Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 13, 1863, Image 2

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    dhe Thatch,
' Pp. GRAY MEEK, } Editor
Friday Morning, Feb. 13, 1863.
| to So ———
Slavery and the War.
From the establishment of the Abolition
Republican party, down to the comimence-
ment of the present civil war, the alleged
eril effects of negro slavery were the themes
of innumerable speakers and writers who
advocated the fanatical dogmas of that or-
ganization. The newspapers, periodicals,
and pamphlets, printed and circulated to
prove that slavery had a debilitating and
efleminating fluence upon the people and
government wherever it existed, had they
been preserved, would have been amply
gufficient to have plastered the wounds and
covered the graves of the countless thous-
ands who have fallen victims to the insane
spirit which these documents aroused in the
minds of a portion of the Northern people.
The eflect of this teaching was to impress
the Northern mind with an utter ;contempt
ror ihe Southern people, their characters,
abilities, and institutions. In consequence,
thousands honestly believed that the South
was 80 perfectly destitute of every thing
which gives strength and in.portance. to a
people, that a few thousand ‘Wile Awakes’
could settle nny force which could bebrought
into the ficld against them, in a few weeks
overrun the entire South, and if neeessary
. drive *Jefl. Davis and his cohorts’ into the
Gulf of Mexico. The first call made by
Lincoln, for seventy five thousand men to
serve for three months, ( a force so entirely
TOO LARGE, and a time 80 entirely T00 LONG
for the trifling work it had to accomplish)
was only justified as a means of demon-
srating to the South our immense military
superiority, and the impossibility of their
making any successful resistance! This
delusion, arising naturally from the whole
teachings of the Abolition Republican lead-
‘+, made a portion of the Northern people
x for the war! They longed and pan-
teu fur the s'avghter, with the same fero-
eious pleasure that the sLEUTH HOUND exhib-
its when he is rapidly overhauling his trem-
bling and defenceless victim, Suoh a war
a8 they we’ e taught to anticipate, would be
mere pastime and amusement! The only
regret they seemed to enter ain, was, that
the people taey were to fight and conquer,
were unable to make resistence enongh to
render it interesting sport ! There would be
a lack of apirit and animation, IN CONsz-
deed it was almost a pity for REAL MEN to
engage in 8uch unresisting butchery as
would be made of the ‘kid-gloved, weakly,
sickly, but pompous, plantation dandies’ of
the South. It would be to much like can-
nonading a sheep-fold, or charging bayonets
upon a company of school child «n!
‘These sagacious STATE:MEN told the pub-
lic that this vast difference between the peo-
ple of the North and South was occasioned
entirely by the perverse blindness of the
latter, in retaining in their midst, that ‘great
abymjnation,’ that “sum of all villainies,”
the institution of negro slavery. That the
white inhabitants there, in consequence of
this contest with slavery had become so en-
ervated in mind and baly ag almost to lose
their identity as Anglo-Saxons. They
kad become *‘weak, effeminate, and help-
less,” Without physical ability to labor
themselves, they also lacked ingenuity to
devise anything for others to do. Poverty,
wretchedness, and destitution were staring
them in the face. A crisis was impending
over them which nothing but the interposi-
tion of Northern skill and ability could
avert. With but little accumulated wealth,
and no resources but the labor of these ne-
groes, who were compelled, to work and
wept in subjection by n of the regula
tions conceded by, the peonle of the
free States, the future presented a gloomy |
prospect for these “lords of the lash.’ —
They could not raise grain enough to keep
thomselves from starvation, nor make
clothing enough to cover their own naked-
ness. They cculd manufacture absolutely
nothing. not even a knife, a pistol, or a
gun to protect themselves from their own
slaves. Everything they ¢ n umd, or used
or had was kindly provided by their north-
ern friends at whom they ungratefully rail-
ed for trying to remove the teriible incubus
of slavery from them. Lands once fertile,
were being turned into barren wastes, cities
towns, and villages deserted ana gradually
destroyed, plantations abandoued and
thrown to commons, Churches, colleges and
achool-houses mouldering to ruins, and uni-
versal desolation was . surely and rapidly
creeping over that doomed land the natural
consequence of, or the just punishment and
retributions for, the great sin of slavery.
