Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 06, 1863, Image 1

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Original Pogtry,
{Written for the Democratic Watchman.
I know a maiden fair and bright,
Who wears a snow-white plume ;
Whose presence makes dark places light,
And drives away their gloom.
She walks the streets with modest grace,
Yet speaks to high and low;
And smiles that light her gentle face
Like sunshine, ccme and go.
Her soft hand’s touch is wondrous joy,
Her clasp, a world of bliss;
Her smile is love without alloy,
And life, her mniden kiss!
Oh! precious more this maid to me
Than mines of wealth untold!
And dearer far, her purity,
Than gems of rarest gold!
Whois this maiden fair and bright.
That wears this plume of snow,
Whose presence lends such joyous light,
To all the vale below?
Ah?! ask me not—I would not speak
To vulgar crowds her name;
I'd scarce inseriboit on the peak
Of Heaven's OrirLasiye !
BeLueroxte. PA, Feb. 2d,, 1863.
SAT ee
In the painful progress of our race tow-.
ard that indefimte peifectability that it for-
ever tends to, there are many sad things re-
corded in its arnals, but nothing that can
cowpare for a moment with the monstrous
unreason and bloody stupidity of the exist
ing phase or condition of the American peo
Ra ta Lo Bn ens STEERS
of twenty five years to crush the Democra
I'he British Aristocracy waged a war
2g of France, and thus (0 ¢ save’ their own
8 from being corrupted by ¢ French
principles,” that was to keep the great ip
norant, voteless and voiceless mas-es from
comprehending their natural rights, and thus
to hold them in shject submission to the ru-
ling class. During these many years wm
against principles that, once admitted and
understood fin England, would have soon
upset the aristocracy and given freedom
aud happmress to the people, the great,
stolid and slavish multitude were ramyan!
in their loyaliy and as bitter agains: ‘French
principles as the very aristocracy that deln
ded them, and made them the miserable
ols of their own deadly warfare nga
And so with
t body of the Spanish people. When
i crushed out the miserable and de
wy on the Continent.
tauched Bourbons, snd introduced extensive
and benificent reforms ju that prie-t ridden
land. the ignorant, blind and bigoted people
fought as desperately against their own
welfare, liberty, manhood and prosperity.
as cver the French themselves fought for
Tudeod, history is full of
these things, where vast masses of men, giv-
en over to monstrous delusions, have battled
desperately against their own welfare. But
in view of all the cir@@mstances, the free.
dom, bra very. intelligence and progress of
the American pecple, and the times we Jive
in, this civil war ig, without doubt, the mos!
amazing and boundless folly ever yet wit
nessed in human experience,
God Almighty hag made the negro Ta diff.
erent and inferior being, and therefore de-
signed nm for a d {ferent and inferior social
position whenever and wherever in juxta
position with the superior whi'e man, and
to attempt to reverse the eternal order, to
force the white man down or the negro up
to a common level, or ** impartial freedom,”
is a fully so stupen laous, a crime so awful.
and an impic ty so gross and damnable, that
posteri y would be less amazed at the de-
struction by heaven itself, of a whole gen-
eration, thus given up to the work of devils,
than that it ever could have had even a
score of followers. What would be thought
of the madaess of a man or of a party that
should attempt to undo the work of the Al-
mighty Creator, and give the negro the color
of the white wan, or that should try to
change the color of the latter or give them
an “impartial” color? Every elementary
atom of the negro being differs justas wide-
ly from those of the white man as the color
of his: s§in, and with a specifically different
albus ¢h ig, of course, a correspond-
ing difference of faculties, wants and neces-
sities. If, therefore, a great party should
spring up in the North to change the differ:
ence of color, 0 get possession of the com_
mon government of the States and use that
to force an * impartia!’’ complexion on the
country, it would be no more foolish, impi-
ous and devilish than the anti-slaveryites.
who dream of “impartial” freedom for ne-
groes. Of course Massachusetts, the heaa
and front of this, as of all other delusions
that have disturbed the common country,
kills its negroes while thas altempting to set
aside the Creator and force them to be men
like themselves, but the effect on the whites
is not perceived or understood,
But the * idea’ of Massachusetts in this
yespeet, forced on South Carolina, would
their liberty.
