Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 20, 1863, Image 1

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~ @he Democratic
ra = ——
VOL. 8.
Original Pactry,
[For the Democratic Watchman.
(Originally Intended for Her Album.)
The following beautiful lines, written by Capt
ain LaArriver, of the 5th Peonsylvania Re.
werves, were originally intended for the Album of
a young lady of this place, (Bellefonte) in whose
family he formerly boarded for several years. —
The reader will observe that the Captain makes
allusion to the changes which have taken place
since then, and speaks feelingly of days long gone
by. These lines are the production of an agcom-
lished gentleman and gallant soldier, and are
ull of the spirit of true poetry.—Ep. WATCRMAN.
Though small may seem the boon you ask—
A line to deck your Albun’s page,
To me, it were a lighter task
To lead the van where battles rage,
Than, by the camp-fire’s flick’ring rays,
To wield a soldier’s clumsy pen,
And bind each thought that, listless, plays
Among the chambers of the brain;
Or, be the battle lost or won,
Perform another still more trying,
After the fearful strife is done,
View, unmoved, the dead and dying.
A soldier true—and well "tis known,
Whose duty all his thoughts engago,
A brave and loyal heart may own,
Aud yet be neither bard nor sago ;
But since I feebly thus essay,
And with your Fight request comply,
To find a theme tw suit my lay,
I muston days lung gone rely;
Aud there from memory’s gathered stores,
Beneath a heap of gloomy sorolis,
That many a hapless grief deplores,
A sweot domestic scene unrolls;
Aud on the cheerful faces there,
Where naught but pleasant smiles are scon,
Nove doth a happier aspect woar
[For the Democratic Watchman.
Upon my word its true--
What will you lay its a lie?’
Mr. Epiror : In the Central Press of the
6th inst., my attention was directed to an
extract suspended under the caption of
«The Horrors of Southern Institutions,”
taken, as said, from a le‘ter written by a
“Mary F. Clark to the Troy Times,” in
support of the statement of (ten. Butler as
to the horrors of Southern Society. 1 read
it as given by this Charlataness-Itinerant
School-Marm, who out-Herods Mrs. Harriet
Beccher Stowe, and with great gusto relates
the lacivious conduct and incestuoas practi-
ces of Cel. Richardson, of South Carolina,
with his own daughters, and for a period of
six years, all of which time this veritable
Mary F. Clark says she * was Governess in
Col, Richardson's family, having the educa
tion of his daughters in charge, And from
her position she says, ¢ | wish to state that
it is the custom of the South Carolina Aris-
tocracy for fathers to have criminal inter
course with their own daughters.” All
must admit that Mary F. Clark, as Govern-
ess, must have winked at these © Southern
customs” f r six vears, while she was in-
structing Col. Richardson's daughters, and
that for herself she came out of this lewd
ord-al pure and undefiled. But hear her
«Some may say that they cannot see how
Slavery is responsible for these family evils,
of which Gen. Batler speaks and of which
[ affirm. The secret is just here: From
very infancy the plauters sons arc gratified
in everything they desire. 1 could tell you
some startling fucts of the boyhood of these
Than lively. romping, bonny Je.x.
A few, brief years Red thoughtices past,
And then, alas! that scene —how changed! |!
Decp sorrow had those smiles o'ercast— |
Relontless Death its bliss deranged.
