— — 7. Sad The Wagan, a PHILADELPHLA & ERIE RAILROAD. (PRNBSTYLYANIK RAILROAD CO, LESSEE ) A ——— 6m and after Minday, May 5th. 1862, TIME at LOOK HEAVEN STATION will be aa follo¥a = LEAVES EASY. Express... 6-50, p. wv. Mail .. 7.00, A. u, Accomm'n 9:50, A. x. Sleeping Care on Night Trafue both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore, and on the Pennsylvania Railroad between Hare risbuurg and Philadelphia. On Mail Train in both direstions. a CAR GOES THROUGH via Pennsylvania Railroad Without change between PHILADELPHIA and LOCK HAVEN. BAM'L A. BLACK, Sup’t Eastern Division. ARRIVES. Local: MATIERS. TEs Drarr. —Mr David Butts, the As- sessor appointed for this borough, cornmen- ced his enrollment of the militia of ths town on Monday rmorning. Quuea number have already recéeived hotice of their liabil ity to a draft, and, we presume by the end of the weck, Mr, Batts will have completed the enrollment, when notice will be served. on all those liable to military duty We sre of the opinion that the draft will be light in this county, for the reason that Centro County has nearly filled her guota which we believe, was about seven hundred wen. Up to the present writing, (Wednes~ day) four companies have left this county for the Seat of War, to- wit: M'Ferland's, Foirlamb's, Weaver's aad Bible's, Two more we understand will leave this week, to wit: Dolan’s and Foster's. This makes six companies from Centre Co., leaving us only one to make up. There are parts and squads of other companies in the county which we are informed, will be thrown to gether, in order to uake up the seventh This will make up the quota of Centre Coun ty, leaving no oceasion for a draft unless shers be an outside demand to fill up old re. giments. Tow this will be we are not fully informed but at a'l events, it is hardly. prob able that the draft will bs very heavy in this county. : | —C) c— . Earoa.--Our statement last week, that Capt. Blair was the drafting officer for ihis county was incorrect, as the captain informs ud that he is not hore for that purpose.-— Tip only foundation for the rumor that lie had beco nppointed drafting officer, was probably in the fact that he had stated that if no were here whea the drafting comuen- +od, he would gsgist. We understand that » wan by the name of Cobush, has been xppointed, Capt. Blair cate home oa account of an sfiecilon of hia eyes, which threatened for some time to prove serious. Ko has had an operation performed upon them, however, much to his, advantage, and they are nowsl moat 48 well a8 ever. [lo conlemplates re turning to hig regiment. in a few days. 1 tne (} mn wr {I The following letter from A. A. Stone = son of Martin Stone, of this place, has teen handed to us for publication., It will Le seen from the letter thot Mr. Stone is not in the Southern army, aa has been reported bere, but on the contrary isin the employ of the Unionists. Nsw ORLEANS, Aug. Tih, 1862. Dsan Morugn; I sit down to write to you these few lines, hoping they will find you in the enjoyment of good health as well 28 the rest of the family. I'cauuot say that of wyself, for [ have a bad cold. I suppose weu have heard of this city being taken ; well ever since the United States forces Lave been here, I have been employed. 1 have been running the Mississippi river as Pilot, and my first trip'was tu Vicksburg, « digtance of four bundred miles ; and [ was gone two months. 1 wasthere during the sombardment of Vicksburg, and I never saw such sights in all my hfe. I got back a few days ago, and we left the troops at Baton Rouge. a distance of one hundred and thirty zmles from here. They bad not been thore but a few days before Generals reckintidge and Lovell came there with an srmy of from ten to fifteen thousand men.— Gen. Williams attacked them and they fought slmgst one day, but the United States forces were victorious, and I expect there will be another battle soon. Provisions are sery high: Flour $15.00 to $20 00 pcr bar rel, Butter 30 cents per pound, Coffee 30 to 80 cents per pound, Cheese 40 cents per zound, Tea $2 00 per pound, Beef 45 to 50 cents per pound, and everything accordingly. itis a long time since I heard from home, 2nd 1 would like to hear how my brothers are, and what they are doing. and how tath ¢r is, snd what he is doing. We have thousands of people starving here, but Gen, Butler has wade provision for them, and he is doing all he can. God cannot help but be on his side. * * * %= * % x ¥ . re () etn. The following is a list of monies received oy Wm. F. Reynolds for distribution, from the members of Captain McFarland’s com- any : . Sra. Sarah Reed, Boalsburg Abraham Mariz, 30. E.y Robt. Hammill, “ 45. ad Jack, i £0. James Glenn, x 35 James McCool, 4 40. 