THE DICTATOR'S ORDER. We publish on the outside of tov day’s paper, an order from Abram Lincoln, dicta~ tor of the military despotism which has been established upon the ruins of the once proud happy and free Republic of America, "declaring martial law over ali the territory under his jurisdiction, and suspending the writ of Habeus Corpus in all cases where arrests are made under this order. Thus is completed another act in the drama of des Jpotism which has been playing upon the stage of our national existence for the past year ; thus ends another chapter in the his- tory of the downfall of the/ American Re- public ; thus has another chain been forged to bind the victims of as damnable a cons spiracy as Hell itself could want. Freeman ° NO, ye are that no longer, friends we may call you, for a// are friends in adversity, read the order, read it carefully and weigh it well. Answer us, then, where are the liberties bought you by the blood of your forefathers ? where are the blessings guar- anteed you by the Constitution of your coun- try ? where is the glory that has encircled the Stars and Stripes, the emblem of Amer- ican liberty * where is that bright place that our Poets have sang Peans to, fears, regrets and joys; MANHOOD, “how lost, how restored, the nature, treat- ment and radical cure of spermatotreea or seminal weakness ; involuntary emmissions, sexual debili- ty and impediments to marriage generally, ner- vousness, consumption, fits, mental mental and physical incapacity, resulting from 8 srLF-ABUSE —are fully explained in the MARRIAGE GUIDE, by WM. YOUNG, M. D. This most extraordinary book should be in the hands of every young per- son contemplating marriage, and every man or woman who desires to limit the number of their offspring to their circumstances. Every pain, dis- ease and ache incidental to youth maturity and old age, is fully’ explained ; every particle of knowledge that should be known is here given.— It is full of engravings. In fact, it disclses seorets that every one should know, stillitis a hook that must be locked up and not lie about the house. It will be sent to any one on the receipt of 2jcts. in specie or posiage stamps. Address DR WM. YOUNG, No. 416 Spruce Streot, above] Fourth, Philadelphia. : —APFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE, no matter what may be your diseas, before you place your- self under the care of any of the notorious Quarks—native or foreign—who in this or any other paper, get a copy of Dr. Young’s book, and read tt carefnlly. It will be the means of saving yeu many dollars, your health, and possibly your o. DR. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the diseases described in his publication, at his office, No. 416 Spruce Street, above Fourth, Philadelphia Office hours from 9 to 6, daily. Oct. 2nd. f—y. . 0) PITTSBURG, PA. corner Penn and St. Clair Sts The largest Commercial School of the United States, with a patronage of nearly 3,000 Students, in fi ve vears, from 31 STATES, and the only one which affords complete and reliable instruction in all the following branches, viz: MERCANTILE, MANUFACTURERS, STEAM BOAT, RAIL ROAD & BANK BOOK-KEEPING, FIRST PREMIUM Plain and Ornamental Penmanship; also, Sur- voying, Engineering and Mathematics generally. $35.00 i Pays for a Commercia! Course; Students enter and review at any time. {%> MiNisTeRS’ sons’ tuition at half-price. For Catalogue of 86 pages, Specimens of Busi- Ness and Ornamental Penmanship, and a beauti- ul Colle ge view of 8 square feet, containing a great variety of Writing, Lettering and Flourish- ing, inclose 24 cents in stamps to the Principals, JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburg, Pa. July 18, 1862.—1y. Another Requisition !!! 600, 000 NEN WANTED!!! 180 To purchase their Wines and Liuors at the WINE & LIQUOR STORE NEFF & ETTELE. BISHOP STREET. BELLEFONTE, TWO LOORS WEST aes MEAT MAR 4 Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Such as OLD NECTAR, OLD RYE, & MONON- GAHALA WHISKEY, COGNAC AND COMMON BRANDIES, PORT AND MADERIA WINES,SCOTCH AND HOLLAND GIN, NEW ENG- LAND RUM, And all grades of Liquors found in the Eastern Ci ‘ies, sold as low as in Philadelphia and New York. All Liquors warranted to give Satisfaction. - Confident they can please purchasers, they re- gpectfully solicit a share of public patrenage. Sold by the quart barrel or tierce. Also a large lot of BOTTLED LIQUORS, Of the finest grade on hand. July 19, 1862. NEW BAKERY! MATHIAS