Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 07, 1862, Image 2

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hy Watcha m.
Friday Morning, Nov. 7, 1862.
Peace Democrats,
Ever since the beginning of the wicked
and uncalled for war that is now spreading
decolation and darkness over our once hap~
Py country, there has bzen a class of men—
men of principle, of feeling and of under-
standing, who have shown towards the min-
fons of Abolitionism a spirit of christian for-
hearance and patient suffering unexampled
in the history of the past. The persons we
sllude to have been, and are still, termed
Peace Democrats. They are those who
have lcoked and longed, hoped and prayed,
that the ravages of a war unnecessarily be:
gan and unconstitutionally carried on might
cease—who have stood like beacon lights on
a rocky coast, pointing out to a ship wreck:
ed people the harber of hope—the Ccnstitu-
tion 8s our fathers made and interureted it—
shedding a divine ray upon the scathing, his.
sing current of public opinion, that was dash.
ing on, madly, wildly, in the blackness of de
spair—those who have asked only that
*‘equal and exact justice’ should be grant.
ed to all men, and that the 1ights of all the
pecples of all the States should be preserved
and protectcd —who would not join in the
bloody war cry, nor dance with joy over the
cold corpse of their slaughtered country~
men, because of a so called victory—who
cannot sce strength in a Nation built upon
the ruined fortunes and blighted hopes of
its own citizens, nor a Union of States pin-
ned together with bayonets and plastered
aver with the blood of its noblest men—
whose every thought has been, and is now
for the welfare of the people, and every act
for the eternal preservation of our govern
ment—who have cherisl.ed from the cradle
up sentiments, the carrying out of which
has raised “thirteen ragged, starving colo~
nies to thirty.four rich and powerful States,
and whose voices of warning, had they been
heard and heeded, would have saved the
thirty four States from the disgrace and ruin
they are now suffering.
“ Gointo what community you will, and
see who constitute this class of persons that
have stood firm and undaunted by ther
principles during these dark and trying
hours. Go, we say, and learn their true
character—learn that their utmest efforts
have ever been put forth to preserve our
country and couniry’s laws, from the ruth~
less grasp of the ruffians who assail them
now—learn that they are om most worthy
citizens and substantial men, who scorn
their low accuscrs as they would scorn to be
guilty of the crimes imputed to them, and
then answer us if they are ‘“‘traitors,” de-
serving the contumely and scorn that has
been heaped upon them by their vindictive
- traducers.
Turn, for a moment, with us and see who
the worthy patriots (?) are, that are now
bunting down every vestige of what we once
claimed as rights, and trampling under foot
every law and precedent, under the specious
plea of “necessity” or devotion to the gov-
ernment.” Time has not blotted out the
actions of their Tory fathers during the dark
days of the Revolution. It has not erased
the record of their treasonable plottings at
the “Hartford Convention,” nor burried the
“blue lights” on the shores of the Atlantic.
The ghosts of the murdered Quakers and
burned witches tell to day of thelr “blue
laws,” and the scenes enacted by the ¢ black
¢ockaders” under their ‘‘alien and sedition
laws,” are yet fresh in the minds of many.
Their shricks for the wrongs of ‘bleeding
Kansss’’ has not yet died upon the air, nor
their banners ot * FREE SPEECH, Fremont
and Freedom,” carried from our sight. —
Their sneers and taunts of *“Union savers,”
is tingling in the ears now of Peace Demo
crats, and slurs at ‘‘constitutional stuicklers’”
is not yet forgotten. Their mottoes of “no
Union with slave holders,” 15 as precious
with them to-day as during the campaigns
of ’56 and ’60, and their flags with but siz~
teen stars is cherished as glorious memen-
toes of principles which still survive within
their breasts. Their groans for the ‘fop~
pressed African’ 1n the South can be heard
even now echoing mournfully among the
hills and valleys of our own county, and
prayers for the deliverance of the negro from
the *'bonds of servitude,” is ascending daily
from their hypocritica: hearts.
Up to the beginning of this war, a patri
otic sentiment was never known to issue
from their lips—a thought for the good of
their country never entered their minds.—
Freedom for the ‘blacks’ and slavery for the
whites is their great designs—disunion, debt
end desolation the only end they would ac-
On the corners of the streets and in bar
rooms during the day, will they be und
bowling about “traitors in our midst,” and
at night meanly sneaking about, trying to
drag some honest farmer from his home and
friends to the dismal cells of a government
prison, og 1n their dark dene plotting how
to suppress some li. tle country paper, whose
tditor perhaps, stands with angel purity
when compared with their own nefarious
scts. Is it not enough to tell us Peace men
ire right when we sce the wretches who op-
soze them ¥ Not a vagabond that runs the
itreet and bellows for war, but is treated as
patriot by these newly converted ‘Union
avers,’’ whose only Jaw is brute force, and
hote knowledge of freedom goes not be.
ond their own desires.
