Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 13, 1863, Image 2

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P. GRAY MEEK, ; Editor.
Friday Morning, March 13, 1863.
The Design.
Who would Lave though!, any time pre-
vious to the 4th of March, 1859, that the
United States of America, in the short space
of four years, could be plunged into & civil
war—more than one-half of thera invading
the territories of the balance, subverting
their social and political rights— devastating
their country— destroying their property,
and killing their people in & vain, useless,
idiotic, snd wicked attempt to destroy, what
puritanical fanaticism has denominated the
sum of all villainiea” —¢ Slavery ¥° Who
would Lave thought for a mowent, in the
year 1850, that the religious and political
zeal of he dammable spirit of puritanism,
would have been permitted to carry itself
so far as to putin execution the dogmss of a
platfoem, the very tenets of which were and
are in cpen and flagrant violation of the
Cons itution of the United States, and im-
mediately upon tuking possession of the
reins of government, beallowed to inaugu-
rate a civil war —a war not only between
brothers, but between States. sovercign snd
independent, except 60 far ag those powers
which were delegated to the general Govern-
ment for specific purposes were concerned,
During the war of the Revolution, the
States, which were hen sovereign, stood
sije by side to secure a release from the
thraldom of Br tish tyranny ; but afterward
in the war of 1812, the frmt of bigoted pu-
ritanism brgan to show itecll in the rhape
of Hartford Blue Law gather-
ings. * Blue-Light” parties, and in variou
other ways, calculated © alienate the States
of New E-gland from the remaining ones,
(we wish, from the very bottom of our
heart, that they had gone then), and to
bring abu? a dissolution of the, then, Ur.
ion of States. As a people, they were 10t,
however, at that time, fully prepared to ac-
complish ther purpose, but, being shrewd
and villzinous. (generally, we mean.) they
concluded to profit by their experience in
their first atggpmpt at dis-olulion, and con-
6 quen:ly began to prepare the mind. of the
masses of the peaple of other States to re-
ceive ther doctrine. Llhw well their trick
ery, impudence, bigrtry and puritanical fa-
naticism succeeded, the present tells to the
sorrow of many. They schooled the people
of the m'ddle and western States to their
« free Niggerism,” and taught them to be-
lieve in their centralization and monarchical
system of government and then presented
for their support the poor old thing, that,
unluckily, wes placed in the Executive
chair, by the votes of these deluded people.
That he, the pile of dried-up bones, whose
term of exitenge, politically, will, we hope,
gon expre, has capaci'y «mough to
justify any one in calling him, personally,
to account for what he does, is more than
we like to assert ; but that he deserves a
good share of the bl une for the present con-
dition of our country, none will deny, for
there he sits, clothed in all the ugliness of
physical and moral deformi y that humanity
is capable of possessing, legally the lead
and chief executive of a Constitution (ram-
¢d by the wisest statesmen and most geuer-
cus patriots the world ever saw, and instead
of prescrying. protecting and defending it
and carrying out its plsin provisisns, he is
simply putting into execution the deetrines
of the last will and testament of puritanical
Abolitionivz, as made by a Conver:ion in
Chicago, in 1860.
Twist and turn the question that R-pub-
licanism and Abolitionism is not onc and the
same thing, as you may; use all the trath
you cau. all the falsehood, all the sophistry
the question is capable of hearing, aud still
the sae great fact, that the present admin-
istration supported hy what is called the
Republican, as well 25 this same New Eng
laud -Purttan-Abolition party. is using the
powers of the G vernment (or the sole pur-
pose of ab lishing s'avery, stands out {ull
defiant and undeniable, and every entelli-
gent wan feels and knows that this is £0.
This being, thea, che odject of the admin-
istration, will you, People of Penusylvanis,
stand idly by and see the Constitution woun-
ded in its most vita! part- the rights of the
States and their citizens vialated m the
most fieinous manner—your property taken
from you in the shape of taxes—your fath-
ers, your brothers ani sons driven, at the
point of. the bayonet, to the field of s'angh-
ter 2 We ask, will you sce all this done fos
the purpose elone of frecing the “slave’ and
destroying the just and natural condition
of society iu the South ? We trust wot—
but, on the cortrary, hope (hat you wil! vise
ia your sovereignty as citizens of a great
State, and command that peace Le restored
on some tecws. Puntanieal New England
may growl st not being able to succeed in
her devilish designs, and refuse to eompro-
mise with tie people of the South; but let
her growl and let her refuse——sghe can go to
the devil, where she nightly belongs, if she
wats to.
17" Whoever bas been able to steal 3300
from the government or people is cxemted
from the operation of the conscript act.
