Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 06, 1863, Image 1

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RE ne,
@he Suse.
“Come unto ms. all ye that labor and are
heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”—Mar-
THEW X1-28.
Blessed words from Crrist, the Saviour,
Carist, the © Man of Sorrows,” too;
He, whose blood on Calvary’s mountain,
Freely flowed tor me and you'
« Come unto me, yo that labor,
Full of grief and ore distress;
Ye, whose sins like heavy burdens,
Do your conscious souls oppress ;
+‘ Come unto me—I will give ye
Life Eternal—Jove divine ;
Rest and peace and joy and glory,
All shall be forever thine!”
Sinner, traveling o'er life's pathway,
It is Carisr, the ‘‘ Nazarene,’’
From whose gide the blood and water
Trickling down to earth were seen,
That thus bids thee come unto Him,
Offers thee His precious rest!
0! accept Him and embrace Him,
Lay thy head upon His breast!
There thou’lt slumber calmly, sweetly,
Safe from all the ills of sin ;
Naught shall trouble or affright thee,
For His arms will fold thee in.
“Come unto me, ye that labor,
All your sins shall be forgiven !"’
Blessed promise! Blessed Saviour,
Take us to thy home in Heaven.
“Tis not to pause whon at my door
A shivering brother stands,
To ask the cause that made him poor,
Or why he help demands ?
‘Tis not to spurn that brothers prayer,
For faults he once had known,
“Tis not to leave him to despair
. And say that I have none.
The v-ice of charity is kind,
She thinkerh nothing wrong,
To every fault she seemeth blind.
Nor vauteth with her tongue.
In patience she places faith,
Hope smileth at her door,
Believeth first. then gives, and saith,
“Go, Brother, sin ne more !"’
& NY: rd J ’ v
~ Miscellaneous,
—/ . .
{For the Democratic Watohman.
Faienp Mek :-—1 notiee in your issue of
the Watchman of February 20th, 1863, an
article containing the Resolutions recently
passed by the Legislature of Illinois in ref-
erence to and denunciatory of, the present
War Policy, as now advocated and proposed
to Le carried into exécntion by the chival
rous admirers and disciples of * Abrahum
the faithless.” You have been pleased to
preface that article with some remarks of
your own in approbation of the course pur-
sued by the Illinois Legislature, and add, in
connection therewith, that “Indiana, Ohio.
Pennsylvania and New York will sustain
In reading your comments upon those
Resolutions, 1 felt happy indeed, to be as
sured that herein the county of Centre—
the home of the present Governor of the
Keystone State, and that in Bellefonte, the
former residence of the Governor, there was
a paper to be fourd whose editor had the
true courage, patriotism and liberality, to
endorse a scries of resolutions, the tenor of
which, though in harmony with the Consti-
tution of our Country, aud in accordance
with the spirit that actuated our forefath-
ers in the earlier das, in their grand strug-
gle for a United People, under one form of
Government, having one Country, one Con-
stitution and one Destiny, are, nevertheless,
in diametrical opposition to the views and
sentiments entertained and expressed by
your Governor, if recent messages sre to be
taken as his standard of action ard belief;
which standard of action is by no means
creditable to the Governor ; and if followed
up or carried out by the Legislature, could
not, under any: circumstances, reflect honor
upon 1ts mewnbars er give any very striking
proofs of their valor, wisdom or discretion.
I am happy, however, to learn that snch is
not the position occupied by the members
of the Pennsylvania Legislatare—a very
honorable, —and I was golng to and, Mr.
Editor,—a very remarkable circumstance in
their favor. ;
1 purpose in this letter, Mr. Editor, by
your permission, to show reasons why the
Illinois Legislature have adopted the said
Resolutions, and why the great majority of
Tllinoisans and the Illinois soldiery do not
follow in the path tracked out recently by
that « great joker” —formerly ¢ Honest Old
Abe,” of Springfield, Illinois. In doing
ihis I shall only speak of facts which are a
" part of my experience ; having, as you me
aware, but recently came from the State in
qrestion, and in which 18 now, and has been
for a number of years. the home of wy
adoption. And ag'l have spent the major
part-of the past year in the Western sriny,
in the Department of the Cumberland, © T
know whereof I affirm,” when [ write and
speak of the views and seniiments enter-
tained by the Illinors soldiery.