Mobbing peaceful neighbors is a glorious
| their labors has been earnest and unremit
{| wrinkled brow, as Her aged heart beats in
The War; How it Can Be Settled. i
act in their estimation, and destroying the
property of good citizens their great delight,
But the day of reckoning will come as sure.
ly as the stars of night, and the craven cow-
ard will crouch in trembling terror before
the fury of their self made mobs. For years
ling to place our country where she stands
to-day, anc they now gloat over the success
of their long wished for end.
. Let the mother, with silvered locks and
agony over the corpse of her cherished son»
remember what fiends it is that have caused
her this, and as she turns away, with no
bope but inthe grave, let her lif her feeble
voice to God on High to save the remnant
of our torn and bleeding county from the
grasp of these ingatiate wretches. Let her
pray for a blessing on the heads of those
who have cried peace, peace, in order that
her own born should be spared her.
——— ee,
The Abolition alias Republican Party.
If ever there wasa party, administers of
the Government of any nation which has or
ever had existence, who more deserve the
scorn and detestation of every good man,
then the Republican or Abolition party, who
now control affairs at Washington, we have
never heard or read of it. Search the an
nals of History, from Alpha to Omega, and
you cannot find, taking into consideration
all the circumstances, a ruler of a nation,
and his advisers whose policy was so firmly
fixed, and which was such an open violation
of alllaw und suicidal in its measures as
the abolition one now ruining our once
great country.
The party of which Abram Lincoln is
merely a pliant tool, came into powe aot
when he was inaugurated but a year before
andduring the last winter of Mr. Buhanan«
an’s Administration, that party had the
power to have am cably arranged and
settled the difficult ies then existing
between the two sections of our now forever
divided country. But being determined
to violate, not only constitutional law, but
the constitution itself and likewise the laws
of nature and of God, (for we believe that
God created the negro for a servant) they
refused all terms, that would have secured
a peaceable adjustment and are thus res
sible s0LELY responsible for the unconstitu-
tional and damnnable ruinous war, that is
now being waged by the North upon the
South. Foolish and wicked in its nature,
idiotic in its conception, and terribly disas.
trous in its results, it cannot be otherwise
than a blot forever, upon the hitherto un-
tarnished name of American liberty and
American civilization, the words will be
words of scorn and contempt, and we will
be derided and laughed at as a people who
boasted of every thing, and was capable of
doing nothing but destroying themselves, ali
Europe is already giggling” at Lincoln's
abolition proclamation. Think of this ye
anti-slaverites, and lovers of the negro, Is
1t not pleasant to have your highest repre-
sentative the laughiug stock of a whole con-
tinent ? What a “roar” there must have
been, and what an amusing joke must
‘Old Abram” have perpetrated to have ex-
cited the risibalities of half the world.
Being determined to destroy “slavery ' or
in case they could not, to seperate the
States ; and believing that the North was
much stronger than the South—that negro
msurrections would arise and the legal ten-
ure by which ‘‘slaves” are held destreyed
under the war power, they plunged on mad-
ly inte the almost endless war, the misery
and cost of which none can compute,
Their attewpts to wipe out slavery by’
unconstitutional legislation, is too well
known to need rehersal here, and their off
orts to dissolve the American Union, has
been crowned with too much success, to
doubt their ability to succeed®and when they
leave the administration of the Government
to Democratic hands, which they will be
forced to doin 1864, they will leave the
country broken into fragments, and sad.
dled with an enormous debt—the people
groaning under the weight of taxes levied to
pay the interest of that debt—the land
drenched with the blood of its noblest sons
fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters mourning
for lost ones murdered in unholy strife—
misery and poverty bequeathed to the peo-
ple and their liberties crushed out with the
constitution of our country, all for the abo
lition of “slavery” or the destruction of
certain instilutions—sanctioned not only
by the law of the land, but of Ged as de-
clared by the inspired writers. May cur-
ses deep and innumerable rest on anti-sla-
veryism for the useless destruction it has
New York GoNk DEMOCRTIC.—Our news
from the election in New York, on last Tues
day, is but meager, yet enough of returns
have been received to show that the State
has gone largely Democratic. Seymore, the
Peace Democrat candidate for Governor, is
elected b~ an overwhelming majority. —
There will also be a Democratic Legislan
ture, and a majority of Democrats to Conn
gress. The war Democrats and Abolitionists
are gone under entirely.
07 From the army this week, we have
no news whatever. All “is quiet along the
Potomac,” and likely to remain so for some
time. Itis rumored that part of the Federal
forces have crossed to the Virginia side, buat
we do not hear of them making ‘very rapid
strides towards the Southern capital. There
has been several skirmishes during the past
week in the Southwest. Both sides claim
the victories.
