WN Vi Wl a seni... She Watchman, cee PILLAUELINA & ERIE RAILROAD, (PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO., LESSEE ) WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and after Monday, Nov. 17th, 1802 TIME a LOCK HAVEN STATION will Lie as follows © ARRIVES. LEAVES EAST Express ... 9:40, A. a. Express... 8:04, p. ¥ Me vs PM alike... ... 10.13.A. M° Accomm’n 2:50 P. Accomm’n. 10:20. ar. 2 Tagsengers for Philadhlphia and Baltimore, oun both the Mnil and ¥xpress trains, go throngh without change of cvs, Express West runs daily except Mondays, all others drily except Sundays. This Line has been extendad to Siunemaho- we SAM'L A PLACK. fuperintendent Eastern Division. I1¢CAYT AND CTEER MATTERS. FeLi 7 if you wish to have your job-work done with neatness snd dispatch, at very low rates, bring it to the WATCHMAN office. ee fim . +See the report of the Auditors of Cen, 2. ii} (re Co. for the prospects ahead. for heavy tax ar arin 7 7Crowded, —The «Garman Honse™ du- ring Court. Dan’, is a clever fellow and we are happy to see him succeed so, well, eee i re 77~Our subscribers, who while in town attending Court remembered the Printer will please except our thanks. These that did’at reed’nt to. ——-g rn 7 Several schools in the upper part of the county have been closed on account of the small-pox. Tt seems to be spreading slowly. Thus far, Bellefonte and vicinity have luckily escaped. -0 7 The members of the “Bellefonte Rea- Jing Association,” and those wishing to be- come such, will meetat their new room’s in the “Iron Front” this evening at7 oclock. -0 17 We give below a sketch of the lamen; fed Licutenant Thomas McKean Buchanan son of Gen. Geo, Bachanan of this county who was shot at Teche Bayou, on the mor- ning of 14th of Janury. [lis remains were 1)-ongh® home and interred in the Cementary at this place on monday last. Mac was a noble Sailor, courageous and kind officer, and one of the mast promising young men m the Navy. Many thera are {hat mourn his sudden death. Lieu enant Commander Thomas McKean Buchanan, reported killed at Teche Bayou, was comparatively a young mai. having en- tered the Naval Academy as a cadet on the 1st of October, 1851. He was a native and citizen of Pennsylvania. from which State he was appointed to the service. In the Na- val Register for 1855 his name stands at (he head of the list of members of the first class of acting midshipmen on probation «t the Naval Academy. Ou the Oth of June, 1856. he graduated, and was attach- oi to the sloop Constellation (twenty-two guns, )Captain Beli, then siationed in the Alediterranean, in Commodore Samuel I. Breese's squadron. In January, 1858, he seturned from the station, and on the 4th of November, 1858, was promated to master, and ordered to the sioop St. Mary's (twenty two guns.) Captain R. D. Thorburn, then engaged in the Panifib, ic flag Officer J. C. Tong's squadron. On the 17th of July, 1860, he was promoted to a Licutenancy, and attached to the steam sloop Mississippi. Under the new act the subject of our sketch became, at the end of 1801, une of the Lieu- tenant ‘Commanders—a new grade of the United States Naval service. He was then in command of the Missisipi (twelve guns.] in the: Western Gulf Squadron. Ie wus next attached to the New London, the “Rack devil’ of ‘the Mississippi sound, 11e was afterwards attached to the gunboat 1alheun, on which he lost his life on the 14th of January, 1863. He was 24 years old. ———() Trisure oF RespecT.——-At a meeting of the Prescott Union Literary Society, of Pine Grove Academy, held January 27th, 1863. the following Preamble and Regolutions adopted : .. Tt lag pleased an All-wise wee to call hence two of our worthy and sted members, viz © W. Leshe Har ding. of Co. C. 10th Reg’t P, V., (one of the founders of this S.eiety) and ' ho was amnng the first to exchange our cheerful ‘Academic Halls for the hardships of camp life and likewise G. D. Musser, of Co. G. 148th Reg’t P. V., whose patriotic spirit re- sponded to that last call in behalf of our country, therefore Resouvep, That while we bow in submis- sion to the will of Him who ¢ doeth all things well” we deeply lament that our once happy group shall never more be enlivened by their genial smiles and voices, and that we show our feelings and respect by wearing black crape, as a badge of mourning, for thirty days. y Rpsorvep, That both have offered their ng and innocent lives upon the altar of our country. Although they were denied the privilege of dying bravely upon the bat- tle-field, yet a foe still more terrible—-sick- ness, contracted in camp life, sacpificed them, ResoLykp, That we tender our warmest sympathies to the bereaved friends. The family of G.D. Musser have lost a dutiful and promjsing son, a kind and loving broth- er, but his unblemished character and reli- gious deportinent assure us that their loss is his eternal gain. The orphan, Leslie flarding, we ‘rust is now at rest with those loved ones whoso early left him to fight «life's battles’ alone. ; Resorvep, That these Resolutions be ublished in one of our county papers and also that copies be sent to the friends of the deceased. J.