pr EP TS TP AT ST mm —— I~ HILABELPHIA & ERIE RAILROAD, @RNNEYLVANIA RAILROAD €0., LESSEE ) an WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ER ©n and after Monday, Nov. 17th, 1862, TIME a LOCK HAVEN STATION will ke as follows: ARRIVES. Exprees ... 940, A. M. LEAVES EAST. Express SHE P.M. il.....5:04,p Mi Mail ... ... 10.13,4. 30° ls 10:20, A. MM. Accomm’n 2:50, P. a. Passengers for Phitedhlphia and Baltimore, on Roth the Mail and Express trains, go thréwgh without change of cars. Express West runs daily all others daily except Sundays. : This Line has been extended to Sinnemaho- ep SAM'L A BLACK, Superintendent Eastern Division. except Mondays, LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS. [>= Wa call attention to the card of Rev. William Cosgrove in another column, head- ed ‘a card to the suffering.” His recipe may prove beneficial to the afflicted. At least it willdo no harm to read it. 0 [71t gives us pleasure to learn that Mr, J. 11, Orvis of Lock Haven, intends remo- inoving to this place to practice law. Mr- Orvis has been practicing in our courts for some time, and is well known in this coun- ty. He isa talented and able lawyer, and proved himself able to cope with the best talent at our bar, during the last session of our Court. We are glad he is coming, and welcome him to our community, ——0 7~We had the pleasure of shaking hands with Adjutant Sidney T, Mufily of the 178th Regiment P. V., last Monday.— Adjutant Muffly left here with Capt. Cur- tin’s Company, ag Orderly Sergeant, and was attached to the 45thth Regiment. He has however been transferred from thal position to the post of Adjutant, dt the 178th. Wo congratulate him on his motion, and hope he may never disgrace his shoulder straps. 0 I7=We are pained to learn of the ravages which the diptheria appears’to be making in some portions of the county. We under- stand that Mr, Overdorf of Benner Township lost three children by it within two weeks, and we bave but lately read of a man in Sullivan County, who lost seven children; his entire family, The disease seems to be prevalent in the county, and we advise parents and others having charge of children to be careful of its effects. We believe it is also somewhat viol M in Clinton and Lycoming counties. —e (} me 123 NATIONAL MAGAZINE. 3 is upon our table. 1tis [ 4 number. and bids fair to outdo even itself, most excellent as it has always been. The present number con ains two elegant steel plates, one entitled ¢* I'm go- ing to Grandma's,” and the other «The Kittens.” A most beautiful faghion plate is also among itsattractiong, together with a numb: of other interesting attractions. — Its literary character is up to the highest standard, as will be found by the perasal of its contents, Peterson can't le beaten and he deserves success, which he will cer- rainly attain. Address Charles J. Peterson, 306 Chesnut Street Philadelphia. Price two dollars per annum. . 0 Artiur’'s Home MagaziNe.—This splen- did publication, is edited by T.S. Arthur. and Virginia F. Townsend, and has now ‘completed its twentieth volume, during the coming year it promises to be more 1in- teresting than ever. 1tcontains Novelets, stories, poetry, Fashions, Steel and Wood Engravings, Needlework Patterns in great variety, a Mother's Department, Children’s Department, Housekeeper's and Health De- partments, with literary reviews, and all the accessories of a first class Magazine. The Lady's Book bears . this flattering testimony to the character of ¢ Arthur's Home Magazine .""— «« Ag we have often before said, it is without contrbversy, the best $2 magazine published in the country ; and this is the strongly outspoken testimony everywhere given by the press. We know of no peri- odical that so well deserve the praise bes- towed. The editors never tire in their eff: ‘orts to give, each month, a rich and varied literary repast to their readers. Their work is kept fully up to the standard of their promise, is never dull, yet always full of instruction. We have often said, and re- peat 1t again, that it should make a part of the reading of every household. We know ‘of no better educator of the people, young and old. Of the editors we need not speak, their names are household words all over ths country. In their bands no periodical can fail to reach the highest point of excell ence.” Anew serial, by T. S. Arthur, will be commenced in the January number, entitled «out in the world ” : Rare and elegant premiums, are sent to all no make up Clubs: —1. A large pho- togikphic copy of that splendid engraving, « Shakispeare and his Cotemporaries.” 2. A large pho'ographic copy, from an engra ving of Huntingten’s celebrated pictire, « Mercy’s Dream.” 3. A similer copy of Herring's ¢ Glimpse of an English Home- stead.” , : ! : TerMs.