. WINDOW PAPER OF LVERY GRADE, to which they invite the attention of Srone- KEEPERS. - In their Retail Department, will bs found the choicest styles of the season. March 6, 1863-3m. WATCHES, J. EWELEY AND SILVER The undersigned would respectfully wall your attention to his well selected stock ui kine Gold and Silver WATCHES, Fine Gold JEWELRY, of every kind and variety of styles —comprising all of the NEWEST and ‘most beautiful dasigns. 2 Mpc a Also, SOLID SILVER WARE, equal to Coin —and the bast make of SiLver Praten Wisne Each article is WARRANTED to be as nepresen- ed. Bp and estisfaction guarantees d Sofa go JACOB HARLEY, ', (Successor to Stauffer &-Harfay, J" No. 622 Market Street, Philadelphia Mareh €, 1803 3m. 74 G. L. TOVELL, DEALER IN @obacto & Cigars LEWISTOWN PA t pa Watches and Jewelry carefully marin’ | cli PITTSBURG,PA,. corner Pennand St. St The largest Commercial School of the United States, with a patronage of nearly 3.000 Students in fi ve v ears, from 31 81Ares, and the only one which affords complete and reliable instruction in all the following branches, vis: MERCANTILE. NANUPACTURERS. STEAM BOAT, RAIL ROAD &NANK BOUK-KEEPING, FIRST PREMIUM Plain and Ornamental Yenmansbip; also, Sur- .} veying, Engineering and Mathematics generally $35.00 Pays for a Commercial Course; Students enter 25 | aud reviewst any time. i 87° MiNisTeRS sons’ taitien at half-price. For Catalogue of 88 pages, Specimens of Busi- ness and Ornamental Penmmgship, and a benuti- ful College view of 8 squarasiust, containing a great variety of Writing, Lssiwstng and Flourish- ing, inolose 24 centsin stamps e Principals, Ad JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburg, Pa. July 18, 1862.—1y. crs wl CARRLIGE NONCEACTIRY ¢ Mr. S. A. McQuistion would respectfully in form the citizens of Centre county. that he has opened a'fiew Carriagé Marufactory, in the rear of Cwumings’ Livery Stable, where he is prepared to manufacture CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, : SULKIES, PHAYETONS, SPRING WAGONS, SLETGIIS, SLEDS, &C., &C. at prices to suit the timo.s. Spuisig done on short notize. Bellefonte, Feb. 6, 18683, 1y. ALEBECTURIG TO YOUNG MEN. Just Published, in a Segled Linvelope. Price : Six Cents. A Lecture ou the Nature, Trea‘ment nnd Radidal Cure of Spermatorrhea or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debiii- ty and [inpediments to Marriage generally, Ner vousness, Colisumption, Epilepsy an Fits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self Abuse. &¢ —By ROB". J. CULVeRWELL, M D.. Author of the Green Book, Ye. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experi that the awful conscquences of Self-abuse may be removed without medicine, and without dan- gerous surgical operations Lougies, instruments. rings or eordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every suffer er. no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply. privately and radically. “Tog LECLURE WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain. sénled envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage Stataps, by addressin, CHAS J. ¢. KLINE & CO, 127 Bowery. New York, Post Office Box, 4586 March 6, 1863—1y. (GARMAN'S HOTEL, BELLEFUNTE, PA. DANIEL GARMA | Proprietor. This long established andl well kncwn Hotel, situated on the Southeast corner of the Diamond. oppusite the Court Mouse, having been purchased hy the undersigned. he aunoune- es to th e former patrons of this establishment and to the traveling puplic gener uly, that he intends refitting it thoroughly, and is prepared to render the most satisfactory. accomw dation to all who may fuvor him with their patronage. No pains will be pared on his part to add to the conveni- ence or comfort of his guests. All who stop with him will ind XCXS XABY,E .