-C. SAMPLE, : D. M. MOSSER. M. J. LIGHTNER, Committee, Bellefonte Markets, for the Warcnman by fer > Bros } The following are the quotations up ‘0 6 o'clock yeslerday (Thursday) ev ring. | Weekly Han Wheat, White, $1.40 do Red Bre vs “ «5 Rye, o § ay (Shelled) , | do 75 Cern Ears, do a7 Buckwheat, do 62¢ Baxley, i do 1.00 Oats, By Weight) de 42 Clover Seed, do 8,00 Timothy, H de 2.00 Potatoes, do 75 Beans, do 175 Onions, . do \75 Applels, (Dried) do 1.25 Eggs, per doz 18 Peaches, (Dried) per 1b 08 acon. do 03 New } ork, per 1b, 06 Beeswax, 25 Butter, do 2 Tallow. de 10 Lard, do 08 Rags, do 05 SPECIAL NOTICES. A Card to the Suffering. the The Rev Wirriax CosGROVE, while laboring a3 a Missionary in Japan, was cured of Consump- tion. when all other means had failed, by. a recipe obtained from a learned physician residing in the great city of Jeddo, This reeipe has cured great numbers who; were suffering from Con- samption, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Coughs and Colds, and the debility and nervous depression eaused by these disorders. ¥ S Desirous of hencfitting others, I wil send this recipe, wich I have brought home with me, to ali who need it. free of charge. Address Rev. WM. COSGROVE, ~439 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1y UDITOR'S REPORT OF CENTRE County, for the year 1862. JOHAN B. MITCHELL, Treasurer, in account with Contre county, from January 6th, 1862, to January Sth, 1863. ‘To amount received from Collectors and er ® sources, $ $9,590.58 To Balance due county, $ 12,433,569 CR. By amonnt Commission. MARRIED. On the 23 by Rev. Robert Hamill, Mr. Wm. Benner. of Potters Mills, to Miss Nannie Oden- kirk, of Potter's Fort. On the 14th, by the same, Mr. Jas. Hasson, to | Miss Sallie M. Brisbin, all of Boalsburg, On the 15th by the game, Mr. I. Vandyke, of | Look Haven, to Miss H McCoy of Potters Mills. Ry the Rev. Father Bary ard Mr. Joseph 1sen hower, to Miss Lizzie Ferderf er all of Snow Shoe. Bv Rev. W. H. Porr, Dec. 23rd Mr. D. C. Kel- Jer, to Miss Julian Stump, botn of near Centre Hall, Centro county. By the same Dec. 25th Mr. Amos Bettleune to Miss Margaretta Wetzler, all of the Loop. By the same, Dec 28th Mr Ost German to Miss Lizzie Krier, all of Green Valley, Centre co. By the same Jan. 1st Mr Jacob Ripkay to Miss Caroline Miller, of Spring Mills. Py the same, Jan, 7th Mr. John Cronmiller to Miss M. R. K. Sshrefiler, of near Loop Church. By the same Jan. 29th Mr. John Bitner to Miss Barbary Neff all of Centre Hall. On the 5th inst. by the Rev. 8S. L. Bowman, Mr. John Cooke, to Miss. Mary Tipton all of Bellefonte. With the last rotice we received a splended Cake for which the fair Bride and happy Groom, will please except the thanks of all hands co nnec- ted with this office, and our best wishes for their future happiness and prosperity. MENTS. a CARRIAGE ~ MANUFACTORY! Mr. 5 A. McQuistion would respeotfully in form the citizens of Centre county, that ho has opened a new Carriage Marufactory, in the rear of Cummings’ Livery Stable, where Leis prepared to manufacture CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SULKIES, PHAYETONS, SPRING WAGONS, SLEIGHS. SLEDS, &C., &C. at prices to suit the time.s. Repairing done on short notice. Bellefonte, Feb. 6, 1863, 1y. AUCTION NOTICE. = ‘I'he undersigned has taken out a licenzo under the Internal Revenue Laws ofghe US ag an Auctioneer. He will attend to all sales when his services are wanted. No urlicin- cod person is permitted by said laws to officiate as an Auctioneer. TF. RK. KNOX, Bellefonte Jan. 265, 1883.