8. A. Jacobs, ¥ 40 A. Stover, or 30 duo. Miller, “ 35. Joa. Baker, x 40. isaac Sparr, . gr 35. W. W. Leech, £4 10. - =%hnson Frasier, Spring Mills ~~ 60. Robt. Ross, ' 35. Mra, Mary Allen, Pinegrove 40 Griffith Lytle, ~~ Farm School 35 Wa, Thoynpson, “ 40 1 m. Wiliams, « 40. B. Q. Berry, “ 45, Robt. Holes, . Centre Hill 30 Isaiah Boyer, se 15. Henry Horaer, trad 16 Wi. ry Centre all 40 David Ross; Linlen Hall 40. John Davis, SiMe vy 40), Jno. Shies, Potters Mills 30, Dawid M. Henny, .“ 20. Tealeh Devon, Halfmoon 30. War Meeting. Aooording lo previous sunouncement, a large and respectable gathering of the peo~ ple of this County took place on Monday evening, the 25th inst., in the Court House. The object of the meeting being to ratify the action of the County Commissioners, in pro- viding bounty for the soldicrs who had en- listed under the last call for throes hundred thousand men. The meeting orgamzed, by Gen. George Buchanan being called to the chair. Hon. Sawuel Strohecker, Hon, George Boal, Hon. S. T. Shugert, A. R. Barlow, and William Foresman, Esqrs., were appointed Vice Presidents. On motion, John T. Jonston, and J. S. Barnhart, were appointed Secreta- ries.” A committee was then appointed to draft resolutions, expressing the sense of the meeting, when the following gentlemen were named upon said Committee. 11. N+ McAllister, Exq., Capt. Wm. H. Blair, D. J. McCann, Jacob Heuser, and J. B. Mitchell. The Committee, after a brief absence, re- ported the follewing : Resolved, That we endorse and approve the action of the County Commissioners, in making an appropriation of fifty dollars to every citizen who shail volunteer to serve for three years or the war, in the new regi menty, and that we hereby strongly’ recom- mend that they offer the same bounty to all our citizens who shall, prior to the "Ist of September next, enlist to recruit the oid regiments now vefore the enemy. Resolved, That we are in favor of the re- storation of the anthority of the | Govern went of the United States, over every part of the national territory, and that with or without slavery as will best promote the ac- complishment of this great work. Resolved, That we do hereby approve of the sentiment contained in the letter of the President to Horace Greeley, under date of 23d August, 1862, looking upm it as a se~ vere and terited rebuke, alike to those who withhold their support from the National Ad- ministraiion, because it does not devote all its energies to maintain or to abolish the in stitution of siavery. Before the adoption of three reso'utions, Capt. Wn. H. Blair was called upon, and responded, being in favor of drafting. ie did not fully commit himself to the action of the Commissioners, (as he had been one of the first ciizens to volunteer) in regard to the bounty, but chose rather to leave that question with the people, heartily en dorsing, however, any measure for prompt and immediate reinforcements for the ariny. He spoke, at length, reviewing the causes of this rebellion, an | dering his remarks, was enthusiastically applauded. At the conclusion of his address, II. N. McAllister, Exq , was called upon. He re sponded in one of his usually patriotic speecies. He read and fully endorsed the recent letter of President Lincoln to Horace Greeley. He was not in favor of the abolis tion of slavery, further than it comes a8 an incident He said that if we could restore the Government with slavery, ‘well ;* if we could not restore it with slavery, “let it sink.” Mr. McAllister was frequently applauded during his speech. At the conclusion of his remarks. the resclutisns were adopted. Un motion, the proceedings were ordered to Le published in our County papers, when the meeting adjourned. Jon T. Jonnstow, J. 8. BARNIART. Secretaries. A i keene IZ Qur Republican friends met in Con vention on Wednesday evening, and plazeg in nomination the following ticket. It will oe observed that they have also nominate Capt. Blair, for District Atiorney : Congress—W. IL. Armstrong. Assembiy— William Harris, District Attorney —W. H. Blais. Comnussioner— Lewis Hes. Surveyor—11. Treziyulny. Avditor—J ames Glenn. The above ticket, with the cxception of Capt Blair, will do as well to beat as any other that could have been put in the field. Beaten it must be and beaten it wll be.