About nine months ago, the Siate of Iili-
nois wae in & whirl of enthusiasm and ex-
citement upon the subject of war. Wap
meetings were held weekly, and in many
places daily, in every town, village and
hamiet throughout the léngth and breadth of
the entire State. These meetings were at-
tended by large delegations from neighbor-
ing tewns and cities, accompanied by mar
tial and brass bands of music. Eminént
ahd popular speakers from that and adjoin-
ing States were in attendance to address
these meetings. * Halleck's Peroration to
the American Flag” was the stercotyped
quotation of every enlisting officer who was
seeking for recruits, The ** Star-Spangled
Banner” and “ Hail Columbia’ with the Na-
tional song of the ** Red, White and Biue’’
were sang at each of these meetings with a
{ fervor and pathos unexcelled in the anniver-
sary days which immediately succeeded the
Revolution. Upon the corner of every street
in almost every town, could be seen the
Emblem of American Liberty and Independ.
{ence floating to the breeze. Every poster
and hand-bill announcing the approach of
another ** War Mceting,”” opened out with
the following rallying cry : *« Freemen, your
Country Calls !--Patriots, to the Rescue !—
« The Wuion—It Must and Shall be Preserv-
ed !'—* The Constitution Must Remain the
Law of the Whole Country !'—*No Traitor-
‘ous Foes Will Ever be Allowed to Violate
itz Provisions or Sunder its Claims upon
Our Affections ! §e., &e.’
Every newspaper in the State without ri-
gard to party, called loudly upon the people
to rush to the rescue of an endanger-d
country. The Board of Supervisors in ev-
ery county in the State offered, as an in-
ducement to persons that would enlist, an
additional Bounuty of from [Fifty to One
Hundred Dollars to each recruit, besides
making 8 provision for the maintenance of
the soldier's family during his absence, in
case the necessities of the case required it.
Men of all political parties were appealed to
to fly to the rescue of the Union—that the
war was now to be prosecuted with vigor and
determination to triumph, Each and every
speaker made eloquent and powerful appeals
for the Union—the * glorious old Unien of
our fathers I” Said they to the to the con-
servative men : ** See, General Halleck, of
the West, is Commander-in-Chiet of the ar-
mies under the President. Stanton, a Dem-
ocraf, is Secretary of War—McClellan, &
Democrat, is to lead our armies in the field
— ail political prejudices and partizan views
are banished and we sll unite a¢ one man
to presceute this war for the ¢ Restoration
of the Union under the Constituiion.’
The President called for 300,000 men.—
The qrota of Illinois, under the exciting
circumstances and the inducements offered,
was filled in fen days time. The President
called for 300,000 more, and the quota of
ilinoie was again filled in less time than
the furmier call, and still the patriotism of
the people of Illinois had not chilled. Love
of ecuntry and reverence for the memories
that closter around the Flag of cur Union
were ag fervent as ever. The Constitution
found its willing defenders in every city
home, town dwelling and prarie cabin. © The
Union—it mut and shall be preserved’ was
the rworn and fixed determination of every
one of the sons of the Prarie State, who
oheyed the *¢ Call to Arms,” and rushed ©
the rescue of & ** bleeding country.’”” The
farmer left his fields of ungathered corn and
grain to rally around that + dear old flag.”
The mechanic closed hig workehop to parti-
cipate inthe exciting scenes of the battle-
field in defence ot that flag; and the mer-
chant and professor alike, closed their store
and office and gave a willing assent, a cour-
ageous heart and a ready hand to aid in sub-
duing the “rebellion” and *‘restoring the
Union.”” To such an extent had the excite-
ment raged, that in many townships almost
every third male inhabitant had enlisted.
aud so general was this over the State, that
there were more regiments filled to the re-
quired number, than the quota of the Sta'e
called for, or the Governor could accept
without permicsion from the War Depart-
ment at Washington's and accordingly the
permission of the War Department was ob-
tained, and thirteen more Infantry regi-
ments were added, besides several Cavalry
regiments and independent batteries.
In July and August last these regiments
were sworn in, and mustered into the U. S.
