@®Jerry Butts's new Omnibus attracts especial pc A TITRA T SET TE PHLAELIN & ERIE RAILROAD, (PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO., LESSEE ) — WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Ou and after Monday, Nov. 17th. 1862, TIME a LOCK HAVEN STATION will be as follows: ARRIVES. LEAVES EAST. Expraas ... 940, A. ur. Express... 8.04, p. M. Mail B03 pw. Mail... 15a Accomm’n. 10:20 A. wm. Accomm’n 2:50 P. m Fasgengers for Philadblphia ard Baltimore, on both the Mail sud Fxpress tains, go throngh without change of cars. Express West runs daily all others daily except Sundays. This Line Los been extended to Sinpemaho- ning. EA M'L A BLACK, Superintendent Eastern Division. a ———— — LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS. except Mondays, [7 Basiness in Bellefonte has been ex. ceedingly brisk daring the past two mon ths. 0 [= Several Advertisements have been crowd:d oat this week, they will appear next. - ———() ee IZ” The prospects for a good crep of grain, were never better at this season of the year, in this county. than at present, en fy 0 Col, John T. Hoover, Revenuz Com - missioner from this district has been in Ia 1- rvishurg several weeks attending to the duties of his office. — . 077 The firm of Staufler & Harley, dea- lers in Watches, Jewelry, Silver-ware etc. at 622 Market St., Philad’a.,—so long fay’ orably known—has been dissolved. Mr. Ja. cob Harley, one of the late firm is now carry ing oa the business at the old stand, hus adv. See Onstis >= Messrs. Howel & Bourke, Cor. Fourth & Market Sts., Pailad’a.—as will be seen by refering to our adv. col.—announce they have n store a fine variety of Wal Papers, ete., to which the attention of Store kecpersis invited. 0 [7 Several gentlemen from town are at present paying a visit to the Centre Co. boys in the army. Among them is Messrs. | Sussman, Harper and Garman, proprietor of | Garman’s Hotel. During bis absence **Jim- my” Waddle *-does up” the hospitalities, | and we can tell you he dyes ihem up right. diate J Among the improvements in town, attention. 1tis really a tine afbvir, and cost Mr, Batts about two hundred dollars, trans- portation ineluded. This shows Mr. Butts’s enterprise, an we hope his investment may prove a profitable one. A Un Dap. —Wm. Harris, Jr,, of the firm of Harris & Duncan, died snddenly at his res idence, in this place, on last Monday after- noon. We have not learned the cause of his death. [lis remains were interred in the cemetery, on Wednesiay last, mm the presence of a large concourse of friends. ‘So ome) coe sp I= Sternberg the Prince of clothiers is now in the city, purchasing his stock for Spring wear. Haviag for years been cn- gaged in the wholesale business in Phyiadel- phia. he kuows how to get his goods at the very lowest rates, and consequently can of- fer to retail them at lower rates than any house in central Pennsylvania, 0 {>= Sanford’s Opera Troupe from [arns- burg, will give two entertainments at the Court House, in this place, on Monday and Tuesday evenings next. The performances of this celeorated Troupe are very highly spoken of by those who have seen them and we have no doubt they will be cqually at- tractive here. We publish their advertise- went in another colum i. Oo 10 CorresroNpeNTs.—We have received, accepted and, will publish next week, the following communications : ‘‘Abolitionis the cause of the War,” by “Major Jones.” “‘Change and Zriumph,” by ¢Uentre Hall.” “Our political troubles, by “Eila,” and “Thoughts shot at Rwdom,” by «C, H, If +P" will {urnish us with his real name we will give lus article a place m our col- amns. i Sk eh 17 Hamilton, the celebrated ¢‘lorse-ta- mer” the second Rarey, if there is one living ig still in town. The feats he has accom. plished with wild and vicious horses since coming to this plaze, prove that he under- stands his business to perfiction And the fact of his remaining long enough in a com- munity to test the effects of his training, shows plainly that there is no huw-buggery about it. We again advise those who have anmanageble horses to give him a call. mmm se () ee en ee = Thomas Buck, a soldier from this cogpty, we understand was brought home vd a few daysago. This is no less than three, that have been brought to Bellefonte within the last four weeks. No wonder the people are beginning to get tired of the v ar, when we have snch accursed blood-hounds at the head of our governizent, who care for no body but themselves, and the conse- quence is, our friends, brothers and sons are starving’and dying in the ary for want of proper attention due to a suldier. No wonder we are visited by such fearful plagues and diseases, when we are sinning against God in this manner. God help our toe Tae Sportep PLaGos.