— ¢« Coming events cast their shadows before,” and the handwriting is aircady on the’ wall. jo + me () nn ee— BEariNg SALGoX. Mr. Henry Ruble is stil] keeping the Eating Saloon under the Conrad House, where you can get Barbacued Chick. en, Fresh Trout, Fresh Eel, Soup, aud, in fact, everything that is good to eat, (and there you will get good.) for Henry knows how to serve ap as good a supper as the next one. Ie is a clever and accommodat- ing gent'eman, and with “Sam” to wait oun his customers. the way he rolls in the shil- lings and guarters, is a caution. Give hw a call and judge for yourself. OQ ~~ ——— No Coorr. —On account of the absence of 50 many witnessess, and others who had business in Court, - there was no session here this week. The juries were all dig- charged on Monday afterncon, and the suits continued over till the November term, Qe [= Hon. W. H. Witte, who wes expec. ted to address the Democracy of the County, on Tuesday evening, did not airive for some reason, and the meeting consequently failed to come off. MOP mm CoOR1081m1ES OF NATURE. —Among the pa. pers published in a costly style by the Smithsonian Institute at Washington. is one on the microscopic plants and awimals whick live on and in the human body. It describes quite a number of insects. = The "| animal which produces the disease called itch, is illustrated by an engraving halt an inch in diameter, which shows not only the ugly hte fellow’s body and legs. but his very toes, although the animal himself is en- tirely invisible to to naked eye. When Lieut. Berryman was sounding the ocean, prep ratory to laying the Atlantic telegraph, the quill at the end of the sound ing line brought up mud, which, on beg dried, beeame a powder so fine that on rub bing it between the thumb and finger it dis appeared in the crevices of the skin. On placing this dust under the microscope, it was discovered to consist of millions of per- fect shells, each of which had a living anix mal, ee eA DA tr. ; [7 1t is rumored that Gen. Seigel - shot Gen. M'Dowell, but there is no reliance to be placed in it. - Hopes D appointed, We make no charges, but we ask toe reason for certain absurdities. : After the election of Hon Abraham Lin. coln. and when the whole Democracy of the North were trembling lest some profound injury, in accordance with their predictions should happen to this glorious Union, the Republican leaders declared that not a sin - gle State would secede, and that it was a Democratic lie! = When South Carclina se~ ceeded, it was said that this little State would be the only one. When Louisiana seceded it was said that she did so through the machinations of Slidell. Gulf State a’ ter Gulf State seceded, and the same men declared that the Gulf States would be lefi aione in their in‘amy. Virginia, North Car. china and other States seceded —but it was the machinations of politicians. Then Mr, Lincoln asserted that ¢ nobody was hurt ;”’ Mr. Seward declared that «fall would be ended in sixty days,” and the Ab- olition General, [lorace Greeley, said let them go.”” We cannot waste the time nee cessary to enumerate all the absurdities that were put forward —they are before the peo- ple and would fill volumes. It has been found that State after State left the Union which we ail love, and that we are now en- gaged in a desperate civil war. How can we escape from it? We answer by placing the Democratic parly in power. This Government is of the people, and the Democratic party is now, and always has been the true exponent of the popular will, and as the * second sober thoughts ” of the people ure always right, those: who carry out their behests can never be . more than temporary wrong. Tie Democratic party, | gnided by the will of a majority, has achiey- ed for this country all its greatness and glory, while the opposition, upon the few occas ons they have had the power, by their weakness and corrupiion, folly and wmisrule Se Messrs, Hoffer Brothers, us Subscribers have justreceived a new and full supply of Spring and Bummer Goods, which, for variety, have never been equal ed by any establichment in this seotion of coun- try. Having purchased the stock of goods on hand of Mr. George Jackson, they will continue the business at the old stand, No. 2, Reynolds's Arcade. Their stock consists of a general assortmet on Dry Woods, Groceries. Hardware, Queensware and Glassware, including a host of other articles in their line, among which can be found an extensive and varied selection o LDIES’ DRESS G00DS, Duculs, Persian Clothe,” Debeiges, Coburgs, Cashmeres, Delaines, Alpacas, French Merinoes, Plaids. &e. Their gentlemen's wear consiéts of a large as foriment of Casimeres, Cloths, Satinets, Satin, Vesting, Tweeds. Hats and Caps And an exten- sive assortment of Roots and Shoes for Ladies and Gentiemen and Children, with almost every other article that may be necessary to supply the wants of thecommumty The pressure of the morey market having Lad the effect of reducing tha price of many artic of merchandise. the undersignad have been ona bled to buy their stock at such rates that they can sell goods at pricesto suit the times. And as they intend to do their best to please their customers, both in the quality of goods. and prices, they hope to receive a reasonab’e shara of patronage. All in want of goods will please ¢all aud exams - their stock Y. B.