Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 31, 1862, Image 1
Che Democratic atc # VOL. 7. BELLEFONTE, ~ 25a gr NO. 42. _ Select Posty. Bessie Lee. BY L. L I am sitting alone in the gloamirg, Ard my thoughts are going back To & time I wel! can remember, When these thin, white locks were black. I heat the solemn footfall Of the ghostly days of yore ; And memory comer with the moonlight, Aud sits upon my floor. This gorgeous room seems fading, With ite full and perfect grace, And low-ceiled, white-washed walls Are eoming in its place. - 1 s00 a quaint, b-own cottage, Its gables covered with moss ; 1 hear a mountain torrent, And I see a gray stone cross. That marks the place where a traveler, Was thrown from his horse and died, Asbe went to claim, in the vale below, Hie long, long promised bride. How oft have I sat down by it, And wondered if it was well {As the minister said it was) Till my child-heart would rebel For I thought of her giant sorrows Of the bitter cry shh gave, While we atood gathéred around her, As they lowered hith into the grate. But long since sortsw has taught me To yield to the will of God— Een to the taking of treasures And laying them under the sod. And I knew that the Giver of memory But meaneth it for good. When he leads me back in fancy To the places where I've stood. Nad I been content to have stayed there, I reading my father's ways, Filling the fields in pummer, In autumu harvesting maire. Hed I been content to have dwelt there, And married sweet Beseio Les, Rhe night have lived and I been spared The woe that’a killing me. But the hills seemed haiti to my vision, Till my heaft Lad not room to heat, And the mountings of my ambition Shut oat her jicturo sweet. Laat night she stood hefors me, And her brown eyes held thetears As they did that nizht we parted, Far down in the vale of yénra. I loved her though [ left hor, And God knows I meant sineere, When I told her I would come again In the waning of the year. But the world held many a charm, Whose power I'd yet to try, Aud when the dead leaves drifted Beneath an autumn sky, { was a weddod husband To one of fairer fold— Of prouder name and lineage, And a store of shining gold. . I waa proud whon I stood beside her, And saw her diamonds gleam, ut the sweet lost face of Hossie Would somelimes eome between. With which my friend, Doct. Jas. West. a confirmed ‘old bachelor of forty, and the richest and handsomest old gentleman, 1 knew of, leisurely pulled out a cigar case, daintily selected a weed, and proceeded with great deliberacion and nicety to ignite it.— And I had laid down my book —‘The Death of Abel’—over which I had been dreaming ; and selecting a soft rock, lounged lazily back, and prepared to listen to another va riation of the old, old siory. «It was rather a dismal spot, was Black Beach,’ resumed the docior, puffing out clouds of scented smoke,and watching them curling fantastically up in the air. ‘and the last place in the world I should have thought of going to for pleasure. But opinions dif fer on subjects. My pretty little friend, Jes sie Masters, had gone there for pleasure ; and therefore, behold me, one -bleak, windy evening, tip toing over the slippery shingles and soft sands of Black Beach. The other and lesser reason was, my old college chum. Warren—Dr. Warren, the village practi tioner ; and as I had not set eyes on him for a year, or more, [ was anxious to shake his honest old hantl again ; but the other was the reason that led me first to discover that there ever was such a place as Black Beach at all. +“ You were in love with Miss Masters, I suppose,” suggested I. “ Notatall! 