Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 17, 1862, Image 1

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    Sele Dog,
i And into the kitchen I'll be bound.
VOL. 7.
The Guide-Post.
Do you know the road to the bar’l of flour?
At break of day lay down the bars,
And plow your wheat field hour by heur,
Till sundown—yes, till shade of stars.
You peg away the live long day,
Nor loaf about, nor gape around,
And that’s to the road to the thrashing floor,
Do you know the road where the dollars lay ?
Follaw the red cents here and there!
For if a man leaves thm, I can guess
He wont find dollars anywhere.
Do you know the road to Sunday's rest?
‘Just don’t on week days be afeared :
In field and workshop do your best,
And Sunday comes itself, I've heard.
On Saturday It's not far off,
And brings a basketfull of cheer—
A toast, and lots of garden stuff,
And liko as not a mig of beer.
Do you know the Foal to poverty?
Turn in'at any tavera sign;
Turn in—it's tempting as can’be;
There's bran new cards and liquor fina.
In the last tavern there's a sack;
And when the cash your pocket quits,
Just hang the wallet on your hack,
You vagabond, see how it fits!
Do you know what road to honor leads ?
And good eld age ? a lovely sight!
By way of temperance, honest deeds,
Ard trying to do your duty right.
And when the road forks ary side,
And yoa're in doubt which one it is,
Stand still and let your conscience guide ,
Thank (lod, ’t won't lead you much amiss!
Ard now the road tochurch-yard gate
You needen’t ask! Go anywhere!
Tor whether round about or straight,
All roads at last’ll bring you there.
Go, fearing God, but loving more!—
I've tried to be an honest guide—
You'll ind the grave has got a door,
And something for you t'other side.
ER Ve Sn FUT I ry
I'va Democratic Meeting at logansville,
Pa . October 2d, 1862.
{ have fli it my duty, fellow citizens, to
address the people of this valley, at different |
times during the last fi‘teen months, upon |
subjec's of a military character, at such
times striving to impress upon them the ab- |
solute necessity of promptly responding to |
the various calls of the Federal and State
administratiens for troops. Upon those oc |
casions I stated it to be the imperative duty
of all good citizens to assist in maintaining |
the Government, restoring the Union. and |
re-establishing the supremacy of the Consti- |
tution and laws over all the territory of the!
Umited States. That althcugh there bis |
been, still is. and always will be, grave dif. |
erences of opinion aso the manner in
which the Government shill be administer: |
ed, there can be no diversity of sentiment |
=mong honest and intelligent wen, 3 to
ahether the Government shall be preserved
or not. Yet | have never been with hose |
who wish the people ty be oblivious to all,
that is being done by those who direct the!
affairs of the ration. and waiting to correct |
the ¢xils of misgovernment and maladminig~
tra ion after the restoration of peace. It is
true that by the Constitution and the laws,
« time is fixed beyond which no adminis. |
tration, however weak or corrupt, can le-
gally exist. It is also true that law abiding
wen will prefer to submit to any ad
ministration for that limited time, rather |
than resort to violence for the purpose of |
overturning it. |
But he is not a good citi- |
zer, he is not an honest supporter of our |
free institutions, who will not at all times, |
openly and boldly, protest against any usur- |
pation of undelegated power, sny nfringe- |
ment vpon the rights of the people, or any
eorrupt squandering of the peopie’s money. |
itis our duty to ass st in compelling our |
servants, by the force of public opinion, to
be honest and to respect the rights of each!
and every individual or State. And should |
the time ever come when the people are
sonvinced that any administration has de-
termined to perpetuate itself by fraud or
open violence, they will doubtless be prepar-
ed to meet the emergency with the spirit be-
eoming freemen. .
We meet this evening, fellow citizens, for
the ordinary purposes of a political meeting;
tq "vestigate the character and aims of the
different political parties, and to inquire inv
to the propriety of the course pursued by
our public servants. Kver since the estab.
lishment of our government has this been
the custom of the people ; and yet we are
now told that this meeting is evidence of
our disloyalty, as it tends to weaken the ad-
ministration. It is because the administra-
tion has proved itself too weak to properly
direct the Goyernment, or restore the Un.
ion, without invading the rights of the peos
ple that we complain, and demand a ehange
in its policy, and a ehange of administration
itself as s00n as it an legally be made.