—They will keep constantly on hand, RX TRA FLOUR, which they will sell at the lowest cash price [25= Country produce of all kinds taken in ex cha for goods, ~ Dried Lumber and Shingles conatantly on hand and for sule. HOFFER DROTHESRS Bellefonte, March 28, 1861. —1y. Important {o the Public 4 TETRA OT os OD OTHE woe INFORM THE CITIZENS Bell-toute and vicimty, that they have just received and opened a NEW STOCK OF FRESH Goons, inthe Room formerly occupied by Mr. Stous, con- sisting in part.as follows; 8 have iessencd the respect with which as a nation we have been looked upon by toregn | powers, depleted vur treasury, created strifs | and dissension, and genergily retarded largely our advancement and prosperity. We ask the prople to think of these things and weigh well the subject before the Octo ber elections, for upon their decision new Wheat. white. $1.05 do, Red. 160 Rye, 50 Corn. 45 Oats. 30 Barley. 50 Cloverseed. 4.50 Lard. 08 Butter, 12 Bogs, 10 Tallow. 10 Plaster—ground, 10 00 MARTINIS. | | Ou tho 13th inst., by D Fl. Yeager, Esq, Mr. | Edward Poorman to Miss Blizabath Watson, both | 0 wah Mele Advertisements. 17,999 DOLLARS BOUNTY! PAGS, PIARE, HAPPINESS & PROSPERITY AT THR WHOIS AT.TS WR & RIDGOR STORE ou BISHOP STREET. directly opposite the Lutlding formerly known ns the TEMPERANCE HOTEL. A BAUM, Acear. All kinds of FOREIGN and DOMESTIC LI. QUULS, at wholesale, to ba had at the very lowest prices, and warranted to bo of the very best quality. SE s.ock consists of WHISKILS, 0id Monongahela Rye Whisky, Purs Bourbon Whisky. | Cabinet Whisky, Apple Jack Whisky, and cheap Whiskies of all kinds. . RUM. Jamaica Rum. New England Kum GINS. Pures Holland Gin, Domestis Gin. BRANDIES. Dark and Pals Cuguae, Domestis, (all prices.) Ginger, Lavender, Cherry, Blackberry, Caraway, &o. WINES. Pura Port, Domestio, Madeira, Sherry, CORDIALS. Raspberry. Auniseed. STOMACH BIT TERS. The very best in the market. The above liquors, with others not named, will all be warranted as repressat ed, und sald at pric- &8 tha’ caunot fail to male it au object for deal 18 to purchase of him, iusiead of going or send - ing to the city. Farmers, Hotel-keapers and oth- ers are requested to eall and examine his stock, before purchasing elsewhere. All'the Loquors which he offers for sale, have been purchise. at the United States Custom louse, and eouseguently must bo pure and good. Physicians are particularly requested to give bis liquors d trial. He has the only art cle of Pure Port Wine Juice and Pure Braudics in this Borough. Ez” 100 barrels of Jersey Cider-Vinegar just received and for sale low. Bellefonte, Aug. 29, 1862—1y. Estray. (CAME TO THE RESIDENCENCE OF the Sabscriver at the sed Barn, below Bellefonte, on the road leading to Mileshurg, two spotted hogs supposed to be ubout ten months oid The owwner is requested to dome forward, prove property, pay cliurges and take them awiy, other- wise they will be disposed of weoording to law. Aug. 29,—3t. ANDREW GLENN. kstray. (CAME T0 THE PREMISES OF THE Subseriber in Patten township, on the 1st of July lasc, a dark red steer. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges anu take him away, otherwise he will be disposed of according to law. : Aug. 29,—-3t, PETER MURRAY. Rose, DRY GOODS, | Notions, Clothing, Groceries, Queonsware, Karth- euware, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats and Caps, Hardwara. Wooden and Willow Ware Fish Salt. Paints, Glass, Putty, ete eto. And. in fact. everything usually kept in a country store. oll of which they will sell it low prices for CASII or PRODUCE. feeling satisfied that they can offer superior indutewents to cash buy- ers, BROWN & COOKE. Bellef ute, May 8h, 1862—6m. BRIM STONE, BY THR CLOTHING FMPORICH All things that earth Havo their benefits And their mis produces, id uses, es ; vu nple: Brimstone take By a fiction so ridic 1laz That it cannot fail to tickle us, [t is rumored that 41d Nicholas Loves it better thun plum eake But no medicine is botter For Scrofula or totter ; * And our land is 2ach a ebtor To this Bmperor of drugs That, without it, scarce our nation, + Could perform wu celebration, Or afford a fumigation Lu the Rebels, rate and bugs. Tu our caoki ig And cn the batt! T Bat tha ama Y ould coral Cou'd