Goon Nrws ¥rom New Jemsgy.—The
Democrats have carried everything, from
Governor down to Supervisor. Bully for
New Jersey.
eB OO Pen.
A Lrrrie Ligue iv 4 Dark Prac.—The
returns from the election in Massachusetts
indicate the defeat of Andrews, Abolition
candidate for Governor, by Diyens, the Peo
How can it be settled 7 that's the ques-
tion. Almost two years have now elapsed
of lives have been offered up upon the shrine
of our conatry, and millions of treasure spent
stolen, and squandered to end the war. - A
million of armed men stand with glittering
bayonets pointing Southward to-day, deter:
mined upon ending this bloody struggle, by
overwhelming the rebel forces and triumph; -
ancly marching to the capital of the South—
mond," by an over zealous people through
out the North, who have always deemed
this war as but a breakfas: job, has been
given to stirulate our brave army in has.
tenting them on to victory.
The mighty resources of the North have
been poured out in aid of a “vigorous prose-
cution of the war.” Infact, everything has
been done which the Ncrth could do, to
strengthen the bands of the Administration
in conducting the war to its final termina
They have submitted tamely to unwar
rantable usurpations of power on the part of
Chief Executive, which, in other times, cost
a kingly despot kis crown and his head.—
They have closed their eyes upon the stu~
pendous frauds that have marked the course
of this administration from its advent to
power until the present, and with willing
hear:s have lent a willing hand te the adw
ministration in everything it has underta
ken to do, that the rebellion might be put
down, and this horrible war brought to a
speedy close.
All this and much more, has beeu done
by the loyal North, and we could bave wish-
ed it better success. And why has it not
succeeded 2 Whyhas not the cry of on to
Richmond been answered ? Why is that
“million of bayonets pointing Southward,"
held by strong hands, nerved by brave
hearts, s ancing apparantly still just where
they stood a year ago? Because another
million of bayonets pointing Northward,
held by men of the same race and in whose
veins courses the same blood—whose arms
are just as strong nerved by hearts that are
just as brave and are just as determined as
our own, stand just across the way a little
distance which prevent our onward move-
We have been going ‘‘onto Richmond”
for nearly two years. Once we were nearly
there—almost in sight—hut necessity, stern
necessity, compelled our retreat. The God
dess of Victory has sometimes been with us
and sometimes against us, and to day we
are no nearer Richmond than we were one
year ago. ;
The two armies stand menacing each oth-
er, each evincing that determination which
characierizes our revolutionary sires, in
throwing off the yoke of foreign bondage. —
Brave boys ! Their blood is too precious to
be wasted in fratricidal stife--their lives
too valuable to be lost without anything be-
ing gained in return. One half a million of
lives have already been given up. An ach-
ing void has been created in five millions of
fond hearts for the dear ones lost, that can
never be filled. Millions upon mi'lions of
treasure has been wasted, and in return we
have nothing but the prosperity of taxation,
bankruptcy and ruin.
An embittered fecling has been engenders
ed between the people of the two sections of
the Union, whe should feel toward each oth-
er like brothers. This disaftecting process
still goes on, and with every life that is lost
on either side a dozen more become embit
tered, caloused and frenzied wi h the spirit
of revenge —and what is gained 2 Nothing,
but a happy union of all ‘he States under
one Government, is made more difficult to
accomplish. Can the Union then be restors
ud by a continuance of this fratricidal war 2
The history of the last eighteen months an
swers no. [Is there no other means thea,
aside from the war power. that can be en.
voked to recement the dismembered frag
ments of Lhis once happy government, and
put an end to this bloody and fruitless war ?
Surely the spirit of compromise. that has so
many times, in the history of the world,
proven itself an efficacious healing balw for
distracted and d snembercd governments,
can not have lost its power 2 It should be
tried at least, and if it fails. God help us,
It is well understood at Washington, that
leading and influential men in the South
have profered an armistice, in the hope that
terms may be agreed upon. They propose
the Orittenden Compromise measures as a
vasis of settlement. They do not ask to be
acknowledged as a separate government, but
are willing to remain in the Union, if the
North will respect the rights granted to them
by the Constitution. The North has al-
ways protested that it did not intend {o in~
terfere with any of the Constitutional rights,
and why should it refuse to treat with them
and allow them to come back peaceably into
the Union ? The reason is said to be, that
we can never treat with rebels in arms. —
However humiliating it might be to the ad -
ministration to do so, yet there is more at
stake than the prideof party. If the Union
can be restored by treating with rebels in
arms, is it not infinitely better to do 80 than
to destroy it forever and all its blessings, by
refusing so to treat ?
