Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 08, 1863, Image 3

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home on a furlough of ten days: Lieuten-
ant Grafius belongs. we believe, to Compa-
ny I, 2d Infantry, U.S. Regulars, fand has
through all the arduous scenes of this ter-
rible war, conducted himself with commeo-
dable gallantry. Abe is a generous, whole.
souled fellow, and we honor him fir his en-
thusiastic devotion to that purest of ail pa-
triots, Major General Georg» B. McClellan,
Like most of the army officers, our friend
Abe deems Gen. McClellan the greatest lea-
der this war has yet produced, and it docs
Borough of Bellefonte, abough twenty acres
of land, belonging te the Estate of W. A.
Dav.dson decd, situate in boggs Township,
Centre County, adjoining land of Jacob
Kidel'nger, on the East, Bald Eagle Creck
on the South, the Bellefonte & Philipsburg
Turnpike road onthe North, and other lands
of said Estate on the West, with the line
of the Bellefonte & Snowshoe ¢ Bald Eage
Valley Rail Roud passing through it, mak-
ing it a very desirable location for manufac-
turing purposes. Having the advantage of
the water off the Bald Eagle, the} Railroad
and the Tarnpike.
Terms of Sale, one half the purchase
. E. cor. 7ih andl Chesiunt
DENCE, &¢ , practically taught.
These Colleges Leing under the same general
and local management, and uniting in each the
advantages of all, offer greater ties tor im-
PITTSBURG PA. corner Pennand St. £is
8 utes
in all the following branches, viz:
0) 7) /}
18cheol of the United
vith a patro of nearly 3,000 Students,
vears, from SrATes, and the only one
h affrde complete and reliable instruction
The Iargest Commer
al Tenmanshi
g and Mathem
Iso, fur
nD 5
on BISHOP STREET, dircetly opposit
2 the
To purchase their Wines sud Liuos at ti
3 vy ; 3 Mell £ : ue ram building fi rly k the iw i
us at howe here wiio so love Geil McClellan, money on confirmation of the sale, and the | parting instruction than any other similar insti Sel ae TEMPERANCE HOTRL. { Sushas
a deal of good to hear the Lieutenant’s gal- residne in one year, secared by bond and he tly Sy : ta Pane for a Commareiy! Course; Students ento A R A OM {OLD NECTAR. OLD RYE
= = Cdr fo ived ex - re cholarship 13sued by any one is* good in al! | and review at any time, ALT EN | 47 i Yarrierniv:
On ar after Monday, Nov. 17th, 1862, TIMI a | lant vindication of the idolized ex-comman- | mortgage. JOHN LHOOVER, |, oR i tae : £0 Mareen sition at half-price. AUM, Acixr, LA WISKEY,
3 TEN Sar der-in-chief of the Potomac armmy—glorious | Bellefonte, Dec. 24, 1862 —4¢ Adm'r. | pe Philadelphia Goll zo Lins been recently en For Cata & rcs, Specimens of Dusi- f FOREIGN and DOMESTIC LT. | AND COMMON BR
LOCK ITAVEN STATION “little Mac.” ee —— larged and refurnished in a supe rior manner, and | ness and 0 : nmanship, and 8 beanti- $ Wholesale 10 1 had at ev Ar PORT AND M4 A
will Le as follows : He o1aG, N THE COUTT OF COMMON PLE4S is now the largest and most prosperous Commer | ful Colle ge view of § square feet, containing a 3, y i WINES.SCOTCHAND
RTE. LEAVES EAST. We are sorry that Abe leaves to-morroyr I OF CENTRE COUNTY. —Alias Subpoe- | cial Institution in the State. : ; great variety of Writing, Lettering and Flourish- very best quali a i HOT LAND GIN
for his post of duty and our only regret is 4 Bryant & Stratton’s ser es of Text books, em ing, inclose 24 cents in stamps to the Principals, i df arrirdy
Express... 9:40, A, ar. spies «8.04, 1. Soni Ssh > na in Divorce. 5 cbracng Book-Keeping., Commercial Aritametic, JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburg, Pa. FHS { NEY ENG.
Mail) .'Sod pm Mall. . 10.13, 4. »- | that there shou 4 be any occasion for his Eliziboth Emery and ommereial Law, forsa.c and and sent by July 18, 1862—1y. ) 3 WHIS | AND ROM,
Accomm’. 10:20, A. 3. Accomm’n 2:50, P. x. | return atall. God hasten the dwme when by hor nasi frioud, mail; ! ! y 0d Mon ! :
Fagsengers for Philadhlphia and Baltimore, on
both the Mail and Express triins, go through
without chnnge ofenvs, wherever duty calls him, and we earnestly | ted to take testimony in this case, will Atieod tn i 17. tuo ly. ; gh i 4
Expr ost rung duily except Mondays, | pray that he way be spared to gladden tie | the duties of his appointment on MONDAY, the ] TT } wap Whiskics «
: daily 3 y 3 J ; TWRTY | Ql Vv OR RY v : I
i cept Sundays hearts of Lis friends by a futur, fizal and | TWESTY SIXTH DAY OF JANUARY xz HE BFT Ha r
hi RT return o- his i ? NEXT, at the office W., J, Kealsh, Esq., in Belle | 0 r EE B i BLIC. !