Service, arwed and equipped, and seat to
the ficld ; some to the Potomae, some to
Kentucky, and others vo Missouri and Ar
Tie writer of this was among those who
wont to Kentucky. [le has a very distinct
recollection of all that transpired on the
eyentful chase after Bragg from Louisville
to Perryville—the battle of Chaplain Hills,
and the pursuit over the mountains near
Lebanon to Danville, through Harrodsburg
to Crab Orchard, and thence to Cumberland
Gap, where, Mr. Editor, Bragg, with his ar-
my of ‘* Butternuts" passed through, and
after they got through, pulled the Gap in, to
prevent us from following them. So, we
hesitated, remained three days, run out of
provisions, and concluded to retrace our
steps by way of Danville to Lebanon Junc-
tion, where we expected to obtain supplies
for a “« forward march” to Nashville, Tenn.
I have & vory vivid remembrance of the
hardships endured ; of our sufferings for
want of water and food ; of our pains and
aches from blistered feet and chafed limbs
—all of which we bore uncomplainingly, as
we were in victorious pursuit of a retreats
ing foe that had invaded a ** loyal” State. —
Wo reached Lebanon, remained a day,
and then warched on to Bowling Green, and
from thence to Nashville; and finally our
“Great Northern Show’’ gave an entertain-
men! of sevén days duration in ‘the vicinity
of Murfreesboro, which exhibition, Mr. Ed-
itor, took from the Stage quite a number of
our best performers.
Suffice it to say that from the time our
army left Louisville until the close of the
engagement at Murfreesboro, not one feel-
ing of dread or fear for the safety of onr
country and the restoration of the Union,
ever found refuge in the breast of a Western
so'dier. Victory was ours, although it was
dearly bought at Murfreesboro, our loss
there being equal to, if not exceeding that
of the enemy. Still we did not despair.—
We believed our cause was holy—we be-
lieved it was just. We had dispersed the
enemy and occupied at the close of every
battle, the ramparts, fortifications and rifle-
pits of a gallant, wary and heroic enemy.
It is useless to deny any longer that a
*t Southerner” will fight bravely and hero-
ically, The writer of this-has reason to be
satisfied that they can shoot &3 rapidly and
with a8 much precision as a Union soldier
can ; and he is as fully satisfied that the
visitations of their ** lead and ball” are just
as unhealthy as curs are, when they come
in too close contact with one’s physiogno-
On or about the 10th day of January, our
portion of the Army of the Cumberland,
read for the Arst time what purported to be
the *¢ Emancipation Proclamation of Abra-
bam Lincoln ; for the first time, Western
soldiers made the fatal discovery that what
they bad fought for, and were still fighting
for, was the ‘¢ protection in the Federal lines
of negroes in Kentucky and Tennessee, and
the emancipation of Slaves in the adjoining
cotton States! Heaven save the mark! in
eternal infamy consign the disgrace !
Had the Zeprousy broken out in the camp
had the death of every near and dear ‘one
been announced to each solcier, it could
not have produced greater sorrow, or sadder
hearts. A cloud of gloom settled like a dead
weight over every regiment, and it seemed
to us as if through che issuing of that Proc-
lamation was only intended torepresent the
ringing of the deah-knell of the Union!—
Stout hearts in brave soldiers’ hosoms beat
quick with fear of some impending danger!
That syren voice which on the day of enlist-
ment spoke those dear and cherished words
of the ¢ Union as it was and the Constitu-
tion as it is” as words of courage and com-
fort to the ear, dishonorably, disgracefully,
and dastardly broke them to the hope ! The
deed was done. —the decree gone forth—the
fate of the Union sealed, and the door of xe-
turn forever clos: d upon the wayward and
departed sister States! ‘Now, came the
time for thonght— now was the day of re-
pentance and misgivings.
What wns to be done? That was the
question upon‘every lip, The justice, the
policy and the legality of emansipation were
fully and freely deliberated upon and dis-
cussed. The argument that it was a ¢ mil-
itary necessity’’ found bat few I elievers, as
our experience in Kentucky and Tennessee
would enly confirm the negative of it.
whilst an unprejudiced and unbiassed mind
would render a decision in favor of the
¢ free American citizen of African descent”
remaining where he was, subject to the con-
trol of his master, as well as to the laws of
the State which regulated and established
his position in society.