The immortal Douglas said, that “war is
dissolution, final and eternal separation,”
and the sequel thus far proves the truth of
his declaration. Why, then, should we pers
severe in it, when it evidently will forever
destroy the object we wish to preserve ?—
The South has committed many great
Wrongs, among which the greatest was their
act of secession, A party in the North has
cowmitted many wrongs against the people
of the South for which it needs forgiveness.
All must be forgotten and forgiven before
peace and harmony can be again restored. —
War can not accomplish this, but compro-
mise can.
Let the two vast armies then at once go
into winter quarters, and terms of negotia~
tion be comuwenced. . Let the terms of set-
tlement, if they can not be agreed upon by
a convention of the States, which should be
called tor that purpose, be submitted to a
vo e of the people, and we believe the war
can be settled and the Union restored just
as i: was, under the Constitution of our fa-
thers just it is. If we will not do this, for
eign intervention will force, on our part, a
recognition of the Southern Confederacy,
when the separation will be final 30 sien,
ples candidate,
nal. -
sinceit began, during which time thousands |-
ern Confederacy. The cry of “On to Rich-,
[Prepared etprosly for tes Waten man.)
0 Man, Who Art Thou?
iv OR
> F
. {Continued from last Number.)
The religion of Jesus Christ, in its practi-
:c#l effects, - breathes ‘glory to God, in the
highest on ¢u:thi p aos and good willtomen.’
It requires apd produces in man the com -
plete control of his passions—tgaches us.
that we (ust return good for evil —that we
mast love our enemies do ‘ good to them
that hate us—and forgive other's. their tres«
passes. Now if men are fulfilling Lhese ob-
ligations when they are killing and butchers
ing one another--and dotng all the possible
harm they can to their enemies — then, chris,
tianity sanctions war—but not otherwise, —
To say a man may bes christian, when he
goes into the field of battle and kills his
enemy, or tries to injure him, is equivalent
to saying that christianity does not require
men to love their enemies. If war and has
tred of enemies is not a positive violation of
a christian command —I know not what is.
*Oh turn for why will ye die * Take [your
Testament and turn into your closet, and
there on your bended knees pray to youl
God, that you may more fully comprehend
the teachings of that sacred volume, this is
the weapon by which we may conquer the
true enemy, the old serpent the DEVIL.”
[tis under his influence that our beloved
country is now stained with the blood of
brother upon brother, had the great exam-
ple of our Savour been truly carried out, by
the professed followers of christ 1anity, —
War, Carnage, and all its train of horrible
evils could never have taken place in any
country. or under any influence that his
SATANIC MAJESTY niight have suggested
No, bitter water and sweet can never, flow
from (he same fountain, cays the true heart
ed christian I love the precepts of Jesus..—
Of all that has ever been written, touching
the duties of man, the Sermon on the Mount
is the most sublime intelligible and practi«
cal exposition of them, embodied in which
are the plain christian precepts, in malice,
haired, revenge and the like passions are
without reservation prohibited. And where
the indulgences of these passions is forbid-
den. war and’ fightings ~are as positively
forbiddeu as;though there had been a direct
precept on the subject, for without the in
dulgenee of these dispositions, no war ever
has been, or ever can be carried into opera.
tion. We read in the New Testament that
Jesus Christ came into the world to save,
not to destroy wen’s lives ; that among the
fruits of his religion is the visiting the wid-
ow and fatHerless in their afflictions—but
nothing like war, which makes widows and
orphans by thousands and then leaves them
to drag out a miserable existence and die
in ebscurity, unnoticed and unpitied by the
world. We do not find that he ever prayed
for the destruction of his enemies, as some
of his professed brethren do, there is no in-
stance where he ever encouraged any one to
return evil for evil—no one where he ever
countenanced retaliation—nor did he ever
tell his disciples thats king om was of
this world, and that it was lawful for them
to fight. Ou the other hand he always in-
culated the principles of peace —forgivness
—mercy—love—patience—compassion and
kindness, — ‘Blessed are the merciful for
they shall obtain mercy,” It may be said
by some that these precepts are only appli.
cable to private life. wel. suited for the
individual in the capacity of a citizen, and
christian, but it never was intended that
nations should exhibit toward nation the
magnanimous forbearance and pacific spirit
of the Gospel. Then what construction will
the advocates of war, put on the teachings
of Jesus, to ameliorate the strife now going
on between the North and the South broth:
er butcheringing brother !! He that says
he loves God and hateth his brother, is a
liar, but the decree.of man though he be
President or Governor, ‘@0¢s not change or
repeal the command “Thou shalt not kill;
does this’ command only pertain to the citi
zen in private lite 2 certainly not, had it
been so intended the distinction would have
been made. Nojitis a mistaken opinion,
because it would require a man to profess
two characters uuder one of which he may
serve Christ—and under the other, Anti-
Christ. The uniform adherence to the obli-
ga ions and principles to christianity in
all situations, whether in public or private
life constitutes the true christian and most
useful citizen: It is the just and uniform
application of these principles to human
conduct, alone that “‘exalteth a nation” as
well as an individual, and gives security
and stability to the recessary regulations
regulations which may be established by
the common consent of mankind for the
good of society, Nothing can be more op-
posed to the spirit of the Gospel than retali-
ation and revenge, and that war is produc
tive of these and a host of other diabolical
passious, no considerate man can for a mo
ment doubt. That such were the voices of
the early christians there is ample evidence
on record—mark the language of the apos.