—$2 a year inadvance, and ong premium plate. Two copies $3. Three copies $5. Fight and ore to getter up of club, $10, One of the preminm plates is gent ‘0 every getter up of a club, small or large. Three red stamps must be sent to pay the postage on each premium. Address T.’S, Arthur & Co., 323 Walnut Street, Phil- adelphia. pro- | ‘Who Began the War? Secretary CHASE, in his report deserves great credit for setting at rest the question under which administration the war commen- ced. Radical abolitionists have labored hard to make the impres- sion that the war was began un- der Democratic rule. The Sec- retary, however, is of a different opinion, for he says, in the very beginning of his report, that « he breaking out of the existing rebel- lion, soon after the incoming of the administration, demanded the em- ployment of all necessary means for the preservation of the integ- rity of the republic,” &c. Now, this is a very candid ad- mission, and gives the lie direct to the abolition charges that the war was commenced during the administration of President Bu- CHANAN, and we hope that the rad- icals will profit by the confession of one of their own number, and a lending member of the admin. istration. They surely will not attempt to deny the allegation of Mr. Cras that the war commen- ced AFTER President LiNcoLN came into power.— Lancaster Inteligen- cers eee e es « West Virginia.” This new State recently for- med out of a portion of the Old Dominion contains 48,000 square miles ana embraces the following counties : dar co k, Brook, Ohio, Mar- shall, Wetzel, Marion, Monon- galia, Preston, Taylor, Tyler, Pleasants, Ritchie, Doddridrige, Harrison, Wood, Jackson, Wirt, Roane, Calhoun, Gilmer, Bar- beur, Tucker, Lewis, Braxton,’ Upsher, Randolph, Mason, Put- nam, Kanawha, Clay, Nicholas, Cabell, Wayne, Boone, Logan, Wyoming, Mercer, M’Dowell, Webster, Pocahontas, Fayette, Raliegh, Greenbriar, Monroe, Pendleton, Hardy, Hampshire, Morgan, Fairfax, and Alexandria, The act creating it into a State provides that all children born of slave parents after the 4th day of March next shall be free, and that all slaves ten years old and under shall be free when twenty-one, and all over ten and under twen- ty-one, free at twenty-five. B= Of the forty-eight Annu- al Congerences, all but six report losses ranging from 5 172 to 21. An equal aggregate loss for twen- years would exaust the entire church.—Chrisitan Advocate. Well, what of it? Who have tears to shed? The Republican party will be EXAUSTED sooner than that, and as the two ma chines are so nearly one, when one dies the other will have poor living. A church which resol- ves itself into a political machine will die when the machine dies— it should die—and we thank God for all such mercies. A renewed church founded on thé Gospel, will soon rise up to take its place. —Crisis. XY PE Henry Clay said, twenty years ago, of the Abolitionists: «With them the rights of prop erty are nothing: the deficiency of the powers of the government, is nothing; the acknowledged and incontestable powers of the States are nothing ; the diselution of the Union, and the overthrow of a “Government in which are concen- trated the hopes of a civilized world ‘are nothing. A single idea has taken possession of their minds, and onward they pursue it, overlooking all barriers, reck- less and regardless of all conse= sequences.” And Henry Clay told the truth. an re B= Justice Swayne, of the U. S. Circuit Court, Ohio, has decided, that, that part of the act of Congress forbidding any indi- ®idual, company, or body corpo- rate to issue small notes as cur- rency, is unconstitutional, and -consequently, no prosecution can follow tie issue of such notes.— Justice Nelson, of the U. S, Su- preme Court, in a case arising in New York, recently made a similar decision. - While one of our chaplains of the army was repeating this line of the Lord's prayer,—* Give us this day our daily bread’ a soldier added with aloud - voice, ‘resh.’ | Bellefonte Markets, Reported Weekly for the WATCEMAN by Aegon Hoffer Bros The following are the quotations up to 6 o'clock yeslerday (Thursday) ev rg. Wheat, White, $1,25 do Red do 1.20 Rye, do 75 Corn, (Shelled) dn 75 Cern Ears, do 35 Zsivnest, do LA arley, do 10.0 Oats, (By Weight) do 32 Clover Seed, de 5,62 Timothy, do 2,00 Potatoes, do 62 Beans, do 175 Onions, : do 5 Applels, (Dried) do 1,50 Egus, per doz. 14 tes, (Dried) per lb 08 acon, do 08 New Pork, per lb, 05 Beeswax, do 25 Butter, de 18 Tallow, do 10 Lard, do us Rags, do 03 DIED. Died in Ebenezer Hospital, Washington City, D. C., of Chronic Diarrhea, W. L. Hardee, of Centre County, Pa., 49th Reg. SPECIAL NOTICES. A Card to the Suffering. The Rev Wrrriam Coser