he Tdlatchman, THE SOLDIERS DYING WIFE [ am weary waiting mother, Through the days and nights so long : I am weary, weary, weary watching, At the evening a d the dawn ; And when tossing on my pillow, Brow and heart 80 ‘ull of pain, When tke chill and solemn midnight Holds o'er earth its silent reign. I half fancy he is coming, That I hear his steps once more, Coming up the flagstone pavement, That his hand is on the dcor 3 And 1 hold my breathe and listen For his voice, but all in vain ; It was nothing but the patter And the sobbing of the rain, Mother, darling, I shall never Look t gain upon his face ; 1 had hoped through a'l these spring days For one more, one last embrace ; But I bow in resignation, For I feel it may not be ; 1 am hy the River Jordon ;-- Ile is by the Tennessee. If he comes when war is ended, With that step sv proud and high, With the fire of battle ashing In his lofty eagle eye : 1f his dear face seems expectant, As he enters at the gate, And if towards the door he glances, { Seeming some one to await :— Go out, mother dear, and greet him Tenderly, but do not weep ; When he eager asks for ‘ Annie,’ “= “Pell him that [ am asleep ; Take him to our room, mother, Let the books be all arranged, And the vases and the pictures As they were : let naught be changed. Give him then this letter, mother, His deep sorrews it wi'i tell ; With © y dying t lessing freighted, Closing with my sad farewell ; You must go and leave him, mother, Till the first wild storm is past— For his form will bend and quiver, Like a strong oak in the blast. If he says that all the honor te has earned is nothing now— He would rather have than laurels, Annie’s hand upon his brow— He wculd rather have one accent Of her voice, than all the praise, ‘Thar all the acclamations A grateful land could raise. Go, and sit down by him, mother, Wipe the hot tears from his face— Take the curls I cut off, gently From their quiet resting place ; Place them in his hand, where hanging They may fall in caress ; Oh, how often in his fondness, He has toyed with cach tress ! You must tell him then my mother, That as grew the hectic deep, Fiamed the torches death had lightcd On the paleness of my cheeks ;— Tell him how I longed to see him, But was happicr, the bride Of an absent, soldicr husband, Then with a coward by my side. Mother, it is very bitter, And my aching heart is sore, That his voice’s tender accents .I shall listen to no more, That my head so weak and drooping, Never, never more will rest, Where so ofs it bath been pillowed, On his broad and marly breast. This may seem | ke weakness, mother, 111 becoming a soldier’s wife; But the hear will not be stifled— Love is parallel with life ; But tne heart must yield to duty, Though it should be cleft in twain, And were Verner here, as last Spring { should send Lim forth again. Donelson’ and ¢ Pittsburg Landing, Names I shudder yet to hear, Fur within those long wide trenches, Friends of others just as dear As the one for whom | trembled, Slecp unshrouded and unblest, By the rsin-drops of aflec:ion, Drooping o’re their place of rest. But you n ust not tell him mother, Of the chills that shovk my frame, As among the killed and wounded, List I scearchud to find his name; old suspense seemet-like a serpent, Twined around my shrinking form, And my drooping life has yicided. Asa flower in the storm. 18 the evening coming, mother ? For the room is getting dmk ; No—I feel it is the shadow, Of the valley, which my bark Of life is swiftly nearing. Farewell, Mother, mother dear ; Tell him that I Lave told you— Tell him Annie stil is near.” VarvasLe Recerers.—To make a nice jam—Ilay your head under a descending pile driver. To see of a man is your friend —make love to his wife. To make money—advertise in the Warcama. To get the frost out of your fin- gers—put them in hot water. To see if a girl is amiable— tear her dress in a ball room. To keep yourself warm in bed —set it on fire. To do away with spectacles— put your eyes out. To be happy—subscribe and pay for the Warcnaan. THE LEGION OF HONOR. In 1814, that memorable year wken Rome, Amsterdam, Daut- zic, Antwerp, and Paris, were cities of the same proud empire, Napoleon had brought his young bride to Brussels, and was receiv- ed with much enthusiasm and pomp. On the morning after his arrival, he reviewed the troops of the garrison of Al Vir- te, and, as the different regiments passed, remarked a grenadier who bore the chevronsof a sargeant major. Tall and erect, his black eyes blazed like stars from a face bronzed by twenty campaigns, which an enormous moustache rendered still more formidable or bizarre. When the lines were re formed, the emperor rode up to the regiment of grenadiers and called the sergeant to the front. The heart of the old soldier beat high, and his cheeks giowed. oe perfect satisfaction or no im will be made. Boalsburg, May 15,1862.—1y. C. Vv. ALEXANDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BRLLEFONTS PA. 1d’s Bank. Ofice one door below Re, Nov. 21.1862 x BANKING HOUSE, —QF WM. F. REYNOLDS & CO., BELLEFONTE, CENTRB CO., PA. Bills of exciiange and Notes discounted. Cel- IATION, PHILADELPHIA, For the Reliefof the Sick and Distressed, afilic- ted with Virulent and Chronie and es- sially for the Cure of Dieseases of the Sexual ADS. "MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Ae- ting Surgeon. ALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhoes or Seminal Weakness, and other Diseases of the Soxual Organs. and of the NEW RELEDIES em- pioyed in the Dipensay, sent to the afilicted in sealed latter envelopes, free of charge, Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, DR. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Ae ting Surgeon, Howard Association, No 2 South Ninth St, Philadelphia. June 12, 1862—1-y. JOHN S. LENTZ, IMPORTER & WHOLESALE DEALER IN Wwihag & 22090Rs No. 230 North Third Street, PHEILADELPRIA __ HE LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN HOWARD AS80C hair Plaids, all of which will be sold at the veyr lowest 1a'es, can bo sesn at the Store of - HOFFER BROTHF 1 Town of DeLains, Shepards and Mo- | Philad lections made proceeds promptly remitted. — Interest paid on special deposits. hange in the cities tantly on hand for sale. Depos- its receivea J. D. SHUGERT, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENN Office in the Court House, with the Treasurer. ® N. MALLISTER. JAMES 4. BEAVER. ALLISTER & BEA ATTORNEYS AT LAW, . sELLErONTR, PRON VW. COLLECTION ORFICES, D. G. BUSH, BELLEFONTE, Cextan Co.. Pxyn,a. RUSH & McCULLOUGH (1. 3. M’OULLOUGH.) CLEARFIELD, Clearfield eo., P BUSH & McCORMICE, {C.-8. M'CORMICK,) LOCK, LEN, Sian Co., Pa., 3 . LUG (RB. Po ALLEN) WILLIAMSPORT, Lycoming Co., Ps. a Cor hie: Bite, Bowen u Go.. Paiideiphia 0. a wen y Shields & Brother, PE T. Conrow Iphia, Sawer, Barnes & Co., Philadelphis Hon. T . Hale, Bellefonte, Hen. J. W. Maynard. Williamopost, J. Tome, Pert Deposit, Md. Feb. 21, 1862-1y.