* 1t was not the, South alone, however, that
had to consequence of this great
Southern +‘inequality.” The North m a
measure was responsibie for its continuance,
and ought to, and did suffer a portion of the
penalty. The free trade doctrine of the
South hud to a great extent retarded the
g owt of our manufacturing interes's; while
our immense mineral regjurces were render
ed almost valueless in consequence of the
ame policy which was pursued for the pur-
pose of supporting the “slave oligarchy." —
The people of every Section of the free stttes
were heavily taxed to support each and every
department of the federal government in the
Sjuth. Neither was the airect expense
which slavery caused to Northern people all
that we suffered in consequence of that in-
stitution. Being a source of weakness it
invited the attacks of foreign enemies; and | Who Are the Disunionists ?
mn case of invasion it would require ones —
half of our entire military forces to keep the
slaves in subjection, which would render
the other an easy prey to any powerful foe
which might devise to take advantage of our
situation, While in case of a civil war of
any kind. and especially in a collision be-
tween the North and South, the whole
white populatiou of (he latter section’ would
fall victims to the feelings of hatred and re-
verge which the slaves were alleged to en-
tertain towards their masters and mis-
tresses. i
BY J. P. M.
NO. Im.
Is it « treason’ for us to pursue further
this investigation as to who first severed the
ties which only can make a Union and then
openly advocated disunion ? Ifat be treas-
on, we are willing for those so inclined, ot
«« make the mostof it,” but would flist say
to all who may favor our communication
with a perusal, tha* the treason herein con-
tained, is quoted from those who now stand
highest aboye our ruined government, and
in the face of the experience of ages, and
in opposition to the wishes of the Ameri-
ican people, strive to carry out the bloody
programme laid down years: ago—fiecdom
for the slave and slavery for the free. In
our last weswere showing that hostility to
the South and her institutions was the
avowed pdlicy of the Republican party as
proclaimed by its leaders. Avdrew Jack-
son tells us that the Union exists only m
matupl confidence.” If this be true, (and
} ?) anything: cal 1
We might go on and fill columns of like
ideas which were proclaimed in every Re-
publican meeting. and reiteratea from every
Republican press for five or six years prior
to the commencement of actual hostilities.
During the whole of that period the Democ-
racy exerted every power to convince their
opponents that all this was a fatal delusion,
which, if pursued to its legitimate results,
must eventually produce disunion and civil
war. We showed them that their theories
were demonstrated to be false by the history
of our own country and that of eve idence de calc
civilized people on the face of the globa.- Fon Erow
All would not do. Reason, arguuest and Barper’s Ferry did more, perhaps, to plant
facts were ‘all sct aside with flippant levity, hatred in the Southern heart sghindt ther
and our admonitions and warnings treated
Y deiidl a Th 1d bre thren of the North than sli other causes
wa \ Jorien on coniembh e world Was | oombined. Had his infamous conduct been
furnished with a frightful example of the
1 h : b. OW condemned, as it should have been, through_
hy of a hihi 3 ‘ i Fo out the North, the South would have regard.
8 wou Bsiroy ¥ cy Hrsimake mad." | eq the whole affair as the insane workings
The collision, which might have been avoid- | of 5 for faratics. But the leaders of a par-
ed by the least spark of either patriotism or ty so powerful as to be able soon after to
Te fhe Repyhilcan leaders, was pre- | get one of their number President, not on-
wipated Lani The countly DF Hib treachery ly endorsed the conduct of old John Brown,
and fraud of the President elect and his cho- | {| + 4 1ontened vengeance for his well-mer.
sen advisers. Many of the results are now ited punishment, We have their speeches
before. Jot 29 Soe Akal giperionce hes and writings before us and from them will
taught in these ammias who woild lex in select a few choice extracts. At the trial
m0. oljer sehogl; of Brown and his followers at Charlestown,
fo de end 2 ily fierce 3d Virgina, it was given in evidence, was nev.
oody war mn which hundreds of thousands | .\. sp iredicted, and has gone out to the
of our best and bravest men have been kill" | 013 oc, history’s truth that William LI.
ed or maimed, we find the South is 8s far | goygrq was apprized of the intended movef
from being conquered as at the beginning. — | pont upon the South, that the whole affair
Both on land and sea our forces, under the was submitted to him, when, instead o-
command of our ablest generals and commo_ taking measures to arrest the proceeding,
dores, Bare beth holly met, 3d, in MANY, | he whispered back in response that he *‘had
many instances, terribly defea:ed. Where- | poor yiot been told.” In all history there
atl bays chieved a victory over the is no blacker deed than was contemplated by
Southern forces, it bas been purchased at | ony Brown and those who incited him te it
the most frightful saciifices. Thishas been | ooo 0 der and inciting slaves to
80 uniformly true that the most bitter and rise against their masters and their master's
fanatical conteumers of the people of that family, all combined and all made known
section, are forced to admit that we are war- | = yp great Senator from New York. It
ring with ren, who in everything that makes was, however, bat the result of his teach-
up good soldiery, ave fully our equals. The inz—a practical exposition of the Irrepres-
people have also learned that our former Un- | oh. (v1 6104 and Higher Law doctrine.