Father, moter, taken away,
Three tender orphans left to mourn,
Who ne'er had known a joyless day,
Nor seen a banished care return’
A few, brief yeirs! Two livee had clesed,
planters’ sons I"
Ah! why cil she not tell us? Was jt
that slie wou d have proved that ther: are
Josephs in the Sth as well as there wae
in Potiphar’s time ¢ Tlomer tells of a cer
taia lady of the name of Stenoboea, a dangh-
ter of Jobates, King of Lycia, wlo became
enamored of Belloropkon, and when he re-
fused to gratify her criminal passion, she
To parents’ noblest duties given ;
To their dear babes the path disclosed,
accused him before Pie ns And why
should vot this very Paragon of chastity,
Then wing'd their way from Earth to Heaven. | after six years experience, accuse the Sou th-
Jbeir offspring they had guarded well ern Fathers before Fred. $ouglass and Thad-
In life, fw every chro td diL; ! deus Stevens 2 1 regret that the Press gave
And when the bolt, unlovked for, foll,
They bowed submissive to His will | publicity to such a base, vulgar and nfam-
Cronitiing to is guardian care, {ous article. lt eould &) no possible good
The etricken loved ones left behind, LT carried its own falsity with it, ast ix a
Trusting the see l might flourish thers, | notorious fact and well known to al who
[planted in ewch infant mind read the religious periadicals, that the
Church South is as pure ard orthodox in its
teach ngs as i» the North, and that the
Southern planters are as religion 3, virtu us,
humane, and as parental wnd fraternal in
their domestic relations as any people in
the world and are noted for their kindness
and affection to anl for their children ; and
it was with pleasore that I saw the good la
dy of the house. when this article in the
ress was read, tako it, declaring it was a
slander and a fals. hood, untit to be read in
Life's direst ills must all be borne,
Lhe fairest flowers must fade and dio,
The 1. ed ones from our side be torn,
In deatn the warmest heart must lie;
Yet orphans’ tears may soon be dried,
The cares of lite be boldly met,
The feet tread firm the path untried —
The heart its grief may not forget.
“Tis thus, my JEAN, with youand I,
Tho’ you have trod a peaceful path.
While I have sought a stormy sky,
Amid contending foemen’s wrath ,
As hangs dark melancholy o'er us,
When fled are pleasures, vain and brick,
Htill eomes ever up before us,
Our early loves, our early” grief,
Adieu! Adieu !—My tedious muse,
Who now would fain her lay prolong,
Will a or couplet oft refuse.
And yet spin out a tuneless song.
These lines, too long for Albums leaves,
May etill a pleasant thought invoke—
“Tis more than every pen achieves,
And few have tend'rer echoes woke.
Brie Prans. Va,
Junuary 16th 1863. |
From the Lincoln (Ill) Herald.
Many of our readers will doubtless recol-
lect a Mr. J. J Searight, wuo, some time
nince, was engaged in the grocery and pro-
vision business in this place in partnership
with Mr. Willaimn B. Barlow. It will also be
vemembered that, at the commencement of
hostilities. he eulisted in a company forming
in this county for the 23d Regiment [llinois |
Volunteers; and received a Lieutenant's
commission. Ile was generally esteemed as
an cxceilent officer, and did his whole duty
in several of the sanguinary engagements
in the Southwest. in an unlucky hour he
met a young lady of a rebel proclivities but
extrevely beautiful, at her home, near
vie Tennessee, Suffice to say that they
1 the time that the Lieu-
re fiom his duties was
spent mn the society of the charming secesh
siren, ad she as eagerly returned his bur-
ving Mssion. Licuteaant Scaright time
and again offered his resignation—he wished
to leave the tented field and dwell in the
rosy bowers of love--but, unlike his love
it was poi accepted. Love at length con
quered ali bis seruples--he deserted and
succeeded in escaping beyond the Federal
lines with the young lady, The southern
belle, who thus seduced the L eutenant, is
enormously wealthy being the possessor of
ap ample fortune in sterling gold. They
also succeeded in runmng the blockade at
Charleston and arrived at Havana last christ
mas day, whon they were married, and are
now hving, it is said, in happiness and cle-
ee ————
[J™ Secretary Chase gave a dinner on
Citatitl Ct}
in a brothel, and cast it into the fire. hat
i8 the effect it had in our neighborhood.
Hanws Twe., 10:h Feb. 1863 Berra.
sven eth tl ere ea
It seems impossible. says the New Hamp-
shire Putriot for the National Goiernment
to avoid a serious conflict with the State an
thorities of various States, except by y:eld-
ing obedience to the Constitution, which it
is 50 grossly outraging in these arbitrary ar-
‘Irests In Wisconsin, the Supreme Count,
composed entirely of Republicans, has deci-
ded that the President has no power to sus-
pend the writ of habeas corpus, and has or-
dered the release of fifteen persons arbitra-
rily arrested by order of the Government.
