BE > TT ————— TA iar — TTT Tht Tape. or os = - f ; : = PILLADELPA & ERIE RAILROAD, (PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO., LESSEE ) en WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ler ald Cn and after Monday, Nov. 17th, 1862, TIME a LOCK HAVEN STATION will Le as, follows : 7: ARRIVES. LEAVES EAST. Express ... 3°40, A. x. Express... 8.04, p. M. Man van 8:04 pM. Mail ... ... J0.13,4. 3° Accomm’n. 10:20, A. a. Accomm’n 2:50 P. M. Tassengers for Philadhlphia and Baltimore, on both the Mail and Express trains, go throngh without change afcars. Exnress West rans daily except Mondays, all others daily excopt Sundays. This Line has been extended to Sinnemaho- Ld SAM'L A BLACK, Superintendent Eastern Division. LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS. We shall attend to the Press and its ils,” along with the com- 1 copied from the Troy Tunes | «I'he horrors of Southern Society,” next week. iy 07= The Lutherans are holding a pro- tracted meeting in their Church at this place. We understand;that several persons have presented themselves at the altar to geek pardon for their sins. We hope much good may be done. ee. () en ce 17>The Germans in town intend having a grand bail at Cummings’s, Hotel on Mon- day night, the 16th inst, We learn that a Band from Lock Haven is to be present and from the preparativns that are being made, we have no doubt but it will be one of the «grandest? affairs of the kind ever witness- ed in Bellefonte. No Tickets will be sold after 8 oclock en that evening. 0 Annnurs Home Magazine. This excellent Magazine is also upon our table. A sure guarantee of its merit is the fuct that it is edited by the celebrated T. S. Arthur, and Miss. Virginia F. Townsend, two of the best and most pleasing writers of which Ameri- can literature can boast. This Magazine should be in every family, and we can heart ely recommend 1t to all lovers of novel and polite literature, Address F. S. Arthuer Phijadelphia. Price two dollars per an- num. o Mz. Hayruron.—The celebrated horse trainer, we understand will visit this place on Tuesday next. There is no doubt but he will find enough to do in hisline, as there are a many fracious and unmanageable hor- ges hereabouts that need ‘taking down.’-— Mr, Ilamilton we learn, is no humbug and persons who have witnessed his feats say if there is a second Rarey living he is the one. He will teach the art to all who desire it and will ask no pay from any one until they are satisfied that they can perform as well as himself. 0 I~ We had the pieasure of taking by the hana on Tuesday last, Frank M. Streamer Fisq., of Pontiach il. formerly of this coun- ty. Many of our readers will remember him as a valued centributor to the columns of the Watchman during the first years of its existance. Ile gives rather a dreary ac- count of matters in the ‘great west’ and thinks from the present state of feelings there, it will not be long until an irrepres- sible conflict will be raging between the Tast and the West, in place of the North and the South. 0 17 Commercial Colleges are at last re- ceiving the degree of attention they deserve; especially of the business community, who knowing what kin of an education is most Bellefonte Markets, (Reported Weekly for the WarcmMaN ly Hoffer Bros} The following are the quotations up ‘'o 6 o'clock yesterday (Thursday) ev Ling. Wheat, White, $1.45 do Red do 1.40 Rye, do 80 Corn, (Shelled) do 75 Cern Ears, do 37 Buckwheat, do 624 Barley, do 100 Oats, ~ (By Weight) do 42 Clover Seed, do 6,00 Timothy; do 2,00 Potatoes, do * 75 Beans, do 175 Onions, do a5 Applels, (Dried) do 1.26 Eggs, er doz. 18 Peaches, (Dried) per 1b. 08 acon, do 08 New Iork, ® perlb, 06 Beeswax, 25 Butter, do 2) Tallow, do 10 Lard, do 08 Rags, < do 05 SPECIAL NOTICES. A Card to the Suffering. The Rev Wirriax CosGROVE, while laboring a8 u Missionary in Japan, was cured of Consump- tion, when all other moans had failed, by a recipe obtain ed from a learned physician residing in tho great city of Jeddo. This recipe has cured great numbers who} were suffering from Con- sumption, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Coughs and Colds, and the debility and nervous depression caused by these disorders. Desirous of benefitting others, I wil send this recipe, which I have brought home with me, to all who need it. free of charge. Address Rev. WM. COSGROVE, 439 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. ly REET TT DIED. Jan. 2Dth at Paducah Ky, of Typhus Penemonia Bamuel Long aged 39 years, The