Been extendad to Sinnemaho-
Superintendent Eastecn Division.
[T= John i. over, Esq., of this place,
has been appointed Revenue commissioners
by the court.
The winter thus far
07 No snow yet.
our gallant scldiers shall all come home to
stay. Our best wishes shall go with Abe
Abe, just consider our hats oft
et sm ee {st smn
17~=We are sorry tolearn that our young
friend L. A. Rosenfeld is going to leave
town, Lew is a good clerk, and a clever
fellow. Success attend him.
Bellefonte Marke:s,
(Reported Weekly for the WArcnyMan
Hoffer Bros}
The following are the quotations up 'o 6 o'clock
yesterday (Thursday) ev. ving.
co versus Joseph Emery.
John Campbell, {
JOHN IH. MORRISON, the commissioner appoin-
tonte, at ten o’cluck, a. un
Dee. 25, 1862. JOHN H. MORRISON
- The undersigned an Auditor ap-
pointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Centre
county, to make distribution of the money in the
hands of George Alexander, Esq., High Sheriff,
arising from the sale of the real estate of J. J.
Lingle, will attend to the duties of bis appoint-
ment on Tuesday. the 30th day of December, inst.
at 10 o’clock, A. M., of said day, at his office in
Bellefonte, when and where all persons interested
are requested to attend, and those having claims
to present them or be debarred from coming in
crfery sud 1a ciicular
Ez For full pus
The inquiry is frequently mado, * Where can
crocks be obtained, that the glasing my remain
permanently on, when filled with Apple-butter 1
Milk—ard, that will not hecome sour or disa
Zreeabla. nor poisonous, - the glazing of which has
caused much disease, and freqently death ?
1 take this opportunit JG sar ing the public
that I have sold’ Spgs: uttée ‘and MK erock
durable in glazing. fice from all obnoxious smells
when placed in different places, to the undersigned
named persons that cannot be excelled for quality
and durability anywhere. | *
These erocks®ara glazed with the yery best mo-
terial, viz., Red Load, Quariz, &e, and I also
ta BE
of to be
privilage of incres
and Dollars :
proposed Corporation is toh
act the usual and legitimate busine
of Issue, Discount, Deposit and Ex.
One {fun
red Thous-
which the
is to trans
and th
a cl
mgahela Rye
Juuiica num,
New England Rum
Domestie Gin.
Ginger, Lavender,
Caraway, &e.
3 Doi CEE.
Pave Port, Dome
2 5 Raspberry.
: Fos «1 o= | on said fund ADAM HOY, use the very bast Oak Wood, by which I ean burn WM. P. WILSON. JOIN IRVIN, Jr. = nyt Le
has been mild and open, end the lovers fo Wheat, Wate, os $1,% | © Spt 5.4L, Auditor ts Jur Ie basded a most sale. Ah ED. BLA CHARD, w RE ol Ds, » CORDIALS.
% ; 3 earned the Pottery business in Europe, studi- ). G. BUSH, #3 sLDER, ‘ ose,
sleigh-bells and buffalo-robes have not yet Rye, Shelled "7 | ed the Chemicals in the schools of Munich and D. M. WAGN iR, MAY & LOEB, hess, STOMACH BITTLRS. vo t pil
been gratified. RE : ELECTION NOTICE. rey eas ofexnorones, Fam alan to orn | Say NGIAGRSON, Wo dcmionne fo STOMAGH BIT ea
Dry . oe many yoars of experience, I & le n iL. lH NCAN, FER BRS HRS, he very best in the markst. :
Tr Buckwheat, i Offico of the Farmer's Mutual Fire Insuranco | ee wich the above described ware. SAM. STROUECK ER. M'COY LINN & CO. Tho above liguors
{77 Doing a good business—the «(ar- ine Weight) tommng of Contre County, Centre all, De- JOSEPH SAPPLE. A R BARLOW, FHOMPSON, LINN &CO, { all be warranted us reprogent ed,
g # goo | Oats,” ht ¢ cember 18:h, 1862. ; vot With fo buy wood. substantial c1.. | HARVEY M es that cannot fail to made
