Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 03, 1862, Image 2

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Our Ticket. Sia; Jous. fosay anything. Being on both the | Don’t Forget.
Friday Morning, Oct. 3, 1862.
of Union county
of Alleghany county.
——— ee
of Katnesoumiuntionky.
Re Assessed.
We hope our Democratic friends will sce
that EVERY VOTER es assessed in due time.--
Eeamine the duplicate and see that the name of
every DEMOCRATIC VOTER <n your distric
es on it. Remember the same unserupulous foe
that kas battled ogainst the principles of De-
moeracy for years is to be met in a few weeks. —
Beready friends to mect the enemees of our glo-
‘rious, free institutions, in such a way as will
do ‘honor to American citizens fighting for the
preservation of theur dearest rights.
or Since our first side was printed oft,
Capt. M’Allister’s Militia company has ar-
rived at home, and among them our prin.
ters. We shall, consequently, employ
such force as will enable us to issue a whole
sheet next week.
cremate mena A Alpert tona i
Withdrawal of Mr. Reynolds.
We are sorry to announce to the Demo,
cracy of this Congressional District and of
this County in particular, that WirrLiam F.
ReyNoLps, of this place, whose name has
been flying at our mast-head for several weeks
past, and who was nominated, by an in
formal meeting of the Democracy, held at
Lock Haven, on Wednesday last, as the
candidate of the straight.out Democracy of
this District, for Congress, Zas withdrawn
from the contest. ;
Thus the underhanded attempt of the op-
position to cheat the Democrats out of a
candidate, and to place them in a false pos
sition before the country, has been only
too successful ; ‘and the poor, cringing
~ wretches of our own party who have been
so base as to play into the hands of Aboli-
tion niggerism and sell their glorious old
birthright for a pitiful mess of Republican
pottage, may hide their diminished heads in
shame and cry or'the mountains and rocks
to fall oni them and hide them from the
awakened wrath of an outraged constituens
cy whose hearts are too honest to hold the
baseness that lies hidden away down in the
innermost depths of the souls of the pitiful
poltroons who have heretofore claimed to
be their leaders.
ee ee) Aree ems
Look Qut For False Circulars.
The opposition driven to madness will
flood the County with Circulars full of mat.
ter reflecting upon our Candidates. Do
not belicve a word of them, they are got up
to defeat honest Union loving men, who are
now the standard bearers of the Democracy.
Again we say look out for false Uirculars, if
their contents were true we would have
seen them before this.
As this may be the last opportunity we
will have to notice our ticket before the elec-
tion, we wish once. more. to impress upon
the party who and what our nominees are,
and the importance of carrying them tri.
umphantly through the coming struggle be-
tween the gallant Democracy and the Abo-
lition hordes who are evem naw pressing
down to the contest with a fierce determina-
tion to overthrow everything in their path-
way. - First upon the list, we have
Isaac SLENKER, our candidate for Audi
tor General. Mr. SLENKER has long been
identified with the Democracy as one of its
most vigilant and active supporters, Weigh-
ed in the balance of politcal principle, he
has never been found wanting in integrity,
but has ever been a just, conscientious, up-
right and truthful man, Firmly attached
to the Union and the Constitution of our
fa‘hers, as they were in days gone by, be
fore political fanaticism had undermined the
firm foundation upon which they rested in
proud security, he has never failed to de-
fend them against all assaults with an ability
possessed by few, and with an eloquence
which seldom fails to carry conviction to
the minds of all who hear him. Mr. SLEN~
KER is a citizen of Union county, and only
a short time since was the Democratic can-
didate for President Judge of that District.
He was, however, defeated by a very
small majority, which shows his popularity
even in that benighted region of Republi
Janes P. BARR, the gallant editor of the
Pittsburg Post, is our candidate for Survey-
or General. Well known to the masses of
the people throughout the State, it is scarce-
ly necessary for us to say anything in his
favor. Bold and fearless in his advocacy of
what he believes to be right, a man ot great
ability and a Democrat of the purest mate
rial and the wost unblemished fame, his
election to the Surveyor Genegralship of
Pennsylvania is what every man should
strive for with his whole heart, mind and
strength. - Therefore, with SLENKER and
Barr as our State Ticket and leaders of our
gallant hosts, let Democrats close up the
ranks with a fall determination to follow
them to a glorious victory.
For Congress, we are without a candidate.
The machinations of unprincipled men in
our Conference, defeated a nomination, and
to day the Democracy of this District are
outsiders and lookers-on in the game that is
about to be played for Congressional honors.
This is humiliating, and the contemptible
demagogues who have produced this result,
should be kicked out of the party for their
base treachery.