ion with the South was not so disadvanta-| nr Lovejoy. of Tlinois, in a speech April
Sn SANs 2 98.23 they ‘were 5th, 1860, thus defends John Brown and ad-
indly Jed to elieve, t just now 0CCUTS | oo0a40g the idea of visiting retribution upon
to them, that while it was true that we fur-| poo q0 of those who hung him for the
Bished ge Sonihern people with hsaly op L.perpetration of the most diabolical crimes.
ery manufactured article which they used, [*, This affair of John Brown brings us to the
W¥, RECEIVED OUR PAY 18. FULL, FoR 17 ALL, | reality of things. This raid confronts us
and that, too, either in money or raw mate- with slavery, and makes us ask, is slave-
Biskunoniwhish dhioussids vol fost Mane holding right ? and if so, what right has it?
men and women were employed to work. — | 7 Sy U0 to Yoke Brown, ‘you
There was not one idea detrimental to the Tete Ti We T will not hs
character of that people preached by the re- Job Brown. | You wart zieito Pur ont ox
bli ticians, bi e
Ee been refined ecrations upon the head of old Osawatomie
and overthrown hy the experience of the | | :
iia 5 Though all the slaveholding Balaks in the
last two years. Their ideas concerning the i frp
country fill their houses with silver and prof-
effects of slavery have undergone the mos y 3
4 fer it, 1 will not curse John Brown. * * *
remarkable change. Instead of it being a
source of weakness, 1t is now alleged to be 3 2
3 ". ONE; that so far as his own motives before
the basis of ail the strength of the Confed- | |
v : God were concerned they were honest and
erate Government, They now cry, ** destroy
A 3 » iin truthful ; and no one can deny that he
slavery and rebellion will be crushad.” The :
} + stands head and shoulders above any other
President himself has offizially declared : . ¥
a character that appeared upon the stage in
that as long as slavery continues, the South 7
that tragedy, from beginning to end, from
cannot be conquered. And these men now |- T
the time he entered the armory there, to the
expect the people to be deluded as much by | y
; ie time when he was strangled by Gov. Fussa-
this assertion as they were three or four | © 3
: tion. He was not guilty of murder or irea-
years ago by one directly the reverse. Who : :
: : son ! Despotism has seldom sacrificed three
can put confidence in men who thus delib- ii i .
; : | nobler victims than Brown, Stevens and
erately deceive and shamelessly admit their x ;
impostures, while they are still tresh in the Hazhtt, . If the Blood, of innocent men is
P : thus taken by an absolute, unqualified, un-
minds of all. Such knaves are unfit to gov- | = ;
ern anybody, and hardly fit to live with de- justifiable violation of natural law, what
£ will it appease, what will it pacify 2 Tt will
cent white men. . P i J
» mingle with the earth; it will mix with the
waters of the ocean; the whole civilized
world will anaff itin the air; and it will re-
turn with AWFUL RETRIBUTION on the heals
of those violators of natmal law and uni-
versal justice.” ar
On the 21 day of December, 1839, the
day on which Brown paid the penalty of his
awtul crimes, a meeting of Republicans was
held in Cleveland, Ohio, at which a lot of
Resolutions were passed. They were re-
Tan ported by a committee composed of Judge
« ople, anywhere, being incl ; 5,
ig out es the right Re oy; ad hy Spanlfing. wltarnds # a of the
shake off the existing government, and form | Convention that nominated Lincoln, Judge
a new one to suit them better, This is a | D. R. Tilden, a leading Republican of Ohio
Wo dares to
to weaken that
mm ty pe time ti
A lady friend, 1n Jersey Shore, has sent us
the f lowing extract from a speech male by
«Tlonest Abram,” in the louse of Hepre-
sentatives, on the 12th day of January 1848
To any one who doubts the facts of his Lav
ing given expression to such sentiments, we
would say the speech may be found in the-
appendix to the Congressional Globe of the,
30th Congress, first session, page 94:
‘most valuavle, a most gacred right—a right | and Rev, Mr. Brewster, a political parson
which, we hope and believe, is to liberate 4 2
the world... Nor is this right confined to of the. same school. Although they are
causes in which the whole people of an ex- |’ y
isting government may choose to exercise it [108 a8 they do, the feelings towards the
quite lengthy, we give ther in full, show- |.