How do the honest poor kre the discrim-
07" Lincoln cannot be 2 fion auless the
people are willing to become sheep.
¥e7 Tyrants are the offspeing of coward-
icc in he people. :
Where Are We 1 Ard Whither Tendirg
Two years ago on the 4th day of this
month, occurred ia (k= history of ouc coun-
try, two concurrent ucts which, together,
formed an epoch that future histcrians will
record as the begianjng of the era of the
downfall of American liberty. The inaugu-
ration of Abraham Lincoln as President of
the United S'ates, on the 4th day of March.
A.D, 1861, and concurrent with it, the
Civil War, which, if not the grandest. is the
most gigantic and most bloody the world
has ever seen, have formed an event in the
history of thie country from which will date
the gradual decay of this ouce mighty fabric
of Republican government, reared upon this
continent ag the second experiment of the
power of the people to r le. For two years
since the occurrence of these twe events,
we, as 8 people, have been living amidst ex-
citement, and have been hutried along from
one event to another, in rapid succession. —
Madness has held sway over the minds of
the people while they have been driven
along in such hurried confusion by the
sworn keepers of our liberties, until at last
we way well stop and irquire, Where are
we, and whither are we tending! Where
are we to-day who but (wo short year ago,
were the boasted pride of the world ?—
Where are those boasted liberties which we
claimed ss the inalienable birth-right of
American citinsng 2 Where ig thet fresdom
of speech and of the press which we have
50 long claimed and exercised ag privileges
gusranteed to us by the Constitution hand-
ed down to us by our aucestors. Where ie
that great safe-gunard of every man's lil er-
ty, the Hukeas Corpus? Where is the right
of trial by jury ? whera is the guarantee
that every man shall be secure in his person
and effecte from unreasonable searches and
gvizures ? where are any of thos. privileges
snd immunities that haye placed us as a
people, so much aLove the suljects of the
| despotisms of Europe? Alas! a civil and
internccine war has so lowe-el our pride
that we ean no lounger boast of a govern-
| ment in which ail wen are 8 vereigns, We
{ can no longer. when abroad, command re-
| spect by virtue of the name of ** American
Citizen,” and we zan no longer hold the
crowned hoads of Europe in-awe at our
mighty power «8 a combined and a happy
people. The greatest fear of {rembling
monarchies has been, for years, that this
Government as the second experiment of
Republican Government would be a success
ard that thereny their people would be
tauglit a lvgson that would soon.r or later
wrench from the bands of unwilling dis-
pots the sceptre of pow rand place it where
the God of Nature intended it should
be, in the hands of the people. Down-
trodden and unwilling subjects who have
been panting under the heavy yoke of tyr-
anny for ages, have gazed upon us as the
problem that was to eolve the question
whether they should be slaves to the end of
“time, or freemen ; and on each occasion as
the lash of despotism fell more heavily, a
prayer was uttered for this far-off land of
liberty. But how is it now ? ‘fhe land of
the free, once united, mighty and majestic,
isrent in twain discordant ard bdligerent.
The monarch who feared its anger, now
dares to insult it, and the oppre sed subject
whose hopes of freedom were centered in it,
stands aghast as hie witnesses the destruc-
tion of his brightest hopes and concludes
that for him there is no ssivation but in
submeigsion, and resolves to wear his chains
with the best possible grace.
uame and prestige has fallen, but what
more deeply concerns us is that we no lon-
ger enjoy the priv.lrges which are our birth-
right as American citizens. That freedom
of speech and of the press which has al-
ways been our yrivilege and which more
than anything else distinguished ug from
the vassals of Europe, has been taken
away. The American citizen dare ne lon-
ger exercise freedom of speech in a caudid
expression of his views upon governmental
policy unless those views coincide with the
sentiments of the party jin power. [If he
does, a bastile stares him in the face, and
threats of mob violence are used to cow
lum into si'ence. A public discussion of
the acts of our public servants through the
newspaper press must be confined to com-
wendation, and should an cditor be bold
enough to censure one or express his honest
views in relation to National affairs, he is at
thie mercy of an Abolition wob, or of some
besot‘ed Provost Marshal, who in the dead
of night may eater his home snd drag him
to the cells of a prison. Then, woe betide
him ! for there is none to deliver. The priv-
ilege of the writ of JIdeas Corpus. which
even the subjects of Kings enjoy, is taker
from him. The right of knowing the nature
of the ofience for which hie has been arvest-
ed, of facing his accuser, of trial by jury,
—ail are denied him and he must suff'r for
monchs, it may be. for years, in a loathsome
cell without having committea a single of-
fence known to the laws. The denial of the
privilege of the writof Habeas Co pus cost
one king his crown and another his head. —
Yet in a land of freedom, where the people
are the sovercigns and those who administer
the government but the servants, the secv-
ants dare do tha: for which a king paid the
forfeit with his life. 4 Republican Congress
hag given the President full power to sus-
pend the writ of Habeas Corpus inesil cages
wherever and whenever he shall see proper,
and he assumes (0 exereige it, thus srroga”
ting to himself despotic power, Every
man's life, liberty and preperty are at hie
mercy, and of these he is in nowise saving.