The soldier's argument upon this subject
of Emancipation, although not polisiied and
clascical, is, however, a common-sense,
truthful and conclusive argument agains!
the policy of Negro Emancipation, and ful-
ly establishes the fact that there is neither
justice nor humanity in emancipating slaves
even if the matter could be considered prac-
ticable, which, under any circumstances, it
is not, nor ever can be.
A soldier’s argument is this: Suppose
we liberate the slaves, take them fiom their
masters where they have comfortable homes,
plenty to eat, plenty to wear, good beds to
#leep upon, not anything to care for ; every
thing is bought for them and given to them
by their masters; they have no provisions
to make for the morrow. What little they
raise upon their acre of ground independent
of what they do for their master, is exclu-
sively their own. If it be tobacco they
raise, they cure it, take it to market and
with the proceeds purchase **fineries,” and
it is a fact known to every soldier, that the
negroes are the most gaudily dressed people
of the South. The women go mn silks and
sating, whilst the * cullud gemmen’’ dress
to within an inch of their lives in broad-
cloths. When sick, they are properly nurs-
ed and well taken care of, having the best
of medical attendance. Now, asks the sol-
dier, can we better their condition by mak-
ing them free ? « Will we Northern people’
do as much for them when the necessities of
the case require it, as the Southern people
do? Would our interest in their welfare be
as lively 7 Would our cold and bleak cli-
mates be as well adapted to their physical
capacities and endurance as are the warner
and sunnier climes of the South ? If freed,
into what States would we send them ? TI-
linoig, by her Constitution, prohibits their
emigration to or location within her borders.
Indiana, by her Legislature, enacts the same
laws. Towa and Ohio will scon follow in
the same path, Where, then, will we find
a home for thej emancipated Negro$ Just
Our battle ary was * Union or Death !”
ice answers, * Where he is!” Policy says,
“Let him alone?’ Homanity ascewers,
¢ Let those who love and care for him, keep
8aid Squire Tawson of Hartford, Ky., to
me, (who by the way was one of those ster-
ling Union men, having & brother and two
sons in the gallart [Ith Kentucky Regt.
which Regt. has been on every battlefield
in the South West, and, himself, having
furnished a large amount of money for its
equipment,) Sir, I have six negro slaves.—
One of them nursed me when I was a child ;
she has been a faithful woman ia my fathers
family. She is the man dependence in mine,
From boyhood up I have been trained to re-
spect, to love her. [fT offered her, her free-
dom she would spurn the offer. My other
negroes [ have raised from childhood up—I
have cared for them ag I would for the chil.
dren of my own family. When they were
sick, my own family physician administered
to their wants as faithfully as he would to
myself or family under the same circum-
stances. My children have played and
grown up with these negroes; they have
sympathy and aftection for each other ; they
are interested in each others welfare. Be-
sides this, these negroes are valuable to wre.
They are assessed at from 800 to 1500 dol-
lars ; I would not dispose of them v ere T go-
ing to sell, at those prices. But, Sir, you men
of the North say, liberate them, liberate
them! My Dear Sir, suppose I do, let us
see the situation. Here, I set free my ne-
groes who have grown up under my oare
and attachment ; I part with those with
whom my sympathy and the memories of
earlier days compel me to love, to protect
and to care for ; besides this, I part with a
money value which, alone, would make it
expedient I should care for them. Now, if
I should free these negroes, what assurance
wou'd you northern philanthropists give me
that you would take as good care of them as
I have done? Would your interests be the
same 1n these negroes that mine has been?
Would you have an interest of sympathy in
their welfare as well as a pecuniary inter-
est as I have had? If taken sick, would
you exercise the same care over them ? Do
you care and sympathize with what free ne-
groes you have already in the North? Is
it your practice, ever, to enlist your sympa-
thies in the welfare of your white domestics ?
If you do not, what proof can you give me
that yon would use your colored domestics
with more sister or brother like sympathy,
My negro girls have nursed and played
with my children. Would you allow these
negroes, when free, to do thé same with
your children in the North?
Is it your custom to allow your children
to associate with colored chidren m the
North ?