an Hngoe P No Women fen fan Ban wil Slave ody oe he Annual Meet ng of the Members a Te hana betunegal, pr 3 P. HURKTIAL, ers to purchase of him. instead
accommodate the public as “Dan’’ does de- Potion, i and Election of Twelve Dircetors to undersigned persons: J. 8 JON Daan ENTI ugito : Hote 6
id isi ve . affuirs of o C a su- 2 3 Alpi LD js 1d exam i
ain paeil Wen ght bo ni ~ 2 EL ae the a ABRAIAM SUSSMAN Bellefonte, | Bellefonte, June 26, 1052, —tf. es nine
. O11 8 ’ A A IS “10 o wy
see 48 saaeed so well. Applels, (Dried) do Goulden, Centre Hall, on Monday, the 12th day UBSWN& Cooxk i x CHANCE FOR 4 ks Shere 2 Sale: save | 1
a of co next. betwe 2 he a. } A a a IN nm ¢ United States Custom | Three squares—3%
iy ior (Dried) Por dix: 4 Ee Blane LV. GRAY. Stormstown : & : ’ Ril utly snust bo pure and got en 3 mos, 6 mos, 121
077 The Commissioners, on last Tues- Bacon ? 2 do The Annual Statement of the affairs of the Fawn pen Ii ARG A | A $ n : ; Fly Jequested to give Six lines or loss g 55 £3 0 $5 60
oii ade i 3 New) or Company f ast yes Bi ie Rk : lass LOR aulda.s fh Ld 2 : the ‘only art ele of | Rix lines orloss, By Lira
day evening, made the following appoint- Jou Fork, ver 1b, PNET Tue 2 = LYONS & Co., Pennsylv’a Furnace. 8 Al Jy TE JE) Ten Ton 1 TE Pure Rrahdics in this Jae square 259, am man
ments, John Moran, Clerk, C. T. Alexan- Butter, do the President. Members generally. ‘ars request- JOSEPH SAPPLE, dined Sd Td sarhydie S 10 bareals of J Cider. vi a Theo 5 oo 3 12 oh
3: : r : ny N S IN oarrels of Jersey Cider-Vinegar just . ; ¢ i
der, Commissioners Attorney, Bartrim Gal- | Tallow, do el fo attend, 2 JOHUN SHANNON : Manfucturer and roc; Hl Arad y Cider-Vinegar jus Four squares, 8 09 10 00 14 00
Braith, Testtor Lard, do ce. 19, 1862—3t. secretary. | Milesburg, Oct. 10th 1862, 6—mo. CEP IN SBI NE Scd (3 © Bellefonte, Aut. 29 1862—1y, Half a coluiun, 1h 00 14 08 20 go
H wor. Rugs, do — — TS Sm rte. | GS RT TR IT Set AR HS Len SRN 25) a EE an __ | One coluan, 1600 2260 40 00
We notice on our streets, Colonel, former-
HE UNDERSIGNED, ar Audiior ap-
Leather! Leather!
Over three weoks
25 cents far each
than threo inenths,
¢ p—. i... es a En te ¥ 4 i ~
es a : ir PE aE =e pee Tn 7 | : y 3,3
oo. .~i Ar Howg.—We have had the pleasure of | ¢pRPHANS COURL SALE. . .. s 17,969 DOLLARS BoUN f- A er Beanigting
i he wl atcha, shaking hwds with our gallant young friend 0 Evg subnirTogs wi offer at Pe Walls AT pnt SE oe : Anothes Re HER Ul es \
Ny . i ‘reals sale, on {tl of January, 5 / 4 2» ai nm an { ] I TAR 18? x
; : Licutenant Abram Grafius, who 1s now at ky 8 preiu i ary nt © 7 ’ 3 "EHEE, 408, 060 MEN i AN Fi HI \
Iy Coptin, V. 11. Blair, of the S15. P. x pojeied by tho Court of Common Peds 2 hopin elie Eni te men | Messrs, Hoffer Brothers, | wats: mimi sis te woe o
t te A Tawi if Centre county, .t ke distribut’ iho and ths people of Centre County in particular, © 5 rd Cai h 3 OTL.
The Captain, we are happy sey, has A Card to the Suffering, nae fi shi bier any nnd Ky deg shared mori se
been promoted toa Coloneley, and is now
commanding the 79th regiment. We con-
gratulate him, and wish him sucess.
TRUE Subscribers have. just received a pew
and full supply of "Spring and Summer
Goods, which, for variety, have never boen equal
ed by any establishment in this section of cbun-
The Rev Winniax Coscrove, while laboring
as a Missionary in Japan, was cured of Consump-
tion, when all other means hal failed, by a recipe
obtained from a learned physician residing in
cal and misectlancous notices charg.
ling to the abov pites.