—3t. Auctioneer DMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Letters of Admimstration on the estate of John Lee, late of Potter Township, dee’d having been granted unto the suberiber, all per- sons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate are requested to present ir duly authenticated, for settlement. ROBERT LEE. Jan. 30, 1873.,—6t. Admin’r. [CSTRAY. * Came to the premises of the sub- seriber r)siding in Marian Township, about the middle of November Iasi. a dark brindle cow with several white spots in her left ear, stpposed to be six or seven years old. The owner is requested to come forward prove property, pwy charges and take her away, otherwise she will be disposed of according to law. FR ANKLIN BICKEL. Jan 23,1882. —3t. NEW PLOUGHS. The subscribers have secured the right of Centre County to manufacture and sell the J.C. Bidwell no. 7 Centre Loaver Left Hand Plo u jb. This is now considered the best metal Plough made in Penna. Famers can examine it by calling at the Belle- fonte Foundry. CastSteel shares will be furn- irhed with the Plough if desired. Jan. 30th. 1863. —tf A Hover & Co. NEV LIVERY STABLE. ” BACK OF HUME'S STORR. THOMAS DORAS, Proprietor. Six fine Bay Horses, all good travelers—and splendid Buggies Carriages and Sleighs,—and fitted with fancy Harness and warm Robes, to hire cheaper than any other establishment in town. Call around, gentlemen. January 23, 1863-1y. fj XECUTORS NOTICE. : : Leuters of Administration the with Will annexed having been granted to the u nder igned on the Estate of Wm McIlvaine dec’d lat of the Borough of Bellefonte. All persons en- depted to said Estate are hereby requested to- make immediate payment and those having claims against said Estate, will present them duly au- then ticated for settlement. HEXRY BR OCRERHORE, Jan. 23 6t 1863. xecutor. J XECUTORS NOTICE Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Rebecca Shipley, dec’d late of Boggs township, having been granted to the sub- seriber, residing in Stormstown, Pa, to whom all claims against said Estate must be preeented du- 1y authenticated for settlement; and those know- ing themselves indebted thereto are requested to make immediate payment. Jan. 9th 1863. —0t JOHN A. HALL. [EXEC UTORS NOTICE. : Letters of Administration with the Will anrexed having been granted to the un- dersigned on the Estate of Wm. Ryan decd’ late of the Borough ot Bellefonte All persons endebt- ed to eaid estate, are hereby requested to make imm ediate payment , and those having claims ag- ainst gaid estate, will present them duly authen- ticated for settlement HexXrY BROCHRRHOFF. Jan. 23 1882, 6t Executor. ers Orders lifted, 28,475,i2 do Treasurer's oom- miseion on $26.475.12, 681.87 do allowed for station- ary, : 10,00 do balance due eo. 12 433.58 —r——— 39,580,338 oii DR To amount received on Military Relief Fund from Collectors and oth- er sources for 1862, 17.400,21 Balance due county Tr. I0 3994S 27,709,692 CR. By amount Relief Orders lifted, 27,121.85 do Commission on 27- 121,65, 678,04 - 27,799,590 By balance due county Treasurer, 10,399,483 DR. To amount received on the Military Bounty Fund, 39,785.00 Balance due county Tr. 218,15 89,953,15 CR. By t Bounty Or- ders lifted, 38,959.80 do Treasurer’s Com- mission, 903,35 20,9563,15 By balance due co. Tr. 218,15 GEORGE ALEXANDER, High sheriff of Cen- tre county, in account with said county for the yeur 1862. DR. To balance due county at last settlement, 854,71 do amount of County Orders, 112.00 do. Jury Fees & Fines 77.00 By balance, 285,36 509,07 . CR. By bill rendered for boarding ~~ Prisoners— Fees & Exonerations, 505 91 Commussion on Fees and Fines, 2,16 509,07 By balance at settlemont, 265,36 We, the undersigned Auditors of Centre county do certify that having settled and examined the foregoing accounts of John B. Mitchell, Treasur- er, and George Alexander, High Sheriff of said county, and do find them correct as above stated. Witness our hands this 15th day of January, A. 65 JAS. C. WILLIAMS, GEO. BUCHANAN, Auditors. Receipis and Expenditures of Centre County tor the year 1862. We the Commissioners of Centre county, agree- ably to an Act of Assembly, entitled an act to raise County Rates and Levies, requiring the Commissioners of the several counties of this Com- monwealth to publish annually a statement of the receipts and expenditures of the r. spective coun ties, do report the following as follows to wit, from the 6th day of January, 1862, to the 5th day of January, 1863 : COUNTY AUDITORS. By amt’ paid Jery Mayes {ns auditor,) $ do Jas. C. Williams, (litto) do George Buchanan, (ditto) do George Livingston, (Clerk to Auditors) ’ $ 60,00 ASSESSORS. By amount paid ‘Township und Borough Assessors for assessments and ro- turag, COMMISSIONERS OFFICE. By amount paid John Me- Imont, as Com- missioner, ira Fisher, do A. Alexander, do Wm. Furey, do 8. M. Irwin, for balance at set- ement, same as Com- missioners cl’k, same