There are two great parties in the field in
the present campaign, presenting candidates | a
for the suffrages of the people. The one is | o
the old Democratic party, with its well
known and time honored creed without dis- | c
guise or modification ; and the otheris a
more recent organization, known ir different
places as the ‘‘Abolition,” the ¢Republi-
can,” the “People’s,” and the *‘Union” par-
ty. As lo the first I shall have little to say; | a
for it is not my purpose to defend its posi-
tions, or advocate its claims for confidence
and support. The platform of i's principles
has been before the people of the United
States for sixty-four years, and yet remains
as pure and unsullied as when it came from | d
the hands of Madison and Jefferson in the
form of the immortal Virginia and Kentucky
Resolu'ions of 1798. The record of the
great success, the mighty achievements and
high purposes of this party is spread out]
before the people for their contemplation. — |
While the great calamity following immedi- | p
ately upon the decision of the people to
abandon those principles, and to give to an-
other party lie control of national affairs,
government be safely and successfully ad |i;
nimstered. What was the character and
condition of thie nation under the mild and
beneficent administration of this party # It);
was the wonder of the world—the object of
admiration among the great and good of all
nations—the home of the free—the asylum |,
for the down trodden and oppressed — the
land of liberty and law—the hope of man-~
tind—and the otject of the envy and hatred
of tyrants and despots alone. Then the
poor found employment and the laborer res
ceived ample compensation for his toil, not p
in rags and postage stamps, but in gold and
silver. then constituting our nation curren:
cy. Then the press was free, thought was
free, and speech was free. Then the Con-
stitution was venerated and observed—then
the laws were respected and enforced. Then h
our people were industrious, prosperous and T
Then m-llions of the poor and op |;
pressed of other lands came here to enjoy Ir
with us the privileges and blessings of our | pv
fice institutions. Then our national pro-
gress was upward and onward. Then new
territory was acquired, and new States add-
td to the Union. Then the forest and the
prairie were subdued by the industry of our
people, and reclined from the wild beast
aud savage. Then the wilderness was made
to bloom and blossom like the rose. What
yesterday was the site of the hunter’s cab
in be:ame to day a village, and to-morrow a
city. What yesterday was the abode of the
buft+l, and deer, became to-day 1ich, calti-
vated fields, the home of industry, peace,
plenty and happiness, Then manufactures
pro-pered, commerce flourished, canals and
railroads were constructed, schools and cols
lezes were established, churches were erect-
el, libraries were collected, and we enjoyed
all the necessaries, all the comforts, all the
luxuries, that were given to thirty millions
the country, in order to prevent any recon
since the commencement of actual hostili~
ties, tending directly to aid and strengthen
the southern movement, and the same time
to inslave the white men of the North
condtending forces at the outest of these
troubles ?
more unanimous and ¢losely united in the
the bombardment of Fort Suu er, than any
other people ever were in millitary vnder- ny
taking. Without regard to previous politi-| District of Columbia, although Republicans
cal assaciations, they rushed to’arms, and
were clamorous to be accepted-into the ser- | would interfere with slavery where'it then
vice of the Government,
tion ‘said repeatedly that they had more
men than they knew what to do with.
panies and regiments, all organized and rea
demonstrates that upon Democratic princis kdy to march, wore disbande d while cavalry
ples, and by Demceratic men alone. can our | regimen's and artillary companies actully
What was the condition of the enemy ?