end, of course, mn the destruction of both ra-
ces through amalgamation. Sumner, or Lin-
coln, vr Chase would rather a daughter
should die than equahze or mate with a ne-
gro, that is, rather than live out the dostrine
he is now seeking to force on the South !—
* Impartial freedom” 15, of necessity, amal-
gamation, just to the extent that “it could
be forced va the South, and when we reflect
that a great party, representing a majority
of northern voters, took possession of the
common govern ent of the States to force
this ** idea” on the people of the South, we
surely should not wonder at their course, or
at anything they Go, to save society and civ-
ilization from a lunacy so abhorrent. Twen-
ty-five years ago Mr. Lincoln would be mob-
bed in any northern city if he ventured to
avow doctrines that he now secks to engraft
on this government, and though pledged to
force ¢* principles” on the men and women
of the South, that, rather than live out in
his own household, he would prefer death,
he affects to be amazed at this **causeless
rebellion!” Heavens and earth ! what mad-
ness! The South may have committed fol-
lies and mistakes in its turn, but rather than
« impartial freedom” with negroes, it better
be annihilated at once, for who would not
prefer immed ate massacre for bis offepring,
ra her than that they should rot out gradu-
ally through the veins of the scoty and
semi-anmimalized negro? But, afer all,
some aliowance should be made for these
lunatics, who, for years, have read only one
side, and shat their eyes to all the facts of
the ease, and, we doubt not, that the next
generation will hold men like Dix and Dick-
inson to a more terrible responsibility than
Chase and Sumner. lad the former said to
Mr. Lincoln, ¢ abandon your lunatic notion$
of an ‘equal freedom’ and administer the
government on the principles laid down by
the Supreme Covrt, and then we will aid
you to put down rebellion, if aid be ncces-
sary,” the whole secession movement would
have been brought to a halt at once, Union
i8, of course, as beneficial to the southern
man as the northern, to Virginia, who made
it what it was. a= well as to Massachusetts,
who never furnished a solitary soldier to fight
its battles, and therefore a ** War for the
Union" is a lie and absurdity, of course.
[tis a war, on the coutrary, for * impar-
tial freedom’ with negroes, for foremz the
luracies and impieties of Massachuseits on
the people of the South, for overthtowing
our system hy amalgamating negroes into it,
for the utter destiustion of the civilization
of the South, under a blind aud monstrous
delusion of re forming it. But, after all
this mighty sacrifice of blood ard treasure
will vot be in vain,
gro will be settled forever.
The status of the ne-
This clement
of our population, so essential to the cvili-
za ion of the great ccufral regions of this
continent, will hereafter fulfil its role in the
arand futvre of American civilization, with-
out interference from distant fanaticism and
fotly. The negro has a nataral right io the
protection of the superior white man, and
the lunacies of the day explod d, this be"
nificent and neecssary protection will be
given h'm oferywhere, even in heniphted,
besotted and cruel Massachuset 8. Mean-
while. all honest and truly patriotic citizens
should labor for peace, harmony and wnien
with our brethren of the South. We have
only to “restore the Union” to secure these
blessings, to restore the government to the
status of two years ago to return to a gov-
ernment of white men, as defined hy the Su.
preme Court, and obliterate utterly all the
diableries of the interval—in short, have
only to make the government in the future as
wn the past, equdly bentficent tv all sections,
to recover the grandeur and glovy of the
great Republic. —CAUCASIAN,
——— eee
Our Nexr GoverNor.— The course of the
Democrats and Conservatives of New York,
in the selection of Governor Seymour to th,
Chief Magistracy of their Commonwealth,
seems to impress the members of our party
in this State with the nceessity of present.
ing to our people at our nex: Gubernatorial
election, a candidate possessing more than
orcinary public virtue and abibty. We
have received several letters from friends in
different Western counties, making inquiries
upon the important subject, and asking
t whether Gen. Geo. W. Cass is the man for
the crisis 27 The question being a-ked and
without any desire or intention to champion
any aspirant’s cause, sin ple justice compels
us to answer that, in every point requisite
to make en honest, faithful and high-toned
Chief Magistrate, Gen. Cass is thorougly
qualified. Singularly uncbtrusive, Gen,
Cass has not, perhaps, made so much figure
as one of his sound judgment might have
‘done were he of an aspiring temperament.