—This fearful dis- case has broken out in Pine Grove, and proves as frightful as it name would indi- cate. As near as we can learn, the first symptoms are sore throat and head-ache, with excessively high fever. Shortly after, the fatal spots, which are of a dark-red col- cr, and vary in size from a five-cent piece (a small silver coin formerly used as curren. cy in the United States) to the breadth of a man’s hand, make their appearance; when all hope of recovery 1s past, and the patient may prepare lumself to die. In that vicini- ty. it seems to work almost entirely on children, and several deaths have been re- ported within the last few davs. As pet, no remedy has heen discovered that will check it in the least. 0 7 The March number of Pelersong Magazine although a little later in reaching us is up, nevertheless, to its usual standard of merit, and is just as welcome as ‘it has ever been. To say that Peterson cannot be surpassed is only telling what every one knows to le true. Itis only two dollars per year, while cther magazines that are not as interesting or as instructive are three.— Address, T. B. Peterson, Philadelphia, Pa. es pt 77 Loeb's “Big Ox” which we noticed in our last weeks paper, weighed when “dressed” 1750 1bs, the tallow amounted to over 250 bs, pretty ¢ considerable beef that. They have more of the same qualhity on hand. Bellefonte Markets. (Reported Weekly for the WATCHMAN by Hoffer Bros! The following are the quotations up ‘0 6 o'clock yesterday (Thursday) ev ring. Wheat, White, $L.00 do Red do 1.40 Rye, do 80 Corn, (Shelled) do 8) (ern Ears, do 49 Buckwheat, do 6824 Rarley, do 100 Oats, (By Weight) do 40 Clover Seed, do 6,00 Timothy, do 2.00 Potatoes, do 75 Beans, do 175 OQaions, do »10 Applels, (Dried) do 1.2 ges, per doz 15 Peaches, (Dried) per 1b. 08 Bacon, do 08 New York, per ib, 06 Beeswax, 25 Butter, do 15 Tallow, do 10 Lard, do 08 Rags, 05 ——— SB Br SrEC1AL NOTICES. A Card to the Suffering. The Rev Wintisx Cos¢rove, while Taboring as a Missionary in Japan, was cured of Consump- tion, when all other means had failed; by a recipe obtained from a learned physician residing in tho great city of Jeddo. This recipe has cured great numbers who, were suffering from Con- sumption, Bronehitis, Sore Throat, Coughs and Colds, and the debility and nervous depression caused by these disorders. Desirous of benefitting others, I wil send this recipe, weich I have brought home with me, to ali who need it. free of charge. Address Rev. WM. COSGROVE, 439 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. ly "NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SANE ORD'S OPERA. AT THE COURT HOUSE, - BELLEFONTE, PA, MONDAY & TUESDAY EVENINGS, MARCH NINTH and TENTH! a eee mw The great SANFORD TROUPE, by special request, wisl give one of those chaste entertain- ments, which for the pase thirteen years, in the city, and recently at his Opera House in Harris- burs. have been the theme of much admiration. He will apen here at the Court House, on MON- DAY aud TUESDAY EVENINGS. March 9th and 10th. §7%7° Admission 23 cents, small bills. For particulars, see March 6, 1863--1t. WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND SILVER WARE. The undersigned would respectfully -ail your attention to his well selected stock of ke Gold and Silver WATCHES, Fine Gold JEWELRY, of every kind and variety of styles —comprising all of the NEWEST and, most beautiful dasigns. Also, SOLID SILVER WARE, equal to Coin —and the best make of SiLver Pratep Wage. Fach article is WARRANTED to be as represen- ted. 2 Watches and Jewelry earefully RerAIR. €D and satisfaction guaranteed. JACOB HARLEY, (Su cessor to Stauffer & Harley,) No. 622 Market Street, Philadelphia March 6, 1863 1863 t PHILADELPHIA Pe § PAPER HANGINGS. HOWELL & BOURKE, COR. FOURTH & MARKET Streots, Purv’a. have now in gtock, a fine variety of WALL PAPERS. got up expressly for their Spring Trade, WINDOW PAPER OF LVERY GRADE, to which they invite the attention of Srore- KEEPERS. In their Retail Department, will be found the choicest styles of the season. March 6, 1863-3m, A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. Just Publisked, in a Sealed Envelope. Price Siz Cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure of Spermatorrheea or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debili- ty and Impediments to Marriage generally, Nor- vousness, Consumption, Epilepsy an Fits; Mental and Physical Eisai resulting from Self- Abuse, &.—By ROBT. J. CULVERWELL, M. D.. Author of the Graon Beok, &e. v The werld-renowned author, in this admirable Leeture, clearly proves from his own: experience that the awful eonsequenges of Self-abuse may he removed without medicine, and withoyt dan- gorous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings or eordials, pointing out a mode of eure at ance certain and effectual, by which eyery suffer er, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply. privately and radically. “Tais LECLURE WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. . Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain, eealed envelope, on the Taceint, of six cents, or two tage stamps, addressin, poses ial J. C. KLINE & €O , 127 Bowery, New York, Post Offiee Box, 4588. March 6, 1863—1y. AUDITORS NOTICE. : . The undersigned. an Auditor ap- pointed by the Orpban’s Court of Centre gounty to make distribution of the balance in the h ands of the Administrator of the Estate of “John \ poor country, if thoss who are swaywg the | Seholl, dee’d. will attend to the duties of h isa scepter of power now, should continue to do so, for eighteen months longer. pointment on Wednesday. the 25th day of March, +863, at hie office, in Bellefonte. EVAN M. BLANCHARD, Auditor. PRIVATE SALE. The property belonging to James Williams, deceased. Tate of the Borough of Belle- fonte, is offered by the heirs at private sale. The proverty consists of two houses and lots situated on the corner of William and Railroad streets, Bellefonte, a water-right, sufficient for apy steam purpose, and a sp! spring of water belongs to the property. ALSO, A good freme house, and lot with excellent out- buildirgs. situated in Cheapside. Spring town- ¢hip For further particulars, apply to George Boal, at Boalsbure. or to JHARLES McAFFERTY. March 6, 1863—2m. Bellefonte, Pa. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. _ The undersigned, an Auditor ap- pointed by the Orphan’s Court of Centre county, to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the Administrator of the Estate of Margery Warnock, dee’d. will attend to the duties of his appointment on Thursday. the 26th day of March, 1863, at his office, in Bellefonte, when and where all persons interested may attend. . i EVA i ARD, Auditor. N M. BLANCH March 6, 1885—8t. - AUDITORS NOTICE. -. Theundersigned, an Auditor ap- pointed by the Orphan’s Court of Centre county. to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the Trustee of the Estate of Adam Fisher. de- ceased, after settlement of his account, will at- tend to the duties of his appointment on Friday, the 3rd day of April, 1863, at his effice, in Belle- fonte, when and where all persons interested may attend. EVAN M. BLANCHARD. March 6, 1863. —6t. Auditor. JO XECUTORS NOTICE. Letters of Administration with the Wi'l anrexed having been granted co the un- dorgigned on the Estate of Wm. yan deed’ late of the Borough ot Bellafonte All persons endebt- ed to said estate, are hereby requested to make immediate payment. and those having claims ag- inst emid estate, will present them duly authen- ticated for settlement Jan. 23 1863. 6¢ JCSTRAY. Came to the residence of the sul HENRYBROOZERHOF F. . xe: g Heifer, both suspected to be about 3 years old no marks visible. The owner is requested to come for ward prove property pay charges and take them away otherwise they will be disposed of according to law. Tob. 13 1863—3t. NOTICE. EN s hereby given to the stock ho'- ders of the Bellefonte and Philipsburg Turnpike com pany that an e'ection for managers of said road will be held at the office of Wm P: Wilson Esq. in Bellefonte on the first monday of March By order of the Board Feb. 12, 1863,—¢t. A UDITORS MOTICE ‘I'he undersigned Auditor appoin- ted by the Court of Commrn Pleas of Centre coun ty to distribute the money in the hands of. George Alexarde r i] High Sheriff of said County, arris ing rom the sale of the real estate of Andrew Gregg to and among those legalley entitled there- to. Wil atteud to the duties of his appointment o n Satuxday the 28th day of Feburary inst, at his of- fice ia Bellefonte, at 10 oclock A* M. of said day when and where all persons interested are reques ted to attend ADAM HOY Auditer. Jas. D. Glenn. JNO, T. HOOVER, Secretary. —— A UCTION NOTICE. The undersigned has taken out a licenso under the Internal Revenue Laws of the U. S as an Auctioneer. He will attend to all sa'es when his services are wanted. No unlicin- ced person is permitted by said laws to officiate as an Auctioneer. s J KE. KNOX, Bellefonte Jan. 26, 1863.