decd’ was a native of this county but had been absent for several years in the Southern a nd Western States. His circle of relations and ac- quaitances were numerous and among the most influentical and respected citizens of Miles Township, the remains passed through this place last Tuesday in rout ‘o his parents at Wolfes Storo Pa. The funeral took place on Sunday at Rebersborg, in the German reformed Church in the presence of one of largest assemblages that has been witnessed there for years, the remains encased in one of Crain Breed &Co's Metallfe caskets. finished in the most epproved style. An elegent tombe tome of Italian Marble shows, where rests a man unniversally known and gener ally respeoted. ‘Poace to his ashes. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JSTRAY. Came to the residence of the sub- geriber in Milesburg a black Bull, and a white Heifer, both suspected to be about 3 years old no marks visible. The owner is requested to come for ward prove property pay charges and take them away otherwise they will be disposed of according to law. Fab. 13 1863—3t. NOTICE. Is hereby given to the stock ho'- ders of the Bellefonte and Philipsburg Turnpike company that an e'ection for managers of said road will be held at the office of Wm P+ Wilson Esq. in. Bellefonte on the first monday of March By order of the Board JNO, T. HOOVER, *Feb. 12, 1863.—¢t. Secretary. Jas. D. Glenn. NOTICE. + The subscriber respectfully in- forms his friends and the public that ee has pur- chased the store carried on by A Kerlin at Sinking Crcek Mills in Potter Township Pa. and intends to continue the business of the old stand where he will keep at all times a general assort- ment of, DRY G0NDS, GROCERIES, NARDWARE (lass, & Queensware, Notions Hats, Caps Boots, Shoes, Bonets Ribbons and rll articl es generall kept in a country Stere all of whish will be sol ab Tor prices for cash or produce Sinking Creek Minus, PETER KERLIN, . N.B. The books are left in my hands for sttle- ment. All who are indebted to A. A. Kerlin will please call and settle without delay Feb. 13th 1863—6m. A UDITORS ,MOTICE The undersigned Auditor appoin- ted by the Court of Commrn Pleas of Centre coun ty to distribute the meney in the hands of. George Alexander Esq High Sheriff of said County, arris ing rom the sale of the real estate of Andrew Gregg to and among those legalley entitled there- to. will atteud to the duties of his appointmenton Satuzday the 28th day of Feburary inst, at his of- fice in Bellefonte, at 10 oclock A*"M. of said day when and where all persons interested are reques ted to attend ADAM HOY Auditer. practical, send their boys to those iustitu- tions after giving them a fair Comm n | School education as preparatory. BRYANT, | Srratroy & Co., S. B. Cor. of Seventh ani ! Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, have been steadily and suv ing ground in public | favor. They stand unvivalied in this branch | of education. Having now thirteen colleges located in tf inl cities of the United States and Canada, they have the united energies of more than fifty of the best teachers the country alfords, who must necessarily produce a better course of in- struction, and consequently tiey send forth more reliable accountants than any other in. stitution can, and their colleges being so widely known, it will require no argument to show that a recommendation from them has a much greater valuo than from an ine stitution whose fame 1s bounded by the lim- its} of a single community. 0 7 Mrs. Samuel Long, of Paducah. Ky., who passed through this place on Wednes- day last, on her return from the painful da” ty of interring the remains of her late hus. band in the burial place of his friends in Brush Valley, of which locality he was a native, we understand was grossly insulted by some boys of this place, j st as she was about to leave in the cars for her home in Kentucky. We learn that she was hoot 1 at as a ¢ secessionist,” and that other vulga® epithets were freely applied to her, which, however, disgraced only those who uttered them. The only reason we can conceive of for such despicable conduct is the fact that this lady was a Southerncr. : We do not know Mrs, Long. We never heard of her before, but such conduct to a stringer, and that stranger a lady, return” ing from the performance of a sad and sol emu duty, exceeds belief! 