With a revolutionary Government estab-
of the Southern people without an army,
without a
the Government of the United States, under
which the people had so long lived in hap-
iness and comparative security. As to
extent of the Union feeling South, and the
consequent weakness of the revolusionary
Lincoln, as late as July 4 1861.
sage of that date he says ;
there is today a majority of the legally
any one of them.”
men? Tens of thousands of them are gath-
ered aronnd the
produced this change ?
and his government, for they pursued a
course of unrelenting persecution against the
Union men of the seceeded States.
tion may make hypcerites of weak men. but
trin, rcligous or political.
only have made the Union men of tire South
hate the govermment of the Confederate
States with increased bitterness in congequ~
erce of the wrongs they had suffered under
fervently that ever for the restoration of the
under the stars and stripes.
men, in and out of office, as to the streng th ! and tend to drive them into the ranks of se
cession’ts wire introduced, debated and pass.
nd resorces of the South and the magnitude
f the contest in which they were involving | ed at the last session of that body. Sena-
tors, as honest and true as ever lived, were
expelled for differing in opinion from the
majority, while Abolition Republicans. were
allowed toremain there after heing proved
guilty of selling their official influence for
money. Ccrruption in 1ts most hideous
forms stalked unblushingly through every
department of the Government, The negro
question was opened up in every conceiva-
ble form for renewed agitation. The negro
island of Hayti, and the negro settlement of
Liberia, were recognized as independent nas
tions, and money appropriated for sending
to, and receiving from them diplomatic
agents Negro slavery was abolished in the
iliation : let us look at the course pursued
nd trample public liverty into the
What was the relative condition of the
The people of the North were
etermination to crush the “rebellion”, after
had everywhere asserted that they. never
the | existed. All the ‘territories’ were closed
against slaveholders, and threats made to
overturn the whole facric of Southern soei-
ety by means of executive proclamations —
Both the President and Congress attempted,
by menaces and bribes, to compel the bor
der States to abolish negro slavery thereby
separating their future destiny from that of
the Galf States, whatever it might be. This
project the people of the States: received
with the scorn and contempt which officious
meddiing 1m other people's business, when-
ever and wherever atiempted, deserves; —
But the greatest legislative attack upon the
rights of the States was made ‘under the
“Confiscation act.” . By this law it is pro-
posed to forfeit all the real cstate for life,
and al! the personal property including
slaves, absolutely, of all persuns who are,
or have been engaged in the rebellion, and
to enforce the provisions of the law by means
of the military arm of the government, with-
out the persons who are to suffer thereby
having any tral, or being judicially found
guilty of any crime. This entire sthem'e of
wholesale confiscation is pronounced uncon
stiutional, injudicious, and inhuman; by
wany of the ablest men in the Republican
party, and yet it passed both houses of Con-
gress and received the executive sanction.—
However much our sense of humanity might
be shocked by the attempt to forfeit nearly
all the property. ‘in ope half the country,
thereby involving thousands of innocent wo-
men and children in endless poverty and un,
told miseries, yet the abolition schewe, in;
volved in the law is still more at war with
the rights of the:States. Forin the: contis:
cation of slaves itis not proposed to ‘forfeit
them to the governnent, to be used or res
sold by it as property, but to enlranchise
them, thug giving'to negro slaves all the
rights of frecmen‘contrary to: the Constitu-
tion and laws of the several slave holding
States; This attempt to ehange the status
of the negro nopulation of a.State by federal
legislation, is a direct attack upon the right
of self government ; and in that respect
equally injurious to the loyal and to the re
bellious citizens, © And all this done ‘under
So great was
opular enthusiasm, © that the administra.
1 the ficld were mustered out of service.
shed against the protest of a large portion
navy, without a treasury, it
ttempted to maintain itself by force against
arty, we have the tes imony of President
In his mes-
“It may well be questioned whether
ualified vo'crs of any State, except per
aps South Carolina, in favor of disunion.
here is much reason to believe that the
nion men are the majority in many, if not
every one, of the 50 called seceeded States.
he contrary has pot been demonstrated in
+ Where now is this vast body of Union
camp fires of Lee and
tonewall Jackson. Who and what have
Not Jeffirson Davis
never-vet made one convert to any doc
Persecution would
, while they would have prayed still more
nion, in order again to receive protection
those men bad
or naval service of the Umted States, who
shall directly or indirectly aid in performing
the Constitutional duty of delivering up fu-
gitives from labor, shall be courtmartialed
and dismissed from service, thus offering a
premium to all who will violate the Consti
tution, and imposing a penalty upon all who
support and defend it.