ife and his party have brought upon us a
war, bloody, terrible, and he has himself
styled tt * unnecessary,” during the progress
of which £00 060 lives have already been
sacrificed at his mercy-seat.(!f Yet he cries
for more, and iu obedience to his call a con-
gress of his partigans pars the conscript bill
giving him all our citizens betweea the ages
of twenty and forty-five. These he willcall
upon as fast as those who go bifure are dis-
posed of, which, at the pre.eatrate, will not
require long. . [a addtion to all this, Glue
ruin staves us in the (ace from every quar-
ter. Delt, taxation and starvation for the
Abroad cur |.
poor, not only for this gencration, but for
all time to come. A debt soiagge that we
can soxroely pay the interest, Lag alrcaly
been contracted, and. sill increases at
rate of F2 000 000 per day. Is it not high
time that we stop in our mad carcer and in-
quire where are we, and whither tending ¥-
" @reeley’s Negro Insurection.
The Albany 4rgus publishes Greeley's
announcement of an anticipated nergro in-
surrection in South Carolina, plotted by
General [lunter, and remarks: [tis the
first bold announcement of the bloody pol-
iey of a servile insurrection, deliberately
planned, incited and aided by ¢ white
men and regular troops,” and the Tribune
hugs it to its heart with a develish satisfac-
There is no possibility of a misunderstan.
ding the meaning of the *‘atartling anmoun.
cement.” We have been told that under
the sweeping conrcription of the Confeder-
ate Government, all men able to bear arms
are with the army, and that none are left
at home but the fesbleand the aged, women
snd children. and the negroes upon whose
labor they subsist. This negro raid, led
by whites and backed by regular troops, is
to be made into a department “most densely
populated” by feeble women, aged and sick-
ly men, an’ young children.—* Preperation
and defence are alike impessib'e,’’ and they
direct it to begiven up to the savage rage
and bratal passions of she negroes and their
white leaders!
This is the feast over which the Tribune
gloats! Wil its editors listen at midnight
for the fancied shrieks of violated women—
the wailings of mangled children—the
grotns of tortured and powerless men—and
then sleep peacefully in thar beds? De
they hold out the picture of this negro in-
surreetion, in a defenceless district, to re-
conci'e the men of the North tothe Con.
scription law that calls them into the field
to share in similar scenes? Or i3it their
design to madden the public mind and has-
ton the day of retribution,
The world will shudder at this exhibition
of flendish malignity, whatever the mative
that prompts its display; and unhappily,
it is against the government, for which the
TrisUNE is supposed to speak, that its indig-
nation will be directed,
How he Acted.
7 B: fore the'wires were done trembling
that bore us the news of the fall of Fort
Sumpter, our name was enrolled; @nce
which time we have acted not played sol-
dicr.- Central Press.
George, who wrote that article for youf
We wouldn't pay him unless he would tell a
lie that some person would believe.
You acrten! Yes, “ou have acted all your
life. You acted Democratic office-gecker un-
til that party got tired of you and kicked
you out, and then, weak and pusillanimous
as you are, you were a determined actor in
bringing about this hellish war. When that
was accow; lished you acted the part of a
coward. Fearing to take a musket and meet
men better and braver than you. you staid
at home calling Democrats * traitors”
trying to incite mobs against your mei
until the people
drew their patrounge
sity compelled you to act, and then did you
act as a soldier # No, but as a poor, stink.
ing, cowardly curse, whose belly was his
paradise and whose God, his dollar, You,
acted then as an ‘‘office-seeker'”’; succeed-
ing, you have acted since behind a guarter-
master's counter, feeding your own friends,
on rotten beet and wusty crakers, and of.
ten not giving them even that. You have
acted along with the rest of he government
robbers and public thieves, nd we suppose
you will continue to ast as 1 as there is
a penny to be plundered or a soldier to be
robbed. If you deserve any honor fur such
action, we suppose that the people are will
ing that you should enjoy it.
As for calling us “ copperhead™’, you can
do so tc your hecarl’s content. It troubles
us not ; we are thank{ul that we are one,
and sorry only that our ‘fangs’ are net
deeper and deadlier that we might pierae to
the heart the bloated, blackened carcass of
Abolitionism- sorry only that our ‘slimy
coils’’ are not stronger that we might crush
to death its guilty form, and thus save the
remnant of our broken, bleeding country.
17" Advises from Washington state that
Lincoln and his cabinet have determined to
declare martial law in Pencsylvania, and
prevent the clection of a Governor, if suffi-
cient democrats are not taken out of the
State by the Conscript act to make the elec-
tion af Curtin or some other abolitionist cer-
tain beyond peradventure. There 15 ne
doubt but this or some other similar scheme
will be resorted to by the old tyrant at
Washington to set aside the wishes of the
people and thus perpetuate the power which
abolitionists at first obtained by fraud and
corruption, Let the people be prepared for
any emergency for we are to have swrmy
times in the future.
ame disgusted and w
fromm you, when neces-
17" The members of the “Union Leagues"
throughout the County are being secretly
armed with Sharp's Rifles and Colt's revol.
vers, for the purpose of supporting Lincoln
as military Dictator when he throws off the
mask and openly declares hinself in that
character. :
47 An Aboliton merchant of this tcwn
publiiy boasted last week, that he would
pay his $300 and then assist in forcing poor
men to go and serve with niggers in the
army fur two years. Men of Ceatre, how
do you like that kind of patriotism ?
[7 Every one admits that John Brown
was justly hung for stirring up negro insur-
rections in 1859. Why should net Abe Lin-
coln receive the same punishment for the
same offence in 1863 7
7 It is the daty of every man to stand
up for his own rights, and wait not to in-
quire if his neighbor is going te de so or
not. If the people of the North remember
this, all will yet be well,
{For the Wat-hmsa 1
Right and Wrogg.
s the devastating civil war, now raging
ii , our once peaceful and happy coun-
' try, has been taused, (as is now universal.
| ly acknowledged) by the sgitation of the
slavery question, and as the present admin-
istration at Washingten, end its followers,
such as the Greeleys, Wilsons &c., being the
party in power, have vague, fanatical ideas
that 1t is because of the great sin of ** sla-
very’ continuing to exist that the * Re-
bellion’’ can not, or has not been ‘‘ crush-
ed” ; and in pursuance of these wild theo-
ties have induced henest (1) Abe to issue
his famous Abolition , or in smoother words
Emancipatioa proclamation — over-riding
the Constitution, and with a dash of the pen
declaring all the * slaves” in the South,
with a few exceptions, free. This is held to
.be right and justifiable as a * military ne-
Cessity,” or war measure to ¢ crush the Re-
bellion,” whereas, any sane man must See
that the * Rebellion® must first be stopped,
before that proclamation can be put in force;
and that unless said proclamation Le resin-
ded, our army will have to fight for its en-
furcement, and thus, emphatically, will be
fighting to abolish slavery, and not for the
restoration of the Union ; for how can an
army be fighting for the Constitutien and
Union, when they are fighting for the en-
forcement of a measuroutside of the Con-
stitution, and in direct violation of the same.
Does not the Constitution recognize and pro-
toct slavery 7 Refer to article 4.h, section
2nd, ** No person held to service or labor in
one State, under the laws thereof, escaping
into another, shall, ia consequence of any
law, or regulation therein, be discharged
from such labor or service ; but shall be de-
livered up, on claim of the party to whom
such labor or service may be due.” The
fugitive slave law is based on this clause of
the Constitution, and the Supreme Court of
the United States, the highest Tribunal
known to our Government has declared this
law Constitutional and that -* slaves” are
property. Here, then, the Constitution not
only recognizes ‘slavery’ but in plain
words declares to protect it. How then can
that government aad -Constitution, turn
round, and become the irstrument to de-
stroy the very thing it has declared to
protect ! But the fanatical party in power
believes in a * higher law’: than the Con-
stitution, and evsn the abolitionists of our
own county declare that they do not wish
to have the old Union” restored, under
the Constitution as it is, but the ** Union as
it should be under the Constitution without
the ‘slavery’ c suse.’’’ low can such a
party constantly carry ona war for the
Union! It maybe considered by them,
« disloyal’ to say 1t, but we hope 1t is not
unchristian, or ** disloyal’ to love our dear
old Consti:ution, and to speak and: write
freely in its defense, to condemn the acte of
those who wilfully violate it. Wo have liv-
ed under it far more than eighty vears, and
as a nation, have surpassed even {he most
sanguine expectations of its consiractors ;
then why should we now sbandon it, in
this the hour of our glom? Their answer
| would probably be that the framers of the
| Constitution never contemplated such a mon-
strous rebellion, or that it was not intended
for cases of Rebellion! Possible! why
then did not our fathers form a pair of Con-
stitutions, one for peace, and one for war
times ? and one, we might add, for cases of
rebellion 2 The truth of the matter is this.