1had never set eyes on her but once in my life—fact. I assure you, my dear child! Yousee,” said the doctor, taking out his cigar, and poking the lighted end against the nose of an inquisitive toad: that came hopping along the rock, “I was confoundedly hard up, hadn't a cent to bless myself with, and nothing remained for me bat to take to highway robbery or to marry a rich wife. I had met Miss Masters abotit two months before, at a ball; had danced with her; fanned her ; helped her to ices: taken her down to supper; cloaked her : pressed one taper finger at parting; and strove to make myself generally the oppo site of loathsome to her. How I succeeded I could never rightly make out; for Dame Fortune decreed I should not see her again fot one while ; and Miss Masters was alto- gether too smart a girl to wear her heart on her sleeves for daws to peck at. * I knew at the time she was an heiress, but thought little of it. till I got into such a fix on the subject of spare change ; and then it came to me like an inspiration from above, that she was just the girl for me. Mrs. Grundy sad she had gone to Black Beach, where she had a relation or two, for the benefit of sea bathing and sea breczes ; and therefore, yours truly found himself, much against his wiil, at Black Beach too. Don't you see the point “I sceit—goon? ‘I think [ mentioned, away back there in my first chapter, that the evening was raw and gusty. Some sickly sunbeams were glancing fretfully aslant the slippery stones, and heaps of glittering sea weed thrown up by the waves, but the sky was dull and dark, and threatening rain. ‘The misty marshes in front were pale blanks of sea fog ; the reeds, and rushes, and rank wild tlowers—blue, yellow, and flame color— And at times a troublous fa icy Would make my pulses th.ill. And stir [n my heart at pight(all Like a dr ad of coming ill | i At lang h there eattio a message That told of my sire'adecay— | . Baid my mother’s spirit, toa, had passed © | To a better land away. At spoke of n sister's marriags, daid a brother had gone to sen. And then it told of a dying one -- Of gentle Bessio Lee. : . { Lt said she had faded slowly, Lik. light from the evening sky, And now inthe heart of summer, She was lying down to die. | ‘There rose’in my heart a passion Qo visit the valley again,” Tostand by the graves of my kind red, And her my pride had slain. I went, the turf was broken, Under the grav eyard trees, And the name on the newest headstone, Alas ! was Bessio Lee's. Pisgellangous, Cross-Eyed. 7 BY COUSIN MAY CARLETON. “Where are you going, my pretty maid?’ “I'm going a milking, sir,” she said ; ‘What is your fortune, my pretty maid?" ‘My face is my fortune, sir,”’ she said, “Then I can’t marry you my pretty maid.” Nobody asked you, sir,’ she said. ‘ The waves came thundering in on the shore, surge after surge breaking over the rocks in sheets of foam ; the wind came wildly from the east, raw and chill, though the month was July; and the scene, in fact, was very much like this, except that, a8 it was twenty years ago, I was younger then, and she—if you'll excuse my saying it ag rather better looking than you, my ad! But this puts me in mind of ideal ; for she used to sit perched cks, in the hot sunshine, as you are avw, and 1 used to lie at her feet, in the tall grass, all the long, lazy, summer days, and read poetry, and talk sentiment, and smoke cigars —I'll smoke ome now, if -you | sweet, over them all met my ear. were dancing hornpipes in the stift blast ; and the straight, prim populars and low ces dars, growing up the steep banks of rock, writhed and groaned in a sort of dumb, Dryad agony of their own. The prospect, on any side, was not a very cheering one-- it was a long way to Beach Hotel, my des- tination for the present—and the tide was rising so rapidly, 1 begen to fear I would have to leave the beach and pursuc my way through the misty, muddy marsh, not admi- ring the notion much I was beginning to me asure off the ground in tremendous strides, | when « new sound, which was neither the raging cast wind, the booming of the sea or tie groaning of the trees but arose clear and It wasa | ¥nice singing—a soprano voice, too—and, turning round a sharp jag of rocks I distinct- ly saw the singer, and heard the words— words that I remember to this day : ‘On a wrinkled rock, in a distant sea, Three wild gannets satin the sun 1 They ehook the brine from their feathers so fine, And lazily, one by one, They sunnily slept while the tempest crept. In a painted boat, on a distant sea, Three fowlers sailed merrily on ; Ard each took aim, as he came near the game, And che gannets fell, one by one, And fluttered aud died, while the tempest sighed ‘ Then a cloud came over the distant fea, A darkness came over the sun , And g storm-wind smote on the painted boat, And the fowlers sank, oue by one, Down, down, with their craft, while the tempo t laughed.’ * It was a weird and ghostly thing to be sung at that weird and ghostly hour, in that weird and ghostly place ; and I stared at the weird singer aghast, lest she should turn out to be some weird and ghostly mermaid, nowly risen from some sea green cave. Not but that the dress and occupation of the damsel were unghostly enough, for the first was a very pink calico, that fluttered like a gay banner in the teeth of the wind, and the second was sitting up to the waist in the marsh grass and reed blossoms, and mending a lot of old nets. Her back was toward we, so I could watch her unobsery- ed : and I noted, with Jeep approbation, the pretty, slender figure ; the white and busy hands flashing in and out with needle and mesh block ; the profusion of fair, brown ha.r fluttering and floating in the wind— for her bonnet was tied to the branch of a tree. have 00 0djeation.’ b So she sat and netted, and I stood and star | ed, tor fully twenty minutes ; and then, as if her task were finished, she gathered up the nets in a heap. put the needle and mesh in her pocket, and throwing herself back among the rushes and reeds witha look of relief, turned her wandering glance directly to where I s'ood. At sight of her face, I fairy bounded. I knew it well. I should think so, when it was in search of that very face I had come all the way to Black Beach. For this sea nymph mending nets on the solitary shor: was none other than Miss Jessie Mas- ters, the heiress and belle ; and I recognized het at once, by # certain little peculiarity, tintheationable before. Miss Jessie was a very pretty girl - every one admitted that. Her figure was perfection ; so were her hair, her hands. her fect, her smile, her teeth. her complexion ; but Miss Jessie was cross.eyed ! * There ! you need not stare in that tragic manner ; it was quite true, and no one, ex- cept the envious belles she outshone, ever thought of calling it a defect, There are some people in. whom crooked eyes are an additional beauty, It gives a bewitching and roguish charm to the glances which flash from all fair eyes ; and if Miss Jessie's had been petfectly straight, like other peo ples, I believe her beauty would have lost half its piquancy. ¢ Then, from the momen! I saw these bright, brown eyes uplified to mine, 1 rec~ ognized the owner with an amount of amaze ment no one can describe ; but the compli ment was unicturced ; for not one word of memory was written 1n their shining depths: She did not even move. She lay perfectly still, the pretty face kissed brown and rosy with sun and wind turned toward me, a lit- tle surprised, a little curious; but not in the least electrified and overcome. ¢ A trifle provoke at this uncomplimen- tary forgetfulness, 1 determined to meet her on her own ground ; and stepping forvrard, and raising my hat, addressed her as'a per fect stranger : * 1 beg your pardon ; but will you have the goodnegs to tell me if that old house over there on the bank is the Black Beach Hotel * Yes. * How long before I can get there ? * The distance from here is about a mile. The length of time it will take you to reach it depends a good deal on the rate you walk at.’ . . ¢ Oh, thank you—quite enlightened ! said IL inwardly, and wondering if she were try- ing to remember me ; fur all this time the pretty, brown, crooked eyes had been com- posedly s aring me fuliin the face. Now she turned them away, for the first time, and glanced at the waves, which had risen to within two or three yards of our feet.— Following her look, [ saw something I had not observed before, a bright, Little batean, painted white, encircled by a green stripe, and with the name ‘Jessie’ pated inside, rising and falling on the glassy swell. I turned from the prospect in dire dismay. * How the tide has risen? Ishall never be able to reach the hotel by the beach.” The young lady looked lazily at it, with a half smile. ¢I should think not, unless you are an extraordinary good swimmer; but then, there are the marshes.’ ¢ And the mire! said I, looking down dolefully at my patent leather boots. Miss Jessie laughed, and sprang to her feet, as a long crested swell dashed the salt spray up in our very faces, * The waves are coming a little too near for cowfort, and this raw east wind is not the best thing in the world to be out in. If you aie particularly anxious to reach the hotel to-night, yoa can come in my boat, if you choose ; but if we stay here much long- er, we will get washed away to parts une known ; and going over the marshes yon may probably find yourself up to the neck in a quagmire, before you would know it.’ ¢ At this passage in her discourse, deliv~ ered with most oft hand easiness, the young lady g:thered up the nets in her arms, and tripped down with a light, elastic step, to the boat. ''hrowing the nets in the bottom she made a motion for me to follow them, which I did, in a state of helpless astor.ish~ ment, and watch her, in the same wondering bewilderment, push oft, step in, unfurl the sail, secure it, and take her seat aft to 8 eer. For my part, | knew as much about managing a boat as I did about managing a baby ; and I could only sit in a mingled stats of terror and admiration, while we literally flew along in the high breeze in the direction of the hoiel. It was a silent sail ; but among all the scenes of the past, nothing has ever re. mained so vividly pictured in my memory as that. * The dull and dark evening.the angry sur- ging wind beating in our faces ; the black and | threatening sky above ; the black and foam | crested sea bel ww; the dim and fogsladen | marshes ; the long semicircuiar strip of beach | sweeping round to the hotel ; the seagulls and stormy-petrels, wheeling round and | round in dizzying circles, bru-hing the tops of the vraves with their flapping wings, and | uttering, shrilly, scream after scream; the lighthouse in the distance, with its only dull | eye of fire flaring in and out in the wind ; | the little white boat skimming the tops of the waves as lightly as the sea-gulls, with one small, rosy figuere si ting straight and erect in the stern, the pink dress and brown hair streaming far behind her, the pale, grave face and dark brown eyes turned to the shore we trere nearing, on the high bank of which stood a great, solitary house, with lights glancing like stars form window to window Yes, T see 1t all, as brightly now as I did that evening ; and I see, too, the figure crouching before the blast on one of the thwarts, clutching his hat in both hans in in the energy of desperation, to keep it from blowing nto the regions of eternal space. With a sharp, grating sound, the boat ran jup on the sand, and was tossed by the surf high and dry. * Here we are!’ cried the spirited voize of Miss Jessie, leaping our as lightly as she had leaped in, and there is the hotel you are in search of.’ * While I was scrambling out, almost as airily as a crab might in similar circumstans ces, this astonisher of a girl had secured her boat; tied her bonnet moré determinedly under her chin, with its azure ribbons ; gath ered the bundle of nets under onearm ; slung (wo light oars, painted white and green, over her sheulder ; and went springing from jag to jag up the clifts, as nimbly as a mountain fairy. laden only with laurel leaves, But, on dry land, 1 was at least her match; So, striding after her with tremendous sweeps of limb, 1 was soon again by her side. ‘Mademoiselle, may [ have the pleasure of carrying those oars for you 2¢ ‘The bright, flushed face. and wicked eyeS glanced round at mea moment, in alaugh ing suprise. +0. I thaiik you, I am used to it, and prefer carrying them myself, and, besides, we are just at home.’ ¢ Then you are stopping here too, Mis Jessie 7 * Again the surprised face glanced up at me. * Certainly, T am staying here, but how do you know my name ? Oh, [ suppose you saw it boat though.’ , “1 have had the honor of knowing your natne before to day, Miss, Masters, and of Speaking to you too. Have you altogether forgotten Mrs. Oleander’s ball ¥’ * [ am afraid 1 have,” replied Miss Jessie, with an odd little smile that puzzled te cx- ceedingly. + I ¢rew out my card case, and handed her a card. * Perhaps this will refresh your memory . I have not forgotten, if you have, that last delightful waltz we had on that evening.’ * With the same queer smile she looked at the card, and then at me. still smiling. * No, Doctor West, memory is dumb, and will not tell a word of that night. But whether or not we have been friends in the past, 1 have no doubt we shall be very good friends for the future.’ ¢ She laughed with a sort of free careless’ good nature, that seemed hab itual to her, and disappeared througt. a dark doorway. — Two or three men, who weré lounging ab- out, came forward at my approach. and I soon enserted my autograph in the hotel re. gister, and was shown up to a charming little room curtained, carpeted and easy chaired, with a bright wood fire sparkling on the hearth, and by no means unaccepta- ble. though the month was July, A moon faced jolly looking gentleman, mine host himself, brought me up some supper, and answered the brief catechism I saw fit to put I bad fifty questions to ask about Miss Jes sie ; but I far d my inquisitiveness might roach her ears, and damage mv cause, I had to goin a roundabout and circumspect way, about it, ¢ Yes," Boniface said, * times were precious dull at present ; and nobody cared for heaving away their money on sea bathing leastways if they did, they dido’t come to Black Beach. There wasn’t more than a dozen folks in the house just now, and they were pri cipally down with consumpt on. asthma Bronchitis and other trifling annoy - ances of that sort; but if Black Beach and Doctor Warren failed to cure them, then their cases must be obstinate indeed.’— This led to a long digression about my friend Watren; his skill; his popularity ; His fast increasing wealth ; but not one word of the rose cheeked brown eyed l.ttle dear, who had ferried me over, and being like most medical students #nd young doc- tors, very bashful—you needn’t laugh, its truth I'm telling—I determinedto leave the matter to time and my own ingenuity. + Next morning when I got up, it was raining; and aed; and sky, and marshes were all drenched and dismal alike ; nevertheless 1 made a very scrupulous toilet, gave my handkerchief a small shower of rose water, brushed my curls, till every hair was 1n its own peculiar kink ; pulled down my vest straigatened my necktie; nodded complacent” ly to myself fn the mirror ; and went down stairs to complete the conquest of Miss Jes- sie Masters. When I entered the room, ev- erybody was there and a dazzling looking setthey were ; limpy young ladies, with sky blue complexions ; young men drooping like broken parsnips ; sere and yellow spinsters and faded and fretted matrons; all come all come down here to get rejuvenated up again. In the midst of ‘the ghastly array, my little Jessie bloomed out like the deli~ cious little rosebud she was ; and welcomed me, as I took my seat beside her, with the smile of an angel. “A wet day in a hotel ira dismal thing enough. And no sooner was breakfast over here, than everbody went lounging abou and wandering drearily from room to room, and from window to window. But I took care not to let time lia too heavy on my hands, for I followed Jessie into the ladies parlor, and got her to play and sing for me. Then we had a game of billiards ; then we played chess; and then we talked. She told tne about her boat, her horse. her dog, und her love for the sea, and black beach, wild and lonely as it was; but she never spoke of the city, and talked of this as if it had been her home all her life. It piiziled me somewhat at first, and I kept on refering to places in town, that [ was certain she knew ; but she only .aughed, and gave me a queer glance out of the wicked browtt eyes, and kept her whim wéll. People in our sit- uation cooped up together in a great, hotel, make rapid progress in their acquaintance’ shin ; and before night we were as great friends as if we had known each other for morths. ‘I wish T conld tell my dear, how the time passed during the next two weeks ¢ but the wind is coming up cold over the bay, so I must wind up and let you go in. I can tell you one thing. however, that notwith standing my anxicty to see Warr n, I found Black Beach so attractive, I never went nea, Lim until at the end of the first week he came to the hotel himself and found me there. Jessie and T were mseperable. The Siamese twins were a trifle to us; all the hot sunny days we went wandering over the dry arid marshes; gathering great clusters of wild Howers_and plucking basket fulls of the blue berries that hung in great purplish bunches on every hand. We scrolled over the long white sandy beach, and above on the reedy sedgy banks, over