—3t. Auctioneer ADMIN ISTRATORS NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the estate of John Lee, late of Potter Township, dec’d having been granted unto the suberiber, all per- sons indebted to said estate are hereby notifled to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate are r equested to present ir duly authenticated, for settlement. ROBERT LEE. Jan. 30, 1873.,—6t Admin’r. ; [CSTRAY. Came to ‘he premises of the sub- seriber r)siding in Marian Township, about the middle of November lasi. a dark brindle cow with several white spots in ber left ear, stpposed to be six or Seven Joan old. The owner is requested to come forward prove property, pey charges and take her away, otherwise she will be disposed of according to law. FRANKLIN BICKEL. Jan 23,1352, —3t. JCXECUTORS NOTICE Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Rebecca Shipley, dec’d late of Boggs township, having beon granted to the sub- scriber, residing in Stormstown, Pa, to whom all claims agaiust said Estate must be presented du- ly authenticated for settle ment; and those know ing themselyes indebted thereto are requested to make immed iate payment. Jan. 9th 1863. —6t JOHN A. HALL. USE C LINTON HO . LOCK HAVEN, PA. A. WANN, Proprietor. The proprietor having leased the above named Hotel in the borough of Lock Haven, Clin- ton county, Pa., takes this method of informing tha public generally that he has made every necessary preparation to entertain strangers and travelersin the best possible manner. His table will always eo :tain the choicest lux- uries that the country wi’ afford, and he iz deter- mined not tobe surpassed in this departmont by any other Hotel along the West Branch. His Bar will contain the choicest liquors that can be purchased in the etty market. areful and attentive Ostlers will constantly be an hand to take shurge of horses and see that they are properly attended to. Trusting that he may receive a portion of the patronage of the traveling public, he hopes by elose attention to be able to rende r general satis- action. y June 6, 61.-tf~ NEW BAKERY! MATHIAS SCHMUCK, Would respectfully inform the people of Bellefonte and vicinity, that he has apendd a no> and complete Bakery on SPRING street, in i=» premises of W. F. Reynolds, where he will ka: 5 on hand all kinds of "BREAD, R au , RUSK, POUND CAKE, GAR AND GINGER Ir ’ which he sells at a reasonable and satisfactery rice. P Bread, Cakes and Pies baked to order on the shortest notice. Families will find it to their ad. vantage to get their baking done at this estab- lishment, as they can always get pure wholesom o bread and eakes just when they need them Sept. 12th 1862—1y. J OLLOCK'S IMPROVED DANDELION COFFEE.—This pieparation, made from the best Java Coffee, is strongly recommen- ded by physicians as a superior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for General, Debility, Dyspepsia, and ail Bilious disorders. Thousands who haye been reluctantly compelled to abandon ‘the use of Coffee, will nd they oan use tms combination without any of the injuriou effects they formerly experienced. [557° One can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary Coffee For sale by all Druggists and Grocers, and by the Manufacturer, corner of BROAD and CHEST. NUT Stroets, and by 08 B.BUSSIER & CO., 108 and 110, 8 WHAI VE; Price 25 conts. - March 6th 1862—1y. MPORTANT TO THE PEOPLE OF 1 * BELL:FONTE. i : On and aftor Tuesday Dec. 2nd’ the ‘Phase nix Mills,” wagon will deliver flour and feed free of charge to customers residing in Bellefonte .reg- ularly on Tuesday's and Friday's. Persons hav- ing grists to send to the mill or orders to be filled will give them to the driver who will see that they are attended to RP Ray NoLDS 4 go Dee. 5th 1862. 1f. | MERCANTI geriber in Milesburg a black Bull, and a white | § "PITTSBURG PA, corner Pern and St. Str The largest, Commercial School of the United States, with fi Jation ge of neioty 3.000 Students in fi ye vears, from 31 States, and the ouly one which affords complete and refiable instruction in all the following branches, viz : LE, MANUFACTURERS, "STEAM BOAT, RAIL ROAD & BANK BOOK-KEEPING, ; +. FIRST PREMIUM Plain and Ornamental Penmanship; also, Sur- veying, Engineering and Mathematics generally $35.00 Pays for a Commercial Course; Students enter and review at, any time. Mix1STERS' song’ tuition at half-price. ‘or Catalogue of 86 pages, Specimens of Busi- ness and Ornamental Penmanship, and a beauti- ful College view of 8 square feet, containing a great variety of Writing, Lettering and Flourish- ing, inclose 24 cents in stamps to the Principals, JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburg, Pa. July 18, 1862.—1y. Offic: of TAY COCKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGEET: AT JAY CO00KLE & CO. BANKERS, 114 sCura THIRD STREET, Philadelphia, Nov. 1, 1862. The undersigned, having been appointed SUB- SCRIPTION AGENT by the Secretary of the ‘Preasury, is now prepared to furnish, st once, the New Twenty Year 6 p. ef. Bonds, he United ties,” rede ment, uf States. desimnated as ¢ PipeTwan are issued ja gums $ $i Wu the REG {811 R BONDS insumws of $50, $100, $500, $1000. and $5000. Interest at Six per cent per annum will com mence from date of purchase, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD, Semi- Annually, which is equal, at the pr® ent remium on gold, to about EIGHT PER Cl nT ER ANNUM. Farmers, Merchants, Mechanics, Capitalists, and all who have any money to