SCHMUCK, Would respectfully inform the poople of Bellefonte and vicinity, that he has opened a new and complete Bakery on SPRING street, in the Drenset of W. F. Reynolds, where he will keep constantly on hand all kinds of "BREAD, RUSK, POUND CAKE, SUGAR AND GINGER "CAKES, CRACKERS, - &e., &e., &c.,, which he sells at a reasonable and satisfa ctery price. Bread, Cakes and Pies baked to order on the shortest notice. Families will find it to their ad- vantage to get their baking done at this estab- lishment, as they ean always get pure wholesome bread and cakes just when they need them Sept. 12th 1862—1y. NEW G00DS! NEW GOODS! A fresh arrival of all kinds of new goodg, just received, which will be closed out at very low prices for cash or conntry produce. . BROWN i COOKE. July. 10. 1862. . ACKEREL AND HERRING JUST RE ceived and for sale by BROWN & COOK, ¥ po Business Directory, MCALLISTER & BEAVER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENN'A. J. BD. SHUGERT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENN Office in the Court House, with the Treasurer. JAMES H. RANKIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENN’A. Office, on the Diamond, one door west of the Post Office. EY ORVIS & CORSE, ATTORNEY'S AT LAW" Lock HAVEN Pa. Will practice in the several Conrts of Centre and Clinton counties. All business entrusted to their care will be promptly attended to. Aug. 29, 1862. J. J. LINGLE, SURGEON DENTIST, BELLEFONTE, CENTRE co., PA. now prepared to wait upon all who may desire 8 professional services. Rooms at his residence on Spring street. WILLEADM A. WALLACE, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. Will visit Bellefonte professionally when speoci- ally retained in connection with resident Counsel. EDMUND BLANCHARD. E.M. BLANCHARD. E.& E. BLANCHARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PEN'NA. Office formerly occupied by Curtin & Blanchard on Main street. J. HD. WINGATE, DENTIST. Office and Residence directly North of Court Louse portico, At his office except weeks in each month, Monday of the month Bellefonte, May 1st, 1862. —[y. BANKING HOUSE, WM. F. REYNOLDS & CO. BELLEFONTE, CENTRB CO., PA. Bills of exchange and Notes discounted. Col- lections made and proceeds promptly remitted. — Interest paid on special deposits. Exehangein the eastern cities constantly on hand for sale. Depos- ts receivea the ¢ two beginning with the first A. 0. FURST, AT iOPNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PA. SR TILL practice in the several Courts of Centre and Clinton counties. All legal 1 usiness entrusted to his care will receive prompt attention. ; OFFICE—On the North-west corner of the Die awmond. DR.J.B, MITCHELL, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, BELLEFONTE, CENTRECO., PA. Will attend to professional calls as heretofore, he respectfully offers his services to his friends and the public. Office next door to the residence of Thoinas Burnside, on Allegheny street. July 25, 1862—1y. DR. Z. W, THOMAS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, MILESBURG, CENTRE CO., PA, Respectfully offers his services to his viends and the public. Office on Mill site the National Hotel, Refers to Drs. J. M. McCoy, ¢“ 8. TroMPSoON, tt 7. 0. THoWAS: March 20, 1862—1y W. W. WHITE, SURGEON DENTIST, Respectfully informs the public that he is per- manently located in Boalsburg, Centre county. Pa., and is well prepared to practice all the vari ous branches of his profession in the most improv ed manner. All operations warranted to give perfect satisfaction or no charge will bo made. Boalsburg, May 15, 1862.—1y. COLLECTION OFFICES, - D. G. BUSH, BELLEFON'I'E, CexTrE Co., PENN,A. BUSH & McCULLOTUGH, (T. J. M’CULLOUGH.) CLEARFIELD, Clearfield Co., Pa BUSH & McCORMICK, — (C. 8S. M’CORMICK,) LOCK HAVEN, Clinton Co., Pa., BUSH & ALLEN, .(R. P. ALLEN,) WILLIAMSPORT, Lycoming Co., Pa. REFERENCES :—Drexel & Co., Phil’a, Masor & Co., Phil’a, Smith, Bowen & Co., Philadelphi: Shields & Brother, Philadelphia, T. Conrow Philadelphia, Sower, Barnes & Co., Philadelphi Hon. J. T. Hale, Bellefonte, Hon. J. W. Maynarc Williamsport, J. Tome, Port Depesit, Md. Feb. 21, 1862—1y. "HE LARGEST ASSORTMENT TI “ Town of DeLains, Shepards and } hair Plaids, al} of which will be sold at the ve lowest rates, can be seen at the Store of HOFFER BROTHERS. LASTERING LATH, 100,000 PLA$ tering lath for sale by HOFFER biOTHERS. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral.