Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 20, 1863, Image 2

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Friday Morning, March
20, 1863.
07 Well, Mr. Pettifogger, we suppose
you cousider you have done it up gloriously
utterly demolished and entircly annihilated
us, straightencd np the religions communi-
ty and turned Mr. Sanford’s niggers into
moral lecturers! Well, be itso. ¢ Conceit
is ag good for a fool as a physic.” No doubt
you feel considerably relieved after spewing
out your balderdash through the columns of
the Press. We hope you dn, for had there
nt been some medium whareby yoa could
ontain rehef, there certainly would have
been a frightful explosion, followed by a
fearful collapse, which night have ended
your valuable existence. You feel “kinder
sorter” sore, do you—a “wee Lit” ashamed
of your christianity? No wonder! We
wonld, too, had we acted as you have done,
after making the professions you do.
You ask us if 1t is wrorg to laugh? Cer-
tamly not—aor you will be held: responsible
for the commuission of a great crime in fore-
ing people to laugh at yoursilly attempt at
ridicule. Again, you want to know, if we
w re furnished with a compl imen!ury ticket?
Yes. Mr. Sanford presented this office with
ten. and all our hands and several friends
besides, were admitted upon them. ' But
pray. Mr. * Christian” — mecker of rdligion,
w: mean what has that to do with your
conscience, or the fact that the professors of
religion in this town were at the Opera,”
applandirg low and obscene performances,
when they should have been an their closets
beseeching God to have merey upon their
cong brothers and friends, who are now risk.
ing their lives that vow eouals, the negroes
of the South, muy be turned loose? What |
has that got to do with the principles you
have jrofessed to espouse. and bellow in the
ears of all who are will ng to listen to your
fnpocyiti-al prayers in your pews on the
Sabbath day 2 What has that to do with
the fact that the PEOPLE OF THE CoUNTY built
the Court Honse for the special purpose of
holding Courts, and not for you and your
kind to hold revels in with riggers and
blackguarls ?
But we lave no time to bother lo-ger
with you now. The method you take to di-
vert the attention of righteous people from
your conduct, will fail. The medium thro’
which you pour firth your slang, is quite
Vecrming your cause, as mager shows, pros.
tirutes and Aypocrites all find a place to ad-
vocate their claims nits columns.
At for Mr. Sanford patronizing this office,
we ean tel you that he paid us like a gentle-
man for his advertisement and notice, and
he has our best wishes for his future suc-
ces. If you and the balance of the long-
faced-hypocritical church-memhers who back
you up, would stick to your professicn as
closcly as Mr. Sanford does to hig, you
would sct a better example to persons out-
side of the pale of your churches.
Will Hale Resign?
Petitions are being circulated 1m every
part of this Congressional district, asking
Judge llale to resign his seat in Congress.
We are informed that these petitions are be-
ing signed by hundred and thousands of the
men who voted for him. In fact, the peti-
ticns are from his recent supporters exclus-
ively. We have obtained a copy of this
dncument, which our readers will find in an-
other column. It will probably be signed
ty nineteen-twentieths of those who voted
for Hale last fall. No Dame crat can refuse
Lis signature uniess he is satisfied with
Hales course, and if he endorser that, he is
no Democrat. But then. will the Judge re-
sign 7 Certainly he will, if he has any hon-
or or pride left in him. Ie cannot, with any
decent appearance of propriety, retain the
office in opposition to the almost nnanimous
wish of those who elected him. If he was
actuawcd by any higher mstives than a de.
sire to receive the salary, and obtain the
profits of contracts which his official posi-
tion enabled him to control, he will not hes-
itatea moment about resigning the trust
which he received om the people, when
they are dissatisfied with the manner in
which he has executed it. But we refcr our
readers to the petition
Brack Granns,—Abe Lincoli, lias now a
large number of white soldiers who were en-
listed to fight the battles of their country,
de'aile to serve as his toly-gusrd in inita-
tion of the tyrantsof Europe. These, how-
ever, are to be superceded by the lst Regi-
ment of Black Volunteers from Massachu-
setts, organized under the auspices of Gov.
Andrews. We shall soon see the White
louse and Capitol surrounded with nigger
soldiers, when whoever wishes to have an
jaterview with ‘Massa Lincum” will have
to get a permit from some buck nigger with
epauletts on his shoulders.
Monsiy G.—Instead of mobbing the
Watchman ofti~e, would it not be as well to
mob those houses from which were hung
flags with only sixteen sturs, in 1856 7—
Would that hart some of the immaculates ?
oF Lincoln is buying up all the negro
slaves at $300 a head. }le hasalso enslav-
ed all white men, and now asks them to re-
A Word to the People.
Nothing can be more startling to the
peace-loving, law-abiding citizens of the
North, than to witness the rapid growth of
the spirit of mobocracy which has, of late,
manifested itself in so many parts of the
country. During the past three weeks,
there has been mo Jess than six newspaper
offices sacked and destroyed—Demnocratic
meetings have been troken ap—peaceful cit-
izens have been trutally murdered — houses
have been burnt to the ground and othr
outrages without number, commiited by the
tools of tyranny. We had hoped that the
time for these things had passed, when the
ballot-box proved that a majority of the
people were still in favor of law and order,
but it seems not. Atrocities, blacker and
bloodier, have been committed within the
last few weeks, than was dreamed of during
the reign of Terror in the summer of "61.—
How long they will be continued, God alone
knows. Those in power will not check these
miserable outlaws in their hellish work;
they have never yet punished a man that en-
gaged in these riots and mobs, and never
will, for they are their friends and support-
ers— their tools, who but do the bidding of
their master. To look to them for deliver-
ance, would be but walking into the flre to
escape from being burned ; it would be fool-
ish. idiotic, ridiculous. No help 2an be de-
rived from that quarter—no protection cx-
pected from the tyrants who rule. It is in
another power that the pecple must place
ther trust—to another source that they
must look for aid and and protection. Their
strong arms and brave hearts alone will
save them in this dark Lour of our country's
To Democrats kere, as well as elsewhere,
we have a word to say. When you had con-
trol of the reigns of Government, the lives,
persons and property of your political oppo-
nents —the abolition mobocrats of to-day—
were protected as sacredly ag were those of
your own friends and supporters, You were
careful that they enjoyed all the privileges
which the Constitutions of the State and
Federal Governments guaranteed them.—
You saw that the laws were enforced ; that
each man, without distinc'ion of party,
should receive justice. But how is it to-
day ? The passions and prejudices of men
are permilted to go unrestrained. —Constitu-
tions and laws are set at defiance, freedom
of speech is demed you —freedom of the
press is denied you,—the right of trial by
jury is denied yon. All, everything that is
dear to citizens of our once free and happy
Amerie, 1s denied you by those in power,
and your very lives and property are lef: to
the mer:y of mobs and midnight assassins.
Will you linger submit quietly to these out-
rages? Will you, coward-like, remain si-
lent while the despoiler is pillaging, burn-
ing and desclating the homes of your own
neighbors Will you see your friends and
brothers murdered in cold blood on their
own doorsteps, and offer no resigrance to
the fiends who commit the deed We hope
not—re know you will not! You have rea-
soned with your enemies, but it has availed
nothing ; you Lave borne with their inso-
lence and outrages until longer forbearance
is cowardice, and cowards deserve “to be
slaves ; and it now becomes you as “worthy
sons of worthy sires” to stand up for your
rights. When the laws of the land are not
permitted to protect you, it is your duty to
protect yourselves. If abolitionists assail
you with arguments. meel them with arga-
ments; if they assail you with clubs, meet
them with clubs ; if they raise a mob, let
another mob be raised to meet it. Tt 1ll be.
comes the majority of the people to knuckle
to a few ‘“higher-law’ men, or to permit
their bloody, brutal followers to override
them and trample upon their rights, It has
been dene leng enough, Democrats, see
that it stops. Be not the attacking party!
Stand entirely on the defensive, and meet
them with their own weapons——the Jallut,
the bludgeon or the knife!
And now, advocates of mob-law. gloaters
over the ruin your administra-ion has ac-
complished, we have a word for your ear.——
Never. since public issues made political
parties, have the Democrats attempled to in-
terfere with any of your privileges, or de-
nied you any of the rights they claimed for
themselves. Mobs were never hissed upon
you to destroy your property or take away
your lives. Your lips were never locked, nor
your pens shackled. On the contrary, you
were protected in all the privileges and rights
claimed by American freemen. Why is it,
then, that when the power is entrusted to
you, with the iron heel of despotism you
would crush us out ? Why is it that you
deny us the r ghts which we, as a party,
guaranteea to you? Why attempt to inau-
gurate another and more fearful civil war?
for remember that your present course, if
persisted in, will inaugurate it in less time
than you are aware. Then, woe betide you:
blind, bigoted fools! Itis you that will be
made to atone in sackcloth and ashes for
your many deeds of darkness; it is your
property that will ascend in smoke, and yoar
blood that will bespatter the streets. Itis
an easy thing to start a reyolution, but none
can tell where it will stop. So we warn
you in time to desist from your fatal course,
which is sure to bring ruin upon yourselves
and your families. We, as Democrats, do
not intend to assa:/ you. Remember this.—
Bit the consequences be upon your own
heads 1¢ YOU AS2A1L US: for feartul will be
the retribution that will be meted out to
you. 3 er
17 Although the conscript act includes
negroes, it has been determined by the ad-
ministration at Washington, not to draft
them, but keep them to perform the labor
of the country which the poor white men
who will thus be forced into the army, have
heretofore performed.
7 Welearn fiom reliable sources that
deem thowmselves at his stated price for nig- |
gts . i
reser |
r7 + Fighting Joe Hooker” has had the |
fghiing dispagition taken out of him effec- |
tua'ly hy being appointed to the command |
of the Army of the Potomac. J
agents of the Lincoln government in Phila-
delphia, are orgatiz'ng and arming the ne-
groes asa ‘home guard”, to be used in en-
forcing the Conscript Act upon the white
iaboring classes of that eity.
Tor Coming— The Conscription.
| shin-plaster.
What is Coming.
| And he will further learn that there is
power left to crush treason in the South,
and gag every traitor in the North, and
hang high every copperhead whose envenom-
ed sting has poisoned the mind of any citi-
zen.— Press.
In the last clause of the above sentence
| we have foreshadowed, the desperate pro-
| gramme and wicked intentions of those who
| think they will control the policy of this
government at least for two years longer.—
' Although the article from which we quote
the above is from no respectable source, the
| author being a mere sewer through which
abolition filth is poured, it still indicates to
| what extent malign influence which actu-
!ates the abolition leaders have permented
the whole mass of what was once called the
! republican party. When we remember that
the term ‘* copperhead” is apphed by these
miscreants to every democrat, ard that by
| + poisoning the minds” of men they mean
teaching the principles of Jeflerson and
| Madison, we can understand pretty well
| the bloody purposes they have in view.—
| They will hang every democrat, in a county
| with a thousand democratic majority ! Pray
| Mr. Editor, when will you commence ?—
| Neither you nor any of your poor miserable
| cowardly partizans dare lift a finger against
| one single democrat in old Centre, ncr lay
| your vandal hands onone article of property.
If you do, let us tell you calmly and plainly,
| not in any spirit of bravado, but speakirg
| from what we know, what the consequences
| will be to you. The moment that you or
any mol, or any of your provost marshalls,
| shall raise an impious hand to harm one
. democrat either in person or estate within
this county, you will give the signal for a
movement which will send all of your souls
I troc ping to their destined infernel home,
{and apply the torch to your buildirgs as
| your fit funeral piles. This is no die threat.
| Democrats are peaceable and law-abiding,
and under no circums'ances will they ever
| inaugurate civil war in our midst. But you
abolitionists have driven us to the wall, and
there we intend to inake a stand. We are
! now ready for whatever may come, and if
| you sct the example of mol law here as you
| have elsewhere, the consequences must be
upon your own heads. If you do not waat
| this town laid in ashes, if you do not want
| these streets slippery with your own blood
if you do 1.ot want fire and the sword to
{ sweep over this county, leaving no vestige
| of abolitionism behind, 1f you do not want
| your valleys to be like the valleys of the
| Carnatic behind the destroying hosts of 1ly-
"der Ali ; we warn you to desist from your
insane attempts to set the laws at defiance,
!'and inaugurate anarchy and civil war.
Philadelphia Evening Journal.
Charles N. Pine, E«q., well known as po
litical writer, has become proprictor of the
Philadelphia Evening Journal. He was
editor for six months previous to Mr. Boi-
leau’s arrest, and avows himself * the wri-
ter of most of the articles deemed treasona-
ble by the traitors in offico at Washington,”
and closes his annunciation of the new pro-
prictorship as follows:
If it be treason for a public journalist to
insist upo» a strict observance of the funda-
mental and supreme law of the land by men
in office, and to condemn all officiais who
violate that and their oaths to observe it.
then the undersigned desires to be deemed
a traitor.
That such eonduct constitutes treason,
according th the decisions of the adminis-
tration and its friends, he is well aware, and
he enters into the business of publishing
and editing this paper with the full knowl-
edge of the risks incurred by a journalist
who ventures, in these times, to demand for
the people what is right, to condemn what
is wrong, and to publish political truth. —
But he intends to do all this, and is willing
to take the consequences.
Cuarres N. PiNe
Phitadelpkia, March 12, 1863
1t requires a bold, fearless man to con-
| duct a Democratic paper in this Abolition
« Reign of Terror,” and we belisve Mr. P.
is a man of that character. He bas our best
wishes for success.
Very Prerry.--The young squirt who in
! his fourth of July splurge in 1801, repeated
Capt. Brown's patrictic invocation, ¢* I will
not say go, but come, boys,” and afterwards
feigned sickness Tonce, and twice left the
county to keep from being forced into the
ranks by public opinion, is now going around
this town inviting honest white men to join
an oath-bonud band of traito's under the
! name of the Union League. This puppy.
who is afraid to meet a foe in the open field,
{ and openly admits that he will pay his $300
: instead of going, if drafted, is trying to en-
| tice men into a military society which 18 to
be fully organized and drilled by the Pro
| vost Marshals, for the purpose of enforcing
the conscript act upon those who are too
| poor to raise three hundred dollars. Bah!
! on such pimps!
- vee oe—
07 Last week, in conversation with a
promicent abolitionist of Illinois, Lincoin
said the white men of the North would
not willingly submit to the conscript act,
and the other measures passed just before
the adjournu.ent of Congress but with the
assistance he would have from the free ne-
groes of the North and contrabands from
the South, by G-—d, he would force those
measures down the throats of the people.
ee tr A ee
17 Young America is outdone. A French
political candidate, stating his claims to of-
fice, in an address to the electors, says :—
-At the age of six years 1 fought a duel in
order to save the reputation of the daughter
of a brave officer killed in the service of his
country, which an artillery student was
about to compromise.”
17 Itis stated that the President receives
his salary in Gold. At the present rate of
premium on gold, this would Le (quivalent
to about $37,000,1n * greenbacks.” If the
President 18 paid in gold, so ought the sol-
diers. [It isa poor rule that will not work
both ways.
37 We think some enterprising young.
fellow might do a big business in these hard
| times by advertising the exhibition of a sil-
| ver coin--price of admission a fiye cent
To James T. Hale, Esq.,
MeasER oF CoNGREss Eruer prox ThE 1873
We, the undersigned, Democrats and con-
servative Republicans, having supported
rou for Congres at the last election, do re-
spectfully ask you to resign the office to
which you were then elected by our votes.
for many reasons, among which are the fol.
lowing: : :
1st. We hold it to be a fundamental prin-
ciple of Republican Goverament, ‘that all
representatives are hound in honor and con
science to fu'fil the known wishes of their
constituents. That however small a major-
ity may be atany lection for representa-
tives, upon distinct issues deliberately form-
ed by opposing parties before the people,
that majority has the right to require their
representative faithfully to carry out their
views as (xpressed at such election, or de-
mand his resignation, that another may be
elected who will obey the voice of the peo-
ple. :
2nd. During the last campaign although
you were remarkably reticent for a politi-
cian, yet between you and Hon. Wm. IL
Armstrong, the Republican candidate, the
issues were distinctly formed, and your sup-
porters led to believe that you would, if
elected, in goo faith carry out their views
and principles as expressed in those issues.
In the resolutions adopted at Jersey Shore,
when you were first proposed as a consery-
ative-union canaidate, it was declared :—
¢ That the Constitution as it is. end the res-
toration of the Union as it was,” was the
platform upon which you were asked to be
a candidate. In accepting the nomination,
you stated that you concurred in these sen-
timents, dnd if elected would faithfully serve
those who entertained them. lu various let-
ters to prominent Democrats in the district.
you said that you were in favor of restoring
the Union in accordance with and under the
Constitution. and not like the radicals, over
its runs. You stated to many persons that
you would support the Administration in
any constitutioval and comservatiye ieas-
ures, but oppose all of ts radical and uncon-
stitutional acts You also expressed deep
regret at having been compelled by party al-
Tegiance, to vote for several objectionable
measures at the previous session, thus leav-
ing the impression that you“twen differed
from the republican majority in Congress,
and if elected upon other principles you
would s'and by your new supporters as faith
fully as you had previously stood by the Re-
3rd. In opposition to all these intima-
tions, promises and pledges, you have during
the kession of Congress just ended, stood
side by side with Gur'ey, Lovejoy, Hickman.
Thad. Stevens, and all the other violent and
revolutionary abolitionists of the House, in
support of all their radical and unconstitu
tional gchemes, with ene or two exceptions.
Among the many ultra measures which you
have supported since the last election, in op-
position to the wishes and expectations of
those who voted for you, we enumerate the
following, as particularly obnoxious:
I. The Indemnity Bill by which you ap-
proved and legalized as far as possible, all
the arbitrary arrests, and other unconstitu-
tional acts of the President, and his appoint
ees, the very acts and measures which du’
ring the last campaign, you affected to de
precate, and promised thereafter to oppo-e,
By this act you convinced all candid men
that your pretended conservatism was a
mere snare to entice men to vote for you
who were too patriotic to support the rank
abolitionism of the Lincoln dynsaty.
11. The Act dwiding the State of Virgin-
ia, without the consent of her Legislature
constituticnally convened, andin direct con,
flict with the federal *“Coustitution as it is,”
thus rendering “the restoration of the Un-
jon as it was,” an atter impossibility. In
this you were not only guilty of a fraud up-
on your constituents, but showed yourself
forgetful of the obligations of the oath you
had taken to support the Constitutidn‘of the
United States. * il :
IIT. The Conscript Act, by which you
give the President (who has shown himself
unscrupulous 1n the use of power) sufficient
military authority, without imposing any
checks or restraints, to make him as perfect
and unlimited a despot as was ever Napo-
leon, or Nicholas of Russia, or the veriest
tyrant of the House of Hapsburg. By this
act you also made an unjust discrimination
in favor of the rich, by allowing in lieu of
personal service the payment of a sum o
money sufficiently large to be beyond the
reach of nine-tenths of the laboring men of
your district,
IV. The Act authorizing the President
to suspend the Writ of Habeas Corpus, by
which you gave to Lincoln unbounded li
cense to arrest and imprison law-abiding
men during the continuance of this war,
even in those States where neither war nor
rebellion ever existed ; and you deny te your
fellow citizens their constitutional right to
appeal to the Courte for protection against
this executive persecution.
V. You voted for tabling ‘the resolutions
offered by Mr. YeamaN, of Ky., condemn.
ing the President’s Proclamation of Sept.
22, 1862, as unconstitutional and impolitic;
therebr giving your approval to that aboli-
ticn manifesto, which, if carried into ef
fect, must render the dissvlution of the Un-
ion perpetaal.
VI. You contented yourself with giving
a simple vote against enlisting and arming
negroes, and placing them in the field side
by side with our sons and brothers. We do
not know that you possessed any influence
in Congress beyond the cantio! of your in-
dividual vote, but you should have openly
and manfully protested iu the name of your
constituents, against this outrage upon our
soldiers and insult to all white men, in at-
tempting to cegrade them te the level of
For these and many ather acts and omis-
sions of yours since the election, we ask you
to resign the office you obtained by misrep-
resentation and deccit, that we may select
a representative who will honestly and bold-
(For the Waichman )
Is Democracy Treason?
In conversing the cther day witha Re-
publican friend, on some of the important
questions which now agilate our nation, and
threaten its life, and in trying. by sound ar-
gument and fair reasoning, to convince him
that the present Administration had deser-
ted the Constitution of the United States,
-and that those who wera chosen to repre-
sent this people in the National Congress had
most foully misrepresented us, end laid at
the feet of incompetent men the privilege to
crush out the spirit of American Liberty;
I held the ground that freedcm of white men
was more important than emancipation for
the Southern negroes. As a matter of course
[ waa called a traitor With you permission
I will, through the columns of the ** Watch-
man’' define clearly the position [ occupy, 80
that all who may read this article who shall
afterwards call me a traitor, will know he is
a liar.
Fist then, I weuld ask the question,
what-constitutes loyalty to a government ?
If it be to bow submissively to every act of
a corrupt administration, to sustain despots
in every measure they may adopt for the
purpose of enslaving our people, then, in-
deed am I a traitor and proud of the title.
If to be loyal, we must rejoice when those
whom we have chosen to guard our liberties
are selling it for the miserable satisfaction
of turning loose upon our people a starving
horde of slaves, happy but for their interfer-
ence, to rejoice to see our fellow citizens of-
fering up their lives on the battle-ficld$ of
our border, that tyrants may rule, ard cap-
italists coin money from the peoples blood,
then do L lay no claim to loyalty.
But I am happy in the belief that thie is
not loyalty. As T understand it, loyalty
consists in a strict adherence to to the Con-
stitution and to the principles upon which
the government was established, If Thom-
as Jefferson was amongst us to day, and
dared to raise his voice in favor of the rights
for w Lich he pledged his ** life, liberty and
sacred honor,” rights, which so many of his
co-workers sacrificed their lives to maintain,
rights, which are now invaded by those who
are sworn Lelore God and man to protect and
defend them, Ae, would be stigmatized as a
traitor and consigned to some gloomy for-
tress. -
It is a notorious fact that if we bnt ask
the rights guaranteed us by the Constitution
we are called traitors, and for that mighty
deed of daring many of our most loyal men
have spent weary months in military pris-
cns, In the position [occupy [ am willing
to abide by the Constitution of the United
States, and to submit to tvery law pass d
as that instrument provides, any law out
side of that I am not bound obey, and I will
fall a martyr to principles, rather than
cringe to every mandate of those who at-
tempt to govern us outside of that noble in-
strument provided for us by those who
fought and t1 d for its formation. 1 thank
[leaven that [ can distinguish a differenee be-
tween a government and an administration.
Our Republican friends cannot discover any
difference, and for their benefit T will give
them the opinion of Mr. Webster on the sub-
ject. A government is that form of fun-
damental rules by which a nation or state
is governed,” an administration ** the per-
sons collectively, who are en'rusted with
the execution of the laws,’ Now any one
who claims to understand this language,
cannot fail to sce the vast difference be-
tween the two; Heaven have mercy upon
us, if no such diffaence existed. The
to a government having the name Liberty,
without a single particle of its spirit. Is
any one £o ignorant that they can:ot seca
difference between the Jaws of a state, and
the persons who in prutending to guard
those laws succeed only in violating them ?
If the name of ** traitor’’ should be given to
any one, it is certainly to those who prac-
tically admitted the weakness of the Con_
stitution, by proclaiming to the world that a
« military necessity’, existed which justi-
fied them in going beyond it, Demueracy
has always denied that such a necesity ever
existed ; enough blood and treasure have
been expended to restore the Union as it
was, without a single violation of the Con-
stitution, and the Democratic party would
long ago have done it had they been per-
mitted. The very first principle of Dem-
ocracy is ‘“ equal and exact to all
men” —it is born of Heaven, yet in attcmpt-
ing to carry it into practice, under Repub-
lican misrule, they have been exposed to
insalt and imprisonment. But the time is
coming when our oppressors will call for
the hills and mountains to fall upon them
and hide them from the retributive justice
of an insulted and outraged people.
Is far the worst of treason, Dost thou deem
None revels except subjcots >? The ruler who
Neglects or violates his trust is more
A brigand than tke robber chief.”
Ww. P.M
Howarp, Pa,
March 14th.
Ajaz—We do not publish anonymous
Patriot—The quotation you spesk of was
taken from Washington's Farewell Address.
Justice—Your article will appear next
week. ]
S. 8. T'—We are under many obligations
for the interc at you have manifested in our
Mrs M.G. B.—You lines were received
tool te for this week's paper. They will
appear in our next.
Battle-Axre—We were not born lo be
frightened by * threats or intimidated by
words. So fire at some other mark.
Jacob—We won't.
trol the Press— they are ready for anything,
no difference how mean or contemptible,
J. W. H—What we said was correct- -
you can rely ujon it.
ee — eee
{I= 1f President Lincoln wishes to exer-
cise a direct control of the army of the Po-
ly represent the interests of free white men
tomac, perhaps he nid better go and take
command of 1t bimseif.—~ Prentice,
Go to those whe con- |
blackest despotism in Europe, is preferable |
Democrats Organ ze.
The Democrats should at once arouse
themselves to the importance of the cam-
paign on which we are about to enter in
Pennsylvania, and prepare for the contest |
on the result of which will largely depend
the salvation of Constitutional Government
in these States. Let the old Keystone rank |
herself alongside of New York, New Ji rl
sey, Indian, and Ulinois by the electi n
of the Democratic State ticket in October
next, and all may be well with us again:
the Constitution vindicated, Despotism re-
buked, War terminated, all tne States mn
the Union, the people sceure in the enjoy,
ment of their rights, and prosperity peiva-
ding all our borders, These are the aims of
the Democracy.
The Abolition Republicans are very busy
in some parts of this and other States with
their ¢L. L.'s --U. L.s” and B. B.’s”’ ana
the ruinous, destructive,
however, their efforts must be in vain. Th
the evils which it could have avoided, it ha
recklessly prepretrated. The
mourns and suffers under its
ble ruin.
We trust the Democraay will be up an
doing. Democrats cverywhere—all me
who wish well to their country and truly
devoted to the Constitution and the rights
which are guaranteed to the States and the
people---should organize and prepare them-
selves to meet and thwart the Abolition dis
unionists at every point, and in all their
partizan, sectional and despotic movements.
Democrats, and all true constitutional
men, should know each other, they should
have an organization: in every district, their
club or association, by whatever name
known, s'.ould meet not too frequently, but
as often as the general convenience will ad-
mit, at these meetings, subjects of interest
to the people can be talked over and dis-
cussed ; set speeches, or speakers from a
distance, are not necessary ; the safety of
the people, the ccuntry, and the Cause of
Free Government, now, rests not *o much
ling patriotism of the honest masses. |
many counties in this State, and particu
arly in Westmoreland, Washington an
Fayette, the friends and advocates of
The last number of the Genius of Liberty
gives the proceedings of no less than seven,
meetsn3s recently held in Fayette, all con-
ducted by the farmers, mechanics, and lab-
oring men of the districts, and the voice
which thay utter is in checring harmony
with the doctrines and spirit of the freemen
of ‘87 and ‘98.
In conclusion, we again say : Democrats,
ORGANIZE, and let your mo‘to be —The
Constitution, the Union, the rights of the
States, and the Constitutional yights of ALL
wittte MEN. — The West Chester Jeffersoran.
caooe— —
What the President's Proclamation has
Tt has divided the North.
It has created discontent among the sol-
dirrs of the Union army.
It has raised the premium on gold to over
170, per cent.
It has strengthened the Southern Confed--
eracy by proving tothe loyal people of the
South that tLis is a war not for the Union,
but for Emancipation.
It has placed two of the Western States
in an attitude of determined hostility to the
It has rendered foreign powers still more
unfriendly to the Union.
It bss falsified the pledges given by the
President, that the institution of slavery
should not te interfered with, on the ground
that he, the President, had no
thority in the matter.
It has reduced the Constitution toa
lity by a direct violatin of its p.ovision
regarding slavery.
It has put a premium of twenty per cen
upon the lowest coin in the coun
It has made the Administration con'em
the very fact that it is inoperative.
Abolitionists can be induced to fight.
It has established the precedent tha
on the plea of ‘‘military exigencies”
It has
public servants at Washington are determin
ed to act’ in defiance o their clearly ex
pressed desires.
It has established the fact that the abeli
liberties of the white man.
Union has resulted from its promulgation
But there is one thing more it has done
tion or draft utterly inoperative, no mat
ter what may be the action of Con
gress. — Metropolitan Record.
ing at IJ. Ward’s Store,
The Two Kinds of Union,
of another element.
political economy ?
Natural philesophy recognized two kinds
of Union, mechanical nd chemical —a union
by force. and a unien by asfinity.
firstis artificial, and muy endure as long
as the mechanical force continucs, provil-
ed a chemical action does not set in, but no
longer ; the other is natural, and can
broken only by violence, or by the presence
If dissolved by anoth-
er element, reuzion is hopeless unless the
element be removed: if broken by violence,
we have only to place the parts (r+ periicles
80 that the natural laws can operate upon
them, and they will as readily cohere as
they did at the foundation of the first un-
Fromsthis illustration, furnished by nat -r
al philosophy, can we not learn a lesson in
A union by a mechan-
are openly secretly at work in support of
al, depreciating, :ax-paying, negro policy
of the party in power. We feel confident,
Lincoln Administration, in all its phases,
has proved itself a curse fo the country and
the people. The good that it might and
ought to have done, it would not do. and
terrible blun-
ders ard failures in War and Finance, and
the desire of all good citizens should be to
save the country from total and irremedia-
ical force, which may even dissolve by
chemical action, is a perfect illustration of a
despotism, which may crumble to pieces
because of its inconginous elements, and
which naturally and inevitably falls apart
as the coercive force is suffl:iently weaken-
ed. ’
A union by chemical force aptly illus.
trates a pure democracy, in which the
strength of the union depends upon the ex-
isting mutual affinity, and the dissolution
of which can never take place except
through some positive violence or inter-
ference with gghe operations of natural
The Union of the free and sovercign
Sta‘es of America was form-d by mutaal
attraction. Selfe-delense and commercial
advantage were the incentives to the Union
them inoperative.
and brotherly love was the cement.
present administration has destroyed the
cement of brotherly love: by pouring upon
it the acid of Puritan-abolitionism,
States hve fallen apart, and the vile pres-
ence of this dissolving element has removed
the incentives to Union—-self-defense
eommercial advantage —or, a least rendered
Now the administration
is foolishly trying to restore the Union by
pouring on more acid and using force,
were possible to succeed in this it would
require a tremendous and constant pressure
to keep the antagonistic elements together,
while there would be the ever present dan-
ger, sooner or later to
of a terrible explosion.
the -
result in calamity,
Now, does not common sense, as well as
in speeches for educated and el quent ora-
tors, as in the gnod common sense and ster-
constitutional rights of white men appear
to be alive to the demands of the hour. —
science, teach us that there can be no Union
as long as the acid of Puritan-abolitionism
aud war 18 used in the place of brotherly
tove 7 Remove the offensive element, and
the original incentives, self-defense and
commercial advantage, will again operate,
a8 of old, to reform the Union, and broth-
erly love will again cement it more firmly
than before.— Caucasian.
148 Regt. P. V.
ewe. —
07 President Lincoln has
many men into cocked bats, and too few out
of ‘them.— Prentice.
eo —
We had the pleasure of taking by
hand Ajdt Lipton and Lieut. Biyard cf
Our friend Lip on we
sorry looks eensiderally the worse of
Runaknd too
§=7 Considering that gold is specifi ally
very heavy, it has certamly gone up very
high.— Prentice.
We have the pleasure of inform-
ing you that we are now prepared to
offer, at our Old Stand Nos. 103, 105 & 107 North
A well selected Stock of
in every variety of the /utest 1mportations. and
of the newest and most fashionable styles
will comprise every variety of Bonnets, Hats &
Trimmings to be found in that line, of the latest
and most approved shapes and styles
an early call. I remain
Yours. Respectfully,
lawful an-
ptible in the eyes of all sensible men, by
It has rendered the organization of an-
other army utterly impossible unless the
supreme law of the land can be suspend-
it has proved the Administration to have
been guilty of the most cruel deeeption 1n
enlisting men to fight for the Union, and in
sacrificing them to the Emancipation thco-
rendered useless the immense
amount of treasure and the seas of blood
othat have flowed since the war began.
It has proved to the people that i AUDITOR'S NOTICE.
tion of slavery is of more consequence in the
eyes of ‘‘our rulers,” than the interests and
And while it has done all this® we defy
even its most strenuous advocates to prove
that a single bsncfit to the cause of the
winistration to render all laws for conscrip-
77 Millinery & Straw Goods now ope -
BY X -
Letters cf Administration having
been granted to the subscriber on the estate of
Jno, Merritts dec’dlate of Howard towaship. He
roquosts all persons knowing themselves indsbt-
ed to said estate to make immediate payment,
and those having claims to present them, daly
authenticated by law for settlement.
Murch 5th 1863,+-6t EPHRAIN GLENN.
‘I'he undersigned, an Auditor ap-
- | pointed by the Orphan’s Court of Centre county
to make distribution of the balance in the hands
of the Administrator of the Estate of John
Scholl, dec'd, will attend to the duties of his ap-
ointment on Wednesday. the 25th day of oh.
863, at his office, in Bellefonte.
The undersigned, an Auditor ap-
pointed by the Orphan’s Court of Centre county,
to make distribution of the balance in the hands
of the Administrator of the Estate of Margery
+ | Warnock, dec’d, will attend to the duties of his
, Sppoinment on Thursday, the 26th day of March,
i : , at his office, in Bellefonte, when and where
and which should not be omitted. It has| persons interested may attend,
so far estranged the people from the Ad- EVAN M. BLANCHARD, Auditor.
Mareh 8, 1863—06t,
Will be exposed to pu'lie sale
at the sale of Daniel Shank’s, on the 23 day of
March, 1563, one Black Stallion of the Hiokor
breed, seven years oll, also one twist cut Rifle al-
most new. Sold ae the property of John Merritts
deceased. EPHRIAM GLENN.
Howard march 13 1863.---3t. Administrator.