thority thereof. will recognize and maintain
the fredom of such persons, and will do no
act or acts to repress such persons or any of
them in any efforts they shall make for actu-
al freedom.” :
To say that this act of the Federal Execu-
tive is unprecedented in our national histo.
ry, is but stating a truth admitted by ail.—
Unlike the previous eftusions of Lincoln, this | Having given freedom to all negroes nag
document appears to have been well studied: | far as he had the physical power to do so,—
and each word and expression carefully sew | two days later the President issaed another
lected. He has intentionally made use of proclama‘ion to enslive all white men. ile
several expresgions hitherto unknown in the | orders :
nomenelature of American polisies ;'and he | “First, That during the existing
evidently desires the public to entertain the | rection, and as
ideas corresponding with such expressions. | suppressing the same, all repels and
ted Slates INCLUDING, Lhe snilitary and nava]
We wers always taught
that the Government of the United = States
consisted of the legislative, Executive
Judicial Department combined, each acting
wn the sphere of its appropiate duties as mar
kel out by the Constitution. But the Pres.
ident having usurped: both legislative and
Judicial powers, pow makes . Ig language
contorm to his practice, and speaks of hic w
self as the government. Having commen
ced a warwithont the consent of Con
gress, it is butnatural that he should Jin
thecry assume that the power
‘* to declare war,” «<< to raise and suppor
armies,”’ and ¢‘to provide ‘and maintain
navy,” are parts of the Executive preroga-
tive instead of being powers which Congress
alone can exercise. But what does he mean
when he promises the slave that the Federal
Government will domo act or acts to repress
any efforts he may makefor actual freedom?
If the: Southern owners’ should decline to lot
their servants go. and, in order to gain their
actual freedom, the negroes should murder
their masters, violate the persons of their
wistresses, burn their dwellings, and sten)
a necessary measure
gents. theiraiders and abettors. wichin
United States
drafts, or g
authority thereof.” enlistments, resisting
and | ford ng aid and comfort to the rebels, aga ina!
the authority of the United States, shall be
subject to martial law, and liable to trial by
court< martial and military commissions.’
Here we sce the 8
assumptions of leg
islative au-herity as in the former prociama
power can institute courts hitherto unknown
for surely no one but the Jaw makin:
in our system of jurisprudence, and subj ct
citizens to a mode of tizal contrary to exist-
ing laws, all rehe
to this
mode of trial, and yet every one knows that
not one of the ci s of
States who are taken in arms against our
government will ever be tried and punished
by a courl martial, for the invariable prac-
tice has been to exchange all such pmscn
ers of war ;
ment entered into a {reaty with the authori,
The proclamation says **
els and insurgents’ shall be liable
the Southern
aud. not long since our govern
our national faith i5 pledged to release al)
such prisoncrs on parole, within ten days
after their capture, preparatory to their fi-
whatevér can be carried away, docs this nal exchange, It is therefore another clss
s § § 2
of men their class of men than rebels and
most Christian President propose ‘to grant
to these blrek monsters who may come into
his presence with their hands reeking with
the blood of innocent and even loyal citizens
full pardon for the past. and unbounded li
cense for the future ¢ It would seem so, for
he himself draws the distinction bletween
the actutl freedom which the slaves must
acquire {or themse ves, and the theorelical
freedom which he gives them by his procla
mation. ) ]
Proceeding now fron partienlar express
ons andaninor points, let us con template the
practical:scope of thiscediet. ' By this exce
fiatiit is proposed to set four millions of ne”
groes free; and at once destroy two thousand
millions of property, without consulting the!
national legislature nor peruitting: the "nas
tional Judiciary to ascerthin whether the
former owners of this propenty were guilty
of any crimes.. The whole industrial system
of half the nation is to be destroyed by = ¢x-
ecutive power alone, let the evil fall ‘upon
the loyal or disloyal. Tt is well hrown
that many thousands of these negroes ‘arc
owngd by women and minor children, and
insurgents to whom this proclamation is to
apply. No one ho wever exemplary his life
can have the assurance that he will not be
brought before a Court of Commission thus
illegally created by ihe president, and char-
ged with
ments,” or with being guilty of some “dis-
loyal practice.” Under the laticr term may
and will be included every act and express
ion, however innocent at variance with
opinions and prejudices of the minions of
the present administration.