This Union was formed for mutaai protec-
tion and benefit, by mutual concessson and
compromise ; the bonds which have held it
80 firmly together from the beginning, were
not those of military force, but the stronger
ones of love and fellowship, a union of the
hearts—the will of the people. Reter to the
farewe;l address of the founder of our coun.
try, and see what he says. Ho waras bis
countrymen most solemnly to beware of
Geographical, Sectional parties. And again
hear Millard Fillemore in his famous speech
delivered at Albany, in 1856, immediately
after the orgamzaticn of the Republican
pa:ty. and before it had become totally ab-
olitionizea ; he spoke as folllows : —
« We see a political party preseating can-
didates for the presidency and vice-presi-
dency, selected fur the firat time from the
free states alone, with the avowed purpose
of electing these candidates by suffrages of
one path of the Union only, to rule over the
whole United States. Can it be possible
that those who are engaged in suck a meas-
ure cau have sericusly reflected upon the
consequences which must inevitably follow
in cage of success? Can they have the
madness or the folly to beiieve that eur
Southern brethren would submit to be gov-
erned by ruch a Chicf Magistrate 2 * * *
¢ Suppose that the South, having a majority
of the electoral roles, should declare that
they would ouly have slave-holders for
President and Vice President, and should
elect such by their exclusive suffrages to
rule over us at the North; do you think we
would submit to it? No; not for a mo-
ment. And do you believe that your South-
ern brethren are less sensitive on this sub-
jeet than you are, or less jealous of their
rights? If you do, let me tell you that you
are mistaken. And therefore you must see,
that if this sectional party succeeds, it
leads inevitably to the destruction of this
beautifull fabric, reared by our forefathers,
cemented by their blood, and bequeathed to
ur as a priceless inheritance.
Let the reflecting mind answer. Has this
not been too truly realized? What was the
war-cry of that party, ** No farther cxten-
tion of slavery,” and what is it now, ‘* abol-
ishment of slavery,” and yet they would
have us blindly follow in tha tracks of the
administration and sanction all this. Great
God, what has free America come to!
+* East Exp."
ee al BO
T7 We fear that the worst days for our
country are yet to come. Muy God, in his
infinite mercy, avert the fearful storm of rev-
olution and anarchy that seems to be im’
pending over us.
i A — 2
[77 The sword viciorous and idolized, is
apt to wra to a sceptre.
Out of ther own Mouths shall They bs
1t may be well questioned whether thore is to-
day a majority of the legally qualified voters of
any State, except, perhaps, South Carolinia, in
favor of disunion,—(Precidont Lincoln ,March
Ach 1861.
Granted that what Mr, Litcoln said was
true at the time, it is evident that the case
is different mow. The pertinent question
then is, what Aas caused the changes If the
southern people are more united to-day in
faver of disunion than they were when Mr,
Lincoln went into office. who is responsible
thersfor? When the war was first com-
menced we were told by the Abolition jour-
nals that there was a strong Union fesling
in all the Southern States, and that it only
needed a “liberating army’ to go down
there to assure protection to the Union men,
snd sll would be well. For the first six
months or a year of the war our troops
searched in vain for this “Union feeling.”
Its existence had been swept away by the
assumption in our party that we had a
right to rule these men—to cource them--
to make war upon them, Never did Sena.
tor Douglas utter truer words than when he
declared that * War is disunion,”” and haa it
nut so turned out? Why, the Abolition
journals and speakers no longer pretend
that there is any Unicn feeling at the South
They say that the hatred of the Southern
people is, “deep-seated and abiding,” that
they must be conquered, subjugated ; that
the Union must be destroyed, and a con-
golidated despotism take its piace. They
do talk of a Union, it is true, but it is a
mere unity of the territory, of the land, with
the citizens bound in chains and slavery
with a sianding army to cat out the sub:
stance of the peopls, with tix-gatherers
more numerous than the locusts of Fgypt
and a grand and mighty despotism overshad
owing all, in which the human mind shall
be denied its heavenboin féedom of thought
and expression. A Dead Sea calm, where
life, animation and progress shell be swai-
lowed up by the remorssless demands
of some ignorant and capricious tyrant, —
This is the Union the Abolitionists talk
But where is the Union our fathers mad:
~the Constitutional Union! Alas!itis
gone, and none proclaim it louder than
Greeloy, Stevens, Sumner, Conway, Invejoy
Wade, Chandler, &:.. the very men who
pretended that they undertook this war to
restore it, ~ Tey never intended to restore
it. They hate the Union of white wen, aa
our fathers made it. They mean to have
in place of the Union a consolidited oligar-
chy—in which *‘ the rich men’ are to be"
the rulers —and the citizins, or rather sub -
jects are to be white men, mulatoes, negroes
&e. With the white race debauched with
negro equality, there will follow, cf course,
clases, castes, &:., and hence very naturally,
the next thing will be a legal aristocracy. —
The men wlio grow rich on the civil wars of
England. on the calamities of the people,
wore the founders of the present aristocracy
that now rules that island. The <“gshodyl”
contractors and ** greenback ” patriots now
aspire to the same position here. But they
will fail, The people wil! never consent to
bo made the equals of negroes.