Do you not have feelings of Repugnance
towards the Negro Rice, and are not these
feelings generally entert and cultivated
all over the Northern States ?
Have you not seen the reverse of this the
case all over the Sou‘h ?
1 aliow my negro cooks to carry the keys
of the Pantry and the Kitchen. I never
know what is to be my meals untill T sit
down at the table, If these negroes free,
would you aliow them the same privileges
as [ have done, and do in this particular ?
And lastly, if you are really sincere in
your intentions to benefit the negroes by
placing them in a state of freedom, pray,
why is ic that you. have failed to exercise
those benefits upon’ the free negroes you
have long since had 2
Mr. Editor, these questions are plain and
to the point ; let the unbiased aud unpreju-
diced man answer, The honest soul aad
sympathising heart will say, ‘<Let well
enough afone.”” Eet us mind our own af-
fairs and leave uther states and people to
take care of theirs.
But, Squire Lawson’s case 18 not an iso-
lated one. The same state of affairs exist
upon almost every plantation in the States
of Kentucky and Tennessee, and the same
argument will hold good all over the South-
ern States ; for 1t is my experience. The
farther South one gets the stronger and more
mutual the attachment for the negro. ’
So, then, Emancipation of the Slave is
not right, it is not justice, it is not humani-
ty—unless accompanied by some provisions
by which the condition of the slave improv-
ed and made happier and more comfortable.
I have now presented you with the argu-
ment against Emancipation. Now, for its
effect upon the Army. In the first place.
the soldiers of the army all see, feel and
know, that the condition of the negro can-
not be made better by a state of freedom in
the North. Secondly, their introduction n-
to the army can have no other tendency than
to demoralize-an army of white men. For,
what white man would take pride in chop-
ping wood to keep aégroes warm, share his
ratious to keep negroes alive, (heaven knows
the soldiers rations are scant anh poor
enough at most and best !) and allow the ne-
gro to usurp the privilege of riding on army
wagons, whilst the soldier whether well or
unwell, was obliged to walk.
Yet all this is done in the army and that,
too, almost in every regiment,
But, I hasten on. The soldier has seen
all this and worse. His letters home have
contained accounts of this pseudo sympathy
for the negro, as practiced by the ¢‘sheulder
strap’’ gentlemen.
Tn hie return letters he receives the infor-
mation that his wife and children at home
are penniless, that their “relief” is stopped
for want of funds in the couuty ‘treasury to
pay clais. That the children are shoeless
in thie cold winter, that all they have to
live upon is what their little labor will yield
and kind neighbors give. The wife will
close up this affecting lettor by asking her
husband to send her s remittance—alas!
alas! Send it—how can he? The gov-
ernment, is and has been in the ‘‘negro bus-
iness” and has forgotton fo pay its soldiers,
some have wages due for six, some for eight
and some for {en months. ~
The soldier weighs this matter well, de-
cides, and fiinally acts, and that decision
finds admires who approve of the action all
through the army. The feclings of the ar-
my are made known at home, the sufferings
of the soldiers family are talked of—the
government's injustice to him is complained
about, and finally, all classes talk of the in-
humanity of those in Power. The Legisla-
ture becomes infected, and hence, these ‘but-
ternut’ sad ‘Copperhead Resolutions”
whioh the people endorse, but the office hol-
ders fear and tremble at.
In my trip rom Nashvila, Tenn, to Illi
nois, I passed over almost the entire length
of the latter state, as well a8 portion of In-
I was not aware when I left Tennessee,
that such a state of feeling existed in the
States of Indiana and Illinois. From almost
every oue you hear this pla:ntive story. —
This war ought to stop, just see our own
State, it is ruined, coffee 40 ct per pound
sugar 16, calieoes and musling from 25 to
40 cts per yard, and corn oaly 10 to 14 cts
per bushel ! 1
In the name of God, how can we pay our
taxes and clothe our families {rom these
prices. Many of us, too, have just bought
farms a year ago and the payments will be
due in the spring. Lf the Mississippi River
was only openrto our trede and eommerce
our corn would bring better prices and our
groceries would be cheaper : but the govern-
ment has joined hands with the New Eng-
land states in the ‘‘negro business’ and
don’t care a snap for the great North West.