Busivess notices, five ccuts por line for every
from the sate of the Real Estate of John L. Lew
is, will attend to the duties of his said appoint-
ment at the Court House, in the borough of Beile-
fonte, on TUESDAY, the 13th day of January,
business ir its various branches, at his shop
n the Nortu-East cornet of ALLEGHANY and
BISHOP Streets; where can be found at ali times
a foli supply of
tho great city of Jeddo. This recipe has cured | 4. D., 1863, when and where all persons interest: Saddles, - by ine gia] the sink of goods on oN lions of Dracesdiony of any {
——D ms! great numbers who were suffering from Con. | ed may attend. if they think proper. vs Waggon Harness, hand of Mr. Geor; chson, they will continue | SOM Fh, EE 1 or Wl hi ing {oom
27 By reflerence to our advertising col- | sumption, Bronshitis. <ore Throat, Coughs and © J D SHUGERT, SPANITIl XIP Bridies, atitngs Harness the business ot theold stand, a ol (onion in fod anit
% : Tol LT A ER asd) 862—4t. tar. arriage ITarnoss 5 7 L ea 8 Tos on te
umns it will be seen that Dr. Thos. Ro- Dal us iy and nervous depression Dee. 19, 18621 _ Anditor. Collags, No. 2, Reynolds 5s Arcade. £1 bias poi for 2 on al on
3 1 ( 3. y Lf — er ————— 'nzon WIS is ’ situary notices exe AZ Siy , filly eo
throck, late of Half Moon, has removed to | Desirous of benefitting others, I wil send this ’ > - Wagon Whips, Their stock consists of a general nssortmet of | a squares os Sxdeediug six lines, fifiy eonts
Hnblersbur where he intends tici recipe, wich have brought home with me, to . AUDITOR'S NOTICE. © ao 11 Trucks, Drivioe Wiins' Dry Goods, Groceries. Ha dware, Qorensware : tins recommending persons for of.
i Songs ar pag 1CINE | ali who need it. free of charge. HE UNDERSIGNED, an Auditor ap ERENCH CALF SKINS : Valize: Taiag Wipe and Glassware, fice, inserted at ten conts a line; and the Pay
Lis profession as a Physician and Surgeon | Address Rev. WA.. COSGROVE, 430 Fulen poin ed by the Orphan’s Court ot Cen- pi cluding a host of other articles in their line, I 3
The Dr. has few superiors. We wish him
success in his new field.
177 The Bald Eagle Valley Rail Road is
: " Call and examine yourselves zentlemen, and if Ducals, Persian Cloths Coburgs : fir
now finiched to this place. Th 'st pass- . all persons interested ars requested to attend 3 ’ TRE 2 on God. YOu. Bos & aha A a oourgs, Would fully inform the yeopie
g oe 1 ou : he first pass The Sabseriber offers for sale all HH re : a Sg = ane them oo be | MOROCUO SKINS! you are not satisfied, Jeu need not purchise. Cagluneres, De is, 13. that Bio Luc
arger train arriv” about 7 o’cloek P. M. on 2 > : : :
the 20d day of January 1363. Trans are
running regularly now, arriving at 10 o'clock
A. M., aud leaving at 3 ojclock, P. M.
[77 Harpers National Magazine for Janua
Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y.
that certain tract of land situate in Harris town.
ship, Centre county, Pa., known as tha Galbraith
property, now in the tenure of D. 3. Rockender-
fer, bounded by lands of Jaeob Sparr and others,
Coutminirg 157 “acres and 23 perches, 100 neres of
which are cleared and in good farming aondition.
good barn, eommodions house, saw-mill and
other necessary buildings ; a rever-failing spring
tre county, to make distribution of the balance
vemaining in the hands of the Administrators of
John Beck, deceased, after settlement of their
accounts, will attend to the duties of his appoint-
ment on Prunsnay, the 16th day of January
1863, at his office, 10 Bellefonte, when and where
2 in ou said fund
debarred from cor
Dee. 19, 1862—4t.
The undersigned an Auditor appoint-
Shoemakers’ Thread and Shoem kers Tools, of
all kinds, to be had at
made of the.very best material, and w
to be put to-gather in the most s.abstantia
Netts, 20
&e., &o., &o.
1] ain.
’rices to suit the times.
i 1-5.
Bellefonte, Sept., 10th
WANILE GARMAN, Propricior.
selection of
such as
sortmnent of Casimeres, Cloths,
Vesting, Tweeds, Hats and Caps
sive a
Gentlemen and Children, with almost © y
article thatmay be necessary to supply the wants
napiny the com sation.
wity, wich can be found an extensive and varied
French Merinoes,
Their gentlemen's wear con hl
h k 3 of
And a
ortment of Boots and Shoes for I
&e., &eo.. &c
BL, in this
19 will Keen
be secured by Bounds and Mortgage on the premi-
rt to add to the conver
v o 3 tag. Prrit CE ted by the Court of Common Pleas of Centre This lo ng estab lished and wel | rile orn tr & Fail ; Rey
ry has been laid on our table. As aszalit is oF Tater faite orchard of choieo fruit, &e., are aL to make distribution of the money in the = = ~T =a Soon, inning sae Southeast ne of « fhe com ipa 5 dares » ke sells ad a reasvaable. aud
filicd to overflowing with the choicest of | sate to take place at the Courr Hous in Binds of Soom Ss Pen, i SU REA 5% =F, ne puronas Pron Tn i Bread, Cakes and ed 1 order on the
reading matter. Articles which are not on- Ber Seb Ny 231h, 1863 BOWES, will attend to the duties of his appoint. gun Pe Jans snyiother establishment fn | op = the f h pat I Shee nd Thorles, Be ill find it to the ]
SDNESD A h LY is 0 tl ania. y traveling pupli ° onda get ir ba
ly interesting, but of value to all, are to be TerMs or Bern in hes of the 0 ont al riod Bellefonte, De 19, 1352 tf ity red tc Sk 1 ut, as the)
found upon i s pages, will well repay the | money to be paid on the delivery of che deed, | on Thursday. the Sth, day of Jauuary, 1363, ree | th mos 2 n to all brous Al cali:
the price of the Magazine: Send fora copy. and the residue in six equal annual payments, to | 4p 9 o'clock, P. M, when and where all persons MANEIOOD i may fi Ww No Sept. 12th 1
interested are requested to attend. will be spared on hi
I please eal and ex
Address Harper Bros,, Franklin Square, N. IL N. Med visti. EVAN M. BLANCHARD. ence or comfuri of } ests. AM who stop with ! PARABOLA SPEC
ses. :
Y Bellefonte, Jan. 8th. d—t Dee. 12th. 1862. 4-t. Auditor. | HOW LOST HOW RESTORED ! him will find 5 + AT ¥.B Thay will keep ¢ ly on hand, EX td Eiper
” tanta) it 1 ; , relone Yi J 8» PABLE TRA FLOUR which (1s bas ds BS strueted in avon
0 (AUTION Lhereby notify all persons RY er OE eee | Just published in a sea envelope. Price abundant] pbs SM umAiare T22 PLOUH, which they wiil sell at the lowest wa
[= Tur Ligue FANTASTIC To8. — 4 splen not to eel! my wife Katharine Shindler Admiuistrator’s Notice. 3 cronls the marl d afford, done ny ie, by the # Country produce of all kinds taken in ex |. i
any thiug on my name, nor to buy any furniture BAR will al-
most ex
in t he honse from her, as the same belongs to me
eed cuvks ; while Ii I:
did “hop came off at the Pleasent Gap ho-. A Lectare on the Nature, Treatment, and : at Jud 5 Poke port
Radical er the hest a
for goods.
ways contain
i : . i 0 € : 5 u x . o *@ Lamber and Shingles constan® © IN ‘eve :
tel, on the night before New Years, to which Se Dold Tiysels Te prmble for any the Estate of Wilinm Newell, late of | Cure of Spermaterrhen or Seminal Weakness, In- 1i he onosst of Cn Lo | Rand aud for cule. Rel ws 3 N
= i . Fon tl {8 3 o a . AR RE iol ua 3 od OB Sven aR re . ADIL LF 38 3 C " 0 i 0 SRS. x 2
we had the pleasure of an invi ation. The Bellefonto,” Jan, Sth 3t y I. C SHINDLER. Pagios Nn Sed Saving Toes grusiod Ye ing Zions, Sexual Det ys and In attended by ‘the mest ti .orihy and attentive R BRO THESR mea to that yal rgan, the Fe
company was quite a selec: one, and the | -— to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said | pediments to arringe generally, Nervousness, : J cd?
Listate arc hereby notified to make immediate Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits; Mental and
: . : ; 7 ¥ a y 3 Five him acal' one a1’ ail. mud } Is con] = Bho thuve forsale at oliy prices, by
alliir passed oft happily. The supper got- AUTION. payment, and all those having eluims against the | Physical Incapacity, resulting from Seif- Abuse, | + on Roll anwing’ 0 3: 10) feels oon Clic: 35 ’
2 So . . : nie taraasts Kitin a a ra RA. CUA a fident that all w «i be sasfie i their accom adh - of Wan COOKE
ten up by Captain Morrison was an elegant C I hereby caution all persons | Estate are requested to present them, duly an- i T J. CULVLRWELL. M. D., Au- Hate Ld > ?
thenticated, for settlement,
Dee. 12, 1862—6¢. Adu’.
—— a 2 —
Green Book, &e.
The world-renowned auhor, in this Lecture.
clearly proves from his ow) experience that the
~ | awful ¢onsequenees of Self- Abuse may be cffect-
ually removed without n.cdicine, and without
dangerous surge il operations, bougies, instru-
ments, rings, or cordials, pointing ont a mode of
cure at once certain and effectual, by which ev-
ery sufforer, no matter what his condition may be,
may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radi.
cally. This leeture will proven boon to thous-
against purchasing a Dae Bill given by ma to
Jolin Strunk, for 3150 Ibs of Iron, dea wa the 25th
cay of March 1862, us I have not received value
for it and will not pay ic.
SAM’ Neff.
114 seurir timmy Stren,
Philadelphia, Nov. 1, 1863.
one, and redounded much to ls credit, and
that of his most worthy lady. Everybody
was in a fine humor with everybody else,
and the consequence was, a most harmoni-
ous commingling of all, A pleasanter time
we have 5 Those wishing to
have a *j be “light fantastic
5 ached to this esf viishment, whi
from abroad will find greatly to their ad
Ifeela Works, Jan., 8th 3t
Joon SAL!
A sorrel
years old, kind and
m beast and a very speedy traveler.