the sand hills 3 and when the tide was out, across the black bare bar. We went sailing in Jessie's little boat, and she taught me torow and we fist.o} sometimes for lobsters, and caught them too and sometimes to vary these sentimental oc’ cupations, we read poetry together, and sang together, and enjoyed ourselves in much the same innocent way that Adam and Eve mus: have done, long ago in Paradise before the serpent came. The serpent en tered our Eden soon enough, and as it hap. pened, it was 1 brought him there my- self, ¢ One day 1 had been down to the village with Warreif ; and we had talked 4 good deal of Miss Masters, and there was a warmth fi his manner, ang a look in his eyes that [ didn’t half like, considering the subject. [saw that he was smitten with the little darling—as indeed every voung man in the hotel, for that matter. I didn't mind them poor young things! but Doctor Warren with his tall five form ; his honest sonsie face, and clear laughing blue eyes, was quite ariother thing ; and 1 mentally rex solved to make Miss Jessie happy that even- ing, by offering her my heart and hand. So 1 went over the broad green commons and greatreedy marshes with my hands in wy pockets, whistling: #See thé conquering hero comes !’ It was a ‘wee before the sun gaed doan,’ and swinging a bright tin pail over ner arm, I saw the light little form in a pink calico dress, tripping away in the dis« tance to milk the cows, It appeared to be a whim of Miss Jessie's to milk the cows, and pick berries, and manufacture pies, and cake, and ice ereams, and make herself gens erally useful, and I had often been her aider and abettor 1 these pursuits, and so was no ways surprised now. [only hastened my pace, and came up with her just as she say down on a knoll beside old Brindle, who was partaking of a slight repast of marsh grass with stoical phlegm, and paying no atten tion whatever to the vivacious little nothings Miss Jessie was pouring forth.. She looked up at me with one of her arch glances, and saucy smiles, which made her so charming as [ threw myselt down in the waving heath er beside her. « Night brings home all stragglers. — What have you been doing with yourself all day long 77 ¢ Roaming through the village ; talking to Doctor Warren ; and thinking of you.’ ¢ Bien oblige. Be quict, Brindle T don,t want your tail whisking in my eyes all the time. . The strong sea breezes had deepened the roses in her cheecks, and sent a more vivid light m her protty brown eyes. Lying there in the grass beside, I had time to think how very pretty she was, and what a dear little wife she would make for any man even though she owned not =a farthing. My thoughts formed themselves into words ; but a little slowly, a little talteringly, I am afiaid ; for it is a much easier thing to fall in love, than to te!l the beloved ore in ques- tion all about it, Igotit out some way, though, and she took it provokingly enough: ghe had not looked at me, she had not stop- ped in her milking ; her face looked serious, but she was as perfectly composed as it | had been beseeching her to hHtni my hand kerchief, Womeu are curious things ; and though they call them the weaker sex, in al] these cases they have ten times more cou- rage than the hapless woer. “ Will you not answer me Jessie ? Jessie " 1 wound up imploringly. «Of course [ will answer you Doct’r West: There Brindle you can go,” ‘She stood hef pail of milk on one sides teok another pesition on the kooll, pushed back the sunbonnet she wore, and looked me for the first time in the face. «I will answer you Doctor Woast; bub first you are laboring under a little mistake’ which I must elear up.’ + She paused and I must confess to a little foreboding tremor of the nerves, What was the mistake, and what did she mean that solemu look ? Dear “You are not aware perhaps that I have a cousin, a namesake, Jessie Masters, whom I resemble very much ; indeed, much more than I ever suspected. since it has led to to this misiake. She is fairer, and paler, and taller than I ; and bad you seen her of- tener yoli would probably not have fallen in this error so easily. But since you did no; know it before, know it now Doctor West, that I am not the Jessie Masters you waltz. ed with at Mrs Olcander’s ball *f did not speak —I could mot. 1 oily stared aghast in dumb dismay. Still she kept her great solemn eyes fixed on my face reading—as I felt—my inmost heart, and a dark dishonored page she must have found it. I should have told you this, at first, I sup- pose; but I must confess a spirit of mis- chief kept me silent. I am no heiress, Doc- tor West. My uncle keeps the hotel there, and | am merely his adopted daughter, and sweep floors and makt beds, and milk cows not, through whim bat necessity. I see you have made a mistake, and are repenting of it ; don’t fear but that my heart is perfectly sound, as you are concerned. Good evening Doctor West ; don't trouble yourself about the pail : I can carry it myself quite easily thank you!’ * The light little figure rose up with a sort of still scorn that made it regal, and trip- ped swiftlv and fgracefally over the marsh. Tn her scornful eyes T had seen myself one moment as-she saw me, and [ lay down with my face in the grasg, and prayed in the bitterness of my heart. that I might die.’ Doctor West pausetl, threw away his ci gar, and looked at me with something be. tween a smile and a sigh. ¢ And that is why you never married ?' 1 said. ¢ That is why. A man dosen't care to make two such mistakes in his lifetime ; and when I had fairly lost her, I found out for the first time how much I had loved her.— Two months after she married a be®ter man —nobody else than Doctor Warren, I saw her a fortnight ago ; she and 1 are the best of friends now ; and she for one is as happy a8 the day is long, but gomehow — The old love came over me when fede Her in the hall- And I only wished I was young again; for a mo- nt that was all!” All!” said the doctor looking dreamily dl the rising moon ; * “for knowing how happy they have been together, T would scarcely re, call the past if 1 could ; but come you wil} be catching cold in this bleak evening wind, then 7 will have to be poulticing you up for sore throat and so oft.” And laughing [ arose. and the doctor end I walked away in the starlight together. a A LT A Ybung Man's Gratitude, About ten years ago a merchant of this city had in his employ a young man who robbed him of several thousand dollars, [t being impossible to recover the money, he was allowed to go unpunished, upon his promise to fiturn the amount stolen if ever he was able to do so. Ile was not heard of until the other day, when a stranger enter- ed the counting house of his former empoly- er. ‘Do you remember me,’ he said. ‘No. ‘Did you not have once in your servico a young man by the name of Thomas ?’ *Yer.? ‘What became of him ¥ ] ‘IIe left me about ten years ago, and have not heard form him since.’ ‘Why did he leave you! ‘No matter. 1t is a long time ago.’ ‘Was he an honest youth 2’ ‘I think he was, naturally ; but he got into bad con pany, who misled him.’ *You had confidence in him ?* ‘The most implicit, and canaot somehow, help having confidence in him still, and bg" lieve he will some day return and pay the money he owes me.’ ‘Here it is, principal and interest, cvery cent of it current dioney ; and I have come to pay iv and implore your forgiveness for an early crime.’ ‘Who are you ?’ sail the merchant, many years ago, and who has been forrunate enough in his trafic abroad to honestly ob- tain the means of returning to you the sum he had fraudulently abstrcted. The fact derives additional interest from the circumstance, that had it not been for the receipt of this money, the mierchant, who was on the eve of bankruptcy, must have faileid the course of a few weeks enter enrages reer sens A Snort Answer. —One of the enrolling warshdls, the otller day received a strong hint from a down town female. Stopping a, thelady’s house he found her before her door endeavoring to effect with a vegetable huck- ster & twenty per cent abatement in the price of a peck of tomatoes. “Have yotf any wien here, ma’am 2" The 1eply was gruff and curt-—¢*No." “Have you no husband madam ?” «No. Perhaps you have a son, ma’ar?” «Well, what of it 7” “I should like to know whére he is. “Well, he isn’t here." So I see ma'am. Pray where is he by | *The marshal hastened round the corner.