The trial by jury held sacred by. cur an:
sdiscouraging volunteer enlisi
fore governing criminal trials are
defiance and the miserable victims, denied
the protection which the Constitution aud
set ag
humblest citizen, ave left to the tender uwiers
cies of agents appointed for no. igiher pur-
poso than te wreak the Exceutive vengeance
upon ihem. The Constitution provides that
no one but those in the land and naval torce
of the United States, or m the militin when
insur: |
for |
the |
and all. persons discouraging |
mintia |
y-of apy disloyal practice af-'
ties of the © Cenfederate States,” by which |
the |
cestors for conturics is at once destroyed, |
and all the rules of evidence and law hercto- |
laws of their country assures to even lie |
of the wost free, happy. and prosperous
peaple that the heavens ever snone upon.—
Thien the infidel Abolitionists of the Phillips
schoa! had not united with the blaspheming
pro-slavey men of the Brownlow order in
bringing the curses of the Almighty upon
us. Ob! fellows citizens, we have a glori-
ous country, and once had a ‘glorious gov-
eriiment, and, under Democratic rule, a hap
py and united people. Bat, alas | how rap-
1dly, and how teriibly has everything chang-
ed. The people desired to try an experi.
men’. and we belisld the awful consequen
ces, .
I say it is not my intention to defend the
Democratic party or its principles. for it 13
now too late to question the character of that
organization, or doubt for a moment ite
been told by the leaders in the South that
their rights were no longer safe under the
old government as soon as it should pass
into the hands of this Northern, sectional
party. That these abeli tion republicans. as
soon as they obtained power, would cease to
regard the provisions of the Cons:itution
which happened to militate against their anti
slavery prejudices. These Unien men still
loved their government, and refused to be-
lieve that the Consti ution would be set at
defia ice by the men who had so recently
sworn to support and protect it. They hoped
the new adminstra ion would pursue a course
tha would disprove the prediction of the
secession leaders, and restore the confi
dence of all good men. But their hope$
were shaken as they witnesed the course
ihe pretext of weakening the rebellion and
strengthening the Gevernment! That it
has, and must have, directly the opposite
tendency, all experience demonstrates.
yet the President proposes to turn these ine
noceat ones over to the tender mercies of
their former siaves, af cr laviig givin
these slaves full permission to commit what
ever acts of outrage and atroicity their. savas
age natures can contrive. Large fortunes
left to orphans are to be utterly destroyed
before they arrive at.the age of discretion
and when they are incapable of committing
knowing the feclings and sentiments of the | ny crime against thisor any. government.
Southern people, he spoke from ‘personal | Large districts are to be laid waste, and all
knowledge of the actual condition of things | the horrible scenes of the Haytien insurrec
in the South from the commencement of the | tion are to be repeated throughout the
war. - At first, he said, the secession move | Scuth under the immediate patronage of
ment was not participated in by the masses, President Lincory. All hail to this second
and the politicians were compelled to resor: | Toussaint L'Ovirrons !!
to every kind of [raudulen{ device to make | Not only does this model President cons
it appear that the people sustained them. | tewnptously set aside the Federal legislature
A few days ago, T conversed with an ins
telligent gentlemen, who for several years;
previous to the commencement ef the war,
was a wealthy cotton merchant of New Or~
cans. Ilaving ‘thus an opportunity of
in actual service, shall be called upon to an-
swer a capital or othe; wise infamous crime
unless upon he wdictment or presentment
of a grand jury : and that wn all criminal
prosecutions the accused shall enjoy the
right of a speedy and patlic trial by an: iw”
partial Jury of the State and district wherdin
the crime shall have been committed which
district shal! have Leen previously ascer:
tained by law ; to be informed of the nature
and cause of the accusation ; to be counfrons
ted with the witnesses against him : to have
compulsory process for obtaining witnesses
in his favor ; and to have the assissianee of
counsel for his defence. All these secur:
ties thus thrown arcand the accused by our
fundamental law, in order that no innocent
person might be convic'ed and punished
theories of goverment The verdict of man-
kind has settled these questions Neither |
of experience, and the handwriting is on the
wall. For one T desire that this party shall
not pass into oblivion. Lf it does, in a few |
years other ‘designing men’’ will revive its
principles under some new name, and the
people again be tempted to try an experi.
ment. I wish to sce the consequence resal-
ting from the election . of 1860 stand out so
prominently on the pages of American his-
tory as to serve asa monunzent to warn all |g
future generations to shar. the evils we are
now suffering, and compel them to loath and
hate this Abolition party and its principles
forever, as we now loath and hate them.