distribu- ting assess blks, and election pa- pers, same, extra work game, carrying out tax in Treas- urer’s U. £. Land Books, same, carrying out tax in twp. U. 8. uand Bk same, making extra Duplicates same, cash paid Treasurer in mistake, same, for Reve. nue Stamps for note, same, for relief account— extra work, game, William Cook for postage same. Geo. Liv- ingaton for books and staticnary, same, Geo. Liy- ingston for mak- ing out dupli- cates, same J. D. Shu- gert for index- ing Redemption Book and enter- ing U. 8. Land Bales, game, A. O. Furst for servic- es as counsel to Commigsioners, (in part) 736,62 299,50 322.00 223.00 30.00 43,33 300,00 18.09 eo 26,55 do 100,09 50,00 do do 14.00 5,00 do C30 do 300.00 22,30 do do 127,19 do 24,00 do 5,00 do © 10.00 COURTS. By amount paid for Com- monwealth costs do Grand an Traverse Ju- rors, . E. M. Blanch- ard for auditing Proth’y & Reg- ister Dockets, And. White for services as court, crier, Geo. Alexander (Sheriff) for serving attach- ments, John T. John- ’ ston, Prothono- tary costs, 1,920,17 591,39 2,202,54 do 35,00 do 64,00 do 9.50 do 104,20 COURT HOUSE. By amount paid J. 8. Par- . sons for services. ag Janitor, same, for m'dse. bought for C H. W. H. Short. Hige furnishing and delivering coal for the C. House & Jail, E. C. Humes & Bro. m'dze for Court House, Bellefonte Gas Co. for gas bills Jas Kent for re- 3,006,863 132,00 19,21 do do 136,30 do 1,00 191,48 do do pairs to ceiling 1,00 J. HM. MeClure for water tax, PB. Galbraith, \ r pairing fance and gates, Lycoming Co Insurance on : Cour: House, 10,50 COUNTY JAIL, By amount paid James Keot for p as- 523,63 tering Jail, 43 94 do D. Bol nger, blacksmithing 4 11,44 do N. Hiiibish, repairsto furs nace, 18,25 do Jere Mayes iw +» sud Pardue for “wood, 71,12 do J. 8. Parsons work done, 20,75 do Geo, Alexans < der, boarding ing prisoners, 142,00 de same, lumber and building 2 smoke house, repair. ng stas ble, 32,15 318,05 COUNTY PRINTING. By amount paid Seely and Barnhart in full of ac- count, do Geo. Kurtz for for printing, do game, do do Alexander and Furey printing do F. Kurtz do 563,88 PREMIUMS ON SCALPS. By amount paid for Pan- ther, Wild Cat, Fox, and Musk Rat scalps, 330,87 INQUISITIONS ON DEAD BODIES. By amount paid P. Sho- enberger in quest en body of H. Young, 9,34 LOANS AND INTEREST ON LOANS. Amount of money loan. ed county, By interest paid sundry persons fur ins terest on notes orders, &c, ROAD VIEWS. By amouut paid for read Views, Views to assess dais ages, &c, ’ CONSTABLE RETURNS. Ey amount paid Consta- bles for res turns, miles age, &¢, 2 ELECTIONS. By amount paid Election Offic rs, Re- turn Judges, and Assessors fcr putting up lists and at tending elec tions, MISCELLANEOUS PAYMENTS. By amount pad W. W. Brown forun- current funds C. R. Foster for military fund, due Philipsburg, 22,02 F. P. Grew, telegraphing, R. ¥. sdarron, cortified copy of Act of As- rembly. 1,35 John Brach- hill repairing chairs, &:, Thos. McCoy, balance at gatrlement, 250,45 Ira Fisher ex. penses to Phil adelphia, 24,00 J. B. Mitch ell uncurrcut funds, Rtate Lunatic Asylum, keep- ing paupers, do D. Gurmuan, boggy hire, Jus. MeCuls Jough, for counter fei t money. A. B. Putchs inson Decds returned, J. B. Mitchell Tr, for bounty paid Vol. 3, Gardner for Beech Creek bridge, Awarded by Commisianers to Collectors for settling up their duplicalas within the 14 800,00 1,508,51 201,00 bh,4i 803,60 10,00 do 4.00 4,88 35,250.80 100,00 year, 10,00 Paid sundry : persons for taxes overpaid NT Oran u, 126,00 800,25 AO 5 &S. M. Irwin for expenses to Harrisbarg & gottling coun- ty ~~ aceount with State, K. G. Furst & A. 6. Furst for fees in Brown va. centre co. Jesse L. Test, formakingin- dex for Records ers Books, ads saotum, J. B. Butts for hoarding Jurors in homicide case Dre. Dobbins, Mitchell and @reen, for post mortem exami- nation (Poor. man) » 109,00 150,00 205,24 21,00 10,00 TT 98,00481 RBLIEF FUND. To amount orders issu- ed, - 30,882,25 do out standing taxes for 1861 3.34523 moras By amount orders lifted 27 121.65 Balance outstanding, ~~ 7,105,8: 34,227.48 We the undersigned Commissioners of Centre county, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and correct statement of the expenditures of the said County, for the year 1862. Witness our hands at the Com- missioner’s oftice in Bellefonte, on this 24 day of Febuary, A. D., 1863 : x! JNO: McCALMONT, - A. ALEXANDER, WM. FUREY, Commissioners. P. S. Tne list of outstanding taxes due from Collectors will appear next week, fron sans! : A sorrel Attest J. Moray, Com'rs