A a 3 2 The Watchman, jk W_FUREY, F7GRAY MEEK, a BELLEFONTE, PA. Friday Morning Aug. 29, 1862. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, ISAAC SLENKER, OF UNION COUNTT. YOR SURVEYOR GENERAL. JAMES P. BARR, oF ALLEGHENY COUNTY. © COUNTY TICKET. : FOR CONGRESS, WM. F. REYNOLDS. Eubjeet to the decision of the Democratic -'+ ~District Convention. " a * POR ASSEMBLY, ROBERT F. BARRON. YOR COMMISSIONER, "WILLIAM FUREY. aren nel Gr PS YOR DISIRICT ATTORNEY, WILLIAM H. BLAIR. arnt A A POR AUDITOR, WILLIAM J. KEALSH. eee FOR DEPUIY SURVEYOR, "ALEXANDER KERR. _ Our Ticket. © The delegates which met in this place on Tuesday evening of last week, gave us as Standard besrers the men whose names are to fié found st our mast head. Had they have labored for months to find men better fired in every respect to represent the peo- ple.of this county in the respective offices to bo filled this fall, they could not have done it more: effectually than in the short time they were together in the Court Louse. Never, since we remember anything about Conventions, or tickets, have we known of ene that met with such universal approba. tion as the one which we now ask the Dem- ccracy aud all lovers of honest, upright men to support. Of Mi. Baxao¥, our candidate for Assn: bly, it is useless tospesk. 1lis course in the 1.cgislature last Winter recommends him to {he voters of this County higher than any words of curs can do, and wo can only ask the people to see that their own interests are iaken care of, by giving their support ‘toa wen who hss proven himself (0 bea friend 10 the people of Centre county. Vu. Funey, the Nominee for Commissiona or, isa man in whom the mest implicit con~ fidence can be placed, his ability to fill the offige for which he has been nominated can» not be doubted oven by the most scrupulous, end against his characier as an honest, pat riotic, upright citizen not 8 word can be ssid. . We bespesk for him the hearty sup- port of ail those who would sce the interest of our county well cared for. The candidate for District Attorney, W. 11. Bisir, has no competitor we believe, the opposition seeing it was entirely useless 10 attempt to defeat Captain Brain, they placed him upon their ucket thus giving him a clean field and a clean track. * Bully for Blair." : V7. J. KgaLen, our candidate for Auditor, is just the man to fill that office, bis busi- J ness qualifications cannot be surpassed by any, and the micrest which he has alwayg taken in the weltare of the people of + old Centre’ are recommendations than which none can be higher. ‘For Surveyer we have ALEXANDER Kern, oie of the very best men within the limits of aur county——well known to be an accurate aud practical Surveyor--a reliable man. a true, Democrat, and just the person to Hil the office for which Le has been nominated. All in all, our ticket is just the ticket for the times. Of course there were other good men before the Convention, wen just as well qualified to fill the offices to which they as< pired &s any that could be found, but they were uusuccessiil, yet that bas not deter red them from doing their duty; and, like all true patriots who desire the. success of democratic principles snd democratic men, they are row laboring earnestly for the aucccess of their more fortunate competi- tors. mrt The Democratic Louder. We have received the first two numbers of 's new Democratic Campaign-paper, with (he above title, published in Philadelphia, which will be furnished to subscribers ot the low rate of suenty- five cents until the election. It is recommended to (he sup port of the people by the Hon. Francis Hughes, Chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee, sad should receive the encouragement of all lovers of Democratic principles. Send for it friends. Address, A. D. Bollean, publisher, Democratic Lead- er 1083 South Third St. Philadelphia. sn c— A A ~a Lot country if they stay in it.” . Cu We adyise the abolition howlers fa this geotion to ruminate over the above. This soldier, no doubt, expresses the foelings of pine men in ten throughout the Army of + Oh no, sir he's too * Wide Awake." the Potomac. Exchange. / aa . {C7 Unless wa prosecute this war toa Not correct.—the report that Mr. Lin- successful close, our country will soon hrye { soln had offered “Stonewall” Jackson hie no light but ‘the light of other days."Pren- | place in the White House, if he would only What's the mat- ties. ; et hit depart in peace from Washington. What lessons: mea learn from Wary, és says an exchange, are of little practical ess . tion of the man or of his inventions in gOv- ~~ ernments and nations, is the mercy of his. .. or overbalance the wrong tendencies of Jad: i we are te: of national affliction, and it will not be sof we go through the trial with our brains filled with the grand error kept prominent. that the present trouble proves that our former . take. On the contrary, 'the evil is forevér : attacking the good, and: unfortunately for. gathered into new and diverse organisms.— Contentwent is the nearest ap- fields, who is content with his lot, is mors only failing of American huthan nsture—the on a thousand strange altars as bright sud better future to the nation after this war poses the millenium at hand, or the age of written by a soldier in one of the best regi~: stlves on the spoils of others, ‘will have te There is a favorite saying of the radical. - ——