OVE, while laboring as a Missionary im Japan, wa 8 cured of Consump- tion, when all other means had failed, by a recipe obtained from a learned physician residing in tho great city of Jeddo. This recipe has cured great numbers who were suffering from Con- sumption, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Coughs and Colds, and the debility and nervous depression caused by these disorders. Desirous of benefitting others, I will send this recipe, wrich I have brought home with me, to all who need it. free of charge. Address Rev. WM. COSGROVE, 439 Fulton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. ly NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Leather ! Leather ! SOLE LEATHER! SPANISH “KIPS! FRENCH CALF SKINS! COUNTRY CALF SKINS! MOROCCO SKINS ! LININGS, &C., &C. Shocmakers' Thread and Shoemakers Tools, of all kinds, to be had at STUSSMAINS, CHEAPER than at any other establishment in Central Pennsylvania. Bellefonte, December 19, 1832—tf ELECTION NOTICE. Office of the Farmer's Mutual Fire Insurances Company of Centre County, Centre Hall, Do cember 18th, 1862. the ‘Annual Meeting of the Members 2 and Election of Twelve Directors to conduct the affairs of the Company for the ensu- ing year, will be beld at the house of John Goulden, Centre all, on Monday, the 12th day of #7 a nuary next. between the hours of 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. of ssid day. |. - The Annual Statement of the a®airs of the Company for the past year, accompanied by an Address on Fire Insurance, will be presented by the President. Momber3 generally, ar» request- ed to attend, OHN SH ANNON Dec. 19, 1862—3t. Secretary. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. HE UNDERSIGNED, ar Audior ap- pointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Centro county, to make distribution of the money in the hands of Sheriff Alexander, arising from the sale of the Real Estate of John I, Lew is, will attend to the duties of his said appoint- meut at the Court House, in the borough of Belle- fonte, on TUESDAY, the 13th day of January, A. D., 1863, when and where all persons interest: ed may attend, if they think propers D SHUGERT, Dec, 19, 1562—4t. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. HE UNDERSIGNED, sn Audior ap- poin td by the Orphan’s Court ot (len tre’ county, to make distribution of the balance remaining in tho hands of the Adwiinistrators of John Deck, deceased, after settlement of their accounts, will attend tothe duties of his appoint- ment on THURSDAY, the 16th day of January, 1863, at his office, 1n Bellefonte, when and where all persons interested ars requested to attend and those having claims to present them or be debarred from coming in on said fund . EVAN M. BLANCHARD, ‘Dee. 19, 1962—4t. duditor. = ost! LOST!! LOST!!! A Pocket-Book containing a Bor- ough Order, No. 36, dated Sept. 1st, 1862, drawn in favor of John Treziyulny. The person finding said Pocket bool will please leave it with the Undersigned, who will liberally reward the finder. J.J. TRCZIYULNY. Bellefonte, Dec. 19, 1862—3t. : [OSTRAY. : Came to the residence of the sub- seriber, in Patton twp., on or about the 15th of November, a heifer, with white back and red sides, no marks visible, supposed to be about 18 months old. lhe owner is requested to come for- ward, prove property, pay charges, and take her away, otherwise she will be disposed of as the law direots. JACOB FROM. Deo. 19, ’62-3t. A VUDITOR'S NOTICE. : The undersigned an Auditor appoint- ted by the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County, to make distribution of the money in the hands of George Alexander Sheriff, arising from the sale of the personal property of JOSEPH BOWES, will attend to the duties of his appoint- ment at his office, IN BELLEFONTE, on Thursday, the 8th, day of Jauuary, 18063, at, 2 o'clock, P. M., when and where all persons interested are requested to attend. : EVAN M.BLANCHARD, Dec. 12th. 1862. 4-t. Auditor, [STRAY Uame to the residence of the sub goriber, in Furguson township, near Pine Grove about the middle of September last, a RED STEER, supposed to be about two years old, with a slit in one of his ears; The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, od charges and take him away, otherwise he will be disposed of according to law. ' JACOB BOTTORF. Deo. 12, 1862—3t. Administrator’s Notice. f FrrEas OF ADMINISTRATION ON the Estate of William Hagel, late o ship, deceased, hav! een nte Dn bid, 811 rons indobtod aid Estate ars hereby notified to make immediate ayment, and all those Kaving claime against the Peete are Joruested to present them, duly au- thenticated, for settlement. eutionte TEHRISTIAN HARTSOCK, Dec. 12, 1882—6t. Adw'r. “4 “NOTICE TO TEACHERS. In