| abundantly Suppisd with the most sumptuous fare the market will afford, done up in-style, by the most experienced cooks ; while HIS BAR will al- ways ed ntain . The Chocest of Liquors. His Stabling is best in tow aud will always be attended by the most tru’ .orthy and attentive hostlers (Give him acal' one a' all, and he feels con- fident that all .w ! be sa 1sfied with their accom modation. AN EXCEI ENTLIVERY isattached to this est ohishwent, which strangers from abroad will tiud greatly to their advantage. DANIEL GARMAN. Bellefonte, Jan. 9, 1862. TO THE PUBLIC. The inquiry is frequently mado, “ Where can crocks be obtained, that the glasing way, remain rmanently on, when filled with Apple-butter r Milk—ard, that will not become =our or disa- Zreeabls. nor poisonous, the glazing of whizh has caused much disease, nnd frequently death ? 1 take this opportunity of the public that Ihave sold apple-butter and Milk crock durable in glazing. free from all ohnoxious smells when placed in different places, to the undersigned aa, persons that canuot be excelled for quality and durability anywhere. ‘These crocka®are glazed with the very best mo- terial, viz., Red Lead, Quartz, &e¢, and I alse use the very b2st Ouk Wood, by which I can burn the ware the hardest and most durable. I learned the Pottery business in Europa, studi- ed the Chemicu!s in the schools of Munich and Augsburg, (Bavaria,) and by these means, and many yaars of experience, I am enabled to furn sh the public with the above described ware. JOSEPH SAPPLE. N. B. If you wish to buy good substantial gla- zed Crocks, they can be had at the stores of the undersigned persons J. 8 ABRAHAM SUSSMAN Bellefonte, BROWN & COOKE. te JOHN AWL. os I. V. GRAY, Stormstown - MUSSER & SWARTZ, P.G. Mills ROB'T CAMPBELL Port Matilda --- LYONS & Co., Pennsylv’a Furnace. " JOSEPH SAPPLE, Manfucturer Milesburg, Oct. 10th 1862, 6—mo. BANK NOTICE. IN PURSUANCE OF THE 25:h Section, First Article of the amended Constitu- tion of the State of Pennsylvania, and the First Section of the Act of the General Assembly, pass ed the First day of June, 1839, the undersigned, citizens of the Commorwealth of Pennsylvania, hereby give notice that they intend to make up- plication to the Legislature of said State, at its next session, commencing the first Tuesday of January, 1863, fur the charter of a Bank, to be located in the borough of Bellefonte, in the coun ty of Centre. and State aforesaid, to be called the *BEELEFONTE BANK, "the capital stock there of to be One Hundred Thousand Dollars, with the privilege of increasing it to Two Hundred Thous- and Dollars : and the specific object for which the proposed Corporation is to be chartered is to trans act the usual and legitimate business of a Pank of Issue, Discount, Deposit and Exchange. "IH. BROCKERHOFF, C.T. ALEXANDER, ‘W.-M P. WILSON, JOHN IRVIN, Jr., ED. BLANCHARD, W.F.REYNGLDS, D. G. BUSH, 0.M ELDER, D.M. WAGNER, MAY & LOEB, \CKSON, W. A. TH , G BOAL, JOHN P. HARRIS, C. & J. CURTIN, VALENTINES & CO. Bellefonte, June 26, 1862,—tf. Ayer’s Cathartvc Pills. | i isles Dhallor dunt FE NATIONAL COMME CIAL COLLEGES LOCAT D1 PHILADELPHIA. S.E. cor. 7th and Chestnut Streets, N.Y. CITY, BROOKLYN: ,.1BANY TROY, B ALO, LgaAvV ND, DETROIT, CHICAGO & ST. LOVIIS. Rook-krEPING, PENWANSHIP, CoMygp IAL An- ITHNETIC. C MMERCTAL Law, Forns Of. RESTON- DENCE, &¢ . practically taught. i, These Colleges lneing under the same general and local management. and uniting in each the advantages of all, offer greater facilities tor im. parting instruction than any other similar insti tutions in the country. A Scholarship issued by any one is good in sl: for an unlimited time. The Philadelphia Coll ege has been recently er. larged and refurnished in a superior manner, and is now the largest and most prosperous Commer cail Institution in the State. Bryant & Stratton’s se. es of Text books, em- bracing Book-Keeping, C mmercial Aritometic, Somamistsial Law, for sa.eoid and seat by mail, EFF For full particulavs send 3 2 ¢iventur Oct. 17. 1862—1y. ‘Leather ! Leather ! SOLE LATHER SPANISH RIP ERINCH CALF SKINS COUNTKY CALF SKINS MOROCCO SKIN LININGS, &C., &C St onmakers' Thread and Shoemakers Tools, of all kinds, to he had at STUSSMANS. CHEAP.’ than at any other establishment in Centrai Penn ¢lvania. Bellefoate, December 19, ‘R.J. 8. BARNHART, HAVING puna a vew and splendid SHV-LIGHTI PICTURE G ALI ER Y, is now prepared to execute all orders in the Am- brotype, Photograph, Ferot ype. Maleneotype, or any of the customary branches of the Heliograph ic Art. Mis Photographs will be of the LARGER SIZE ever taken in the interior of this State.— Card Piotures, and almost an endless variety of common and fancy coves, are offered at prices which vary from 5) CENTS TO 25 DOLLARS ! Tustruction# given and appartus furnished upon reasonable terms. This Gallery is lovated on the hill beside the Court House, near Garman’s Ho. tel May 22, '62-1y. TO THE LADIES. Having just returned from Philadelphia with a new and splendid assortment MILLINERY GOODS, of the latest styles and fusion, we fee) repard te please all, both young nnd old. grave pill gay, whe may see proper to give usa call. Our stock con siste in part of SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, : PLAIN AND FANCY I'KIMMINGS and all other articles generally keptin a Milliner Store. I~ We have ated the services of one most experienced Milliners in the city. Store Bishop street, nex door to the old stand. Bellefonte. May 3.61. MARY SC JRBECK. FIOWARD ASSOCIATION, F PHILADKLPIIA, For the Reliefof the Sick and Distressed, aflio ted with Virulent and Chronic Disenses, and es pecially for the Cure of Dieseases of the Sexun Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis by the Ac ting Surgeon. Va LUABLE REPORTS on Spernatorrhen o Seminal Weakuess, ard oth Diseases of the Sexual Organs. and of the N RELEDIES ew ved in the Dipengay, sant to the afflicted i: sealed letter envelopes, fres of cha ge, Two o1 three Stamps tor postage will be acceptable, Address. DR. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON. Ac ting Surgeon, foward Assaciation, No 2 Soutl Ninth &t, Philadelphia. Juve 12. IS62—1-y. TZ JPARABOLA SPECTACLES. Superior to any others in use, con structed in accordance with the LAW OF Na TUR Fin the peculiar form of a Concave Co : ve lips, admirably adapted to the organs o! T gat rod perfectly natural to the Eye; gather the best artificial HELP TO THE HU MAN VISION ev invented. When there 1 dmen ss it is patur Jicuse a eane—why not ren derag stance to tha valuable organ, the Ky when seded ? The - thove for sale 1t city prices, by JERRY. J. WINGATE. At the Dental Office East of Post Offire. P 8. —These spectacies can be obtained at ne other place in town. Bellefonte, Muy 20, 18 SIMON A. FELDMA®, IMPCRTER & WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES GINS, Wheat, Rye, & Bourbon Whisky’s NO. 506 NorthiNinth Stract, BELOW SPRING GARDEN, PrRIlADELEIITA., NEW PLOUGHS. ~ The subscribers have secured th right of Centre County to munafacture and sol the J.C. Bidwell no. 7 Centre Leaver Left Hane Plo u gh, This is now considered the hest mota Plhugh made in Penna. . Famers san examine it by ealling at the Bolle fonte Foundry. Cast Steel shares will be furn ished with the Plough if desired. Jan. 30th. 1863. —tf A Haver & Co J, XECUTORS NOTICE. Letters of Administration the wit], Will annexed having been granted to the under igned on the Estate of Wm MeIivaine dec'd lat of the Borough of Bellefonte. All persons en depted to said Estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment and those having elaim- against said Estate, will prescns them duly au’ henticated forge jertimt : EXRY BR OCK J Jan, 23 61 1353. CRERTOMD tor. NEW LIVERY STABLE > BACK OF HUME'S STORE. : THOMAS DORAS, Propricto. Six fine Bay Horses, all good travelers—an.. splendid Buggie, Carriages and Sleighs,— an. fitted with fancy Harness and warm Robes, 1 hire cheaper than any other establishment i wn. Cull around. gentlemen. January 23, 1863-1y. Job Printing, Sada AT Good News! The War Ended; AND EVERY THING GOING Rif ™ AT THE he WEOISAT. WINE & RAW i STORE SHOP STREET. direct'y opposite tha building fimerly known ne (he TEMPERANCE HOTEL. - A BAUM, Agent. All kinds of FOREIGN and DOMESTIC 1.i- QUOURS, at wholesale, to be had at the vers lowest files, and warranted to ho of the wary best quality ik 8 ock eonsists of WIISKIES, 01d Monongahela Rye Whisky, . Pure Bourbon Whist v Cabinet Whisky, Apple Jask Whisky, and cheap Whiskies of all kinds. 3 RUM. Jamai & Rum, New EnglandRum GINS Pure Holland Gia, * Domestic Gin BRANDIES. Dark and Pale Cugnac, : x Domestic, (nll prices Ginger, Lavender, : Cherry, Blackberry, Caraway, &e. WINE®, Ture Port, Domestic, Maleirn, Sherrs Respborry. ” CORDIALS, Rose, Arniseed STOMACH BITTERS. The very hest in the markat. The above lignors, with others not named all he warranted as represented, and orld at po ef that enunot fail to made it an ohject for 1 ' ers to purchase of him, instead of going or gn. ing to the city. Farmers, Hotel-keapers and » + ers are requested to andl and examing hie stock, before puschusing cleowhere. All the Liquors which he offers for sale. hata been purchase t at the United States Cua House, and consequently must be pure and go. Physicians ave particularly requested to his liquors a trial. fle has the only artele w Pure Port Wine Juice and Pure Brandies in ties Borough. E100 barrels of Jorsey Cider Vinegar ju-t received und for susie low 5 Bellefonte, Aug. 20, 1882 —1y. Arother Requisition " i, 000 MEX WANTED!!! 14 To purchase their Wines and Liuos at tha WIXI. X WINE & LIQUOR STORE NEFF & ETTLE. TWO DOORS WEST OF LOEB'S MEAT MAN nEL Foreign and Domestic Liquors; Such as : OLD NECTAR. OLD RYE, & MONO} GAHALA WHISKEY, COGNAC AND COMMON BRANDIES, PORT AND MADERIA WWINESSCOTCH AND HOI LAND . GIN, NEW ENGa LAND RUM, And all grades of Liquors touud in the Bastern Ci ies, sold as low as in Philadelphia and New York. : All Liquois warranted to give Satisfaction. Confident they can please purchasers, they re « spectfully solivit a share of public patrenage. Sold by the quart barrel or tierce. Also a large lot of BOTTLED LIQUORS, Of the finest grade on hand. Juiy 19. 1862. NEWS FROM THE SEAT oF WAR ANOTHER REQUISITION. A HEAVY IMPORTATION OF HARDWARE 11 FOR THE FIRM OF BAXTRESSER & CRIST, Who have just opened. in the Store Room on tha No. W. corner of the Diamond, in Bellefonte, for- merly occupied by Wi'son Brothers, their lary e ond 2plendid assortment of Shelf [lardware, Hou Primmings of every daseription. "OCKET AND TABLE CUTTLERY of every variety and price. JROSS CUT, MILL AND CIRCULAR SAWS of the best manutieture. RIFLES. PISTOLS, SHOT GUNS, AND LOCKS of every description and the best quality. <9RTICE AND RIM LOCKS AND LATCHE of different kinds. CUPBOARD, CHEST BOX. AND TILL LOCKS. and large and small PAD LOCKS. (AND, BACK, GRAFTING AND PANNELL SAWS, Broad, Hand avd Chopping AXES. UTCHERS’ CLEAVERS AND. CHOPPERS, Drawing Kuives. Hatehets Chisels & Adzes. HAY MANURE ANDSPADING FORKS, EDGE TOOLS of every desirabie variety. SADDLERS IfARDW ARE, genernl assortment. and 50 per cent. lower than any place elso. CARRIAGE MAKERS TRIMM INGS,CARPEN TERS’ TOOLS which cannot be surpassed VICES, ANV ILS. DRILLS. SCREW PLATES, FILFS. RASUS, PIPE SKEIN & WAGON BOXES. : STEEL SPRINGS, IRON AXELTREES, BENT FELLOWS, HAMES, &c. ’ PAINTS OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY, COAL OIL AND LAMPS; VARNISH, FLUID OIL CLOTHS, PATENT LEATHER, ROPE AND WIRE of every size in abundance. SHOEMAKER’S TOOL~, Aud all other kinds of Goods usually Rept in a well regulated Hardware Store. Their stock isan entirely new one, eomprising all the leading articles connected with the Hard ware trade, and their facilities for pm chasing goods not being excolled by any other establish. went, they here declare themselves able to sell from fifty to one hundred per cent. lower than any other establishment in the country. and invite farmers, Mechanics, and all others in need of Hardware, to call and satisfy themselves of the ruth of the ~ssertion. July IS, 1860. BOOK STORE BeLLEFONTE, Pa. GEORGE LIVINGSVON, Proprietor At his wel) known stand on the North eastern eorner of the square, keeps eanstantly on hand a large assortment of 7 HEOLOGICAL, CLASSICAL. MISCELLANEOUS, and SCHOOL BOOKS. Alno a large /ariety of BLANK BUOKg nud STATIONERY, of the best ality. Also ‘MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. PORT FOLIOS, &e. Books hrouzht to order at a sm: t rdvanee on #ity rrices, \ * Seen