This, however, is so much in his favor, ang
is the real cause of his strength with those
who are most intimate with him. In the
late convention in the county, he would not
permit his friends formally to present his
name for the nomination for Governor; this
was proper because it would imply a neces”
sity for endorsement from those who were
nearly all his personal and political friends,
Gen, Cass’s name will be presented and sus-
tained by the delegates of Allegheny county
at the approaching State Convention, and. if
hy be nomiuated for the important position
of Governor of our great Commonweaith,
we can assure our inquiring friends that he
will be elected, and that he will nobly and
faithfully sustain the honor, the dignity and
ye rights of Peonsylvania.— P:ltshurg Dai-
1 1y Post.
A negro-labor blow has been ttruck at the
mechanical interests of the North. The in-
fernal operations of Lincoln & Co., are now
beginning to tell upon the already over-tesk-
ed white workingmen of the country. Read
this fact, mechanics of the Northern States,
and see what you are coming to under the
administration of the enemies of free white
labor. There are now in the convict's pris-
on at Albany forty contrabands, the freed
and paid for slaves of the District of Colum-
bia, under conviction as common thieves
and vagabonds, incarcerated for crimes in
the city of Washington, and sent to the city
of Albany, and there, while in prison, put
to work as shoemakers under a heavy con-
tra’ t ; and are now, these black and erime-
stared wrethes, after once having been pur-
chased by the white man’s money, after hav-
ing, nigger like, thrown the boon of freedom
away by crime, being taught by Abolition
contractors to take the bread from the white
man’s children, put to respectable mechani-
cal labor, by which every white man, and
every white man’s family, are degraded. —
‘Think of this long and earnestly, white men
of the North. The slaves, which have al-
ready been paid for with your money, by
by the fanatical crew who have control of
the government, are now robbing you. Be
it known to you, that although the soldier
can get no pay. or rather has received buf a
moiety of his earnings, the unconstitutional
act of Lincoln and Co., in taking the prop-
erty in the District of Columbia, has already
been squared up, as far as money will do it,
by having been settled in full, within the
past thirty days, and the fruits ot black free-
dom are now being gathered. The fruits ate
crime, incarceration and support at the ex
pense of the white man ; competition with
the white than for daily work ; black erin-
inal labor, versus white honest labor ; the
family of the white soldier crying for bread,
which the nigger war party withlo'ds, and
the white artizan, the white laborer, being
robbed and plundered by nigger laziness,
which he has to support, nigger crime, which
nigger laziness engencers, and lastely, plun
dered by nigger mechanical competition in
nigger prisons. Good God! has it come to
this ¢ [ow long! how long! will white
men be thus victiczixed by the fanatic who |
have surreptitiously ridden into powar ?
Nigger criminals, bratal and filthy, first
purchased and made free by white men's
money, then incarcerated, and supported by
white men’s taxes. are taught to be mechan
1cs while serving as felons, and compete for
white men’s labor, at wages that honest
white men would starve upon. Working-
men ! in God's name move on to the ballot-
box with the power and might of the huge
waves “when navies sre stranded,” and
sweep this despicable party from power,
and hurl them so far that a vestige of their
dirty principles will never be discovered on!
thi continent.
Financially, we are still in the old track,
Tle Sceretary of the Treasury cannot bor-
row a dollar on his bonds, and we are to be
flooded with greenbacks. . Stocks , raw ma-
terials, goods and produce will reach un-
one thousana millions of irredeemable paper
money on their hands, with ne use for it.