—ANY PORTION of such people that can,
may revolutionize, and make their own of so
much of the territory as they inhabit.—
More than a majority of any portion of such
people may revolutionize, putting down the
minority, intermingled with, or near about
them, who oppose their movements. Such
minority was precisely the case of the To-
ries of our own revolution. Itis a quality
of revolutions not to go by old lines, or old
laws, but to break up both and mace new
What kind of loyalty 18 ‘that? Is not
this carrying the docirime of secession as
far es can be done by 37 *¢ rebel” of South
Carolina? Is not this acknowledging the
right of Secession? The right of any - por-
tion of the people, or any State to revolu-
tionize and make war upon the government,
and if they possess the physical power, to
overthrow the government and set up a sys-
tem of their own? Yes, it goes further, it
disavows the right of the government to use
its physical force in attempting to coerce any
State, or PorTION of the people, who may
rebel against the government of tho United
States, This idea of Secession advanced by
Lincoln when a member of Congress 18 as
wild as any held by the veriest Southern
Secessionist at this day. Many in the South
may have learned their Secession doctiines
from the Presidential incumbent. Mr. Lin-
coln ought to be watched. — Er.
ret AR pe
7 Ex-Governor Edwin D. Morgan was
on Tuesday elected a United States Senator
from the State of New York, for six years
from the 4th of March next, to succeed Hon.
Preston King.
South of those who elected our President :
* Wnereas, The peculiar institution’
has this day made strikingly manifest its
baleful influence upon the rights of man,
by inflicting the death penalty at Charles.
town, Virginia, upon John Brown, of Ossa-
watomie, for @ conscientious observance of
the law of brotherhood as inculzated by Je.
sus Christ, and the law of freedom as taught
by Thomas Jefferson :
Resolved, That the system of negro sla-
very, as it now exists in the States of the
American Confederacy, 1s but the ¢ experi-
ment of Despotism,’” which lives upon con-
ceptions, and becomes lusty upon concilia-
tions and compromises. It is, in the words
of Wesley, * the sum of all villainies’ and
can only be subdued by giving it, in South-
ern parlance, ¢ WAR TO THE KNIFE WITH THE
«¢ Resolved That the State of Virginia,
under the legd of Henry A. Wise, is a con-
temptible carricature of the ‘Old Domin-
ion’ in the days of George Washington and
George Mason. She was onze aptly called
the ¢ mother of Presidents.” She may now
with significant propriety be termed ¢ the
mother of slaves.” She is afflicted with
frightful visions of armed invaders, and
with a luxuriantly guilty conscience, her
chivalry flee when pursued by ¢hadows. * *
‘“ Resolved, That it was in exact keeping
with the character and conduct of the cit-
a Leb IR SN
zens of South Carolina, who had furnished
a bully to beat down freedom’s champion in
the Senate Chamber, to furnish a halter to
hang freedom’s champion at Harper's Ferry.
« Resolved, That we fully agree in senti-
ment with those fathers of the Republic
who, before the adoption of the Constitu-
tion, and while that instrument was ander-
going examination, patriotically exclaimed,
< however desirable a union of these States
may be, the preservatio1 of our liberties is
still more desirable.” We have by force of,
circumstinces, become convinced that the
“irrepregsivle conflict’ is upon us, and that
it will never terminate until freedom or
slavery/zo to the wall.” In such a contest
and under such a dire necessity, we say,
‘withot fear and without reproach,’ LET
soLyip"' Query—*“Who are the disunion-
ists I” "
¢ We further say, that any religion that
sanstions or apologizes for, a government
that authorizes human slavery, and legal-
: pirit evil in
ship with the
izes marder, ia barbarous in s
and irtual fellow
¢ sum of
He, John Brown, who in his
life was a thorn in the side of, the oppress-
or, has in bis death become to the slave
power ‘ more terrible than an army with
banners.” His eulogy is best spoken by his
executioner— he possesses the greatest in-
tegrity, truthfulness and courage, that I ev-
er met.’