There are, nevertheless, two candidates in
and W. H. ArnstrONG, of Williamsport.—
The first, an independent Republican, the
other the regular candidate of the party
and the idol of the Abolitionists. Between
these two, we presume, Democrats will be
compelled to cheose, orelse not vote at all.
We do not wish to advise them what to do,
but we do feel like telling them what they
had better not do, In any emergency, we
hope they will not cast their votes for ARM-
stroNG ! Ile is as black an Abolitionist as
the sun shines on, ard is utterly unworthy
of the vote of any man who loves his coun-
try. He is a ¢ higher law” man, and is in
favor of trampling ander foot the glorious
old Constitution of our. fathers. Demo-
crats, whatever you do, don’t vote for ARM.
Roeerr F. BARRON, our candidate for As-
sembly, is well known to the people of this
county. His course at the last session is
too fresh in the minds of the people to need
any comment at our hands. He is an hon-
est, upright, gentlemanly maa, in every way
lower branch of the next Legislature. His
election is scarcely doubted.
Tor Commissioner, we have WILLIAM
Furey, of this place. Modesty, perhaps,
ought to prevent us saying too much in his
praise. But this much we can say with
propriety : he is a ¢ Democrat indeed, in
who their is no guile.” tle has fought in
the ranks of the party all his life, and has
never, heretofore, asked -any office: at its
hands. He has always, under all circum-
stances, been a firm and, consistent Demos
crat and, if elected, will make an honest
and, we believe, efficient officer. We ask
for him the support of all.good Democrats.
Of Captain WiLLiAM H. BLAIR, the can-
didate for District Attorney, it is superflu-
the field, Hon. James T. HALE, of this place,
qualified to represent this county in the |-
Democraticand Republican tickets, of course
his election is bevond all doubt. No one
feels disposed to vote against a gallant sols
dier, who is'now away periling bis life on
the battlefields of his country.
For Auditer, we have WiLrLiaxm J. KeALsH,
a gentleman very well known in this coun.
ty. His election is a foregone conclusion,
and as Aunu:tor, he will do credit to the sta-
tion and to the good sense of the people
who will elezt him to that position.
For County Surveyor, ALEXANDER KERR
has been put in nomination. lle is an hon-
est Pennsvalley farmer, and is well qualified
to fill the position for which he has been
There, Democrats of Centre county, is
our ticket. Are you not proud of it, -and
will you not do your best to elect it? We
hope, we know you will. We believe you
to be too patriotic and too great lovers of
your country to suffer such a noble ticket.
to be defeated through lack of exertion on
your part. Then be up and doing. Work
with all your might, and the result will be
a glorious victory in October, gratifying to
every true-hearted patriot.
———eeeenG lO
Democrats of “0ld Centre,”
By the ac'ion of a few political poltroons
and canal jobbers, who succeeded in preven-
ting the nomination of a Democrat, you
have been left without any candidate for
Congress. You have been crowded *¢ clean’
off the “ track,” and, from present appear-
ances, will have no say in the coming con-
test for Congressional representation.
Whether or not there will be an independ-
ent Democratic candidate in the field, we
are not prepared to say. For our part, we
are not among those who deem it *¢ expedi
ent” to let go our organization and assist
the opposition to ride over us. We are not
among those who believe it will be a Dem-
ecratic triumph to elect a Republican over a
Republican, nor are we among those who
believe that principle should be set aside
and policy only looked to 1n times like these.
No, we believe if ever there was a time
when Democratic principles, pure and un.
tarnished, should be battled for, that time
18 NOW ; we believe if ever there was a time
when the people should be represented m
Congress by true ana tried Democrats, that
time is Now ; we believe if ever there was
a time when the organization of the good,
old, time-honored Democratic party should
be kept up, that time 1s Now ; we believe if
there is any hope for our bleeding, broken,
distracted country, that hope is in the party
which has protected and defended it from
the time of the Revolution until the inaugu
ration of Abram Lincoln, and what is to be
gained by giving up the chances for the elec~
tion of a Democratic candidate to any Re
publican or Abolitionist, we cannot see.
The times demand that every man should
remember the responsibilities that rest upon
We never passed an election so vital to|
the interests of the great future of our bleed-
ing country, as the coming October elec~
tion,— on it rests the weal or woe ot all we
hold dear. Every man should approach
the ballot box feeling the deepest respon -
sibility. Every one should realize that on
his vote rests the supremacy of the consti-
tution and the Union, ;
Don’t be deceived by the pretended no-
party papers and speakers, don’t be de-
ceived by those who vote abolition, and up-
hold all of its pestiferous doctrines, and then
come out before the people pretending that
they are nc disciples of, Greely. Look to
the record of men before youfvote for hem
Our candidate for Congress.