Let me say to the wor kingmen of the North
if you desire to understand, as you should,
the relation of money to capital, and the
theory of true banking, if you wish to add
to your store of knowledge, that of a eor-
rect understanding of the currency question
whenever you hear of a letter or pamphlet
by James Gallatin, of New York, get it and
study it at your leisure. This gentleman is
one of the ablest writers upon moneyed af-
fai s in the country, and I'm in indebted to
him for some of the soundest ideas I have
introduced in my letters to the people, the
past year. Mr. Gallatin’s- letters to the
Hon, Mr, Fessenden, just published in
pamphlet from, on the present great finati-
cal questions of the day, shonld be in the
hands of every mechanic, farmer and intel-
igent laborer.— Caucasian.
Returning from cur office the other day,
we met at the junction of the Cincinnat
and Greenville railroads, a sturdy litile fel-
low of German patronage, who inquired,
“Da yon know who wants a boy ?7 Ile
was weary, for the san was nearly down,
and he had been all day seking a place ; yet
he stood up bravely, and his voice was as
clear as a bell.
“My httle friend,” said I, what do you
want to do?”
“Work,” he replied ; and he put his hands
in his pockets and threw ont his chest,
as if ts say, “I am not to smali—I can
“Yoy arc a brave boy- but don't your
mother want you ’ 5
**My mother’s dead.”
We felt reproved for asking the question,
but it occured to us thal a mother would be
proud of the
«Where is your father my son 2”
¢ Oh, he lives over in Dayton ; but he hus
another wife, and she don’t wart to be both
ered with me. But I can werk if IT can find
any body that wants me.
Young soldier of toil, you will soon find
some one who wants a boy, a boy like you
we hope, and may some good angle provide
you with work not too hard for your small
hands; and may cares lizhtly touch you.
that yonr spirit may not be younded or
crushed. Long life and health to you ! May
money flow into your hands, and then some
good angle of a woman become enamored of
a boy like you, and way you win her and be
happy !
clear eyed, flaxen haired
[From the Cinciunati Inquirer |
The following statements of the atroci-
ties of this monster have been going the
rounds of the Abolition press, accompanied
by editorial remarks to discredit or pallia‘e
the transaction. If they were not true, the
Government should have the matter inves-
tigated, but that would only clinch the char-
ges, as we are informed by an old friend
and an eminent citizen of Missouri, who is
conversant with them. Tne fact that the
young man giving his life for the sake of
the family of the condemned man, is cor-
rect. We think it will not be long before
the Administration will regret not having
promtly disavowed McNeil’s conduct, and
dismissed him from the service. The sub-
terfuge that he was beyond their control,
because he was an officer of the State troops
is ridiculous. The State troops are all mus-
tered into the service of the United States,
though they serve in their State, which 1s
all the difference between these and other
God permits devils like McNeil to do their
work to bring out the sublime heroism of
lofty natures like the man who gave his
lite for the family, and the touching scene
of the importunity of the little boy for his
father’s life. This is not the only massa-
cre of MeNeil's. He put to death in cold
blood a large number previously —twenty at
one time, Before the war he was a jour;
neyman hatter ; now he i8 Generali McNeil.
One of the condemned had a wife and
several children, dependent upon him for
support, His wife went to General McNeil
and entreated him to spare her hnsbend’s
life, telling him that she was in ill heal.h,
that her children were all young aud en-
tirely helpless, and that without their fath-
er they would be thrown upon the world
entirely dependent upon the public for su -
port, and that her relatives were all in a
distant country and Ii tle able to give her
assistance, McNeil tried to put her away
with such unmanly expressions as ‘Go
away, woman, I want no more of your
sniflling here,’ or, ‘Your husband is a rebel
and should be hung’ and such like language ;
but he finally said that if the wife could
find any one who would die in her husband's
place he wouid release him, and spare h's
This hard condition of release des'royed
all hope, for who could ask any one to give
up his life in such an emergency ¢ The
wife went away witha heavy heart. A
short time before the hour appointed for
the massacre a young man, nineteen or
twenty years ot age, signified his willing-
«20 sou know any one who wants a boy, |
Ah! yes, many a mother’s eye will grow |
dim a8 she reads this artless question, and
thinks cf the two bright cyes she closed not |
long since —of the two little hands aeross |
the still br ast —of the boy who is now an |
angle, but for whom her heart will yearn |
despite her philosophy »nd custianity,un-
til she clasps Lim again to he. bos:
And if we could go in spint to Donelson,
Roanoka, Pen Ridge a nd Putisburg Landing
heaud of prices. Speculation will ruin not; |
we shall have a shor life and a merry one, !