pursuance to a resolution pass_ ed at the last regular meeting of the Centro cv Teachers Institute, assembled at Centre Hall, vig that the next yegular meeting of the aforesaid Teachers Institute, be held in Miliheim. Wo the undersigned do bereby nodfy the Teachers o Centre, to meet in the town Hall of the aforemen- tioned place, on Wednesday, December 24th, at 10 o'clock. # - 2 Sk As it is under tood that tho teachers will be en. tertainoed free of charge, (excepting the contingent expenses of the Institute) and the time appointed being very suitable for teachers and acceptable to scholars to have a vacation of one or two weeks, we hope to realize a general attendance from all parts of the County. Bpeakers of ability and experiense will be irvi- ted to lecture in the ev-nings, and give practical drills during the day session. Efforts are being made to procure the services of Prof. “Allen, for- merly Superintendeut of McKean wourty, whore popularity, as an Instreutor, is tco well known, to require any further explanation. Arrange. ments will alsu be made to have the exercises en- livened with music. All spplicants for Professional Certificats, are requested to prepare a thesis on some educational topie. THOS. HOLAHAN, H. Y. Stirzer, Pres't. Supt. Bel®forto, Dee. 5, 31. P. 8.—Since the above has becu sent to press, assurances have been reecived that both Profs. Allen and Bates, ot the School Department, will be present. H. Y. STITZER, Pres. AUDITOR'S NOTICE, c The undersigned an Anditor ap- pointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county, to make distribution of the money in the hands of George Alexander, Esq., High Sheriff, arising from the sale of the real estate of J. J. Lingle. will attend to the duties of his appoint- ment on Tuesday. the 30th day of December, inst. at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, at his office in Bellefonte, when and where all persons interested are requested to attend, and those having claims to present them or be debarred from coming in on said fund ADAM HOY December 5, 4t. Auditor AUDITOR'S NOTICE. : The undersigned an Auditor ap- pointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county, to distribute the money arising from the sale of the renl estate of Robert Mann, will ai- tend to the duties of his appointment on Saturday the 20th day of December, at 2 o’elock, P.M,d said day, at his office in Bellefonte. when an. where all parties interestsd are requested to at tend. WM. P. MACMANUS, December 5, 4t. Auditor. -— CSTRAY. Came ta the regidence of the Sub- seriber in Half-Moon, township about the lst of September, a heifer, white spotted, with ahole in the left car, and supposed to be about two years old. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take her away, otherwise she ‘will be disposed of according to law. Dec. 5th.1862. 3-t SAMUEL HHARPSTER. A DMIN ISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 4 Leiters of Administration having been granted to the undersigned op the Estate of Jno. G. Runk dee’d late of Rush Township all persons endebted to said Estate ara hereby ro- quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the ame, wilt present thom daly suthenticated for settlemont. Dee. 5th. 1852. C-t JNO B. RUNK. Administrator. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Letters of Adminitration having been grented to the undersigned on the Jistate of int Poorraan dec’d, late of Baggs, all persons endebted to said Estate are requc immediate jayment, and those having co will present them duly authenticated ment. T.¥ Adm Pec. 5 A DMINIETRA TORT NOTIUE. £ erters Admiuistrating having boen granted to the undo signed on the Hstate of Thomas [rwin dee’ - late.of Union + Township, all personsendebted to anid Estate, are requested to make immediaje payment, and those having claims against the same, will present them auly authenticated for scitlement. T. M. HALL. MARY ANN IRWIN Township, about the 13th of October last, one black Heiffer, with a white spot in her face, some white in the legs; no visib @ ear marks asd sup- posed to be two years old. | The owner is - ed to come forward, prove property, pay charg and take her away,or she will be dealt with accor- ding to law. JACOB GRAY. Nov. 283, 1863—3t. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Let:ers of Administration on the Estate of MARGARET SPANGLER, late of Potter township, deceased having been granted to the Subse ns knowing themselves indebted to to mako ithmwediate paymen clams will present them, duly authentic the undersigned, for zettlement. GLO. M. BOAL, Nov. 28, 1862-6 Administrator. rag I MFORMATION WANTED, Of John Brower, who left Lis home on Saturday, Noy. 22. ‘Wore 'allight wool hat dark roundabout and pants, has light hair and grey eyes—is about 5 feet high, and between 14 and 15 years of age. Any information of his wheraubouts will be thankfully received by hig bereaved parents, at Mileshurg, Gontro eo. Pa, Papers throughout tha State please co November 28, '62-3t. ( Pu! 2 JOHN BROWER J ALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE A lot of ground situated on Bufta- lo Run, 12 miles west of this place, containing about vue fourth of an‘acre, upon which is erected a nsw and well finished Store House, a small elop, and a good stable, will be sold very low, and terms made to suit the.purchasher For fur- ther particulars appiy at this office to Oct. 24, ’62, P. GRAY MEEX. JOSTRAY. Came to the Residence of the sub- scriber, on or about the 1st of August last, a red and white steer, with the left ear cropped. Sup- posed to be about 2 years old, The owner is re- uested to come forward, prove property pay charges, and wad taks it away, otherwise 1t will be disposed of acco ding to law. Nov. 21 1862 t £ DANIEL HOUSER. DNNIISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that let ters of administration have been granted on the estate of Elizabeth Beck. dee'd., late of Centre county. All persons indebted to said estate are sausage to make immediate payment thereof, and those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. Nov. 7, 6t. JOSEPH BECK, Adm't. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ! Letters of Admimstration having been granted to the undersignod on the Estate o Margeret Pickler, dec’d, late of Centro County all persons endebted to said Estate are hereby no- tified to make immediate payment, end those having elaims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. GEORGE SHAFER, Nov.14., 1852—6t." Administrator AD NISTTATOR S NOTICE. Letters of administration having been Zranted on the Estate of Samuel Gardner dec’d late of Centre County. All pereons indebt- payment, and those Saving claims ‘against, said estate, will present them duly authenticated for settlement. S. W. GARDNER, J. W.GAUDNER. Nov. 31 1862 6-t Adwmivisirators JHFORTANT 10 THE PEOPLE OF BELLEFONTE. On and after Tuesday Dec. 20d’ the “Phe- nix Mills,” wagon will deliver flour and feed free of charge to customers residing in Bellefonte reg. ularly on Tuesday’s and Priday’s. Persons hav- ing grists to send to the mill or orders to he filled they are attended to omy ROLY ds ‘R. A S & Co. Pec. 5th 1862. of Deo. bth. 1862-8 + Adminis rators | § STRAY. , Came to the Subscriber, in Patton ed to said estate are recuested to make immediate will give them to the driver who will ‘see that | } A Bully Fellow. I've just coms out to sing a song, A rong which is all truth, sirs; And should I make a sight wistake, You must know I’m but a youth, gira ! Steinberg’s a bully fellow ! Its all about a man in town, ‘Who loves to please the folks, sirs, Whose always in a happy mood, And gets off bully jokes, sirs. Sternberg’s a bully fellow. He Joon a clothing storo up town, ‘Which is both rich and rare, sirs, Wheres you can see a splendid lot Of olothing. | declare, sire, Sternberg’s a bully fellow! He scrapes and bows and bows and scrapes, And smiles all o’er his fave, sirs. I vow I think I never saw A man of go much grace, sirs. Sternberg’s a bully fellow. You ask to see some of the goods That on his shelves do shine, 8irs, And then you're bothered which to choose, They're all so mighty fine, sirs. Sternberg’s a bully follow. Iie shows you all his coats and vests, And pants of every style, sirs, Bo neat apd trim, so fair to view, You can’t avoid a smile, sirs. Sternberg’s a bully fellow! And then he takes you round his store, And pnts upon your head. sirs, A bully hat, which makes you look Like one about to wed, sirs. . Sternberg’s a bully fellow! In short, you're bound to beso pleased Vith all his goeds and things. sire, You'll buy at once a bran new suit, Cost what it will, by jing. sirs! Bternberg’sa bully fellow! Besause, you see, you can’c refuse To help aman along, sirs, When all you buy at Sternberg Hall, You buy for a mere song, sirs. Sternberg's abully fellow! And so I tell you when you comé, Just bring along your purse, sirs, For when you come into his store, {ou'll go out none the worse, sire. Sternberg’s a bully fellow ! In fact, so well I know the man, I venture for to say, sirs, A cleverer fellow y ou’ve not seon This many a long day, sirs. + Stornberg’s a bully fellow! And now to sec this famous man, I hope you all will go, sirs, | . And if you're questioned why —just say Puar SuNkins told you so, sirs. Sternberg’s a bully fellow! A large and splendid assortment of Fal and Winter Clothing just received and for sale y. A STERNBERG & CO. Bellefonte, Oct. 313t, 1862 iy (CONRAD HO Us