Slowly, but surely, the people are begin.
ning to see that ¢ war is disunion.” Mr,
Lincoln's own words prove it. On tho 4th
of July, 1861, he said that he did not belicve
that any Southern State, except perhaps,
South Carotina. desired disunion. Can he
say that now ? If not, is he not responsible
for the change ? If he had been a states.
man he would not have made matters worse
than they were. But he has. [le has in-
tensified the hate of the Southern people. —
He united them in a solid phalanx against
the Administration, and why ? Simply be-
cause he repudiated and trampled upon the
Constitution and now demands them to give
up their very social existence and amalgam.
ate with their own negroes! And yet some
people still call this ** restoring the Union !’
Ye gods, has reason fled to brutish beasts 7"
eet eet. +
07 That the Abolitionists have determin-
ed to inaugurate a revolution in the North,
oan no longer be doubted. The last week
has been full of events in tkat direction, and
not among the least is the following : —
They-dispersed a Democratic State Con-
vention in Kentucky by military force ;
They broke up the lilinois Legislature be-
cause a majority of the members are Demo-
crats and designed legislation distasteful to
them ;
They broke up the Indiana Legislature for
the same reason ;
They threaten to brake up a National
Convention of ex stale prisoners, in New
York, to be held to-day ;
They talk of dispersing the meeting of
Democratic members of Congress to be held
in New York on Friday or Sa'urday next.
They have partially ceased arresting indi:
viduals and them in prisons be-
yond the State, but now bring their arbi tra-
vy and uniawful powers to bear on meetings
and Legislatures. Such proceedings can
tend to nothing else but revolution. Free
American citizens would be less than men if
they submitted peaceably to such outrages.
It will be well for people to note now, so
that they may be able to place the responsi-
bility on the right shoulders hereafter, that
it is not the Democrats who are inaugurating
these revolutionary proceedings. If retalia-.
tion and resistence follows a goading Cespot-
ism will be the cause of it.—Lebanon Ad-
risburg, will hereafter be delivered in this
place by newsboys, on the same day on
which it is published, The Patriot §& Union
is one of the soundest Democratic papers in
the State, and we hope to’ see it attain a
wide circulation.
I7= Somebddy said the other day that a
stick thrown at a dog, in front of Williard’s
hotel, in Washington, hit five Brigadier-
de —
77 No news frem the Army.
17 The Daily Patriot & Union, of Uar-
The Forbra Condition of Our Armies.
§0 £ SER
We #aid some time ago that the members
of the C#binet were on their knees praying
for a foreign interven'ion. This was the
only refuge open for their cmbecility and
despair. They can not conduct the coun-
try farther in the war; and they can not
make peace.
Does Mr. Seward’'s reply to France
disprove this? No. France proposes that
missioners, with a view to terms of settle-
ment, on the basis of reunion, or else of sep-
eration —the war going on, in the mean-
time, a8 now"
Mr. Seward says no to this. Does he not
more than suspect that France will take his
denial as a provocation to recognize the
South? [las he not reasin to believe that
European powers may combine to intervene.
in a State of affiirs which presents no actu-
ality of war, except its evils, and shuts off
all terms of peace ?
This war. which is so afllictive to foreign
nations, is at this moment a mere nullity. —
Ogr armies do not advance. Our expedi-
tions every where fail. The most woful
disaster in arms, which ever befel a great
nation —the repulse at Fredericksburg—was
made the subject of congratulation by the
President, in & military order But since
then,. the army has besn unible to advance,
the General hag resigned. his forces are divi-
ded, and the campaign abandoned.
The expeditions against Texas against
Port Hudson, sgainst Charleston, and
against Savannah, have failed ; and the de-
monstration upon Vicksburg, is thus far as
ineffectual and unpremising. The blockade
which is suffisiently stringent to embarrass
the issue of bulky cargoes of cotton, is not
enough so to prevent the ingress of arma-
mont and warlike stores. The pretty navy.
of .he South is audacious and successful ir
the highest degree.
Is not this a spectacle to invite rath-
er than repel invasion?
And de no: the Administration count upon
its effect ?— Argus and Atlas, Albany N. Y
Greely on Murdering Women and Chil-
The people of New York city, prowerbi-
ally callous to horrors, were stariled last
Saturday morning by the ocold-blooded an-
nouncement in the New York Tribune that
Gen. Aunter had organized a force of 5 000
negroes, led by white men, to fall suddenly
upon some undefended ard unprotected dis-
trizt in South Carolina and excite “a ser-
vile insurrection’ —that was the term. The
editor of the Tribune gloated over it with
great gusto, endorsing the report in a d ub-
le leaded editorial, and placing it on its bul-
letin with large hands pointing to the an-
nouncement. Some people stared at it in
amazement, while others wrote underneath
it coarse and vulgar langusge. Still we re-
cord it to the shame and disgrace of New
York city that that infaecous article remain
ed posted up on Greeley's bulletin all day!
Everybody knows, Grecley as well as any
one, that ** a servile insurrection” —negroes
led by: whites 3 simply a butchery of wo-
men and children. Babes are slaughtered
in their cradles, women outraged and all
the horrible atrocitics committed of which
the imagination can conceive. We all know
what civilized warfare is, but this rec
ommended by Greeley is the war of savages.
It is the same warfare that the Indians ef
Minnesota visited upon the defenceless wo-
men ard children of that State [tis the mas-
sacre of Wyoming, which yet sands a =hnd-
der to every Americrn fireside. It is the
slaughter of Fort Mimms, where nat a soul
escaped from the stockade to tell the tale of
blood. This article places Ilorace Greeley
outsiae the pale of civilization, Ie is hence-
forth an outlaw. Of course the expedition
he spoke of will amount to nothing. If Gen.
Hunter had 5,000 negroes, as he has not,
and if they went, as he discrnibes, they would
be either remorsely slaughtered or captured
and sent to the auction block. But the in-
famy of the desigu is none the less positive.
Fanatical devotion to niggerism transforms
men into monsters, and Greeley is no lun-
ger a man, with the feelings and instincts
belonging to the white race, but a savage
with all the hate and ferocity of a Csmanche
or a Sepoy.—Caucasion.
or RevoLutoN,—The Republican or aboli-
tion members of the [ndisna Legislature
have abandoned their scats and again bro-
ken up the Legislative branch of the Gov-
ernment. They resolve that no further
legislation shall take place, and thus inauag-
urate, by their violence, a revolution in that
State, the cxtent of whichwo one can see
or predict.
From the first the Republicans have shown
themselves adepts in disorder—nothing else.
Instead of putting down the Southern rebel-
lion, they have spread revolutionary com-
motions wherever they go. They are whol-
ly incompetent to govern, and competent on-
ly to scatter, confuse and proluce anarchy.
Fanatical in mind and lawless in acts, they
spread dragon's teeth broad cast in their
fiery train. The white men—the Indian—
the poor negro slave, all feel the woes of
their false philanthropy, their false patriot-
ism flowing from their lips pollated with
crime, ignorance and brutality, — Crisis.
Linerat CoxstructioN.—Old Abe is in
danger of losing a good portion of his army,
as he neglected in his proclamaton to make
the qualification of freedom in favor only of
the black slaves. We heard a soldier ask-
ed the other why he had come home at this
time ?. He replied by saying that as old
Abe ha] issued a proclamation freeing all
the slaves, he felt entitled to its benefits,
aud in constquence started fur home where
he meant to stay. This fellow gives the
proclamation a very lideral construction. ! —
Selinsgrove Times.
027 Two Republican newspapers in [lli-
nois, one in Edgar and the fother in Coles
county, have recently repndiated that party
and joined the Democracy.
North acd South shall confer, through Com- |
rr —— ta
Pardoning Rioters.
The Danville Intelligencer and Sunbury
Democrat censures Governor Curtin scvere-
ly for pardoning the rioters recently con
victed for grossly malircating an old man
named Eyer last summer in “olumbia coun-
ty: Aftel a fair tral the jury found the de-
fendets guilty, and the Court
theta to a fine of $50 and ihe The
political friends of the parties sho it ap-
pears were ravh SUolidonis's —inade an ex-
parle stateracnt of the cose to the Govern-
or, who the Bicomsburg Redublican exult-
ingly says, “at once made out and sent
back an unconditional pardon.” (ld man
Eyer was a Democrat, :
Upon these facts the Sunbury Democrat
exclaims : |
* Can this be possible! Is Governor
Curtin the guardian & protector of riots and
mobs in Pennsylvania ? Every newspaper
in the State ought to publish” the outrace
and if Governor Curtin is thus going to in-
terfere and defeat the ends of justice, and
destroy personal security. then there is no
means left but for every Democrat to defend
himself when thus assailed. Curtin’s term
of office expires next fall, and he will be the
last of his kind.”
The Danville Intelligencer remarks:
‘Such is Republican justice. Law and
order vindicated by the courts, but the Gov-
ernor defies them —the people desire peace
and quiet—the Governor hoots at the idea—
the culprits are found guilty ofa breach of
the law, and fined—the Governor makes the
people foot the bill. Is it any wonder that
the country 13 in « state of anarchy and civ-
il war, when justice, law and order are set
at defiance.
07" The latest and blackest plot invented
by the Abolition party to betray and deceive
the people, 1s.the publication of resolutions
said to have been adopted by volunteers, in-
dignantly cond-mning and spurning the
people of the'r respective States who are
moving for peace. We do nut beleive that
there are one thuu<and privates in the fel-
eral and confederate armies combined who
desire a prolongation of the present bloody
war, or who wo'd not rejoice to hear jeaco
declared, and gladly throw off the knap
sack and lay down the musket to resume
their peaceful occupations as industrious
citizens. Woe believe the fizhting material
of both armies to be in favor of and eager
for an honorable and specdy adjustment of
all difficulties between the two scectiong
but the lace and ribbon offizers who are al-
ways indisposed wheu a battle is to be
fought and whose principal delight and ser-
vice consists in drawing greenbucks. drink-
ing brandy, and being out on furloughs,
they are clamering for war, and they are the
authors of the resolutions which our vile
Abolition contemporaries are flaunting in
the faces of the people. We want to s e :he
original with the signatures of ‘the boys’
attached to it, 01 hear their tongues endor.
sing the sentunents th-rcin, contained, er
we can believe that they scorn and |
the men who are laboring for the peace of
the nation, the li e of the so'dier and the
happiness and comt.rt of his family --Lew-
wsburg Arzus.
from the 26th N. J, regiment, dated the 25th
ult., states that they were at Camp Fair-
view and had just been dcfeated in a snow-
ball contest with a Vermont regziment.—
About 1000 men were engaged —400 J-rsey-
men agsinst 600 Vermontcr:.
ing on the engagement, thi:
thrown out on both sides su: .
began with colos flying : i
ing Rory O'More. Colo: al
ly led bis men, ordering them to © charge,”
“cluse up ca masse,” &c., and for sim.
time the issue was doubtful, the air being
filled with the flying balls, and each sile
cheering lustily. The line of the 26:h at
last wavered, and though the reserves were
brought up they were of no avail. Colone]
Morrison and other officers were taken pris-
oners, an embankment in the rear of the 26th
was captured, and the balls prepared for the
defence were wsed against them, the colors
of the 26th were aiso tuken, and their head-
quarters seized by the victorious Vermont-
ers amid deafening cheers. The prisoners
were sfibsrquently released.
Before eucer-
shers were
WasniNgroN's Birtnpar Nort AND
Soutm.—Is 1t not a suggestive fact that the
rebels at Richmond and throughout the con-
federacy celebrated Washington’s birihday
with the same vim, vigour and splendor as
the people of the North ? Does not this
show that—all local prejudices put aside—"
the people of the Nor th and South still have
the same patriotism and the sime heart ?
Should not this teach us that if the leading
extremists of both sections—the leading reb-
els at the South and the abolitionists at the
North —were put down the masses ot both
divisons of our country would soon reunite
fraternally and eternally? Neither section
will give up Washington, the farther of ths
nation ; and if both would but follow his
advice, and ¢* make the mutual coccessions
which are requisite to the general prosper-
itv,” we should have no more civil wars.—
ashington is still the father of the Ameri-
can people, and the responsibility of our
present troubles rests with those fire eaters
at the South who have preferred the teach-
ings of Yancy, and those fanatics at the
North who have preferred the exwmple of
John Brown, to tha conservatism of him
who is really * first in war, first in peace,
and first in the hearts of his countrymen.”
I It is related that one of ouf§Generals
some time since was requested to open a
church somewhere in Virginia for public
service, and telegraphed to the Secretary of
War to know what todo. “Go to h-——"" was
the Secretary's dictated reply. but the clerk
put it more mildly and told the General to
+ Trust in the Spirit of the Lord.”
(7 The Rev. Alex. Smith, a clergyman
of patriarchal looks and age, but loose mor-
als, of Walworth county, Wisconsin, has
been caught marrying a second young wife,
when his first wife, with a family of grown
up children, was still alive,
—— 0 On
I~ Over cighty thousand labogers of Ohio
have petitioned the General Assembly to
pass a law excluding, in the future, negro
and musatto immigration into that State.
or The property of tbe late Nicholas
Longworth of Cincinnati, is valued at fif-
teen millions of dollars, wosily landed es-