in the money way, and then will come the
crash. :
S. P. Chase, or as he 1s now mora appro- |
priately dubbed, ‘Shin Plasters Chase,”
has been immeasurably overrated. He is
simply a blunderhead: Not only a blunder
head, tut he is suspected of dishonesty
There is no doubt that in his sndden deci-
sion to pay the U. S. bonds of 1862 in gold,
about $2, 400,000. that he was in league
with some New York aad Boston specula-
tors, who bought up all those bonds prior 0
that arnouncement of his and that it was
a snug operation for him. aswell as for them |
The truth is, there is not an honest man to- |
day connected with Lincoln's Adwinistra- |
tion" Under the code which rule the dynas
ty, honest principles cannot be one of the
elements. 3 ie
The new Lill of the Committee of Ways
and Means will hasten the finatical and
commercial ruin of the country. We pro-
pose to raise two-thirds of the nine hundred
millions asked for by the great shin-plaster
Tycoon, through further issues of rags. First
comes $300,000,000 legal tender notes. not
convertable into bonds’ next §300,000,000
6 per cent Treasury notes, convertable into
legal tenders; but not into bonds, and then
an issue of $300 00,000 6 per cent, 20 year
bonds. We are to have, al! told, about
$850,000,000, of rag currency. in the face
of the restricted businiss of the country,
when two years ago, with an undivided Un-
ion and prosperity North and South, our
entire rag circulation was less than $400,
000,000. Well may this picture be called
This huge i:flation, when peace comes,
will be an evil so fraught with stupendous
and destructive result, that the world will
stand aghast at the ruin which will spread
over the land. The gettling ~day willl be
terrible, Property will shrink like a prick-
ed balloon, and like a pricked balloon will
high hopes tumble to the earth, a wreck.
Poor and rich will suffer alike. Millions of
men, n w employed as soldiers, boatmen,
nurses, manufactures. tailors, all! to-day
supported solely by the war will then be id-
le. The immence disbursements of govern-
ment will cease, the hum of traffic, now
heard in so many quarters, will be dead
| blest boys.
how many an anxious wife and mother,
sister and father, would we see on those
fields, slippery as they are with blood, land
covered with corpses, secking for a boy !!
This bloody war is robbing us of our no-
“Oh ! my dear boy.” sobbed
a farmers wife at the depot the other day.
Where is your boy ? asked a sympathizing
friend, “He fell at Putsbarg Landing and
lTcannot even get his dear body. Oh, my
dear boy
ee ——
Mr. Slashaway, who writes for the Ocean
Magazine, says the teachers murder them.
Mrs. Prim, who picks the mote out of other
people's eyes, says the same Mr. Trade
well, who comes home at night with the
headache, and does not like to be troubled
with the children’s lessons, iterates the same |
charge. Ard all the lazy boys and girls of-
for themselves as the Ziving witnesses that
they expect to lie of hard siudy. We pro-
test. . :
Who sends the children to bed with stom”
achs overloaded with digestible food ? Nog
the teacher.
Who allows Susan Jane to go out in wet
weather with cloth shoes and pasteboard
soles ?
Not the teacher.
Who allows tke little child in cold weath-
er to go with its lower extremities half bare
or but thinly clad because it is fashionable ?
Not the teacher.
Who allows John and Mary, befire they
have reached their *: teens" to go to the
© ball” and dance until the cock crows ?
Not the teacher.
Who cumpels the children, several in
number, perhaps, to sleep, in a httle, close,
unventilated hed-room ?
«Not the teacher,
W ho builds the schoolhouse *“ tight as a
drum" without any possibility of ventila.
tion ?
Not the teacher.
Who frets and scolds because ‘‘my child”
coes not get along as fist as some other
child does?
Not the teacher.