he bo a Of the goods ¢ & Co. 5 7 AT 7 CONRAD HQOUSEH, BELLEFONTE, PENN'A. J. BE. HUTTS : TF AS THE PLEASURE OF ANNOUNOC- . ih to his friends and the public in gen- ral that he his taken charge of this weil known otel, lately under the supervision of J. H. Morri- d is fully prepared to accommodate the i le and manner commensu- ute with the progressive apirit of the times. Ile is in possession of all the modern improve- 5, a8 to sleeping appart- lied hislarder with the ahoicest { the markets afford, and Lis Bar with the fies | Wines. With the most extensivestabling accommodations | end attentive nnd skilful ostlers together with ax. slduous attention to business. he fuels jusiifiad in soliciting n share of patronage and the suport of ir friends. Bellefonte, Oct. 8-57-42-tf nos E TroRd GEORGE LIVINGSTOX, at his well known stand on the North-egstern eor- ner of the public square, Bellefonte, keeps stantly on hand alarge assortment of THEOLOGICAL Crassioan MISCELLANEOUS AND SCHOOL Algo, a largo variety of BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY of the best quality MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, PORT FOLIOS, &e. &ec. [2 Books brought to order at a small advances on tle city prices unc 2€ -tf.R GEO LIVINGSTON. rere ere eee rm : [PARABOLA SPECTACLES. Superior to any others in use, con- structed in accordance with the LAW OF Na- BOOKS. TURE; in. the peculiar form of a Concavo Coz | vexh Il ipsie, admirably adapted to tho o 2 Sig t and perfectly vatural to the Eve ; alto gether the best artificial HELP 70 THE HJ. MAN VISION ever invented. When thers i lamenegs it is naural to use a cane—why not rou- der assistance to that yaluable crgan, (he Eyo, when needed ? The above for sale at city prices, by . JERRY. J. WINGATE, At the Dental Cffice East of Post Otfice. P 8 —These spectacies can be obtained at nc other place in town. Bellefonte, May 29, 1862—1y. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Th ® subscribers offer at private gale. One Hundred Acres of as good limestcne land as there is in Centre county, situato in Har ris township, ~pring Creek running through the same. ti ree miies trom the Farmers High School, aud seven miles from Beliefonter The improve: ments consist of a stone house, frame barn and other outbuildings, adjoining lands of Griffith Lytle, Etins Thomas, William Thompson Will wo toy, Jacob Houser and John Sweeny. For particulars address Jos, Baker. Boalst arg, Centre County, Pa. JOS BAKER, JOHN DALE, Exncutors of Goorge Coble, dec’d. May 29, I862—6m. 4 DMIN ISTRATOR'S NOTICE — * Letters of adunuistration on the Estate of Hetty Cummings. of the Borough of Bellefonte. dee,d, having been granted to the au- dersigned, all persons knowing themselves iu- debted to the said Estate, aro requested to make immediate payment and those having claims against the Estate are required to present them, duly authenticated fur soy ment, R.D. CUMMINGS. Aug 15th 1862—6t Administrator R T LAST NOTICE, ALL those knowing themselves indebted tor subscription and advertising to the late firm of Alexander & Furey sre requested to make immediate payment, otherwise their. se- counts will be placed in the hards of a justice for gollection . ALEXANDER & FUREY. Bellefonte. August, Ist—35-t. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, IVI ACKEREL AND HERRING JUST RE - ceived and for sale by BROWN & COOK. CHEAP CASH FIORE OF i rgans > | PITTS BURG.PA., corner Penn and 8t. Clair Sts. The largest Commercinl School of the United States, with a patronage of nearly $3,000 Students in fi ve sears, from 31 States, avd the only one which affords ecmplete and reliable instruction in all the following brarches, vig: MERCARTILE, MANUFACTURERS, STEAM BOAT, RAIL =0AD & BANE BOOK-KEEPING, FIRST PREMIUM Plain and Ornemental Tenmanship; also, Bur veying, Engineering and Mathematizs generaily. $35.00 Pays for a Commercial Course; Students ente and revieiv at any tima. PM Trr8 sons’ tuition at half-price. ué of 86 pages, Specimens of Busi- ness and Ornamentul Penmanship, and a beauti- ful Colle go view of B square feet, containing a great variety of Writing, Lettering and Flourish- ing, inclose 24 cents in stamps to the Principals, JENKINS & SMITIS, Fitspurg, Pa. July 18, 1862.—1y. : Another Requisition!!! 