BELLEFONTE, PA. J. B. BUTTS, This well known establishment haa beon entire- ly re- fitted and re-furnished througout, and is now second to nous in central Pennsylvania in the comfor tg and eonvenience it affords to travelers. — People fro m the County during their sojourn at Bellefonte during w of Court. will dind the Conrad House an agree:his nud plangsnt resting place 2 ow Propreetor. swmwodating servants are “always in atten « supply the wants and contribute i sfaction of the guests. lied with all the sahstan- 1g 131008, lux and delicasies, whioh a pi dueti ve Country can farrish, or industry, vig- ilance and ¥xertion can procure. THE BAR, will always contain a general ass ment of the very best liquors, that the mrrket af Fo rt- fords, adapted to suit the most caprieions tastes — | THE STABLY will be attend and obliging hostlers. well the duties pertaining to ihis impo of a public establishment. From the attention and time, the proprietor Lins devoted to this branch of business, he hopes fo receive a liberal shares of the patronage here ofore bestowed upon kim. Nov. 15,62. tf T MANHOOD ; HOW LOST HOW RESTORED ! Just published in a sealed envelope. siz cenls. Price A Lectare en the Nature, Treatuient, nd Radieal Cure of Spermaterrheea or Seminal Weakness, In voluntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and pediments to Marriage generally, N Consumption, Epilepsy and Yits # ity. resulting from Self: Abuse, . M. D., An- 6 auhor, in this Tecture. clearly proves fror w.a experience that the awful eousequence; Self-Abuse may be effect- ually removed without nedicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, hougies, instru- ments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effeetnal, by which ev- ery sufferer, no matter what his condition way Le, may cure himse!f cheaply, privately, and radi- cally. This lecture will proven boon to thous- ands and thousands. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad- dress, on the receipt of sixcents er two postage stamps, by addreszin ld-revowned Dr. CIIAS. J. C. KLINE 127 Bowery, New York, Pest Office Box, 4386. Nov. 14, 62-1y. NEW BAKERY! MATHIAS SCHMUCK. Would respectfully inform the people of Bollefonto and vicinity. that he has opened a new ard complete Bakery on SPRING street, in the premises of W. F. Reynolds, where he will keep constantly on hand ail kinds of : READ, RUSK, POUND CAKE, SUGAR AND GINGER CAKES, CRACKERS, &s., &c., &o, which he sells at a reasonable and satisfactery rice. . Bread, Cakes'and Pies baked to order on the shortest notice. Families will find it to their ad- vantage to get their baking done at this estab- lishment, as they can always get pure wholesome bread and cakes just whon they need (hen Sept. 12th 1862—1y. LINTON HOUSE . LOCK HAVEN, PA. A. "XK ANN, Proprietor. ’ The proprietor having leased the above named the borough of Lock Haven, Clio- ton county, Pa., takes this method of informing the public generally that he has mado every necessary preparation to entertain strangers and travelersin the best possible manner. His table will always eo itain the choicest : lux- uries that the country wi’ afford, and he is deter- mined not to be surpassed in’ this department by any other Hotel along the West Branch. . His Bar will contain the chuicest liquors that can be purchased in the ofty market. = areful and attentive Ostiers will constantly be on hand to take sharee of horsesand see thatthey are properly attended to. Trusting that he may receive a portipn of the patronage of the traveling public, he hopes by plose attention to be able to rende r genoral satis. action. June 6, '61.-tf. Travelers, Look Out For TELE! CATLS! Ov avi AFTER @ 5 ‘I, October 23d, 1862, » STAGES will leave BELLEFONTE all o'clock . M., to connect! with the CARS: at PORT MA- ILDA, for the Bagtern and Western routes, the game evening, at 6 o'clock. RETURNING, whl leave PORT MATILDA at7 o'elock, A. M., arrive at, BELLEFONTE at 12 M., and depart thence for Look Haven, to connect with the Eastern train, at T o'clock, P. M, R. D. CUMMINGS & CO, Bellefonte, Ost. 33d, 18626. Freyrietor. | th sip 01d fat 8 oly The largest Commercial School of tha United States, with a patronage of nearly 3 000 in fi ve years, from 31 States, and the y one which affords complete and reliabls instruction in all the following branches, viz: MERCANTILE, MANUFACTURERS. 8TRAM BOAT, RAIL ROAD & BANK BOOK-KEEPINQ, . FIRST PREMIUM Plain and Ornamental Penmanship; also, Sur veying, Engineoring and Mathematios gsuerally $35.00 Pays for a Commercia! Course; Students ente and review at any time. £2 MuNisTERS sons’ taition at half-price. ness and Ornamental Penmanship, and a beauti- ful College view of 8 square feet, containing a great variety of Writing, Lettering and Floarish- ing, inclose 24 cents in stamps to the Principals, JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburg, Pa. July 18, 1562.