Who inquires, not how thoroughly * my
child” 18 progressing. but how fast
Not the teacher.
ness to take the place of the man whose
family was dependent on him, saying that
he was aware of] that none were dependent
upon him, and that after his death he would
not he missed, while it would be a serious
thing to have one shot whose family, in eon-
sequence, world be left alone ard uncared
for. He was taken as a substitute, agreea-
ble to promise, and gave up his Lfe along
with the others on that fatal day.
Another case among the ten, was hat of
a man with a wife and one child, a boy
nine or ten years of age. The mother was
lying on a sick bed, and unable to go io the
commanding officer and infercede for her
domed husband, The little boy went to
McNeil, and in the fullness of his affection
for his father, entreated, begged and 1m-
plored him to spare the life of his father,
telling how much h loved him, how good a
father he had always been, and how kind
he had always been to his mother; that his
father kad never done anything wrong, and
that without crime there should be no pun-
ishment. Said the manly litte fellow :—T
den’t know how mother and me will get
along if you kill my fathrr. I know that he
did not help to take Mr. Allerman away,
for he was no! atsent from home fora month
before the night the soldiers came and took
him out of bed from mother and me. Fa-
ther has just got our farm paid for, and was
going to build a new and better house than
the one we have been living in. We will
be very lonely without him, and I don’t
know how mother will stand it without him.
She says that T will some day be a man and
then will be able to supportand protect her,
but that will be a gond while yet, I know,
General, when you think of these things
that you will not kill my father.” In such
language he urged the release of h's father,
but in this case McNeil was unrelenting,
and would not release the father, but con-
sented that the boy should ride out wih
him to the place of execution,
When the wagons passed through the
streets with the doomed men seated upon
their coffins, this 'ittle boy was seen seated
upon his father’s knee, and clinging to him
as if determined not to let him go. It is said
that when they arrived at the place of exe-
cution, aud the men placed in line, it was
with the utmost difficulty that they drag
ged the boy away from bis father’s embrace
clinging as they did so closely together.—
The father died with his companions ; and
when his remains were put into the rough
coffin, the little boy was seen seated upon
the rude box that contained all that was left
of his kind and guiltless father.
The general imprission seems to be, in
the army and out of it, that the waris play-
ed out, but the Abolitionists s+ill hold on to
the nigger !
aud the people will have a currency of nea’
Who murder the innocents 7
sleighing s about done in this section,
By the hearth of many an Irish family in
America, a caione is heard to-day, for the
brave brothers, husbands, fathers, whose
mutilated bodies lie stretched on the bloody
field in front of Fredericksburg! In [re
land the ery will be taken up when the de-
tails are known, and the terrible list of kill-
ed and wounded tels to thousands of anx-
ious hearts the n mes of those who have
been stricken down in the fiery charge.—
Their names !—alas 1t is the names of the
survivors that need to be told for they ars
the fewest in number. The Irish Brigade
went into action 1,300 strong; only 250
came out of it alive !
If ‘this were for Ireland’ we wight not
mourn for it; if these were men who had
no thought for Ireland. no love for the old
cause, no hatred of the old enemy in their
hearts, we might feel their loss legs acately ;
but they were true patriots to a man—their-
burning desire was to strike a blow for the
freedom of their native land, their darling
hope was that they might one day wreak
the vengeance they long nursed. on her op
pressor : and they were found in the van of
that murderous combat, mainly because
they had been deluded into the idea that in
taking such a part they were offering an ef-
fective opposition to Englands policy,
To us of the Nation 1t is soma consola-
tion to reflect that we never joined in houn-
our gallant but impulsive countrymen on to
this war upon the South, We did not chime
in with those who cried aleud to the Irish
in America, that it was their especial duty,
as they loved Ireland, to ‘pat down the re
bullion.” We lamented, and we shall not
cease to grieve for the severance of the
Union, but we clearly saw that when that
event had taken place, and when the Siuth-
ern people, with unwistakalle determing:
lion, had risen in arms to establib a seper-
ate Nationality and a Government for them-
selves, the quarrel was likely to be prolong-
ed and desperate ; that the endeavor ty beat
the seceding people back into the Union,
would, probably. prova a disastrous failure,
and that in the meantime the Irish in Amer
ca could not gratify England more than by
rushing into the midst of the deadly strife,
as if it were their own. Of the truth of our
"views we have had to many melancholy cor-
to our
countrymen in a d ferent spirit bear the re-
spons: bility of their conduct.