Clerk. farm beast and a very speedy traveler. sold cheap. Apply athis offise to, Deo. 25, 1862. Mare, four and a half ears old, kind and gentle in harness—a good i ys Will be P. GRAY MEEK PITTSBURG,PA,, earner Penn and St. Str The largest Commercial Sohoel of the United States, with 2 patronage of nearly 3,000 Students, in fi ve vears, from 31 Brates, and the only one which affords complete and reliable instruction in all the following branches, viz: : | MERCANTILE, MANUFACTURERS, 3TEAX BOAT, RAIL ROAD & DANK DOOK-KEEPING, FIRST PREMIUM Plain and Ornamental Tenmanship; also, Sar voying, Engineering and Mathematics generally $35.00 Pays for a Commercia! Course; Students ents? and review at any time. i557 Ministers’ eons’ tuition at half-price. For Catalogue of 88 pages, Specimens of Busi- ness and Ornamental Permanshin, and a beanti- ful College view of 8 syuare feet, containing a great variety of Writing, Lettering and Flourish- ing, inelose 24 cents in stamps to the Principals, JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburg, Pa. July 18, 1862.—1y. Leather ! Leather! SOLE LEATHER : BPANISH KIP E®FNCH CALF SKINS! COUNTKY CALF KINS! MOROCCO SKINS! LININGS, &C., &C Shcemakers’ Thread and Shoemakers Tools, of all kinds, to be had at STUSSNM ANS, CHEAP,’ than at any other establishment in Central Penn vivania. Bellefonte, Decamber 19, 1862 —tf. + GQ Fa 3 | MARRIAGE —ITS LOVES AND 8 bates, sorrows and angers, hopes and fears, regrets and joys. MANHOOD, i how lost, how restored, the naturg, treatment and { radical eure of spermatorreea or seminal weak- { ness ; involuntary emissions, sexual debility and impediments to marriage cenerally, nervousness, { consumption, fits, mental and physical ineapaci- | ty, resulting from sen¥-asvse—are fully ex- { plained in the Marziace Gume, by WILLIAM 'OUNG, M. D. This most extraordinary book should bein the hands of every young person | contemplating marriage, and every man or wo- man who desires to limit the number of their off spring to their circumstances. Hvery pain, dis- ease and acho incidental to youth maturity and old age, is fully explained; every particle of knowledge that should be known is here given. — It is full of engravings. In fact, it discloses se- crets that every one should know, still it is a book that must be locked up and not lie about the house. It will be sent to any one on the receipt of 25 cents, in specie or postago stamps. Address DR. Wm, YOUNG, No. 416, Spruce street, above Fourth, Philadelphia. AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE, no matter what may be your disease. before you place yourself under the ear any of the notorivus Que native or foreign—who in this or any other coun- try, get a copy ¢f Dr Youn, £ at carefully It will be the means of 2% you many dollars. your health, and possibly your life. DR. YOUNG can be consulted on any ef the disensos described in his publication, at his office, No. 416, Spruce Street, above Fourth, Phila. — Office hours from 9 to 6 daily. Oct. 2nd, [862-1y. NEW PICTURE GALLERY. . R. J. S. BARNHART, HAVING uit a new and splendid SHYV-LIGHE PICTURE GALLERY, is now prepared to execute all orders in the Am- brotype, Photograph, Ferot ype, Maleneotype, or any of the customary branches of the Heliograph- ic Art. His Photographs will be of the LARGEST SIZE ever taken in the interior of this State.— Card Pictures, and almost an endless variety of common and fancy cases, are offered at prices which vary from 50 CENTS TO 25 DOLLARS ! Instructions given aud appartus furnished upon reasonable terms. This Gallery is located on the hill beside the Court House, near Garman’s Ho- tel May 22, °62-1y. TO THE LADIES. \Having just returned from Philadelphia with a new and splendid assortment MILLINERY GOODS, of tho latest styles and fashion, we {eel Jrerard te please all, both youug und old, grave and gay, whe way see proper 16 give us a eail. Our stock con- sists in part of SILK AND § NETS. TRIMMINGS PLAINAND F4 and all other articles generally keptin a Milliner Store. {5° We have Lied tho services of one most experienced Milliners in the city. Store Bishop street, nex door to theold stand. Bellefonte. May 3,'61. MARY S( JRBECK. FIOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, Tor the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afilic- ted with Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and es- pecially for the Cure of Dieseases of the Sexual Organs- : MEDICAL ADVICE given graiis, by the Ac ting Surgeon. VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhaea or Seminal Weakness, ard other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and of the NEW RELEDIES em- pioyed in the Dipensay, seut to the afllicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge, Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, DR. J. SKILLIN HOUGHT ON, Ao ting Surgeon, Howard Association, No 2 South Hinth st, Philadelphia. June 12, 186 2—1-y. JoARABOLA SPECTACLES. Superior to any others in use, con- structed in aecordance with the LAW OF NA- TUR * in the peculiar form of a Concavo-Con ve lips, admirably adapted to the organs of got end perfectly patural to the Eye; alto- ather the best artificial HELP TO THE HU- MIAN VISION ever invented. When there is dmen ss it is natural to nze a eane—why not ren- eras stance to that yaluable organ, the Kye when ceded? The tbove for sale at eity prices, by JERRY.J. WINGATE. At the Dental Office East of Post Ofiice. P. 8.—These spectacies can be ohtained at no other place in town. Bellefonte, May 20, 1862—1y. SIMON A. FELDMAN, IMPORTER & WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES. GINS, Wheat, Rye, & Bourbon Whisky’s BELOW SPRING GARDEN, BP EX Ts ADIN EEL TL. Ayer’s Catharte Pills. RTI ITE ZN SOT LOCATED § 3 PHILADELPHIA. 5.1. cor. 7thand Chestaut Streels, R i CITY, BROOKLYN , BUFFALO, L«AVELAND, DETROIT, CHICAGO & BT. LOIS. | Boox-xEEPING, PENMANSEIP, CoMNMEP (AL AR- ITHMETIC, CuMMERCIAL LAW, Ferns, CC. RESPON- } DENCE, &o , practically taught. ! These Colleges being under tho same general and local management, and uniting in each the | advantages of all, offer greater facilities tor im- | parting instruction than any other similar insti tutions in the eountry. i A Scholarship 1ssued by avy oue is good in al! | for an unlimited time. The Philadelphia College has been recently or larged and refurnished in a superior manner, and is now the largest and most prosperous Commer | cial Institution in the State. Bryant & Stratton’s series of Text books, em ebracng Book-Keeping, Commercial Aritametie, e ard ommercial Law, for «a.e and and sent by mail. 13° For full particulars send 1 a circular Oct. 17. 1362—1y, MANZ0O0D ; HOW LOST HOW RESTORED ! Just published in a sealed envelope. six rents. Price A Eccture on the Nature, Trentmeni, nnd Radical Cure of 3p errhoa or Seminal Wankness, Tn voluntary jong, Sexual Debility, and Tin- ! pediments to Marriage wenerally, Nervousness, | ntion, Epilepsy and Fits | Mental aud al Toeupacity, resulting from Relf- Abuse, + i By R¢ 'T J. CULVeRWELL, M. D., Au- ther of the Green Book, &e The world-renowned auhor, in this Lecture. | awful consequances of Sell-Ab ually removed without nedi dangerous surgical operati may be and bougies, instru- | ments, ri or eordials, pointing vul a moae of | cure at o certain and effectual, by which ev- | ery sufferer, no matter what Lis condition may te, | may cure himself ehoaply, privately, and radi- This lecture will provea boon to thous- | ands and thousands i Sent under scal, in a plain ouvelope, to any ad- dress, on the receipt of six cents or two postage | stamps, by addressing : Dr. CHAS. J. C. KLINE 127 Bowery, New York, Pest Office: Box, 4586. Nov. 14, ’62-iy. §IANK NOTICE. IN PURSUANCE OF THE 25h Section, First Article of the amended Coustitu. tion of the State of Pennsylvania, and the First Section of the Aet of the General Assembly ed the First day of June, 1839, the undersianed, citizens of the Commoawrgith of Pen vania, hereby give notice that ihey intend to make ap- plication to the Legislature of said State, at ite next session, commencing the first Tuesday of January, for the ebarter of « Bank. to bo located in the borongh of Builefoute, in the coun ty of Centre. and State atoresaid, to be called the + BEELEFONTE BANK, "the capital stock there | of to be Une Hundred Thousand Dollars, with the | privilege of increasing it to Two Hundred Thous and Doliars : and the specific object for which the proposed Corporation is to be chartered is to trans { i i act the usual and legitimate busi of a Pan of Issue, Discount, Deposit and Exchange H. BROCKERHOFF, WM. P. WILSON, ED. BLANCHARD, D. G. BUSH. D. M. WAGNER, GEO. W. JACKSON, R. II. DUNCAN, SAM. STROHE A. R BARLO HARVEY MANN, F.P. HURNTHAL, JOIIN P. HAKRIS. C. T. ALEXANDER, JOHN IRVIN, Jr., W. F. REYNOLDS, | 0.M ELDER, | MAY & LOEB THOMAS TIERS. | . M . LINN & CO., | FHOMPSON, LINN & CO, | DANIEL RHOADS, EO BOAL, C. & J. CURTIN, TINE Co , 18¢ VAL Bellefonte, June 2 fgorLocs 'SIMPROVEDDANDELION | COFFEE. - This p.eparation, made from the best Java Coffee, is strongly recommen- ded by physicians as a superior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dyspepsia, and all Bilious disorders. Thousands who have been reluctantly compelled to abandon the use of Coffee, will find thay ean use tms combination without any of the injurio effects they formerly experienced. 