The bones of Illinios soldiers lie bleaching
upon every battle-field in the South: Illi-
nois and Indiana done their duty for the
govermnent, but the government will mot
even pay their soldiers. Isit right to lon-
ger support such an administration ? Is it
justice to ourselves to encourage or longer
aid in tLis war, which is now tarned to be
a crusade, waged for tae freedom of negroes
that dare not enter our State ?
What shall we do ¥ A large part of our
citizens are the natives of Tennessee, Ken-
tucky, Virginia and North Oarolina. We
are related to them by ties of blood and kin-
dred, and we cannot and will not be separa-
ted from them to please the fanciful. whims
of the New England States !
That Proclamation is New England's di-
viding wedge drivem into the very heart of
the Union to forever gunder ite parts,
New England’s contractors and manu-
facturers have grown fat sad weslthy upon
the misfortunes of cur country, whilst the
poor bleeding Agricultural West now suf-
fers from their long continuance. Our com-
merce is ruined, and our crops scarcely
worth the gathering at the prices offered. —
That Mississippi River, which bounds the
entire border of the state of Illinois, our
own Prairie State, washes the borders of the
States of Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansis,
Missisippi and Louissos. It mut and
shall be open to our trade and commerce !
The people of Mississippi and Louisana
want our produce, we want theirs, War
under this Proclamation can never effect a
reconciliation with these States ? Jn that
kind of a war we never enlisted to fight,
and now that mo good can come from the
prosecution of such a war, and as our peo-
ple, by its continuance, will only be the
more heavily taxed, we demand peace. If
New England don’t like' the terms—in the
langnage of onv of her statesmen “Let ber
Shae.” We of the West demand a Nation-
al Convention composed of delegates of al
the States in the Union, We are ready for
Peace. We want the Union restored as it
was, under the Constitution as it is. 1f
New England objects, then we want the Un-
ion Reconstructed with New England left
out. But Peace’ we will have. We have
given our last man and dollar to this war
under the present management. We have
no more men to spare, as nearly every third
ping Rachael, or is a house of mourning.—
The fatal result of the various battles our
gallant sons have fought for the restoration
of the Union, which wae ever dear to us, —
We have no more money to spare, as our
crops do not*bring prices enough to enabls
our farmers to pay their State and Naiional
taxes, let alone the spacial war tazes.—
Hence, we cry peace ! peace ! and our voice
will be heard, already it finds an echo in
Kentucky, Tennesses, Mississippi, Lousi-
ana, Arkansas, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio and
Virginia, and soon, too, Pennsylvania, New
York, New Jersey and Deleware will re-echo
tha cry, and Peace will again spread her
wings over all, either as a Reunited Nation,
or a Reconstructed Union.
Mr Editor, I have thus given you some
of the reasons whic are now, and have
been assigned in Illinois fer her present
course. Phvee written more than I inten
ded, but I became interested on the subject,
and as they are so fresh in my memory, and
so poignant in my experience, I could nat
desigt from “talking right out in meeting.”
New, that I have ‘gone and done it" : you
will pardon the presumption and intrusion
and I will subside for the present.
KNARE, of Illinois.
house in the State of Illinois contains a wee-|
At the request of the brother of the de-
ceased we give publicity to the following
‘letter. How many Learts have been sad-
ened.—how many homes darkened by such
information, since the commencement of
this horrible war,. God alone knows.—
Bright hones are crushed ont-—-sweet dreams
are vanished forever. and the darkness of
desolation sits on the door steps of many,
many, once happy homes as this fearful
scourge goes on. Why should it continue !
what good has resulted from it ! Let those
that can, answer. | £d. Watchman.
Ix Caxp, Murrrreseono, TRNN.,
February, 2d, 1863.