But the valiant Brigadicrs [the Nation ty
Brigadiers, moans the valiant men of the
Brigado*-- Ed F. J]. died as brave soldiers.
No men of all those fearless 1anks that
swept across the fatal plain, and as they
went were mowed down by the Confedir-
a'c cannon, bore themselves more nobly.—
robations—let those who appeal
Never aid more nnflineling hearts or more
able arms dash into the fi 1d of death at the
callof drum or bugle. Flesh and Vlood,
however, could not meet the iron hail which
was poured upon them, and live. They fell
with honor, bravest among the brave, God
rest the souls of the slain heroes, Northerns,
Southeras and all. God rest the souls of
the men of the Jrisd Brgade!—T%e Na-
We have already announced the fact that
the court martial convened for the purpose
of trying Major General Fitz John Porter,
on charges preferred by Maj. Gen. Pope,
have found him guilty and sentenced him to
dismissal from the service, and that the
Preside t has approved the finding and sen-
tence ard ordered General Porter's name to
be stricken from the army list. The fol-
lowing is the material part of the President's
order : . ar
« The foregoing proceedings, findings.
and sentence in the foregoing case of Major
General Fitz John Porter, sre approved and
co: firmed and it is ordered that the said
Fitz John Porter be and is hereby cashiered
and dismissed from the service of the United
States as a major general of volunteers, and
as colonel and brevet brigadier general in
the regular secvice of the United States, and
forever disqualified from holding anv office
of trust or profit under the Government of
the United States.
Jan. 21, 1863. Apranmax LiNcoLy.”’
The assertion that the finding was unani-
mous we do not believe. We could not be-
lieve it without believing also that every
member of the court was actuated by im-
proper motives ; for it is very cer'ain that
he was not convicted on the evidence, unless
the testimony of Gen. Pope himself, who is
almost universally considered a habitual li-
ar. was permitted to out-weigh that of mine-
tenths of the witnesses, gentlemen of un-
questioned veracity and unjmpeached honor,
We incline to the opinion most generally re-
ceived at Washington that the finding and
sentence were carried by a bare majority,
and were the result of military jealousy,
political animosity, and a desire to gratify
the administration, by whom, it is supposed
they were selected and convened for that
especial purpose.
The result, 8o entirely unlooked for by
those who had closely followed the testimo-
minds that had narrowly scanned the decis
ions of he court ou one or two important
al, is not in the least disparaging to the
[> To the great disappointment of all the ' gallant officer, while it reflects enduring ig-
| nominy upon all concernzd in the infamous
ny, and only apprehended by a few sagacious |
questions that arose in the course of the tri-|
plot to disgrace and destroy him. The
blow was intended as much, or more for
McClellan as it was for his friend and trus'-
ed subordinate : hut we are much mistaken
if it did not recoil with fearful effect upon
the heads of those who aimed it.
Remarking upon this fact of gross injus-
tice to a brave and meritorious officer, the
Journal of Commerce says :
“ The work of ruin that is going on is but
accomulating work of restoration for he
true men who are to come hereafter. The
elevation to position and office of the had.
the untrustworthy. the untrusted. will ro
quire their displacement when an adminis-
tration comes to®power which represents (Le
people of this great country ; and the dis
placement and attempted disgrace of brave,
gallant, loyal and honest patriots, will re-
quire their future reinstatement. with honor
and praise tenfold greater for the wrongs
they endure.