The same decision will doubtless be made
in nearly every State when the issue is mado
and if the Government persists in arres'ing
and imprisoning persons without warrant
and in oficn violation of the Constitution, it
will find itself forcibly resisted by authority
of State Goveraments in the hands of its
own rolitical friends. The question of per-
sonal f eedom and constitutional rights is
too vitally important to every citizen to ad-
wit of its being given up without a strug-
gle. Tt overrides all mere party questions
and feelings. and brings home to every ore
the momentuous issue of liberty or despo-
tism for himsell or his posterity. It is im-
posible that intelligent and patriotic men
can be so blinded by party prejudice and so
swayed by poli.icsl feeling as to justify or
submit to such palpable and repeated viola-
tions of personal hiberty as demonstrate the
determination of the Government to eweep
away all safegnards of the Constitution and
al. guarantees of the common law, and our
own institutions, end establish itself a des-
potisin ag arbitrary and unfeeling as ever
existed in the world’s history.
17 For some weeks past there has been
quite an excitement among nervous (emales
in Philadelohia, over a report that there is
an organized band who go about ihe streets
at night with sticking plasters in their hands
and India rubber shoes on their feet, the
first to put over the mouths of their victims
and the last to deaden the sound of their
approach till they come close encagh to gag
the women. The cect has been to terrify
timid women and girls, so that many of
them are afraid to appear in the atreets at
night, and are ready tw runif a men comes
Saturday. Among the guests prescut were
Gen. Cameron.
within a dozen rods of them in any place
iuot well frequented.
There is a time when ‘forbearance cea-
ses to be a virtue,” and tame submission
craven cowardice.
tient endurance of the Northern Democrats,
while abolitionism has been rolbing them
of their political and religious rights— plun-
dering them of their property, and murder-
ing their own in in an unholy crusade
against the institutions of the South, one
would be led to believe they were either all
cowards or all slaves. It was for the sake
of peace that they suffered so Jong in silence,
and that peace being denied thew, like men
they are now ready to offer up their lives,
if it need be, in order that their privileges
shall be protected. Read the following Res-
olutions passed by the house of tepregenta-
tives in lll. They are ‘true grit.” [Iuodi-
ana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York will
sustain them. Then Wo! to Abram and h.s
New England friends if they attempt to car-
ry out their infamous usurpations any far-
ther. Niggers won't save them.—Ep
Mr. Walker offered the following pream-
ble and resolutions, and moved their refer-
ence to committee on federal relations.
¢- Whereas, Abraham Lincoln, at the com-
mencement of the present unhappy war, de
clared in every official paper that came from
his handa, that the sole object of the prose.
cution of the war, was, and should be, for
the restoration of the Uniofs and the laws ds
our fathers made them ; And,
* Whereas, By his subsequent acts he has
proven to every unbiased mind, that such
now is not the intention in the further pros-
ecution of the war, aal that he has wiltally
deccived the soldiers, by inducing them to
take up arms in (as they supposed) an hon-
orable and just cause, which he has turned
into a dishonorable and disgraceful crusade
against the established rights of the States:
**Ile has dcclared martial law over every
loyal State in the Union :
*‘1le has without authority of law or righ.