The old Federal party, with the selfsame |;
principles, but sixty years before, ended an
adminstration so odious as to be a stench
in the nostrils of the people, and yet, after
two generations only, we see its principles
and policy attempted to be made the control-
ing ideas of this government. Let ths not
again be repeated. Let the infamy of this
party be now made prepetual, For one, as!
long as heaven gives me power to speak
or write, that power shall be used to this
Without stopping to comment upon the p
antisslavery agitation which this party kept
up for so many years, and by which it dis-
troyed all feelings of affection and friendship
between the people of the North and South
before the commencement of this unuatural
civil war, and stirred up all the evil passions
neessary to precipitate the country into
this fratricidal conflict ; nor stopping to ani-
madvert upon the course of deliberate fals-
hood and deception pursued by their leading
of the President in his various appointments
do 1 intend to offer arguments in opposition 2nd subscquent disregard of the legal rights
to the principles of the Abolition Republican | of the people.
They have been brought to the test | game, Carl Shurz and others cqually infa- |
mous, who had been the encmies, and’ ¢on-|
stant revilers and assailants of the Southern |
people and their insdtutions, appointed 9;
most important positions, They saw a man |
appointed to the War Department, at a time
of all others when ability and int grity were
needed there, who was celebrated. for noth-
ing but his peculations aud corruptions,
and was, in the language of Senator "lag-
art, "the fit representative of nothing
the efforts of the adminstration to destroy
the freedom of speech and of the press, by
ting to confiscate the materials, by closing
the mails against all the influential papers,
which did not support the political opinions
of the President ; and by arresting editors
and speakers for the same offence, and with«
out a hearing, without a trial, without even
informing them of the nature of the accusa~
months 1n military fortresses.
They saw the executive usurp both legislas
tive and judicial authority upon the tyrants
ionists exultant, and the Union men fearful
and disponding. Their hopes faded away,
the Southern people from our government,
the President was ably seconded by Con-
gress. All measures that would. outrage
the feelings of the loyal men of the Seuth,
When the Conseription law was enacted by
the Confederate ‘Congress, and attempted to
They saw. Giddbizs, Darlin: be enforce. the opposition of the people was
| 87 great that they would have overturned
the Confederate Government and frustrated
| all the plans and’ hopes of the secession
caders, had nathing been done by our gov
ernment, to change their feelings. The
emancipation scheme and confiscation act;
following sc
in the sentiments of the whole Southern LOp-
ulation,.and they not only submitted quiets
ly to the conscription act, but euthusiastis
cally responded to every call of the Confed-
erate authorities.
the South that their success depends, upon
the unconstitutional and abolition practices
of our administration, that it has become a
popular sayigg, that President Davis bag
two Congresses, one at Richmond, the other
at Washington, and that he depends ‘much
more upon the letter than the former for his
success. ; y
Now, fellow citizens, you might well sup-
pose that what has already been enumerated
constitutes the sum total of the objectiona)
acts of the admmistraticn, But the Presi-
dent seems determined to continue in the
reckless: and unconstitutional course in
which he started. On the 22d of Sept. he is-
sued a proclamation providing, among many
other things, as follow : c
¢ That on the first day of January, in the
year of our Lord one thousand eight bun.
dred and sixty-three, all persons held as
slaves within any State, or designated parts
of a State, the peopic whereof shall then be
in rebellion against the United States, shall
be thenythenceforward, and forever free ;
and the. Gxecutive Government of the United
States, aaeluding the Military and Naval au.
soon, made an entire revolution
These Union men witnessed with dismay
legally seizing printing offices, and attemp-
on, imprisoning them for weeks and
lea of necessity, All this made the secess~
ne by one, like tho feverish visions of a
In this work of alienating the affections of.