Wu. N. Rirgy, Nachusa, lll. —Dear Sur :
—You have before learned the sad intelli
gence of the death of our brother, Lieut
Daniel Riley. who gallantly fell at the head
of his company at Murfreesboro! Severe
illness has prevented me from communica-
ting with you before. but ssore so long
ani so pleasantly conn ected with him, I
cannot-forbear at this late date, of adding
8 word of sympathy anc testifying to those
gentlemauly and soldier-like traits which
made him a favorite with his Regiment and
the ido1 of his company. - He came to usa
stranger—we yery soon learned to love and
respect bim as a friend, an officer and com-
rad. Of a cheerful disposition he was the
life of the company and it will be very long
ere our boys forget to speak of ‘‘Lieat. Ri-
ley and wish that he might be with us again
to cheer and snimate us with his presencs,’
But the fate of war has ordered that he
should fall a martyr in the cause for which
we contend. Those that knew him need not
be informed that he nobly fell on the sdvan
ced line, cheering and animating his men
by heroic example. lle was struck down
by a missile from the enemy. Several days
he survived patiently to bear his sufferings
end cheered by the knowledge that he suf-
fered not iu vain—that by the gallant acts
of such as he our troops were victorious and
that the enemy were flecing before jthem. —
He fell as the soldier may wish to fall, and
sleeps honored and remembered jby those
whom he gallantly led on the Battle tield.—
Acecpt my heartful sympathy snd that of
the brave remnant of our company. We,
feel the loss deeply, but there are those
perbaps gathered around the hearth-stone
far away at howe, on whom this dispensa-
tion falls with 8 powerful weight, Be as-
sured that those have the of the
brave men who have been so pleasantly and
honcrably associsted with him during the
I am respectfully yours
Bryson Woop,
Capt Co., C. 34 11 V, M.
a ashy
Yankees are creating no little excitement jin
the commercial, poiitical and military world
the following deflinition of a genuine male
Yankee may not be a miss.
A real genuine Yankee is full of
animation]: checked by moderation, gui-
ded by determination, and supported by
education. :
He was a veneration corrected by tol-
eration, and when reduced to aggravation,
can assume the most profound dissimulation
for the purpose of retaliation, always com-
bined, if posible, with speculation.
A live Yankee just caught will be found
not deficient in the following very peculiar
qualities : :
He self-denying, self-relying, and always
trying, and into everything most eoustantly
prying. 5
He is a lover of piety, propriety, notoriety
and temperance society.
He ie a dragging, gagging, bragging, stri-
ving, swopping, jostling, bustling, wrestling
mus cal, quigzical, fastronomical, poetical,
and conical sort of a character, whose man
ifest destiny is to spread civilization to the
remotest corners of the earth, with an eye
always on the look-out for the main
PostaGr Wire. ~A lotter bearing the fol~
lowing address was recently mailed in Roch
ester, New York:
To Hiram Allen, OSWEGO ;
Transposed, it readeth We-GO SO ;
Transposed again and you will ses
That thus it raneth, SO-GO WE;
Transposed once more, and it wili
A common adage, SO WE GO ;
Aye—s0 we m Lifes FREAT MAIL!
1t well directed, we can't fail—
If badly, ‘thereby hangs a tail!
rete ai reeveate
0"As to being inflicted with gout,”
said Mrs. Partington, very wisely, 2s she
stirred her tea, ‘high living dosen't always
bring it on, depend upon it, though it gen-
erally does sometimes. It is incoherent mn
some families, and is handed down from fa
ther to son, Mr. Hammar, poor soul, who
bas been so long ill with 1t innerits it from
his wife's grandfather.
cea A AA ee sett.
17 If every word men utter fell to the
ground and grew up a blade of grass, most
public speeches would be worth ten times
as much as they are now.
[= Why is a lady who has bought a sa-
ble cape at half-price, like an officer rbsent
on leave ? Because she's got her fur-low.
[7 Why is a kiss like a sermon # It re-
quires two heads and an application.
rr —— et:
{ Promissory notes— Tuning the fiddle
beforp the performance begins
New Rewepy For THm Ssarreox. —Thc
Saracenia purpurie, or Indian eup, native
plant of Novia Scotia which we Mentioned
some time ago as being the specific used by
the Indians against the smallpox bids fair to
realize the expectations entertained by m. -
dical men of i sefficacy. In a letter address
ed to the American Medical Times, Dr
Fredrick W. Morris. President, Phybiciaz
of the Halifax Visiting Dispensaly, states
that this Saracenia a papaveraceous plant,
will cure small-pox in all its forms withis
twelve hours after the patient his takeing
the decoction.