¢ Resolved, That boweyer much we may
lament the death of the devoted Browu, we
are satisfied that his execution wall.
confusion upon his emcmies, and do more to
overthrow the buiwarks of slavery than a
long life of philanthropic deeds with, a
peaceful exit. We honor his memary ! Pos-
terity will give him a monument as inde-
structible as their aspirations for FREE-
Judge Spaulding, a delegate to the Chica-
go Convention, made a speech in favor of
these Resolutions, from which we extract
the following :
‘I claim John Brown as a HERO, true to
his conscience and trae to his God. We
have met to honor him for his faithfulness
to his convictions of duty and is principles:
AND HE CAUSE in which he died. Gov-
ernor Wise was a thousand times more en-
titled to the term of felon than old John
Thése sentiments were re;echoed by the
Republican party throughout the entire
North. Listen to their great leader, Hor-
ace Greely. We quote from the TRIBUNE of
Dec. 9th, 1859:
« Unwise the world will pronounce him
—reckless of artificial yet palpable obliga-
tions he certainly was ; but his very errors
were heroic, the faults of a brave, impuls-
ive, truthful nature, impatient of wrong,
and only too conscious that RESISTANCE TO
TYRANTS 18 OBEDIENCE To Gop | Let whoeyer
would first cast a stone, ask himself wheth-
er his own noblest act was equa' in gran-
deur and nobility to that for which John
Brown pays the penalty of a death on the
«To all whobhave suffered for human
good, who have been persccuted for an idea,
who have been hated because of their efl-
ort to make the daily path of the despised
and unfortunate less rugged, his: memory
will be fragrant through generations. It
will be die hereafter i a good
cause, even on the gallows, since John
from the troubles of this mortal life.”
John A. Andrews, at a John Brown sym-
pathy meeting on the 19th November, 1859,
made a speech from which we extract the
«Jouy BrowN was RiGOT. [sympathize
with the maw, I sympa:hize with the idea,
Is such conduct and language calculated
to strengthen the ties of this Union ? Just
as far [rom it as are the means now employ-
ed, of murder and rapine. But we do not be-
1 hat it ever was the policy of this ad-
tration to restore the Union as it was,
From: the very firs
power they have bent every energy. |!
destruetion of -slavery, . Lhe Unisn wag an
is a feather in the balance, in their estima-
tion, when weighed against the negro.
But our communication is already longer
than we intened to make it. A word or
two more on the infamous abuse that has
been heaped upon the South, and we come
to an ahswer to the question, ‘Who are
the Disunionists ?’’ .
Howarp, PA.,
Feb. 9th, 1862
shour - they
Harpers MAGAZINE.—We have received
the Febuary number of Harpers Magazine
and find it fully equal if not far superior to
any of its contemporaries in point of literary
excelency. Its illustrations are gotten up
by the best artist and are of a superior
character, Harper is so well known and so
unniversielly read, that it is unnecessary
for us to do more than acknowledge its re-,
ceipt, Harper Brothers, Publishers, N. Y
city. Price, $3 per annum,
men AA At.
Mgs. DouarAS has written a letter relative
to the reports that she was about to be mar-
‘ried again, The following extract is pub-
lished. : ** Although T live so gnietly, the
world seems determined to talk about me.
I have been disturbed by rumors that T am
engaged. I hope you will think enough of
me not to ¢llow any one ever to say such a
thing to you without resentment.’’
> Through private sources we have
news of several Illinois regiments laying
down their arms and refusing to fight on ac-
count of the attempt to degrade them by
taking negroes into the army. Well we
don’t blame them.
ese eee A AA lp inn
175" Hon, W. A. Wallace, of the State
Senate, will please accept our thanks for im-
portant public documents.
ALi IIL ER Nagi we
The people of the North have food for re- I’
‘her assistance.
[Prepared expressly the | Vatcaman. |
© OMan, W oil rt Thou?
{ Continued from last Number.)
War continues to. be among us. The
monster is still doing its work, death, mis-
ery and destruction are the consequences, —
Almost two years has this blood-stained
monster been ruling in our once happy
country, and why is this 7 Yes, why ?—
They who proclaimed the answer were cast
into DUNGEONS, or were assassinated on
the streets, Bat for the answer. Be the
consequences w hat they may, did this awful
state of things exist before this present set
of rulers came into power * Verily not.—
There is the answer, make out of itall you
can, you dare not say it existed betore.—
Upon yaur heads rests this * Political con-
tamination,” and through your acts of infa-
my has this war been brought upon us.—
You have left or depar:ed from the mandates
of truth, trampled the precepts and exam-
ples of your Divine Master to the earth.—
But ah, the ewful convulsion, the morning
f cternal truth has risen above the
and the voice of blood continues
its appeals to the great power. And the
cloud of darkness whieh overshadowed our
once peaceful country through the workings
of political corruption, are fast being dis-
pelled, To whom is treason chargeable ?—
Yes, to whom ? Verily not to those who
advocated peace.
But the wisdom that is from above is first
pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be
entreated, full of mercy and good fruits.
without partiality, and without hypocrisy.
And the fruit of righteousness is sown in
peace of them that make peace, —Jas. 1,
17, 18.