1t is despicable _-it is damnable, and should be most se. verely punished. For the honor of our goodly tow, we hope we may never hear the like again, Mr. S. A. McQuistion would respectfully in ‘orm the citizens of Centre ceunty, that he has .oned a new Carriage Mapufactory, in the rear . Quwmings’ Livery Stable, where he is prepared « manufacture CARRIAGES, : RUGGIES, SULKIES, PHAYETONS, SPRING WAGONS, SLEIGHS, SLEDS, &C.. &C. aL pricts to suit the time.s. epairing done on short notice. Bellefonte, Feb. 6, 1863, 1y. AUCTION NOTICE. The undersigned has taken out a licengo under the Internal Revenue Laws of the U. S ag an Auctioneer. Ie will attend to all sales when his services are wanted. No unlicin- cod person is permitted by said laws to officiate as an Auctioneer. T. K. KNOX, Bellefonte Jan. 26, 1883.—3t. Auctioneer ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Letters of Adminstration on the estate of John Lee, late of Potter Township, dec’d having been granted unto the suberiber, all per— song indebtel to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those having claims against €aid estate are requested to present |’ ir duly authenticated, for settlement. ROBERT LEE. Jan. 30, 1873.,—06t. > Admin’r. STRAY. > ; Came to the premises of the sub- soriber r)siding in Marian Township, about the middle of November lasi. a dark brindle cow with several white spots in her left ear, stpposed to be six or seven years old. The owner i§ requested to come forward prove property, Puy charges and take her away, otherwise she will be disposed of according to law. $ FRANKLIN BICKEL. Jan 23,1882. —3t. NEW LIVERY STABLE BACK OF HUME'S STORE. THOMAS DORAS, Proprietor. _ Six fine Bay Horses, all good travelers—and splendid Buggies, Carriages and Hlei s,—and fitted with fancy Harness and warm Robes, to hire cheaper than any other establishment in town. Call around. gentlemen. January 23, 1863-1y. UDITOR'S REPORT OF CENTRE County, for the year 1862. JOHN B. MITCHELL, Treasurer, in account with Centre county, from January 6th, 1802, to January 5th, 1863. 3 'I'o amount received from Collectors and other sources, To Balance due county, $ 12,433,59 CR. $ 20,580,58 By amount Commission- ers Orders lifted, 26,475,12 do Treasurer's com- mission on $26,475,12, 661,87 do allowed for station- ary, * 10,00 do balance due co. 12,433,59 39,580,58 DR. To amount received on Military Relief Fund from Collectors and oth- er sources for 1862, 17.400,21 Balance due county Tr. 10 399,48 27,799,609 CR. By amount Relief Orders lifted, 27,121.85 do Commission on 27- 12L,65, 678,04 i 27,799,069 By balance due county Treasurer, 10,399,48 DR. To amount received on the Military Bounty Fund, 89,735.00 Balance due county Tr. 218,15 30,053,15 CR. By smount Bounty Or- ders lifted, 88,959,80 do Treasurer's Com- mission, 093,85 89,953,15 By balance due co. Tr. 218,15 GEORGE ALEXANDER, High sheriff of Cen- tre county, in account with said county for the year 1862. 5 DR. To balance due county at last settlement, 854,71 do amount of County Orders, do Jury Fees & Fines By balance, 509,07 CR. By bill rendered for boarding Prisoners— Fees & Exonerations, 606,91 Commission on Fees and Fines, 2,16 509,07 By balance at settlement, 265,30 We, the undersigned Auditors of Centve county do certify that having settled and examined the foregoing accounts of John B. Mitchell, Treasur- er, and George Alexander, High Sheriff of said county, and do find them correct as above stated. Witness our hands this 15th day of January, A. D., 1863. JAS. C. WILLIAMS, GEO. BUCHANAN, > 4 Auditors. * Receipts and Expenditures of Centre County for the year 1862. We the Commissioners of Centre county, agree- ably to an Act of Assembly, entitled an act to raise County Rates and Levies, requiring the Commissioners of the several counties of this Com- monwealth to publish annually a statement of the receipts and expenditures of the respective coun- ties, do report the following as Too to wit, from the 6th day of January, 1862, to the 5th day of January, 1863 : COUNTY AUDITORS. By amt’ paid Jery Mayes . (as auditor}) $ 15,00 do Jas. C. Williams, (ditto) - 15,00 do George Buchanan, ditto) 15,00 do (eorge Livingston, (Clerk to Auditors) 1500 r tiers pd $ 60,00 ASSESSORS. By amount paid Township and Borough Assessors for assessments and re- a ’ Gi COMMISSIONERS OFFICE. By amount paid John Me- Almont, as Com- missivner, do lra Fisher, do do A. Alexander, do do Wm. Furey, do do 8. M. Irwin, for balance at set- tlement, do same as Com- missioners cl’k, do same distribu- ting assess blks, and election pa- pers, eo game, extra work do same, carrying out tax in Treas-. urer’s U. 8. Land 786,62 299,50 