£ Letters of administration having
been granted on the tstate of Samuel Gardner
dee’d lute of Centre County. All persons indebt-
ed to said estate are requested to make immediate
payment, and those having claims against said
Bellefonte, Jan. 8. 184
J. B. BURT H Prop Letor.
Mare, four and a half
gentio in harness—a good
Will be
prointed SUD-
Secretary of (he
now prepared to {wraish, ul once,
sy Proprictors.
asury, is
st received a
on to d sold cheap. Apply a this office to, . i an dyiand thon at HO yu 1blhment hog hasn entire. | tho race A large ad carefully se
: send word to P. GRAY MEEK. | esate, will present them duly authenticated for | #uds and thousands > NR : Wepbyl smh Sat
10 will be sure to have | pg, 25, 1862. seltlement. 5 dh pen oe mas seal, in % plain envelope, to any ad- Hd Rag New Twenty Year 6 p. et. Bonds, ;
Lite oceasion unexcep- | —— - W. GAL NER, dress, on the receipt of six cents or two poetage forts and 5 J ma are prepa
trona His suppers <0, Lordy —bat we | ¥ OST! LOST!! LOST!N : « dW. GARDNER. | qurupe, by hdres Pt fw th the United States. deslgnated as *@ive.Twen- | 20 Prepare
won't £ay any more ! I. ] flat ives Nov. 21 1862 6-t Administrators : ey > : Bellefonts during of the Govern- style. f)
y any : A Pocket-Book containing a Bop. | No: 2L Ti nae Dr. CHAS. J. C. KLINE ’ 0 i y Aot of hie Jie, from
ough Order, No. 36, dated Sept. 1st, 1862, drawn . 127 Bowery, New York, Post Office Box, 4588. envi fren A largd stock uf
en 0 - : in faver of John Treziyulny. : ? JMEORTANT TO THE PEOPLE OF | Nov. 14, 62-1 y ? place. Any as an in sums of a intly on had and 1.
07" A regular darkey fandango, in Cele-| The person ning said Pocket-book will please BELL: FONTE. Accommodating serva Sag sale a3 cheap ifnot cheaper thar
bration of old 3 . cave it with the Undersigned, who will liberally a , : sutribute t BONDS in sums of $50, $10¢ | house in town. Thankful for ¢
2 of old Abes proclamation, came off | Sve It with the pon and after Tuesday Deo. 2nd’ the Ze NLW PICTURE GALLERY. 000. S20 D100 otore extend od to
i ’ i t 2 ; T > nix Mills,” wagon will deliver flour and feed free . > t Shh : timanse of the same.
5 tov 0 New year's night. With » Bellefonte, Des. 19 SJ IRC/IYDLNY: of charge to customers residing in Bellefonte reg- | TAA R. J. S. BARNHART, HAVING point | gi, provisions. luxuri . percsht per anhum wii coms m hg 2st, 1852 ~tf,
couple of friends, good Democrats by the A See 1, BhEOL ularly on Tuesday's and Friday's. Persons hav- a new and splendid productive Country ean furs wence from date of purchase, and is ied Eee aE Le Ee
way, we dropped 1n to see the <procecd- JOSTRAY. wit en am es er filed SKV-LIGH PICTURE GALLERY, TE DE rn gan pin Si brant PAYABLE IN GOLD, i UWARD ASSOCIATION,
i 3 : ly BAT, always eo age al assort- tn
ings,and would have been led to believe | EB 4 Sum to the residence of the sub- | they are attended to uy NOLS te is now yepared to exccute all orders in the Am- | ment of the very best lgnors, that the mrrket af Semi- Annually, Molen is So! i present : PHILADELPHIA,
that the ““Gemen ob color,” d just ‘arjy’’ | seriber, in Potter twp., on or about the 15th of ] . RREYN 0. brotype; Photograph. Ferot ype Malencotype, “or | fords, adapted to suit the mes’ eapricious taste yreiium on gold, to about BIG H IR CENT Tor the Relief of the Si Ad. afte
frarn Darts itn ont i a Nosemier, a, heifer. "with white back and red | Dec. 5th 1862. tf. any of the customary branches of the Heliograph. THE STABLE will be att én nye gts PER ANNUAL. WR 3 ted i honta ; Tou
I ) 3 sides. no marks visible, supposed to be about 18 ic Art. His Photographs will be of the LARGEST and obliging hostlers, well qualifiad to~ diss inrge Farmers, Merchants, Mechanics, apitalists, seially for the Cure of Di . 8 Saxrs
which we were saluted, it was but a short | months old. ‘Lhe owner is reguested to come for 1 TR RS SIZE ever taken in the interior of this State.—| the duties pertaining to ihis important department | and all who have any money to lavert: shoal Sern for the Cure of Di of the Sexaa
time, however, until a “change came oer ward, prove property, pay char es, and take her ADM NIS ATO NOTICE. 4 Card Pictures, and almost an endless variety of | of a public establishment. know and remember that these Bonds are. in ef- MEDICAL ADVIOR riven gra by the As.