Have you, men who are to-day clothed in
Political power, taken thought of your end,
the awful responsibility now resting upon
you ; from what cause or from whose in:
strumentality has brother beer. caused to
butcher brother by thousands and tens of
thousands : from whence comes the tears of
widows and eries of orphans ? Certainly
not, from those who advocated peace, for if
50, then the above injunction has no mean-
ing. But it has meaning—who dares deny
it. The Devils believe and tremble. Cor-
rapticn upon corruption belching forth from
every deed and wanton act of cruelty, con-
tinues from day to day. The humble citi-
zen, charged with disloyalty, and for what ?
Simply declaring the truth. And this is
what these “Political Crusaders’ wish to
destroy, and for a time was truth seemingly
crushed out under a false pretense, by these
advocates of the ‘Demon War.” Think ye
that your acts of infamy can any longer be
concealed from view ? Verily not. Suffering
humanity can withhold no longer. Dun-
geons and Bastiles are no longer objects of
terror, and the voice of reason shall and will
be proclaimed against the destroyer of our
peace, without fear or favor from any, aod
who are the destroyers of oar peace and hap-
piness on earth ; but political rulers, clothed
in fine linen and living in luxury, filched
from the humble citizen, and that too, ata
sacrifice of human life, Mothers begging
from door to door for food and clothing for
her suffering family, her husband being
butchered on ths accursed battle field. —
Through your acts of political infamy, thus
has this distress been brought upon us,—
You cannot deny it, the blood of that hus-
band now cries from the earth, saying pou
are his murderer. You have made his wife
a widow, and hig children orphans. Deny
this, will you ? The trumpet of vengeance
is about, to be proclaimed, and the blood of
the innocent will no longer be dormant. For
whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased,
and he that humbleth himself shall be ex-
alted. —Luke xrx. 11th.
Much of the fruits of the present rulers,
have already been given. Bat new scenes
in the drama of the hellish Demon, have
just been made known. New scenes did I
say ? Verily not, for they have become the
every day acts and deeds of the present rul-
ers. “BARBARITY,” becoming the hea-
then in the dark ages, has been enacted,
too, m the boasted land of gospel light.
as the ancient Goths and
Vandals ever committed, and under the cov-
er of the accursed demon, WAR, are these
things being done. Well may some of our
rulers beg that the people look not back to
the scenes of the past, but by the scenes of
the past are the people of the country be-
coming aroused to see the deluded situatien
they are now in, by the blood-stained acts of
Political corruption.
Who can read the atrolitios. of McNeal,
and not shadder, Yes, General McNeal. —
Some of his acts you have no doubt already
read. [Ile is known by this blood-stained
political power as Gen. McNeal, doing the
work of his master, the Devil, but known
only to human reason as a General ‘‘Brute,”
not having the feelings of mar. I will here
relate a few of his acts. Then, reader, go
back with me into the his'ory of the dark
ages, and see if you can find his equal for
cold blooded butchery. You may find a
different mode of brutal atrocity, and that
would be the only difference. One commit-
ted in heathen darkness—the other within
the sound of the gospel. 'W ho is most guil-
ty ? Reader, I will leave you to make your
own comment. I will not relate the whole
narrative here. This great General of blood
and misery, put many to death in cold blood,
as many as twenty at a time. One of the
condemned had a wife and several children,
gray (
went to General McNeal, and eptreated him
to spare her husband's life, telling him she
was in ill health, that her children were all
young and entirely helpless, that without
their father they would be thrown upon the
world entirely dependant upon the public
for support, and that her relations were a'l
in a d'stant country, and little able to give
McNeal tried to put her
away with such unmanly expressions as.
“(Go away, woman, I want none of your
sniffling here. Your husband is a rebel and
should be hanged,’’ and such like lavguage ;
4 life.
dependant on him for support. His wife |.
but finally said, that if thewi‘e could find
any ore who would die ir her husband's
place, he would release him and spare his
This bard condition of release destroyed
all hope, for who could ask any one to give
up his life in such an emergency ? The
wile went away with a heavy heart. A
short time before the hour appointed tor the
massacre, 8 young man, nineteen or twenty
years of age, signified his willingness to take
the place of the man whose family was de-
pendant on him, saying that he was aware
that none were dependant on him, and that
after his death he would not be missed,
while it would be a serious thing to have one
shot whose family. in consequence, would
be left alone and uncared for. He was ta-
ken as a substitute. agreeable to promise,
and gave up his life along with the others,
on that fatal day.