27° One can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary Coffee For sale by all Druggists and Grocers, and b the Manufacturer, cornor of BROAD and CiIEST. NUT Streets, and by JOS. B.BUSSIER & CO, 108 and 110, S WHAEF VES. Price 25 cents. March 6th 1862--1y. NEW BAKERY! MATHIAS SCHMUCK. Would respectfully inform the people of Bellefonte and vicinity, that he has re anew and complete Bakery on SPR ING street, in the premises of WW. F. Reynolds, where he will keep constantly on hand all kinds of BREAD, RUSK, POUND CAKE, SUGAR AND GINGER CAKES, CRACKERS, ., &e.. &e., which he sells at a reasonable und satisfactory price. Broad, Cakes and Pies baked to order on the 5 st no Families will find it to their ad gel their baking done ut thts estab 15 they ean always get pure wholesome kes just when they need (hon pt. 12ih 18 1 C LOTHIN G EMPORIUM. BELLEFONTE, PA, MONTGOMERY & SON, Proprictors. Having just received a large and ecarcfully se lected assortment of elothes, cassimers sattene!ts &e., &¢., for the fall and winter trade, at our old stand in Brokerhoof’s Row, Allegheny Street, we are prepared to accommodate our old friends and customers generally, to a full suit of clothes made in the neatest and most fashionable style, from the atest approved patterns. A larg3 “stock of Ready made cloibing constantly on hand and for sale as cheap ifnot cheaper than at any other houee in town. Thankful for the patronage’ herr ofore extended to us, we respectfully solidita con tinuauce of the same. Nov. 21st. 1862—tf, Ir OOK STORE BeLLErONTE, PA. GEORGE LIVINGSTON, Proprietor. At his well known stand on the North-eastern corner of the public square, keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of THEOLOGICAL, CLASSICAL. MISCELLANEOUS, aud SCHOOL BOOKS. Atluo a large /ariety of BLANK BOOKS and STATIONERY, of the”best quality. Also MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. PORT FOLIOS, &c. Books brought to order at a small advance on city prices. May 1, 1862, tf. JOHN S. LENiZ, IMPORTER & WHOLESALE DEALER IN TIRES & LA9D03 No. 230 North Third Street, APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. OTICE is hereby given that the follow- ing named persons nave filed their pe- titions in the Court of Quarter Session # of Centre County, and will make application at the Janua- ry Term of said Court to sell liquors: R. D. Cummings, Tavern R .C. Mulholen, 3 Bellefonte. (CONRAD HOUSE, (ARMA ¥ HO HT ERE eae - Difice oi JAY COC SUBSCRIP TIC AT JAY UOOOER & CO. BE iid slvr THIRD STREXT, Philadelpbiz, Nor. ? ¢ Tv The nudersigned, having boon appointed N° SCRIPTION AGERT by the Scerotery of Treasury. is now prepared to furnish, vi o. the | New Twenty Year 6 p, ct. Bon’ the United States, designated as + Five-T- ties,” redecmnble at the pleasere of the tio ment, after five years, snd autharizad dy A Congress approved February 25. 18 The COUPON BONDS are issued $50, $100. $500, $1900. The REGISTER BONDS in sums of $50, © in sum { £500, $1000 and $3000. Interest at Six per cent per srnum will cova mence frum date of purchase, and is PAYABLE IN GOLD, Semi- Annually. which is equa), at tha pre oe Pain on gold, to about EIGHT PER «j PER ANNUM. ’ Farmers, Merchants; Mechanics, Capital and all who have nay honey to invest, sn: know and remember that these Bonds are, in feet, a FIRST MORTGAGE upon all Ruailie Canals, Bank Stocks and Securities. and the mense products of all the Manufactures, &o,. +: | in the country ; aud that the full and ample 4 vision made for the payment of the interest dation of principal), by Cnstom Duties | amy ik Internal Revenue, serves to 1 the BEST, (TONY AVAILARNLEAIND Yo: POPULAR IM VENITEENT IN TRF ~ MARKET. recived at PAR in Legal Te and checks on banks at pin Suliscribers by mail will rec prompt and every facihry and exp! tion wiil be afforded on appliontion at this offi A full sappy of Bonds w “opt off hand + immediate delivery. : Bo JAYCOOKE, Nov. 7, '62-3m. Subseription Ago TO THE PUBLIC The inquiry ie frequen “ Whera oo orocks be abtainel, th glasing way rer ermattuti LE Uwith Apple-Buttes Milk—ard, t iil nut become sear or a greeabla. aor 18, the glazing of which : caused much d Land frequently decth ? portunity of mforndng ris pu? apple-butter and 1 2. {ree