invest, should know and remember that these Bouds are, in ef- fect, a FIRST MORTGAGE upon all Railroads, Canals, Bank Stocks and Securities, and ‘the im- mense products of all the Manufactures, &e., &ec., in the country ; and that the full and ample pro- vision made for the payment of the interest and liquidation of principal, by Custom Duties, Ex- cise Stamps and Internal Reyenue, serves to make these Bonds the BEST, MOST AVAILARLE AND MOST POPULAR INVESTMENT IN THE MARKET, Subscriptions rceeived at PAR in Legal Tender Notes. or notes and cheeks on banks at par in Philadelphia. Subscribers by mail will receive prompt attention, and every facility and exylana- tion will be afforded on application at this office. A full supply of Bonds will be kept on hand for immediate delivery. JAYCOOKE, Nov. 7, '62-3m. Subscription Agent TO THE PUBLIC. The inquiry ic frequently made, * Where can crocks be obtainel, that the glasing may remain ermanently on, when filled with Apple-butter r Milk—ard, that will net become sour or disa- Zreeablo. nor poisonous, the glazing of which has caused much disease, and frequertly death ? 1 take this opportunity of informing the publio that I have golc Epple bute? and Milk eroek durable in glazing. free from all obnoxious smells when placed in different places, to the undersigned named persons that eannot be excelled for quality and durability anywhere. These erooksZare glaked with the very best ma- terial, viz., Red Leady Quarts, &o, < and I alse use the very bast Ouk Wood, by which I ean burn the ware the hardest and most durable. I learned the Pottery business in Europo, studi- ed the Chemicals in the schools of Munich and Augsburg, (Bavaria.) and by these means, and many yaars of experience, I am enabled to furn sh the public with the above described ware. JOSEPH SAPPLE. N. B. If you wish to buy good substantial gla- zed Crocks, they oan be had at the stores of the undersigned persons’ J. 8S ABRAHAM SUSSMAN Bellefonte, BROWN & COOKE. ** JOHN AWL. te I. V. GRAY, Stormstown MUSSER & SWARTZ, P.G. Mills ROB'T CAMPBELL Port Matilda LYONS & Co., Pennsylv’a Furnace. JOSEPH SAPPLE, Manfucturer Milesburg, Oct. 10th 1862, 6—mo. (ARRLIGE JANCRNOTORY Mr. S. A. MeQuistion would respectfully in form the citizens of Centre gounty, that he has Spened a new Carriage Marufactory, in the rear of Cummings’ Livery Stable; where he is prepared to manufacture ; ‘CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SULKIES, PHAYETONS, SPRING WAGONS, SLEIGUS. : SLEDS, -&C., &C. at rices t iho thn Lepain loo shel nous. Deligioute, Feb. §, 1363; ly. (RFARMAR 'S HOTEL. _. BELLEFONTE, PA. DANIEL GARMA | Proprietor. This long established and well known Hotel, situated on the Southeast eqfner of the Diamond, Opposite the Court House, having been purchased by the undersigned, he announc- es to th e former patrons of this establishment and to the traveling puplic generilly, that he intends refitting it thoroughly, and is prepared to render the most satisfactory accommodation to all who may favor him with their patronage. No pains will be spared on his part to add to the conveni- ence or comfort of his guests. Allwho stop with him will find YLLS CAB abundantly su; Ted with the EE tuous fare the igarket will afford, done up in style, by the most experienced cooks ; while HIS BAR will al- ways ccntain : _ The Chocest of Liquors. His tabling is best in tow and will always be Jorden by the most tru vorthy and attentive ers ive him acal' éne ar all, and he feels con- fident that all w Ql be sa 1sfied with their accom- modation. AN'EXCET ENTLIVERY isattached to this est ohshmént, which strangers from abroad will find greatly to their advantage. . DANIEL GARMAN. Beltefonte, Jan. 9, 1862. PLEASANT GA? HOTEL, ad 3 t “1° V'PEEASANT GAP, PA. ° © J. H. MORRISON, Propristor. This well known Hotel is now kept by the pro- prioter, where he will be happy to wait on the traveling public gene) ally. th 731 lyr for sALx! : A sorrel Mare, four and a half ears old, kind and gentle in Harness—a good arm beast and a very Speedy traveler, Will be sold cheap. Apply athis’ office to, 3 Dou. 3.000" 'P. GRAY MEEK of | 2 Gali LOCATED 1 PHILADELPHIA. S.E."cor. 7thand Chestnut Streets, N.Y. CITY, BROOKLYN ~IBANY TROY, BUFFALO, LgAVELAND, DETROIT, CHICAGO & ST. LOVIS. BooK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, COMMEP IAL AR- ITHMETIC, CoMXERCIAL LAW, Forus, CC 1L.RESPON- DENCE, &¢ , practically taught. i These Colleges being under the same general and local management, and uniting in each the advantages.of all, offer greater facilities tor im- parting instruction than any other similar iasti tutions in the country. A Beholarship 1ssued by any oue is good in al! for an unlimited time. The Philadelphia College has been recently er. larged and refurnishcd in a superior manner, and is