600, 000 JE WANTEDI HeLa WINE & LIQUOR STORE NEFF & ETTELE, BISHOP 5: REET, BELLEFONTE, TWO LOORS WEST OF LOEB'S MEAT MAR KET Foreign and Domestic Liguors, Such ug OLD NECTAR, OLD RYE, & MONON- GAHALA WHISKEY, COGNAC AND COMMON BRANDIES, PORT AND MADERIA WINES SCOTCH AND {O01 LAND GIN, NEW ENG. LAND RUM, And all grades of Liguors Hind in the Eastern Ci tes, sold as low as in Philadelphia and New York. All Liquors warrant.d to Satisfaction. Confident they ean please purchasers, they re. spectfully solicit a © of publio patranags. Sold by the quart barrel or .tierce. Also a large lot of BOTTLED LIQUORS, Of the finest grade on hand. July i9, 1862. give GARKMAN'S HOTEL. (LATE THE FRANKLIN HOUSE.) Opposite the Court House, B:llefute, Par DANIEL GARMAN, Proprietor. TIS LONG ESTABLISHED AND wrrt known Hotel, situated onthe the Diamond, opposita the been purchased by the unde es to the former patrons of th to the traveling puplic general refitting it thoroughly, the most satistaclory 3 muy favor him with th onage. No p will be spared on his part to « to the eo L ence or comfort of his guests. All who stop with him will find XB LABELS abundantly sup plied with the most sumptuous {are the market will afford, dona up in style, by the most experienced cooks ; while HIS BAR will al- ways contain The Choicest of Liquors, His Stabling is best in town, and will alwnys be attended by the most trustworthy end attentive host lets (tive him a eail, one and all, and ha fugly con- sfied with their acoom- AN EXCELLENT LIVERY isattachod to this establishment; from abroad will find greatly to their a age. DANIEL GARMAN, Eellefonto, Jan. 3, 1862. fident that all wiil be sat medation. FOIIIV DEOEIADN, DEALER IN CLOCRS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, EXoaving purchased the stock of Clocks ol. Watches and Jewelry lately ow it | & Moran, and ha pada largo ad | some, respecttu! | Tic to his stock, o | ver Npect § Keys Finger Rings, Ear Ri cils and Pens, Ware yA 8 Clocks, ut the very lowe offers these zaods to tl will meet with s #0 dispose of neither an inferior article. o gale anything in his line but what he wer rant. Considerable experiance in business. and a desire to please the publie, will give bim au ad- vantage, which he intends to use to the utmost, bie particularly invites the attention of tha la- dies to his stock of Pins, Rings and Bracelets, which are of the Intest styles. And he also in- vites the gentlemen to examine & very fine lot of Watches now offered for sale. {5 Repairing and cleaning promptly attend CO i for to. Bellefonte, Jan. 5, 1360 —tf. HOWARD ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA. For the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with virulent and Chronic Dis eases, and especially for the Cure of Ds- eases of the Sexiirl Oroans. R EDIGAL ADVICE given gratis Ly the ~ Acting Surgeon, VALUABLt REPORTS on Spormatoritioea or Seminal Weakness, and other diseases of the Sox- ual Organs. and on the NEW KEMEDIES em- ployed in the Dispensary. sent to the afflicted in sonled letter envelopes. free of chargo. Two or three Stamps fur postago will he acceptable Ad. dress DR. J. SKILLON HOUGHTON. Acting Furgaon. Mowarl Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. June 12, 1862 1y. LINTCN HOUSE, LOCKHAVEN, PA. The subscriber having leased the above named Ilote! in the borough of Lock Haven, Clin. tun county, Pa., takes this niethod of informing the public generally that ho bas made every necessury preparetion to entertain strangers and travelors in the best possible manner. His table will always co tain the choicest Tux- uries that the country wi’ afford, and he is deter- mined not to be surpassed in this department by any other Hotel along the West Brangh. His Bar will contain the choicest lignore that can be purchased in the city markot. Careful and attentive Ostlers will constantly bo on hand to tuke charge of horses and see that they are proporly attended to, x Trusting that he may reccive a portion of the patronage of the traveling public, he hopes by 1lose attontion to Ye able to rende r general satis faction. ALFRED MANN, June 8, '81 tf Prorrinror A PMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the Estate of Peter B, Gray, decensed. late of Pation townehip, having been granted to the undersigned all persons knowing themselves indebied to said estate, are requested to make immediate pay. ment, and those having claiws against said a- tate are requested to present them. duly authens ticated, for settlement JACOB GRAY, W. 5. GRAY, August 8th, 1802. —5t, Adm'rs. fae LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN Town of Delains, Shepards and Mo ir Plaids, all of which will be sold at the very lowest yates, onn be se9n at the Htore of HOFFER BROTHERS, NEWS FROM THE SEAT ANOTHER REQUISFFION. A HEAVY IMPORTATION OF HARDWARE !! FOR THE FIRM OF BAXTRESSER & CRIST, Who have just opened, in the Store Room on the N. W. corer of the Diamond, in Bellefonte, for- merly occupied by Wilson Brothers, thelr large and splendid assortment