322,00 223.00 30,00 48,33 300,00 18.00 26,55 100,00 do same, carrying U.S. Land B do same, making extra Duplicates do same, cash paid Treasurer in mistake, do sams, for Reve- nue Stamps for note, 30 do same, for relief account— extra 50,00 14,00 5,00 800,00 22,30 work, do same, William Cook for postage do same. Geo. Liv- ingston for books and staticnary, do same, Geo. Liv- ingston for mak- ing out dupli- cates, do sameJ. D.Shu- gert for index- ing Redemption Book and enter- ing U.S. Land Sales, do same, A. O. Furst for servic- es as counsel te Commissioners, (in part) 127,19 24,00 5,00 10.00 1,020,17 COURTS. By amount paid for Com- monwealth costs do Grand and Traverse Ju- Tors, do BE MJ wn ling Proth’y © ister Dockets, do And. White for eervices as court crier, do: Geo. Alexander (Sheriff) for serving attach- ments, do John T. John- ston, Prothono- tary costs, 591,30 2,202,54 nch- 35,00 64,00 9,50 104,20 : $,008,63 COURT [1OUSE. By amount paid J. 8. Par- sons for services as Janitor, do same, for m'dse. bought for ¢ H. do W. H. Short- lidge furnishing and delivering coal for the ©. do” B.C. Bro. m’dze for Court House, ido Bellefonte Gas Co. for gas bills do © Jas Kent for re« pairs to ceiling 132,00 19,27 186,30 1,00 191,48 1,50 J. H. MeClure for water tax, do B. Galbraith, repairing fouce and gates, do Lycoming Co lusurance on Court House, 9,00 10,50 COUNTY JAIL, By amount paid James Kent for plas- tering Jail, do D. Bol nger, blacksmithing do N. Hillibish, repairsto fur: nace, ’ do Jere Mayes and Purdue > fer wood, do J. S. Parsons werk done, do Geo, Alexans - der, boarding ing prisoners, do same, lumber and building smoke house, repair-ng stas ble, 32,15 48,94 11,44 19,25 74,12 20,75 112,00 L 318,65 COUNTY PRINTING. By amount paid Seely and Barnhart in full of ac- count, 7,00 do Geo. Kurtz for for printing, 25,00 do same, do 348,10 do Alexander and Furey printing 79,25 do F. Kurtz do 114,53 PREMIUMS ON SCALPS, By amount paid for Pan- ther, Wild Cat, “Fox, and Musk Rat scalps, 330,87 INQUISITIONS ON DEAD BODIES. By amount paid P. Sho- enberger in- quest en body of H. Young, 9,34 LOANS AND INTEREST ON LOANS. Amount of money loan. ed county, By interest paid sundry persons for ina terest on notes orders, &c, ROAD VIEWS. By amouut paid for road views, views to assessdams nges. &c, CONST ABLE RETURNS. By amount paid Consta: bles for res turns, miles age, &e, 1 ELECTIONS. By amount paid Election Officers, Re- turn Juages, and Assessors fcr putting up lists and at. tending elec- ’ tions, . . 898,60 MISCELLANEOUS PAYMENTS. By amount pad W. W. Brown for uns current funds do C. R. Foster for military fund, due Philipsburg, do F. P. Green, telegraphing, do R. F. darren, certified copy of Act of As- sembly, do John Brach- 563,88 14,800,00 1,508,51 201,00 55,44 10,00 22,02 14,79" PITTSBURG, PA, corner Penn and St. Sti _ The largest Commerelal School of the United States, with a patronage of nearly 3,000 Students, in fi ve years, from 31 States, and the only one which affords complete and reliable instruction in all the following branches, viz: MERCANTILE, MANUFACTURERS, STEAM BOAT, RAIL ROAD & BANK BOOK-KEEFPING, FIRST PREMIUM Plain and Ornafuental Penmanship; also, Sur- veying, Engineering and Mathematics generally $35.00 Pays for a Commercial! Course; Students enter and review at any time. §%7° MiNisTERS' sons’ tuition at half-price. For Catalogue of 86 pages, Specimens of Busi- ness and Ornamental Porat and a beauti- ful College view of 8 square feet, containing a great variety of Writing, Lettering and Flourish- | ing, inclose 24 cents in stamps to the Principals, ~ JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburg, Pa. July 18, 1862.—1y. Office of JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGEET¢ AT JAY COOOKE & C0. BANKERS, 114 sCuTH THIRD STREET, . Philadelphia, Nov. 1, 1862. The undersigned, having been appointed SUB- SCRIPTION AGENT by the Secretary of the Droeanrys is pow prepared to furnish, ut once, the New Twenty Year 6 p. ct. Bonds, the United States, designated as ‘Five-Twen ties,” redeemable at the pleasure of the Govern- ment, after five years, and authorized by Act of Congress. approved February 25. 