tles; *“From whence came wars and fighting
among you—come they not hence even of
your lusts that war in your members.”
Jas, 1v.1. Be ye all of one mind, having com
passion one of another love as brethren, te
pitifal, be courteous, not rendering evil for
evil, or railing for railing,’ Ist Per. mr 8,—
See that none render evil for evil unto any
man—Lst THEs: v [5.—~God bath called us
to peace.—1st Cor.vir. 15. “Lay aside all
malice.” —1st Per,a1 1. “Put off anger,
wrath, and malice.” Cov. 1m 8. “Let all
bitterness and wrath and anger, and clamor,
and evil speakirg be ‘put away from you
with all malice” — Erg 1v 31. “Avenge
not yourselves.” —Rox! xi. 19. “If thine
enemy hunger feed Lim .1f he thirst give
him drink.” —Rox, In 20. These with
many other passages that might be sclected
from the writings of the Apostles are suffi.
cient to show us how. they understood the
precepts of their divine master. It is also
certain that the christians of the 1st and 24
centuries belioved that war was forbidden
by the Gospel, they openly declsrad thi
—— ST
belief, and in the support of it were willing
even to sacrifice their lives—many of them
suffered martyrdom for their faithfulness to
the cause of him whe said “My kingdom is
not of this world, else would my servants
fight.” the following are a few instances
thereof, Marcellus was convinced of Chris-
tianity while holding the commission of
centurion in the army, and for refusing lon-
ger to serve he was committed to prison.
van to bear arms for any earthly consider-,
ation, and he was in consequence put to
death. Oassian another christian convert
in the same legion, also gave up Fs come
mission, and for the same cause was con-
signed to the executioner, was bred
to the profession of arms, but when he was
convinced of christianity, he abondoned his
prefession, the reason he gave for his con-
duct was this, “I am a christian, and there
fore 1 cannot fight,” Lactanius, another
early christian, says expressly “It can neva
er be lawful for a righteous man to go to
war.” Justine Martyr declares that the
refusal of the christians to bear arms was a
fulfillment of the ancient prophecy, “We
who in times past killed ane another do not
now fight with our enemies.” These were
the views of the christians who immediate.
ly succeeded the Apustles in the carly ages
of the church, and this faithfulness was
maintained throughout the first two centu
ries But as the church lost its purity and
became corrupted, and the love of filthy
lucre became predominant, her aspiring
bishoog began to count the kingdoms of
this world, and the glory of them, they
yielded to worldly influences—little by lit-
tle they forsook {he precepts of their Divine
Master, till military forms were borrowed
from the nations around them, and among
whom they dwelt, to eschew tne engage-
ments by which they attached themselves
to Christ as their leader, The introduction
of military forms readily paved the way for
the military spirit. The civil and ecclesias-
tical dominion became blended, professing
christians became amalgamated with the
corrupt customs and worals of the age, and
the doctrine that war was anti christian,
ceased to be rega.ded by carnal profesors
as the doctrine of Christ. This doctrine
being abandoned, the great mass of people
who were kept in darkness and ignorance
by their leaders, were easily persuaded to
take up arms. and even to believe that they
had a Divine command for the commission
of the most inhuman deeds. During the
ages of general corruption and violence,
which succeeded the union of church and
State, there was some left who still advoca-
ted the cause of Peace, The Waldenses in
the 12th century, declined and condemned
all wars and fightings as inconsistent with
the christian religion: In the 15th century
the enlightened Erasmus, wrote his “com
plaint of Peace” and “plea of reason relig~
ion and humanity against war," Episcolas
declares that the wars of the christians fur-
nished the Jews wih substantial reasons
for reflecting christianity, Wickliffe de-
clares that the whole trade in war was 8in
ful. That pious and learned man, Bistop
Taylor, had a clear view of the genuine doc.
trine of Christ, when he expressed himself
thys : “As contrary as cruelty is to mercy,
A to charity ; so are war and bicod
shed to the meekness and gentleness of the
christian religion. I had thought, said he
of ihe prophecy, that under the gospel, our
swords should be turned into ploughshares,
and our spears into pruning hooks, I do
know that no tittle spoken by God’s spirit
should retura unperformed and ineftectual ;
and I was certain that such was the excel.