imprisoned our ci izens in loathsome dun-
geons, and refused them the right of speedy
trial :
“He has sanctioned he taking of the
lives of innocent. peaceable, and respected
citizens of these States, to atone for the acts
‘le has, by his proclamation of January
1st, 1863, disregarded “the reserved rights’
of the States, and attempted by that procla-
mation to equal z+: the whit» and black ra-
ces; to excite servile insarrcetion in the
southern States, thereby involving the in-
nocent with the guilty, without riference to
226 OF SeX :
“llc has p rsisted in listening to and car
rying out the couns:ls of men. whose avow-
ed doctrines are initm'cal 10 free govern-
ment :
“He has divided a State without the con-
sent of her legislature ;
‘Ile has degraded the Union army by re-
ceiving negroes into the service of the Uni-
ted States :
+ He has forced negioes upon us sgainst
our often expressed wishes, and the Con-
stitution and laws of our State :
“Ile has squandered the nations wealth,
and made us a bankrupt people :
“Ile has suppressed the liberty of the
press, and free speech —a liberty feared only
by tyrants :
¢ He has closed the doors of chur hes and
deprived citizens of these States the right
to serve God according to the dictates of
their own sonscience :
*‘le proposes to involve us in a system
of ruinous taxation for the nurpose of pur-
chasing negroes against our will and the in-
terest of the people :
* He has pandered to Naw England cap-
italists in not using the means at his dispo-
posal for opening the Mississippi river :
“He his given sanction to a measure
known as the Morrill tariff, under which
the East is rapidly enriching herself at the
expense of the West :
‘Against all of which we do enter our
solemn protest ;”
and declare it to be our firm and fixed 1n-
tention: to submit to these wrongs and usur-
pations no longer ; that we will, as we have
heretofore, sustain the Adwinistration in al)
its Constitutional acts, therefore, be it
Resolved by the House of Representatives,
the Senate concurring herein, Thatin our
opiuion the time has come when, in accord-
ance with the Constitution, it becomes ne-
cesgary to call a national convention of all
the States for the purpose of cons dering
our national difficulties and adjusting the
same. We would, therefore, recommend
to all the States, that the Legislatures there-
of appoint commissioners to meet in na ion-
al cenvention, to be held in the city of Lou-
1sville, in the State of Kentucky, on the
first Tuesaay in the month of April, A. D,
1863 ; and we would memorshze the Con-
gress of the United States 10 obtain an ar-
mistice and cessation of hostilities now ex-
isting between different sections of our com-
mon country, for the purpose aforesaid.
¢* Resolved, That the Speaker of this louse
be requested to transmit a copy of foregoing
preamble and resolutions to each of the Gov-
ernors of the States, and request thai they
be laid before the Legislature of the same:
Also, to furnish each of our senators and
representatives in Congress from this State
with a copy hereof, and request their con-
currence hereiu.
New “War Powes."’—Gaev, Saxton, mil-
itary commander at Port Royal, 8. C., has
giwsn authority to s Rev. Mr, French, from
Boston, to grant divarses to negro contra-
bands ander his epritual charge! What is
the next ‘military necessity 1"
The two things that are the objects of the
Judging from the pa-| gypreme desire and that evoke the best ef-
forts for their attainment, of all good men
and patriots at the present time, are peace
and Union, How are these to be achieved ?
is the question that presses upon the heart
of every true American. The tnost direct
way of getting at an answer to this question
we believe to lie in the answer to auother
question : —What is it that prevents peace
and Ustion ? Tf we were to be called on to
answer this question, we would sum 1t all
up in this—the great obstacle that stands
in the way of a restora.ion of the former
relations of amity and union between the
two sections of the country, is New Eng-
land. New England fanaticism and cupidi-
ty gave cause for the war, have kept it up,
and are now standing in the way to prevent
its tetthination.
We have read with giedt carefulaess the
articles recently published, upon the ques-
tions of peace and reunion, in the Richmond
Enguirer— a paper that is not only the or-
gan of Jeflerson Davis, but a much better
representative of Southern popular senti-
ment than any paper in the North can be of
Northetn poptiar sentiment. Taking the
Enquirer st what we have stated; we be-
lieve the feeling of the South to be about
this : —Under no mentionable circumstances
will they agree to go back into a Union of
which New England shall form a member, —
They have so completely last confidence in
the honor and justice of the Pwitan char-
acter that they can trust New England no
longer—not with the most solemn pledges
or the most humiliating concessions that
can be made. On the contrary, the South,
we understand, would be willing to lay
down her arms and return into a Union with
the remaimng Middle and Western States,
if fair and just terms of peace and union
are offered her.