1862 ‘The COUPON BONDS are issued $50, $100. $500. $1000. The REGISTER BONDS in sums of $50, $100, $500, $1000. and $5000. : Interest at Six per cent per annum will com mence from date of purchase, and is . PAYABLE IN GOLD, Semi-Annually, which is equal, at the prosent reminm on gold, to about EIGHT PER CENT PER ANNUM. Farmers, Merchants, Mechanics, Capitalists, and all who have any money to invest, should know apd remember that these Bonds ef- feet, a FIRST MORTGAGE upon all Railroads, Canals, Bank Stocks and Securities, and the im- mense products of all the Manufactures, &e., &c.. in the country ; ana that the full and ample pro- vision made for the payment of the interest and liquidation of principal, by Custom Daties, Ex- cise Stamps and Internal Revenue, serves'to make these Bonds the REST, MOST AVAILABLEAND MOST POPULAR INVESTMENT EN TED MARKET. Subscriptions received at PAR in Legal Torder Notes. or notes and checks on banks at par in Philadelphia. Subscribers by mail will receive prompt attention, and every facility and explana- tion will be afforded on application at this office. A full supply of Bonds will be kept on hand for immediate delivery. JAYCOOKE, Subscription Agent in sums of Nov. 7, 62-3m. TOT HE PUBLIC. The inquiry iz frequently made, ** Where can erocks be obtainel, that the glasing may remain peimapentiy on, when filled with Apple-butter r Milk-—ard, that will net become sour or disa- zreeabla. nor poisonous, the glazing of which has caused much disease, and frequently death ? 1 take this opportunity of informing the publia that I have sold apple-butter and Milk crock durable in glazing, free from all obn ous smells when placed in different places, to th idersigned named persons that cannot he excelled for quality y anywhere bill repairing chairs, &o, 8,47 do « Thos. McCoy, bLalanee nb settlement, do Ira Fisher ex- penses to Phil- adelphia, do J. B. Mitch ell uncurrent fands, do State Lunatic Asylum keep- ing paupers, do D. Garman, buggy hire, do Jas. MecCuls lough, for counterfeit money, 4,00 do A. B. Futchs ~ ingon Deeds returned, do J. B. Mitchell Tr, for bounty paid Vol. S. Gardner for Beech Creek bridge, de Awvarded by Commisioners to Collectors for settling up their duplicates within the ear, do Paid sundry persone for taxes overpaid do John Moran fire proof safe, do A. 0. Furst &S. M. Irwin for expenses to Harrisburg & gottling coun. ty account with State, do K. G. Furst & A. 0. Furst for fees in Brown vs. cenire eo: do Jesse L. Test, formakingin- dex for Records of ers Books, ads i" gcetum, do J.B. Butts for boarding Jurors in hemicide case do Drs. Dobbins, Mitchell and Green, for post mortem exami- nation (Poor. man) 389 46 24.50 2,00 986,29 1,00 43,38 35,259,80 100,00 10,00 860,25 12,00 100,00 150,00 205,20 21,00 40,00 "38,064,61 RELIEF FUND. To amount orders issu- ed, ; 30,882,25 do out standing taxes for 1861 3.34523 34,227,48 By amount orders lifted 27 121.65 Ralance outstanding, ~~ 7,105,83 34,207.48 We the undersigned Commissioners of Centre county, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and correct statement of the expenditures of the said County, for the year 1862. Witness our hands at the Com- missioner’s office in Bellefonte, on this 2d day of Febuary, A. D., 1863. . © JNO: McALMONT, A. ALEXANDER, WM. FUREY, Commissioners. P. 8. Tne list of outstanding taxes duc from, Collectors will appear next week, Jor SALE! : A sorrel Mare, four and a half years old, kind and gentie in harness—a_gond farm beast and a very speedy traveler. Will be sold choap. Apply athis office to, Attest J, MoraN, Com’rs Clerk. zed with the very best ma- Tr . se 3 wl experi an ¢ ed w funn the publie wich he above described ware. JOSEPH SAPPLE. NB. If you wish to buy goed. substantial gla- zed Crocks, they can be had at the stores of the undersigned persons J. 8 ABRAHAM SUSSMAN Bellefonte, BROWN & COOKE. 4 JOHN AWL. f Ay I. V. GRAY, Stormstown MUSSER & SWARTZ, P.G. Mills ROBT CAMPBELL Port Matilda LYONS & Co., Pennsylv’a Furnace. JOSEPH SAPPLE, Manfucturer 6—mo. Milesburg, Oct. 10th 1862, (FARMAN HOUBE. BELLEFONTE, PA. DANIEL GARMA , Proprietor. This long established and well known Hotel, situated on the Southeast corner oy the Diamond, opposite the Court House, having been purchased by the undersigned, he announc- es tothe former patrons of this establishment and to the traveling puplic generally, that he intends refitting it thoroughly, and is prepared to render the most satisfactory accommodation to all who may favor him with their patronage. No pains will be spared on his part to add to the eonveni- ence or comfort of his guests. Allwho stop with him will find . XXS LABYE abundantly supplied with the most sumptuous fare the market will afford, done up in style, by the most experienced cooks ; while HIS BAR will al- ways ccntain The Chocest of Liquors. His Stabling is best in tow and will always be attended by the most tru sorthy and attentive ‘hostlers - 5, Giva him acal' one ar all, and he feels con- fident that all w I! be sa sfied with their accom- modation. 