lency of Christ’s doctrine, that if men would
obey it, christians should never war one
sgainst another.” In short, every come
mand, every injunction, every example set
for.h by our Savour, proclaims in the most
impressive manner, that all wars and fight-
ings are at variance with the principles,
precepts and practices of christianity and
the mandates of the Apostles—and the 50-
cietyiwhich was gathered through their m-
strumentality, have continued through ma.
ny persecutions to bear a (#ithful testimony
on the subject to the present day They be~
lieve that all wars and fightings, whether
offensive or defensive, for whatever purpose
or by whomsover they may be conducted,
are contrary to the will of God, and that
being unreservedly prohibited by the pre.
cepts of Jesus, no real christian can engage
in, or encourage them.
And he taught, saying unto them, Is it
not written, my house shall be called of al}
nations. the house of prayer; but ye have
made it a den of :hieves.—MARK x1 chapter,
17 verse.
I= The National Intelligencer of Satur
day contains an elaborate reply from Exe
President Buchanan to Lieut. General
Scott, whose recent publication he considers
an unditinguished censure of his conduct
during the last months of his administration
in regard to the seven Cotton States now in
We shall endeavor to find room for this
able and incontrovertible document in our
next issue, and we incline to the opinion
that after our readers give it a careful and
unprejudiced perusal, they will agree with
us that the Hero of Mexico has gained
nothing by hia covert attack on Mr: Bu-
Ler Hix Be STRUNG UP.—The man eleet~
ed to the Legislature as a ocrat, who
panders to abolitionism or votes for Simon
Cameron or any other Republican Aboltion
tionist for U. S. Senator, deserves nothing
but the scaffold and halter. “Old Centre”
will furnish the rope and Two THOUAND SEV-
EN HUNDRED honest aad brave men io pull it,
with the poor, cringing miscreant dangling
from the other end. That other counties
will do likewise, we have not a doubt.
During the war of 1812 gold was sold at
a premium of 35 per cent. , 80 that the sales
of Wall streot are now up to the mark of the
olden times.
“It is not lawful,” said hey +« for a chs. i
The Stamp Act Of 1862.
When the English government was ta-
king the arbitary measures which resulted
in the alienation of the American colonics,
and the
Jewel among British possesions, one of the |.
odious enactments that terded more than
any other to Jr pitate our memorable |
Revolution, and bring together in a bond of |
unity and defense the diverse interests. ‘ex~
isting in the thirteen colonics - was the fa.
mous ‘‘stamp act, }
tThe-experiment ha again been repeated.
A Republican congress passed; and Abra
ham Lincoln approved, July 1st 1862; a
stamp act whose provisions ‘are the most
sweeping and general ever planned by gov-
ernmental ingenuity. From and after the
first day of the present month g person can
not do any of rhe following things without
Pt agastamp duty: He cannot make
out an agreement, appraisement, check;
sight: draft; promisory; bill. of exchange
inland or foreign, bill of lading, bond certif
He cannot convey, mortgage,
He cannot send a telegraph dispatch.
Every custom house cotry and manifest
must pay itsstamp duty.
He cannot insure his life, hls
his ship and its Cargo,
i can not buy a foreign passage tick
or lease
house, * ov:
He cannot give a power of attorney, get
1088 to that empire of the brightest | -
or renew any of the |
rrr orp
The following Congressman have Leen
elected in Pennsylvania :
1st District— Samuel J. Randal, Demos
crat. ®
2nd —Charles O'Nei!, Abolitionist.
3d—Leonard Myers, Abolitionist, has re.
ceived the certificate of election.
4th—William D. Kelley, Abolitionist.
5th—M. R. Thayer, Aboli ionist.
6th—John D. Stiles, Demperat.
“Ttn—John M. Broomal, Abolitionist.
8th—S. E. Ancona, Democrat.
9th—Thadeus Stevens, Abolitionist:
10.h—Myers Strouse, ‘Democrat.
1Lth—Pailip Johnson, Democrat.
12th--Charles Dennison, Democrat,
13th—Henry W. Tracy, Conservative
Republican, recommended and elected by
the Democrats over the Wilmot Abolition
14th- -William H. Miller, Democrat.
15th-—Joseph Baily, - Democrat.
were two democrats running in this district,
Mr! Baily being nominated by the Perry
and Cumberland, and Mr. Glossbrenner by
the party in York. The Republicans gen-
erally voted for the former.
16th—-A. H. Coffroth, Demo rat,
+: 17th—Archioald M’Allister, Democrat.
“18th—James T. Hale, conservative Re.
publican, elected by Democrats over the
regular Abolition candidate,
19th—G. W, Shofield, Abolitionist.