—1y. THE CHEAT CASH STORE oF T Messrs, Hoffer Brothers, HE Subscribers have just received a new and full supply of Spring and Summer Goods, which, for variety, have never been equal ed by any establishment in this section of coun- try. Having | ased the stock of goods on hand of M Jackson, they will coutinue the busin stand, . - No. 2, Reyuolds's Arcade. Their stock consists of a gener ul Dry Goods, Grooeries. Hardware, and Glassware ~luding a host ot other articles in their line. monly, + ich ean be found an extenrive and varied 1 ection of ’ LBIES® DRESS G00DS, such as Ducals, Persian Cloths. Debeiges, Cobnrgs, Cashmeres, Delaines, Alpucas, French Merinoes, Plaids, assortwet of Qorersware &e Their gentlemen's wear consists of a Inrgo as.’ sortnont of Casimeres. Cloths, Satinets, Hatin, Vesting, Tweadg, Hats and Caps And an exten- give assortmont of. Hoots and Shoes for Ladies and @entlemen and Children, with almost article that may be necessary to supp! of thecommuui $ or The press the effect of redn of merchandice bled to buy the sell goods ; intend to do t both in t ths wante and examine B.-~They wiil kecop constantly on hand, EX TRA FLOUR, which they will sell at the lowest cash price {_z Country producoot all kinds taken in ex change for gnods. / Dried Lamber and Shingles constantly on hand and for sele. HOFFER BROTHESRS Bellefonte, March 28, 1861.—1y. j3ANK NOTICE. IN PURSUANCE OF THE 25th Section, First Artiglo of the ame Constitu- tion of tha, State of Peunsylyania, Section of the Act of the General ed the First day of June, i citizens of the Commo we hereby give notice plication to the L of Peonsylvania ad to make up- nid State, at its tho first Tuoewds I. BLOCKE 7 WA P.oWI ) ED. BLANCHARD, b. Q. BUSH. D. M. WAGNER, GEO. W. JACKSON, WwW. A. THOMAS. R. H. DUNCAN, HOFFRR BROTIIENS SAM. STROHECKLR. M'COY, LINN & CO , A. R BARLOW, THOMPSON, LINN & CO, HARVEY MANY, DANIEL RHOADS E.P. BURNTHAL, GEO BOAL, JOHN P. HARRIS J. CURTIN, /'ALENTINES & CO : Bellefonte, Jur { Jon W.F 0. M ELDER MAY & LOEB, G ARMAN HOUSE BELLEFONTE, PA DANIEL GARMAN, Poprictor. This long established and wel known Hotel, situated on the Southeast corner of the Diamond, opporite the Conrt House, havine been purchased by the undersigned, announe- es to th e former patrons of this establishment to the traveling puplic generslly, that he i refitting it thoroughly, and is prepared to ren the most satisfactory necomm dation to all who may favor him with their patronaga. » paing will be spared on his part to add to the conveni ence or comfort of his guess. Allwho stop with him wiil find ELS CABLE abundantly supplied with the most sumptuousfare the market will afford, done up in style, by the most experienced cooks ; while HIS BAR will al- ways contam The Chocest of Liquors. His fitabling is best in tow and will always he attended Ly the most tru ,orthy and attentive hostlers Giva him acal' one ar all, and he feels con- fident that all w ' bo sa sfied with their accom modation. AN EXCElI ENTLIVERY inaftached to this est «lishment, which frum abroad will find greatly to their advan DANIEL QARMAN. Pellefonte, Jan. 9, 1382. J CLOTHING EMPORIUM. BELLEFONTE, PA, MONTGOMERY & 83M, Propreetors Having just received n large and carefully so- lected assortment of clothes, cassimers sattenet!s, &e., &s., for the fall and winter trade, at our old stand in Brokerhoof’s Row, Allegh eny Street, we aro prepared toacgsmmodate our old friends and customers generally, to a full suit of clothes inde in the neatest and most fashionable style, from the latest approved patterns. A larg3 stock of Ready made cloihing constantly on hand and for sale as cheap ifnot cheaner than at any other house in town. Thankful for tho patronage here tofore extended to us, we respectfully solidit x eon- tinuaues of the sams. Nov. 21st. 1862 —tf, joARABOLA SPECTACLES. r Superior to any cthers in use, con- structed in accordance with the LAW OF NA. TUR E; in the peculiar form of a Concave Cui vex Ellipsis, admirably adapted to the organs of sight and perfectly natural to the, Eye; alio- For Catalogue of 56 pages, Specimens of Busi- | | ANOTHER RLQUISIT { A HEAVY IMPORTA fy Tt ov & by Hh 3 Nn Ie Ey » > HARD 5 £3 ign FOR THE FIRM UF BAXTRESSER § CRIST, Who have just ononed. In tha Stores Roem N. W. corner of the Diamon : marly occupied by Wilao and splendid assortment o mings of every deseription,. T AND TADLE CUTTLERY of every variety and price. CRO83 CUT, MILL AN . + of the best manuf: | RIFLES, PISTOLS, SHOT 4UXNS. AND LS of every description and the bast qual MORTICE AND RIM LOCKS AND LATCH. of