The result of the elections in the latter
mentioned States indicate two things. First,
that peace and reunion are desired ; second,
that they would be willing to dv all that is
fa'r and just in order to secure those ob-
jects. They would be willing to secure to
| the South an equal share in the control of
! the Government and her fiir share of the
| benefits derivable therefrom -—with a resto-
| ration of all those rights and privileges thag
| have been wrenched from her through the
| ir.fluence and management of New England.
| For instance, a strict and faithful execution |
of the Fugitive Slave Law would be guaran-
tied : the right of the Southern man to go
| into the common territories of the Union,
upon an cxact (quality with the non-slave-
{ holder, would be restored; and the right
! (which was unjustly withheld from them at
| the very formation of the Constitution, thro’
| the same ivfluence) of a full representation
| for their negroes; might Le conceded to
i them,
We would infinitely prefer seeing + the
{ Union a8 it was’ restored, with New Eng
land still a member ; but if the choice 18 to
be made, we could not hesitate about how
we would make it. Our selfish and merce-
nary intercsts, alike with those nobler in-
stincts that look to social as well as political
happiress. would dictate a preference in fa-
vor of the Southern States. The commwmer-
cial interests of the Middle and Western
States are ind issolubly connected with thoge
of the South, and those interests are recip-
rocal ; whilst with New England they ar,
not so. New England is vastly interested
in still maintaining her nativoal relation
with us ; fcr by that means she gains the
wealth. The interest, however, is not mu-
tual; for whilst she becomes rich (hrough
her connection with us (and the Sou:h) we
| derive no special benefit in return, except
{the bensfit of buying manufactures at a
higher price than they could be purchased
from foreign countries. So far as social in-
tores:s are concerned, the South is very
much to be preferred. There is more con-
geniality of character between us and the
Southerners than between us and the grip-
ing. penurious, selfish, bigoted and fanatical
Puritans of New England. We repeat it,
therefore, that if a choice must “be made,
and tbat choice lies between New England
and the Southern States, we say, give us tht
South !"—WasmnGron (Pa.) EXAMINER.
———— A ee
077 MicniGaN is three thousand behind
on her quota under the two last calls of the
President, and an immediate draft has been
ordered to supply the deficiency. Massa-
chusetts is nineteen thousand behind on her
quota. and a draft has not been ordered to
supply the deficiency. However, Michigar
has been an apt pupil of Massachusetts in
policies which provoked the war, and she
has recently renewed her devotion to those
policies, —it is therefore fit that three thous-
and of ber people should be diagged from
their homes to fight in a war exclusively for
the benefit of Massachusetts ideas and Mas:
sachusetts shoddy manufacturers, but to
fight in which Massachusetts has no more
white people to spare—only niggers.
gan. It wiil bring a good many thousand
of her people to their senses.—Chicago
127° Once give your mind up to suspicion
and fear, and there will be sure to be found
food enough forit. In the stillest night the
air is filled with sounds for the "ear that is
resolved to listen.
advantage of using us to huild up ber|
The draft will do infinite good in Michi-
Let us Jook at this matter of negro
soldiers with calm and serious attention.—
It is a much more important subject than
our Washington legislators appear to imag-
1. What is the object of the proposition ?
Do we need the negro help? The total avai
able military force of the free negroes in
the North, if every man were called out by
a draft, is less than twenty thousand men’
Is the hope of the count?y so forlorn that it
restson this stoall contingent ? 1t is of
course itnpossible that out legislators have
any such idea. They will never succeed in
enlisting ten of the thirty thousand.
2. Is the protnise of nine hundred thous.
and volunteers, which the Tribune school
of politicians made us, 80 complete a fail
ure that this paltry contingent is necessary
to supply it? We fancy nd one imagines
that the blacks will fulfil the abandoned
3. Ia the Southern siuve to be tsed for
military purposes, and is it expected that an
army will be made up of negroes {tesh from
the plantation? Thus far the coutrabands
have fot furnished four thousand men
capable for military duty, andif the war
lasts two years longer tho number vill not
be eight thousand, :
What practical good then, is anticipated
from the bill now before the Senate? None
whatever. There is no man in congress
who has any common szchse who expects
any material aid from the blacks. It must
be, then, that they anticipate a moral effect
That must be of a twofold character. It
must operate at the South, and aleo at the
North: At the South it may possibly be
expec ed that the propo al to enlist and
arn negroes will produce apprehensions of
insurrection among the negroes, or perhaps
will prodace actual insurrections. The idea
is illusory, if indulged ut all.