yon ’ 2 g away, otherwise she will ¢ disposed of as the law Ler ters Administrating having common and fancy cases, are offered at prices From the attention and time, the proprietor has | feet, a FIRST MORTGAGE upon all Railroads, | 435. Surgeon, » noi
the spirit of their dreams,” and we were is orm JAOOB FROM. sea granted to the undo fod on the Estate of | which vary from devoted to this branch of bus haltapes to | Canals, Bank Stacks a Sood {ass and he w- | CPALITABLE REPORTS on. Sper natorrhiny op
i & ‘ k cc. 19, "62 3t. howas Irwin dec’ iate of Union Township, all receive a liberal share of the patronage herelofore | mense products of ull the Manufactures, &e.; &c., | Qoming PWeakness, wed. od Disonses of the
duly informed io leave, “or bear de'konge | Jeo. IV, persons endebted to suid Estate, aro requested to 50 CENTS TC 25 DOLLARS ! bestowed upon him. Ts In tho country : and that ‘the full und wmple pro. | Soxnul Grooms wo of the NEW RELAIS i
quences.” We left. and were informed by FCSTRAY. make fmmediaje payment, and those having Tustructions given and appartus furnished upon Nov, 15, 62. tf vision made for the payment of the interest and the Dipensay, sant to tho. afl .
one “ob de Gemmen,” on the outside, tha Came to the residence of the Sub- | claims against the same, will present them auly.| ronsonable terms. This Gallery is located on the TE liquidation of principal, hy Custom Dautios, Ex- ot : 3 of chugs,
’ y + % + 1 y 1 Internal Re srves to mal a :
» 3 J seriber in Ferguson, township about the 1st of i ill id e Jarman’ 3 4. 3 £ Sh * re & Stamps for pe 36 will hotacecptable.
‘ they had tak friends serib Ferg t hip about tk authenticated for settlement bill beside the Court House, near Garman’s Ho LINTON HOUSE ol tamyps and Internal Hevenne, serves to make Stamps for | 70 will } pal
5 ¥ had mistaken our friends on entering | September, a butter: whits spotted, with aholo in T. M. HALL, tel LOCK HAVEN, pa, | these Bonds the Address, DR. J. SKILLIN HOUG HPN, Ao
for two noted Abolitionists il town, and | the left ear, and supposed to be about two years MARY ANN IRWIN May 22,°62-1y. A. YM ANN, Proprietor BES, MONT AVAILABLE AND MOST | ting Surgeon, 11. sociation; No 2 South
ourself for the Editor of the Press, which ou The a ysisd i Come lorvard, f Des. 5th. 1863-4 Administrators | ——"— —__ T____ : yop POPULAR INVEST EN TELE | Ninth St, Philadelph
. . ? ve property, pay charges, and take her away, | The proprietor having leased the above BEARIETY, Jue 12,
explained for the poli-eness with which we | otherwise she will be disposed of according to law. TO THE LADIES, : ; Hn in the borouzh of Lock Haven, Clin- c S50 sived at PAR in Logal T $
were met. Dec 1802. 3 SAMUEL HARPSTER. | A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, Having just returned from Philadelphin | fon county, Pu., takes (his method of inforsa ns Fo Shaiipiing Tessie) SL PAR In Log) onder
3 Letters of Administration having with a new and splendid assortment | public generally that he has made every necossat EI a be a Ti Ta
> . 5 AUDITOR'S NOTICE. been granted to te undersigned on the Bstate of MILLINERY GOODS a 0 anlosialh svar anltravess prom ot attention, and every facility and explana- $ {
7” We ave pain ed to learn of the death III Auditor's report in the estate of Brice C. | J10- G. Kunk deo'd late of Kush Township all : ? eA ae li so itain the choicest lux. | ton will be afforded on application at this oifico. DEALER IN |
y iehi : y hE jon | Persons endebted to said Estate are hereby re- | of the latest styles and fashion, we feel prepard to His table will always co itain the o oteest ux SRS s will be Te 1
f J: C. Armst f th Brisbin, being referred back for correct Pp! y » 1 ) : 4A full supply of Bonds will bie kept on hand for
ob Jagpes U. Armstrong, son of the venera- 5 8 fe COTPEction | oy ested to make immediate pa ment, and those | please all, both young and old, grave and gay, who | uries that the country wi afford, and he is deter |, inte dol: ror Re
q pay ) p 8 2 © ediate delive nd +
ble 4Y ed Armstrong formely Principal of | °f errors which are apparent on its face, I have having claims against the same, will present the m | may see proper (0 giveusa call. Our stock con- | mined not tobe surpassed in this department hy | immediate delivery. FAYCOOKE { b: ¥ a rye !