‘However alarming and numcrous the
eruptions,” he says, ‘‘or conffuent and fright
fultyey may be, the peculiar action of ib
medicive it such that very sellom isa scar
left to tell the story of disemse. If cither
vaccine or variolious matter is washed with
the infusion of the Sacarcenis, they are d:-
prived of their contagions properties. B-
mild and pleasant is the medicine to the
taste that it may be largely mixed with tea
or coffee, and given to connoisseurs in theses
beverages to drink, without being aware of
the admixture. --The medicine has been sug
cessfully tried jn the hospitals of Novo
Scotia, and its use will ba oontis
Ox Thursday ofternoon, whilst Gen. Bat-
fer, 10 company with the Baltimore coms
mittee of reception, Gen. Schenck and ete,
and other gentlemen, were visiting the forts
around Baltimore, a dreadful accident occur
red. After visiting Forts Mciienry and Fed.
eral Ill, they had gone lo Fort Marshaii
where a salute was to be fired, The Generai
and his party had passed out of range of the
guns and the gunner supposing all had pasa.
ed, gred a thurty fwe pounder. Unfortunate
ly at this momen: some of the party who had
loitered behind, among them Com. Woodha!
of the U, S. Navy, came up and received the
charge, blowing the flesh trom his lower
limos, and causing his death ina moment.
His Lody was blown over the ramparts &
distance of thirty feet.
a —
Distoyarry.—It is perfectly sickning and
disgusting to read the diatribes of the Trik-
une, Times, &c., on “disloyalty,” “disloya!
men,” &c. Persons who have sanctioned
every executive usurpation, every infrac
tion of the Conatitution, and every act of
outrage on the peoples rights, talking about
disloyalty" ag glibly as if thep were the
purest patriots in the universe! Greely
and Ravmond prating of their “loyalty,”
when there is not a line 1 the Conatitutica
that they have not deliberately repudiated t
Verily, this world is tarnd topsy turvey.—
The insufferable arrogance of thess protea-
ded patriots 1s only cqualled by their bitter
torvism, which demands of free, intelligent
Americans, that they should give up the
right of private judgement and prostrate
their minds and souls in abject submission
to a one-man power.— Caucasian.
ea Gr etn cot
Drsausring. Nothing ao disgraceful to
our city has occurred for years as the dis
gusting ostentation of the marringe of Tom
Thumb to a corresponding specimen of usa-
fortunate fomale humanity, under the au
spices of that greatet of kumbugs, Barnum.
A mob of women, it is said, blocked up
Broadway near the church where the cere~
mony came off, and had to beactually beats
en back by the Police! Rome was bad,
Sodom worse, but we doubt if either city, in
their worst days ‘rivaled the grossness aod
sev cuality of New York.—Caucasion.
AN INsTITUTION. — A boarder was seen ta
pick something out of & saussge he was
‘What is it Ben 7” asked a bosrder slitiag
“A little piece of bark 1 believe." replied
‘Well, old fellow, it's my Zopidion yon*d
better not hunt any longer, or you might
find a grow! pretty soon.
er ret hee
[7~A laddy says the first time she was
kissed she felt ike a big tub of roses swia-
ming in honey, eologne, nutmegs, and cran.
berries. She also felt as if something waa
running through her nerves on feet of dis
monds, escorted by several little Cupida in
chariots drawn by angels. shaded by honeya
suckles, and ths whee! sp @ 4 with molted
Humph ! Golly !
07" An old maid who has her eyes a 'iitle
sideways on matrimony, says: ‘ The curse
of this war is, that it will make many wid-
ows, who will be fierce to get married, and
who will know how to do it. Modest girls
will stand no chance at all.
—— lnm
I= A disconsolate widower seeing the rev
mains of his late wife lowered into the
grave, exclaimed, with tears in his cyes:-=
«+ Well, I’ve lost hogs and T've lost cows,
but I never had anything that cut me up
liks this.” :
J7* You sre writing my bill on very
rough paper, said a client to his soiicitor.—
Never mind, said the lawyer, it has to be
filed before it comes into court. >
07” The women must think that we men
are great Tobbers! We are all the time
going about robbing” them of their very
Orleans has arrived in Paris, on Bis wtura
| from Roms,
rn re Msn i. : :
17> The venerable Archbighop of New
a oe po
i — a —— NNR il