20th -Amos Myers, Abolitionist-
a will proved,
any kind. 0
He cannot issue a-writ, or other "praeess:
of commencing suit.
He cannot buy a bottle of patent medi-
cine or perfumery, nor purchase a pack of
playing cards, unless he pays & stamp ‘dua
And we might mention a number of oth
er things also requiring the Government
stamp. They will present themselves in
due season to the notice of those interested
Alaw abiding people like the American
will make no opposition to the present: pay-
ment of these duties; but how long will it
be before the people will demand the repeal
of this odi us enactment, It is inconsis
tent with the freedom of our institutions,
the pursuit of business unrestricted: and
commerce untrammeled.
We shall begin to have a realizing sense
of the true intent and purpose of the Chi-
cago platform when the machinery of taxa -
tion and the stamp act are brought to bear
upon the people. The yoke-of abolition ad-
ministration on the government is neither
easy nor itg burdens light. And we are
enjoying only the first turn of the screw. —
bat will be our condition after other
years of war, and the accomplishment of
the grand plans of emancipation and colon.
zation ?
Pa ience is a characteristic of our people
but a time arrives, not ouly to individuals,
but to nations, when <it ceases to be a vir.
tue,” —let our legislators and those fin au:
thority remember that fact. When ths
long suftering white men realize that this
war is prosecuted for the sole Lenefit of
four millions of blacks; and that they, and
their sons, and their son's sons, are to toil
upon their farms, labor in their workshops,
and be taxed and stamped forever that the
philanthropic ideas of Abolitionism way be
tested, we predict that these generous and
ltheral experimentalists will call upon the
rocks to hide them from the fury of an out-
raged and incensed peuple.—- Ez.
Cowardly Outrage
On Friday evening last, says the Caclisl
Democrat, about eight o'clock, a number of
the Anderson Cavalry encamped at that
place entered the Volunteer printing office,
and pied and otherwise injured the materix
als in the office, efiecting their escape be
fore they could be recognized or arrested. —
Why this gross outrage was perpetrated we
are unable to say, and trust that the guilty ©
persons may be discovered and duly punish.
ed. Mob violence is not the proper mode to
redress imiginary greivances: The law is
ample, and it alone should be resorted to
for the purpose of correcting abuses, when
they exist, but violence never will nor nov.
er should be ccun‘enanced.
The rioters were evidently alarmed before
they succeeded in accomplishing what they
bad intended, as we learn the damage done
to the office will not exceed fifty dollars. —
If the Cavalry wish to immortalize thems
selves, they had better turn their atteution
to some more honorable employment, aud in
open daylight.
Prepare for the Tax Collectors,
The national tax law has gone into full
operation, and our citizens will soon be
called upon to pay their portion of the ex
penses of the war. The assessors have giv:
en notice to all manufacturers to come for.
ward and make arrangements for taking out
licenses, in default of which they will be re~
quired to pay a fine equal to three times
the cost of the license. Blanks are also be.
ing served upon private families, which
they are expected to fill up with the varions
articles of value liable to be taxed, and re-
turn to the assessor of the district.
— Pe
0 «XY. We received, but too late for
this issue, your communication recommend-
or make a written contract of |
21st—John L. Dawson, Democrat.
22nd--J. K. Moorhzad, Abi tionist.
23d—Thomas Williams. Abolitionist.
24th—Jessie Lazear, Democrat,
We thus have, in the next Congress,
twelve Democrats and two conservative Re-
publicans elected by democratic votes, to
ten Abolition Republicans.
In the present Congress, the Democrats
had but seven members.
The following is about the result for
Congress in the four States below, although
the result may be changedin one or two
districts by the officialvote ;
Present Congress. Next Congress.
This exhibits a Democratic gain of 14
members. Under the new census Pennsy 1.
vania loses one member, and Ohio two.
and Towa gains four.
Look out for New York, New Jersey and
————— BB
Illinois. 1:
WouNokn AND KiLLED.—1t takes but
little space in our columns of the daily pa-
pers : but oh ! what long househole stories
and biographies ar every one of these Strang
names we read over and forget !
“Wounded and killed! Some even
reads the name to whom it is as dear as life,
and some heart or name is. broken with
the blow made by the name among the
1tis our Henry, or our Jamss, or our
Thomas that lies with broken limbs at the
hospital, or with white, still and ghastly
face on the battlefield. Alas! for tho ones
that read; alas for the hearts that
feel !