Another case among them, was that of a
man with a wife and one child, a boy nine
or ten years of age. The mother was lying
on a sick bed, and unable to go to the com-
manding officer and intercede for her doom-
ed husband. ‘The little boy went to Me-
Neal, and in the fullness of his affection for
his father, entreated, begged and implored
him to spare the life of his father, telling
how much he loved him, how good a father
he had always been, and how kind he had
always been to his mother, that his father
had never done anything wrong, and that
without crime there should be no punish-
ment. Said the manly little fellow: “1
don’t know how mother and me will get
along if you kill my father. I know that
he did not help to take Mr. Alderman away,
for he was not absent from home for a month
before the night the soldiers came and teok
him out of bed irom mother and me. Fath.
er has just got our farm paid for, and was
going to build a new and better house than
the one we have been living in. We will
be very lonely without him, and I don’t
know how mother will stand it without him.
She says that I will some day be a man, and
then will be able to support and protect her,
but that will be a good while yet. Iknow
General, when you think of these things,
that vou will not kil! my father.” In such
language he urged the release of his father,
but in this case NcNeal was uurelentiag,
and would not release the father, but con-
sented that the boy should ride out with him
to the place of execution. When the wag-
ons passed through the streets with the
doomed men seated upon their coffins, this
little boy was scen seated on his father’s
knee, and clinging to him as if determined
pot to let him go. It is said that when they
arrived at the place of execution, and tne
men placed in line, it was with difficulty
that they dragged the boy away from his fa-
ther's embrace, clinging as they did so close
together. The father died with his com-
panions, and when his remains were put into
the rough coffin, the little boy was seen
seated upon the rude box that contained all
that was left of his kind and guiltless father.
The contemplation of this horrid scene of
cold blooded butchery, is beyond all utter-
ance, and what heart can behold such a bru-
tal act, and not be meved with compassion ?
None, save such as McNeal and those with
whom he is associated, and under whose
cover he is carrying on his acts of brutal
murder. You who are filling high places on
earth, remember that you will be held re-
sponsible for such acts of brutality. Say
not that you have no control over this mat-
ter. How long are we to witness your acts
of cold blooded butchery in silence ? Veri-
ly not much longer ; and the day is fast ap-
proaching when all your acts will be made
manifest, and all your acts of infamy fully
exposed. Find me a greater act of brutal
atrocity than that of McNeal, in any histo-
tory-—in any age. The wife pleading for
the life of her husband, which is granted,
provided she can find another to die in his
place To the astonishment of the woman,
a young man offers to die for her husband.
He was taken as the substitute and shot in-
stead of the husband ; and this monster 1n
human hy got his vietim ; but the little
boy, after all his pleading for his dear fath-
er, was denied his release on any terms, but
to add misery to torment the child, is per-
mitted to go to the place of execution, to
see his father shot down like a brute. Words
cannot be found to portray such awful acts
of brutality, and this to in a land of boasted
gospel privileges. But such are the acts
and scenes now committed in our land,
which but two short years ago was clothed
in peace and happiness. From whence came
this fearful change? Yes, from whence
came this bratality ? The answer has been
given time and again. You whe opposed
the compromise measures in the halls of
Congress—you Who advocated war—you
ministers (or professing so to be) of the gos-
pel, preaching political corruption from your
pulpits—you who are making war prayers.
asking the God ot “LOVE’’ to assist in the
murder of your brother—you who traveled
over the country leading the people into er-
ror, holding war meetings and making war
speeches—you who charge the peace maker
with treason—you who deny the liberty of
the press and the freedomn of speech—-you
who dragged peaceable citizens from their
homes and families at midnigh', and cast
them into dungeons—THiS IS FROM
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which Kkillest
the prophets and stonest them that were
sent unto thee ; how often would I have
gathered thy: children together, as a hen
doth gather her brood under her wings, and
ye would not.—8r. Luke, xnt, 34th.
tA Pp
A Goop Toast,—Woman—she is the only
endurable aristocrat—elects without voting,
governs without law and decides without
appeal. That toaster deserves a medal.”
== The most tender-hearted man we eve
er heard of was a shoemaker. who always
shut his eyes and whistled when he run his
awl into a sole.
Sit ieee
77 There are many graczherselesres pa
on grace—many unckaritable ones on chari-
A Beauti
ad digham’s Speech.