BL i . Y %
So well known is it in|
through private malice or oflicial rage, are
and judiciary, but likewise usurps all the
3 it, and even
powers of every department of the several
State governments. Heretofore the exclu.
sive coulrol of, and jurisdiction over, all the
social relations have been acknowledged by
every one to belong to the several States,
and not to the Federal government nor to
The President
might just as well attempt by proclama-
tion to divorce every couple in the South, to
relieve every husband and wife from the ob-
ligations of thar marriage vows; or
lease every child from the duty of filial ress
pect and obedience and service. The ques-
tion then naturaily arises, does tlie assuinp-
tion of such unlimited powers by the Pres.
ident result from his ignorance of the ex-
tent of his constitutional authority ? If so,
it might be some slight palliation of the of«
fence. But he bascven denied to himself
this excuse. pitiable as it would be; for at
the time of (aking the oath to Support and
protess the Constitution of the United
States he declared: ‘‘l have no purpose,
directly or indirectly to ‘interfere with the
institation of slavery in the States where it
‘exists. Tbelicve 1 have no lawful right to
dy so: and 1 have no inclination to do 80.
Therefore, he now stands before the world
convicted by own acts and admissions ‘of
being a tyrant and usurper ; for no ‘ore can
pretend that by the commissions of any
rumber of acts of treasou, can the Constitus
‘tion be altered or amended, or the legal pow
ers of the President enlarged.
"In another part of the proclamation the
President declares his purpose to rigoursly
enforce an act passed by Congress, ana a=
proved by him March 13, 1862, creating ‘an
additional article of war, which provides
now destroyed by the Presid
the most peaceal 1d funocent wade liatle
to al! the evils of uncontrolléd party malice
Every man by ‘living uprightly cau be assu.
red of his innocence, but no wan can
himself against the accusations. of guiit.
Therefore the shield of the Constitution has
been thrown around all,
For attempting to make the royal prcela
for il-
men, who
any department thereof,
mations respected and obeyed as law,
legally seizing and imprisoning
had become obnoxious to the Courts of
Star Chamber and Righ Commissions and
other tribunals creajed by the king contra-
vy to law, und for other similar practices
Charles the First of England lost Lis bead,
and his son James the Second, his kingdom,
and made the name of Sluari synonymous
with despotism. This too, ina monarchial
government in the Seventeenth centary.-
And yet here, at this time, in a republic with
a written Constitution, where the doctrine
of executive prerogative is unknown, the
same things are attempted by a President
elected for the short term of four years, and
and that too, by far less than a majority of
the qualified voters of the nation, and for it
isapplauded by a majority of his partizan
friends. What must be the ignorance of
blind infatuation of those who uphold the
President in his present course. All history
should teach them that they cannot escape
the destruction they are now attempting to
bring upon others. When the Constitution
and laws are set at defiance, and the waves
of popular fury and partizan rage are sur:
ging over the people, those who to day give
direction to this tury and rage, will énevita
be the victims of similar passions to morrow.
that commissioned officers, in, the military- Let the last proclamation be practically en-
hs al fos duidw Loal wiibagdas : w 4
a fo pC
| forced our government will bé totally des-
| troyed, and we will be under & perfect mili.
i tary despétism. Give'to any man the uu-
| disputed power to establish tribu.
| nals responsible to him alone, for the trial
of all political cflences, and yon make thas
(man an absolute monarch ; for all other pow
ers including that of raising armies, and lev-
| ying taxes, may be exorcised by him with
limpunity, and if any one-dare resist or even
compl in be js at once silenced effeetually
by these tribunals.
We will now (urn fio viewing the course
of this party in its frst atfempt to aduvinis-
i cand see how i
t fliirs of opr own «State,
Sorry to say athe ontsety that noch.
ore defeneible presents i self here for
Fiom the known
sharacter of pur preseut Governor, before his
jelevation to that high oflee, but: litsle posi-
itive good was eng eoied from his adminis ira,
tion: though wany hoped that lutle if any
wrong to the people or the State would he
permitted by him, however had
well grounded fears for the future; and hon-
estly expressed them to the pubiie.
wr contemplation, wel!
worst fears have Leen wore than realized, —
To say nothing of the ae commuting the
{| Tonnage Tax, Ly whic an annual sum
equal to the futerest on six millions of a Is
las was flched from the public treasury
Jiven to a gigantic corporation : if we
Look at the acts of corruption, we are appali.