difforent kinds. { CUPBOARD, CHEST BOX. AND TILL LOCK | and'large and small PAD LOCKS. HAND, BACK, GRAFTING AND PANNW. SAWS, Broad, Hand and Chopping AX) » BUTCHERS’ CLEAVERS AND CHOPPER - Drawing Knives, Hatchets Chisels & Ads. HAY,MANURE AND SPADING FORKS EDC =» TOOLS of every desirable vacisty. SADDLERS’ MARDIWARBS, A general assortment, and 30 per cen’ lower than any place else. CARRIAGE MARKERS TRIMMING CARPS™ TERR TOOLo> which eannot be surprase ICES, ANVIL, DRILLS, BCREW PLATES FI KASPS, PIPE SKEIN & WAGE. bh Fen te, fr BO v STEFL SPRINGS, IRON AXELTRESR, DEN. FELLOWS, HAMES, &c. PAINTS OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY. COA OIL AND LAMPS, VARNISi, FLUID OIL CLOTHS PATENT LEATHER, ROPL AN WIRE of every size in abundanse SHOEMAKER'S TOOLS, And «li other kinds of Goods weyally ke in a well regulated Hardware Store. Their stock isan entirely new one, comprisi: .| ll the leading articles conneoted with the Har waro trade, and their facilities for puichasi: goods not being oxveelled hy any other establist ment, they Lage Jo from fifty too ol i ro themselves able to a red per eent. lower than ar in the eountry. and insi nt s. and a!1 others i ced « Hardware, to call and satisfy themrelv tl tenth of the asseriion July 18, 1860 ier estat : A CHANCE FOR ee 2 BARGALNSYH ADBLR BRIDAL: TBD SEP SR 3 tn LY 02 “oe IE FOR SLR wen ey DM ANUTRTACTORY. The subscriber bags locve to inform tha ward and tho peoplo of Centre. County in particular. that be stil continues to carry on (he Saddlery business in all itg various branochas, at his ha) a the Noktu ‘a8 corner of ALLRGITANY ami BISHOP Streets; where ean be found at all times a fli supply of Ix Re Sadales, Waggon * aruess, Bridlss z Carriage Harness Collags, Wagon Wiips, ‘Truaks, : . Driving Wiips' Vilises, Haliors’ &a., So. Lo ratertal, and warranrsn r o ost 8 abataniial man it the times. yourselves gontlemen. nied 1f ead not purchase JERRY TOLEN & Co 10th 62. 1.v. : N.W PICTURE GALLERY. i108 BARNHART, HAVING purr YA a vew and splendid SHY EFGRIT PiCTURT GALLERY, is now prepared to e brotype, Photograph, Fe any of the customary br ic Art SIZE ever taken in the interior of this State.— Card Picturos, and almost an endless varioty of common and fancy cases, are offerod ut prices whieh vary from 50 CENTS T0 25 DOLLARS! Lnsiruetions given and appartus furnished upon sonable terns, This Gallery iz located on the till beside the Court House, near Garman's Ho- to all orders in the Am- wype, Muleneotype, or has of the Heliograph- Muy 22 62.1v BO LLOCK'SIMPROVEDDANDELION COFFEE. - This pieparatios. made from the best Java Cofiee, is strongly recommoan. 28 a superior NU{LRITIOLUS General Debility, Dy an Thou t nds have been veluctantly » abar the use of Coflee, will. find y owhination without any ct the injurisu » ¥ experienced, us tho strength of two pounds For side by ail Droggists and Grooars, and hy tho Manufacturer, corner of BROAD and CHE NUT Streets, aml by JOS. B.}B RR 103 and 110, 3 VWIHARVES @nty FELDMAN, 4h ROLESALE DEALKK IMPCRTER IN NR ANNIE Wi NEY nag IR DIRS, INLD Gil, Wheat, Rye, & Bourbon Whisky s ND. 336 NorthiWiath Street, BRLOW SPRING GARDEN, PER aa TOFRI-FEXLA. JOHN S. LENTZ, IMPCRTER & WHOLESALL 1 FALLR i TANRE & LADB0RS No. 230 North Third-Street, YEILADELL IITA >: r the best artificial HELP T0 THE RU- AN VISION ever invented. When there 1s | lameness it is natural to use a cane—why not ren. | JERRY.J. WINGATE. At the Dental Office Bast of Post Office. P. S.—Theke spectacies cnn be obtained at mo other plage in tows. é : Bollefonte, May 29, 1852—1y. 3 208 16 aes ' T0, RHE LADIES, fit { aving just returned from Philadelphia with a fiew and splendid assortment MILLINERY GOODS, of the latest styles and fashion, we feel please all, hoth young and old, grave and guy, whe may see proper to give usa call. Our stock cons sists in part of SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, PLAINAND FANCY URI and all other articles genaraily b r Store. £7 We have procured the ser most experienced Milliners | Bishop street, nex the i ‘Bollofonte, May 3.761. repard to! COILECTION OFFICES, der assistance to that yaluable organ, the Eyes | TD). G BUSH, when needed ! v { : 043%) mts The above fur sale at ¢ily prices, by | BELLEFONTE, Centre Co., PeNy A. RUSH & McCULLOUGH (T. J. M’CULLOUGR ) Cl EARFIELD,, (Clearfield co , © | BUSH & McCORMIC, FAH eY ¥'conMicr)) ! LOCK HAVEN, Clinton Co., Pa. bas BUSH & ALLEN. (8. 2. ALLEN.) A WILLIAMSPORT, Lycoming Cv, Pu. Rererexces (—Drexel & , Man & Co, Phil’a, Smith, Bowen & Qo.. Philadelphia Shields & er, Philadelphia, T. Conrow, Philadelphians Sowen, Barnes & Co, Phila lalphia TA 1 1. Hae, Bail J. W. Maynard. 1lis Photographs will be of the LARGEST > ./ . - LL — Ro es ro ea ly