‘He was a pretty boy, I’ve sung him
to sleep so many times in my arms’ sg
the poor mother, bowing in anguish tha cai,-
not be uttered. “ic wag my brave noble
husband, the fath.r of ‘my Jdittle orphan
children!’ gobs ihe stricken wife. lle’
was my darling bro her, that I loved so.
that I was proud of,’ murmurs the sist
in tears; and so the teraible stroke falls on
homes throughout the land,
“Wounded and killed !” every name in
that list is a lightning stroke to some heart
and breaks like thunder. over some homes
and falls a long black shadow ‘upon some
hearth~stone. 0
An Abolition War.
Some of the Republicans who spurn the
name of Abolitionist, and yet invariably act
and vote with that party deny that the war,
as waged under the emancipation proclama-
tion, is an ** Abolition war.” If Greely hal
thought so he would never have exclaimed,
“God bless Abraham Lincoln ;” and if
Sumner had imagined it was anything but
an Ab lition war, he woud not have called
upon the radicals of Massachusetts to ring
the church bells and shout hosannas to the
great chief at Washington. Happily. there
is no longer room for conjecture. Senator
Foote, of Vermont, who understands the
President and is consulted on all itportant
occasions by the Cabinet, who is in all its
secrets, and one of the council that deter-
mines its policy, has very candidly and em-
phatically declared that this war is an Abo-
lition war. In a recent speech. before the
Legislature of Vermont, he said :
“The fiat bas already gone forth in the
recent proclamation, J3nptouss) everywhere
received with joy, unexample unanimity,
and which is to be the slogan under whose
inspiration we are to crush the rebellion and
save the Union. '
“But some one asks, perhaps, Is this to
bean Abolition war 2 1 answer that it is,
and that I am for Abolition war—for a total
aboli ion and utter extermination of this
accursed rebellion.” :
After this offic al declaration we shall all
know what the army is fighting for, what
the debt is for, and what the grand consum-
mation is to be.—Patriot & Union.
ing the Hon. Henry D. Foster as successor
to David Wilmot, U. S. Senator, Your
views exactly conincide with ours, and we
earnestly hope that Mr. Foster will be the
Legislature's choice, as he is no doubt, the
‘With Foster from Pennsylvania, Bright
from Indiana, and Vallandingham from
Ohio, to represent usin the U. S. Senate,
we can have something to hope for. Your
communication will appear next week.
JJ. F. Ballmeyer, editor of the Dayton
Empire was shot dead on “last Saturday
morning, by Heary M. Brown. The diffi
culty grew vut of a misunderstanding occa
sioned by the shooting of a dog, belonging
to Mr, Ballmeyer by Brown's son, = Brown
gave himself up and was sent to jail to await
—— OO ee as.
J7~1t is stated that the Government has
under consideration a scheme for conveying
contrabands to the coal mines in Pennsyl-
vania.—Patriot & Union.
A Pennsylvania substitute agent was ar-
rested in Trenton, New Jersey, on monday
and ordered to leave theState,
——— A eee.
077 The person sonfined in jail at Lewis.
burg, oh suspicion of the murder of the littl
girl, German at Harrisburg is discharged.
——— AO Preps.
4 noble mind disdams to gain its pleas-
ure from another's pain.
late political contest in this State, the Abo-
lition papers exhausted. their billingsgate
vocabulary in search of epithets to. apply to
the Democratic party and its candidates,
Among other nice names, they called us
‘‘copperheads.” Well, judging by the returns
our State is alive with copperheads ; on the
day of the election. they were in the towns,
va'leys and mountain tops and many sang.
ume, thieving, impudent negro worshipers
were stunk to death. Grow,” Mcpherson,
Patterson-and other Republican eandidatex
or congress, felt the copperhead and expired,
without a struggle, Hurrah for the copper-
heads !—they have banished treason from our
State.—Carlisle Vol. :
IMPRISONMENT. —Some time since an accoun
was published of the arrest of Wm.
Whitley. a member of Congress, of Delawa.
for alleged treasonable language ised in th
railroad cars near Wilmington. The indi
viduals at whose 1nstance Mr. Whitley wa
arrested, Messrs. Boker, Churchman aa
Graefi. residents of this Sate, have bec
sued inthe Court’ of New Uastle coun!
Deiaware, by Mr. Whitley, for false :n
nrisonment and assult and batiery. T
trial will take place on the 17th of Nove:
rac G——
07" Major General Cassius M. Olay, ma -
a speech in New York city, - list week, |
which he deliberately sugggosted that Ho
Horatio Seymour ought to be hung. Ana’
olition meeting in the same city lately pase
a resolu-ion thal all who vote for their ti~
et are patriots, and all who vote tho. Den +
cratic ticket Traitors! Do these faunal
intend to stir up civil war in the North ? !
looks much like it.
Dem. Rep. Dem. Rep.
Pennsylvania, 7 18 14 10
Ohio, 9 12 14 5.
Indians, 4 7 6 5
Iowa, 0 2 0 6
20 36 4 29