of Shelf Hardware, Honan Trimmings of every description. POCKET AND TABLE CUTTLERY of every variety and prica. CROIR CUT, MILL AND CIRCULAR SAWS of the best manuf RIFLES, PISTOLS, SHOT N3. AND LOCKS of every description and the best quality. MORTICE AND RIM LOCKS AND LATCHES of different kinds. CUPBOARD, CHEST BOX. AND TILL LOCKS, and large and small PAD LOCKS. HAND, BACK, GRAFTING AND PANNEL SAWS, Broad, Hand and Chopping AXES. BUTCHERS’ CLEAVERS AND CHOPPERS, Drawing Knives Hatchets Chisels & Adges. HAY,MANURE AND SPADING FORKS, EDGE TOOLS of every desirable variety, SADDLERS’ HARDWARE, A general assortnfont, and 89 per ceat lower thun any place else. CARRIAGE MAKERSTRIMMINGS CARPEN TERS’ TOOLS whith cannot be surpassed VICES, ANVILS, DRILLS. SCREW PLATES. FILFS, RASPS, PIPE SKEIN & WAGON BOXES. STEEL SPRINGS, IRON AXELTREES, BENT FELLOWS, ITAMES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY, COAL OIL AND LAMPS, VARNISH, FLUID. OIL CLOTHS.PATENT LEATHER, ROPE AND WIRE of every size in abuudanae SHOEMAKER’S TOOLS, And all other kinds of Goode usually Kup? in a well regulated Hardware Stora. Their stock san entiroly vow one, comprising all the leading articles connected with the Hard. waro trade, and their facilities for pmichasing goods not bein excolled by any other establish. ment, they here declare themselves able io sell com fifty {0 one hundred per cont. lower than any other establishment in the country, and invite faviners, Mechanics, and all others in need of ifardware, £3 02ll and 2atisfy themselves of tho truth ofthe i July I8, 18 2 per §:ANK NOTICE, he IN FURSUANCE OF THE 25h Seotion, Firat Articls of the nded Constitn tion of the State of Pen , aud the Firat Seetion of tha Act of the ed tho First day of June citizens of the Comma lagated in the bor ty of Contre. and § “DEELERC be Ono le act the usu Bi of Issue, D o and Exchange. H. BROCKERHOFF, CT. ALEXANDER, WM P. WILSON, JOHN IRVIN ED. BLANCHARD, -W.PF.RE D. G. RUSH ” D. M. WAGNER V. JAC GEO. It. x. 8 A. R BARI HARVEY M PF. PB. HURA JOHN P. HARE VAL nele Sam and Family, Freedom is a lad. Union is his sister ; their dad ve secozll un twister For they aid Mre. Sam she died— We always called hor virme— But you, Seceeh, indsbd have liad, And now bo’2 golog to bireh you Yankea dnd kee Freedom will now show to have been mistaken; "necessity he’s their fla Untit they right again awaken, h the tune will find Jae i 1 as sh 1 10 Whiol we den’ want yoa to 88. A. STERNBERG & CO. 1862. nite, June bih H.W PICTURE GALLERY. RB. J. 8S. BARNILART, HAVING power a new and splendid SKY-LIGIHT PICTURE GALLERY, is row prepared to exectite all orders in the Ame brotype, Photograph, Perot ype, Maleneotyps, or any of the customary branches of the Heliograph- ie Art. His Photographs will be of the LARGEST SIZE ever taken in the intsrior of this State.— Card Pictures. and al an endless, variety of common and faney eases, are offered at prices which vary from 4 CENTS TO 25 DOLLARS ! . Tustructions given and appartus forai reagmabhle terme. Th hill beside the Court lic tel . 2 ied upon levy is located on the so, near Garwan’s iHeo- Cv May 22, 762-13. ; JOHN MCNTGOMERY espectfully infornis the citizens of Belle ” {onto that Le still continues to carry on thea Tailoring and Clothing business ut his old stand in Brokeihofl’s Row, on Main strect. ‘where he is prepared to make to order, all kinds of Clothing in tis neatest and most fashionable style. He keeps on hand a general variety o CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VESTINGS, of the latest and most approved patterns, ALS Ready made Clothing of all kinds which bels selling at reduced prices. Heo feels thankful for the very liberal support heretofore extended, and hones to merit a continuance of the same, Bellefonte, Jan. 5th,1860.-1y. 10 THE LADIES. (Fr Having just returned from Philadelphia J with a new and splendid assoitinent of MILLINERY GOODS, of the latest styles and fashion, we feel repard to please all, both young und old, grave an guy, who 3 Jibs togireusa call. Qur stock con- ark o SILK Y ND STRAW BONNETS, PLAIN AND FANCY TRIMMINGS, and all other articles generally keptin a Millinery Store. f® We inve progurad the sorvices 6f ons of the most experienced Milliners in the city. Store on Bishop street, next door to the old stand. Bellelonte, May 3,61. MARY SOURBECK, Jo OLLOCK'S IMPROVED DAN DELION COFFEE. his pieparation, made from the best Java Coffue, is strongly recommen. ded by physicians as a: superior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for General Dability, Dyspepsia, and all Bilious disorders. Thousands who have heen reluotari'y compelled to abandon the use of Coffos, will find they can wed tn1s combination without any of the injuriow effucty thoy formerly experienced. [5577 Ove ono contains the sirsngth of two pounds of ordinary Coffes For sale by all Druggists wud Grocers, anl by tbe Munufaoturer, corner of BROAD and CHEST- NUT Strects, and by JOS. B.BUSBIER & CO, ‘ 108 and 110, S WHARVES. Price 23 cents. Maa 3 A OF WAR.