now tlie largest and most prosperous Commer oail Institution in the State. Bryant & Stratton’s series of Text books, em- bracing Book-Keeping, Commercial Aritametic, Somommisjelal Lai, forsa.e and and sent by mail. E37 For full particulars send 1 « circular Oct. 17, 1862-15. Lea — eee ee eee thex! Leather! SOLE LEATHER EPANISH XIP CALF SKINS COUNTKY CALF SKINS. MOROCCO £KIN LININGS, &C., &C. all kinds, to be had at STUSSMANS. CHEAP." thanat any other establishment in Central Penn vlvania. Bellefonte, December 19, 1862—tf. N1IW PICTURE GALLERY. R. J. S. BARNHART, HAVING BuiLt a new and splendid SKHV-LIGHAT PICTURE GALLERY, is now prepared to execute all orders igthe Am- brotype, Photograph, Ferot ype, Malenectype, or any of the customary branches of the Heliograph- ic Art. His Photographs will be of the LARGEST SIZE ever taken in the interior of this State.— Card Pictures, and almost an endless variety of common and fancy cases, are offered at prices which vary from 50 CENTS 10 25 DOLLARS ! Ipstruetions given and appartus furnished upon reasonable terms, This Gallery is located on the hjll beside the Court House, near Garwan’s Ho- tel May 22, ’62-1y. TO THE LADIES, Having just returned from Philadelphia with a ngw and splendid assortment MILLINERY GOODS, of the latest styles and fashion, we feel prepard to please all, both young und old. grave and gay, who may see proper to give usa call. Our stock con- sists in part of S{LK AND STRAW BONNETS. PLAIN AND FANCY TRIMMINGS. and all other articles generally keptin a Milliner Store. 17° We have l most experienced Milliners in the city. Bishop street, nex door to the old stand. Bellefonta. May 3,61. MARY S¢ JRBECK. rocured the services of one Store HOWARD ASSOC IATION, PHILADELPHIA, For the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflic- ted with Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and es- Jeary for the Cure of Dieseases of the Sexual rgans. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Ae ting Surgeon. PAL ABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrheea or Seminal Weakness, ard other Diseases of the Sexual Organs. and of the NEW RELEDIES em- ployed in the Dipensay, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge, Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, DR. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Ac ting Surgeon. Howard Association, No 2 South Ninth St, Philadelphia. © June 12, I862—1-y. PARABOLA SPECTACLES. Superior to any others in use, con- structed in accordance with the LAW OF NA- TUR F in the peculiar form of a Concavo-Cu: ve _./lipsus, admirably adapted to the organs of T gat rnd perfectly natural to the Eye; alto- ather the best artificial HELP TO THE RU- AN VISION ev invented. When there is dmen ss it is natur Jicuse a cane—why not ren- derae stance to tha yaluable organ, the Eye when 2eded ? The bove for sale it city prices, by JERRY. J. WINGATE. At the Dental Office East of Post Office. other place in town, Bellefonte, May 29, 1862—1y. 1 IMPURIER & WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDES, WINES. GINS, NO. 506 NorthiNinth Street, BELOW SPRING GARDEN, FPrRERILADELEEIA. NEW PLOUGHS. The subscribers have secured the right of Centre County to manufacture and sell the J.C. Bidwell no. 7 Centro Leaver Left Hand Plo u gh, This is now considervd the best metal Plough made in Penna. fonte Foundry. Cast Steel shares will ished with the Plough if desired. Jan. 30th. 1863.—tf A Hauer & Co. be furn- of the Borough of Bellefonte. All depted to said Estate are hereby requested to- make immediate payment and those having claims henticated for settlement. HEXRY BR OCKERHOFF, Jan. 23 66 1863, Exe cutor. NEW LIVERY STABLE. THOMAS DORAS, Proprietor, Six fine Bay Horses, all good travelers—and splendid Buggie:, Carriages and Sleighs,—and fitted with fancy Harness and warm hire chea town: Call around gentlemen. January 23, 1863-1y. Job Printin é NEWS FROM THE SEAT OF WAR 2 " NATIONAL COUNERCIAL COLLEGES | HARDWARE 11 Shoemakers’ Thread and Shoemakers Tools, of | P. 8.—These spestacies canbe obtained at no | {HON A, FELDMAX, and chonp Whisks Wheat, Rye, & Bourbon Whisky’s Famers can examine it by calling at the Belle- ' against said Estate, will present them duly au- | BACK OF HUME'S STORE. | obes, to corner of the public square, keeps constantly on r than any other establishment in hand a large assortment of TT 7 | MATHEMATICAL INSTRUM Be | ers to purchase of him, iustead of going or send- pin ere ee ee §XECUTORS NOTICE.« i Letters of Administration the with | before Will annexed having been granted to the under- | igned on the Estate of Wm McIlvaine dee’d late | persons en- | ANOTHER REQUISITION. A HEAVY IMPORTATION OF FOR THE FIRM OF | BAXTRESSER §& CRIST, | | Who have just opened, in the Store Room on the | W. corner of the Diamond, in Bellefonte, for { merly occupied by Wilson Brothers, their large and splendid assortment of Shelf Hardware, House i Trimmings of every description. { POCKET AND TABLE CUTTLERY | of every variety and price. { CROSS CUT, MILL AND CIRCULAR SAWS | of tho best manufacture. 