We have an ample proof within two
years of the entire failure of such hopes. —
terrible as they are, disgraceful to our
very civilization as the idea is, it remairs
true that insted of finding the slave popula-
tion of the South a powder magazine which,
would explode, as some of the ardent wish-
ers for the horrors of servile war promised-
! we find that it is a harmless element, un
| serviceable for such purposes, and we
! have recently heard the President's procla-
mation urged by the same men on the groud
hat very slave population is a source of-
strergth instead of an elsment of dan-
ger. L
But what of the moral effect at the North?
We include in the North the border States.
They are with us, heart and soul, noble and
faithfully. Is the negro regiment bill like- .
ly to encourage enlistments at the North ?—
We think not. Isit likely to strengthen
the stout hearts of loyal border State men ?
We chink not. Is it hikely to cheer the sol-
diers in our gallant armies now in the feld.
We think not.
What is it likely todo ? There is no wis
dom in attempting to conceal the strong fee-
ling of disapprobation which this proposal
meets with in the entire north.
The Baltimore American. which has been
80 stout an administration paper that it has
been called radical in some quarter, shrinks
—nay, more than shrinks from this propo-
sal, and warns the Administration of the
danger incurred in no doubtful phrases.—
| T. e entiref voice of the loyal men in the
| border States is precisely he same. There
is danger in the bill. [It shakes ‘he loyal-
ty of the border States to its very founda-
Tt produces in the entire North a feeling
of repugnance to the administration which
proposes the measure. The times are not
Lkely to change men’s views of the negroe.
The sentiment that this is a white man’s
government, made for white men, is a prev-
alent sentiment with nine-tenths of the in-
habitants of the country. Suppose the sen,
timent is wrong, it cannot be caanged just
now. The war itself has deepened it.—
The antipathy to negro equality is too deep.
ly seated to be eradicated by such an act —
States like Illinois are not prepared to
admit the colored man into their soil cven
as a laborer, much less are they willing to
receive bim as fellow-citizens or a fellow-
The simple truth is, that the events of
| the past year have intens.fied the feeling of
dislike to the Negro and have sett'ed more
firmly than ever the determination to keep
him in a position of inferiority. However,
many people may be desirous to free the
southerners, the population of the North by
immense majority, is more than ever preju-
diced against the negro, and the theory of
negro equality has lost inetead of gained
The fact is to-day beyond a doubt that
the North is nearer than it has been within
half a century to a williLgness to reduce
the black race at the Nortk to a state of fix-
el, irrevocable inferority, if not of “absolute
servitude. Say itis wrong, say it is sinful
say what you please of it, but the fact re-
mains that the negro has lost sympathy,
i lost consideration in the Northern mind
{ within two years, and whenever any vote
is taken which can be regarded as a test
| vote, the result will astonish those who think
| otherwise.
The effect of this negro soldier, bill there-
fore, will be wholly and entirely injurious
| to the administraiion, and the cause of the
{Union which the admigistration professis
to have at heart. It will weaken and es-
trange the loyal border States. It will
weaken the feelitig of the North for the
war. It will discourage cnlistments of white
soldiers. [It will exasperate the soldiers al-
ready in the ranks, and lead them to dis-
content, and dislike for their profession. It
will add nothing to the force of the army
from the North, and will take away from the
present support which the war is re-
So plain is all this that we cannot doubt
the administration party thoroughly under-
stand it and we look in vain for an expla-
nation of their desire to press the measure
through Congress consistent with a sincere
desiro 10 prosccute the war to a favorable
result.— Journal of Commerce
A nice respectable lady, not a thousand
wiles away, had long noticed, to her dismay
that her ‘worser half’ was growing foolish-
ly suspicious and jealous of her. She re. ol-
ved to teach him # lessoit,
Sone evening siuce, as he was leaving
she told him he need not hurry back —she
would not be lonely—she wished her ducky
to enjoy limself, etc. Benedict smelt a
vertitle mice, under that hypocrisy, and re-
solved to be avenged. Abiut 8 o'clock, an
individual,’ about his size, might hae been
seen creeping cautiously along to the der,
and noiselessly Benedict peeped in. Just
u8 he expected, there they were—a pair of
boots—a coat on the back of a chair, and a
hat on the table. Benedict shivered like an
aspen leafe, as he stooped, pulled off his
boots, and drew a pistcl frow Lis side pock-
et. With ‘resolution flashing from his
eye,’ he made tracks for the bedroom, —
There he was kneeling at the bed-
side, ‘coat and vest oft,’ and his head on the
pillow. Miserable villan—his time had
‘Say your prayers villasin—your time
is short,— and a flash and a report
told that the bullet bad sped on its fatal
‘Help ! murder ! watch! Oh, is that you?
and Madame popped her little head up from
the {uot of the bed.