— Hi | “In the Union army, where you ought to be.” # didn’t further interrogate the lady. “Thortias,” he replied, why robtied you so | Some Good Things. We find the fcllowing good things in a late vumber of the Country Gentleman. Jt is a good thilg when one has 8 hobby not to ride it too hard for it may wear out before others are ready to take a pas: sage. It is a good thing fof those who sre in- clined to try experimerts, or adopt some flow theory to move cautiously, for the world is full of humbugs, It is a good thing for a man to oversee all his work, especially attend to the details. for Pat is very apt to slip over many thing~ that skould be donc. Itisa god thing to be neat end tidy about one's premises for it is pleasing to the eye and is desirable every way. It is a good thing to see the fodder is no’ scattered about under foot, for the tattle di not relish their food after it haskee trodden upon by dirty feet ; much 1s often wasted in this way. [tis a good thing to let the catile Have ic cess to water twice a day, for if watcred but once a day they ure upt to drink to: rauch and thereby become chilled and uid comfortable. It is a good thing to card cattle every day. for it prottotes health and gives them a ple: asing appearance, and is a lixury which they enjny much, Iisa good thing to keep nll animal: thriving, orat least notto suffer them to fal] away in flesh during cold weather, for a} they lose mn. fle h is dead lose to the owner. ftisa god tfung to furfish the fing peri with plenty of strow and litter, for gruntef will manufacture it into the best of manure bestdes a warm nest will make him comfor table therefore sause him to thrive. Itis a good thing to keep manure in snug piles, for it wilt bleach lesg by thé mel- ting snow and rain, “It is a good thing to irdresde the Manure heap in every possible way, for it will give a large? dividend than railroad cr bank stock. It isa good thing to draw out manurg the lattor part of winter or early in the Spring, before the frost is out of the groand for it is easier "done than later, and it inju. res land to go on it with 8 tesm wher soft En It is a goo thing to keep farming tools in or er; it often saves great vexation and loss of time when wanted for use. Itis a good thing to have a year's stcck ofwood at the dvor sawed, splic and seas nde; or itis trying to the flesh to be obliged to burn green wood. : ! It would 8 & good thing for those who and entting it as wanted, to let there wive were the britches, for quite i kely they would be most capable of midnagiug #f fairs. It is a good thing to ¢-be shbject to th powers that be.” to Idve ¥our country, and to live peaceably with all men—the reason is obvious, —— BS Br res. Wito ane Exespr #itos Drive, —The ful - lowing is supposed to be the list which the Wiir Department intends to maké out em- bracing all ‘he persons that are not subject to draft. If any class of citizens are omitted in this list that ought not to be drafted, they are requested to give notice without delay. — Those not subject to draft are— All infants at the breast. All females between the ages of 18 dad 45. All fenidles ufider eighteen. Ali females over 45. Al negroes, mulattos, and wminigters of the Gospel. : Quadroons and Quakers. Octoreons and Idiots All colored females. Lunatic dfid Cdstomn House Offtoetd Exempt Fireman. Men with wooden legs: Cripples, Blind men. Seamen and habitual drunkards. Telegraphic Cperators and Mariers. Teachers in the public schools. Old Maids. Bachelors over 45, Married men over 45 whoge wives won't let them go. Lag Newshoys under 18. Boatblacks do. Organ Grinders who have not been nat uralizcd, inclaning their monkeys, British subject and Shakers: Young Ladies at Boarding School: Wet nurses. ; Veterans of the War of 1812; The Oldest inhabitant. 0=In Ohio thirty one Counties give d Democratic majority of seventeen thousand eight hundred. The democratie gain is over twenty eight thousand, In Indianna, the demacratic majority fof the State Ticket is about eight thousand.— The Detocrats elect five Congressman, thé Republicans three doubtful. Bl {7The Confederate Congress and the papers of the South arc using the Proclamas tron as a magic wand with which to strike new enthusiasm into the hearts of their people, Greeley’s 900,000 meanwhile are dormant; election. préciice burning green wood, drawing T-Bolow par—Abolitionism smce thé ° rT —,