1 RIFLES, PISTOLS, SHOT GUNS, AND LOCKS of every desoription and the best quality. | Z9RTICE AND RIM LOCKS AND LATCE | of different kinds. | CUPBOARD, CHEST BOX, AND TILL LOCKS, | and large and small PAD LOCKS. HAND, BACK, GRAFTING AND PANNEL | SAWS, Broad, Hand and Chopping AXES. | BUTCHERS’ CLEAVERS AND CHOPPLRS, i Drawing Knives. Hatchets Chisels & Adzes. | HAY, MANURE AND SPADING FORKS, EDGE TOOLS of every desirable variety. | SADDLERS’ HARDW ARF, A CHANCE FOR FH BARGAINS! © © SaBDLE BRIBL aud HOS 0:5 ) 38 BIE 3 { 5 Ln AINE AC OR. . The subscriber begs "es ve to inform the » and the people of Centre County in partic. that he still continues to earry on the Sadd business in all its varioas branches, at his - nu the Norte-EasT corner of ALLEGHANY BISHOP Streets; where can be found at all ti... » a fnli supply of Saddles, : © © 29 Waggon Harness, Bridles, ga . Carriage Harness Collars, Wagon Whips. Truake, 2 P Driving WlLips' Valises, Halters’ + Netts, &o., &e. &: made of the very hest material, and waergaxri» to be put to-gather in the most s ihstantial me . ner. Prices to suit the times. Call and examine yourselves gentivmen. anit you are not satisfied, you need not purchase. JERRY TOLEN & Co Bellefunte, Sept. 10th 62. 1-y. TAGE- 11} CB. Nhe \at, how restored i A general assortment. and 30 per cent lower than any place else. | CARRTAG I MAKERS TRIMMING S.CARPEN i JUST TOOLS which canngt be surpassed VICES, ANVILS, DRILLS, SCREW PLATES, FILFS. RASPS, PIPE SKEIN & WAGON BOXES. STEEL 8 TREKS, BENT WEL] Palii { COAL Of JL {1s 1D. OIL CLOTHS, PATENTLEATAER, ROPE AND WIRY of every size in abundance. SHOEMAKER'S TOOLS, And all other kinds of Goods usually kept in a well regulated Hardware Store. Their stock isan entirely new one. comprising all the leading articles connected with the Hard- ware trade, and their facilities for puickasing goods not being excelled by any other establish- ment, they here declare themselves able to sell from fifty to one hundred per cent. lower than any other establishment in the country, and invire farmers, Mechanics. and all others in need of Hardware, to call and satisfy themselves of the ruth of the assertion. July I8, 1860. “Another Requisition ! 600,000 MEN WANTED!!! 110 To purchase their Wines und Liuors at the WILOLESAL WINE & LIQUOR STORE NEFF & ETTLD, BISHOP SIRFTT. BELLEFONTE, TWO LOORS WEST OF LOE MEAT MAK EY na oun Foreign and Domestic Liquors Such as OLD NECTAR, OLD RYE, & MONON- GAHALA WHISKEY, COGNAC AND COMMON BRANDILS, PORT AND MADFERIA WINESSCOTCH AND HOI LAND GIN, NEW ENG. LAND RUM, And all grades of Liquors found in the Eastern Ci ies, sold as low as in Philadelphia and New ork. All Liquors warranted to give Satisfaction. Confident they can please purchasers, they re spectfully solicit a share of public patrenage. Sold by the quart barrel or tierce. Also a large lot of BOTTLED LIQUORS, Ofthe finest grade on hand. July 19, 1862. Good News ! The War Ended ; | AND EVERY THING GOING RIGHT AT THE WEIOI) SAILS WIND & R1QT0R STORE SHOP STREET, directly opposite the building formerly known as the TEMPERANCE HOTEL. A BAUM, AGENT. AN kinds of FOREIGN and DOMESTIC LI- QUORS, at wholesale, to be had at the very lowest prices, and warranted to be of the wary best quality. 22 s'ock consists of . WHISKIES, 0id Monongahela Rye Whisky. Pure Bourbon Whisky, | | Cabinet Whisky, ; Apple Jack Whisky, of all kinds. ! RUM. Jamaici ium, New EnglandRum 2 GINS. Pura Holland Gin, Domestic Gin. BRANDIES. Dark and Pale Coguac, Domestie, (all pri Ginger, Lavender, fall prise) Cherry, Blackberry, Caraway, &c. A2eryy Bick ery, WINES. Pure Port, Domestic, Madeira, Sherry, CORDIALS. Raspberry. Rose, Anniseed. STOMACH BITTERS. The very best in the market. The above liquors, with others not named, will all be warranted as represented, and sold at prie- es that eannot fail to made it an object for deal- ing to the city. Farmers, Hotel-keepers and oth- ers are req uested to call and examine his stock, purshasing elsewhere. nt All the Liquors which he offers for sale, have been purchaset at the United States Custom House, and consequently must be pure and good. Physicians are particularly requested to givo his liquors a trial. He has the only artcle of Pure Port Wine Juice and Pure Brandies in this Borough. £2577 100 barrels of Jersey Cider- Vinegar just received and for sale low. - . Bellefonte, Aug. 29, 1862—1y. - B 00K STORE i: : - BELLEFONTE, PA. GEORGE LIVINGSTON, Proprietor At his well known stand on the North eastern HEOLOGICAL, CLASSICAL, MISCELLANEOUS, aud SCHOOL BOOKS. Alao un large sariety of BLANK BOOKS 1 eure of spermatorraa 1; involuntary emissions, sex impediments to marringe enerally, ners consumption, fits, mental and physic ty, resulting from SELF s—are fully +» lained in th r WILL! YOUNG. 