Benedict seized the body, and it was—a
miscellaneous collection of old coats, vests,
pillows, handkerchiefs, and the 1 ke, made
up for the occasion.
Tsay, my dear, what does all this mean 1
exclaimed the husband, with a bland sheep-
ish look.
‘Well dear,’ replied the wife, I did get
lonely after all, and just amused myself by
dressing up the puppet, and n aking believe
)® were at home. I'm sure, I didn't think
you'd suspect.’
‘There, there,’ said the chagrined hus-
band, say no more about it ; I thought it was
a robber ; dear creature, I'm so glad it didnt
hit you.
Beredict repeated, ‘Now I lay me., etc and
went to bed, resolved not to watch any
more at present.
The Republican idea of making us take
Abraham Lincoln, and swear fealty to him
right or wrong, instead of the guide our
predecessors gave us, wise, great, good men
—the constitution and laws, is so utterly
absurd and ridiculous, that no sane man
could do otherwise than smile at theineffible
impudence of the silly, proposition, and so
it will be viewed by all ere many mouths or
yea.s pass away.
As a free people —the rightful sovereign —
we owe allegiance to no man.—Men in office
arc our servants, slavssil you please and
‘we the people,’ the masters. We do the
voting, we do the fizhting, we do the tax-
paying, and we sit as the Judzes of our
scrvants’ labors, As nonest Judges, and
the true sovereigns, we express our assent
or dissent, and he who sets himself up as a
Dictator of how we shall think and how
we shall speak, or what we shall pu'lish,
and where and by whom our papers shall
be read, is simply making a1 ass of himself
for the time being to be hated, despised and
punished in after time. The very absurdi-
ty of the thing destroys itself without the
trouble or necessary of argument. When
the reaction fairly comes, the veriest num-
skull will startle at his own impndence
and folly, —Criss.
———— OA ee
tiie Thompson, the anthoiess «of many
works of biography and fiction, died at Do-
ver, Eag., on the 19th of D.cember.—
Among the mast extepsively known of her
early productions are “Constance,” *‘The
Life of Raleigh,” ¢Memoirs of the Court of
Henry the Eighth,” and the ¢ White Mark.”
Her late works, writtn conjointly with her
son, and published under the nom de plume
of Grace and Philip Wharton, were; “The
Queens of Society,” and **Wits and Beaux.”
The “Li erature of Society,” only Just given
to the world, was Mrs. Thompson's last
Tis Case or Coronel Cross.—The
Pittsburg Chronicle thus notices the termi-
nation of the Col. Cross case :
Some days ago we noticed the fact that ap-
plication had been made before the Supreme
Court for the discharge of Colonel J. Buch-
anan Cross, the forger, from the penitentia-
ry, on the ground that he had been pardon-
ed by the Governor, and ought not, there-
fore, to be restrained of his liberty. Our
{readers will doubtless recollect the cireum-
I stances of the case,
The following ¢xiracts are but a {air sara-
ple of the feeling of the whole army. Ma-
ny a poor fellow was deluded in‘o this wick
ed butchery by the false ery of “support
the Government,’ +: save the Union.” and
fearful will be the accoant the at olitionis &
and others who howled Wan! Wag! will
have to render up when these deseivind ani
wronged men are permitted to return home.
— Ed. Watchman.