‘Mr, Yallandigham’s specch was cut short
in Congress before he delivered the follow=
1 ng beautiful peroration. It was taken from
the Washington Congressional Globe :
«I have now. Mr, Speaker, finished what
[ desired to say at this time, upon the great
question of the reunion of these States. 1
have spoken frecly and boldly—not wisely,
it may be, for the present, or for myself per-
sonally, but most wisely for the future and
for my country, Nut courting censure, [ do
not shrink from i. My own immediate per-
sonal interests, and my chances just now
for the more material rewards of ambition,
1 again surrender as hostages to that great
hereafter, the echo of whose footsteps al-
ready I hear along the highway of time.—
Whosoever, here or elsewhere, believes that
war can restore the union of theses States:
whosoever would havea war for the aboli-
tion of slavery, or disunion ; and he who de-
mands Southern independence and final sep-
aration, lot him speak, for him Ihave offend-
ed. Devoted to the Union from the begin-
ning, [ will not desert it now in this the
hour of i's sorest trial.
«¢ Sir, it was the day-drcam of my boy-
hood, the cherished desireof my heart in
_youth, that I might live to see the hundredth
anniversary of our national independence,
and, as orator of the day, exult in thc ox
pounding glories and greatness of (he stil!
United States. That vision lingers you
fore my eyes, obscured indeed by
and thick darkness and blood of wiv
But, sir, if the men of this genera
wise euough to profit by the hard exper
of the past two years, and will turn their
hearts now from the bloody intents fo the
words and arts of peace, that day will find
us again the United States. And if not earl-
ier, as IT would desire and believe, at least
upen that day let the great work of reunion
be consumma-ed ; that henceforth, for ages,
the States and the people who shall fill up
this mighty continent, united under the Con-
stitution, and in one Union, and the same
destiny, shall celebrate it as the birthday
both of Inlependenc: and of the great jRes-
the very crisis of this revolution. [f, to-day,
we secure peace and begin the work of reun-
ion, we shall yer escape ; if not, [ sce noth-
ing'before us but universal political and so-
cial revolution. anarchy and bloodshed, com-
pared with which the Reign of Lerror in
France was a merciful visitation,” —Cincin-
nats Enquirer.
There are quite a number of Postmhsters,
and other persons who seem to be entirely
ignorent of the fact there are certain defin-
ite Jaws relating to the rights of publishers
of newspapers. For their special benefit we
make a plain synopsis of them ana gplicit
their atten.ion thereto.
1. A Postmaster is required to to give no-
tice by letter (returning u paper does not
answer the law) when a subseriver does
not take his paper out of the office and state
the reason for 118 not being taken; and a
neglect to do 80, makes the Postmasters
responsible to the pulli-her for the pay-
2, Any person who takes the paper from
the post offi:e—wether directed tc his
pame or to another—-or whether he
has subscribed or not, is responsible fur the
3. If a person orders his paper discontin-
ued, he must pay all arrearages, or the
the pub isher may continue te send it on un
til payment is maid, and collect the whole
amount, wether it ts taken from the office or
rot. .
There can be no legal discontinuance until
the payment is made,
4. If the subscriber orders his paper to
be stopped at a certain time, and the pub-
lisher continues to send, the subscriber is
BOUND to pay for itif he has taken it out ot
the post office. The law proceeds on the
ground that a man must pay for what he’
5. The courts have decided that refusing
to take newspapers and periodicals from the
post office, or removing and leaving them
uncalled for, is PRIMA FACIA evidence of mien
tional fraud.
respondent of the 104th Ohio Regiment,
writing from the camp, says: “Quite
a strange affair occurred a few days ago. —
One of the boys got out of hnmor Wedzes-
day last, becance he had to prepare for
dress parade. [Ile swore ahout it a rood
deal, and said that he would not go cut, sad
prayed that God would never let him
another word, if.he went on dress pa
But of course he had to go, and next morn
ing, true to the letter of his malediction, he
was utterly unable to speak. The poor fel-
lowvcried bitter”, but it was too late.—
His prayer has been answered! Some of
our men said that his language was, ‘hope
Jesus Christ will strike me dumb if I goon
anothar dress parade or battallion drill.’—
Some said he did not go on parade that day,
but it is well known he did. However, we
all must agree on the main point, that is, he
wished to be made a mute, and he now finds
himself speechless, Thus is he punished
for his rash and foolish blasphemy.”
077 Persons often lack courage to appear
as good as they really are.
Why, the [aunt-eaters
on their relations?
to be sure.
————— OP
J Nearly cvery evil has its cowpensa-
{IZ Persons often lack courage to appear
as good as they reayly are.
No. 230 North T.ird Street,
ayer’s Cherry P~ctoral
Ji BERNA or 0 a.
« Sir, I repeat it, welarcin tho midst of
17™ What creatures may iy to live ~