| Bnsinees | N. H'ALLISTRR, PUALLESTER & BEAVER, Brut org. JAMES A. PEATE. ALTORNEYS AT LAW, ' BRLLEPONYE, #317°A. 5, D. BRAUGERTY, = ATTORNEY AT LAW, =} BRLLEFONTE, PRNN Ofioo In the Thirrt House, with tao Treasurer. JAMES HB. BANKIY, ATTORNEY AT LAY, | BELLEFONTE, PRRN'A~ (foe, on the Diamond, owe door wast of the Post Office. ORVIS & CORSE. ATTORNEY'S AT LAW". Lock Haves Pa Will practise in the several Conrts of Centre asd Clinton counties, Alb care will he promptly att Aug. 29, 1362. usiness entrusted to their endad fo. J. J, LINGLE, SURGEON DENTIST, . BRELLEFONTR, CENTRE CO., PA. is now prepared to w his profesaionni services. Rooms at his residencs SVELELIAM & upon all who may deslse Epring street. JHALLADE, ATTOR? ET AT LAW, Will visit Bellefonte profeasionat} cinantiesr, Praxta. when 8peoi- ally rotainel in connection with resident Counsel. . AM 15th 1262 ~1y. BDMUND BLANCIARD BM. BLANTEARR, SR BLANCHAR®, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE. PrN'NA. on Ofc formerly vecupied by Curtin & Blagokard J.D. WINGATK, DENTIST. Clon and efo weeks in ea 1 M nday of tha Bellefonte, Ma EL nlst, 18 At hia office exoess girrotly North of ile two segiunivg with ths 241 32.Iy. BANE ING MOUSE, 0, WM. PF. Fi REYNOLDS & CQ., BELLEFONTE, CENTRE CQ.. PA. Bills of ange and iections mads and pracee Interest paid on special d eagle; 8 rac Notes discounted. Coi: - ds promptly remitted. -~ eposils. Exchungein ths °3 constantly onhand for sale. Depos- DE. 3. 8, MITCHELL, FPHYSICIAT BanLy on Al ¢ lo uis he Nort & SURGEON, 8, CENTRECO., PA. 1 calls 22 haretofore, ha iced to his frienda and next door tothe residezes of oghony street. on counties. AN lagi sare will roceiso prory. h-west earner of tha Bs 8%, . a that he Ja pa PHY S1OLAN pubits & tonal Hotel sto Dra. d. M T.C. 1 i Ceutre ~cunty, es alt the vari 1 to give will La made. moa | ; I SURGLON, v TR 00, PA, ca tu hig. rlanda whe MeCdr, “ B. TuoMPsoON, Tuomas. k eay St, juat YORE, D. ¢. BUSH, LELLLFON! rE 3 Cexrre Co. Pesv,i « BUSH & MCULLODGH, © «© {2.3 CLEARYT m'ereroran.} oe x ELD, Cleaghdld oF, Pyiot BUSH & BcCORAIICK; {C. 8 ¥'CORMICK,) LCCK HAVEN BUSE & Flinten Co. Pa.,, ALLEN, (R. P. ALLEN) WILLIAMSPORT, Lyooming Co, Pr. RErererces —Drexel & Ca., & Co, 1 Ids & Brother, Ph iH 1.3, Tome, Tr Ele Democeati Phita, Manon Smith, Bowea & Co., Philadelphia iladelphia, TT. Conroy,” telphia, Sewer. Barnes & Co., Philadelphia 1 alo, Reitefonte, Hon, J. W, Maynard, Port Deposit, Md. ¢ Ud afehnean. FUREY & MEEK, Publishers Por annum. (invariabiy in advance) $1 80 No paper di tions are paid, and & fail uance at the snd of tho t eri ba considered & new eagagomons TERMS OF ADVERF 8g: : 1 Four lines or loss, One square—12 lines Two squares—24 lines Three squnres—35 lines Six lines or loss, One square Tyo eguares, Three dyunres, Four yquates, Half a column, One column, Over three weeks and less than three itiuged until all biok rubseripe ie to imy sub insertion. da. 3 da. 25 3 1a 3 50 51 60 1°00. ‘150 248 Too S00 32.30 3 mos. 6.moz. 12 mos. $150 $30085-¢0 2 50 400 700 4 00 6 60 10 00 5 00 800 12 00 6 0 10 Ov 14 00 10 00 14 00 “20 00 1300. 22 00 4000 mentks, 25 cunts for each insertion. POG Advertisements not marked with tho nwmber of insertions desired, wiil bs continusd till forbid. den and charged according to these terra: Fire, political and misceNaneous notices charg- ed according to the above rates. Mer Business notices, ive o msertion. ty or a ter of If ed unless paid for as an Obituary notices cxcee « guare. C 94is per lino for every resolutions or progsedings of ‘Ecoiution, and yyw designed to call attention td atyau | ‘ed or individual interest, can be insary. advertisenient. + ding oix lines, fifty conts. ommunications recommending persons for of. i- fico, inserted ot ten cen musi accompany the eommunieation, | 3 Pleasant IS NOW KLPT BY where he will be happy publie generally, Juse bth, 188113. ‘JOHN H. MORRISON. * ts & line; and the pay | Gap Hotel THE UNDERSIGNED to weit on the traveling + NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! A fresh arrival of all kinds of new 500d, just received, which will ba olosed out ay ° vary low prices for cash July. 10. 1862. OF 0ORNtrY produca.. . EROWNZ QOORE. PP LASICRING LATH, 100,000 PLAS. | “tering lath for sale by TNARATEIID A a 3