4 eS . | appointed Friday, the 24th day of January, 1863, duly authenticated for settlemont. sists in part of any other Hotel along the West Branch. Nov. 7. Sh Te dont UOORAECD 1 1s
he ANomy of Lbs pls jtat nowurer ire Swi nials my oes in Bellitts, | 137 TE ES0L JNO B.RUNK. | SILK AND STRAW BONNETS. His Bar will contain the ehoivost liquors thatenn | Nov. T, 033m. Subscription Agen
this 3 vy where £ will attend to said duties. and where all nA re hye > PLAIN AND FAN TRIMMINGS | be purchased in the etty market. FRY ] x REY ROL >
ding in Ha rrisbu g Young Armstrong vas persons interested are requestad to attend. Administrator d = th an an at or ry Milli or Careful and attentive Ostlers will constantly be Si VON A ¥ | DMAN LEWISTOWN X A.
ki lled at the battle of Fredericksburg, where . W.J. KEALSH, Auditor A ore TRI Teeter omneliy hemin 0 ne on hand to take charge of horsesand see thatthoy er ’ 4 1 SrALY ABLE PROPERTY TOR SALE
2 : : Dee. 25, 1862. » Ee 5 axe properly attended to.” = : a
s0 many gallant hearts were stilled, in death, 3, haz ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. £5 Wo jiave prognrod the sorvisss of one aS propetiy wiih may receive a portion of the| IMPORTER & WHOLLSALE DEALER IN V A bot of ground situated on Bolts.
and was a most noble and estimable young Letters of Administration on the | most exp it J atronage of th veling public, he hopos b; 2 oiles wes ts pine mining
¥ JCSTRAY. E Ri " N Bishop street, nex door to the old stand. patronage of the traveling public, he hopes by lo Run, 12 miles weet of this place, conmining
man. lewasonly twenty years of age, Uatie to the residence of the sub- | Feces "a iRUARET SPANGLER, lute of | Fhe] trot ox ror aheold stand or | Dationsgecf the traveling rende r general satis x about one tourth ofan acre, upon whishis ereetoq
and belonged to the 5th regiment of Penns- seriber, in Patton Yowngio, on or about the 15th hin e os eed, oe ne inontig rh ee Setfens 8, *61.~tf s ) EE al Trisha Witt be Tee Sot
oan] of November Inst, an RED BUL si . OT: 3 te ! Ps Tu 8 goog Sabie : :
weer of hs sem wenn set son | Sopp haut he Sots SE. | pment dau Bh sch | for roows PROVED DANDELION anders WETS 10 ardher "Fle Bu
writer of this item went to school with 0
Wheat, Rye, & Bourbon Whisky’s
NO. 506 NoxthiNiath Strat,
The owner is requested to come forward, prove
property, pay charges and take it away. other-
wise it will be disposed of as the law difeots
Deo. 25, 1862—3t. @. W.F. GRAY.
Nice is hereby given that the follow-
ing named persons have filed their pe-
titions in the Court of Quarter Sessions of Centre
County, and will make application at the Janua-
ry Term of said Court to sell liquors: -
COFFEE.— This pieparation, made
from the best Java Coffee, is strongly recommen-
ded b. Di Ygels as a superior NUTRITIOUS
BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dyspepsia,
and all Bilious disorders. A
Thousands who have heen reluctantly compelled
to abandon the use of Coffee, will find they can
use tnis combination without any of the injuriow
effects they formerly experienced.
I< One can contains the strength of two pounds
of ordinary Coffee
For sale by all Druggists and Grocers, and b
claims will present them, duly authenticated, to
the undersigned, for settlement.
Nov. = 1862—6t. Administrator.
No. 230, North Third Street,
ther particulars apply at this office to
Bra Tr ADDI ELLA.. Office in the Court House, with the Troasurer.
the gall ant young scldier, and knew him
intimately well. He was studying for the
ministry when the war broke out, an a,
like thousands of others, shouldered his
musket at what he deemed to be the call
of his country. Pgor Jimmy ! may the
may the soil of his bloody gra ve press light-
Letters of Adwiniitration having
been grsnted to the undersigned on the Estate of
Somph Poorman dee'd, late of Boggs, all persons
endebted to said Estate are
#ia¥T 0 SP 30785, . Penns i : €..T. ALBXAN oun, }
requested to make} ORVIS & ALBRYANDN®,
ly upon his manly young heart, and may R. D. Cummings, Tavern Bellefonte, | Mmedinte 1pyment, and those haying elaim? | yy Manufacturer, corner of BROAD and C{IRST- PRXLADEYL PETA J. ML MORRUSON, Proprictor. ATTORNEYS AT LAW,
d J . 0 will present them duly authenticated for settle- | cmc 3 IRTER & O —_— : i
be wake in that Tand wher li hail | & . C. Mulholen, ” Burnsides: ent NUT Streets, and by JOS. B.BUSSIER & CO ; This well known Hotel is now kept by the pro- BELLE
Jearn war no more Shu wm JOHN T. JOUNSTON on T.M. HALL a 2 : 3 HARES. A er’s Ca 3 art Pill < Pe aR or iy JAPEY WW Wakoon fe Odee one door below Raynold’s
; aL Xa LUN, .M. HALL. co ents. ¢ ¢ ‘ raveling public generally. DH ynuid 3
: { Dec. 25, 1862. Clerk of Sessions. Dec. 5. Administrator. | March 611, 1562—1y. y varie ruils. eT Buel gener) Nov. 21.—1502
re tb”