from a'l obunoxivns diferent places, Lo the under: named persons that eannot be excelled for qu and durability anywhere, These crocks®are glazed with the very best + terial, viz.. Red Lead, Quartz, &¢, and 1 nse the very bast Oak Wood, by which I ean b the ware the hardest and most durahle I learned the Pottery business in Earopa, « ed the Chemicals in the schools of Munich Augshurg, (Ba \ meng many yoars of experience, I am enabled to fu ¢h tho public with the above described ware JOSEPH SAPPLE N. B. If you wish to buy good sulistantinl zed Croeke, they can be had at the stores of 1 undersigued persons Jd. = ABRAHAM SUSSMAN Bellet « BROWN & COOKE ’ ITOUN AW. ¥ I.:¥ AY, Stormztown & SWARTZ, PG. Mins ROBT CAMPRELL Port Matis LYONS & Co, Penesyle’s Faron - JOSEPIL 34PPLE Mantuety Surg, Oct 10th 1352 6 —mo. BELLEFONTE, J.B. BUTTS, Thi= well krowp establishment hag heen entice. ly re-fitted sui re-farnished througout. and is second Wo nene in central I i ini comforts and convenience it People fio m the Conuty du Bellefonte dori “onrad House a Pa. Lropristor. always in atte: 3 iy the wa ul eoutribu fort wr atislaction of thy ruests ABLE is suppNed with all the substas - ions. luxuries and delicasics, whisl productive Ceuntry can faraish, or industry, vis tlance and exertion can procure. ! THE BAR, will always contain a general agsor - ment of the very best liquors. that the mrrket a fords, adapted to guit the mes caprieinus tages (Hi STABLY will be attender by attentiy and obliging hostlers. well qualified to” discliary the duties pertaining to ihisimportant departing. of a public establichment. 5 From the attention and time. the proprietor t= devoted to this branch of business. he hopes 1. receive a liberal share of the patronage here vor heitowed upon him. Nov, 15, 62. tf FOTVALLS ar USE. BELLEFONTR, PA. DANIEL GARMA , Propricior. This long established anl wen known Hotel, situated on the Southeast corner the Diamond, opposite the Court House. havin been purchased by thie undersigned, he anunoun: es tothe former patrons of this establishment an to the traveling jap generally, that he intend: refitting it thoroughly, and is preparsd to rend: the most satisfactory accomm dation to all wh may favor him with their patronage. No pai will be gpared on his part to add to. the comvan ence or comfort of his gussia. All whe stop with him will find : XESS BABY, y supplied with thie most suoptacus fore ‘iil afford, done up in style, by th experienced cooks ; while HIS BAR will wi ways ecntain ; The Chocest of Liquors, His Stabling ig best in tow and will always he attended by the most tru .orthy and attentive hastlers (tive him a call fdent that all w modation. - one 8 #il, and he feels: arm ‘be sa fied with their acecbi- AN EXCEI ENT LIVERY igattached to this est ohshient, whioh strangers from abroad will Bud greatly to their advantage. DANIEL GARMAN. DBeliefonte, Jan. 9, 1882. LINTON HOUSE LOCK HAVEN, PA. A. YANN, Proprietor. The proprietor having lezged the ahove named Hotel in the borough of Lock Haven Clin ton county, Pa., takes this method of informing the public generally that he has madeevery nesussnry preparation to entertain strangers and travelersin the best possible manner. His table will always ao iain the choicest tux- urieg that the country wi’ afford, and he is detor- mined not tobe surpassed in this department by any other Hotel along the West Branch. ! His Bar will contain the choicest liquors that ean ba patoinsed in the city market. Careful and attentive Ostlers will constantly be on hand to take charge of horsesand see thatthey are properly attended to. Trusting that he may receive a portion of the patronage of the traveling public, he hopes by slose attention te be uble tu rende r genvral satis- action. 4 June 6, '61.~tf. y PLEASANT GAP HOTEL, PLEASANT GAP, PA. 3. 38. MMORIISON, Lroprice-r. This well known Hotel is now kept by the pro- priotor, where he will be happy to wait on the traveling public genes uily. yr ‘VALUABLE PROPERTY KUK SALE A lot of ground situatea on Kutta lo Run, 12 miles weet of this place, containing about one fourth.ofan acre, upon which i= evégted anew and well finished Store House. wn spat ehop, and a good stable, wiil be sold very low and terms made to suit the purshasher Yor fur ther particulars apply at this office to x Oct. 24, 62, P. GRAY MEEK Burnsides, Snow Shoe. JOHN 1. JOHNSTON, Clerk of Sessions. John Uazzle, Deo. 25, 1802. JOB PRINTING DONE IN THE NEAT. ST AND BEST STYLE at this OFFIUE. G. L. TOVELL, DEALER IN LEW ISra wx dy, { | | Tacheos & Cigars