2 AN EXCEI ENTLIVERY isattached to this est olishment, which strangers from abroad will find greatly to their advantage. DANIEL GARMAN. Bellefonte, Jan. 9, 1862. JE XECUTORS NOTICE Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Rebecca Shipley, dec’d late of Boggs township, having been granted to the sub- seriber, residing in Stormstown, Pa, to whom ali claims against said Estate must be presented du- ly authentieaged for settlongnt; and those know- ing themselves indebted th¥reto are requested to make immediate payment. Jan. 9th 1803. —6t JOHN A. HALL. Z E XECUTORS NOTICE. Letters of Administration with the Will anrexed having been granted ro the un- dersigned on the Estate of Wm. Ryan decd’ late of the Borough of Belafonte All persons endebt- ed to said estate, are hereby requested to make immediate payment , and those having claims ag- ainst said estate, will present them duly suthen- ticated for settlement HENRYBROC TERUOFF. Jan. 23 1863. 6t Executor. JCXECUTORS NOTICE. 4 Letters of Administration the with Will annexed having been granted to the under igned on the Estate of Wm MelIivaine dec’d lat of the Borough of Bellefonte. All persons en- depted to said Estate are hereby requested to- make immediate payment and those having claims against said Estate, will present them duly au- then ticated for settlement. HEYRY BR OCKERHOFF, Jan. 23 6t 1863. Lxecutor. PLEASANT GAP HOTEL, PLEASANT GAP, PA. J. 15. MORRISON, Proprictor. priotor, where he will be happy to wait on the traveling public goneially. 1yr i "STII 9wIBIgE) 5J0A P. GRAY MEEK. Dec. 25, 1862. as. andi This well known Hotel is now kept by the pro- NATIONAL COMMERCIAL COLLEGES LOCATED I PHILADELPHIA. S.E. cor. 7thand Chestnut Streets, N. Y. CITY, BROOKLYN: LLBANY TROY, BUFFALC, LgAVELAND, DETROIT, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS. Boox-KEEPING, PESMANSHIP, COMMEP (IAL AR- 1THMETIC, COMMERCIAL LAW, Torus, Cr: HESPON- DENCE, &c , practically taught. i These Colleges being under the samc general and local management, and uniting in each the advantages of all, offer greater facllities tor im- parting instruction than any other similar inst tutions in the country. A Scholarship issued by any one is good in al for an unlimited time. The Philadelphia College has been recently en larged and refurnished in a superior manner, and is now the largest and most prosperous Commer cail Institution in the State. Bryant & Stratton’s series of Text books, em- bracing Book-Keeping, Commercial Aritnmetic, Doapnerstel Law, forsa.cand and sent by mail. EF Lor fall particulars send 1 @ circular Oct. 17. 1862—1y. Leathex! Leather! SOLE LEATHER SPANISH KI? FRENCH CALF SKINS! COUNTKY CALF KINS! KOROCCO SKINS! LININGS, &C., &C. cemikers’ Thread and kinds, to be had at STS SNM AIS, CHEAP. * thanat any other establishment in Central Penn vlvania. Bellefonte, Decrmber 19, 1852—tf. N.W PICTURE GALLERY. T R. J. S. BARNHART, HAVING soit dei a new and splendid SEV-LIGHT PICTURE GALLERY, is now prepared to execute all orders in the Am- brotype, Photograph, Ferot ype, Maleneotype, or any of the enstomary branches of the Helivgraph- ie Art. His Photogr: will be of the LARGEST SIZE ever taken in the interior of this State.— QCard Pictures, and almost an endless variety of common and faney cases, are offered at prices which vary from 50 CENTS T0 25 DOLLARS ! Instructions given and appartns furnished upon reasonable terms. This Gallery is located on the Lill heside the Court House, near Garman’s Jlo- tel May 22, '62-1y. TO THE LADIES. Shoemakers Tools, of The Democratic TWaichma- P/ GRAY MEEK, Editor Per annum, (strictly in advance.) $1, When paid within 3 months, 24 if left ran over 3 months, $2,50 wiil bs invar ably charged. No paper discontinued until ail back sub tions are paid, and a failure to notify a dis uance at the end of the time subscribed for, w be considered a new engagement. These terms will be rigidly adhered to unt all circumstances. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. 1 insertion. 