“Dear C— : Tam sick of ibis war so
sick that Id) not care upon whit terns it
is settled. 1 have seen thousands of men
lying mangled on fitteen or sixteen different
battle fields--all for nothing. Wives, sis-
ters, mothers and children, losing their hus-
bands, brothers. sons and fathers—sll for
nothing! Fur hero we have besn sighting
over a yearsnd a half, amd we have nog
gained one prin. We have lived und are
now living un nine of ter crackers, a piers
of raw pork, and sume miserable copperas-
water called coffe, per day, all 0 fill the
pockets of a lot of thieves, who are
trying to make all they can out of the peo-
ple and the Government. Te soldsers are
all discouraged, and will not fight as they
would once on the Peninsula. All we hear
from Washington is the nigger. the nigger,
the — back, filthy rigger. One nigger
is thought more of than twenty white men
who have left home and all that is worth liv *
ing for to come and lay down their lives, if
need be, to save their country, while tle
leaders are doing their best to ruin it. It
13 not because we cat beat the rebels that
the war is not over by this time; for we
can beat them But it is because the gov-
ernment is too busy thinking of the nigger
to sec that the men are where they dught to
be when they are wanted. You mast not
set me down a3 8 growler. i have good
reason for my growling. Almost every man
in the army thinks as I do. 17 Jub had ser-
ved in the arn y of the Potomie, he would
have sinned, and most fearfully, too.”
The following extract is from a latter
written on the 231 of December, near Fal-
mouth, by a member of one of the regi-
ments raised 1862. The writer has been
known for scveral years in the village of
Woonsocket 8s an active Republican politi
cian, and was a vote distributor at the polls
at the last town meeting which he atiendeds
‘Had I known as much of the wanage-
went of things six months ago as 1 knew
now, fifty yoke of oxen could not have
drawn me out here. Itigallad—-d politi
cal humbug, and got up to make offices for
lazy offie seekers, [ wish the leaders were
as far the other side of purgatory as they
are this side. Jt has turned out 10 be au
Abolition war, and ninety-nine wldiers out
are guing to carry on the war, they will
have to get a new army. They say they
cave out here to fight for the Union and
not for a pack of d--d niggers. These nig-
gers arc luzy and dirty ; they will lic ana
steal, and they are swusy when they dare
to be, If a soldier touches an offier's nig.
ger he will get courtmartialed snd loose a
month's pay. A nigger is thought m re of
by the government than the soldiers are. -
They get as much or more to eat, get ag
wuch pay and don't Lave to fight sny. a
curse on such things! [I hope someihing
will turn up before to-morrow night that
will settle this war. We got whipped at
Fredericksburg, exdwe sAdl get whippe {
every time we fight in Virginia! 1 don't
think he North is right, any more than the:
South I”!
A Snort METRE PRAYER. — We have heard
of an old Deacon, who. on being asked by
is pastor to close a meeting with a shop
prayer, repliel. ** [ ain very willing to pray..
but dont like to bestinied.” The minister
mentioned below must have belonged to
the sam family, for he hal the same aver-
sion to being straightened in his commun-
cation with Gud. The story haa a good
moral :
The Rev. Mr. Derwell. a pious and curi-
ous old Method:st minister, went (rom Teu-
nessce to Kentucky, 1m 1312, to visit his rel-
ative. the ton. Wm. Bolton. The man was
not a religions wau, but he was a gentles
man, and invited the mimister to have fam'-
ly worship every cvenine. While he was
visiting there, Judge Cone and his wife,
from Na hrille, arrived here to pass the
night. and Mr. Bolton. being a little embar-
rassed, said to the old minister, as he bro't
out the bible, that he had better be short,
as the Judge wags, probably, not accugtom-
ed to such things.
© Very well, very well. ’ «aid he, and read-
ing a ginglo verse, he kuclt down and pray-
*OLord, we are very peor and needy
creatures, and we knw that thon art sble
to supply allour wants, but Cousin Wal-
liam says that Judge Cone ard his wife,
from Nashville sre bere, 1nd are not used
to fawily worship, ana however needy we
are, there is no time to spare iu telling Thee
our wants. Amen.” .
The Judge wi: s taken all aback, and so
was Cousin William. They both pressed
the old gentleman to conduct the service mn
his own way, which be did, to thor great
C7 Gov, Parker of New Jersey. was ioe
auguraled ou the 20.h inst. The largest
crowd ever assembled at . renton was pres”
ent. and the greatest enthusiasm was wane
ifested, His inaugural o.k strong against
the admins ration and i1 favor of the righ
of the people.
of one hundred say that if the Abilitionists