“A braver or a better man than that Fiz
John Porter. a more gallant soldi ru more
faithful patriot we do not believe exists in
the army of the Union. Furcmost in hatije,
sage in council fierce as a lion in the hour
of war, the accomplished gen'leman, and g
faithful {riend in the hour of peace, he is a
model soldier and u noble man. The Uni-.
ted States owes him a debt of infinite grati-
tude for his brave decdy, his arduous 1iber,
his unflincLing devotion to the cause of (le
Union. That debt will be paid one day. if
he lives, and we who defend the Union live
to sce the old glory restored. Saying this
much let us pass on to the next step in the
road of ruin, only warning each other to
stand firm by the foundati ns, and be rea-
dy for the day of rebuilding when they who
now tear down shall step aside and permit
us to save the fragmonts,'’
Wo cannot better close this notice than by
a bricl hig ory of the military carecr of (he
dismissed ofiicer, which we find in the Alba-
ny Argus:
¢ Fitz John Porter was appointed a cadet
from New Iampshire, and graduated from
the Military Academy in 1845. lle waa
made a First Lieutenant in 1847, and the
came year Brevet Captain for gallant con-
duct in the battle of Molino Del Rey. After
the battle of Cha, ultepec he was made Bre.
vet Major. He was wounded at the taking
of the city of Mexico. After peace with
Mexico, he was appointed Assistant [u-
structor of Artillery at the West Point Ac-
*¢ ths gallantry and skill soon placed him
high in command, and he won the confidence
of the General-in-Chief and the adiwinistra
tion of the country. He fought through the
Peninsula campaign with distinzuished snc
cess down to the battle of Malvern Hill,
where be signally contributed to our victory.
Before the retreat of Seven days. his was
the honor of having cut through the enemy
to Hanover Court House, aud opened the
opportunity for a conjunction with M'Dow-
«ll, with his 40,000 men. This was ‘Le op-
portunity of victory, which the madness of
fi ction and the panic-fright of the President
and the bungling Brigadicrs about Washing-
ton threw away.’
a. —— ae.
We clip the following particulars of the
arrest of A. D. Boileau on the night of the
28th ult., from the Philadelphia Ingnirer.
Read them and thea tell us whether this is
the republic of America. or the despotisin
of Austria ?—[Ed. Watchman.)
Barly in the morning rumor obtained cur
rency (hat the editors of the Philadel hia
Evening Journ:l, a Dem cratic afternoon
paper, had been arrested by order of the
Governmen: snd sent to Washington, —
These rumors were not well defined, inas
much as it was stated that one of the par
ties imp'ica ed had been seen at breakfast
in a restamant, gaarded by a soldier with a
loaded musket and fixed bayon t.
Finally, the truth was ontmined, but not
until infor nation had been sought in vain
from Marshall Millward and tie civil au-
thoritics. Gencal Montgomery, prover
marshal of Philadelphia, was alone able 10
solve the mystery. -
A guard of his soldiers wan proceeded, .
shortly alfter miduight, tothe residence of
Albert D. Boileau, publisher,and elitor of
the Freeniny Journal, on Franklin street,
and had conveved the nceused to some
piace of eonfinc ment. The order for the
arrest came from the Department at Wake
ington. Mr. EW, Carr, connected, we be-
live, with the business department of the
paper, was also arrested, but was released
by order of General Montgomery about }1
o’clock, a. m.
During the mornin other parses, in er-
ested as employees of the estub'ishment
and friends of the publisher, obtained the
aid of Geo. W. Biddle and J. C, Van Dyke,
as counsel.
The office was visted by the military an-
thorities, who, however, did not interfere
with the issue of the afternoon paper un 1
about two-thirds of the edition had beer
sued as usual, About that time a mi
guard of some eighteen men occupied (ie
boisiness offiice of the establishment, their
arms being stacked in the centre of the
apartment, and the men lounging on the
desk and counter. A sen iil with fixed
bayonet guarded the door, while the entry
leading from Third street to the editorial
rooms was in charg of a squad of policemen
from the Fifh ward, uniera sergeant. —
This was the state of aflirs up toa late
hour last night.
It is understood that an order from W agh-
| ington was sent by telegraph, as soon as
| the authorities in that city were apprised of
i the fact that some of copies of the Rper,
with an editorial approved by Geo. W. fia.
'dle and J. UO. Vau Dyke, had been struck
off, and that this second order requir 4 the
immediate and po ifiwe suppresion of the