{ed ty ther number and magnitude. The
HGoverion followed the example of the Presi-
i dent in sdlecting men notoriously corrupt
| to man the military aflairs of the State.
oitted men to positions in the Quar-
j lermasters and Comuwissary
He ap;
who had no standing in their respective eon
as honest men, and who were inv.
dm bok breaking swindles, fraud.
lent insurance aompanies, and other erimi-
nal schemes for Gefran liz honest men, --
{As was to beexpeeted, these human val
| tures commenced at once preymg uy on the
| public, ard also apon the poor soldicex, who
from high motives of patriotism had ventu-
red everything cven life itself, for the sake
of conntry, Although our State has appro’
plated wi'lions for mali ary ohjecls but wx
small proportion of this tioniey has ever ben
litted our soldiers. The bulk of jt hay
bren devoured Ly the cormorants seleated,
for that purpose by the Governor. Siealing
ihe peoples money da times of great publie
danger, although a monstrous crime might
still ba (Orgiven, to men naturally weak and
corrupt, if that was the’sum total of their
| sins. Here however, it is but the beginning
jof the great wrongs ‘nflicted upun the peo-
pple of this State by the men whoare attemp
| ting to govern it,
{Andrew Go Gartin was chvsen by the suf.
{frages of a free and generons people as their
chicf magistrate, ahd the guardian of their
izhts and liberties, Shortly afterwards h
apicarcd before a large contourse of tha
| the Constitution of the Fuited States, th
{ Constitution of the State of Pennsylvania
[and to sce that the laws of (his State
{ faithfally excented. How has he dischar-
jed the duties of that high trust, and the ob-
people and swore by his Creator ty suppor
ations of that oath 2 Fle has crayenly he .
it yed the libertics of this great State. [10
has proved recreant to the high (rusts repos’
ledin him. He has permitfed the armed
minions of military tyranny to come to the
very capital of the Siate and violently irag
peaceable citizens from their homes and fam
il to be incarcerated without tijal or ae
susation in the culls of a Bastile beyond t ©
border, for pretended offences against ow
State laws. tad these men heen legally
guilty, the crime could have been punished
thirongh our State Courts alone,
were then. sand still are presided over by a
political pi tof (Hivernor Cur in. There
the editors anl printers
Enion could not have been
court had they been guilty
I ths Taw. It was
beenuse they were mnocent, and could there-*
is no pretense t
of the Patriot &
convietid inf
any oftn c: kiown to
fore be legally convie ed of no crime; that’
tie Governor permitted them to be dragge¥
victims o
An apright and fearless
magistiate weuld have caused the streets of
to Washington, and wade the
party malevolence.
Harrisburg to run with blood, aud even laid
[the eity itself in ashes Lefore he would
{have permitted the Constitution and laws to
{be defiled, the rights of the people trampled
upon, aud the honor and character of tho
| State insulted, even in the person’ of her
meanest citizen. The State executive hay
{ without opposition or protest, permitted nu-
- jmerons other violations of the rights of indi.
j viduals, the freedom of speech any of th
to be perpetrated by the agents of
federal usurpation. An individual crime
however henious, it sincerely repented of
nay Le forgiven. But the treacherous surs
rendering of the rights and liberties of a
great people is a crime so deep, so black, so
damning, that it surely can never be forgiv-
en in this world, and possibly not in that
does not furnish words sufficient to expresss
the detestation, hatred and contempt which
every lover of civil Libérty should feek for
Andrew G. Curtin. i
If the scenes which are now passng
around us, are, as 1 forbode, but tho premos
and slavery, if this people and their d scend=
an s for generations are to groan wader
The criminal courts of Dauphin county’
which is to come. The Eoglish langua,e
nitions of a long, dark might of despotism