Mr. Obediahnobodyexqscy msAr Cecaive
whhmtOtaCaeJ EmMao, slambBFGG J.,o
mn-o hPLJenGsb'rrilsnalA, i,ikdirdn,B.HH
“TRAITOR” lundrepnhp,R apalilLueybs R
J Grt,nr, tma ls .arlonhnaarg ngeht e,yt.c.
uneoaa ,ya ,n,.olc niensauhas,n,h lehm
notleu.hhreeslrttn. lsraage,zrn Jltneevpr da
ueogn ob.uiodoseadahén,, e. rl Sv eca,irr
a,lysllu sat,d.iogl tro.a pesmodcoh.ono is
e D,ethOBrhrDCni .iHshm helraa Json..
RJeyu ilo,eals, ve, llIriW
We wmnbkhuZid cllda- 00 hon.e-e lwf
,08 Wy hh} 0 prd fe
m yssichaash ie— Ait oaivaraahf Riufiiare
ehee, reschhfessmaai no fsxo oe hh
ate, onsavfrabavhae hex henoem fs
hvghouaapt i n acoohl r iifin ua soceay mr
sodep * tan 1sathrtl tt 1 roecli ,arwgsea h,l
0, ta ntshwar I1 ni ter lteignhonjsu ida |
Dox’ T Fon when you go to the polls
on the Second Tuesday of October, that W.
JH. ARMSTRONG was nominated by the Abo-
lition party, for the purpose of carrying out *
their damnable scheme to break up this
Government, and found in its place a des- “
potism, with Joby Gs Fremont, ‘as dicta
DON'T FORGET that Ww. H. Afton
says : ** the Union should be restored OVER
not =nder the Constitution, and thatsin
times like these we should let ge our hold
on if and ah new ones for the present
is the sworn political friend of Davy Wila
mot, who says: * he will vote for the party
HELL THE QUICKEST !” provided he can
not force his detestable doztrines of awal~
gamation upon the people.
voted to repeal the tonnage tax on. the
Pennsylvania Railroad thus robbing the
annually, and fastening it as a tax upon the
laboring people of Pennsylvania.
DON’T FORGET that he is in favor of
purchasing the niggers of the South at three
hundred dollars per head, which will cost
the poor;white men of the North Hundreds
of mail tons of Dollars more.
voted to permit Wendell Phillips who says
he has ‘¢ labored nineteen years to take
nineteen States out of the Union,” to pro.
claim treason in the Halls of of our own
Legi-lature in Harrisburg, last winter.
is in favor of blotting out State lines, doing
away with State laws, and establishing a
centralized government, with a military
dictator to rule.
—— De
07 Demccrats ! “let neither promises
nor professions seduce yon from the straight
line of duty. Oar Canlidates are in the field
‘and need every Democratic vote in the
county. We have almost ruined ourselves,
by our own ’slly, in regard to the Congress.
man, but it is not yet too late to, in part,
redeera the past, if we go faithfully and
energetically to work. Turnout then Dem-
ocrats in your ful strength ! Let no man
stay at howe in any contingency. Aboh-
tion is running riot in the country, which
necds the stiong arms and stout heart of
he r sons to save her from irretrievable ru-
Work then, as you bave never worked
before. Not two weelis yet remain till the
day of election, and we have little enough
time Jeft in which to prepare for the despe-
rate struggle. Work, work, work ! aud
when the day of voting arrives, come out to
neighborhood with you. Thisis the only
way in which we can succeed, and the only
way in which we can undo the infamous
‘wrong which the white livered cowards who
broke up our Uonference, at Lock Haven
have inflicted upon the party.
ony rd
DEMOCRATS ! remember it was’ thiongh
the efforts of William H. Armstrong, while
in the Legisiature, ‘that the Abolition coun-
ties of Tioga and Potter, were attached to
this Congressioinal District, thereby . ma-—
king it next to impossible for the Demo-
crats to elect a candidate, unless a great
revolution in political sentiment should take
place in the minds of the people of those
two counties. At the time this was done,
Mr. Armstrong anticipated being a candi~
date for Congress himself, and it was thus
he worked the cards to secure his own elec -
tion ! Will you vote for him ? If you do
you will be untrue to everything embraced
in that grand old word Democracy. No,
let this base political trickster be defeated
in his own pet District, and consigned
to the shades of oblivion, if he cannot get
enough votes in his own party. His Abolition
friends might then with propriety sing:
¢ Come rest in this bosom my own stricken dear, .
The Doctrines of Greely and Phillips - are here !”
17 Two of the editers of the Chicago
Abolition Tribune were caught trying to
escape into Canada the other day, and one
of them, the smallest dog of the two, wa
caught and placed in the ranks in accor-
‘dance with the escapement order.
"When the Devil rebeled, God didn 't swear’
Lim and ask him to give bonds.
the polls. and bring every Democrat in the .