1 rdinary be shou'd be ae Tt is full of In fact, it di avings. 3 it is i eres that ey hontd , stilt book that mu lic about house. It wil i | i i | of 2b cents 1 Fourth, Philadelphia AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE. 10 matter w!* may be your dise:se. before you pl yom under the care of any of the notorious Quel native or foreign-— who n rhis or any oiler eon try, get a copy ef Dr Young's book. ane read carefully It will beth: means of \ juny dollars. your health, and possibly 3. life. DR YOUNG can be consulted on any ef * diseases described in his publication, at his offi No. 4!6, Sprave Street, above Fourth, Phila Office hours from 9 to 6 daily. Oct. 2nd, [802-1y. say EJ ANK NOTICE. : « IN PURSUANCE OF ‘THE 25" Section. First Article of the amended Const tion of the State of Pennsylvania. and the IT Section of the Act of the General Assembly, pi ed the First day of June, 1539, the undersign: - citizens of the Cowmoiwealth of Peonsylva hereby give notice that they intend to make plieation to the Legislature of said State. at i next session, ennuencing the fest Tuesday January, 1863, fur the charter of wu Bank, to } - located in the borongh of Bellefonte, in the cou ty of Centre. and State aforesaid, to be calied i - uw BEELEFONTE BANK,” the capital stock the of to be One Hundred Thousand Dollavs. with ! privilege of increasing it to Two Hundred Tho: and Dollars : and the specifie objeet for which th» proposed Corporation is to be elurte act the usunl and legitimate bus of Issue, Discount. Deposit and gd H. BROCKERHOKY; C.T. Al ANDER WM P. WILSON, JOUN IRVIN, Ir. ED. BLANCHARD, W.IF. REVNGLDS, D G4. BUSH. 0M ELDER, DM. WAGNER GEO. W. JACKSON, W. A. THOMAS R. H. DUNCAN, HOFFER BROTHER SAM. STROHECKER. M'COY. LINN & CO A.R BARLOW, THOMPSON, LINN Cu HARVEY MANN, DANIEL RHOADS, F.P. HURNTHAL, GEO BOAL. JOHN P. HARRIS, C.& J. CURTIN, VALENTINES & CO. Bellefonte, June 26, 1862, —tf. The Democratic TWhatchma. P GRAY MEEK, Editor. Per annum, (strictly in advance.) $1.00 When paid within 3 mouths, 260 Tf left ran over 3 months, $2,50 will be invai: ably charged. No paper discontinued until all back subserip tions are paid, and a failure to notify a disconti: nance at the end of the time subseribed for, wi. be considered a new engagement. These terms will bo rigidly adhered to under all circumstances. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. MAY & LOEB, 1 insertion. Zdo. 2 do Four lines or less, > uy 95 8 37¢S Hi One square—12 lines 75 Fon Two squares—21 lines I 00 150 200 Three squares—36lines I 50 200 250 3 mos. 6 mog 12 mos. Six lines or loss, $150 $30085¢n Oue square 2 50 400 700 Two squares, 1 00 6.06 10 60 Three squares, 5 80 SH 12 60 Four squares. 6 00 10 6v 14 00 Ilalf a column, 10 00 14 G0 20 00 Ope column, 16 00 22 00 4d oo Ovar three weeks and less than three moeaths, 25 cents for each insertion. Advertisernonts not marked with the number of insertions desired, will be continued HI forbid. den and charged according to these terms Fire, political and mise: 'laneous notices vharg- ed according to the ahov p les Business notices, five ceuws por line for every insertion. No reports, resolutions or proceedings of any corporation, society or as ciation, and com: munication designed to oall attention to any mat- ter of limi“ed or individual interest, ean be insery ed unless paid for as an advertisement Obituary notices exceeding six lines, fifty cents a square. ; Communications recommendiag persons for of fice. inserted at ten cents a lime; aud the pay must accompany the communication. | . COLLECTION OFFICES, D. G. BUSH, BELLEFONTE, Cextre Co.. Pryn,A. RUSH & McCULLOUGH (7. 5. MevLLOUGH. CI EARFIELD, Clearfield co., Pa BUSH & McCORMICK, (¢. $ M'CORMICK,) z LOCK HAVEN, Clinton Co., Pa, BUSH & ALLEN, (R. P. ALLEN,) WILLIAMSPORT, Lycoming Co., Pa RerereNcES :—Drexel & Co., Phil’'a, Mason & Co., Phil’a, Smith, Bowen & Co., Philadelphia Shields & Brother, Philadelphia, T. Conrow Philadelphia, Sower, Barnes & Co., Philadelphi Hen. J. T. Hale, Bellefonte, Hon. J. 17, Maynard Williamsport, J. Tome, Port Deposit, Md. Feb. 21, 1862—1y. a 0. FURST, ATiOPNRY AT LAW, * BELLEFOYTE, PA. : WB 7 ILL practice in the several Courts of . Centre-and Clinton counties. All legal I asiness entrusted to his eare will receive prompt attention. . OFFICE~On the North-west vorner of the Die awmond. G. L. TOVELL, DEALER IN Tobmeeo € Cigars | and STATIONERY, of the best quality. Also NTS, PORT | FOLIOS, &c. Books brought to order at a small | advance on city prioes. | May 1,1882, en PEW ISTOWN DA. Ayers Cathart. Pilis,