2do. 3da Four lines or less, $ 25 % 314 50 One square—12 lines 50 7 100 Two squares—24 lines I 00 150 200 Three squares—36 lines I 50 200 250 3 mos. 6 mos 12 mos Six lines or loss, $150 $§30055 60 One square 2 59 £00 700 Two squared, 4 00 608 1000 Three squares, 500 800 12 00 Four squares, 600 1000 14 00 Half a column, 10 00 14 00 20 060 One colunm, 16 00 22 00 40 00 Over three weeks and less than three menthe, 25 cents for each insertion. Advertisements not marked with the number of insertions desired, wiil be continued till forbid- den and charged according to those tcims Fire, political and misceilaneous notices charg ed according to the abov £ ites. y Business notices, five ceus per line for every insertion. No reports, resolutions or proceedings of ani corporation, society or association, and com- munication designed to enll attention to any mui- ter of limited or individual interest, canbe insery ed unless paid for as an advertisement Obituary notices exceeding six limes, filty conts a square. uniéations recommending persons for of ted at ten cents a line; und the pay inust accompany the communication. ween MARRIAGE -ITS LOVES AND, hates, sorrows and angers, hopes ant fears, regrets and joys. MANLOULD. how lost, how restored, the nature, treatment atid radical eure of spermaiorrady or seminal weak ness ; involuntary emissions, sexual debility and impediments to marriage venerally, nervousness, consumption, fits, mental and physical incapac ty, resulting from sepr-aBuss—aro fully ex- Stained in the Marnie Guipe, by ILLIAM YOUNG, M. D. This most extraordinary book should hein the hands of every young person contemplating marriage, and every man or wo man who desires tolimit the number of their off spring to their circumstances. Hvery pain, dis. case and ache incidental to youth maturfty and old age, is fully explained; every particle of knowledge that should be kuown is here given It is full of engravings. Tn fact, it disel crets that every one should | book that must be locked un d nottlie about the house. It will be sent to any one on the receipi of 25 cents, in specie or postage stamps. Address DR. Wm, YOUNG, No. 416, Spruce stvest, whoye Fourth, Philadelphia. AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE, no matter wha! way be your disease. before yom place yourselt under the carve of any of the notorions Cruel native or foreign—who im this or any other coun try, get a copy ef Dr Young's book, ana read +t carefully. Iu will be the means of saving you nasny dollars. your health, and possibly jour Jif Hu ow, 8till it is a 2. DR. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the diso deseribed in his pubiication, at his office. No. 416, Spruce Street, above Fourth, Phila. — Office hours from 9 to 6 daily. Oct. 2nd, [362-1y. { A CHANCE FOR x DBLE BRIDE. and Sep A 8) TF GY SL IRM 26 Se IA ANUOFACITOIRS. T he subscriber begs 'ervo to inform the world, 71 Having just returned from Philadelphia with a new and splendid assortment MILLINERY GOODS, of the latest styles and fashion, we feel prepard lo please all, both young and old. grave and gay, whe 1 proper to give uz a call. Our stock econ- RAW BONNETS. i ANCY TRIMMINGS and ¢ ictes generally keptin a Milliner Stor 17% We have procured the services of one most experienced Milliners in tho city. Store treet, nex door to the old stand. onte. May 3,61. MARY SC URBECK. FiOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, For the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afilic- ted with Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and es: pecially for the Cure of Dieseases of the Sexual Organs. L MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the de ting Surgeon. VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrkoea or Seminal Weakness, ard other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and of the NEW RELEDIES em- ployed in the Dipensay, sout®o the afficted in sealed letter envelopes, free of ela ge, Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, PR. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Ac ting Surgeon, Howard Association, No 2 South Ninth $t, Philadelphia. June i2, I862—1-y. PARABOLA SPECTACLES. Superior to any others in use, con- structed in accordance with the LAW OF NA. TUR E in the peculiar form of a Concavo-Cen ve. _ullipsis, admirably adapted to the organs of uot rud perfectly natural to the Eye; alto- gather the best artificial HELP 10 THE RU- MAM VISION ever invented. When there is dmen ss it is natural to use a cane—why not ren- eras stance to that valuable organ, the Eye when ceded? Tho thove for sale at city prices, by JERRY. J. WINGATE. At the Dental Office East of Post Office. P. S.—These spectacles can be obtained at no other place in town. Bellefonte, May 29, 1862—1y. SIMON A. FELDMAN, IMPORTER & WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES. GINS, Wheat, Rye, & Bourbon Whisky’s NQ. 506 NorthilNinth Street, BELOW SPRING GARDEN, PBILADRLEEEEMA. (LOTHING EMPORIUM. BELLEFONTE, PA, MONTGOMERY & SON, Proprietors. Having just received a'a=s2 and earefully se lected assortment of clothas ssimers sattenetts &e., &s., for the fall anl v ar trade, at our old stand in Brokerhoof's Row, A llegheny Street, we ‘are prepared to accommodate our old friends and sustomers generally, to a full suit of clothes made inthe neatest and most fashionable style, from the latest approved patterns. A larg3 stock of Ready made cloihing constantly on hand and for sale as cheap if not cheaper than at any other house in town. ‘Thankful for the patronage herr ofore extended to us, we respecifu lly solidita con tinuauce of the same. Nov. 21st. 1882 —tf, . NEW PLOUGHS. : The subscribers have secured the right of Centre County to manufasture and sell the J.C. Bidwell no. 7 Centre Leaver Left Hand Plo wu gh, This it now considered tho best metal Plough made in Penaa. Famers can examine it hy calling at the Belle fonte Foundry. Cast Steel shares will be furn- ished with the Plough if desired. Jan. 30th. 1863. —tf A Haver & Co. ° n } Job Printing. DONE IN THE N ALIEST AND BEST | STYLE, AT TUIS OFFICE. and tho people of Centre County in particular that till continues to carry on the Saddlery business in all its various branches, at his shop n the Norrr East corner of ALLEGHANY and BISHOP Streets; whero ean be found at ail times a fil supply of Saddles, Waggon Harness, Bridles, Carriage Ifarness Collars, Wagon Whips, Truaks,, : Driving Wkips' Valises, : . Halters’ Notts, &o, &e., &e. made of the very best material, anl wArrRANTED to be put to-gather in the most 8 1hituntial man- ner. Prices to suit the times. Cail and examine yourselves gontiemen, and if you are not satisfied, you need not purshase. s JERRY TOLEN & Co. Bellefonte, Sept. 10th 62. 1-3. C LINTON HOUSE LOCK HAVEN, PA. A. MANN, Proprielor. The proprietor having leased the above named Hotol in the borough of Lock Haven, Clin- ton county, Pa., takes this method of informing the public geverally that he has madeevery necessary preparation to éntertain strangers and travelersin the best possible manner. His table will always co tain the choicost lux- uries that the country wi’ aiford. and he is deter- mined not tobe surpassed in this department by any other Hatel along the West Branch. His Bar will contain tho choicest liquors that can be purchased in the city market. Careful and attentive Ostlors will constantly be on hand to take charge of horsesand see thatthey are properly attended to. Trusting that he may receive a portion of the patronage of the traveling public, he hopes by tlose attention to be able to rende r genoral aati - action. June 6, '61.-tf NEW BAKERY! MATHIAS SCHMUCK. Would respectfuily inforin tie people of Beilcfunte and vicinity. that he has spened a ns + and complete Bakery on SPRING street, ino premises of W. F. Reynolds, where ho will koe cunstantly on band all kin of EAD, RUSK, POUND CAKE, SUGAR AND GINGER CAKES, CRACKERS, 3 &e., &e., &eo., which he sells at a yeasunabie and satisfactory price. 3 Bread, Cakes and Pies baked to order on the shortest notice. Families will find it to their ad vantage to get their baking done at this esta lishment, as thoy can always get pare wholesome bread and gakes just when they noel (hen Sept. 12th 1862—1y. OLLOCK'SIMPROVEDDANDELION COFFEE. - This peparation. made from the best Juya Coffee, is strongly recomu dod by physicians as a superior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dyspepsia, and ali Bilioue disorders. Thousands who have been reluctantly compolled to abandon the use of Coitee, will find they eau use ths combination without any of the injuriou effects they formerly experienced. {2° Oue ean contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary Coffee For sale by all Druggists and Grocers, and Ly the Manufacturer, corner of BROAD and CHEST. NUT Streets, and by JOS. B.BUSSIER & CO, 108 avd 110, S WHAN VES. Price 25 cents. March 6th 1862—1y. | YALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE A lot of ground situated on Buff 16 Run, 12 miles weet of this place, con'asining about one fourth of gn wore; upon which is erected anew and well fnished Store Iouse, a smal shop, and & good stable, will be sold very low and terms made to suit the purchasher For fur ther particulars appiy fiieo to Qet. 24, 62 P. GRAY MEEK G&. L. TOVELL, DEALER IN Tobacto & Cigars LEWISTOWN a. #